Beispiel #1
    def get(self, request):
        info = {}
        # Staff users by default should see all instruments, but can request only schedulable instruments.
        # Non-staff users are only allowed access to schedulable instruments.
        if request.user.is_staff:
            only_schedulable = request.query_params.get('only_schedulable', False)
            only_schedulable = True

        requested_instrument_type = request.query_params.get('instrument_type', '')
        location = {
            'site': request.query_params.get('site', ''),
            'enclosure': request.query_params.get('enclosure', ''),
            'telescope_class': request.query_params.get('telescope_class', ''),
            'telescope': request.query_params.get('telescope', ''),
        for instrument_type in configdb.get_instrument_types(location=location, only_schedulable=only_schedulable):
            if not requested_instrument_type or requested_instrument_type.lower() == instrument_type.lower():
                info[instrument_type] = {
                    'type': 'SPECTRA' if configdb.is_spectrograph(instrument_type) else 'IMAGE',
                    'class': configdb.get_instrument_type_telescope_class(instrument_type),
                    'name': configdb.get_instrument_type_full_name(instrument_type),
                    'optical_elements': configdb.get_optical_elements(instrument_type),
                    'modes': configdb.get_modes_by_type(instrument_type),
                    'default_acceptability_threshold': configdb.get_default_acceptability_threshold(instrument_type)
        return Response(info)
Beispiel #2
 def get(self, request):
     info = {}
     is_staff = request.user.is_staff
     for instrument_type in configdb.get_instrument_types(
         {}, only_schedulable=(not is_staff)):
         info[instrument_type] = {
             if configdb.is_spectrograph(instrument_type) else 'IMAGE',
     return Response(info)
def get_complete_configurations_duration(configurations_list,
    previous_conf_type = ''
    previous_optical_elements = {}
    previous_instrument = ''
    previous_target = {}
    duration = 0
    for configuration_dict in configurations_list:
        if configuration_dict['priority'] > priority_after:
            duration += get_configuration_duration(
            request_overheads = configdb.get_request_overheads(
            # Add the instrument change time if the instrument has changed
            if previous_instrument != configuration_dict['instrument_type']:
                duration += request_overheads['instrument_change_overhead']
            previous_instrument = configuration_dict['instrument_type']

            # Now add in optical element change time if the set of optical elements has changed
            for inst_config in configuration_dict['instrument_configs']:
                optical_elements = inst_config.get('optical_elements', {})
                change_overhead = 0
                for oe_type, oe_value in optical_elements.items():
                    if oe_type not in previous_optical_elements or oe_value != previous_optical_elements[
                        if '{}s'.format(oe_type) in request_overheads[
                            change_overhead = max(
                                ['{}s'.format(oe_type)], change_overhead)
                previous_optical_elements = optical_elements
                duration += change_overhead

            # Now add in the slew time between targets (configurations). Only Sidereal can be calculated based on position.
            if (not previous_target
                    or previous_target['type'].upper() != 'ICRS'
                    or configuration_dict['target']['type'].upper() != 'ICRS'):
                duration += request_overheads['maximum_slew_overhead']
            elif previous_target != configuration_dict['target']:
                duration += min(
                            previous_target, configuration_dict['target'],
                            start_time) * request_overheads['slew_rate'],
            previous_target = configuration_dict['target']

            # Now add the Acquisition overhead if this request requires it
            if configuration_dict['acquisition_config']['mode'] != 'OFF':
                if configuration_dict['acquisition_config'][
                        'mode'] in request_overheads['acquisition_overheads']:
                    duration += request_overheads['acquisition_overheads'][
                    if 'exposure_time' in configuration_dict[
                            'acquisition_config'] and configuration_dict[
                        duration += configuration_dict['acquisition_config'][
                        duration += request_overheads[

