Beispiel #1
def mean(trace, win=1.0, rtmemory_list=None):
    Calculate recursive mean. win is a window length

    if not isinstance(trace, Trace):
        msg = "Trace parameter must be an obspy.core.trace.Trace object."
        raise ValueError(msg)

    # if this is the first appended trace, the rtmemory_list will be None
    if not rtmemory_list:
        rtmemory_list = [RtMemory()]

    # deal with case of empty trace
    sample =
    dt =
    if np.size(sample) < 1:
        return sample

    # get simple info from trace
    npts = len(sample)

    # prepare the output array
    mu1 = np.empty(npts, sample.dtype)

    # prepare the rt memory
    rtmemory_mu1 = rtmemory_list[0]

    if not rtmemory_mu1.initialized:
        memory_size_input = 1
        memory_size_output = 0
        rtmemory_mu1.initialize(sample.dtype, memory_size_input,\
                                memory_size_output, 0, 0)

    # initialize from memory

    mu1_last = rtmemory_mu1.input[0]

    C1 = dt / float(win)
    a1 = 1 - C1

    # do recursive mean
    for i in xrange(npts):
        mu1[i] = a1 * mu1_last + C1 * sample[i]
        mu1_last = mu1[i]

    # save to memory
    rtmemory_mu1.input[0] = mu1_last

    return mu1
Beispiel #2
def differentiate(trace, rtmemory_list=None):
    Apply simple differentiation to array data.

    :type trace: :class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace`
    :param trace:  :class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace` object to append to this
    :type rtmemory_list: list of :class:`~obspy.realtime.rtmemory.RtMemory`,
    :param rtmemory_list: Persistent memory used by this process for specified
    :rtype: NumPy :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    :return: Processed trace data from appended Trace object.
    if not isinstance(trace, Trace):
        msg = "trace parameter must be an obspy.core.trace.Trace object."
        raise ValueError(msg)

    if not rtmemory_list:
        rtmemory_list = [RtMemory()]

    sample =
    if np.size(sample) < 1:

    delta_time =

    rtmemory = rtmemory_list[0]

    # initialize memory object
    if not rtmemory.initialized:
        memory_size_input = 1
        memory_size_output = 0
        rtmemory.initialize(sample.dtype, memory_size_input,
                            memory_size_output, 0, 0)
        # avoid large diff value for first output sample
        rtmemory.input[0] = sample[0]

    previous_sample = rtmemory.input[0]

    for i in range(np.size(sample)):
        diff = (sample[i] - previous_sample) / delta_time
        previous_sample = sample[i]
        sample[i] = diff

    rtmemory.input[0] = previous_sample

    return sample
Beispiel #3
def integrate(trace, rtmemory_list=None):
    Apply simple rectangular integration to array data.

    :type trace: :class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace`
    :param trace:  :class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace` object to append to this
    :type rtmemory_list: list of :class:`~obspy.realtime.rtmemory.RtMemory`,
    :param rtmemory_list: Persistent memory used by this process for specified
    :rtype: NumPy :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    :return: Processed trace data from appended Trace object.
    if not isinstance(trace, Trace):
        msg = "trace parameter must be an obspy.core.trace.Trace object."
        raise ValueError(msg)

    if not rtmemory_list:
        rtmemory_list = [RtMemory()]

    sample =
    if np.size(sample) < 1:
        return sample

    delta_time =

    rtmemory = rtmemory_list[0]

    # initialize memory object
    if not rtmemory.initialized:
        memory_size_input = 0
        memory_size_output = 1
        rtmemory.initialize(sample.dtype, memory_size_input,
                            memory_size_output, 0, 0)

    sum = rtmemory.output[0]

    for i in range(np.size(sample)):
        sum += sample[i] * delta_time
        sample[i] = sum

    rtmemory.output[0] = sum

    return sample
Beispiel #4
def kurtosis(trace, win=3.0, rtmemory_list=None):
    Apply recursive kurtosis calculation on data.

    Recursive kurtosis is computed using the [ChassandeMottin2002]_
    formulation adjusted to give the kurtosis of a gaussian distribution = 0.0.

