def s_html_fontstyle(self, tag, attrs): """ 15.2.1 Font style elements: the TT, I, B, BIG, SMALL, STRIKE, S, and U elements ('tt' is not considered an automatic style by OOo) """ tagdict = { 'b': ['BoldX',{'fontweight':"bold", 'fontweightasian':"bold",'fontweightcomplex':"bold" }], 'big': ['BigX', {'fontsize':"120%"}], 'i': ['ItalicX', {'fontstyle':"italic", 'fontstyleasian':"italic", 'fontstylecomplex':"italic" }], 'tt': ['TeletypeX', {'fontname':"Courier", 'fontnameasian':"Courier", 'fontnamecomplex':"Courier" }], 's': ['StrikeX', {'textlinethroughstyle':"solid"}], 'small': ['SmallX', {'fontsize':"80%"}], 'strike': ['StrikeX', {'textlinethroughstyle':"solid"}], 'u': ['UnderlineX', {'textunderlinestyle':"solid", 'textunderlinewidth':"auto", 'textunderlinecolor':"fontcolor"}], } stylename,styledecl = tagdict.get(tag,[None,None]) if stylename and self.doc.getStyleByName(stylename) is None: style = Style(name=stylename, family="text") style.addElement(TextProperties(attributes=styledecl)) self.doc.automaticstyles.addElement(style) if stylename: e = text.Span(stylename=stylename) else: e = text.Span() self.curr.addElement(e) self.curr = e
def dset_sheet(cls, dataset, ws): """Completes given worksheet from given Dataset.""" _package = dataset._package(dicts=False) for i, sep in enumerate(dataset._separators): _offset = i _package.insert((sep[0] + _offset), (sep[1], )) for i, row in enumerate(_package): row_number = i + 1 odf_row = table.TableRow(stylename=bold, defaultcellstylename='bold') for j, col in enumerate(row): try: col = str(col, errors='ignore') except TypeError: # col is already str pass ws.addElement(table.TableColumn()) # bold headers if (row_number == 1) and dataset.headers: odf_row.setAttribute('stylename', bold) ws.addElement(odf_row) cell = table.TableCell() p = text.P() p.addElement(text.Span(text=col, stylename=bold)) cell.addElement(p) odf_row.addElement(cell) # wrap the rest else: try: if '\n' in col: ws.addElement(odf_row) cell = table.TableCell() cell.addElement(text.P(text=col)) odf_row.addElement(cell) else: ws.addElement(odf_row) cell = table.TableCell() cell.addElement(text.P(text=col)) odf_row.addElement(cell) except TypeError: ws.addElement(odf_row) cell = table.TableCell() cell.addElement(text.P(text=col)) odf_row.addElement(cell)
def addparagraph(section): """ Join the paragraph list and add it to the section """ global paragraph p = ' '.join(paragraph) textsegs = p.split('_') para = text.P(stylename=textbodystyle) section.addElement(para) if len(textsegs) > 1 and (len(textsegs) % 2) == 1: # We have found some kursive text segments for i in range(len(textsegs)): if len(textsegs[i]) > 0: if (i % 2) == 1: y = text.Span(stylename=emphasisstyle, text=textsegs[i]) para.addElement(y) else: para.addText(textsegs[i]) else: para.addText(p)
def owriteInserted(self, obj): return text.Span(stylename=style.inserted)
def owriteDeleted(self, obj): return text.Span(stylename=style.deleted)
'cite': ['Citation', {'fontstyle':"italic", 'fontstyleasian':"italic", 'fontstylecomplex':"italic" }], 'code': ['Source_20_Text', {'fontname':"Courier", 'fontnameasian':"Courier",'fontnamecomplex':"Courier" }], 'dfn': ['Definition',{ }], 'em': ['Emphasis', {'fontstyle':"italic", 'fontstyleasian':"italic", 'fontstylecomplex':"italic" }], 'strong': ['Strong_20_Emphasis': {'fontweight':"bold",'fontweightasian':"bold",'fontweightcomplex':"bold"}], 'var': ['Variable', {'fontstyle':"italic", 'fontstyleasian':"italic", 'fontstylecomplex':"italic" }], } stylename = tagdict.get(tag,'Emphasis') # Add the styles we need to the stylesheet if stylename == "Source_20_Text" and self.doc.getStyleByName(stylename) is None: style = Style(name="Source_20_Text", displayname="Source Text", family="text") p = TextProperties(fontname="Courier", fontnameasian="Courier", fontnamecomplex="Courier") style.addElement(p) self.doc.styles.addElement(style) e = text.Span(stylename=stylename) self.curr.addElement(e) self.curr = e def s_html_fontstyle(self, tag, attrs): """ 15.2.1 Font style elements: the TT, I, B, BIG, SMALL, STRIKE, S, and U elements ('tt' is not considered an automatic style by OOo) """ tagdict = { 'b': ['BoldX',{'fontweight':"bold", 'fontweightasian':"bold",'fontweightcomplex':"bold" }], 'big': ['BigX', {'fontsize':"120%"}], 'i': ['ItalicX', {'fontstyle':"italic", 'fontstyleasian':"italic", 'fontstylecomplex':"italic" }], 'tt': ['TeletypeX', {'fontname':"Courier", 'fontnameasian':"Courier", 'fontnamecomplex':"Courier" }], 's': ['StrikeX', {'textlinethroughstyle':"solid"}],
