Beispiel #1
    def _get_2d_annual_climate(self, heights, year):
        # Avoid code duplication with a getter routine
        year = np.floor(year)
        if self.repeat:
            year = self.ys + (year - self.ys) % ( - self.ys + 1)
        if year < self.ys or year >
            raise ValueError('year {} out of the valid time bounds: '
                             '[{}, {}]'.format(year, self.ys,
        pok = np.where(self.years == year)[0]
        if len(pok) < 1:
            raise ValueError('Year {} not in record'.format(int(year)))

        # Read timeseries
        itemp = self.temp[pok] + self.temp_bias
        iprcp = self.prcp[pok] * self.prcp_bias
        igrad = self.grad[pok]

        # For each height pixel:
        # Compute temp and tempformelt (temperature above melting threshold)
        heights = np.asarray(heights)
        npix = len(heights)
        grad_temp = np.atleast_2d(igrad).repeat(npix, 0)
        grad_temp *= (heights.repeat(12).reshape(grad_temp.shape) -
        temp2d = np.atleast_2d(itemp).repeat(npix, 0) + grad_temp
        temp2dformelt = temp2d - self.t_melt
        clip_min(temp2dformelt, 0, out=temp2dformelt)

        # Compute solid precipitation from total precipitation
        prcp = np.atleast_2d(iprcp).repeat(npix, 0)
        fac = 1 - (temp2d - self.t_solid) / (self.t_liq - self.t_solid)
        prcpsol = prcp * clip_array(fac, 0, 1)

        return temp2d, temp2dformelt, prcp, prcpsol
Beispiel #2
    def get_monthly_climate(self, heights, year=None):
        """Monthly climate information at given heights.

        Note that prcp is corrected with the precipitation factor and that
        all other model biases (temp and prcp) are applied.

        (temp, tempformelt, prcp, prcpsol)

        y, m = floatyear_to_date(year)
        if self.repeat:
            y = self.ys + (y - self.ys) % ( - self.ys + 1)
        if y < self.ys or y >
            raise ValueError('year {} out of the valid time bounds: '
                             '[{}, {}]'.format(y, self.ys,
        pok = np.where((self.years == y) & (self.months == m))[0][0]

        # Read timeseries
        itemp = self.temp[pok] + self.temp_bias
        iprcp = self.prcp[pok] * self.prcp_bias
        igrad = self.grad[pok]

        # For each height pixel:
        # Compute temp and tempformelt (temperature above melting threshold)
        npix = len(heights)
        temp = np.ones(npix) * itemp + igrad * (heights - self.ref_hgt)
        tempformelt = temp - self.t_melt
        clip_min(tempformelt, 0, out=tempformelt)

        # Compute solid precipitation from total precipitation
        prcp = np.ones(npix) * iprcp
        fac = 1 - (temp - self.t_solid) / (self.t_liq - self.t_solid)
        prcpsol = prcp * clip_array(fac, 0, 1)

        return temp, tempformelt, prcp, prcpsol
Beispiel #3
def mass_conservation_inversion(gdir,
    """ Compute the glacier thickness along the flowlines

    More or less following Farinotti et al., (2009).

    gdir : :py:class:`oggm.GlacierDirectory`
        the glacier directory to process
    glen_a : float
        glen's creep parameter A
    fs : float
        sliding parameter
    write: bool
        default behavior is to compute the thickness and write the
        results in the pickle. Set to False in order to spare time
        during calibration.
    filesuffix : str
        add a suffix to the output file

    # Defaults
    if glen_a is None:
        glen_a = cfg.PARAMS['inversion_glen_a']
    if fs is None:
        fs = cfg.PARAMS['inversion_fs']

    # Check input
    _inv_function = _inversion_simple if fs == 0 else _inversion_poly

    # Ice flow params
    fd = 2. / (cfg.PARAMS['glen_n'] + 2) * glen_a
    a3 = fs / fd
    rho = cfg.PARAMS['ice_density']

    # Inversion with shape factors?
    sf_func = None
    use_sf = cfg.PARAMS.get('use_shape_factor_for_inversion', None)
    if use_sf == 'Adhikari' or use_sf == 'Nye':
        sf_func = utils.shape_factor_adhikari
    elif use_sf == 'Huss':
        sf_func = utils.shape_factor_huss

