def timed_out(self, dt): now = datenow() dt = (now - self.lastNewFile).total_seconds() print('No new images seen for', dt, 'seconds.') markmjds = [] if dt > self.longtime: edate = (self.lastNewFile + datetime.timedelta(0, self.longtime)) markmjds.append((datetomjd(edate),'r')) self.plot_recent(markmjds=markmjds)
def queue_initial_exposures(self): # Queue two exposures to start e0 = self.queue_exposure() e1 = self.queue_exposure() # When should we queue the next exposure? dt = e0['expTime'] + e1['expTime'] + 2 * self.nom.overhead # margin dt -= self.queueMargin self.queuetime = (datenow() + datetime.timedelta(0, dt)) self.queuetime = self.queuetime.replace(microsecond = 0)
def heartbeat(self): if self.queuetime is None: return ## Is it time to queue a new exposure? now = datenow().replace(microsecond=0) print('Heartbeat. Now is', now.isoformat(), 'queue time is', self.queuetime.isoformat(), 'dt %i' % (int((self.queuetime - now).total_seconds()))) if now < self.queuetime: return print('Time to queue an exposure!') e = self.queue_exposure() # schedule next one dt = e['expTime'] + self.nom.overhead - self.queueMargin self.queuetime = now + datetime.timedelta(0, dt) self.queuetime = self.queuetime.replace(microsecond = 0) self.write_plans()
def main(cmdlineargs=None, get_copilot=False): global gSFD import optparse parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='%prog') # Mosaic or Decam? from camera import (nominal_cal, ephem_observer, default_extension, tile_path) nom = nominal_cal obs = ephem_observer() plotfn_default = 'recent.png' parser.add_option('--ext', default=default_extension, help='Extension to read for computing observing conditions: default %default') parser.add_option('--extnum', type=int, help='Integer extension to read') parser.add_option('--rawdata', help='Directory to monitor for new images: default $MOS3_DATA if set, else "rawdata"', default=None) parser.add_option('--n-fwhm', default=None, type=int, help='Number of stars on which to measure FWHM') parser.add_option('--no-db', dest='db', default=True, action='store_false', help='Do not append results to database') parser.add_option('--no-focus', dest='focus', default=True, action='store_false', help='Do not analyze focus frames') parser.add_option('--fits', help='Write database to given FITS table') parser.add_option('--plot', action='store_true', help='Plot recent data and quit') parser.add_option('--plot-filename', default=None, help='Save plot to given file, default %s' % plotfn_default) parser.add_option('--nightplot', '--night', action='store_true', help="Plot tonight's data and quit") parser.add_option('--qa-plots', dest='doplots', default=False, action='store_true', help='Create QA plots') parser.add_option('--keep-plots', action='store_true', help='Do not remove PNG-format plots (normally merged into PDF)') parser.add_option('--mjdstart', type=float, default=None, help='MJD (UTC) at which to start plot') now = mjdnow() parser.add_option('--mjdend', type=float, default=None, help='MJD (UTC) at which to end plot (default: now, which is %.3f)' % now) parser.add_option('--skip', action='store_true', help='Skip images that already exist in the database') parser.add_option('--threads', type=int, default=None, help='Run multi-threaded when processing list of files on command-line') parser.add_option('--fix-db', action='store_true') parser.add_option('--tiles', default=tile_path, help='Tiles table, default %default') parser.add_option('--no-show', dest='show', default=True, action='store_false', help='Do not show plot window, just save it.') if cmdlineargs is None: opt,args = parser.parse_args() else: opt,args = parser.parse_args(cmdlineargs) if not import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') imagedir = opt.rawdata if imagedir is None: imagedir = os.environ.get('MOS3_DATA', 'rawdata') rawext = opt.ext if opt.extnum is not None: rawext = opt.extnum assert(rawext is not None) from astrometry.util.fits import fits_table tiles = fits_table(opt.tiles) from django.conf import settings import obsdb import pylab as plt plt.figure(figsize=(8,10)) markmjds = [] if opt.nightplot: opt.plot = True if opt.plot_filename is None: opt.plot_filename = 'night.png' # Are