            # Now add the Guiding overhead if this request requires it
            guide_optional = configuration_dict['guiding_config']['optional'] if 'optional' in configuration_dict['guiding_config'] \
                else True
            if configuration_dict['guiding_config'][
                    'mode'] != 'OFF' and not guide_optional:
                if configuration_dict['guiding_config'][
                        'mode'] in request_overheads['guiding_overheads']:
                    duration += request_overheads['guiding_overheads'][

            # TODO: find out if we need to have a configuration type change time for spectrographs?
            if configdb.is_spectrograph(configuration_dict['instrument_type']):
                if previous_conf_type != configuration_dict['type']:
                    duration += request_overheads['config_change_overhead']
            previous_conf_type = configuration_dict['type']
            previous_conf_type = configuration_dict['type']
            previous_instrument = configuration_dict['instrument_type']
            previous_target = configuration_dict['target']
            previous_optical_elements = configuration_dict[
                'instrument_configs'][-1].get('optical_elements', {})

    return duration
Beispiel #4
    def validate(self, data):
        # TODO: Validate the guiding optical elements on the guiding instrument types
        instrument_type = data['instrument_type']
        modes = configdb.get_modes_by_type(instrument_type)
        default_modes = configdb.get_default_modes_by_type(instrument_type)
        guiding_config = data['guiding_config']

        if len(data['instrument_configs']) > 1 and data['type'] in ['SCRIPT', 'SKY_FLAT']:
            raise serializers.ValidationError(_(f'Multiple instrument configs are not allowed for type {data["type"]}'))

        # Validate the guide mode
        guide_validation_helper = ModeValidationHelper('guiding', instrument_type, default_modes, modes)
        if guide_validation_helper.mode_is_not_set(guiding_config):
            guide_mode_to_set = guide_validation_helper.get_mode_to_set()
            if guide_mode_to_set['error']:
                raise serializers.ValidationError(_(guide_mode_to_set['error']))
            if guide_mode_to_set['mode']:
                guiding_config['mode'] = guide_mode_to_set['mode']['code']
                guiding_config['mode'] = GuidingConfig.OFF

        guide_mode_error_msg = guide_validation_helper.get_mode_error_msg(guiding_config)
        if guide_mode_error_msg:
            raise serializers.ValidationError(_(guide_mode_error_msg))

        if configdb.is_spectrograph(instrument_type) and data['type'] not in ['LAMP_FLAT', 'ARC', 'NRES_BIAS', 'NRES_DARK']:
            if 'optional' in guiding_config and guiding_config['optional']:
                raise serializers.ValidationError(_(
                    "Guiding cannot be optional on spectrograph instruments for types that are not ARC or LAMP_FLAT."
            guiding_config['optional'] = False

        if data['type'] in ['LAMP_FLAT', 'ARC', 'AUTO_FOCUS', 'NRES_BIAS', 'NRES_DARK', 'BIAS', 'DARK', 'SCRIPT']:
            # These types of observations should only ever be set to guiding mode OFF, but the acquisition modes for
            # spectrographs won't necessarily have that mode. Force OFF here.
            data['acquisition_config']['mode'] = AcquisitionConfig.OFF
            # Validate acquire modes
            acquisition_config = data['acquisition_config']
            acquire_validation_helper = ModeValidationHelper('acquisition', instrument_type, default_modes, modes)
            if acquire_validation_helper.mode_is_not_set(acquisition_config):
                acquire_mode_to_set = acquire_validation_helper.get_mode_to_set()
                if acquire_mode_to_set['error']:
                    raise serializers.ValidationError(_(acquire_mode_to_set['error']))
                if acquire_mode_to_set['mode']:
                    acquisition_config['mode'] = acquire_mode_to_set['mode']['code']
                    acquisition_config['mode'] = AcquisitionConfig.OFF

            acquire_mode_error_msg = acquire_validation_helper.get_mode_error_msg(acquisition_config)
            if acquire_mode_error_msg:
                raise serializers.ValidationError(_(acquire_mode_error_msg))