    # Clip the slope, in degrees
    clip_angle = cfg.PARAMS['min_slope']

    out_volume = 0.

    cls = gdir.read_pickle('inversion_input')
    for cl in cls:
        # Clip slope to avoid negative and small slopes
        slope = cl['slope_angle']
        slope = utils.clip_array(slope, np.deg2rad(clip_angle), np.pi / 2.)

        # Glacier width
        w = cl['width']

        a0s = -cl['flux_a0'] / ((rho * cfg.G * slope)**3 * fd)

        sf = np.ones(slope.shape)  # Default shape factor is 1
        if sf_func is not None:

            # Start iteration for shape factor with first guess of 1
            i = 0
            sf_diff = np.ones(slope.shape)

            # Some hard-coded factors here
            sf_tol = 1e-2
            max_sf_iter = 20

            while i < max_sf_iter and np.any(sf_diff > sf_tol):
                out_thick = _compute_thick(a0s, a3, cl['flux_a0'], sf,

                sf_diff[:] = sf[:]
                sf = sf_func(w, out_thick, cl['is_rectangular'])
                sf_diff = sf_diff - sf
                i += 1

  'Shape factor {:s} used, took {:d} iterations for '
                     'convergence.'.format(use_sf, i))

            # TODO: possible shape factor optimisations
            # thick update could be used as iteration end criterion instead
            # we iterate for all grid points, even if some already converged

        out_thick = _compute_thick(a0s, a3, cl['flux_a0'], sf, _inv_function)

        # volume
        fac = np.where(cl['is_rectangular'], 1, 2. / 3.)
        volume = fac * out_thick * w * cl['dx']
        if write:
            cl['thick'] = out_thick
            cl['volume'] = volume
        out_volume += np.sum(volume)

    if write:
        gdir.write_pickle(cls, 'inversion_output', filesuffix=filesuffix)

    return out_volume, gdir.rgi_area_km2 * 1e6
Beispiel #4
def sia_thickness(slope,
    """Computes the ice thickness from mass-conservation.

    This is a utility function tested against the true OGGM inversion
    function. Useful for teaching and inversion with calving.

    slope : -np.gradient(hgt, dx)
    width : section width in m
    flux : mass flux in m3 s-1
    shape : 'rectangular' or 'parabolic'
    glen_a : Glen A, defaults to PARAMS
    fs : sliding, defaults to PARAMS
    shape_factor: for lateral drag

    the ice thickness (in m)

    if glen_a is None:
        glen_a = cfg.PARAMS['inversion_glen_a']
    if fs is None:
        fs = cfg.PARAMS['inversion_fs']
    if shape not in ['parabolic', 'rectangular']:
        raise InvalidParamsError('shape must be `parabolic` or `rectangular`,'
                                 'not: {}'.format(shape))

    _inv_function = _inversion_simple if fs == 0 else _inversion_poly

    # Ice flow params
    fd = 2. / (cfg.PARAMS['glen_n'] + 2) * glen_a
    rho = cfg.PARAMS['ice_density']

    # Clip the slope, in degrees
    clip_angle = cfg.PARAMS['min_slope']

    # Clip slope to avoid negative and small slopes
    slope = utils.clip_array(slope, np.deg2rad(clip_angle), np.pi / 2.)

    # Convert the flux to m2 s-1 (averaged to represent the sections center)
    flux_a0 = 1 if shape == 'rectangular' else 1.5
    flux_a0 *= flux / width

    # Polynomial factors (a5 = 1)
    a0 = -flux_a0 / ((rho * cfg.G * slope)**3 * fd)
    a3 = fs / fd

    # Inversion with shape factors?
    sf_func = None
    if shape_factor == 'Adhikari' or shape_factor == 'Nye':
        sf_func = utils.shape_factor_adhikari
    elif shape_factor == 'Huss':
        sf_func = utils.shape_factor_huss

    sf = np.ones(slope.shape)  # Default shape factor is 1
    if sf_func is not None:

        # Start iteration for shape factor with first guess of 1
        i = 0
        sf_diff = np.ones(slope.shape)

        # Some hard-coded factors here
        sf_tol = 1e-2
        max_sf_iter = 20

        while i < max_sf_iter and np.any(sf_diff > sf_tol):
            out_thick = _compute_thick(a0, a3, flux_a0, sf, _inv_function)
            is_rectangular = np.repeat(shape == 'rectangular', len(width))
            sf_diff[:] = sf[:]
            sf = sf_func(width, out_thick, is_rectangular)
            sf_diff = sf_diff - sf
            i += 1'Shape factor {:s} used, took {:d} iterations for '
                 'convergence.'.format(shape_factor, i))

    return _compute_thick(a0, a3, flux_a0, sf, _inv_function)
Beispiel #5
    def __init__(self,

        gdir : GlacierDirectory
            the glacier directory
        mu_star : float, optional
            set to the alternative value of mu* you want to use
            (the default is to use the calibrated value).
        bias : float, optional
            set to the alternative value of the calibration bias [mm we yr-1]
            you want to use (the default is to use the calibrated value)
            Note that this bias is *substracted* from the computed MB. Indeed:
        filename : str, optional
            set to a different BASENAME if you want to use alternative climate
        input_filesuffix : str
            the file suffix of the input climate file
        repeat : bool
            Whether the climate period given by [ys, ye] should be repeated
            indefinitely in a circular way
        ys : int
            The start of the climate period where the MB model is valid
            (default: the period with available data)
        ye : int
            The end of the climate period where the MB model is valid
            (default: the period with available data)
        check_calib_params : bool
            OGGM will try hard not to use wrongly calibrated mu* by checking
            the parameters used during calibration and the ones you are
            using at run time. If they don't match, it will raise an error.
            Set to False to suppress this check.

        temp_bias : float, default 0
            Add a temperature bias to the time series
        prcp_bias : float, default 1
            Precipitation factor to the time series (called bias for
            consistency with `temp_bias`)

        super(PastMassBalance, self).__init__()
        self.valid_bounds = [-1e4, 2e4]  # in m
        if mu_star is None:
            df = gdir.read_json('local_mustar')
            mu_star = df['mu_star_glacierwide']
            if check_calib_params:
                if not df['mu_star_allsame']:
                    msg = ('You seem to use the glacier-wide mu* to compute '
                           'the mass-balance although this glacier has '
                           'different mu* for its flowlines. Set '
                           '`check_calib_params=False` to prevent this '
                    raise InvalidWorkflowError(msg)

        if bias is None:
            if cfg.PARAMS['use_bias_for_run']:
                df = gdir.read_json('local_mustar')
                bias = df['bias']
                bias = 0.

        self.mu_star = mu_star
        self.bias = bias

        # Parameters
        self.t_solid = cfg.PARAMS['temp_all_solid']
        self.t_liq = cfg.PARAMS['temp_all_liq']
        self.t_melt = cfg.PARAMS['temp_melt']
        prcp_fac = cfg.PARAMS['prcp_scaling_factor']
        default_grad = cfg.PARAMS['temp_default_gradient']

        # Check the climate related params to the GlacierDir to make sure
        if check_calib_params:
            mb_calib = gdir.get_climate_info()['mb_calib_params']
            for k, v in mb_calib.items():
                if v != cfg.PARAMS[k]:
                    msg = ('You seem to use different mass-balance parameters '
                           'than used for the calibration. Set '
                           '`check_calib_params=False` to ignore this '
                    raise InvalidWorkflowError(msg)

        # Public attrs
        self.hemisphere = gdir.hemisphere
        self.temp_bias = 0.
        self.prcp_bias = 1.
        self.repeat = repeat