we at Tololo or Kitt Peak? Look for latest image. o = obsdb.MeasuredCCD.objects.all().order_by('-mjd_obs') cam = o[0].camera print('Camera:', cam) if opt.mjdstart is not None: sdate = ephem.Date(mjdtodate(opt.mjdend)) else: sdate = ephem.Date(datenow()) (sunset, eve12, eve18, morn18, morn12, sunrise) = get_twilight( cam, sdate) if opt.mjdstart is None: opt.mjdstart = ephemdate_to_mjd(sunset) print('Set mjd start to sunset:', sunset, opt.mjdstart) if opt.mjdend is None: opt.mjdend = ephemdate_to_mjd(sunrise) print('Set mjd end to sunrise', sunrise, opt.mjdend) markmjds.append((ephemdate_to_mjd(eve18),'b')) print('Evening twi18:', eve18, markmjds[-1]) markmjds.append((ephemdate_to_mjd(morn18),'b')) print('Morning twi18:', morn18, markmjds[-1]) markmjds.append((ephemdate_to_mjd(eve12),'g')) print('Evening twi12:', eve12, markmjds[-1]) markmjds.append((ephemdate_to_mjd(morn12),'g')) print('Morning twi12:', morn12, markmjds[-1]) if opt.plot_filename is None: opt.plot_filename = plotfn_default if opt.fits: ccds = obsdb.MeasuredCCD.objects.all() print(ccds.count(), 'measured CCDs') T = db_to_fits(ccds) T.writeto(opt.fits) print('Wrote', opt.fits) return 0 if opt.fix_db: from astrometry.util.fits import fits_table tiles = fits_table('obstatus/mosaic-tiles_obstatus.fits') now = mjdnow() #ccds = obsdb.MeasuredCCD.objects.all() #ccds = obsdb.MeasuredCCD.objects.all().filter(mjd_obs__gt=now - 0.25) ccds = obsdb.MeasuredCCD.objects.all().filter(mjd_obs__gt=57434) print(ccds.count(), 'measured CCDs') for ccd in ccds: try: hdr = fitsio.read_header(ccd.filename, ext=0) # band = hdr['FILTER'] # band = band.split()[0] # = band set_tile_fields(ccd, hdr, tiles) print('Fixed', ccd.filename) except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() return 0 if opt.plot: plot_recent(opt, nom, tiles=tiles, markmjds=markmjds, show_plot=False) return 0 print('Loading SFD maps...') sfd = SFDMap() if len(args) > 0: mp = None if opt.threads > 1: gSFD = sfd from astrometry.util.multiproc import multiproc mp = multiproc(opt.threads) if opt.skip: fns = skip_existing_files(args, rawext) else: fns = args if mp is None: for fn in fns: process_image(fn, rawext, nom, sfd, opt, obs, tiles) else: sfd = None, [(fn, rawext, nom, sfd, opt, obs, tiles) for fn in fns]) plot_recent(opt, nom, tiles=tiles, markmjds=markmjds, show_plot=False) return 0 copilot = Copilot(imagedir, rawext, opt, nom, sfd, obs, tiles) # for testability if get_copilot: return copilot return 0
def process_image(fn, ext, nom, sfd, opt, obs, tiles): db = opt.db print('Reading', fn) if sfd is None: sfd = gSFD # Read primary FITS header phdr = fitsio.read_header(fn) obstype = phdr.get('OBSTYPE','').strip() print('obstype:', obstype) exptime = phdr.get('EXPTIME', 0) expnum = phdr.get('EXPNUM', 0) filt = phdr.get('FILTER', None) if filt is not None: filt = filt.strip() filt = filt.split()[0] if filt is None: filt = '' airmass = phdr.get('AIRMASS', 0.) ra = hmsstring2ra (phdr.get('RA', '0')) dec = dmsstring2dec(phdr.get('DEC', '0')) # Write QA plots to files named by the exposure number print('Exposure number:', expnum) skip = False if obstype in ['zero', 'focus', 'dome flat', '']: print('Skipping obstype =', obstype) skip = True if exptime == 0: print('Exposure time EXPTIME in header =', exptime) skip = True if expnum == '': print('No expnum in header') skip = True if filt == 'solid': print('Solid (block) filter.') skip = True if skip and not db: return None if db: import obsdb if ext is None: ext = get_default_extension(fn) m,created = obsdb.MeasuredCCD.objects.get_or_create( filename=fn, extension=ext) m.obstype = obstype = camera_name(phdr) m.expnum = expnum m.exptime = exptime m.mjd_obs = phdr.get('MJD-OBS', 0.) m.airmass = airmass m.rabore = ra m.decbore = dec = filt m.bad_pixcnt = ('PIXCNT1' in phdr) m.readtime = phdr.get('READTIME', 0.) if opt.focus and obstype == 'focus' and == 'mosaic3': from mosaic_focus import Mosaic3FocusMeas show_plot = if show_plot: import pylab as plt plt.figure(2, figsize=(8,10)) if ext is None: ext = get_default_extension(fn) meas = Mosaic3FocusMeas(fn, ext, nom) focusfn = 'focus.png', plotfn=focusfn) print('Wrote', focusfn) if show_plot: plt.draw() plt.pause(0.001) plt.figure(1) if