Beispiel #1
def test_real():
    C = ComplexNumbers()
    R = RealNumbers()
    Z = Integers()

    # __contains__
    assert -1 in R
    assert 1 in R
    assert 0 in R
    assert -1.0 in R
    assert 1.0 in R
    assert 0.0 in R

    assert 2j not in R
    assert 2 + 2j not in R
    assert 'a' not in R

    # contains_set
    assert not R.contains_set(C)
    assert R.contains_set(R)
    assert C.contains_set(Z)

    # __eq__
    assert R != C
    assert R == R
    assert R != Z

    # element
    assert C.element() == float(0.0)
    assert C.element(1) == float(1.0)
Beispiel #2
def test_real():
    C = ComplexNumbers()
    R = RealNumbers()
    Z = Integers()

    # __contains__
    assert -1 in R
    assert 1 in R
    assert 0 in R
    assert -1.0 in R
    assert 1.0 in R
    assert 0.0 in R

    assert 2j not in R
    assert 2 + 2j not in R
    assert 'a' not in R

    # contains_set
    assert not R.contains_set(C)
    assert R.contains_set(R)
    assert C.contains_set(Z)

    # __eq__
    assert R != C
    assert R == R
    assert R != Z

    # element
    assert C.element() == float(0.0)
    assert C.element(1) == float(1.0)
Beispiel #3
    def default_dtype(field=None):
        """Return the default of `Fn` data type for a given field.

        field : `Field`
            Set of numbers to be represented by a data type.
            Currently supported : `RealNumbers`, `ComplexNumbers`

        dtype : `type`
            Numpy data type specifier. The returned defaults are:

            ``RealNumbers()`` : ``np.dtype('float32')``

            ``ComplexNumbers()`` : `NotImplemented`
        if field is None or field == RealNumbers():
            return np.dtype('float32')
        elif field == ComplexNumbers():
            return NotImplemented
            raise ValueError('no default data type defined for field {}'
Beispiel #4
def test_integers():
    C = ComplexNumbers()
    R = RealNumbers()
    Z = Integers()

    # __contains__
    assert -1 in Z
    assert 1 in Z
    assert 0 in Z

    assert -1.0 not in Z
    assert 1.0 not in Z
    assert 0.0 not in Z
    assert 2j not in Z
    assert 2 + 2j not in Z
    assert 'a' not in Z

    # contains_set
    assert not Z.contains_set(C)
    assert not Z.contains_set(R)
    assert Z.contains_set(Z)

    # __eq__
    assert Z != C
    assert Z != R
    assert Z == Z

    # element
    assert Z.element() == int(0)
    assert Z.element(1) == int(1)
    assert Z.element(1.5) == int(1.5)
Beispiel #5
def test_complex():
    C = ComplexNumbers()
    R = RealNumbers()
    Z = Integers()

    # __contains__
    assert -1 in C
    assert 1 in C
    assert 0 in C
    assert -1.0 in C
    assert 1.0 in C
    assert 0.0 in C
    assert 2j in C
    assert 2 + 2j in C

    assert 'a' not in C

    # contains_set
    assert C.contains_set(C)
    assert C.contains_set(R)
    assert C.contains_set(Z)

    # __eq__
    assert C == C
    assert C != R
    assert C != Z

    # element
    assert C.element() == complex(0.0, 0.0)
    assert C.element(1) == complex(1.0, 0.0)
    assert C.element(1 + 2j) == complex(1.0, 2.0)
Beispiel #6
 def _abs_pow_ufunc(self, fi, out):
     """Compute |F_i(x)|^p point-wise and write to ``out``."""
     # Optimization for a very common case
     if self.exponent == 2.0 and self.base_space.field == RealNumbers():
         out.multiply(fi, fi)
         out.ufunc.power(self.exponent, out=out)
Beispiel #7
    def __init__(self, shape, dtype):
        """Initialize a new instance.

        shape : nonnegative int or sequence of nonnegative ints
            Number of entries of type ``dtype`` per axis in this space. A
            single integer results in a space with rank 1, i.e., 1 axis.
        dtype :
            Data type of elements in this space. Can be provided
            in any way the `numpy.dtype` constructor understands, e.g.
            as built-in type or as a string.
            For a data type with a ``dtype.shape``, these extra dimensions
            are added *to the left* of ``shape``.
        # Handle shape and dtype, taking care also of dtypes with shape
            shape, shape_in = tuple(safe_int_conv(s) for s in shape), shape
        except TypeError:
            shape, shape_in = (safe_int_conv(shape), ), shape
        if any(s < 0 for s in shape):
            raise ValueError('`shape` must have only nonnegative entries, got '
        dtype = np.dtype(dtype)

        # We choose this order in contrast to Numpy, since we usually want
        # to represent discretizations of vector- or tensor-valued functions,
        # i.e., if dtype.shape == (3,) we expect f[0] to have shape `shape`.
        self.__shape = dtype.shape + shape
        self.__dtype = dtype.base

        if is_real_dtype(self.dtype):
            # real includes non-floating-point like integers
            field = RealNumbers()
            self.__real_dtype = self.dtype
            self.__real_space = self
            self.__complex_dtype = TYPE_MAP_R2C.get(self.dtype, None)
            self.__complex_space = None  # Set in first call of astype
        elif is_complex_floating_dtype(self.dtype):
            field = ComplexNumbers()
            self.__real_dtype = TYPE_MAP_C2R[self.dtype]
            self.__real_space = None  # Set in first call of astype
            self.__complex_dtype = self.dtype
            self.__complex_space = self
            field = None

        LinearSpace.__init__(self, field)
Beispiel #8
    def element(self, fcall=None, vectorized=True):
        """Create a `FunctionSpace` element.

        fcall : `callable`, optional
            The actual instruction for out-of-place evaluation.
            It must return an `FunctionSet.range` element or a
            `numpy.ndarray` of such (vectorized call).