        available_optical_elements = configdb.get_optical_elements(instrument_type)
        for instrument_config in data['instrument_configs']:
            # Validate the readout mode and the binning. Readout modes and binning are tied
            # together- If one is set, we can determine the other.
            # TODO: Remove the binning checks when binnings are removed entirely
            readout_validation_helper = ModeValidationHelper('readout', instrument_type, default_modes, modes)
            if readout_validation_helper.mode_is_not_set(instrument_config):
                if 'bin_x' not in instrument_config and 'bin_y' not in instrument_config:
                    # Set the readout mode as well as the binning
                    readout_mode_to_set = readout_validation_helper.get_mode_to_set()
                    if readout_mode_to_set['error']:
                        raise serializers.ValidationError(_(readout_mode_to_set['error']))
                    if readout_mode_to_set['mode']:
                        instrument_config['mode'] = readout_mode_to_set['mode']['code']
                        instrument_config['bin_x'] = readout_mode_to_set['mode']['params']['binning']
                        instrument_config['bin_y'] = readout_mode_to_set['mode']['params']['binning']

                elif 'bin_x' in instrument_config:
                    # A binning is set already - figure out what the readout mode should be from that
                        instrument_config['mode'] = configdb.get_readout_mode_with_binning(
                            instrument_type, instrument_config['bin_x']
                    except ConfigDBException as cdbe:
                        raise serializers.ValidationError(_(str(cdbe)))
                # A readout mode is set - validate the mode
                readout_error_msg = readout_validation_helper.get_mode_error_msg(instrument_config)
                if readout_error_msg:
                    raise serializers.ValidationError(_(readout_error_msg))

                # At this point the readout mode that is set is valid. Now either set the binnings, or make
                # sure that those that are set are ok
                readout_mode = configdb.get_mode_with_code(instrument_type, instrument_config['mode'], 'readout')
                if 'bin_x' not in instrument_config:
                    instrument_config['bin_x'] = readout_mode['params']['binning']
                    instrument_config['bin_y'] = readout_mode['params']['binning']

                elif instrument_config['bin_x'] != readout_mode['params']['binning']:
                    raise serializers.ValidationError(_(
                        f'Binning {instrument_config["bin_x"]} is not a valid binning for readout mode '
                        f'{instrument_config["mode"]} for instrument type {instrument_type}'

            # Validate the rotator modes
            if 'rotator' in modes:
                rotator_mode_validation_helper = ModeValidationHelper('rotator', instrument_type, default_modes, modes)
                if rotator_mode_validation_helper.mode_is_not_set(instrument_config):
                    rotator_mode_to_set = rotator_mode_validation_helper.get_mode_to_set()
                    if rotator_mode_to_set['error']:
                        raise serializers.ValidationError(_(rotator_mode_to_set['error']))
                    if rotator_mode_to_set['mode']:
                        instrument_config['rotator_mode'] = rotator_mode_to_set['mode']['code']

                rotator_error_msg = rotator_mode_validation_helper.get_mode_error_msg(instrument_config)
                if rotator_error_msg:
                    raise serializers.ValidationError(_(rotator_error_msg))

            # Check that the optical elements specified are valid in configdb
            for oe_type, value in instrument_config.get('optical_elements', {}).items():
                plural_type = '{}s'.format(oe_type)
                if plural_type not in available_optical_elements:
                    raise serializers.ValidationError(_("optical_element of type {} is not available on {} instruments"
                                                        .format(oe_type, data['instrument_type'])))
                available_elements = {element['code'].lower(): element['code'] for element in available_optical_elements[plural_type]}
                if plural_type in available_optical_elements and value.lower() not in available_elements.keys():
                    raise serializers.ValidationError(_("optical element {} of type {} is not available".format(
                        value, oe_type
                    instrument_config['optical_elements'][oe_type] = available_elements[value.lower()]

