Beispiel #1
    def _preprocessData(self, n, data, i):
        Pre-process the raw data, just after it was received from the detector.
        :param n: (0<=int) The detector/stream index.
        :param data: (DataArray) The data as received from the detector, from _onData(),
                     and with MD_POS updated to the current position of the e-beam.
        :param i: (int, int) The iteration number in X, Y.
        :returns: (value) The value as needed by _assembleFinalData.
        if n != self._ccd_idx:
            return super(SECOMCLSEMMDStream, self)._preprocessData(n, data, i)

        ccd_roi = self.ccd_roi
        data = data[ccd_roi[1]: ccd_roi[3] + 1, ccd_roi[0]: ccd_roi[2] + 1]  # crop

        cpos = self._get_center_pos(data, self.ccd_roi)
        sname = self._streams[n].name.value

        data.metadata[model.MD_DESCRIPTION] = sname
        # update center position of optical image (should be the same for all optical images)
        data.metadata[model.MD_POS] = cpos

        # Hack: To avoid memory issues, we save the optical image immediately after being acquired.
        # Thus, we do not keep all the images in cache until the end of the acquisition.
        fn = self.filename.value
        logging.debug("Will save CL data to %s", fn)
        fn_prefix, fn_ext = os.path.splitext(self.filename.value)

                       xstepsize=self._getPixelSize()[0] * 1e9,
                       ystepsize=self._getPixelSize()[1] * 1e9,
                       xpos=i[1]+1,  # start counting with 1

        # Return something, but not the data to avoid data being cached.
        return model.DataArray(numpy.array([0]))
Beispiel #2
    def test_multiple_tiles(self):

        def getSubData(dast, zoom, rect):
            x1, y1, x2, y2 = rect
            tiles = []
            for x in range(x1, x2 + 1):
                tiles_column = []
                for y in range(y1, y2 + 1):
                    tiles_column.append(dast.getTile(x, y, zoom))
            return tiles

        FILENAME = u"test" + tiff.EXTENSIONS[0]
        POS = (5.0, 7.0)
        size = (2000, 1000)
        md = {
            model.MD_DIMS: 'YX',
            model.MD_POS: POS,
            model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE: (1e-6, 1e-6),
        arr = numpy.arange(size[0] * size[1], dtype=numpy.uint8).reshape(size[::-1])
        data = model.DataArray(arr, metadata=md)

        # export
        tiff.export(FILENAME, data, pyramid=True)

        rdata = tiff.open_data(FILENAME)

        tiles = getSubData(rdata.content[0], 0, (0, 0, 7, 3))
        merged_img = img.mergeTiles(tiles)
        self.assertEqual(merged_img.shape, (1000, 2000))
        self.assertEqual(merged_img.metadata[model.MD_POS], POS)

        tiles = getSubData(rdata.content[0], 0, (0, 0, 3, 1))
        merged_img = img.mergeTiles(tiles)
        self.assertEqual(merged_img.shape, (512, 1024))
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(merged_img.metadata[model.MD_POS], (4.999512, 7.000244))

        del rdata

Beispiel #3
    def test_wl_list(self):
        shape = (220, 1, 1, 50, 400)
        dtype = numpy.dtype("uint16")
        wl_orig = (400e-9 + numpy.arange(shape[0]) * 10e-9).tolist()
        metadata = {
            model.MD_SW_VERSION: "1.0-test",
            model.MD_HW_NAME: "fake spec",
            model.MD_DESCRIPTION: "test3d",
            model.MD_ACQ_DATE: time.time(),
            model.MD_BPP: 12,
            model.MD_BINNING: (1, 1),  # px, px
            model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE: (1e-6, 2e-5),  # m/px
            model.MD_WL_LIST: wl_orig,
            model.MD_POS: (1e-3, -30e-3),  # m
            model.MD_EXP_TIME: 1.2,  # s
        da = model.DataArray(numpy.zeros(shape, dtype), metadata)

        wl = spectrum.get_wavelength_per_pixel(da)
        self.assertEqual(len(wl), shape[0])
        self.assertEqual(wl, wl_orig)
Beispiel #4
 def test_rgb(self):
     Test downscaling an RGB in YXC format
     # X=1024, Y=512
     size = (512, 1024, 3)
     background = 58
     img_in = numpy.zeros(size, dtype="uint8") + background
     # watermark
     img_in[246:266, 502:522, 0] = 50
     img_in[246:266, 502:522, 1] = 100
     img_in[246:266, 502:522, 2] = 150
     img_in = model.DataArray(img_in)
     img_in.metadata[model.MD_DIMS] = "YXC"
     out = img.rescale_hq(img_in, (256, 512, 3))
     self.assertEqual(out.shape, (256, 512, 3))
     self.assertEqual(out.dtype, img_in.dtype)
     # Check watermark. Should be no interpolation between color channels
     self.assertEqual(50, out[128, 256, 0])
     self.assertEqual(100, out[128, 256, 1])
     self.assertEqual(150, out[128, 256, 2])
Beispiel #5
    def testExportAR(self):
        """Try simple AR export"""
        size = (90, 360)
        dtype = numpy.float
        metadata = {
            model.MD_DESCRIPTION: "Angle-resolved",
            model.MD_ACQ_TYPE: model.MD_AT_AR
        data = model.DataArray(numpy.zeros(size, dtype), metadata)
        data[...] = 26.1561
        data[10, 10] = 10

