Beispiel #1
def _DoAlignSpot(future, ccd, stage, escan, focus, type, dfbkg, rng_f):
    Adjusts settings until we have a clear and well focused optical spot image,
    detects the spot and manipulates the stage so as to move the spot center to
    the optical image center. If no spot alignment is achieved an exception is
    future (model.ProgressiveFuture): Progressive future provided by the wrapper
    ccd (model.DigitalCamera): The CCD
    stage (model.Actuator): The stage
    escan (model.Emitter): The e-beam scanner
    focus (model.Actuator): The optical focus
    type (string): Type of move in order to align
    dfbkg (model.DataFlow): dataflow of se- or bs- detector
    rng_f (tuple of floats): range to apply Autofocus on if needed
    returns (float):    Final distance to the center #m
            CancelledError() if cancelled
    init_binning = ccd.binning.value
    init_et = ccd.exposureTime.value
    init_cres = ccd.resolution.value
    init_scale = escan.scale.value
    init_eres = escan.resolution.value

    # TODO: allow to pass the precision as argument. As for the Delphi, we don't
    # need such an accuracy on the alignment (as it's just for twin stage calibration).

    # TODO: take logpath as argument, to store images later on

    logging.debug("Starting Spot alignment...")
        if future._task_state == CANCELLED:
            raise CancelledError()

        # Configure CCD and set ebeam to spot mode
        logging.debug("Configure CCD and set ebeam to spot mode...")
        ccd.binning.value = ccd.binning.clip((2, 2))
        ccd.resolution.value = ccd.resolution.range[1]
        ccd.exposureTime.value = 0.3
        escan.scale.value = (1, 1)
        escan.resolution.value = (1, 1)

        if future._task_state == CANCELLED:
            raise CancelledError()
        logging.debug("Adjust exposure time...")
        if dfbkg is None:
            # Long exposure time to compensate for no background subtraction
            ccd.exposureTime.value = 1.1
            # TODO: all this code to decide whether to pick exposure 0.3 or 1.5?
            # => KISS! Use always 1s... or allow up to 5s?
            # Estimate noise and adjust exposure time based on "Rose criterion"
            image = AcquireNoBackground(ccd, dfbkg)
            snr = MeasureSNR(image)
            while snr < 5 and ccd.exposureTime.value < 1.5:
                ccd.exposureTime.value = ccd.exposureTime.value + 0.2
                image = AcquireNoBackground(ccd, dfbkg)
                snr = MeasureSNR(image)
            logging.debug("Using exposure time of %g s", ccd.exposureTime.value)

        hqet = ccd.exposureTime.value  # exposure time for high-quality (binning == 1x1)
        if ccd.binning.value == (2, 2):
            hqet *= 4  # To compensate for smaller binning

        logging.debug("Trying to find spot...")
        for i in range(3):
            if future._task_state == CANCELLED:
                raise CancelledError()

            if i == 0:
                future._centerspotf = CenterSpot(ccd, stage, escan, ROUGH_MOVE, type, dfbkg)
                dist, vector = future._centerspotf.result()
            elif i == 1:
                logging.debug("Spot not found, auto-focusing...")
                    # When Autofocus set binning 8 if possible, and use exhaustive
                    # method to be sure not to miss the spot.
                    ccd.binning.value = ccd.binning.clip((8, 8))
                    future._autofocusf = autofocus.AutoFocus(ccd, None, focus, dfbkg, rng_focus=rng_f, method=MTD_EXHAUSTIVE)
                    lens_pos, fm_level = future._autofocusf.result()
                    # Update progress of the future
                    future.set_progress(end=time.time() +
                                        estimateAlignmentTime(hqet, dist, 1))
                except IOError as ex:
                    logging.error("Autofocus on spot image failed: %s", ex)
                    raise IOError('Spot alignment failure. AutoFocus failed.')
                logging.debug("Trying again to find spot...")
                future._centerspotf = CenterSpot(ccd, stage, escan, ROUGH_MOVE, type, dfbkg)
                dist, vector = future._centerspotf.result()
            elif i == 2:
                if dfbkg is not None:
                    # In some case background subtraction goes wrong, and makes
                    # things worse, so try without.
                    logging.debug("Trying again to find spot, without background subtraction...")
                    dfbkg = None
                    future._centerspotf = CenterSpot(ccd, stage, escan, ROUGH_MOVE, type, dfbkg)
                    dist, vector = future._centerspotf.result()

            if dist is not None:
            raise IOError('Spot alignment failure. Spot not found')

        ccd.binning.value = (1, 1)
        ccd.exposureTime.value = ccd.exposureTime.clip(hqet)