def html2odf(e, ct=None, **ctargs): """ Convert a :mod:`etgen.html` element to an ODF text element. Most formats are not implemented. There's probably a better way to do this... :ct: the root element ("container"). If not specified, we create one. """ sections_counter = 1 #~ print "20120613 html2odf()", e.tag, e.text if ct is None: ct = text.P(**ctargs) #~ if e.tag in PTAGS: #~ oe = text.P(**ctargs) #~ else: #~ oe = text.P(**ctargs) #~"20130201 %s", tostring(e)) #~ raise NotImplementedError("<%s> without container" % e.tag) if isinstance(e, six.string_types): ct.addText(e) #~ oe = text.Span() #~ oe.addText(e) #~ yield oe return ct if e.tag == 'ul': ct = text.List(stylename='podBulletedList') ctargs = dict(stylename='podBulletItem') #~ ctargs = dict() text_container = None if e.tag in ('b', 'strong'): #~ oe = text.Span(stylename='Bold Text') oe = text.Span(stylename='Strong Emphasis') elif e.tag == 'a': oe = text.Span(stylename='Strong Emphasis') #~ oe = text.Span(stylename='Bold Text') elif e.tag in ('i', 'em'): oe = text.Span(stylename='Emphasis') elif e.tag == 'span': oe = text.Span() elif e.tag == 'br': oe = text.LineBreak() elif e.tag == 'h1': """ <text:h text:style-name="Heading_20_1" text:outline-level="1"> """ oe = ct = text.H(stylename="Heading 1", outlinelevel=1) elif e.tag == 'h2': oe = ct = text.H(stylename="Heading 2", outlinelevel=2) elif e.tag == 'h3': oe = ct = text.H(stylename="Heading 3", outlinelevel=3) elif e.tag == 'div': oe = ct = text.Section(name="S" + str(sections_counter)) elif e.tag == 'img': return # ignore images elif e.tag == 'ul': oe = ct #~ elif e.tag in ('ul','ol'): #~ oe = text.List(stylename=e.tag.upper()) #~ ctargs = dict(stylename=e.tag.upper()+"_P") elif e.tag == 'li': #~ oe = ct oe = text.ListItem() text_container = text.P(**ctargs) oe.appendChild(text_container) elif e.tag in PTAGS: oe = ct #~ if ct.tagName == 'p': #~ oe = ct #~ else: #~ oe = text.P(**ctargs) else:"20130201 %s", tostring(e)) raise NotImplementedError("<%s> inside <%s>" % (e.tag, ct.tagName)) #~ oe = text.Span() if text_container is None: text_container = oe if e.text: text_container.addText(e.text) for child in e: #~ html2odf(child,oe) html2odf(child, text_container, **ctargs) #~ for oc in html2odf(child,oe): # ~ # oe.addElement(oc) #~ oe.appendChild(oc) #~ if not True: #~ if e.tail: #~ oe.addText(e.tail) if oe is not ct: ct.appendChild(oe) #~ yield oe #~ if True: if e.tail: #~ yield e.tail #~ yield text.Span(text=e.tail) #~ yield Text(e.tail) ct.addText(e.tail) return ct
def owriteTeletyped(self, obj): # (monospaced) or code, newlines ignored, spaces collapsed return text.Span(stylename=style.teletyped)
def owriteStrike(self, s): return text.Span(stylename=style.strike)
def owriteOverline(self, s): return text.Span(stylename=style.overline)
def owriteStrong(self, obj): return text.Span(stylename=style.strong)
def owriteEmphasized(self, obj): return text.Span(stylename=style.emphasis)
def testTextStyleName(self): """ Test that you can use the name of the style in references """ boldstyle = style.Style(name=u"Bold", family=u"text") boldstyle.addElement( style.TextProperties(attributes={u'fontweight': u"bold"})) text.Span(stylename=u"Bold", text=u"This part is bold. ")
def s_html_span(self, tag, attrs): e = text.Span() self.curr.addElement(e) self.curr = e
def owriteSup(self, obj): return text.Span(stylename=style.sup)
def owriteSpan(self, obj): return text.Span()
def owriteBold(self, obj): return text.Span(stylename=style.bold)
def owriteUnderline(self, s): return text.Span(stylename=style.underline)
def owriteItalic(self, obj): return text.Span(stylename=style.italic)
def owriteCite(self, obj): return text.Span(stylename=style.cite)
def owriteSmall(self, obj): return text.Span(stylename=style.small)
def owriteCode(self, obj): return text.Span(stylename=style.code)
def owriteBig(self, obj): return text.Span(stylename=style.big)
def owriteVar(self, obj): return text.Span(stylename=style.var)
h3.addText(classname) h3.addElement(text.BookmarkEnd(name=classname)) section.addElement(h3) # Required attributes p = text.P(text="Requires the following attributes: ") required_attributes = grammar.required_attributes.get(element) if required_attributes is None: info = "No attribute is required" elif required_attributes is (): info = "No attribute is required" else: required_args = [ a[1].lower().replace('-','') for a in required_attributes] required_args.sort() info = ', '.join(required_args) p.addElement(text.Span(stylename=attrliststyle, text=info+".")) section.addElement(p) # Allowed attributes p = text.P(text="Allows the following attributes: ") allowed_attrs = grammar.allowed_attributes.get(element) if allowed_attrs is None: info = "No attribute is allowed" elif allowed_attrs is (): info = "No attribute is allowed" else: allowed_args = [ a[1].lower().replace('-','') for a in allowed_attrs] allowed_args.sort() info = ', '.join(allowed_args) p.addElement(text.Span(stylename=attrliststyle, text=info)) p.addText(".")