        # export
        csv.export(FILENAME, data)

        # check it's here
        st = os.stat(FILENAME)  # this test also that the file is created
        self.assertGreater(st.st_size, 100)

        raised = False
            pycsv.reader(open(FILENAME, 'rb'))
        except IOError:
            raised = True
        self.assertFalse(raised, 'Failed to read csv file')

        # test intensity value is at correct position
        file = pycsv.reader(open(FILENAME, 'r'))

        a = numpy.zeros((91, 361))
        index = 0
        for line in file:
            if index == 0:
                a[index] = 0.0
                a[index] = line
            index += 1
        # test intensity for same px as defined above is also different when reading back
        # (+1 as we add a line for theta/phi MD to the array when exporting)
        self.assertEqual(a[11][11], 10)
Beispiel #6
def _groupImages(das):
    Group images into larger ndarray, to follow the HDF5 SVI flavour.
    In practice, this only consists in merging data for multiple channels into
    one, and ordering/extending the shape to CTZYX.
    das (list of DataArray): all the images
    returns :
      acq (list of DataArrays): each group of data, with the (general) metadata 
      metadatas (list of (list of dict, or None)): for each item of acq, either
       None if the metadata is fully in acq or one metadata per channel.
    # For each image: adjust dimensions
    adas = [_adjustDimensions(da) for da in das]
    # For each image, if C = 1, try to merge it to an existing group
    groups = _findImageGroups(adas)
    acq, mds = [], []
    # For each group:
    # * if alone, do nothing
    # * if many, merge along C
    for g in groups:
        if len(g) == 1:
            # merge along C (always axis 0)
            gdata = numpy.concatenate(g, axis=0)
            md = [d.metadata for d in g]
            # merge metadata
            # TODO: might need to be more clever for some metadata (eg, ACQ_DATE)
            gmd = {}
            map(gmd.update, md)
            gdata = model.DataArray(gdata, gmd)


    return acq, mds
Beispiel #7
    def testExportSpectrumLineNoWL(self):
        """Try simple spectrum-line export"""
        size = (1340, 6)
        dtype = numpy.float
        md = {
            model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE: (None, 4.2e-06),
            model.MD_ACQ_TYPE: model.MD_AT_SPECTRUM
        data = model.DataArray(numpy.zeros(size, dtype), md)

        # export
        csv.export(FILENAME, data)

        # check it's here
        st = os.stat(FILENAME)  # this test also that the file is created
        self.assertGreater(st.st_size, 5)
        raised = False
            pycsv.reader(open(FILENAME, 'rb'))
        except IOError:
            raised = True
        self.assertFalse(raised, 'Failed to read csv file')
Beispiel #8
 def _assemble_correlator_data(self, cordata, resolution, roi, stepsize):
     Assemble time-correlator data and metadata
     #get metadata, no need to ask directly to the component because the metadata is already embedded in the first dataset
     md = cordata[0].metadata.copy()
     xres, yres = resolution
     md[model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE] = stepsize
     md[model.MD_POS] = self._get_center_pxs(resolution, roi, cordata[0])
     md[model.MD_DESCRIPTION] = "Time correlator"
     #force exposure time metadata to be full time on the pixel rather than dwelltime/nDC
     md[model.MD_DWELL_TIME] = self.dwellTime.value
     logging.debug("Assembling correlator data")
     full_cordata = model.DataArray(cordata, metadata=md)
     # reshaping matrix. This is probably a silly way but it works
     full_cordata = full_cordata.swapaxes(0, 3)
     full_cordata = full_cordata.swapaxes(1, 2)
     # Check XY ordering
     full_cordata = numpy.reshape(full_cordata, [1, full_cordata.shape[1], 1, yres, xres])
     #full_cordata = full_cordata.swapaxes(3, 4)
     full_cordata.metadata[model.MD_DIMS] = "CTZYX"
     return full_cordata
Beispiel #9
    def correct_data(self, dlg):
        Remove the spikes of self._spec_stream
        # We keep the original raw data in a special ._orig_raw, and will put the
        # corrected data in .raw (so that the correction is displayed). If the
        # runs the correction again, it will be done on the original data (so
        # the correction is run from scratch every time, and not from the data
        # already cleaned-up).
            raw_spec_dat = self._spec_stream._orig_raw
        except AttributeError:  # No orig_raw yet
            raw_spec_dat = self._spec_stream.raw[0]
            self._spec_stream._orig_raw = raw_spec_dat

        corrected_spec, npixels, nspikes = self.removespikes_spec(raw_spec_dat)
        full_cordata = model.DataArray(corrected_spec, metadata=raw_spec_dat.metadata)
        self._spec_stream.raw[0] = full_cordata

