Beispiel #1
def ensure_db(redirect='/web/database/selector'):
    db = request.params.get('db') and request.params.get('db').strip()

    if db and db not in http.db_filter([db]):
        db = None

    if db and not request.session.db:
        r = request.httprequest
        url_redirect = werkzeug.urls.url_parse(r.base_url)
        if r.query_string:
            query_string = iri_to_uri(r.query_string)
            url_redirect = url_redirect.replace(query=query_string)
        request.session.db = db

    if not db and request.session.db and http.db_filter([request.session.db]):
        db = request.session.db

    if not db:
        db = db_monodb(request.httprequest)

    if not db:
        werkzeug.exceptions.abort(werkzeug.utils.redirect(redirect, 303))

    if db != request.session.db:

    request.session.db = db
Beispiel #2
def ensure_db():
    db = request.params.get('db') and request.params.get('db').strip()

    # Ensure db is legit
    if db and db not in http.db_filter([db]):
        db = None

    if db and not request.session.db:
        # User asked a specific database on a new session.
        request.session.db = db

    # if db not provided, use the session one
    if not db and request.session.db and http.db_filter([request.session.db]):
        db = request.session.db

    # if no database provided and no database in session, use monodb
    if not db:
        db = http.db_monodb(request.httprequest)

    # always switch the session to the computed db
    if db != request.session.db:

    request.session.db = db
Beispiel #3
def ensure_db(redirect='/web/database/selector'):

    print("zack ensurre_deb override")
    # This helper should be used in web client auth="none" routes
    # if those routes needs a db to work with.
    # If the heuristics does not find any database, then the users will be
    # redirected to db selector or any url specified by `redirect` argument.
    # If the db is taken out of a query parameter, it will be checked against
    # `http.db_filter()` in order to ensure it's legit and thus avoid db
    # forgering that could lead to xss attacks.
    db = request.params.get('db') and request.params.get('db').strip()

    # Ensure db is legit
    if db and db not in http.db_filter([db]):
        db = None

    if db and not request.session.db:
        # User asked a specific database on a new session.
        # That mean the nodb router has been used to find the route
        # Depending on installed module in the database, the rendering of the page
        # may depend on data injected by the database route dispatcher.
        # Thus, we redirect the user to the same page but with the session cookie set.
        # This will force using the database route dispatcher...
        r = request.httprequest
        url_redirect = r.base_url
        if r.query_string:
            # Can't use werkzeug.wrappers.BaseRequest.url with encoded hashes:
            url_redirect += '?' + r.query_string
        response = werkzeug.utils.redirect(url_redirect, 302)
        request.session.db = db

    # if db not provided, use the session one
    if not db and request.session.db and http.db_filter([request.session.db]):
        db = request.session.db

    # if no database provided and no database in session, use monodb
    if not db:
        db = db_monodb(request.httprequest)

    # if no db can be found til here, send to the database selector
    # the database selector will redirect to database manager if needed
    if not db:
        werkzeug.exceptions.abort(werkzeug.utils.redirect(redirect, 303))

    # always switch the session to the computed db
    if db != request.session.db:

    request.session.db = 'tctdemo'
Beispiel #4
def ensure_db(redirect='/web/database/selector'):
    # This helper should be used in web client auth="none" routes
    # if those routes needs a db to work with.
    # If the heuristics does not find any database, then the users will be
    # redirected to db selector or any url specified by `redirect` argument.
    # If the db is taken out of a query parameter, it will be checked against
    # `http.db_filter()` in order to ensure it's legit and thus avoid db
    # forgering that could lead to xss attacks.
    db = request.params.get('db') and request.params.get('db').strip()

    # Ensure db is legit
    if db and db not in http.db_filter([db]):
        db = None

    if db and not request.session.db:
        # User asked a specific database on a new session.
        # That mean the nodb router has been used to find the route
        # Depending on installed module in the database, the rendering of the page
        # may depend on data injected by the database route dispatcher.
        # Thus, we redirect the user to the same page but with the session cookie set.
        # This will force using the database route dispatcher...
        r = request.httprequest
        url_redirect = werkzeug.urls.url_parse(r.base_url)
        if r.query_string:
            # in P3, request.query_string is bytes, the rest is text, can't mix them
            query_string = iri_to_uri(r.query_string)
            url_redirect = url_redirect.replace(query=query_string)
        request.session.db = db
        werkzeug.exceptions.abort(request.redirect(url_redirect.to_url(), 302))