    :type trace: :class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace`
    :param trace: :class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace` object to append to this
    :type win: float, optional
    :param win: window length in seconds for the kurtosis (default is 3.0 s)
    :type rtmemory_list: list of :class:`~obspy.realtime.rtmemory.RtMemory`,
    :param rtmemory_list: Persistent memory used by this process for specified
    :rtype: Numpy :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    :return: Processed trace data from appended Trace object
    if not isinstance(trace, Trace):
        msg = "Trace parameter must be an obspy.core.trace.Trace object."
        raise ValueError(msg)

    # if this is the first appended trace, the rtmemory_list will be None
    if not rtmemory_list:
        rtmemory_list = [RtMemory(), RtMemory(), RtMemory()]

    # deal with case of empty trace
    sample =
    if np.size(sample) < 1:
        return sample

    # get simple info from trace
    npts = len(sample)
    dt =

    # set some constants for the kurtosis calulation
    C1 = dt / float(win)
    a1 = 1.0 - C1
    C2 = (1.0 - a1 * a1) / 2.0
    bias = -3 * C1 - 3.0

    # prepare the output array
    kappa4 = np.empty(npts, sample.dtype)

    # initialize the real-time memory needed to store
    # the recursive kurtosis coefficients until the
    # next bloc of data is added
    rtmemory_mu1 = rtmemory_list[0]
    rtmemory_mu2 = rtmemory_list[1]
    rtmemory_k4_bar = rtmemory_list[2]

    # there are three memory objects, one for each "last" coefficient
    # that needs carrying over
    # initialize mu1_last to 0
    if not rtmemory_mu1.initialized:
        memory_size_input = 1
        memory_size_output = 0
        rtmemory_mu1.initialize(sample.dtype, memory_size_input,
                                memory_size_output, 0, 0)

    # initialize mu2_last (sigma) to 1
    if not rtmemory_mu2.initialized:
        memory_size_input = 1
        memory_size_output = 0
        rtmemory_mu2.initialize(sample.dtype, memory_size_input,
                                memory_size_output, 1, 0)

    # initialize k4_bar_last to 0
    if not rtmemory_k4_bar.initialized:
        memory_size_input = 1
        memory_size_output = 0
        rtmemory_k4_bar.initialize(sample.dtype, memory_size_input,
                                   memory_size_output, 0, 0)

    mu1_last = rtmemory_mu1.input[0]
    mu2_last = rtmemory_mu2.input[0]
    k4_bar_last = rtmemory_k4_bar.input[0]

    # do recursive kurtosis
    for i in xrange(npts):
        mu1 = a1 * mu1_last + C1 * sample[i]
        dx2 = (sample[i] - mu1_last) * (sample[i] - mu1_last)
        mu2 = a1 * mu2_last + C2 * dx2
        dx2 = dx2 / mu2_last
        k4_bar = (1 + C1 - 2 * C1 * dx2) * k4_bar_last + C1 * dx2 * dx2
        kappa4[i] = k4_bar + bias
        mu1_last = mu1
        mu2_last = mu2
        k4_bar_last = k4_bar

    rtmemory_mu1.input[0] = mu1_last
    rtmemory_mu2.input[0] = mu2_last
    rtmemory_k4_bar.input[0] = k4_bar_last

    return kappa4
Beispiel #5
def mwpIntegral(trace, max_time, ref_time, mem_time=1.0, gain=1.0,
    Calculate Mwp integral on a displacement trace.

    .. seealso:: [Tsuboi1999]_ and [Tsuboi1995]_

    :type trace: :class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace`
    :param trace:  :class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace` object to append to this
    :type max_time: float
    :param max_time: Maximum time in seconds after ref_time to apply Mwp
    :type ref_time: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`
    :param ref_time: Reference date and time of the data sample
        (e.g. P pick time) at which to begin Mwp integration.
    :type mem_time: float, optional
    :param mem_time: Length in seconds of data memory (must be much larger
        than maximum delay between pick declaration and pick time). Defaults
        to ``1.0``.
    :type gain: float, optional
    :param gain: Nominal gain to convert input displacement trace to meters
        of ground displacement. Defaults to ``1.0``.
    :type rtmemory_list: list of :class:`~obspy.realtime.rtmemory.RtMemory`,
    :param rtmemory_list: Persistent memory used by this process for specified
    :rtype: NumPy :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    :return: Processed trace data from appended Trace object.
    if not isinstance(trace, Trace):
        msg = "trace parameter must be an obspy.core.trace.Trace object."
        raise ValueError(msg)

    if not isinstance(ref_time, UTCDateTime):
        msg = "ref_time must be an obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime object."
        raise ValueError(msg)

    if not max_time >= 0:
        msg = "max_time parameter not specified or < 0."
        raise ValueError(msg)

    if not rtmemory_list:
        rtmemory_list = [RtMemory()]

    sample =
    delta_time =

    rtmemory = rtmemory_list[0]