        self._update_spike_pix(npixels, nspikes)
Beispiel #10
    def assemble_tiles(self, shape, data, roi, pxs):
        Convert a series of tiles acquisitions into an image (2D)
        shape (2 x 0<ints): Number of tiles in the output (Y, X)
        data (ndarray of shape N, T, S): the values, 
         ordered in blocks of TxS with X first, then Y. N = Y*X.
         Each element along N is tiled on the final data.
        roi (4 0<=floats<=1): ROI relative to the SEM FoV used to compute the
          spots positions
        pxs (0<float): distance (in m) between 2 tile centers, used to compute the 
          spots positions
        return (DataArray of shape Y*T, X*S): the data with the correct metadata
        N, T, S = data.shape
        if T == 1 and S == 1:
            # fast path: the data is already ordered
            arr = data
            # reshape to get a 2D image
            arr.shape = shape
            # need to reorder data by tiles
            Y, X = shape
            # change N to Y, X
            arr = data.reshape((Y, X, T, S))
            # change to Y, T, X, S by moving the "T" axis
            arr = numpy.rollaxis(arr, 2, 1)
            # and apply the change in memory (= 1 copy)
            arr = numpy.ascontiguousarray(arr)
            # reshape to apply the tiles
            arr.shape = (Y * T, X * S)

        # set the metadata
        phys_roi = self.convert_roi_ratio_to_phys(roi)
        center = ((phys_roi[0] + phys_roi[2]) / 2,
                  (phys_roi[1] + phys_roi[3]) / 2)
        md = {model.MD_POS: center,
              model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE: (pxs / S, pxs / T)}
        return model.DataArray(arr, md)
Beispiel #11
    def get_pixel_spectrum(self):
        Return the (0D) spectrum belonging to the selected pixel.
        See get_spectrum_range() to know the wavelength values for each index of
         the spectrum dimension
        return (None or DataArray with 1 dimension): the spectrum of the given
         pixel or None if no spectrum is selected.

        if self.selected_pixel.value == (None, None):
            return None
        x, y = self.selected_pixel.value
        spec2d = self._calibrated[:, 0, 0, :, :] # same data but remove useless dims

        # We treat width as the diameter of the circle which contains the center
        # of the pixels to be taken into account
        width = self.selectionWidth.value
        if width == 1: # short-cut for simple case
            return spec2d[:, y, x]

        # There are various ways to do it with numpy. As typically the spectrum
        # dimension is big, and the number of pixels to sum is small, it seems
        # the easiest way is to just do some kind of "clever" mean. Using a
        # masked array would also work, but that'd imply having a huge mask.
        radius = width / 2
        n = 0
        # TODO: use same cleverness as mean() for dtype?
        datasum = numpy.zeros(spec2d.shape[0], dtype=numpy.float64)
        # Scan the square around the point, and only pick the points in the circle
        for px in range(max(0, int(x - radius)),
                        min(int(x + radius) + 1, spec2d.shape[-1])):
            for py in range(max(0, int(y - radius)),
                            min(int(y + radius) + 1, spec2d.shape[-2])):
                if math.hypot(x - px, y - py) <= radius:
                    n += 1
                    datasum += spec2d[:, py, px]

        mean = datasum / n
        return model.DataArray(mean.astype(spec2d.dtype))
Beispiel #12
    def testExportOnePage(self):
        # create a simple greyscale image
        size = (256, 512)  # (width, height)
        dtype = numpy.uint16
        data = model.DataArray(numpy.zeros(size[::-1], dtype))
        white = (12, 52)  # non symmetric position
        # less that 2**15 so that we don't have problem with PIL.getpixel() always returning an signed int
        data[white[::-1]] = 124

        # export
        hdf5.export(FILENAME, data)

        # check it's here
        st = os.stat(FILENAME)  # this test also that the file is created
        self.assertGreater(st.st_size, 0)

        f = h5py.File(FILENAME, "r")
        # need to transform to a full numpy.array just to remove the dimensions
        im = numpy.array(f["Acquisition0/ImageData/Image"])
        im.shape = im.shape[3:5]
        self.assertEqual(im.shape, data.shape)
        self.assertEqual(im[white[-1:-3:-1]], data[white[-1:-3:-1]])
Beispiel #13
 def setUp(self):
     data = numpy.ones((251, 1, 1, 200, 300), dtype="uint16")
     data[:, 0, 0, :, 3] = range(200)
     data[:, 0, 0, :, 3] *= 3
     data[:, 0, 0, 1, 3] = range(251)
     data[2, 0, 0, :, :] = range(300)
     data[200, 0, 0, 2, :] = range(300)
     wld = 433e-9 + numpy.array(range(data.shape[0])) * 0.1e-9
     md = {model.MD_SW_VERSION: "1.0-test",
          model.MD_HW_NAME: "fake ccd",
          model.MD_DESCRIPTION: "Spectrum",
          model.MD_ACQ_DATE: time.time(),
          model.MD_BPP: 12,
          model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE: (2e-6, 2e-6),  # m/px
          model.MD_POS: (-0.001203511795256, -0.000295338300158),  # m
          model.MD_EXP_TIME: 0.2,  # s
          model.MD_LENS_MAG: 60,  # ratio
          model.MD_WL_LIST: wld,
     self.spec_data = model.DataArray(data, md)
     self.spec_stream = stream.StaticSpectrumStream("test spec", self.spec_data)
     self.spec_stream.selected_pixel.value = (3, 1)
Beispiel #14
def _thumbFromHDF5(filename):
    Read thumbnails from an HDF5 file.
    Expects to find them as IMAGE in Preview/Image.
    return (list of model.DataArray)
    f = h5py.File(filename, "r")

    thumbs = []
    # look for the Preview directory
        grp = f["Preview"]
    except KeyError:
        # no thumbnail
        return thumbs