        # Read file
        fpath = gdir.get_filepath(filename, filesuffix=input_filesuffix)
        with ncDataset(fpath, mode='r') as nc:
            # time
            time = nc.variables['time']
            time = netCDF4.num2date(time[:], time.units)
            ny, r = divmod(len(time), 12)
            if r != 0:
                raise ValueError('Climate data should be N full years')
            # This is where we switch to hydro float year format
            # Last year gives the tone of the hydro year
            self.years = np.repeat(
                np.arange(time[-1].year - ny + 1, time[-1].year + 1), 12)
            self.months = np.tile(np.arange(1, 13), ny)
            # Read timeseries
            self.temp = nc.variables['temp'][:]
            self.prcp = nc.variables['prcp'][:] * prcp_fac
            if 'gradient' in nc.variables:
                grad = nc.variables['gradient'][:]
                # Security for stuff that can happen with local gradients
                g_minmax = cfg.PARAMS['temp_local_gradient_bounds']
                grad = np.where(~np.isfinite(grad), default_grad, grad)
                grad = clip_array(grad, g_minmax[0], g_minmax[1])
                grad = self.prcp * 0 + default_grad
            self.grad = grad
            self.ref_hgt = nc.ref_hgt
            self.ys = self.years[0] if ys is None else ys
   = self.years[-1] if ye is None else ye
Beispiel #6
def mass_conservation_inversion(gdir,
    """ Compute the glacier thickness along the flowlines

    More or less following Farinotti et al., (2009).

    gdir : :py:class:`oggm.GlacierDirectory`
        the glacier directory to process
    glen_a : float
        glen's creep parameter A. Defaults to cfg.PARAMS.
    fs : float
        sliding parameter. Defaults to cfg.PARAMS.
    write: bool
        default behavior is to compute the thickness and write the
        results in the pickle. Set to False in order to spare time
        during calibration.
    filesuffix : str
        add a suffix to the output file
    water_level : float
        to compute volume below water level - adds an entry to the output dict
    t_lambda : float
        defining the angle of the trapezoid walls (see documentation). Defaults
        to cfg.PARAMS.

    # Defaults
    if glen_a is None:
        glen_a = cfg.PARAMS['inversion_glen_a']
    if fs is None:
        fs = cfg.PARAMS['inversion_fs']
    if t_lambda is None:
        t_lambda = cfg.PARAMS['trapezoid_lambdas']

    # Check input
    _inv_function = _inversion_simple if fs == 0 else _inversion_poly

    # Ice flow params
    fd = 2. / (cfg.PARAMS['glen_n'] + 2) * glen_a
    a3 = fs / fd
    rho = cfg.PARAMS['ice_density']

    # Inversion with shape factors?
    sf_func = None
    use_sf = cfg.PARAMS.get('use_shape_factor_for_inversion', None)
    if use_sf == 'Adhikari' or use_sf == 'Nye':
        sf_func = utils.shape_factor_adhikari
    elif use_sf == 'Huss':
        sf_func = utils.shape_factor_huss

    # Clip the slope, in degrees
    clip_angle = cfg.PARAMS['min_slope']

    out_volume = 0.

    cls = gdir.read_pickle('inversion_input')
    for cl in cls:
        # Clip slope to avoid negative and small slopes
        slope = cl['slope_angle']
        slope = utils.clip_array(slope, np.deg2rad(clip_angle), np.pi / 2.)

        # Glacier width
        w = cl['width']

        a0s = -cl['flux_a0'] / ((rho * cfg.G * slope)**3 * fd)

        sf = np.ones(slope.shape)  # Default shape factor is 1
        if sf_func is not None:

            # Start iteration for shape factor with first guess of 1
            i = 0
            sf_diff = np.ones(slope.shape)

            # Some hard-coded factors here
            sf_tol = 1e-2
            max_sf_iter = 20

            while i < max_sf_iter and np.any(sf_diff > sf_tol):
                out_thick = _compute_thick(a0s, a3, cl['flux_a0'], sf,

                sf_diff[:] = sf[:]
                sf = sf_func(w, out_thick, cl['is_rectangular'])
                sf_diff = sf_diff - sf
                i += 1