    # initialize memory object
    if not rtmemory.initialized:
        memory_size_input = int(0.5 + mem_time * trace.stats.sampling_rate)
        memory_size_output = _MEMORY_SIZE_OUTPUT
        rtmemory.initialize(sample.dtype, memory_size_input,
                            memory_size_output, 0, 0)

    new_sample = np.zeros(np.size(sample), sample.dtype)

    ioffset_pick = int(round(
                       (ref_time - trace.stats.starttime)
                       * trace.stats.sampling_rate))
    ioffset_mwp_min = ioffset_pick

    # set reference amplitude
    if ioffset_mwp_min >= 0 and ioffset_mwp_min <
        # value in trace data array
        rtmemory.output[_AMP_AT_PICK] =[ioffset_mwp_min]
    elif ioffset_mwp_min >= -(np.size(rtmemory.input)) and ioffset_mwp_min < 0:
        # value in memory array
        index = ioffset_mwp_min + np.size(rtmemory.input)
        rtmemory.output[_AMP_AT_PICK] = rtmemory.input[index]
    elif ioffset_mwp_min < -(np.size(rtmemory.input)) \
            and not rtmemory.output[_HAVE_USED_MEMORY]:
        msg = "mem_time not large enough to buffer required input data."
        raise ValueError(msg)
    if ioffset_mwp_min < 0 and rtmemory.output[_HAVE_USED_MEMORY]:
        ioffset_mwp_min = 0
        rtmemory.output[_HAVE_USED_MEMORY] = 1
    # set Mwp end index corresponding to maximum duration
    mwp_end_index = int(round(max_time / delta_time))
    ioffset_mwp_max = mwp_end_index + ioffset_pick
    if ioffset_mwp_max <
        rtmemory.output[_FLAG_COMPETE_MWP] = 1  # will complete
    if ioffset_mwp_max >
        ioffset_mwp_max =
    # apply double integration, check for extrema
    mwp_amp_at_pick = rtmemory.output[_AMP_AT_PICK]
    mwp_int_int_sum = rtmemory.output[_INT_INT_SUM]
    polarity = rtmemory.output[_POLARITY]
    amplitude = 0.0
    for n in range(ioffset_mwp_min, ioffset_mwp_max):
        if n >= 0:
            amplitude =[n]
        elif n >= -(np.size(rtmemory.input)):
            # value in memory array
            index = n + np.size(rtmemory.input)
            amplitude = rtmemory.input[index]
            msg = "Error: Mwp: attempt to access rtmemory.input array of " + \
                "size=%d at invalid index=%d: this should not happen!" % \
                (np.size(rtmemory.input), n + np.size(rtmemory.input))
            print msg
            continue  # should never reach here
        disp_amp = amplitude - mwp_amp_at_pick
        # check displacement polarity
        if disp_amp >= 0.0:  # pos
            # check if past extremum
            if polarity < 0:  # passed from neg to pos displacement
                mwp_int_int_sum *= -1.0
                mwp_int_int_sum = 0
            polarity = 1
        elif disp_amp < 0.0:  # neg
            # check if past extremum
            if polarity > 0:  # passed from pos to neg displacement
                mwp_int_int_sum = 0
            polarity = -1
        mwp_int_int_sum += (amplitude - mwp_amp_at_pick) * delta_time / gain
        new_sample[n] = mwp_int_int_sum

    rtmemory.output[_INT_INT_SUM] = mwp_int_int_sum
    rtmemory.output[_POLARITY] = polarity

    # update memory

    return new_sample
Beispiel #6
def tauc(trace, width, rtmemory_list=None):
    Calculate instantaneous period in a fixed window (Tau_c).

    .. seealso::

        Implements equations 1-3 in [Allen2003]_ except use a fixed width
        window instead of decay function.

