def test_populate_escapes_semicolons(self):
     provider = PowerDnsProvider('test', 'non.existant', 'api-key')
     zone = Zone('unit.tests.', [])
     with requests_mock() as mock:
         mock.get(ANY, status_code=200, text=FULL_TEXT)
     txts = [r for r in zone.records if isinstance(r, TxtRecord)]
         'p=A/kinda+of/long/string+with+numb3rs', txts[0].values[2])
    def test_provider(self):
        provider = PowerDnsProvider('test',
                                    nameserver_values=['', ''])

        # Bad auth
        with requests_mock() as mock:
            mock.get(ANY, status_code=401, text='Unauthorized')

            with self.assertRaises(Exception) as ctx:
                zone = Zone('unit.tests.', [])
            self.assertTrue('unauthorized' in text_type(ctx.exception))

        # General error
        with requests_mock() as mock:
            mock.get(ANY, status_code=502, text='Things caught fire')

            with self.assertRaises(HTTPError) as ctx:
                zone = Zone('unit.tests.', [])
            self.assertEquals(502, ctx.exception.response.status_code)

        # Non-existent zone doesn't populate anything
        with requests_mock() as mock:
                     json={'error': "Could not find domain 'unit.tests.'"})

            zone = Zone('unit.tests.', [])
            self.assertEquals(set(), zone.records)

        # The rest of this is messy/complicated b/c it's dealing with mocking

        expected = Zone('unit.tests.', [])
        source = YamlProvider('test', join(dirname(__file__), 'config'))
        expected_n = len(expected.records) - 2
        self.assertEquals(16, expected_n)

        # No diffs == no changes
        with requests_mock() as mock:
            mock.get(ANY, status_code=200, text=FULL_TEXT)

            zone = Zone('unit.tests.', [])
            self.assertEquals(16, len(zone.records))
            changes = expected.changes(zone, provider)
            self.assertEquals(0, len(changes))

        # Used in a minute
        def assert_rrsets_callback(request, context):
            data = loads(request.body)
            self.assertEquals(expected_n, len(data['rrsets']))
            return ''

        # No existing records -> creates for every record in expected
        with requests_mock() as mock:
            mock.get(ANY, status_code=200, text=EMPTY_TEXT)
            # post 201, is response to the create with data
            mock.patch(ANY, status_code=201, text=assert_rrsets_callback)

            plan = provider.plan(expected)
            self.assertEquals(expected_n, len(plan.changes))
            self.assertEquals(expected_n, provider.apply(plan))

        # Non-existent zone -> creates for every record in expected
        # OMG this is f*****g ugly, probably better to ditch requests_mocks and
        # just mock things for real as it doesn't seem to provide a way to get
        # at the request params or verify that things were called from what I
        # can tell
        not_found = {'error': "Could not find domain 'unit.tests.'"}
        with requests_mock() as mock:
            # get 422's, unknown zone
            mock.get(ANY, status_code=422, text='')
            # patch 422's, unknown zone
            mock.patch(ANY, status_code=422, text=dumps(not_found))
            # post 201, is response to the create with data
  , status_code=201, text=assert_rrsets_callback)

            plan = provider.plan(expected)
            self.assertEquals(expected_n, len(plan.changes))
            self.assertEquals(expected_n, provider.apply(plan))

        with requests_mock() as mock:
            # get 422's, unknown zone
            mock.get(ANY, status_code=422, text='')
            # patch 422's,
            data = {'error': "Key 'name' not present or not a String"}
            mock.patch(ANY, status_code=422, text=dumps(data))

            with self.assertRaises(HTTPError) as ctx:
                plan = provider.plan(expected)
            response = ctx.exception.response
            self.assertEquals(422, response.status_code)
            self.assertTrue('error' in response.json())

        with requests_mock() as mock:
            # get 422's, unknown zone
            mock.get(ANY, status_code=422, text='')
            # patch 500's, things just blew up
            mock.patch(ANY, status_code=500, text='')

            with self.assertRaises(HTTPError):
                plan = provider.plan(expected)

        with requests_mock() as mock:
            # get 422's, unknown zone
            mock.get(ANY, status_code=422, text='')
            # patch 500's, things just blew up
            mock.patch(ANY, status_code=422, text=dumps(not_found))
            # post 422's, something wrong with create
  , status_code=422, text='Hello Word!')

            with self.assertRaises(HTTPError):
                plan = provider.plan(expected)