Beispiel #1
    def payment_confirm(self, tx_id, access_token, **kwargs):
        """ Display the payment confirmation page with the appropriate status message to the user.

        :param str tx_id: The transaction to confirm, as a `payment.transaction` id
        :param str access_token: The access token used to verify the user
        :param dict kwargs: Optional data. This parameter is not used here
        :raise: werkzeug.exceptions.NotFound if the access token is invalid
        tx_id = self.cast_as_int(tx_id)
        if tx_id:
            tx_sudo = request.env['payment.transaction'].sudo().browse(tx_id)

            # Raise an HTTP 404 if the access token is invalid
            if not payment_utils.check_access_token(
                access_token,, tx_sudo.amount,
                raise werkzeug.exceptions.NotFound  # Don't leak info about existence of an id

            # Fetch the appropriate status message configured on the acquirer
            if tx_sudo.state == 'draft':
                status = 'info'
                message = tx_sudo.state_message \
                          or _("This payment has not been processed yet.")
            elif tx_sudo.state == 'pending':
                status = 'warning'
                message = tx_sudo.acquirer_id.pending_msg
            elif tx_sudo.state in ('authorized', 'done'):
                status = 'success'
                message = tx_sudo.acquirer_id.done_msg
            elif tx_sudo.state == 'cancel':
                status = 'danger'
                message = tx_sudo.acquirer_id.cancel_msg
                status = 'danger'
                message = tx_sudo.state_message \
                          or _("An error occurred during the processing of this payment.")

            # Display the payment confirmation page to the user
            render_values = {
                'tx': tx_sudo,
                'status': status,
                'message': message
            return request.render('payment.confirm', render_values)
            # Display the portal homepage to the user
            return request.redirect('/my/home')
Beispiel #2
    def _refund_validation_transaction(self, tx_id):
        """ Refund a validation transaction and remove it from post-processing.

        :param str tx_id: The validation transaction to refund, as a `payment.transaction` id
        :return: The refunded transaction
        :rtype: recordset of `payment.transaction`
        :raise: ValidationError if the transaction id is invalid
        tx_id = self.cast_as_int(tx_id)
        tx_sudo = request.env['payment.transaction'].sudo().browse(tx_id).exists()
        if not tx_sudo:
            raise werkzeug.exceptions.NotFound

        if tx_sudo.operation == 'validation':  # Don't allow to refund non-validation transactions


        return tx_sudo
Beispiel #3
    def _create_transaction(
        self, payment_option_id, reference_prefix, amount, currency_id, partner_id, flow,
        tokenization_requested, validation_route, landing_route, custom_create_values=None, **kwargs
        """ Create a draft transaction based on the payment context and return it.

        :param int payment_option_id: The payment option handling the transaction, as a
                                      `payment.acquirer` id or a `payment.token` id
        :param str reference_prefix: The custom prefix to compute the full reference
        :param float|None amount: The amount to pay in the given currency.
                                  None if in a payment method validation operation
        :param int|None currency_id: The currency of the transaction, as a `res.currency` id.
                                     None if in a payment method validation operation
        :param int partner_id: The partner making the payment, as a `res.partner` id
        :param str flow: The online payment flow of the transaction: 'redirect', 'direct' or 'token'
        :param bool tokenization_requested: Whether the user requested that a token is created
        :param str validation_route: The route the user is redirected to in order to refund a
                                     validation transaction
        :param str landing_route: The route the user is redirected to after the transaction
        :param dict custom_create_values: Additional create values overwriting the default ones
        :param dict kwargs: Locally unused data passed to `_is_tokenization_required` and
        :return: The sudoed transaction that was created
        :rtype: recordset of `payment.transaction`
        :raise: UserError if the flow is invalid
        # Prepare create values
        if flow in ['redirect', 'direct']:  # Direct payment or payment with redirection
            acquirer_sudo = request.env['payment.acquirer'].sudo().browse(payment_option_id)
            token_id = None
            tokenization_required_or_requested = acquirer_sudo._is_tokenization_required(
                provider=acquirer_sudo.provider, **kwargs
            ) or tokenization_requested
            tokenize = bool(
                # Public users are not allowed to save tokens as their partner is unknown
                not request.env.user._is_public()
                # Don't tokenize if the user tried to force it through the browser's developer tools
                and acquirer_sudo.allow_tokenization
                # Token is only created if required by the flow or requested by the user
                and tokenization_required_or_requested
        elif flow == 'token':  # Payment by token
            token_sudo = request.env['payment.token'].sudo().browse(payment_option_id)
            acquirer_sudo = token_sudo.acquirer_id
            token_id = payment_option_id
            tokenize = False
            raise UserError(
                _("The payment should either be direct, with redirection, or made by a token.")
        reference = request.env['payment.transaction']._compute_reference(
            **(custom_create_values or {}),
        if validation_route:  # Acquirers determine the amount and currency in validation operations
            amount = acquirer_sudo._get_validation_amount()
            currency_id = acquirer_sudo._get_validation_currency().id