    :type trace: :class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace`
    :param trace:  :class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace` object to append to this
    :type width: int
    :param width: Width in number of sample points for tauc window.
    :type rtmemory_list: list of :class:`~obspy.realtime.rtmemory.RtMemory`,
    :param rtmemory_list: Persistent memory used by this process for specified
    :rtype: NumPy :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    :return: Processed trace data from appended Trace object.
    if not isinstance(trace, Trace):
        msg = "trace parameter must be an obspy.core.trace.Trace object."
        raise ValueError(msg)

    if not width > 0:
        msg = "tauc: width parameter not specified or < 1."
        raise ValueError(msg)

    if not rtmemory_list:
        rtmemory_list = [RtMemory(), RtMemory()]

    sample =
    delta_time =

    rtmemory = rtmemory_list[0]
    rtmemory_dval = rtmemory_list[1]

    sample_last = 0.0

    # initialize memory object
    if not rtmemory.initialized:
        memory_size_input = width
        memory_size_output = 1
        rtmemory.initialize(sample.dtype, memory_size_input,
                            memory_size_output, 0, 0)
        sample_last = sample[0]
        sample_last = rtmemory.input[width - 1]

    # initialize memory object
    if not rtmemory_dval.initialized:
        memory_size_input = width
        memory_size_output = 1
        rtmemory_dval.initialize(sample.dtype, memory_size_input,
                                 memory_size_output, 0, 0)

    new_sample = np.zeros(np.size(sample), sample.dtype)
    deriv = np.zeros(np.size(sample), sample.dtype)

    #sample_last = rtmemory.input[width - 1]
    sample_d = 0.0
    deriv_d = 0.0
    xval = rtmemory.output[0]
    dval = rtmemory_dval.output[0]

    for i in range(np.size(sample)):

        sample_d = sample[i]
        deriv_d = (sample_d - sample_last) / delta_time
        indexBegin = i - width
        if (indexBegin >= 0):
            xval = xval - (sample[indexBegin]) * (sample[indexBegin]) \
                + sample_d * sample_d
            dval = dval - deriv[indexBegin] * deriv[indexBegin] \
                + deriv_d * deriv_d
            index = i
            xval = xval - rtmemory.input[index] * rtmemory.input[index] \
                + sample_d * sample_d
            dval = dval \
                - rtmemory_dval.input[index] * rtmemory_dval.input[index] \
                + deriv_d * deriv_d
        deriv[i] = deriv_d
        sample_last = sample_d
        # if (xval > _MIN_FLOAT_VAL &  & dval > _MIN_FLOAT_VAL) {
        if (dval > _MIN_FLOAT_VAL):
            new_sample[i] = _TWO_PI * math.sqrt(xval / dval)
            new_sample[i] = 0.0

    # update memory
    rtmemory.output[0] = xval
    rtmemory_dval.output[0] = dval

    return new_sample
Beispiel #7
def boxcar(trace, width, rtmemory_list=None):
    Apply boxcar smoothing to data in array sample.

    :type trace: :class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace`
    :param trace:  :class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace` object to append to this
    :type width: int
    :param width: Width in number of sample points for filter.
    :type rtmemory_list: list of :class:`~obspy.realtime.rtmemory.RtMemory`,
    :param rtmemory_list: Persistent memory used by this process for specified
    :rtype: NumPy :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    :return: Processed trace data from appended Trace object.
    if not isinstance(trace, Trace):
        msg = "trace parameter must be an obspy.core.trace.Trace object."
        raise ValueError(msg)

    if not width > 0:
        msg = "width parameter not specified or < 1."
        raise ValueError(msg)

    if not rtmemory_list:
        rtmemory_list = [RtMemory()]

    sample =

    rtmemory = rtmemory_list[0]

    # initialize memory object
    if not rtmemory.initialized:
        memory_size_input = width
        memory_size_output = 0
        rtmemory.initialize(sample.dtype, memory_size_input,
                            memory_size_output, 0, 0)

    # initialize array for time-series results
    new_sample = np.zeros(np.size(sample), sample.dtype)

    i = 0
    i1 = i - width
    i2 = i      # causal boxcar of width width
    sum = 0.0
    icount = 0
    for i in range(np.size(sample)):
        value = 0.0
        if (icount == 0):    # first pass, accumulate sum
            for n in range(i1, i2 + 1):
                if (n < 0):
                    value = rtmemory.input[width + n]
                    value = sample[n]
                sum += value
                icount = icount + 1
        else:                # later passes, update sum
            if ((i1 - 1) < 0):
                value = rtmemory.input[width + (i1 - 1)]
                value = sample[(i1 - 1)]
            sum -= value
            if (i2 < 0):
                value = rtmemory.input[width + i2]
                value = sample[i2]
            sum += value
        if (icount > 0):
            new_sample[i] = (float)(sum / float(icount))
            new_sample[i] = 0.0
        i1 = i1 + 1
        i2 = i2 + 1


    return new_sample
Beispiel #8
    def registerRtProcess(self, process, **options):
        Adds real-time processing algorithm to processing list of this RtTrace.