    # scan for images
    for name, ds in grp.items():
        # an image? (== has the attribute CLASS: IMAGE)
        if isinstance(ds, h5py.Dataset) and ds.attrs.get("CLASS") == "IMAGE":
                da = model.DataArray(_read_image_dataset(ds))
            except Exception:
      "Skipping image '%s' which couldn't be read.",

            if name == "Image":
                    da.metadata = _read_image_info(grp)
                except Exception:
                        "Failed to parse metadata of acquisition '%s'", name)


    return thumbs
Beispiel #15
    def _assembleAnchorData(self, data_list):
        Take all the data acquired for the anchor region

        data_list (list of N DataArray of shape 2D (Y, X)): all the anchor data
        return (DataArray of shape (1, N, 1, Y, X))
        assert len(data_list) > 0
        assert data_list[0].ndim == 2

        # extend the shape to TZ dimensions to allow the concatenation on T
        for d in data_list:
            d.shape = (1, 1) + d.shape

        anchor_data = numpy.concatenate(data_list)
        anchor_data.shape = (1,) + anchor_data.shape

        # copy the metadata from the first image (which contains the original
        # position of the anchor region, without drift correction)
        md = data_list[0].metadata.copy()
        md[model.MD_DESCRIPTION] = "Anchor region"
        md[model.MD_AD_LIST] = tuple(d.metadata[model.MD_ACQ_DATE] for d in data_list)
        return model.DataArray(anchor_data, metadata=md)
Beispiel #16
    def testUnicodeName(self):
        """Try filename not fitting in ascii"""
        # create a simple greyscale image
        size = (256, 512)
        dtype = numpy.uint16
        data = model.DataArray(numpy.zeros(size[::-1], dtype))
        white = (12, 52)  # non symmetric position
        # less that 2**15 so that we don't have problem with PIL.getpixel() always returning an signed int
        data[white[::-1]] = 124

        fn = u"𝔸𝔹ℂ" + FILENAME
        # export
        tiff.export(fn, data)

        # check it's here
        st = os.stat(fn)  # this test also that the file is created
        self.assertGreater(st.st_size, 0)
        im =
        self.assertEqual(im.format, "TIFF")
        self.assertEqual(im.size, size)
        self.assertEqual(im.getpixel(white), 124)

Beispiel #17
 def test_25d(self):
     Test downscaling an 2.5D image (YXC, with C=14)
     # X=1024, Y=512
     size = (512, 1024, 14)
     background = 58
     img_in = numpy.zeros(size, dtype=numpy.float) + background
     # watermark
     img_in[246:266, 502:522, 0] = 50
     img_in[246:266, 502:522, 1] = 100
     img_in[246:266, 502:522, 2] = 150
     img_in[246:266, 502:522, 3] = 255  # Alpha
     img_in = model.DataArray(img_in)
     img_in.metadata[model.MD_DIMS] = "YXC"
     out = img.rescale_hq(img_in, (256, 512, 14))
     self.assertEqual(out.shape, (256, 512, 14))
     self.assertEqual(out.dtype, img_in.dtype)
     # Check watermark. Should be no interpolation between color channels
     self.assertEqual(50, out[128, 256, 0])
     self.assertEqual(100, out[128, 256, 1])
     self.assertEqual(150, out[128, 256, 2])
     self.assertEqual(255, out[128, 256, 3])
Beispiel #18
    def testExportSpectrum(self):
        """Try simple spectrum export"""
        size = (150, )
        dtype = numpy.uint16
        md = {
            model.MD_WL_LIST: numpy.linspace(536e-9, 650e-9, size[0]).tolist(),
            model.MD_ACQ_TYPE: model.MD_AT_SPECTRUM
        data = model.DataArray(numpy.zeros(size, dtype), md)
        data += 56

        # export
        csv.export(FILENAME, data)

        # check it's here
        st = os.stat(FILENAME)  # this test also that the file is created
        self.assertGreater(st.st_size, 150)
        raised = False
            pycsv.reader(open(FILENAME, 'rb'))
        except IOError:
            raised = True
        self.assertFalse(raised, 'Failed to read csv file')
Beispiel #19
    def _updateImage(self):
        raw =[0]
        metadata =
        raw = img.ensure2DImage(raw)  # Remove extra dimensions (of length 1)
        grayscale_im = preprocess(raw, self._invert, self._flip, self._crop,
                                  self._gaussian_sigma, self._eqhis)
        rgb_im = img.DataArray2RGB(grayscale_im)
        if self._kp:
            rgb_im = cv2.drawKeypoints(rgb_im,
                                       color=(30, 30, 255),
        if self._mkp:
            rgb_im = cv2.drawKeypoints(rgb_im,
                                       color=(0, 255, 0),

        rgb_im = model.DataArray(rgb_im, metadata)
        rgb_im.flags.writeable = False
        self.image.value = rgb_im
Beispiel #20
    def testExportMultiPage(self):
        # create a simple greyscale image
        size = (512, 256)
        white = (12, 52)  # non symmetric position
        dtype = numpy.uint16
        ldata = []
        self.no_of_images = 2
        metadata = [
                model.MD_IN_WL: (500e-9, 520e-9),  # m
                model.MD_EXP_TIME: 1.2,  # s

