Beispiel #1
def merge_hists(hists_d, merge_groups):
    out_d = dict()
    for merge_name, items in merge_groups.items():
        hist = hists_d[items[0]].Clone()
        for item in items[1:]:

        out_d[merge_name] = hist
        out_d[merge_name].SetTitle("%s" % merge_name)
    return out_d
Beispiel #2
def merge_hists(hists_d, merge_groups):
    out_d = dict()
    for merge_name, items in merge_groups.items():
        hist = hists_d[items[0]].Clone()
        for item in items[1:]:

        out_d[merge_name] = hist
        out_d[merge_name].SetTitle("%s" % merge_name)
    return out_d
Beispiel #3
def get_sample_dict(path, sample_d):
    out_d = dict()
    for (name, samples) in sample_d.items():
        files = []
        for samp in samples:
            fn = path + "/" + samp + ".root"
                fi = ROOT.TFile(fn)
            except Exception as e:
                logging.getLogger().warning("Could not open sample %s: %s" % (fn, str(e)))
                fi = None
            if fi:
        out_d[name] = files
    return out_d
Beispiel #4
def get_sample_dict(path, sample_d):
    out_d = dict()
    for (name, samples) in sample_d.items():
        files = []
        for samp in samples:
            fn = path + "/" + samp + ".root"
                fi = ROOT.TFile(fn)
            except Exception as e:
                logging.getLogger().warning("Could not open sample %s: %s" %
                                            (fn, str(e)))
                fi = None
            if fi:
        out_d[name] = files
    return out_d
Beispiel #5
import ROOT
from odict import OrderedDict as dict
import string
import logging

#Here the latter items will become topmost in stacks
merge_cmds = dict()
merge_cmds["data"] = ["SingleMu"]
merge_cmds["diboson"] = ["WW", "WZ", "ZZ"]
merge_cmds["W(#rightarrow l #nu) + jets"] = [
    "W1Jets_exclusive", "W2Jets_exclusive", "W3Jets_exclusive",
merge_cmds["DY-jets"] = ["DYJets"]
merge_cmds["t#bar{t} (#rightarrow lq, ll)"] = [
    "TTJets_FullLept", "TTJets_SemiLept"
#merge_cmds["t#bar{t}"] = ["TTJets_MassiveBinDECAY"]
merge_cmds["tW-channel"] = ["T_tW", "Tbar_tW"]
merge_cmds["s-channel"] = ["T_s", "Tbar_s"]
merge_cmds["t-channel"] = ["T_t", "Tbar_t"]

def lumi_textbox(lumi, pos="top-left"):
    This method creates and draws the "CMS Preliminary" luminosity box,
    displaying the lumi in 1/fb and the COM energy.

    **Mandatory arguments:
    lumi - the integrated luminosity in 1/pb
    infile_SL = set_file_name("histograms_presel_2b_SL", mctrig, topw, noWeight, dosys=args.doSys)

standalone = True

f_SL = ROOT.TFile(indir + infile_SL)

pars_SL = f_SL.Get("pars") # read lumi normalization of mc histograms
hist_lumi_SL = pars_SL.GetBinContent(pars_SL.GetXaxis().FindBin("Lumi") )

#lf = 19.6/hist_lumi_SL # scale lumi to new value if needed, default 1
Lumi = hist_lumi_SL*lf

from odict import OrderedDict as dict
processes_SM = dict()
processes_SM["ttH125"] = f_SL.Get("ttH125/cut_flow_smu_ttH125")
processes_SM["ttjj"] = f_SL.Get("ttjj/cut_flow_smu_ttjj")
processes_SM["ttb"] = f_SL.Get("ttb/cut_flow_smu_ttb")
processes_SM["ttbb"] = f_SL.Get("ttbb/cut_flow_smu_ttbb")
processes_SM["TTV"] = f_SL.Get("TTV/cut_flow_smu_TTV")
processes_SM["SingleT"] = f_SL.Get("SingleT/cut_flow_smu_SingleT")
processes_SM["EWK"] = f_SL.Get("EWK/cut_flow_smu_EWK")
processes_SM["DiBoson"] = f_SL.Get("DiBoson/cut_flow_smu_DiBoson")

sumBkg_SM = processes_SM["ttjj"].Clone("sumBkg") # Get a cut-flow histogram for sum Bkg
for proc, cf_hist in processes_SM.iteritems():
    if not proc == "ttH125" and not proc=="ttjj":

data_SM = f_SL.Get("singleMu_data/cut_flow_smu_singleMu_data") # get cut-flow of data
import re

from odict import OrderedDict as dict
tracking_cfg_parameters = dict()

from sub_fun import read_template, write_outfile, create_cmssw_cfg_from_template, create_batch_submission_script, create_varstrings
from infilelists import infilelist_Zee