    # if db not provided, use the session one
    if not db and request.session.db and http.db_filter([request.session.db]):
        db = request.session.db

    # if no database provided and no database in session, use monodb
    if not db:
        all_dbs = http.db_list(force=True)
        if len(all_dbs) == 1:
            db = all_dbs[0]

    # if no db can be found til here, send to the database selector
    # the database selector will redirect to database manager if needed
    if not db:
        werkzeug.exceptions.abort(request.redirect(redirect, 303))

    # always switch the session to the computed db
    if db != request.session.db:
        request.session =
        request.session.update(http.DEFAULT_SESSION, db=db)
        request.session.context['lang'] = request.default_lang()
            request.redirect(request.httprequest.url, 302))
Beispiel #5
 def _do_post_login(self, employee, redirect):
     :param employee:  employee
     :param redirect:
     dbname = request.session.db
     if not http.db_filter([dbname]):
         return BadRequest()
     context = {}
     registry = registry_get(dbname)
     oauth_uid = employee.sudo().ding_id
     with registry.cursor() as cr:
             env = api.Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, context)
             credentials = env['res.users'].sudo().auth_oauth_dingtalk(
                 "dingtalk", oauth_uid)
             url = '/web' if not redirect else redirect
             uid = request.session.authenticate(*credentials)
             if uid:
                 return http.redirect_with_hash(url)
         except Exception as e:
Beispiel #6
    def oea(self, **kw):
        """login user via Odoo Account provider"""
        dbname = kw.pop('db', None)
        if not dbname:
            dbname = db_monodb()
        if not dbname:
            return BadRequest()
        if not http.db_filter([dbname]):
            return BadRequest()

        registry = registry_get(dbname)
        with registry.cursor() as cr:
                env = api.Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {})
                provider = env.ref('auth_oauth.provider_openerp')
            except ValueError:
                return set_cookie_and_redirect('/web?db=%s' % dbname)
            assert provider._name == 'auth.oauth.provider'

        state = {
            'd': dbname,
            'c': {'no_user_creation': True},

        kw['state'] = json.dumps(state)
        return self.signin(**kw)
Beispiel #7
    def oea(self, **kw):
        """login user via Odoo Account provider"""
        dbname = kw.pop('db', None)
        if not dbname:
            dbname = request.db
        if not dbname:
            raise BadRequest()
        if not http.db_filter([dbname]):
            raise BadRequest()

        registry = registry_get(dbname)
        with registry.cursor() as cr:
                env = api.Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {})
                provider = env.ref('auth_oauth.provider_openerp')
            except ValueError:
                redirect = request.redirect(f'/web?db={dbname}', 303)
                redirect.autocorrect_location_header = False
                return redirect
            assert provider._name == 'auth.oauth.provider'

        state = {
            'd': dbname,
            'c': {'no_user_creation': True},

        kw['state'] = json.dumps(state)
        return self.signin(**kw)
Beispiel #8
    def oea(self, **kw):
        """login user via Odoo Account provider"""
        dbname = kw.pop('db', None)
        if not dbname:
            dbname = db_monodb()
        if not dbname:
            return BadRequest()
        if not http.db_filter([dbname]):
            return BadRequest()

        registry = registry_get(dbname)
        with registry.cursor() as cr:
                env = api.Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {})
                provider = env.ref('auth_oauth.provider_openerp')
            except ValueError:
                return set_cookie_and_redirect('/web?db=%s' % dbname)
            assert provider._name == 'auth.oauth.provider'

        state = {
            'd': dbname,
            'c': {
                'no_user_creation': True