        # Add wavelength metadata just to group them
        for i in range(self.no_of_images):
            a = model.DataArray(numpy.zeros(size[::-1], dtype), metadata[i])
            a[white[::-1]] = 124 + i

        # export
        stiff.export(FILENAME, ldata)

        tokens = FILENAME.split(".0.", 1)
        # Iterate through the files generated
        for i in range(self.no_of_images):
            fname = tokens[0] + "." + str(i) + "." + tokens[1]
            # check it's here
            st = os.stat(fname)  # this test also that the file is created
            self.assertGreater(st.st_size, 0)
            im =
            self.assertEqual(im.format, "TIFF")
            self.assertEqual(im.size, size)
            self.assertEqual(im.getpixel(white), 124 + i)
            del im
Beispiel #21
    def _onCompletedData(self, n, raw_das):
        # Only override for the CCD data
        if n < len(self._streams) - 1:
            r = super(SEMCLCCDStream, self)._onCompletedData(n, raw_das)
            return r

        # Same as sem data, but without computing the data position from the
        # CCD metadata
        md = self._ccd_md.copy()
        sem_data = self._raw[0]  # _onCompletedData() should be called in order
        md[model.MD_POS] = sem_data.metadata[model.MD_POS]
        md[model.MD_DESCRIPTION] = self._streams[n].name.value
        # Make sure it doesn't contain metadata related to AR
        for k in (model.MD_AR_POLE, model.MD_AR_FOCUS_DISTANCE,
                  model.MD_AR_HOLE_DIAMETER, model.MD_AR_PARABOLA_F,
                  model.MD_AR_XMAX, model.MD_ROTATION):
            md.pop(k, None)

            # handle sub-pixels (aka fuzzing)
            sem_shape = sem_data.shape[-1:-3:-1]  # 1,1,1,Y,X -> X, Y
            rep = self.repetition.value
            tile_shape = (sem_shape[0] / rep[0], sem_shape[1] / rep[1])
            pxs = (sem_data.metadata[model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE][0] * tile_shape[0],
                   sem_data.metadata[model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE][1] * tile_shape[1])
            md[model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE] = pxs
        except KeyError:
            logging.warning("Metadata missing from the SEM data")

        # concatenate data into one big array of (number of pixels,1)
        flat_list = [ar.flatten() for ar in raw_das]
        rep_one = numpy.concatenate(flat_list)
        # reshape to (Y, X)
        rep_one.shape = rep[::-1]
        rep_one = model.DataArray(rep_one, metadata=md)

Beispiel #22
    def test_marking_line_overlay(self):
        cnvs = miccanvas.TwoDPlotCanvas(self.panel)
        mlol = cnvs.markline_overlay
        self.add_control(cnvs, wx.EXPAND, proportion=1, clear=True)

        rgb = numpy.empty((30, 200, 3), dtype=numpy.uint8)
        data = model.DataArray(rgb)
                         range_x=[200e-9, 500e-9],
                         range_y=[0, 20e-6])


        mlol.val.value = (201e-9, 10e-6)

        mlol.orientation = vol.MarkingLineOverlay.HORIZONTAL

        mlol.orientation = vol.MarkingLineOverlay.VERTICAL
        mlol.val.value = (301e-9, 12e-6)

        mlol.orientation = vol.MarkingLineOverlay.HORIZONTAL | vol.MarkingLineOverlay.VERTICAL
        mlol.val.value = (401e-9, 20e-6)

        # Out of the range
        mlol.val.value = (0, 0)
Beispiel #23
def ARBackgroundSubtract(data):
    Subtracts the "baseline" (i.e. the average intensity of the background) from the data.
    This function can be called before AngleResolved2Polar in order to take a better data output.
    data (model.DataArray): The DataArray with the data. Must be 2D. 
     Can have metadata MD_BASELINE to indicate the average 0 value. If not, 
     it must have metadata MD_PIXEL_SIZE and MD_AR_POLE
    returns (model.DataArray): Filtered data
    baseline = 0
        # If available, use the baseline from the metadata, as it's much faster
        baseline = data.metadata[model.MD_BASELINE]
    except KeyError:
        # If baseline is not provided we calculate it, taking the average intensity of the
        # background (i.e. the pixels that are outside the half circle)
            pxs = data.metadata[model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE]
            pole_pos = data.metadata[model.MD_AR_POLE]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError("Metadata required: MD_PIXEL_SIZE, MD_AR_POLE.")
        circle_mask = _CreateMirrorMask(data, pxs, pole_pos, hole=False)
        masked_image = ma.array(data, mask=circle_mask)

        # Calculate the average value of the outside pixels
        baseline = masked_image.mean()

    # Clip values that will result to negative numbers
    # after the subtraction
    ret_data = numpy.where(data < baseline, baseline, data)

    # Subtract background
    ret_data -= baseline

    result = model.DataArray(ret_data, data.metadata)
    return result
Beispiel #24
    def assemble_cube(self, shape, specs):
        Assemble all the spectrum data together
        shape (int,int)
        specs (list of DataArray of one dimension): must be in order X/Y
        return DataArray (3 dimensions): spectral cube

