def startCountClick(props, prop):
    global itemSource
    global xCoord
    global yCoord
    global Debug_Mode
    global jsonItemData
    global imagePath
    global imageName
    global widthCount
    global heightCount

    if (obs.obs_frontend_preview_program_mode_active()):
        sceneSource = obs.obs_frontend_get_current_preview_scene()
        sceneSource = obs.obs_frontend_get_current_scene()
    sceneWidth = obs.obs_source_get_width(sceneSource)
    sceneHeight = obs.obs_source_get_height(sceneSource)

    xWidth = math.ceil(sceneWidth / widthCount)
    yHeight = math.ceil(sceneHeight / heightCount)
    blankImage = np.zeros(shape=[yHeight, xWidth, 4], dtype=np.uint8)
    cv2.rectangle(blankImage, (0, 0), (xWidth, yHeight), (169, 169, 169, 255),

    if (os.path.isfile(imagePath + imageName)):
        os.remove(imagePath + imageName)

    cv2.imwrite(imagePath + imageName, blankImage)
    if Debug_Mode:
        print(imagePath + imageName)

    gridWidth = 0
    gridHeight = 0
    scene = obs.obs_scene_from_source(sceneSource)
    itemData = obs.obs_data_create_from_json(jsonItemData)
    itemSource = obs.obs_load_source(itemData)

    vec2 = obs.vec2()
    position = 0
    if itemSource != None:
        item = obs.obs_scene_find_source(scene, "OBSWindowGridItem")
        while item != None:
            item = obs.obs_scene_find_source(scene, "OBSWindowGridItem")

        vec2.y = 0
        while gridHeight < sceneHeight:
            gridWidth = 0
            vec2.x = 0
            while gridWidth < sceneWidth:
                newItem = obs.obs_scene_add(scene, itemSource)
                obs.obs_sceneitem_set_pos(newItem, vec2)
                obs.obs_sceneitem_set_locked(newItem, True)
                obs.obs_sceneitem_set_order_position(newItem, position)
                position += 1
                vec2.x += xWidth
                gridWidth += xWidth
            vec2.y += yHeight
            gridHeight += yHeight
def script_load(settings):
    s = S.obs_data_create_from_json(JSON_DATA)

    a = S.obs_data_get_array(s, ID)
    h = S.obs_hotkey_register_frontend(ID, ID, on_obs_key_1)
    S.obs_hotkey_load(h, a)

def hook(obs_htk_id, htk_id, callback):
    json_data = '{"%s":[{"key":"%s"}]}' % (htk_id, obs_htk_id)
    s = S.obs_data_create_from_json(json_data)

    a = S.obs_data_get_array(s, htk_id)
    h = S.obs_hotkey_register_frontend(htk_id, obs_htk_id, callback)
    S.obs_hotkey_load(h, a)

    def get_properties(self):
        print("PythonManager get_properties")
        self.liveSource = True

        self.props = libobs.obs_properties_create()

        #need to load from the save file or new python managers will wipe our scripts
        data = open_json_config_file("PythonScripts.json")
        obsdata = libobs.obs_data_create_from_json(json.dumps(data))
        libobs.obs_source_update(self.source, obsdata)

        scriptFiles = libobs.obs_properties_add_editable_list(
            self.props, "ScriptFiles", "PythonScriptFiles", True, "*.py",

        libobs.obs_properties_apply_settings(self.props, obsdata)

        return self.props