  'Shape factor {:s} used, took {:d} iterations for '
                     'convergence.'.format(use_sf, i))

            # TODO: possible shape factor optimisations
            # thick update could be used as iteration end criterion instead
            # we iterate for all grid points, even if some already converged

        out_thick = _compute_thick(a0s, a3, cl['flux_a0'], sf, _inv_function)

        # volume
        is_rect = cl['is_rectangular']
        fac = np.where(is_rect, 1, 2. / 3.)
        volume = fac * out_thick * w * cl['dx']

        # Now recompute thickness where parabola is too flat
        is_trap = cl['is_trapezoid']
        if cl['invert_with_trapezoid']:
            min_shape = cfg.PARAMS['mixed_min_shape']
            bed_shape = 4 * out_thick / w**2
            is_trap = ((bed_shape < min_shape) & ~cl['is_rectangular'] &
                       (cl['flux'] > 0)) | is_trap
            for i in np.where(is_trap)[0]:
                    out_thick[i] = sia_thickness_via_optim(slope[i],
                    sect = (2 * w[i] -
                            t_lambda * out_thick[i]) / 2 * out_thick[i]
                    volume[i] = sect * cl['dx']
                except ValueError:
                    # no solution error - we do with rect
                    out_thick[i] = sia_thickness_via_optim(slope[i],
                    is_rect[i] = True
                    is_trap[i] = False
                    volume[i] = out_thick[i] * w[i] * cl['dx']

        # Sanity check
        if np.any(out_thick <= 0):
            raise RuntimeError("Found zero or negative thickness: "
                               "this should not happen.")

        if write:
            cl['is_trapezoid'] = is_trap
            cl['is_rectangular'] = is_rect
            cl['thick'] = out_thick
            cl['volume'] = volume

            # volume below sl
                bed_h = cl['hgt'] - out_thick
                bed_shape = 4 * out_thick / w**2
                if np.any(bed_h < 0):
                    cl['volume_bsl'] = _vol_below_water(
                        cl['hgt'], bed_h, bed_shape, out_thick, w,
                        cl['is_rectangular'], cl['is_trapezoid'], fac,
                        t_lambda, cl['dx'], 0)
                if water_level is not None and np.any(bed_h < water_level):
                    cl['volume_bwl'] = _vol_below_water(
                        cl['hgt'], bed_h, bed_shape, out_thick, w,
                        cl['is_rectangular'], cl['is_trapezoid'], fac,
                        t_lambda, cl['dx'], water_level)
            except KeyError:
                # cl['hgt'] is not available on old prepro dirs

        out_volume += np.sum(volume)

    if write:
        gdir.write_pickle(cls, 'inversion_output', filesuffix=filesuffix)
        gdir.add_to_diagnostics('inversion_glen_a', glen_a)
        gdir.add_to_diagnostics('inversion_fs', fs)

    return out_volume
Beispiel #7
    def _get_climate(self, heights, climate_type, year=None):
        """Climate information at given heights.
        year has to be given as float hydro year from what the month is taken,
        hence year 2000 -> y=2000, m = 1, & year = 2000.09, y=2000, m=2 ...
        which corresponds to the real year 1999 an months October or November
        if hydro year starts in October

        Note that prcp is corrected with the precipitation factor and that
        all other model biases (temp and prcp) are applied.

        same as in OGGM default except that tempformelt is computed by

        heights : np.array or list
            heights along flowline
        climate_type : str
            either 'monthly' or 'annual', if annual floor of year is used,
            if monthly float year is converted into month and year