        # create a cube out of the spectral data acquired
        # dimensions must be wavelength, 1, 1, Y, X
        assert len(specs) ==
        # each element of specs has a shape of (N)
        # reshape to (N, 1)
        for s in specs:
            s.shape += (1, )
        # concatenate into one big array of (N, Y*X)
        spect_data = numpy.concatenate(specs, axis=1)
        # reshape to (N, 1, 1, Y, X)
        spect_data.shape = (spect_data.shape[0], 1, 1, shape[1], shape[0])

        # copy the metadata from the first point
        spect_data = model.DataArray(spect_data, metadata=specs[0].metadata)

        return spect_data
Beispiel #25
def _dataFromSVIHDF5(f):
    Read microscopy data from an HDF5 file using the SVI convention.
    Expects to find them as IMAGE in XXX/ImageData/Image + XXX/PhysicalData.
    f (h5py.File): the root of the file
    return (list of model.DataArray)
    data = []

    for obj in f.values():
        # find all the expected and interesting objects
            svidata = obj["SVIData"]
            imagedata = obj["ImageData"]
            image = imagedata["Image"]
            physicaldata = obj["PhysicalData"]
        except KeyError:
            continue  # not conforming => try next object

        # Read the raw data
            nd = _read_image_dataset(image)
        except Exception:
            logging.exception("Failed to read data of acquisition '%s'",

        # TODO: read more metadata
            da = model.DataArray(nd, metadata=_read_image_info(imagedata))
        except Exception:
            logging.exception("Failed to parse metadata of acquisition '%s'",

        das = _parse_physical_data(physicaldata, da)
    return data
Beispiel #26
 def get(self):
     da = model.DataArray([1e-12], {model.MD_ACQ_DATE: time.time()})
     return da
Beispiel #27
    def test_get_next_pixels(self):
        det = Fake0DDetector("test")
        pca = ProbeCurrentAcquirer(det)

        # Period = dt => every pixel
        pca.period.value = 0.1
        np = pca.start(0.1, (10, 10))
        scan_px = np
        while scan_px < 10 * 10:
            self.assertEqual(np, 1)  # don't check the last call
            da = model.DataArray([0] * np, {model.MD_ACQ_DATE: time.time()})
            np =[da])
            scan_px += np[da])  # one last time

        # Period = dt + epsilon => every pixel
        pca.period.value = 0.10001
        np = pca.start(0.1, (10, 10))
        scan_px = np
        while scan_px < 10 * 10:
            self.assertEqual(np, 1)  # don't check the last call
            da = model.DataArray([0] * np, {model.MD_ACQ_DATE: time.time()})
            np =[da])
            scan_px += np[da])  # one last time

        # Period < dt => every pixel
        pca.period.value = 0.05
        np = pca.start(0.1, (10, 10))
        scan_px = np
        while scan_px < 10 * 10:
            self.assertEqual(np, 1)  # don't check the last call
            da = model.DataArray([0] * np, {model.MD_ACQ_DATE: time.time()})
            np =[da])
            scan_px += np[da])  # one last time

        # Period = 2.5 * dt  => alternatively every 2 and 3 pixels
        pca.period.value = 0.1 * 2.5
        np = pca.start(0.1, (10, 10))
        scan_px = np
        while scan_px < 10 * 10:
            self.assertIn(np, (2, 3))  # don't check the last call
            da = model.DataArray([0] * np, {model.MD_ACQ_DATE: time.time()})
            np =[da])
            scan_px += np[da])  # one last time

        # Period = dt * 5 => every 5 px
        pca.period.value = 0.5
        np = pca.start(0.1, (10, 10))
        scan_px = np
        while scan_px < 10 * 10:
            self.assertEqual(np, 5)  # don't check the last call
            da = model.DataArray([0] * np, {model.MD_ACQ_DATE: time.time()})
            np =[da])
            scan_px += np[da])  # one last time

        # Period >  dt * shape => at first and last
        pca.period.value = 100
        np = pca.start(0.1, (10, 10))
        scan_px = np
        while scan_px < 10 * 10:
            self.assertEqual(np, 10 * 10)  # don't check the last call
            da = model.DataArray([0] * np, {model.MD_ACQ_DATE: time.time()})
            np =[da])
            scan_px += np[da])  # one last time

        # Period =  dt * shape / 2 => at first, middle and last
        pca.period.value = 0.1 * 10 * 5
        np = pca.start(0.1, (10, 10))
        scan_px = np
        while scan_px < 10 * 10:
            self.assertEqual(np, 10 * 10 / 2)  # don't check the last call
            da = model.DataArray([0] * np, {model.MD_ACQ_DATE: time.time()})
            np =[da])
            scan_px += np[da])  # one last time

        # Short period, on a large shape
        pca.period.value = 4900e-6  # A little less than every 10 lines
        np = pca.start(1e-6, (700, 500))
        assert 9 * 500 <= np <= 4900
        scan_px = np
        while scan_px < 700 * 500:
            da = model.DataArray([0] * np, {model.MD_ACQ_DATE: time.time()})
            np =[da])
            left = 700 * 500 - scan_px
            if left < 4900:
                assert np <= left
                assert 9 * 500 <= np <= 4900
            scan_px += np[da])  # one last time
Beispiel #28
    def _runAcquisition(self, future):
        self._data = []
        self._md = {}

        wls = self.startWavelength.value
        wle = self.endWavelength.value
        res = self.numberOfPixels.value
        dt = self.dwellTime.value
        trig = self._detector.softwareTrigger
        df =

