def initializeOculusRift(self): """ This function initializes the Oculus Rift device and retrieves the device information and starts the sensor. """ # Initialize the LibOVR (Oculus Rift SDK) oculusvr.ovr_Initialize() # Create an HMD device object using the first available HMD available self.HMD= oculusvr.ovrHmd_Create(0) # Check if there is no active device # If there is no active device initialize the debug mode if not self.HMD: self.HMD=oculusvr.ovrHmd_CreateDebug(True) # get more details about the device in the HMDDesc object # struct_ovrHmdDesc_ is eqaul to ovrHmdDesc of Oculus Rift C API self.HMDDesc=oculusvr.struct_ovrHmdDesc_() oculusvr.ovrHmd_GetDesc(self.HMD, oculusvr.byref(self.HMDDesc)) # Start the sensor if possible self.isSensorEnabled_ = oculusvr.ovrHmd_StartSensor(self.HMD, oculusvr.ovrSensorCap_Orientation | oculusvr.ovrSensorCap_YawCorrection, oculusvr.ovrSensorCap_Orientation)
def Render(self,graphContext,graphCanvas): """ This function is called by the GraphCanvas object of Gluskap to render each frame :param graphContext: The GraphContext object used to draw the graph """ # If rendering the first frame store the graphContext Object, load the first graph and remove Gluskap textures if self.isFirstRender_: self.isFirstRender_=False self.graphContext_=graphContext self.saveTextures() self.removeTextures() self.gotoNextGraph() # Check the gamepad status and apply it to camera self.applyGamePad( # Begin the Oculus Rift frame oculusvr.ovrHmd_BeginFrame(self.HMD,0) glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, self.FrameBufferID) # Bind the frame buffer glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) for eye in range(0,2): eyeType=self.HMDDesc.EyeRenderOrder[eye] # Get the projection matrix projectionMatrix=oculusvr.ovrMatrix4f_Projection(self.HMDDesc.DefaultEyeFov[eyeType],1.0, 700.0, '\x01') # Apply the projection matrix glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) glLoadMatrixf(projectionMatrix.toList()) # Start the eye render and grab the sensor data in eyePose eyePose=oculusvr.ovrHmd_BeginEyeRender(self.HMD,eyeType) # Roatate the Gluskap camera based on Oculus Rift sensor data self.rotateCamera(,eyePose) eyeTexture=self.EyeTextures[eyeType] # Configure the viewport glViewport(eyeTexture.RenderViewport.Pos.x, eyeTexture.RenderViewport.Pos.y, eyeTexture.RenderViewport.Size.w, eyeTexture.RenderViewport.Size.h) if self.isPrintMessageStarted_: self.drawMessage("Printing...") elif self.isLoadingMessageStarted_: self.drawMessage("Loading...") else: # Draw the graph using Gluskap's drawing engine graphContext.draw() oculusvr.ovrHmd_EndEyeRender(self.HMD,eyeType,eyePose,oculusvr.byref(eyeTexture)) glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0) # Unbind the frame buffer graphCanvas.SwapBuffers() oculusvr.ovrHmd_EndFrame(self.HMD)