        Processing function must be one of:
            %s. % REALTIME_PROCESS_FUNCTIONS.keys()
            or a non-recursive, time-domain np or obspy function which takes
            a single array as an argument and returns an array

        :type process: str or function
        :param process: Specifies which processing function is added,
            e.g. ``"boxcar"`` or ``np.abs``` (functions without brackets).
            See :mod:`obspy.realtime.signal` for all predefined processing
        :type options: dict, optional
        :param options: Required keyword arguments to be passed the respective
            processing function, e.g. ``width=100`` for ``'boxcar'`` process.
            See :mod:`obspy.realtime.signal` for all options.
        :rtype: int
        :return: Length of processing list after registering new processing
        # create process_name either from string or function name
        process_name = ("%s" % process).lower()

        # set processing entry for this process
        entry = False
        rtmemory_list = None
        if hasattr(process, '__call__'):
            # direct function call
            entry = (process, options, None)
        elif process_name in REALTIME_PROCESS_FUNCTIONS:
            # predefined function
            num = REALTIME_PROCESS_FUNCTIONS[process_name][1]
            if num:
                # make sure we have num new RtMemory instances
                rtmemory_list = [RtMemory() for _i in range(num)]
            entry = (process_name, options, rtmemory_list)
            # check if process name is contained within a predefined function,
            # e.g. 'int' for 'integrate'
            for key in REALTIME_PROCESS_FUNCTIONS:
                if not key.startswith(process_name):
                process_name = key
                num = REALTIME_PROCESS_FUNCTIONS[process_name][1]
                if num:
                    # make sure we have num new RtMemory instances
                    rtmemory_list = [RtMemory() for _i in range(num)]
                entry = (process_name, options, rtmemory_list)

        if not entry:
            raise NotImplementedError("Can't register process %s" % (process))

        # add process entry

        # add processing information to the stats dictionary
        proc_info = "realtime_process:%s:%s" % (process_name, options)

        return len(self.processing)
Beispiel #9
    def append(self, trace, gap_overlap_check=False, verbose=False):
        Appends a Trace object to this RtTrace.

        Registered real-time processing will be applied to copy of appended
        Trace object before it is appended.  This RtTrace will be truncated
        from the beginning to RtTrace.max_length, if specified.
        Sampling rate, data type and of both traces must match.

        :type trace: :class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace`
        :param trace:  :class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace` object to append to
            this RtTrace
        :type gap_overlap_check: bool, optional
        :param gap_overlap_check: Action to take when there is a gap or overlap
            between the end of this RtTrace and start of appended Trace:
                If True, raise TypeError.
                If False, all trace processing memory will be re-initialized to
                    prevent false signal in processed trace.
            (default is ``True``).
        :type verbose: bool, optional
        :param verbose: Print additional information to stdout
        :return: NumPy :class:`np.ndarray` object containing processed trace
            data from appended Trace object.
        if not isinstance(trace, Trace):
            # only add Trace objects
            raise TypeError("Only obspy.core.trace.Trace objects are allowed")