        # Prepare the hardware
        self._emitter.resolution.value = (1, 1)  # Force one pixel only
        self._emitter.translation.value = self.emtTranslation.value
        self._emitter.dwellTime.value = dt


        wllist = []
        if wle == wls:
            res = 1

        if res <= 1:
            res = 1
            wli = 0
            wli = (wle - wls) / (res - 1)

            for i in range(res):
                left = (res - i) * (dt + 0.05)
                future.set_progress(end=time.time() + left)

                cwl = wls + i * wli  # requested value
                self._sgr.moveAbs({"wavelength": cwl}).result()
                if future._acq_state == CANCELLED:
                    raise CancelledError()
                cwl = self._sgr.position.value["wavelength"]  # actual value
      "Acquiring point %d/%d @ %s", i + 1, res,
                             units.readable_str(cwl, unit="m", sig=3))

                if not self._pt_acq.wait(dt * 5 + 1):
                    raise IOError("Timeout waiting for the data")
                if future._acq_state == CANCELLED:
                    raise CancelledError()

            # Done

            # Convert the sequence of data into one spectrum in a DataArray

            if wls > wle:  # went backward? => sort back the spectrum
                    "Inverting spectrum as acquisition went from %g to %g m",
                    wls, wls)

            na = numpy.array(self._data)  # keeps the dtype
            na.shape += (1, 1, 1, 1)  # make it 5th dim to indicate a channel
            md = self._md
            md[model.MD_WL_LIST] = wllist
            if model.MD_OUT_WL in md:
                # The MD_OUT_WL on the monochromator contains the current cw, which we don't want
                del md[model.MD_OUT_WL]

            # MD_POS should already be at the correct position (from the e-beam metadata)

            # MD_PIXEL_SIZE is not meaningful but handy for the display in Odemis
            # (it's the size of the square on top of the SEM survey => BIG!)
            sempxs = self._emitter.pixelSize.value
            md[model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE] = (sempxs[0] * 50, sempxs[1] * 50)

            spec = model.DataArray(na, md)

            with future._acq_lock:
                if future._acq_state == CANCELLED:
                    raise CancelledError()
                future._acq_state = FINISHED

            return [spec]

        except CancelledError:
            raise  # Just don't log the exception
        except Exception:
            logging.exception("Failure during monochromator scan")
            # In case it was stopped before the end

Beispiel #29
    def testReadMDFluo(self):
        Checks that we can read back the metadata of a fluoresence image
        The OME-TIFF file will contain just one big array, but three arrays 
        should be read back with the right data.
        metadata = [
                model.MD_SW_VERSION: "1.0-test",
                model.MD_HW_NAME: "fake hw",
                model.MD_DESCRIPTION: "brightfield",
                model.MD_ACQ_DATE: time.time(),
                model.MD_BPP: 12,
                model.MD_BINNING: (1, 1),  # px, px
                model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE: (1e-6, 1e-6),  # m/px
                model.MD_POS: (13.7e-3, -30e-3),  # m
                model.MD_EXP_TIME: 1.2,  # s
                model.MD_IN_WL: (400e-9, 630e-9),  # m
                model.MD_OUT_WL: (400e-9, 630e-9),  # m
                model.MD_SW_VERSION: "1.0-test",
                model.MD_HW_NAME: "fake hw",
                model.MD_DESCRIPTION: "blue dye",
                model.MD_ACQ_DATE: time.time() + 10,
                model.MD_BPP: 12,
                model.MD_BINNING: (1, 1),  # px, px
                model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE: (1e-6, 1e-6),  # m/px
                model.MD_POS: (13.7e-3, -30e-3),  # m
                model.MD_EXP_TIME: 1.2,  # s
                model.MD_IN_WL: (500e-9, 520e-9),  # m
                model.MD_OUT_WL: (600e-9, 630e-9),  # m
                model.MD_SW_VERSION: "1.0-test",
                model.MD_HW_NAME: "fake hw",
                model.MD_DESCRIPTION: "green dye",
                model.MD_ACQ_DATE: time.time() + 20,
                model.MD_BPP: 12,
                model.MD_BINNING: (1, 1),  # px, px
                model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE: (1e-6, 1e-6),  # m/px
                model.MD_POS: (13.7e-3, -3e-3),  # m
                model.MD_EXP_TIME: 1,  # s
                model.MD_IN_WL: (600e-9, 620e-9),  # m
                model.MD_OUT_WL: (620e-9, 650e-9),  # m
        # create 3 greyscale images of same size
        size = (512, 256)
        dtype = numpy.dtype("uint16")
        ldata = []
        for i, md in enumerate(metadata):
            a = model.DataArray(numpy.zeros(size[::-1], dtype), md)
            a[i, i] = i  # "watermark" it