# Chi2 scan
tracking_cfg_parameters["maxCand"] = [5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 ]
tracking_cfg_parameters["maxChi2"] = [10, 30, 50, 100, 300, 2000]
tracking_cfg_parameters["nSigma"] = [3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 ]

# Max cand scan
tracking_cfg_parameters["maxCand"] += [3, 4, 6, 7]
tracking_cfg_parameters["maxChi2"] += [2000, 2000, 2000, 2000]
tracking_cfg_parameters["nSigma"] += [3, 3, 3, 3]

# nSigma scan
tracking_cfg_parameters["maxCand"] += [5, 5, 5]
tracking_cfg_parameters["maxChi2"] += [2000, 2000, 2000]
tracking_cfg_parameters["nSigma"] += [2, 4, 5]

print "Creating " + str(len(tracking_cfg_parameters["maxCand"]) )+ " jobs"

varstrings = create_varstrings(tracking_cfg_parameters, iter = len(tracking_cfg_parameters["maxCand"]), skip_default = False)

filelists = {
#    "Flat_Pt": "",
#    "Pt10": "",
#    "Pt100": "",
Beispiel #8
def legend(hists, pos="top-right", **kwargs):
        ***Mandatory arguments:
        hists - list of TH1* type objects
                The title of the histogram(TH1.GetTitle()) is used as the name in the legend.
                The legend will be in the order of the histograms.
        ***Optional arguments:
        names - names of the processes displayed at the legend instead of the histogram titles. Order
                1. data
                2. MC samples in the reverse order to appear in the legend

        pos - a string specifying the desired position on the canvas
        width, height - the size of the legend in relative coordinates
        styles - an optional list of characters form the set of {p,f} specifying
                whether to draw a filled legend marker (MC) or a point (data)
                If the length of style characters does not equal the length of
                the histogram list, the last character is duplicated to have styles
                for all histograms.
                For example:
                hists=[hist_data, hist_mc1, hist_mc2, hist_mc3]
                styles=["p","f"] becomes styles["p", "f", "f", "f"]
                and the data histogram will be drawn as "p", the mc histogram as "f"
        returns - instance of TLegend. You must keep a reference to the instance
                to avoid losing the legend, e.g. you must do
                h = TH1F(...)
                leg = legend([h], ...) <<< note the leg=..
                Instead of
                legend([h], ...)

    #Names of the processes as displayed on a legend
    names = kwargs.get("names")

    #The relative size of the text in the legend
    text_size = kwargs.get("text_size", 0.03)

    #If you have long names you should make the width larger
    width = kwargs.get("width", 0.21)

    #The height is determined automatically with some sensible settings from
    #the number of legend items
    height = kwargs.get("height", 0.03 * len(hists))

    #The style characters for drawing the legend
    styles = kwargs.get("styles", ["p", "f"])

    #Fill the style character array to correct length
    if len(styles) < len(hists):
        styles += [styles[-1]] * (len(hists) - len(styles))

    #Check that each histo has a style character
    if len(styles) != len(hists):
        raise ValueError(
            "styles must have the same number of objects as hists")

    #We'll be popping form back, so need to reverse

    #Some 'reasonable' hard-coded positions
    #[bottom_left_x, bottom_left_y, top_right_x, top_right_y]
    #FIXME: fine-tune and make your own
    if pos == "top-right":
        leg_coords = [-1, -1, 0.93, 0.91]
    if pos == "top-left":
        leg_coords = [-1, -1, 0.45, 0.91]

    #Calculate the bottom-left coordinate from top right using the width and height
    if leg_coords[0] == -1:
        leg_coords[0] = leg_coords[2] - width
    if leg_coords[1] == -1:
        leg_coords[1] = leg_coords[3] - height

    #Expand the array using the wildcard
    leg = ROOT.TLegend(*leg_coords)

    if "names" in kwargs:
        rnames = names[::-1]
        data = rnames.pop()
        rnames.insert(0, data)
        from odict import OrderedDict as dict
        name_hist_pairs = dict(zip(rnames, hists))

        for name in name_hist_pairs:
            leg_style = styles.pop()
            leg.AddEntry(name_hist_pairs[name], name, leg_style)

        for hist in hists:
            leg_style = styles.pop()
            leg.AddEntry(hist, hist.GetTitle(), leg_style)