        # sanity checks
        if self.have_appended_data:
            #  check id
            if self.getId() != trace.getId():
                raise TypeError("Trace ID differs:", self.getId(),
            #  check sample rate
            if self.stats.sampling_rate != trace.stats.sampling_rate:
                raise TypeError("Sampling rate differs:",
            #  check calibration factor
            if self.stats.calib != trace.stats.calib:
                raise TypeError("Calibration factor differs:",
                                self.stats.calib, trace.stats.calib)
            # check data type
            if !=
                raise TypeError("Data type differs:",,
        # TODO: IMPORTANT? Should improve check for gaps and overlaps
        # and handle more elegantly
        # check times
        gap_or_overlap = False
        if self.have_appended_data:
            #delta = int(math.floor(\
            #    round((rt.stats.starttime - lt.stats.endtime) * sr, 5) )) - 1
            diff = trace.stats.starttime - self.stats.endtime
            delta = diff * self.stats.sampling_rate - 1.0
            if verbose:
                msg = "%s: Overlap/gap of (%g) samples in data: (%s) (%s) " + \
                    "diff=%gs  dt=%gs"
                print msg % (self.__class__.__name__, delta,
                             self.stats.endtime, trace.stats.starttime, diff,
            if delta < -0.1:
                msg = "Overlap of (%g) samples in data: (%s) (%s) diff=%gs" + \
                    "  dt=%gs"
                msg = msg % (-delta, self.stats.endtime, trace.stats.starttime,
                if gap_overlap_check:
                    raise TypeError(msg)
                gap_or_overlap = True
            if delta > 0.1:
                msg = "Gap of (%g) samples in data: (%s) (%s) diff=%gs" + \
                    "  dt=%gs"
                msg = msg % (delta, self.stats.endtime, trace.stats.starttime,
                if gap_overlap_check:
                    raise TypeError(msg)
                gap_or_overlap = True
            if gap_or_overlap:
                msg += " - Trace processing memory will be re-initialized."
                warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning)
                # correct start time to pin absolute trace timing to start of
                # appended trace, this prevents slow drift of nominal trace
                # timing from absolute time when nominal sample rate differs
                # from true sample rate
                self.stats.starttime = \
                    self.stats.starttime + diff -
                if verbose:
                    print "%s: self.stats.starttime adjusted by: %gs" \
                        % (self.__class__.__name__, diff -
        # first apply all registered processing to Trace
        for proc in self.processing:
            process_name, options, rtmemory_list = proc
            # if gap or overlap, clear memory
            if gap_or_overlap and rtmemory_list != None:
                for n in range(len(rtmemory_list)):
                    rtmemory_list[n] = RtMemory()
            # apply processing
            trace = trace.copy()
            dtype =
            if hasattr(process_name, '__call__'):
                # check if direct function call
       = process_name(, **options)
                # got predefined function
                func = REALTIME_PROCESS_FUNCTIONS[process_name.lower()][0]
                options['rtmemory_list'] = rtmemory_list
       = func(trace, **options)
            # assure dtype is not changed
   = np.require(, dtype=dtype)
        # if first data, set stats
        if not self.have_appended_data:
   = np.array(
            self.stats = Stats(header=trace.stats)
            self.have_appended_data = True
            return trace
        # handle all following data sets
        # fix Trace.__add__ parameters
        # TODO: IMPORTANT? Should check for gaps and overlaps and handle
        # more elegantly
        sum_trace = Trace.__add__(self,
        # Trace.__add__ returns new Trace, so update to this RtTrace =
        # left trim if data length exceeds max_length
        if self.max_length != None:
            max_samples = int(self.max_length * self.stats.sampling_rate + 0.5)
            if np.size( > max_samples:
                starttime = self.stats.starttime + (np.size( - \
                    max_samples) / self.stats.sampling_rate
        return trace
Beispiel #10
def sw_kurtosis(trace, win=3.0, rtmemory_list=None):
    Compute kurtosis using a sliding window method. Calls scipy.stats.kurtosis

    :type trace: :class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace`
    :param trace: :class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace` object to append to this RtTrace
    :type win: float
    :param win: sliding window length in seconds
    :type rtmemory_list: list of :class:`~obspy.realtime.rtmemory.RtMemory`, optional
    :param rtmemory_list: Persistent memory used by this process for specified trace
    :rtype: Numpy :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    :return: Processed trace data from appended Trace object

    if not isinstance(trace, Trace):
        msg = "Trace parameter must be an obspy.core.trace.Trace object."
        raise ValueError(msg)

    if not rtmemory_list:
        rtmemory_list = [RtMemory()]

    # deal with case of empty trace
    sample =
    if np.size(sample) < 1:
        return sample

    # get info from trace
    dt =
    npts = int(np.round(win / float(dt)))

    # set up temporary array for kurtosis and output array
    k_array = np.empty((len(sample), npts), dtype=sample.dtype)
    x_out = np.empty(len(sample))

    rtmemory = rtmemory_list[0]
    mem_size = npts - 1
    if not rtmemory.initialized:
        sample_start = sample[0:mem_size]
        first_trace = True
        memory_size_input = mem_size
        memory_size_output = 0
        rtmemory.initialize(sample.dtype, memory_size_input,
        rtmemory.input = sample_start[::-1]

    # make an array of the right dimension
    x = np.empty(len(sample) + mem_size, dtype=sample.dtype)
    # fill it up partly with the memory, partly with the new data
    x[0:mem_size] = rtmemory.input[:]
    x[mem_size:] = sample[:]

    # do the sliding window kurtosis
    windows = _window(x, npts)
    i = 0
    for w in windows:
        k_array[i, 0:npts] = w
        i = i + 1
    xout = ss.kurtosis(k_array, axis=1)

    # put new data into memory for next trace


    return xout
Beispiel #11
def convolve(trace, conv_signal=None, rtmemory_list=None):
    Convolve data with a (complex) signal (conv_signal). 

