Beispiel #1
class TMCM3110(model.Actuator):
    Represents one Trinamic TMCM-3110 controller.
    Note: it must be set to binary communication mode (that's the default).
    def __init__(self, name, role, port, axes, ustepsize, **kwargs):
        port (str): port name (only if sn is not specified)
        axes (list of str): names of the axes, from the 1st to the 3rd.
        ustepsize (list of float): size of a microstep in m  
        inverted (set of str): names of the axes which are inverted (IOW, either
         empty or the name of the axis)
        if len(axes) != 3:
            raise ValueError("Axes must be a list of 3 axis names (got %s)" %
                             (axes, ))
        self._axes_names = axes  # axes names in order

        if len(axes) != len(ustepsize):
            raise ValueError("Expecting %d ustepsize (got %s)" %
                             (len(axes), ustepsize))
        for sz in ustepsize:
            if sz > 10e-3:  # sz is typically ~1µm, so > 1 cm is very fishy
                raise ValueError("ustepsize should be in meter, but got %g" %
                                 (sz, ))
        self._ustepsize = ustepsize

        self._serial = self._openSerialPort(port)
        self._port = port
        self._ser_access = threading.Lock()
        self._target = 1  # TODO: need to be selected by user? When is it not 1?


        modl, vmaj, vmin = self.GetVersion()
        if modl != 3110:
                "Controller TMCM-%d is not supported, will try anyway", modl)
        if name is None and role is None:  # For scan only

        # will take care of executing axis move asynchronously
        self._executor = CancellableThreadPoolExecutor(
            max_workers=1)  # one task at a time

        axes_def = {}
        for n, sz in zip(self._axes_names, self._ustepsize):
            # Mov abs supports ±2³¹ but the actual position is only within ±2²³
            rng = [(-2**23) * sz, (2**23 - 1) * sz]
            # Probably not that much, but there is no info unless the axis has
            # limit switches and we run a referencing
            axes_def[n] = model.Axis(range=rng, unit="m")
        model.Actuator.__init__(self, name, role, axes=axes_def, **kwargs)

        driver_name = driver.getSerialDriver(self._port)
        self._swVersion = "%s (serial driver: %s)" % (odemis.__version__,
        self._hwVersion = "TMCM-%d (firmware %d.%02d)" % (modl, vmaj, vmin)

        self.position = model.VigilantAttribute({}, unit="m", readonly=True)

        # TODO: add support for changing speed. cf p.68: axis param 4 + p.81 + TMC 429 p.6
        self.speed = model.VigilantAttribute({}, unit="m/s", readonly=True)

    def terminate(self):
        if self._executor:
            self._executor = None

        with self._ser_access:
            if self._serial:
                self._serial = None

    # Communication functions

    def _instr_to_str(instr):
        instr (buffer of 9 bytes)
        target, n, typ, mot, val, chk = struct.unpack('>BBBBiB', instr)
        s = "%d, %d, %d, %d, %d (%d)" % (target, n, typ, mot, val, chk)
        return s

    def _reply_to_str(rep):
        rep (buffer of 9 bytes)
        ra, rt, status, rn, rval, chk = struct.unpack('>BBBBiB', rep)
        s = "%d, %d, %d, %d, %d (%d)" % (ra, rt, status, rn, rval, chk)
        return s

    def _resynchonise(self):
        Ensures the device communication is "synchronised"
        with self._ser_access:
            garbage =
            if garbage:
                logging.debug("Received unexpected bytes '%s'", garbage)
            if len(garbage) == 1000:
                # Probably a sign that it's not the device we are expecting
                logging.warning("Lots of garbage sent from device")

            # In case the device has received some data before, resynchronise by
            # sending one byte at a time until we receive a reply.
            # On Ubuntu, when plugging the device, udev automatically checks
            # whether this is a real modem, which messes up everything immediately.
            # As there is no command 0, either we will receive a "wrong command" or
            # a "wrong checksum", but it will never do anything more.
            for i in range(9):  # a message is 9 bytes
                res =
                if len(res) == 9:
                    break  # just got synchronised
                elif len(res) == 0:
                        "Device not answering with a 9 bytes reply: %s", res)
                logging.error("Device not answering to a 9 bytes message")