    #Need to return the legend to keep a reference
    return leg
f_DL = ROOT.TFile(indir + infile_DL)

pars_SL = f_SL.Get("pars") # read lumi normalization of mc histograms
pars_DL = f_DL.Get("pars")

hist_lumi_SL = pars_SL.GetBinContent(pars_SL.GetXaxis().FindBin("Lumi") )
hist_lumi_DL = pars_DL.GetBinContent(pars_DL.GetXaxis().FindBin("Lumi") )

if hist_lumi_SL != hist_lumi_DL:
    print "WARNING: lumi_SL != lumi_DL, using lumi_SL"

lf = 1 #19.5/hist_lumi # scale lumi to new value if needed, default 1
Lumi = hist_lumi_SL*lf

from odict import OrderedDict as dict
processes_SL = dict()
processes_SL["ttH125"] = f_SL.Get("ttH125/cut_flow_ttH125")
processes_SL["ttjj"] = f_SL.Get("ttjj/cut_flow_ttjj")
processes_SL["ttb"] = f_SL.Get("ttb/cut_flow_ttb")
processes_SL["ttbb"] = f_SL.Get("ttbb/cut_flow_ttbb")
processes_SL["TTV"] = f_SL.Get("TTV/cut_flow_TTV")
processes_SL["SingleT"] = f_SL.Get("SingleT/cut_flow_SingleT")
processes_SL["EWK"] = f_SL.Get("EWK/cut_flow_EWK")
processes_SL["DiBoson"] = f_SL.Get("DiBoson/cut_flow_DiBoson")

processes_DL = dict()
processes_DL["ttH125"] = f_DL.Get("ttH125/cut_flow_ttH125")
processes_DL["ttjj"] = f_DL.Get("ttjj/cut_flow_ttjj")
processes_DL["ttb"] = f_DL.Get("ttb/cut_flow_ttb")
processes_DL["ttbb"] = f_DL.Get("ttbb/cut_flow_ttbb")
processes_DL["TTV"] = f_DL.Get("TTV/cut_flow_TTV")
Beispiel #10
        data = data_mu.Clone("data")
        if not (hist_to_plot[:3] == "num"):

    if mode=="DL":
        data_mu = h.Get("diMu_data/" + hist_to_plot + "_diMu_data")
        data_el = h.Get("diEl_data/" + hist_to_plot + "_diEl_data")
        data = data_mu.Clone("data")
        if not(hist_to_plot[:3] == "num"):

    from odict import OrderedDict as dict
    mc = dict()

    mc["EWK"] = h.Get("EWK/" + hist_to_plot + "_EWK") # 
    mc["SingleTop"] = h.Get("SingleT/" + hist_to_plot + "_SingleT")
    mc["DiBoson"] = h.Get("DiBoson/" + hist_to_plot + "_DiBoson")
    mc["TTV"] = h.Get("TTV/" + hist_to_plot + "_TTV")

    if inclusive_ttjets:
        mc["TTJets"] = h.Get("TTJets/" + hist_to_plot + "_TTJets")
        mc["ttjj"] = h.Get("ttjj/" + hist_to_plot + "_ttjj")
        mc["ttb"] = h.Get("ttb/" + hist_to_plot + "_ttb")
        mc["ttbb"] = h.Get("ttbb/" + hist_to_plot + "_ttbb")
    mc["TTH125"] = h.Get("ttH125/" + hist_to_plot + "_ttH125")

    for key in mc:
Beispiel #11
def legend(hists, pos="top-right", **kwargs):
        ***Mandatory arguments:
        hists - list of TH1* type objects
                The title of the histogram(TH1.GetTitle()) is used as the name in the legend.
                The legend will be in the order of the histograms.
        ***Optional arguments:
        names - names of the processes displayed at the legend instead of the histogram titles. Order
                1. data
                2. MC samples in the reverse order to appear in the legend

        pos - a string specifying the desired position on the canvas
        width, height - the size of the legend in relative coordinates
        styles - an optional list of characters form the set of {p,f} specifying
                whether to draw a filled legend marker (MC) or a point (data)
                If the length of style characters does not equal the length of
                the histogram list, the last character is duplicated to have styles
                for all histograms.
                For example:
                hists=[hist_data, hist_mc1, hist_mc2, hist_mc3]
                styles=["p","f"] becomes styles["p", "f", "f", "f"]
                and the data histogram will be drawn as "p", the mc histogram as "f"
        returns - instance of TLegend. You must keep a reference to the instance
                to avoid losing the legend, e.g. you must do
                h = TH1F(...)
                leg = legend([h], ...) <<< note the leg=..
                Instead of
                legend([h], ...)