        kw['state'] = json.dumps(state)
        return self.signin(**kw)
Beispiel #9
 def _web_post_login(self, phone):
     :param phone:
     dbname = request.session.db
     if not http.db_filter([dbname]):
         return BadRequest()
     context = {}
     registry = registry_get(dbname)
     with registry.cursor() as cr:
             env = api.Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, context)
             credentials = env['res.users'].sudo().auth_oauth_sms('sms', phone)
             url = '/web'
             uid = request.session.authenticate(*credentials)
             if uid is not False:
                 request.params['login_success'] = True
                 return json.dumps({'state': True, 'msg': "登录成功"})
         except Exception as e:
             # signup error
             _logger.exception("OAuth2: %s" % str(e))
             url = "/web/login?oauth_error=2"
     return set_cookie_and_redirect(url)
Beispiel #10
 def _wxent_do_post_login(self, user_id, redirect):
     :param user_id:  user_id
     :param redirect:
     dbname = request.session.db
     if not http.db_filter([dbname]):
         return BadRequest()
     context = {}
     registry = registry_get(dbname)
     with registry.cursor() as cr:
             env = api.Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, context)
             credentials = env['res.users'].sudo().auth_oauth_weixin_ent(
                 "weixin_ent", user_id)
             url = '/web' if not redirect else redirect
             uid = request.session.authenticate(*credentials)
             if uid:
                 return http.redirect_with_hash(url)
                 return self._do_err_redirect("Oauth认证失败!请使用账号登录")
         except Exception as e:
             return self._do_err_redirect("登录失败,原因为:{}".format(str(e)))
Beispiel #11
 def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
     params = http.request.params
     session = http.request.session
     database = params.get('db') and params.get('db').strip()
     if database and database not in http.db_filter([database]):
         database = None
     if not database and session.db and http.db_filter([session.db]):
         database = session.db
     if not database:
         database = http.db_monodb(http.request.httprequest)
     if not database:
         return exceptions.common.NoDatabaseFound()
     if database != session.db:
     session.db = database
     return func(*args, **kwargs)
Beispiel #12
 def web_dingtalk_auto_signin_action(self, **kw):
     :param kw:
     auth_code = kw.get('authCode')">>>免登授权码: %s", auth_code)
     config = request.env[''].sudo().search(
         [('m_login', '=', True)], limit=1)
     client = dt.get_client(
         request, dt.get_dingtalk_config(request, config.company_id))
     result = client.user.getuserinfo(auth_code)
     domain = [('ding_id', '=', result.userid),
               ('company_id', '=',]
     employee = request.env['hr.employee'].sudo().search(domain, limit=1)
     if not employee:"系统对应员工不存在!"))
         return self._do_err_redirect(_("系统对应员工不存在!"))">>>员工:{}正在尝试登录系统".format(
     if not employee.ding_id:"员工不存在钉钉ID,请维护后再试!"))
         return self._do_err_redirect(_("员工不存在钉钉ID,请维护后再试!"))
     if not employee.user_id:
         return self._do_err_redirect(_("你还没有关联系统用户,请联系管理员处理!"))
     dbname = request.session.db
     if not http.db_filter([dbname]):
         return BadRequest()
     registry = registry_get(dbname)
     with registry.cursor() as cr:
             env = api.Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {})
             credentials = env['res.users'].sudo().auth_oauth(
                 'dingtalk', employee.ding_id)
             url = '/web'
             resp = login_and_redirect(*credentials, redirect_url=url)
             if werkzeug.urls.url_parse(
             ).path == '/web' and not request.env.user.has_group(
                 resp.location = '/'
             return resp
         except AttributeError:
             _logger.error(">>>未在数据库'%s'上安装auth_signup:oauth注册已取消。" %
                           (dbname, ))
             url = "/web/login?oauth_error=1"
         except AccessDenied:
                 '>>>DingTalk-OAuth2: 访问被拒绝,在存在有效会话的情况下重定向到主页,而未设置Cookie')
             url = "/web/login?oauth_error=3"
             redirect = werkzeug.utils.redirect(url, 303)
             redirect.autocorrect_location_header = False
             return redirect
         except Exception as e:
             _logger.exception("OAuth2: %s" % str(e))
             url = "/web/login?oauth_error=2"
     return http.redirect_with_hash(url)
Beispiel #13
def db_env(dbname):
    if not http.db_filter([dbname]):
        raise werkzeug.exceptions.BadRequest()
    cr = None
    if dbname == http.request.db:
        cr =
    if not cr:
        cr = odoo.sql_db.db_connect(dbname).cursor()
    with api.Environment.manage():
        yield api.Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {})
Beispiel #14
    def signin(self, **kw):
        state = json.loads(kw['state'])
        dbname = state['d']
        if not http.db_filter([dbname]):
            return BadRequest()
        provider = state['p']
        context = state.get('c', {})
        registry = registry_get(dbname)
        with registry.cursor() as cr:
                env = api.Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, context)
                credentials = env['res.users'].sudo().auth_oauth(provider, kw)
                action = state.get('a')
                menu = state.get('m')
                redirect = werkzeug.urls.url_unquote_plus(
                    state['r']) if state.get('r') else False
                url = '/web'
                if redirect:
                    url = redirect
                elif action:
                    url = '/web#action=%s' % action
                elif menu:
                    url = '/web#menu_id=%s' % menu
                resp = login_and_redirect(*credentials, redirect_url=url)
                # Since /web is hardcoded, verify user has right to land on it
                if werkzeug.urls.url_parse(
                ).path == '/web' and not request.env.user.has_group(
                    resp.location = '/'
                return resp
            except AttributeError:
                # auth_signup is not installed
                    "auth_signup not installed on database %s: oauth sign up cancelled."
                    % (dbname, ))
                url = "/web/login?oauth_error=1"
            except AccessDenied:
                # oauth credentials not valid, user could be on a temporary session
                    'OAuth2: access denied, redirect to main page in case a valid session exists, without setting cookies'
                url = "/web/login?oauth_error=3"
                redirect = werkzeug.utils.redirect(url, 303)
                redirect.autocorrect_location_header = False
                return redirect
            except Exception as e:
                # signup error
                _logger.exception("OAuth2: %s" % str(e))
                url = "/web/login?oauth_error=2"