            # Also check that any optical element group in configdb is specified in the request unless we are a BIAS or
            # DARK or SCRIPT type observation
            observation_types_without_oe = ['BIAS', 'DARK', 'SCRIPT']
            if data['type'].upper() not in observation_types_without_oe:
                for oe_type in available_optical_elements.keys():
                    singular_type = oe_type[:-1] if oe_type.endswith('s') else oe_type
                    if singular_type not in instrument_config.get('optical_elements', {}):
                        raise serializers.ValidationError(_(
                            f'Must set optical element of type {singular_type} for instrument type {instrument_type}'
            # Validate any regions of interest
            if 'rois' in instrument_config:
                max_rois = configdb.get_max_rois(instrument_type)
                ccd_size = configdb.get_ccd_size(instrument_type)
                if len(instrument_config['rois']) > max_rois:
                    raise serializers.ValidationError(_(
                        f'Instrument type {instrument_type} supports up to {max_rois} regions of interest'
                for roi in instrument_config['rois']:
                    if 'x1' not in roi and 'x2' not in roi and 'y1' not in roi and 'y2' not in roi:
                        raise serializers.ValidationError(_('Must submit at least one bound for a region of interest'))

                    if 'x1' not in roi:
                        roi['x1'] = 0
                    if 'x2' not in roi:
                        roi['x2'] = ccd_size['x']
                    if 'y1' not in roi:
                        roi['y1'] = 0
                    if 'y2' not in roi:
                        roi['y2'] = ccd_size['y']

                    if roi['x1'] >= roi['x2'] or roi['y1'] >= roi['y2']:
                        raise serializers.ValidationError(_(
                            'Region of interest pixels start must be less than pixels end'

                    if roi['x2'] > ccd_size['x'] or roi['y2'] > ccd_size['y']:
                        raise serializers.ValidationError(_(
                            'Regions of interest for instrument type {} must be in range 0<=x<={} and 0<=y<={}'.format(
                                instrument_type, ccd_size['x'], ccd_size['y']

        if data['type'] == 'SCRIPT':
            if (
                    'extra_params' not in data
                    or 'script_name' not in data['extra_params']
                    or not data['extra_params']['script_name']
                raise serializers.ValidationError(_(
                    'Must specify a script_name in extra_params for SCRIPT configuration type'

        # Validate duration is set if it's a REPEAT_* type configuration
        if 'REPEAT' in data['type']:
            if 'repeat_duration' not in data or data['repeat_duration'] is None:
                raise serializers.ValidationError(_(
                    f'Must specify a configuration repeat_duration for {data["type"]} type configurations.'
                # Validate that the duration exceeds the minimum to run everything at least once
                min_duration = sum(
                        ic, data['instrument_type']) for ic in data['instrument_configs']]
                if min_duration > data['repeat_duration']:
                    raise serializers.ValidationError(_(
                        f'Configuration repeat_duration of {data["repeat_duration"]} is less than the minimum of '
                        f'{min_duration} required to repeat at least once'
            if 'repeat_duration' in data and data['repeat_duration'] is not None:
                raise serializers.ValidationError(_(
                    'You may only specify a repeat_duration for REPEAT_* type configurations.'

        # Validate the configuration type is available for the instrument requested
        if data['type'] not in configdb.get_configuration_types(instrument_type):
            raise serializers.ValidationError(_(
                f'configuration type {data["type"]} is not valid for instrument type {instrument_type}'
        return data
Beispiel #5
    def validate(self, data):
        # TODO: Validate the guiding optical elements on the guiding instrument types
        instrument_type = data['instrument_type']
        modes = configdb.get_modes_by_type(instrument_type)
        guiding_config = data['guiding_config']

        if len(data['instrument_configs']) > 1 and data['type'] in [
                'SCRIPT', 'SKY_FLAT'
            raise serializers.ValidationError(
                _(f'Multiple instrument configs are not allowed for type {data["type"]}'