    # Names of the processes as displayed on a legend
    names = kwargs.get("names")

    # The relative size of the text in the legend
    text_size = kwargs.get("text_size", 0.03)

    # If you have long names you should make the width larger
    width = kwargs.get("width", 0.21)

    # The height is determined automatically with some sensible settings from
    # the number of legend items
    height = kwargs.get("height", 0.03 * len(hists))

    # The style characters for drawing the legend
    styles = kwargs.get("styles", ["p", "f"])

    # Fill the style character array to correct length
    if len(styles) < len(hists):
        styles += [styles[-1]] * (len(hists) - len(styles))

    # Check that each histo has a style character
    if len(styles) != len(hists):
        raise ValueError("styles must have the same number of objects as hists")

    # We'll be popping form back, so need to reverse

    # Some 'reasonable' hard-coded positions
    # [bottom_left_x, bottom_left_y, top_right_x, top_right_y]
    # FIXME: fine-tune and make your own
    if pos == "top-right":
        leg_coords = [-1, -1, 0.93, 0.91]
    if pos == "top-left":
        leg_coords = [-1, -1, 0.45, 0.91]

    # Calculate the bottom-left coordinate from top right using the width and height
    if leg_coords[0] == -1:
        leg_coords[0] = leg_coords[2] - width
    if leg_coords[1] == -1:
        leg_coords[1] = leg_coords[3] - height

    # Expand the array using the wildcard
    leg = ROOT.TLegend(*leg_coords)

    if "names" in kwargs:
        rnames = names[::-1]
        data = rnames.pop()
        rnames.insert(0, data)
        from odict import OrderedDict as dict

        name_hist_pairs = dict(zip(rnames, hists))

        for name in name_hist_pairs:
            leg_style = styles.pop()
            leg.AddEntry(name_hist_pairs[name], name, leg_style)

        for hist in hists:
            leg_style = styles.pop()
            leg.AddEntry(hist, hist.GetTitle(), leg_style)



    # Need to return the legend to keep a reference
    return leg
Beispiel #12
import ROOT
from odict import OrderedDict as dict
import string
import logging

#Here the latter items will become topmost in stacks
merge_cmds = dict()
merge_cmds["data"] = ["SingleMu"]
merge_cmds["diboson"] = ["WW", "WZ", "ZZ"]
merge_cmds["W(#rightarrow l #nu) + jets"] = ["W1Jets_exclusive", "W2Jets_exclusive", "W3Jets_exclusive", "W4Jets_exclusive"]
merge_cmds["DY-jets"] = ["DYJets"]
merge_cmds["t#bar{t} (#rightarrow lq, ll)"] = ["TTJets_FullLept", "TTJets_SemiLept"]
#merge_cmds["t#bar{t}"] = ["TTJets_MassiveBinDECAY"]
merge_cmds["tW-channel"] = ["T_tW", "Tbar_tW"]
merge_cmds["s-channel"] = ["T_s", "Tbar_s"]
merge_cmds["t-channel"] = ["T_t", "Tbar_t"]

def lumi_textbox(lumi, pos="top-left"):
    This method creates and draws the "CMS Preliminary" luminosity box,
    displaying the lumi in 1/fb and the COM energy.

    **Mandatory arguments:
    lumi - the integrated luminosity in 1/pb

    **Optional arguments:
    pos - a string specifying the position of the lumi box.

    A TPaveText instance with the lumi information
Beispiel #13
    if mode == "SL":
        cut_flow_base = "cut_flow_smu"
    elif mode == "DL":
        cut_flow_base = "cut_flow_di_mu"
elif args.lep == "ele":
    if mode == "SL":
        cut_flow_base = "cut_flow_sele"
    elif mode == "DL":
        cut_flow_base = "cut_flow_di_ele"
    cut_flow_base = "cut_flow"

print "reading cut flow from histograms: " + cut_flow_base

from odict import OrderedDict as dict
processes = dict()
processes["ttH125"] = f.Get("ttH125/" + cut_flow_base + "_ttH125")
processes["ttjj"] = f.Get("ttjj/" + cut_flow_base + "_ttjj") 
processes["ttb"] = f.Get("ttb/" + cut_flow_base + "_ttb")
processes["ttbb"] = f.Get("ttbb/" + cut_flow_base + "_ttbb")
processes["TTV"] = f.Get("TTV/" + cut_flow_base + "_TTV")
processes["SingleT"] = f.Get("SingleT/" + cut_flow_base + "_SingleT")
processes["EWK"] = f.Get("EWK/" + cut_flow_base + "_EWK")
processes["DiBoson"] = f.Get("DiBoson/" + cut_flow_base + "_DiBoson")

#evt_weight = {}
#for process in processes:
#    evt_weight[process] = (f.Get(process + "/weights_" + process) ).GetBinContent(1)

evt_weight = get_evt_weight(f,processes)