    Note that the signal length should be odd. For a signal of (2N+1) points,
    the resulting output trace will be time shifted by -N*dt where dt is the
    sampling rate of the trace. You may want to consider shifting the trace
    starttime by the same amount before appending to this RtTrace ::

        tshift = N*dt
        tr.stats.starttime -= tshift

    :type trace: :class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace`
    :param trace: :class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace` object to append to this RtTrace
    :type conv_signal: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional
    :param conv_signal: signal with which to perform convolution
    :type rtmemory_list: list of :class:`~obspy.realtime.rtmemory.RtMemory`, optional
    :param rtmemory_list: Persistent memory used by this process for specified trace
    :rtype: Numpy :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    :return: Processed trace data from appended Trace object

    if not isinstance(trace, Trace):
        msg = "Trace parameter must be an obspy.core.trace.Trace object."
        raise ValueError(msg)

    if conv_signal == None:
        return trace

    if not rtmemory_list:
        rtmemory_list = [RtMemory()]

    # deal with case of empty trace
    sample =
    if np.size(sample) < 1:
        return sample

    flen = len(conv_signal)
    flen2 = (flen - 1) / 2
    mem_size = 3 * flen2 + 1

    rtmemory = rtmemory_list[0]
    if not rtmemory.initialized:
        first_trace = True
        memory_size_input = mem_size
        memory_size_output = 0
        rtmemory.initialize(sample.dtype, memory_size_input,\
                                memory_size_output, 0, 0)

    # make an array of the right dimension
    x = np.empty(len(sample) + mem_size, dtype=complex)
    # fill it up partly with the memory, partly with the new data
    x[0:mem_size] = rtmemory.input[:]
    x[mem_size:] = sample[:]

    # do the convolution
    x_new = np.real(np.convolve(x, conv_signal, 'same'))
    i_start = mem_size - flen2
    i_end = i_start + len(sample)

    # put new data into memory for next trace


    return x_new[i_start:i_end]
Beispiel #12
def dx2(trace, win=1.0, rtmemory_list=None):
    Calculate recursive variance. C is a scaling constant

    if not isinstance(trace, Trace):
        msg = "Trace parameter must be an obspy.core.trace.Trace object."
        raise ValueError(msg)

    # if this is the first appended trace, the rtmemory_list will be None
    if not rtmemory_list:
        rtmemory_list = [RtMemory(), RtMemory()]

    # deal with case of empty trace
    # are going to need double precision here
    sample ='float64')
    if np.size(sample) < 1:
        return sample

    # get simple info from trace
    npts = len(sample)
    dt =

    # prepare the output array
    dx2 = np.empty(npts, sample.dtype)

    # prepare the rt memory
    rtmemory_mu1 = rtmemory_list[0]
    rtmemory_mu2 = rtmemory_list[1]

    if not rtmemory_mu1.initialized:
        memory_size_input = 1
        memory_size_output = 0
        rtmemory_mu1.initialize(sample.dtype, memory_size_input,\
                                memory_size_output, 0, 0)

    if not rtmemory_mu2.initialized:
        memory_size_input = 1
        memory_size_output = 0
        rtmemory_mu2.initialize(sample.dtype, memory_size_input,\
                                memory_size_output, sample[0]*sample[0], 0)
    # initialize from memory

    mu1_last = rtmemory_mu1.input[0]
    mu2_last = rtmemory_mu2.input[0]

    C1 = dt / float(win)
    a1 = 1.0 - C1
    C2 = (1.0 - a1 * a1) / 2.0

    # do recursive mean
    for i in xrange(npts):
        mu1 = a1 * mu1_last + C1 * sample[i]
        mu1_last = mu1
        dx2[i] = (sample[i] - mu1_last) * (sample[i] - mu1_last)
        mu2 = a1 * mu2_last + C2 * dx2[i]
        dx2[i] = dx2[i] / mu2_last
        mu2_last = mu2

    # save to memory
    rtmemory_mu1.input[0] = mu1_last
    rtmemory_mu2.input[0] = mu2_last

    return dx2