            If fcall is a `FunctionSetVector`, it is wrapped
            as a new `FunctionSpaceVector`.

        vectorized : bool
            Whether ``fcall`` supports vectorized evaluation.

        element : `FunctionSpaceVector`
            The new element, always supports vectorization

        If you specify ``vectorized=False``, the function is decorated
        with a vectorizer, which makes two elements created this way
        from the same function being regarded as *not equal*.
        if fcall is None:
        elif fcall in self:
            return fcall
            if not callable(fcall):
                raise TypeError('`fcall` {!r} is not callable'.format(fcall))
            if not vectorized:
                if self.field == RealNumbers():
                    dtype = 'float64'
                    dtype = 'complex128'

                fcall = vectorize(otypes=[dtype])(fcall)

            return self.element_type(self, fcall)
Beispiel #9
    def __str__(self):
        """Return ``str(self)``."""
        inner_str = '{}'.format(self.domain)
        dtype_str = dtype_repr(self.out_dtype)

        if self.field == RealNumbers():
            if self.out_dtype == np.dtype('float64'):
                inner_str += ', out_dtype={}'.format(dtype_str)

        elif self.field == ComplexNumbers():
            if self.out_dtype == np.dtype('complex128'):
                inner_str += ', field={!r}'.format(self.field)
                inner_str += ', out_dtype={}'.format(dtype_str)

        else:  # different field, name explicitly
            inner_str += ', field={!r}'.format(self.field)
            inner_str += ', out_dtype={}'.format(dtype_str)

        return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, inner_str)
Beispiel #10
    def __init__(self, size, dtype):
        """Initialize a new instance.

        size : `int`
            The number of dimensions of the space
        dtype : `object`
            The data type of the storage array. Can be provided in any
            way the `numpy.dtype` function understands, most notably
            as built-in type, as one of NumPy's internal datatype
            objects or as string.
            Only scalar data types (numbers) are allowed.
        NtuplesBase.__init__(self, size, dtype)

        if not is_scalar_dtype(self.dtype):
            raise TypeError('{!r} is not a scalar data type'.format(dtype))

        if is_real_dtype(self.dtype):
            field = RealNumbers()
            self._is_real = True
            self._real_dtype = self.dtype
            self._real_space = self
            self._complex_dtype = _TYPE_MAP_R2C.get(self.dtype, None)
            self._complex_space = None  # Set in first call of astype
            field = ComplexNumbers()
            self._is_real = False
            self._real_dtype = _TYPE_MAP_C2R[self.dtype]
            self._real_space = None  # Set in first call of astype
            self._complex_dtype = self.dtype
            self._complex_space = self

        self._is_floating = is_floating_dtype(self.dtype)
        LinearSpace.__init__(self, field)
Beispiel #11
    def __init__(self, domain, field=None, out_dtype=None):
        """Initialize a new instance.

        domain : `Set`
            The domain of the functions
        field : `Field`, optional
            The range of the functions, usually the `RealNumbers` or
            `ComplexNumbers`. If not given, the field is either inferred
            from ``out_dtype``, or, if the latter is also `None`, set
            to ``RealNumbers()``.
        out_dtype : optional
            Data type of the return value of a function in this space.
            Can be given in any way `numpy.dtype` understands, e.g. as
            string ('float64') or data type (`float`).
            By default, 'float64' is used for real and 'complex128'
            for complex spaces.
        if not isinstance(domain, Set):
            raise TypeError('`domain` {!r} not a Set instance'.format(domain))

        if field is not None and not isinstance(field, Field):
            raise TypeError('`field` {!r} not a `Field` instance'

        # Data type: check if consistent with field, take default for None
        dtype, dtype_in = np.dtype(out_dtype), out_dtype

        # Default for both None
        if field is None and out_dtype is None:
            field = RealNumbers()
            out_dtype = np.dtype('float64')

        # field None, dtype given -> infer field
        elif field is None:
            if is_real_dtype(dtype):
                field = RealNumbers()
            elif is_complex_floating_dtype(dtype):
                field = ComplexNumbers()
                raise ValueError('{} is not a scalar data type'

        # field given -> infer dtype if not given, else check consistency
        elif field == RealNumbers():
            if out_dtype is None:
                out_dtype = np.dtype('float64')
            elif not is_real_dtype(dtype):
                raise ValueError('{} is not a real data type'
        elif field == ComplexNumbers():
            if out_dtype is None:
                out_dtype = np.dtype('complex128')
            elif not is_complex_floating_dtype(dtype):
                raise ValueError('{} is not a complex data type'

        # Else: keep out_dtype=None, which results in lazy dtype determination

        LinearSpace.__init__(self, field)
        FunctionSet.__init__(self, domain, field, out_dtype)

        # Init cache attributes for real / complex variants
        if self.field == RealNumbers():
            self._real_out_dtype = self.out_dtype
            self._real_space = self
            self._complex_out_dtype = _TYPE_MAP_R2C.get(self.out_dtype,
            self._complex_space = None
        elif self.field == ComplexNumbers():
            self._real_out_dtype = _TYPE_MAP_C2R[self.out_dtype]
            self._real_space = None
            self._complex_out_dtype = self.out_dtype
            self._complex_space = self
            self._real_out_dtype = None
            self._real_space = None
            self._complex_out_dtype = None
            self._complex_space = None