skip: return None if opt.doplots: from astrometry.util.plotutils import PlotSequence ps = PlotSequence('qa-%i' % expnum) ps.printfn = False else: ps = None # Measure the new image kwa = {} if ext is not None: kwa.update(ext=ext) if opt.n_fwhm is not None: kwa.update(n_fwhm=opt.n_fwhm) M = measure_raw(fn, ps=ps, **kwa) if opt.doplots: from glob import glob # Gather all the QAplots into a single pdf and clean them up. qafile = 'qa-%i.pdf' % expnum pnglist = sorted(glob('qa-%i-??.png' % expnum)) cmd = 'convert {} {}'.format(' '.join(pnglist), qafile) print('Writing out {}'.format(qafile)) #print(cmd) os.system(cmd) if not opt.keep_plots: [os.remove(png) for png in pnglist] # (example results for testig) #M = {'seeing': 1.4890481099577366, 'airmass': 1.34, #'skybright': 18.383479116033314, 'transparency': 0.94488537276869045, #'band': 'z', 'zp': 26.442847814941093} #print('Measurements:', M) trans = M.get('transparency', 0) band = M['band'] # Look up E(B-V) in SFD map ebv = sfd.ebv(ra, dec)[0] print('E(B-V): %.3f' % ebv) if trans > 0: fid = nom.fiducial_exptime(band) expfactor = exposure_factor(fid, nom, airmass, ebv, M['seeing'], M['skybright'], trans) print('Exposure factor: %6.3f' % expfactor) t_exptime = expfactor * fid.exptime print('Target exposure time: %6.1f' % t_exptime) t_exptime = np.clip(t_exptime, fid.exptime_min, fid.exptime_max) print('Clipped exposure time: %6.1f' % t_exptime) if band == 'z': t_sat = nom.saturation_time(band, M['skybright']) if t_exptime > t_sat: t_exptime = t_sat print('Reduced exposure time to avoid z-band saturation: %.1f' % t_exptime) print print('Actual exposure time taken: %6.1f' % exptime) print('Depth (exposure time) factor: %6.3f' % (exptime / t_exptime)) # If you were going to re-plan, you would run with these args: plandict = dict(seeing=M['seeing'], transparency=trans) # Assume the sky is as much brighter than canonical in each band... unlikely dsky = M['skybright'] -['band']) for b in 'grz': plandict['sb'+b] = + dsky # Note that takes UTC dates. start = datenow() # Start the strategy 5 minutes from now. start += datetime.timedelta(0, 5*60) d = plandict['startdate'] = '%04i-%02i-%02i' % (d.year, d.month, t = start.time() plandict['starttime'] = t.strftime('%H:%M:%S') # Make an hour-long plan end = start + datetime.timedelta(0, 3600) d = plandict['enddate'] = '%04i-%02i-%02i' % (d.year, d.month, t = end.time() plandict['endtime'] = t.strftime('%H:%M:%S') # Set "--date" to be the UTC date at previous sunset. # (nightlystrategy will ask for the next setting of the sun below # -18-degrees from that date to define the sn_18). We could # probably also get away with subtracting, like, 12 hours from # now()... sun = ephem.Sun() = datenow() # not the proper horizon, but this doesn't matter -- just need it to # be before -18-degree twilight. obs.horizon = 0. sunset = obs.previous_setting(sun) # pyephem's Date.tuple() splits a date into y,m,d,h,m,s d = sunset.tuple() #print('Date at sunset, UTC:', d) year,month,day = d[:3] plandict['date'] = '%04i-%02i-%02i' % (year, month, day) # Decide the pass. goodseeing = plandict['seeing'] < 1.3 photometric = plandict['transparency'] > 0.9 if goodseeing and photometric: passnum = 1 elif goodseeing or photometric: passnum = 2 else: passnum = 3 plandict['pass'] = passnum ## ?? plandict['portion'] = 1.0 print('Replan command:') print() print('python2.7 --seeg %(seeing).3f --seer %(seeing).3f --seez %(seeing).3f --sbg %(sbg).3f --sbr %(sbr).3f --sbz %(sbz).3f --transparency %(transparency).3f --start-date %(startdate)s --start-time %(starttime)s --end-date %(enddate)s --end-time %(endtime)s --date %(date)s --portion %(portion)f --pass %(pass)i' % plandict) print() else: plandict = None expfactor = 0. rtn = (M, plandict, expnum) if not db: return rtn m.racenter = M['ra_ccd'] m.deccenter = M['dec_ccd'] m.ebv = ebv zp = M.get('zp', 0.) if zp is None: zp = 0. m.zeropoint = zp m.transparency = trans m.seeing = M.get('seeing', 0.) = M['skybright'] m.expfactor = expfactor m.dx = M.get('dx', 0) m.dy = M.get('dy', 0) m.nmatched = M.get('nmatched',0) img =, ext=1) cheaphash = np.sum(img) # cheaphash becomes an int64. m.md5sum = cheaphash set_tile_fields(m, phdr, tiles) return rtn