        # Validate the guide mode
        guide_validation_helper = ModeValidationHelper('guiding',

        guiding_config = guide_validation_helper.validate(guiding_config)
        if not guiding_config.get('mode'):
            # Guiding modes have an implicit default of OFF (we could just put this in all relevent validation_schema)
            guiding_config['mode'] = GuidingConfig.OFF
        data['guiding_config'] = guiding_config

        if configdb.is_spectrograph(instrument_type) and data['type'] not in [
                'LAMP_FLAT', 'ARC', 'NRES_BIAS', 'NRES_DARK'
            if 'optional' in guiding_config and guiding_config['optional']:
                raise serializers.ValidationError(
                    _("Guiding cannot be optional on spectrograph instruments for types that are not ARC or LAMP_FLAT."
            guiding_config['optional'] = False

        if data['type'] in [
                'LAMP_FLAT', 'ARC', 'AUTO_FOCUS', 'NRES_BIAS', 'NRES_DARK',
                'BIAS', 'DARK', 'SCRIPT'
            # These types of observations should only ever be set to guiding mode OFF, but the acquisition modes for
            # spectrographs won't necessarily have that mode. Force OFF here.
            data['acquisition_config']['mode'] = AcquisitionConfig.OFF
            # Validate acquire modes
            acquisition_config = data['acquisition_config']
            acquire_validation_helper = ModeValidationHelper(
                'acquisition', instrument_type, modes['acquisition'])
            acquisition_config = acquire_validation_helper.validate(
            if not acquisition_config.get('mode'):
                # Acquisition modes have an implicit default of OFF (we could just put this in all relevent validation_schema)
                acquisition_config['mode'] = AcquisitionConfig.OFF
            data['acquisition_config'] = acquisition_config

        available_optical_elements = configdb.get_optical_elements(
        for i, instrument_config in enumerate(data['instrument_configs']):
            # Validate the readout mode and the binning. Readout modes and binning are tied
            # together- If one is set, we can determine the other.
            # TODO: Remove the binning checks when binnings are removed entirely
            readout_mode = instrument_config.get('mode', '')
            if not readout_mode and 'bin_x' in instrument_config:
                # A binning is set already - figure out what the readout mode should be from that
                    readout_mode = instrument_config[
                        'mode'] = configdb.get_readout_mode_with_binning(
                except ConfigDBException as cdbe:
                    raise serializers.ValidationError(_(str(cdbe)))
            readout_validation_helper = ModeValidationHelper(
                'readout', instrument_type, modes['readout'])
            instrument_config = readout_validation_helper.validate(
            data['instrument_configs'][i] = instrument_config

            # Validate the rotator modes
            if 'rotator' in modes:
                rotator_mode_validation_helper = ModeValidationHelper(
                instrument_config = rotator_mode_validation_helper.validate(
                data['instrument_configs'][i] = instrument_config

            # Check that the optical elements specified are valid in configdb
            for oe_type, value in instrument_config.get(
                    'optical_elements', {}).items():
                plural_type = '{}s'.format(oe_type)
                if plural_type not in available_optical_elements:
                    raise serializers.ValidationError(
                        _("optical_element of type {} is not available on {} instruments"
                          .format(oe_type, data['instrument_type'])))
                available_elements = {
                    element['code'].lower(): element['code']
                    for element in available_optical_elements[plural_type]
                if plural_type in available_optical_elements and value.lower(
                ) not in available_elements.keys():
                    raise serializers.ValidationError(
                        _("optical element {} of type {} is not available".
                          format(value, oe_type)))
                        oe_type] = available_elements[value.lower()]