        # thumbnail : small RGB completely red
        tshape = (size[1] // 8, size[0] // 8, 3)
        tdtype = numpy.uint8
        thumbnail = model.DataArray(numpy.zeros(tshape, tdtype))
        thumbnail[:, :, 1] += 255  # green

        # export
        hdf5.export(FILENAME, ldata, thumbnail)

        # check it's here
        st = os.stat(FILENAME)  # this test also that the file is created
        self.assertGreater(st.st_size, 0)

        # check data
        rdata = hdf5.read_data(FILENAME)
        self.assertEqual(len(rdata), len(ldata))

        # TODO: rdata and ldata don't have to be in the same order
        for i, im in enumerate(rdata):
            md = metadata[i]

            iwl = im.metadata[model.MD_IN_WL]  # nm
            self.assertTrue((md[model.MD_IN_WL][0] <= iwl[0]
                             and iwl[1] <= md[model.MD_IN_WL][1]))

            owl = im.metadata[model.MD_OUT_WL]  # nm
            self.assertTrue((md[model.MD_OUT_WL][0] <= owl[0]
                             and owl[1] <= md[model.MD_OUT_WL][1]))

            # SVI HDF5 only records one acq time per T dimension
            # so only check for the first channel
            if i == 0:

            # SVI HDF5 doesn't this metadata:

#            self.assertEqual(im.metadata[model.MD_BPP], md[model.MD_BPP])
#            self.assertEqual(im.metadata[model.MD_BINNING], md[model.MD_BINNING])

        # check thumbnail
        rthumbs = hdf5.read_thumbnail(FILENAME)
        self.assertEqual(len(rthumbs), 1)
        im = rthumbs[0]
        self.assertEqual(im.shape, tshape)
        self.assertEqual(im[0, 0].tolist(), [0, 255, 0])
Beispiel #30
    def testReadMDAR(self):
        Checks that we can read back the metadata of an Angular Resolved image
        metadata = [
                model.MD_SW_VERSION: "1.0-test",
                model.MD_HW_NAME: "fake hw",
                model.MD_DESCRIPTION: "sem survey",
                model.MD_ACQ_DATE: time.time(),
                model.MD_BPP: 12,
                model.MD_BINNING: (1, 2),  # px, px
                model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE: (1e-6, 2e-5),  # m/px
                model.MD_POS: (1e-3, -30e-3),  # m
                model.MD_EXP_TIME: 1.2,  # s
                model.MD_LENS_MAG: 1200,  # ratio
                model.MD_SW_VERSION: "1.0-test",
                model.MD_HW_NAME: "fake ccd",
                model.MD_DESCRIPTION: "AR",
                model.MD_ACQ_DATE: time.time(),
                model.MD_BPP: 12,
                model.MD_BINNING: (1, 1),  # px, px
                model.MD_SENSOR_PIXEL_SIZE: (13e-6, 13e-6),  # m/px
                model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE: (1e-6, 2e-5),  # m/px
                model.MD_POS: (1.2e-3, -30e-3),  # m
                model.MD_EXP_TIME: 1.2,  # s
                model.MD_AR_POLE: (253.1, 65.1),
                model.MD_LENS_MAG: 60,  # ratio
                model.MD_SW_VERSION: "1.0-test",
                model.MD_HW_NAME: "fake ccd",
                model.MD_DESCRIPTION: "AR",
                model.MD_ACQ_DATE: time.time(),
                model.MD_BPP: 12,
                model.MD_BINNING: (1, 1),  # px, px
                model.MD_SENSOR_PIXEL_SIZE: (13e-6, 13e-6),  # m/px
                model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE: (1e-6, 2e-5),  # m/px
                model.MD_POS: (1e-3, -30e-3),  # m
                model.MD_EXP_TIME: 1.2,  # s
                model.MD_AR_POLE: (253.1, 65.1),
                model.MD_LENS_MAG: 60,  # ratio
        # create 2 simple greyscale images
        sizes = [(512, 256), (500, 400), (500, 400)
                 ]  # different sizes to ensure different acquisitions
        dtype = numpy.dtype("uint16")
        ldata = []
        for s, md in zip(sizes, metadata):
            a = model.DataArray(numpy.zeros(s[::-1], dtype), md)

        # thumbnail : small RGB completely red
        tshape = (sizes[0][1] // 8, sizes[0][0] // 8, 3)
        tdtype = numpy.uint8
        thumbnail = model.DataArray(numpy.zeros(tshape, tdtype))
        thumbnail[:, :, 1] += 255  # green

        # export
        hdf5.export(FILENAME, ldata, thumbnail)

        # check it's here
        st = os.stat(FILENAME)  # this test also that the file is created
        self.assertGreater(st.st_size, 0)

        # check data
        rdata = hdf5.read_data(FILENAME)
        self.assertEqual(len(rdata), len(ldata))

        for im, md in zip(rdata, metadata):
            self.assertEqual(im.metadata[model.MD_POS], md[model.MD_POS])
            if model.MD_AR_POLE in md:
            if model.MD_LENS_MAG in md:

        # check thumbnail
        rthumbs = hdf5.read_thumbnail(FILENAME)
        self.assertEqual(len(rthumbs), 1)
        im = rthumbs[0]
        self.assertEqual(im.shape, tshape)
        self.assertEqual(im[0, 0].tolist(), [0, 255, 0])