        # Create the transaction
        tx_sudo = request.env['payment.transaction'].sudo().create({
            'reference': reference,
            'amount': amount,
            'currency_id': currency_id,
            'partner_id': partner_id,
            'token_id': token_id,
            'operation': f'online_{flow}' if not validation_route else 'validation',
            'tokenize': tokenize,
            'validation_route': validation_route,
            'landing_route': landing_route,
            **(custom_create_values or {}),
        })  # In sudo mode to allow writing on callback fields
        # Validation routes require the transaction id
        tx_sudo.validation_route = validation_route and f'{validation_route}?tx_id={}'

        if flow == 'token':
            tx_sudo._send_payment_request()  # Payments by token process transactions immediately

        # Monitor the transaction to make it available in the portal

        return tx_sudo
Beispiel #4
    def _create_transaction(
        self, payment_option_id, reference_prefix, amount, currency_id, partner_id, flow,
        tokenization_requested, landing_route, is_validation=False, invoice_id=None,
        custom_create_values=None, **kwargs
        """ Create a draft transaction based on the payment context and return it.

        :param int payment_option_id: The payment option handling the transaction, as a
                                      `payment.acquirer` id or a `payment.token` id
        :param str reference_prefix: The custom prefix to compute the full reference
        :param float|None amount: The amount to pay in the given currency.
                                  None if in a payment method validation operation
        :param int|None currency_id: The currency of the transaction, as a `res.currency` id.
                                     None if in a payment method validation operation
        :param int partner_id: The partner making the payment, as a `res.partner` id
        :param str flow: The online payment flow of the transaction: 'redirect', 'direct' or 'token'
        :param bool tokenization_requested: Whether the user requested that a token is created
        :param str landing_route: The route the user is redirected to after the transaction
        :param bool is_validation: Whether the operation is a validation
        :param int invoice_id: The account move for which a payment id made, as an `account.move` id
        :param dict custom_create_values: Additional create values overwriting the default ones
        :param dict kwargs: Locally unused data passed to `_is_tokenization_required` and
        :return: The sudoed transaction that was created
        :rtype: recordset of `payment.transaction`
        :raise: UserError if the flow is invalid
        # Prepare create values
        if flow in ['redirect', 'direct']:  # Direct payment or payment with redirection
            acquirer_sudo = request.env['payment.acquirer'].sudo().browse(payment_option_id)
            token_id = None
            tokenization_required_or_requested = acquirer_sudo._is_tokenization_required(
                provider=acquirer_sudo.provider, **kwargs
            ) or tokenization_requested
            tokenize = bool(
                # Don't tokenize if the user tried to force it through the browser's developer tools
                # Token is only created if required by the flow or requested by the user
                and tokenization_required_or_requested
        elif flow == 'token':  # Payment by token
            token_sudo = request.env['payment.token'].sudo().browse(payment_option_id)

            # Prevent from paying with a token that doesn't belong to the current partner (either
            # the current user's partner if logged in, or the partner on behalf of whom the payment
            # is being made).
            partner_sudo = request.env['res.partner'].sudo().browse(partner_id)
            if partner_sudo.commercial_partner_id != token_sudo.partner_id.commercial_partner_id:
                raise AccessError(_("You do not have access to this payment token."))

            acquirer_sudo = token_sudo.acquirer_id
            token_id = payment_option_id
            tokenize = False
            raise UserError(
                _("The payment should either be direct, with redirection, or made by a token.")

        if invoice_id:
            if custom_create_values is None:
                custom_create_values = {}
            custom_create_values['invoice_ids'] = [Command.set([int(invoice_id)])]

        reference = request.env['payment.transaction']._compute_reference(
            **(custom_create_values or {}),
        if is_validation:  # Acquirers determine the amount and currency in validation operations
            amount = acquirer_sudo._get_validation_amount()
            currency_id = acquirer_sudo._get_validation_currency().id

        # Create the transaction
        tx_sudo = request.env['payment.transaction'].sudo().create({
            'reference': reference,
            'amount': amount,
            'currency_id': currency_id,
            'partner_id': partner_id,
            'token_id': token_id,
            'operation': f'online_{flow}' if not is_validation else 'validation',
            'tokenize': tokenize,
            'landing_route': landing_route,
            **(custom_create_values or {}),
        })  # In sudo mode to allow writing on callback fields

        if flow == 'token':
            tx_sudo._send_payment_request()  # Payments by token process transactions immediately

        # Monitor the transaction to make it available in the portal

        return tx_sudo