        # Update progress of the future
        future.set_progress(end=time.time() +
                            estimateAlignmentTime(hqet, dist, 1))
        logging.debug("After rough alignment, spot center is at %s m", vector)

        # Limit FoV to save time
        logging.debug("Cropping FoV...")
        CropFoV(ccd, dfbkg)
        if future._task_state == CANCELLED:
            raise CancelledError()

        # Update progress of the future
        future.set_progress(end=time.time() +
                            estimateAlignmentTime(hqet, dist, 0))

        # Center spot
        if future._task_state == CANCELLED:
            raise CancelledError()
        logging.debug("Aligning spot...")
        future._centerspotf = CenterSpot(ccd, stage, escan, FINE_MOVE, type, dfbkg)
        dist, vector = future._centerspotf.result()
        if dist is None:
            raise IOError('Spot alignment failure. Cannot reach the center.')"After fine alignment, spot center is at %s m", vector)
        return dist, vector
        ccd.binning.value = init_binning
        ccd.exposureTime.value = init_et
        ccd.resolution.value = init_cres
        escan.scale.value = init_scale
        escan.resolution.value = init_eres
        with future._alignment_lock:
            if future._task_state == CANCELLED:
                raise CancelledError()
            future._task_state = FINISHED
Beispiel #2
def main(args):
    Handles the command line arguments
    args is the list of arguments passed
    return (int): value to return to the OS as program exit code
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Measure the needed SEM calibration")

    parser.add_argument("--move", dest="move", action='store_true',
                        help="First to move to the standard location for Delphi calibration on the sample")
    parser.add_argument("--autofocus", "-f", dest="focus", action='store_true',
                        help="Auto focus the SEM image before calibrating")
    options = parser.parse_args(args[1:])

        escan = model.getComponent(role="e-beam")
        bsd = model.getComponent(role="bs-detector")

        # This moves the SEM stage precisely on the hole, as the calibration does it
        if options.move:
            semstage = model.getComponent(role="sem-stage")

        if options.focus:
            efocus = model.getComponent(role="ebeam-focus")
            efocus.moveAbs({"z": delphi.SEM_KNOWN_FOCUS}).result()
            f = autofocus.AutoFocus(bsd, escan, efocus)
            focus, fm_level = f.result()
            print("SEM focused @ %g m" % (focus,))

        logging.debug("Starting Phenom SEM calibration...")

        blank_md = dict.fromkeys(delphi.MD_CALIB_SEM, (0, 0))

        # Compute spot shift percentage
        f = delphi.ScaleShiftFactor(bsd, escan, logpath="./")
        scale_shift = f.result()
        print("Spot shift = %s" % (scale_shift,))

        # Compute HFW-related values
        f = delphi.HFWShiftFactor(bsd, escan, logpath="./")
        hfw_shift = f.result()
        print("HFW shift = %s" % (hfw_shift,))

        # Compute resolution-related values
        f = delphi.ResolutionShiftFactor(bsd, escan, logpath="./")
        resa, resb = f.result()
        print("res A = %s, res B = %s" % (resa, resb))

        # Final metadata, as understood by the phenom driver
        print("Calibration is:\n"
              "RESOLUTION_SLOPE: %s\n"
              "RESOLUTION_INTERCEPT: %s\n"
              "HFW_SLOPE: %s\n"
              "SPOT_SHIFT: %s\n" %
              (resa, resb, hfw_shift, scale_shift)
        calib_md = {
            model.MD_RESOLUTION_SLOPE: resa,
            model.MD_RESOLUTION_INTERCEPT: resb,
            model.MD_HFW_SLOPE: hfw_shift,
            model.MD_SPOT_SHIFT: scale_shift
    except Exception:
        logging.exception("Unexpected error while performing action.")
        return 127

    return 0