Beispiel #1
def weighted_average_slopes(data, old_start, old_dt, new_start, new_dt,
                            new_npts, *args, **kwargs):
    Implements the weighted average slopes interpolation scheme proposed in
    [Wiggins1976]_ for evenly sampled data. The scheme guarantees that there
    will be no additional extrema after the interpolation in contrast to
    spline interpolation.

    The slope :math:`s_i` at each knot is given by a weighted average of the
    adjacent linear slopes :math:`m_i` and :math:`m_{i+j}`:

    .. math::

        s_i = (w_i m_i + w_{i+1} m_{i+1}) / (w_i + w_{i+1})


    .. math::

        w = 1 / max \left\{ \left\| m_i \\right\|, \epsilon \\right\}

    The value at each data point and the slope are then plugged into a
    piecewise continuous cubic polynomial used to evaluate the interpolated
    sample points.

    :type data: array_like
    :param data: Array to interpolate.
    :type old_start: float
    :param old_start: The start of the array as a number.
    :type old_start: float
    :param old_dt: The time delta of the current array.
    :type new_start: float
    :param new_start: The start of the interpolated array. Must be greater
        or equal to the current start of the array.
    :type new_dt: float
    :param new_dt: The desired new time delta.
    :type new_npts: int
    :param new_npts: The new number of samples.
    old_end, new_end = _validate_parameters(data, old_start, old_dt,
                                            new_start, new_dt, new_npts)
    # In almost all cases the unit will be in time.
    new_time_array = np.linspace(new_start, new_end, new_npts)

    m = np.diff(data) / old_dt
    w = np.abs(m)
    w = 1.0 / np.clip(w, np.spacing(1), w.max())

    slope = np.empty(len(data), dtype=np.float64)
    slope[0] = m[0]
    slope[1:-1] = (w[:-1] * m[:-1] + w[1:] * m[1:]) / (w[:-1] + w[1:])
    slope[-1] = m[-1]

    # If m_i and m_{i+1} have opposite signs then set the slope to zero.
    # This forces the curve to have extrema at the sample points and not
    # in-between.
    sign_change = np.diff(np.sign(m)).astype(np.bool)
    slope[1:-1][sign_change] = 0.0

    derivatives = np.empty((len(data), 2), dtype=np.float64)
    derivatives[:, 0] = data
    derivatives[:, 1] = slope

    # Create interpolated value using hermite interpolation. In this case
    # it is directly applicable as the first derivatives are known.
    # Using scipy.interpolate.piecewise_polynomial_interpolate() is too
    # memory intensive
    return_data = np.empty(len(new_time_array), dtype=np.float64)
    clibsignal.hermite_interpolation(data, slope, new_time_array, return_data,
                                     len(data), len(return_data), old_dt,
    return return_data
Beispiel #2
def weighted_average_slopes(data, old_start, old_dt, new_start, new_dt,
                            new_npts, *args, **kwargs):
    Implements the weighted average slopes interpolation scheme proposed in
    [Wiggins1976]_ for evenly sampled data. The scheme guarantees that there
    will be no additional extrema after the interpolation in contrast to
    spline interpolation.

    The slope :math:`s_i` at each knot is given by a weighted average of the
    adjacent linear slopes :math:`m_i` and :math:`m_{i+j}`:

    .. math::

        s_i = (w_i m_i + w_{i+1} m_{i+1}) / (w_i + w_{i+1})


    .. math::

        w = 1 / max \left\{ \left\| m_i \\right\|, \epsilon \\right\}

    The value at each data point and the slope are then plugged into a
    piecewise continuous cubic polynomial used to evaluate the interpolated
    sample points.

    :type data: array_like
    :param data: Array to interpolate.
    :type old_start: float
    :param old_start: The start of the array as a number.
    :type old_start: float
    :param old_dt: The time delta of the current array.
    :type new_start: float
    :param new_start: The start of the interpolated array. Must be greater
        or equal to the current start of the array.
    :type new_dt: float
    :param new_dt: The desired new time delta.
    :type new_npts: int
    :param new_npts: The new number of samples.
    old_end, new_end = _validate_parameters(data, old_start, old_dt, new_start,
                                            new_dt, new_npts)
    # In almost all cases the unit will be in time.
    new_time_array = np.linspace(new_start, new_end, new_npts)

    m = np.diff(data) / old_dt
    w = np.abs(m)
    w = 1.0 / np.clip(w, np.spacing(1), w.max())

    slope = np.empty(len(data), dtype=np.float64)
    slope[0] = m[0]
    slope[1:-1] = (w[:-1] * m[:-1] + w[1:] * m[1:]) / (w[:-1] + w[1:])
    slope[-1] = m[-1]

    # If m_i and m_{i+1} have opposite signs then set the slope to zero.
    # This forces the curve to have extrema at the sample points and not
    # in-between.
    sign_change = np.diff(np.sign(m)).astype(np.bool)
    slope[1:-1][sign_change] = 0.0

    derivatives = np.empty((len(data), 2), dtype=np.float64)
    derivatives[:, 0] = data
    derivatives[:, 1] = slope

    # Create interpolated value using hermite interpolation. In this case
    # it is directly applicable as the first derivatives are known.
    # Using scipy.interpolate.piecewise_polynomial_interpolate() is too
    # memory intensive
    return_data = np.empty(len(new_time_array), dtype=np.float64)
    clibsignal.hermite_interpolation(data, slope, new_time_array, return_data,
                                     len(data), len(return_data), old_dt,
    return return_data