    def SendInstruction(self, n, typ=0, mot=0, val=0):
        Sends one instruction, and return the reply.
        n (0<=int<=255): instruction ID
        typ (0<=int<=255): instruction type
        mot (0<=int<=255): motor/bank number
        val (0<=int<2**32): value to send
        return (0<=int<2**32): value of the reply (if status is good)
            IOError: if problem with sending/receiving data over the serial port
            TMCLError: if status if bad
        msg = numpy.empty(9, dtype=numpy.uint8)
        struct.pack_into('>BBBBiB', msg, 0, self._target, n, typ, mot, val, 0)
        # compute the checksum (just the sum of all the bytes)
        msg[-1] = numpy.sum(msg[:-1], dtype=numpy.uint8)
        with self._ser_access:
            logging.debug("Sending %s", self._instr_to_str(msg))
            while True:
                res =
                if len(res) < 9:  # TODO: TimeoutError?
                    raise IOError("Received only %d bytes after %s" %
                                  (len(res), self._instr_to_str(msg)))
                logging.debug("Received %s", self._reply_to_str(res))
                ra, rt, status, rn, rval, chk = struct.unpack('>BBBBiB', res)

                # Check it's a valid message
                if rt != self._target:
                        "Received a message from %d while expected %d", rt,
                if rn != n:
                        "Skipping a message about instruction %d (waiting for %d)",
                        rn, n)
                npres = numpy.frombuffer(res, dtype=numpy.uint8)
                good_chk = numpy.sum(npres[:-1], dtype=numpy.uint8)
                if chk != good_chk:
                        "Message checksum incorrect (%d), skipping it", chk)
                if not status in TMCL_OK_STATUS:
                    raise TMCLError(status, rval, self._instr_to_str(msg))

                return rval

    # Low level functions
    def GetVersion(self):
        return (int, int, int): 
             Controller ID: 3110 for the TMCM-3110
             Firmware major version number
             Firmware minor version number
        val = self.SendInstruction(136, 1)  # Ask for binary reply
        cont = val >> 16
        vmaj, vmin = (val & 0xff00) >> 8, (val & 0xff)
        return cont, vmaj, vmin

    def GetAxisParam(self, axis, param):
        Read the axis/parameter setting from the RAM
        axis (0<=int<=2): axis number
        param (0<=int<=255): parameter number
        return (0<=int): the value stored for the given axis/parameter
        val = self.SendInstruction(6, param, axis)
        return val

    def MoveAbsPos(self, axis, pos):
        Requests a move to an absolute position. This is non-blocking.
        axis (0<=int<=2): axis number
        pos (-2**31 <= int 2*31-1): position
        self.SendInstruction(4, 0, axis, pos)  # 0 = absolute

    def MoveRelPos(self, axis, offset):
        Requests a move to a relative position. This is non-blocking.
        axis (0<=int<=2): axis number
        offset (-2**31 <= int 2*31-1): relative postion
        self.SendInstruction(4, 1, axis, offset)  # 1 = relative

    def MotorStop(self, axis):
        self.SendInstruction(3, mot=axis)

    def ReferenceSearch(self, axis):
        self.SendInstruction(13, 0, axis)  # 0 = start

    def _isOnTarget(self, axis):
        return (bool): True if the target position is reached
        reached = self.GetAxisParam(axis, 8)
        return (reached != 0)

    # high-level methods (interface)
    def _updatePosition(self):
        update the position VA
        # TODO: allow to specify which axes to update (and other axes keep the current position)
        pos = {}
        for i, n in enumerate(self._axes_names):
            # param 1 = current position
            pos[n] = self.GetAxisParam(i, 1) * self._ustepsize[i]

        # it's read-only, so we change it via _value
        self.position._value = pos

    def _updateSpeed(self):
        Update the speed VA from the controller settings
        speed = {}
        # As described in section 3.4.1:
        #       fCLK * velocity
        # usf = ------------------------
        #       2**pulse_div * 2048 * 32
        for i, n in enumerate(self._axes_names):
            velocity = self.GetAxisParam(i, 4)
            pulse_div = self.GetAxisParam(i, 154)
            # fCLK = 16 MHz
            usf = (16e6 * velocity) / (2**pulse_div * 2048 * 32)
            speed[n] = usf * self._ustepsize[i]  # m/s

        # it's read-only, so we change it via _value
        self.speed._value = speed

    def _createFuture(self):
        Return (CancellableFuture): a future that can be used to manage a move
        f = CancellableFuture()
        f._moving_lock = threading.Lock()  # taken while moving
        f._must_stop = threading.Event(
        )  # cancel of the current future requested
        f._was_stopped = threading.Event()  # if cancel was successful
        f.task_canceller = self._cancelCurrentMove
        return f

    def moveRel(self, shift):
        shift = self._applyInversionRel(shift)

