Beispiel #1
    def rotation_matrix(self, angle):
        """Return the rotation matrix to the system state at ``angle``.

        The matrix is computed according to
        `Rodrigues' rotation formula

        angle : float or `array-like`
            Angle(s) in radians describing the counter-clockwise
            rotation of the system around `axis`.

        rot : `numpy.ndarray`
            The rotation matrix (or matrices) mapping vectors at the
            initial state to the ones in the state defined by ``angle``.
            The rotation is extrinsic, i.e., defined in the "world"
            coordinate system.
            If ``angle`` is a single parameter, the returned array has
            shape ``(3, 3)``, otherwise ``angle.shape + (3, 3)``.
        squeeze_out = (np.shape(angle) == ())
        angle = np.array(angle, dtype=float, copy=False, ndmin=1)
        if (self.check_bounds and
                not is_inside_bounds(angle, self.motion_params)):
            raise ValueError('`angle` {} not in the valid range {}'
                             ''.format(angle, self.motion_params))

        matrix = axis_rotation_matrix(self.axis, angle)
        if squeeze_out:
            matrix = matrix.squeeze()

        return matrix
Beispiel #2
    def rotation_matrix(self, angle):
        """Return the matrix for rotating around `axis` by ``angle``.

        The matrix is computed according to
        `Rodrigues' rotation formula

        angle : float
            Motion parameter given in radians. It must be
            contained in this geometry's `motion_params`.

        rot_mat : `numpy.ndarray`, shape ``(3, 3)``
            The rotation matrix mapping the standard basis vectors in
            the fixed ("lab") coordinate system to the basis vectors of
            the local coordinate system of the detector reference point,
            expressed in the fixed system.
        angle = float(angle)
        if angle not in self.motion_params:
            raise ValueError('`angle` {} is not in the valid range {}'
                             ''.format(angle, self.motion_params))

        return axis_rotation_matrix(self.axis, angle)