def star_figure_detail(request,site_id,user_id,template_name="oa/start_form.html"): user = get_object_or_404(User,id=user_id) schools = get_schools(request.user) site = get_object_or_404(WebSite,id=site_id,school__in=schools) helpers.set_website_visit(request.user,site) if is_teacher(user): next = reverse('oa_star_figure_teacher',kwargs={'site_id':site_id}) else: next = reverse('oa_star_figure_student',kwargs={'site_id':site_id}) try: figure = user.figure except: figure = StarFigure(user=user).save() if request.method == 'POST': form = StarFigureForm(request.POST,instance=figure) if request.is_ajax(): return helpers.ajax_validate_form(form) if form.is_valid(): part = messages.success(request, u'已成功修改%s ' % user.profile.realname) return redirect(next) else: form = StarFigureForm(instance=figure) ctx = {'form':form,'user':user,'next':next,'site':site} return render(request, template_name, ctx)
def get_school(user): """ 获取老师或学生的学校 """ if is_teacher(user): return if is_student(user): return return None
def get_name(user): """ 获取老师或学生的姓名 """ if is_teacher(user) and return if is_student(user) and return try: return user.profile.chinese_name_or_username() except: return ''
def account_setting(request, template_name="oa/account_setting.html"): """个人设置""" if request.method == 'POST': password = request.user.password form1 = TeacherUserForm(request.POST,instance=request.user) form2 = UserProfileForm(request.POST, request.FILES,instance=request.user.get_profile()) if form1.is_valid() and form2.is_valid(): u = u.password = password profile = realname = request.POST['realname'] profile.realname = realname if helpers.is_teacher(request.user): teacher = request.user.teacher = profile.realname if helpers.is_student(request.user): student = request.user.student = profile.realname messages.success(request, _('Your profile has been updated.')) return redirect("oa_account_setting") else: form1 = TeacherUserForm(instance=request.user) form2 = UserProfileForm(instance=request.user.get_profile()) try: postjob = request.user.teacher.postjob except: postjob = None ctx = {'form1': form1,'form2': form2,'postjob':postjob} ctx.update(csrf(request)) return render(request, template_name, ctx)
def cross_domain_login(request): uid = request.GET.get('uid','') salt = request.GET.get('salt','') hash = request.GET.get('hash','') mask = '3n7j6m9s' m = + str(salt) + mask) new_hash = m.hexdigest() if new_hash == hash: user = User.objects.get(pk=uid) user.backend = 'django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend' # user = auth.authenticate(username=u.username, password=u.password) is_teacher = helpers.is_teacher(user) is_student = helpers.is_student(user) if user is not None and user.is_active: auth.login(request, user) d = json.dumps({'is_teacher':is_teacher,'is_student':is_student,\ 'username':helpers.get_name(user)}) # request.GET['callback']+"("+(d)+");" return HttpResponse(request.GET['callback']+"("+(d)+");") else: return HttpResponse(json.dumps({}))
def signin(request, auth_form=AuthenticationForm, template_name='userena/signin_form.html', redirect_field_name=REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME, redirect_signin_function=signin_redirect, extra_context=None): """ Signin using email or username with password. Signs a user in by combining email/username with password. If the combination is correct and the user :func:`is_active` the :func:`redirect_signin_function` is called with the arguments ``REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME`` and an instance of the :class:`User` whois is trying the login. The returned value of the function will be the URL that is redirected to. A user can also select to be remembered for ``USERENA_REMEMBER_DAYS``. :param auth_form: Form to use for signing the user in. Defaults to the :class:`AuthenticationForm` supplied by userena. :param template_name: String defining the name of the template to use. Defaults to ``userena/signin_form.html``. :param redirect_field_name: Form field name which contains the value for a redirect to the successing page. Defaults to ``next`` and is set in ``REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME`` setting. :param redirect_signin_function: Function which handles the redirect. This functions gets the value of ``REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME`` and the :class:`User` who has logged in. It must return a string which specifies the URI to redirect to. :param extra_context: A dictionary containing extra variables that should be passed to the rendered template. The ``form`` key is always the ``auth_form``. **Context** ``form`` Form used for authentication supplied by ``auth_form``. """ form = auth_form user_mobile = None if request.method == 'POST': mobile = request.POST['identification'] match = re.findall(r'^0{0,1}(13[0-9]|15[0-9]|18[0-9])[0-9]{8}$',mobile) if match: try: user_mobile = mobile profile = Profile.objects.get(mobile=user_mobile) user = profile.user data = request.POST.copy() data['identification'] = user.username form = auth_form(data, request.FILES) except: form = auth_form(request.POST, request.FILES) else: form = auth_form(request.POST, request.FILES) if form.is_valid(): identification, password, remember_me = (form.cleaned_data['identification'], form.cleaned_data['password'], form.cleaned_data['remember_me']) user = authenticate(identification=identification, password=password) try: profile = user.get_profile() except: p = Profile() p.user = user if user.is_active: login(request, user) log = Access_log() log.type = 1 log.user = user log.url = request.get_full_path() if remember_me: request.session.set_expiry(userena_settings.USERENA_REMEMBER_ME_DAYS[1] * 86400) else: request.session.set_expiry(0) if userena_settings.USERENA_USE_MESSAGES: messages.success(request, _('You have been signed in.'), fail_silently=True) # Whereto now? redirect_to = redirect_signin_function( request.REQUEST.get(redirect_field_name), user) print redirect_to,'rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr' if is_teacher(user): if len(redirect_to) > 1: return redirect(redirect_to) return redirect('oa_home') return redirect(redirect_to) else: return redirect(reverse('userena_disabled', kwargs={'username': user.username})) if not extra_context: extra_context = dict() if user_mobile: form = auth_form(request.POST, request.FILES) extra_context.update({ 'form': form, 'next': request.REQUEST.get(redirect_field_name), 'lack_perm':request.REQUEST.get('lack_perm'), #'next': userena_settings.USERENA_SIGNIN_REDIRECT_URL, }) return ExtraContextTemplateView.as_view(template_name=template_name, extra_context=extra_context)(request)