        return set_cookie_and_redirect(url)
Beispiel #15
def ensure_db():
    db = request.params.get('db') and request.params.get('db').strip()
    if db and db not in http.db_filter([db]):
        db = None
    if not db and request.session.db and http.db_filter([request.session.db]):
        db = request.session.db
    if not db:
        db = db_monodb(request.httprequest)
    if not db:
        abort(DB_INVALID, status=404)
    if db != request.session.db:
    request.session.db = db
        env = api.Environment(, odoo.SUPERUSER_ID, {})
        module = env['ir.module.module'].search([['name', '=', "muk_rest"]],
        if module.state != 'installed':
            abort(NO_API, status=500)
    except Exception as error:
        abort(DB_INVALID, status=404)
Beispiel #16
def ensure_db(redirect='/web/database/selector'):
    db = request.params.get('db')
    if db and db not in http.db_filter([db]):
        db = None
    if db and not request.session.db:
        r = request.httprequest
        url_redirect = r.base_url
        if r.query_string:
            url_redirect += '?' + r.query_string
        response = werkzeug.utils.redirect(url_redirect, 302)
        request.session.db = db
    if not db and request.session.db and http.db_filter([request.session.db]):
        db = request.session.db
    if not db:
        db = http.db_monodb(request.httprequest)
    if not db:
        werkzeug.exceptions.abort(werkzeug.utils.redirect(redirect, 303))
    if db != request.session.db:
    request.session.db = db
Beispiel #17
    def authenticate(self, db, login, password, base_location=None):
        if not http.db_filter([db]):
            raise AccessError("Database not found.")
        pre_uid = request.session.authenticate(db, login, password)
        if pre_uid != request.session.uid:
            # Crapy workaround for unupdatable Odoo Mobile App iOS (Thanks Apple :@) and Android
            # Correct behavior should be to raise AccessError("Renewing an expired session for user that has multi-factor-authentication is not supported. Please use /web/login instead.")
            return {'uid': None}