        # Check if the distance is big enough to make sense
        for an, v in shift.items():
            aid = self._axes_names.index(an)
            if abs(v) < self._ustepsize[aid]:
                # TODO: store and accumulate all the small moves instead of dropping them?
                del shift[an]
      "Dropped too small move of %f m", abs(v))

        if not shift:
            return model.InstantaneousFuture()

        f = self._createFuture()
        f = self._executor.submitf(f, self._doMoveRel, f, shift)
        return f

    def moveAbs(self, pos):
        if not pos:
            return model.InstantaneousFuture()
        pos = self._applyInversionRel(pos)

        f = self._createFuture()
        f = self._executor.submitf(f, self._doMoveAbs, f, pos)
        return f

    moveAbs.__doc__ = model.Actuator.moveAbs.__doc__

    def stop(self, axes=None):

    def _doMoveRel(self, future, pos):
        Blocking and cancellable relative move
        pos (dict str -> float): axis name -> relative target position
        with future._moving_lock:
            end = 0  # expected end
            moving_axes = set()
            for an, v in pos.items():
                aid = self._axes_names.index(an)
                usteps = int(round(v / self._ustepsize[aid]))
                self.MoveRelPos(aid, usteps)
                # compute expected end
                dur = abs(usteps) * self._ustepsize[aid] / self.speed.value[an]
                end = max(time.time() + dur, end)

            self._waitEndMove(future, moving_axes, end)
        logging.debug("move successfully completed")

    def _doMoveAbs(self, future, pos):
        Blocking and cancellable absolute move
        pos (dict str -> float): axis name -> absolute target position
        with future._moving_lock:
            end = 0  # expected end
            old_pos = self.position.value
            moving_axes = set()
            for an, v in pos.items():
                aid = self._axes_names.index(an)
                usteps = int(round(v / self._ustepsize[aid]))
                self.MoveAbsPos(aid, usteps)
                # compute expected end
                dur = abs(v - old_pos[an]) / self.speed.value[an]
                end = max(time.time() + dur, end)

            self._waitEndMove(future, moving_axes, end)
        logging.debug("move successfully completed")

    def _waitEndMove(self, future, axes, end=0):
        Wait until all the given axes are finished moving, or a request to 
        stop has been received.
        axes (set of int): the axes IDs to check
        end (float): expected end time
            CancelledError: if cancelled before the end of the move
        moving_axes = set(axes)

        last_upd = time.time()
            while not future._must_stop.is_set():
                for aid in moving_axes.copy(
                ):  # need copy to remove during iteration
                    if self._isOnTarget(aid):
                if not moving_axes:
                    # no more axes to wait for

                # Update the position from time to time (10 Hz)
                if time.time() - last_upd > 0.1:
                    )  # TODO: only update the axes which moved since last time
                    last_upd = time.time()

                # Wait half of the time left (maximum 0.1 s)
                left = end - time.time()
                sleept = max(0, min(left / 2, 0.1))

            logging.debug("Move of axes %s cancelled before the end", axes)
            # stop all axes still moving them
            for i in moving_axes:
            raise CancelledError()
            self._updatePosition()  # update with final position

    def _cancelCurrentMove(self, future):
        Cancels the current move (both absolute or relative). Non-blocking.
        future (Future): the future to stop. Unused, only one future must be 
         running at a time.
        return (bool): True if it successfully cancelled (stopped) the move.
        # The difficulty is to synchronise correctly when:
        #  * the task is just starting (not finished requesting axes to move)
        #  * the task is finishing (about to say that it finished successfully)
        logging.debug("Cancelling current move")

        )  # tell the thread taking care of the move it's over
        with future._moving_lock:
            if future._was_stopped.is_set():
                return True
                logging.debug("Cancelling failed")
                return False

    def _openSerialPort(port):
        Opens the given serial port the right way for a Thorlabs APT device.
        port (string): the name of the serial port (e.g., /dev/ttyUSB0)
        return (serial): the opened serial port
        # For debugging purpose
        if port == "/dev/fake":
            return TMCM3110Simulator(timeout=0.1)

        ser = serial.Serial(
            baudrate=9600,  # TODO: can be changed by RS485 setting p.85?
            timeout=0.1  # s

        return ser

    def scan(cls):
        returns (list of 2-tuple): name, args (sn)
        Note: it's obviously not advised to call this function if a device is already under use
        # TODO: use (but only availabe in pySerial 2.6)
        if == "nt":
            ports = ["COM" + str(n) for n in range(0, 8)]
            ports = glob.glob('/dev/ttyACM?*')"Scanning for TMCM controllers in progress...")
        found = []  # (list of 2-tuple): name, args (port, axes(channel -> CL?)
        for p in ports:
                logging.debug("Trying port %s", p)
                dev = cls(None,
                          axes=["x", "y", "z"],
                          ustepsize=[1e-6, 1e-6, 1e-6])
                modl, vmaj, vmin = dev.GetVersion()
            except (serial.SerialException, IOError):
                # not possible to use this port? next one!
            except Exception:
                logging.exception("Error while communicating with port %s", p)

