def handle_control_message(self, socket):
        """Handle a control message on the given socket

            socket(zmq.Socket): The socket to receive a message and reply on

        message_handlers = {
            "status": self.status,
            "configure": self.configure,
            "request_configuration": self.request_configuration,
            "request_version": self.version,
            "shutdown": self.shutdown,

        # The first message part is a channel ID
        channel_id = socket.recv()

        # The second message part is the IpcMessage
        message = IpcMessage(from_str=socket.recv())
        request_type = message.get_msg_val()

        handler = message_handlers.get(request_type, None)
        if handler is not None:
            reply = handler(message)
            error = "Unknown request type: {}".format(request_type)
            reply = self._construct_reply(
                message.get_msg_val(), message.get_msg_id(), error

        socket.send(channel_id, zmq.SNDMORE)
Beispiel #2
    def _send_message(self, msg, timeout):
        self.message_id = (self.message_id + 1) % self.MESSAGE_ID_MAX
        self.logger.debug("Sending control message:\n%s", msg.encode())
        with self._lock:
            expected_id = msg.get_msg_id()
            id = None
            while not id == expected_id:
                pollevts = self.ctrl_channel.poll(timeout)

                if pollevts == zmq.POLLIN:
                    reply = IpcMessage(from_str=self.ctrl_channel.recv())
                    id = reply.get_msg_id()
                    if not id == expected_id:
                        self.logger.warn("Dropping reply message with id [" +
                                         str(id) + "] as was expecting [" +
                                         str(expected_id) + "]")
                    if reply.is_valid() and reply.get_msg_type(
                    ) == IpcMessage.ACK:
                        self.logger.debug("Request successful: %s", reply)
                        return True, reply.attrs
                        self.logger.debug("Request unsuccessful")
                        return False, reply.attrs
                    self.logger.warning("Received no response")
                    return False, None
def test_round_trip_from_empty_msg():

    # Instantiate an empty message
    the_msg = IpcMessage()

    # Set the message type and value
    msg_type = "cmd"
    msg_val = "reset"
    msg_id = 61616

     # Define and set some parameters
    paramInt1 = 1234;
    paramInt2 = 901201;
    paramInt3 = 4567;
    paramStr = "paramString"

    the_msg.set_param('paramInt1', paramInt1)
    the_msg.set_param('paramInt2', paramInt2)
    the_msg.set_param('paramInt3', paramInt3)
    the_msg.set_param('paramStr',  paramStr)

    # Retrieve the encoded version
    the_msg_encoded = the_msg.encode()

    # Create another message from the encoded version
    msg_from_encoded = IpcMessage(from_str=the_msg_encoded)

    # Validate the contents of all attributes and parameters of the new message
    assert_equal(msg_from_encoded.get_msg_type(), msg_type)
    assert_equal(msg_from_encoded.get_msg_val(),  msg_val)
    assert_equal(msg_from_encoded.get_msg_timestamp(), the_msg.get_msg_timestamp())
    assert_equal(msg_from_encoded.get_msg_id(), the_msg.get_msg_id())
    assert_equal(msg_from_encoded.get_param('paramInt1'), paramInt1)
    assert_equal(msg_from_encoded.get_param('paramInt2'), paramInt2)
    assert_equal(msg_from_encoded.get_param('paramInt3'), paramInt3)
    assert_equal(msg_from_encoded.get_param('paramStr'), paramStr)
def test_valid_ipc_msg_from_string():

    # Instantiate a valid message from a JSON string

    json_str = """
                \"timestamp\" : \"2015-01-27T15:26:01.123456\",
                \"params\" : {
                    \"paramInt\" : 1234,
                    \"paramStr\" : \"testParam\",
                    \"paramDouble\" : 3.1415


    # Instantiate a valid message from the JSON string
    the_msg = IpcMessage(from_str=json_str)

    # Check the message is indeed valid

    # Check that all attributes are as expected
    assert_equals(the_msg.get_msg_type(), "cmd")
    assert_equals(the_msg.get_msg_val(), "status")
    assert_equals(the_msg.get_msg_timestamp(), "2015-01-27T15:26:01.123456")
    assert_equals(the_msg.get_msg_id(), 322)

    # Check that all parameters are as expected
    assert_equals(the_msg.get_param("paramInt"), 1234)
    assert_equals(the_msg.get_param("paramStr"), "testParam")
    assert_equals(the_msg.get_param("paramDouble"), 3.1415)

    # Check valid message throws an exception on missing parameter
    with assert_raises(IpcMessageException) as cm:
         missingParam = the_msg.get_param("missingParam")
    ex = cm.exception
    assert_equals(ex.msg, 'Missing parameter missingParam')

    # Check valid message can fall back to default value if parameter missing
    defaultParamValue = 90210
    assert_equals(the_msg.get_param("missingParam", defaultParamValue), defaultParamValue)
    def handle_control_message(self, receiver):
        """Handle control message.

        :param: receiver: ZeroMQ channel to receive message from
        channel_id = receiver.recv()
        message_val = ""
        message_id = 0

            message = IpcMessage(from_str=receiver.recv())
            message_val = message.get_msg_val()
            message_id = message.get_msg_id()

            if message.get_msg_val() == 'status':
                reply = self.handle_status_message(message_id)
            elif message.get_msg_val() == 'request_configuration':
                reply = self.handle_request_config_message(message_id)
            elif message.get_msg_val() == 'request_version':
                reply = self.handle_request_version_message(message_id)
            elif message.get_msg_val() == 'configure':
                self.logger.debug('handling control configure message')
                params = message.attrs['params']
                reply = self.handle_configure_message(params, message_id)
                reply = IpcMessage(IpcMessage.NACK, message_val, id=message_id)
                reply.set_param('error', 'Unknown message value type')

        except Exception as err:
                'Unexpected Exception handling control message: ' + str(err))
            reply = IpcMessage(IpcMessage.NACK, message_val, id=message_id)
            reply.set_param('error', 'Error processing control message')

        receiver.send(channel_id, zmq.SNDMORE)