        request.session.db = db
        registry = odoo.modules.registry.Registry(db)
        with registry.cursor() as cr:
            env = odoo.api.Environment(cr, request.session.uid,
            return env['ir.http'].session_info()
Beispiel #18
    def signin(self, **kw):
        state = json.loads(kw['state'])
        dbname = state['d']
        if not http.db_filter([dbname]):
            return BadRequest()
        provider = state['p']
        context = state.get('c', {})
        registry = registry_get(dbname)
        with registry.cursor() as cr:
                env = api.Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, context)
                credentials = env['res.users'].sudo().auth_oauth(provider, kw)
                action = state.get('a')
                menu = state.get('m')
                redirect = werkzeug.url_unquote_plus(state['r']) if state.get('r') else False
                url = '/web'
                if redirect:
                    url = redirect
                elif action:
                    url = '/web#action=%s' % action
                elif menu:
                    url = '/web#menu_id=%s' % menu
                resp = login_and_redirect(*credentials, redirect_url=url)
                # Since /web is hardcoded, verify user has right to land on it
                if werkzeug.urls.url_parse(resp.location).path == '/web' and not request.env.user.has_group('base.group_user'):
                    resp.location = '/'
                return resp
            except AttributeError:
                # auth_signup is not installed
                _logger.error("auth_signup not installed on database %s: oauth sign up cancelled." % (dbname,))
                url = "/web/login?oauth_error=1"
            except AccessDenied:
                # oauth credentials not valid, user could be on a temporary session
      'OAuth2: access denied, redirect to main page in case a valid session exists, without setting cookies')
                url = "/web/login?oauth_error=3"
                redirect = werkzeug.utils.redirect(url, 303)
                redirect.autocorrect_location_header = False
                return redirect
            except Exception as e:
                # signup error
                _logger.exception("OAuth2: %s" % str(e))
                url = "/web/login?oauth_error=2"

        return set_cookie_and_redirect(url)
Beispiel #19
 def user_login_by_emp(self, employee):
     :param employee:  employee
     dbname = request.session.db
     if not http.db_filter([dbname]):
         return BadRequest()
     registry = registry_get(dbname)
     with registry.cursor() as cr:
             env = api.Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {})
             credentials = env['res.users'].sudo().auth_oauth(
                 'dingtalk', employee.ding_id)
             url = '/web'
             resp = login_and_redirect(*credentials, redirect_url=url)
             if werkzeug.urls.url_parse(
             ).path == '/web' and not request.env.user.has_group(
                 resp.location = '/'
             return resp
         except AttributeError:
             _logger.error(">>>未在数据库'%s'上安装auth_signup:oauth注册已取消。" %
                           (dbname, ))
             url = "/web/login?oauth_error=1"
         except AccessDenied:
                 '>>>DingTalk-OAuth2: 访问被拒绝,在存在有效会话的情况下重定向到主页,而未设置Cookie')
             url = "/web/login?oauth_error=3"
             redirect = werkzeug.utils.redirect(url, 303)
             redirect.autocorrect_location_header = False
             return redirect
         except Exception as e:
             err_str = "OAuth2: %s" % str(e)
             return self.do_error_redirect(err_str)
     return http.redirect_with_hash(url)
Beispiel #20
 def auto_signin(self, **kw):
     :param kw:
     auth_code = kw.get('authCode')">>>免登授权码: %s", auth_code)
     user_id = self.get_userid_by_auth_code(auth_code)
     if not user_id:
         return self._do_err_redirect(
     employee = request.env['hr.employee'].sudo().search(
         [('ding_id', '=', user_id)], limit=1)
     if not employee:
         return self._do_err_redirect("系统对应员工不存在!")">>>员工{}正在尝试登录系统".format(
     dbname = request.session.db
     if not http.db_filter([dbname]):
         return BadRequest()
     context = {}
     registry = registry_get(dbname)
     with registry.cursor() as cr:
             env = api.Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, context)
             credentials = env['res.users'].sudo().auth_oauth_dingtalk(
             url = '/web'
             uid = request.session.authenticate(*credentials)
             if uid is not False:
                 # request.params['login_success'] = False
                 return set_cookie_and_redirect(url)
         except Exception as e:
             _logger.exception("OAuth2: %s" % str(e))
             url = "/web/login?oauth_error=2"
     return set_cookie_and_redirect(url)
Beispiel #21
    def wxwork_qr_signin(self, **kw):
        code = kw.pop("code", None)
        corpid = request.env["ir.config_parameter"].sudo().get_param(
        secret = (request.env["ir.config_parameter"].sudo().get_param(
        wxwork_api = CorpApi(corpid, secret)
        response = wxwork_api.httpCall(
                "code": code,
        state = json.loads(kw["state"].replace("M", '"'))
        dbname = state["d"]
        if not http.db_filter([dbname]):
            return BadRequest()
        provider = state["p"]
        context = {"no_user_creation": True}
        registry = registry_get(dbname)