            found.append(("TMCM-%s" % modl, {
                "port": p,
                "axes": ["x", "y", "z"],
                "ustepsize": [1e-6, 1e-6, 1e-6]

        return found
Beispiel #2
class TestExecutor(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.executor = None

    def tearDown(self):
        if self.executor:

    def test_one_cancellable(self):
        Test cancelling multiple cancellable futures running one at a time
        self.executor = CancellableThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1)

        self.called = 0
        # Put several long task, and cancel all of them
        fs = []
        for i in range(20):
            f = CancellableFuture()
            f.task_canceller = self._canceller
            f._must_stop = threading.Event()
            f = self.executor.submitf(f, self._cancellable_task, f, 3 + i)

        self.assertEquals(self.called, 20)
        for f in fs:
            self.assertRaises(CancelledError, f.result)

    def test_multiple_simple(self):
        Try to cancel multiple running simple futures
        self.executor = CancellableThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10)

        # Put several long task, and cancel all of them
        fs = []
        for i in range(20):
            f = self.executor.submit(self._task, 3 + i)
        cancelled = 0
        for f in fs:
            if f.cancelled():
                cancelled += 1
                self.assertRaises(CancelledError, f.result)
                self.assertGreaterEqual(f.result(), 1) # should be a number

        self.assertGreaterEqual(cancelled, 10)

    def _task(self, dur):
        return dur

    def test_multiple_cancellable(self):
        Try to cancel multiple running cancellable futures
        self.executor = CancellableThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10)

        # Put several long task, and cancel all of them
        fs = []
        for i in range(20):
            f = CancellableFuture()
            f.task_canceller = self._canceller
            f._must_stop = threading.Event()
            f = self.executor.submitf(f, self._cancellable_task, f, 3 + i)
        for f in fs:
            self.assertRaises(CancelledError, f.result)

    def _cancellable_task(self, future, dur=0):
        Fake task
        dur (float): time to wait
        return (float): dur
        now = time.time()
        end = now + dur
        while now < end:
            left = end - now
            ms = future._must_stop.wait(max(0, left))
            if ms:
                raise CancelledError()
            now = time.time()
        return dur

    def _canceller(self, future):
        # for now we assume cancel is always successful
        return True

    def _on_end_task(self, future):
        self.called += 1
Beispiel #3
class TestExecutor(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.executor = None

    def tearDown(self):
        if self.executor:

    def test_one_cancellable(self):
        Test cancelling multiple cancellable futures running one at a time
        self.executor = CancellableThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1)

        self.called = 0
        # Put several long task, and cancel all of them
        fs = []
        for i in range(20):
            f = CancellableFuture()
            f.task_canceller = self._canceller
            f._must_stop = threading.Event()
            f = self.executor.submitf(f, self._cancellable_task, f, 3 + i)

        self.assertEquals(self.called, 20)
        for f in fs:
            self.assertRaises(CancelledError, f.result)

    def test_multiple_simple(self):
        Try to cancel multiple running simple futures
        self.executor = CancellableThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10)

        # Put several long task, and cancel all of them
        fs = []
        for i in range(20):
            f = self.executor.submit(self._task, 3 + i)
        cancelled = 0
        for f in fs:
            if f.cancelled():
                cancelled += 1
                self.assertRaises(CancelledError, f.result)
                self.assertGreaterEqual(f.result(), 1)  # should be a number

        self.assertGreaterEqual(cancelled, 10)

    def _task(self, dur):
        return dur

    def test_multiple_cancellable(self):
        Try to cancel multiple running cancellable futures
        self.executor = CancellableThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10)

        # Put several long task, and cancel all of them
        fs = []
        for i in range(20):
            f = CancellableFuture()
            f.task_canceller = self._canceller
            f._must_stop = threading.Event()
            f = self.executor.submitf(f, self._cancellable_task, f, 3 + i)
        for f in fs:
            self.assertRaises(CancelledError, f.result)

    def _cancellable_task(self, future, dur=0):
        Fake task
        dur (float): time to wait
        return (float): dur
        now = time.time()
        end = now + dur
        while now < end:
            left = end - now
            ms = future._must_stop.wait(max(0, left))
            if ms:
                raise CancelledError()
            now = time.time()
        return dur

    def _canceller(self, future):
        # for now we assume cancel is always successful
        return True

    def _on_end_task(self, future):
        self.called += 1