            # Also check that any optical element group in configdb is specified in the request unless we are a BIAS or
            # DARK or SCRIPT type observation
            observation_types_without_oe = ['BIAS', 'DARK', 'SCRIPT']
            if data['type'].upper() not in observation_types_without_oe:
                for oe_type in available_optical_elements.keys():
                    singular_type = oe_type[:-1] if oe_type.endswith(
                        's') else oe_type
                    if singular_type not in instrument_config.get(
                            'optical_elements', {}):
                        raise serializers.ValidationError(
                            _(f'Must set optical element of type {singular_type} for instrument type {instrument_type}'
            # Validate any regions of interest
            if 'rois' in instrument_config:
                max_rois = configdb.get_max_rois(instrument_type)
                ccd_size = configdb.get_ccd_size(instrument_type)
                if len(instrument_config['rois']) > max_rois:
                    raise serializers.ValidationError(
                        _(f'Instrument type {instrument_type} supports up to {max_rois} regions of interest'
                for roi in instrument_config['rois']:
                    if 'x1' not in roi and 'x2' not in roi and 'y1' not in roi and 'y2' not in roi:
                        raise serializers.ValidationError(
                            _('Must submit at least one bound for a region of interest'

                    if 'x1' not in roi:
                        roi['x1'] = 0
                    if 'x2' not in roi:
                        roi['x2'] = ccd_size['x']
                    if 'y1' not in roi:
                        roi['y1'] = 0
                    if 'y2' not in roi:
                        roi['y2'] = ccd_size['y']

                    if roi['x1'] >= roi['x2'] or roi['y1'] >= roi['y2']:
                        raise serializers.ValidationError(
                            _('Region of interest pixels start must be less than pixels end'

                    if roi['x2'] > ccd_size['x'] or roi['y2'] > ccd_size['y']:
                        raise serializers.ValidationError(
                            _('Regions of interest for instrument type {} must be in range 0<=x<={} and 0<=y<={}'
                              .format(instrument_type, ccd_size['x'],

            # Validate the exposure modes
            if 'exposure' in modes:
                exposure_mode_validation_helper = ModeValidationHelper(
                instrument_config = exposure_mode_validation_helper.validate(
                data['instrument_configs'][i] = instrument_config

            # This applies the exposure_time requirement only to non-muscat instruments.
            # I wish I could figure out a better way to do this, but it needs info about the instrument_type which is a level up.
            if instrument_type.upper() != '2M0-SCICAM-MUSCAT':
                if instrument_config.get('exposure_time', None) is None:
                    raise serializers.ValidationError({
                        'instrument_configs': [{
                            'exposure_time': [_('This value cannot be null.')]
                if isnan(instrument_config.get('exposure_time')):
                    raise serializers.ValidationError({
                        'instrument_configs': [{
                            [_('A valid number is required.')]
                if instrument_config['exposure_time'] < 0:
                    raise serializers.ValidationError({
                        'instrument_configs': [{
                            [_('This value cannot be negative.')]

        if data['type'] == 'SCRIPT':
            if ('extra_params' not in data
                    or 'script_name' not in data['extra_params']
                    or not data['extra_params']['script_name']):
                raise serializers.ValidationError(
                    _('Must specify a script_name in extra_params for SCRIPT configuration type'

        # Validate duration is set if it's a REPEAT_* type configuration
        if 'REPEAT' in data['type']:
            if 'repeat_duration' not in data or data['repeat_duration'] is None:
                raise serializers.ValidationError(
                    _(f'Must specify a configuration repeat_duration for {data["type"]} type configurations.'
                # Validate that the duration exceeds the minimum to run everything at least once
                min_duration = sum([
                        ic, data['instrument_type'])
                    for ic in data['instrument_configs']
                if min_duration > data['repeat_duration']:
                    raise serializers.ValidationError(
                        _(f'Configuration repeat_duration of {data["repeat_duration"]} is less than the minimum of '
                          f'{min_duration} required to repeat at least once'))
            if 'repeat_duration' in data and data[
                    'repeat_duration'] is not None:
                raise serializers.ValidationError(
                    _('You may only specify a repeat_duration for REPEAT_* type configurations.'

        # Validate the configuration type is available for the instrument requested
        if data['type'] not in configdb.get_configuration_types(
            raise serializers.ValidationError(
                _(f'configuration type {data["type"]} is not valid for instrument type {instrument_type}'

        return data