        with registry.cursor() as cr:
                env = api.Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, context)
                credentials = (env["res.users"].sudo().auth_oauth_wxwork(
                    provider, response))
                action = state.get("a")
                menu = state.get("m")
                redirect = (werkzeug.url_unquote_plus(state["r"])
                            if state.get("r") else False)
                url = "/web"
                if redirect:
                    url = redirect
                elif action:
                    url = "/web#action=%s" % action
                elif menu:
                    url = "/web#menu_id=%s" % menu

                resp = login_and_redirect(*credentials, redirect_url=url)
                if werkzeug.urls.url_parse(
                ).path == "/web" and not request.env.user.has_group(
                    resp.location = "/"
                return resp
            except AttributeError:
                # auth_signup is not installed
                    "auth_signup not installed on database %s: oauth sign up cancelled."
                    % (dbname, ))
                url = "/web/login?oauth_error=1"
            except AccessDenied:
                # oauth credentials not valid, user could be on a temporary session
                    "OAuth2: access denied, redirect to main page in case a valid session exists, without setting cookies"
                url = "/web/login?oauth_error=3"
                redirect = werkzeug.utils.redirect(url, 303)
                redirect.autocorrect_location_header = False
                return redirect
            except Exception as e:
                # signup error
                _logger.exception("OAuth2: %s" % str(e))
                url = "/web/login?oauth_error=2"

        return set_cookie_and_redirect(url)
Beispiel #22
    def wecom_web_authorize(self, **kw):
        code = kw.pop("code", None)

        state = json.loads(kw["state"])

        company = (
                [("corpid", "=", state["a"]), ("is_wecom_organization", "=", True),],

            wxapi = (
                .InitServiceApi(company, "auth_secret", "auth")
            response = wxapi.httpCall(
                {"code": code,},

            dbname = state["d"]
            if not http.db_filter([dbname]):
                return BadRequest()
            provider = state["p"]
            context = {"no_user_creation": True}
            registry = registry_get(dbname)
            with registry.cursor() as cr:
                    env = api.Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, context)
                    credentials = (
                        env["res.users"].sudo().wxwrok_auth_oauth(provider, response)
                    action = state.get("a")
                    menu = state.get("m")
                    redirect = (
                        if state.get("r")
                        else False
                    url = "/web"
                    if redirect:
                        url = redirect
                    elif action:
                        url = "/web#action=%s" % action
                    elif menu:
                        url = "/web#menu_id=%s" % menu
                    resp = login_and_redirect(*credentials, redirect_url=url)
                    # Since /web is hardcoded, verify user has right to land on it
                    if werkzeug.urls.url_parse(
                    ).path == "/web" and not request.env.user.has_group(
                        resp.location = "/"
                    return resp
                except AttributeError:
                    # auth_signup is not installed
                            "auth_signup not installed on database %s: oauth sign up cancelled."
                        % (dbname,)
                    url = "/web/login?oauth_error=1"
                except AccessDenied:
                    # oauth credentials not valid, user could be on a temporary session
                            "OAuth2: access denied, redirect to main page in case a valid session exists, without setting cookies"
                    url = "/web/login?oauth_error=3"
                    redirect = werkzeug.utils.redirect(url, 303)
                    redirect.autocorrect_location_header = False
                    return redirect
                except Exception as e:
                    # signup error
                    _logger.exception("OAuth2: %s" % str(e))
                    url = "/web/login?oauth_error=2"

            return set_cookie_and_redirect(url)
        except ApiException as e:
            return request.env[""].ApiExceptionDialog(e)