# read and estimate observables
                    #print folder + '/' + lc_name_template
                    lc_name = glob.glob(folder + '/' + lc_name_template)[0]

                    # get flux
                    time, flux = np.loadtxt(lc_name, dtype=(np.float, np.float),
                        usecols=(1, 2), unpack=True)

                    # Scale the light curve so that the mean level is one.
                    flux /= np.median(flux)
                    #pl.step(time, flux, where='mid')

                    # estimate event properties
                    eep = EEP(time, flux)
                    results = eep.get_params()

                    # Cut flux with three times of the event width.
                    # At least 1 seconds.
                    width = max(results[0] * 3., 1.)
                    # 3 times of the width. The data point at zero time
                    # must be centered.
                    half_width = int((width / 2.) / 0.05)
                    center_index = np.searchsorted(time, results[3])
                    #print half_width, center_index
                    # This make always the number of data points "odd".
                    flux_cut = flux[max(center_index - half_width, 0):
                                    min(center_index + half_width + 1, len(flux))]
Beispiel #2
    b = rows[0][4]
    t = 0.0
    a = rows[0][5]
    d = rows[0][6]

    print rows[0][7], rows[0][8], rows[0][9]

    # gen_lc = generate_event_lc(rows[0][tel], np.inf)
    time = np.arange(len(rows[0][tel])) / 120.0
    time -= np.median(time)
    pl.figure(figsize=(16, 6))

    pl.step(time, rows[0][tel], "bx", where="mid")
    eep = EEP(time, rows[0][tel])
    # eep.estimate()

    v = pl.axis()
    x = np.linspace(v[0], v[1], 1000)
    # y = eep.gaussian_step(eep.p1, x)
    # pl.plot(x, y, 'r-')
    pl.ylabel("Scaled flux")

    # print eep.p1, len(eep.flux), eep.get_params()

    # From file.
    folder = "/Users/kim/Server/taos2/taos_lc/a%06.1fau_d%04.1fkm" % (a, d)
    lc_name_template = "TEL%d_bzero%06.3fomega_tzero%06.3fms_*_a%06.1fau_d%04.1fkm_*.lcv" % (tel, b, t, a, d)
    # Read and estimate observables
        for i in range(10):
            logger.info('\t%dth search..' % (i + 1))
            # Select one random event (three light curves).
            results, c_id = select_random(conn)

            # Add noise to the selected event.
            #Also, make the light curves having 200 data points.
            # 20 Hz time sampling. Centered at zero.
            #print len(results['flux_a']), len(results['flux_b']), len(results['flux_c'])
            results['flux_a'] = add_noise(results['flux_a'], SNRs[m])
            results['flux_b'] = add_noise(results['flux_b'], SNRs[m])
            results['flux_c'] = add_noise(results['flux_c'], SNRs[m])

            # Estimate observables for each light curve.
            eep = EEP(results['time_a'], results['flux_a'])
            a_eep = eep.get_params()
            width = max(a_eep[0] * 3., 1.)
            half_width = int((width / 2.) / 0.05)
            center_index = np.searchsorted(results['time_a'], a_eep[3])
            start_index = center_index - half_width
            end_index = center_index + half_width + 1
            #start_index = max(center_index - half_width, 0)
            #end_index = min(center_index + half_width + 1, len(results['flux_a']))
            results['flux_a'] = results['flux_a'][start_index:end_index]
            results['time_a'] = results['time_a'][start_index:end_index]

            eep = EEP(results['time_b'], results['flux_b'])
            b_eep = eep.get_params()
                # Binning and add noise to the selected event.
                for tel in tels:
                    # Binning, with offset 0.
                    results['flux_%d' % tel] = \
                        binning(results['flux_%d' % tel], 0, b_bin_steps)
                    results['time_%d' % tel] = \
                        binning(results['time_%d' % tel], 0, b_bin_steps)

                    # Add noise.
                    results['flux_%d' % tel] = \
                        add_noise(results['flux_%d' % tel], SNRs[m])

                # Estimate observables for each light curve.
                for tel in tels:
                    eep = EEP(results['time_%d' % tel], results['flux_%d' % tel])
                    results['eep_%d' % tel] = eep.get_params()

                    width = max(results['eep_%d' % tel][0] * 3., 0.4)
                    half_width = int((width / 2.) * base_sampling)
                    center_index = np.searchsorted(results['time_%d' % tel],
                                                   results['eep_%d' % tel][3])
                    results['flux_%d' % tel] = \
                        results['flux_%d' % tel] \
                        [max(center_index - half_width, 0):
                         min(center_index + half_width + 1,
                             len(results['flux_%d' % tel]))]
                    results['time_%d' % tel] = \
                        results['time_%d' % tel] \
                        [max(center_index - half_width, 0):