        (temp, tempformelt, prcp, prcpsol)

        y, m = floatyear_to_date(year)
        if self.repeat:
            y = self.ys + (y - self.ys) % ( - self.ys + 1)
        if y < self.ys or y >
            raise ValueError('year {} out of the valid time bounds: '
                             '[{}, {}]'.format(y, self.ys,

        if self.mb_type == 'mb_real_daily' or climate_type == 'annual':
            if climate_type == 'annual':
                pok = np.where(self.years == year)[0]
                if len(pok) < 1:
                    raise ValueError('Year {} not in record'.format(int(year)))
                pok = np.where((self.years == y) & (self.months == m))[0]
                if len(pok) < 28:
                    warnings.warn('something goes wrong with amount of entries\
                                  per month for mb_real_daily')
            pok = np.where((self.years == y) & (self.months == m))[0][0]
        # Read timeseries
        itemp = self.temp[pok] + self.temp_bias
        iprcp = self.prcp[pok] * self.prcp_bias
        igrad = self.grad[pok]

        # For each height pixel:
        # Compute temp and tempformelt (temperature above melting threshold)
        heights = np.asarray(heights)
        npix = len(heights)
        if self.mb_type == 'mb_real_daily' or climate_type == 'annual':
            grad_temp = np.atleast_2d(igrad).repeat(npix, 0)
            if len(pok) != 12 and self.mb_type != 'mb_real_daily':
                warnings.warn('something goes wrong with amount of entries'
                              'per year')
            grad_temp *= (heights.repeat(len(pok)).reshape(grad_temp.shape) -
            temp2d = np.atleast_2d(itemp).repeat(npix, 0) + grad_temp

            # temp_for_melt is computed separately depending on mb_type
            temp2dformelt = self._get_tempformelt(temp2d, pok)

            # Compute solid precipitation from total precipitation
            prcp = np.atleast_2d(iprcp).repeat(npix, 0)
            fac = 1 - (temp2d - self.t_solid) / (self.t_liq - self.t_solid)
            prcpsol = prcp * clip_array(fac, 0, 1)
            return temp2d, temp2dformelt, prcp, prcpsol

            temp = np.ones(npix) * itemp + igrad * (heights - self.ref_hgt)

            # temp_for_melt is computed separately depending on mb_type
            tempformelt = self._get_tempformelt(temp, pok)
            prcp = np.ones(npix) * iprcp
            fac = 1 - (temp - self.t_solid) / (self.t_liq - self.t_solid)
            prcpsol = prcp * clip_array(fac, 0, 1)

            return temp, tempformelt, prcp, prcpsol
Beispiel #8
    def __init__(self,
                 temp_local_gradient_bounds=[-0.009, -0.003],
        """ Initialize.
        gdir : GlacierDirectory
            the glacier directory
        mu_star : float
            monthly temperature sensitivity (kg /m² /mth /K),
            need to be prescribed, e.g. such that
            |mean(MODEL_MB)-mean(REF_MB)|--> 0
        bias : float, optional
            default is to use zero bias [mm we yr-1]
            you want to use (the default is to use zero bias)
            Note that this bias is *substracted* from the computed MB. Indeed:
        mb_type: str
            three types: 'mb_daily' (default: use temp_std and N percentiles),
            'mb_monthly' (same as default OGGM mass balance),
            'mb_real_daily' (use daily temperature values).
            the mb_type only work if the baseline_climate of gdir is right
        N : int
            number of percentiles used to generate gaussian-like daily
            temperatures from daily std and mean monthly temp
        loop : bool
            the way how the matrix multiplication is done,
            using np.matmul or a loop(default: False)
            only applied if mb_type is 'mb_daily'
            which one is faster?
        grad_type : str
            three types of applying the temperature gradient:
            'cte' (default, constant lapse rate, set to default_grad,
                   same as in default OGGM)
            'var_an_cycle' (varies spatially and over annual cycle,
                            but constant over the years)
            'var' (varies spatially & temporally as in the climate files)
        filename : str, optional
            set to a different BASENAME if you want to use alternative climate
            data, default is climate_historical
        input_filesuffix : str,
            the file suffix of the input climate file, default is '',
            if ERA5_daily with daily temperatures, it is set to _daily
        repeat : bool
            Whether the climate period given by [ys, ye] should be repeated
            indefinitely in a circular way
        ys : int
            The start of the climate period where the MB model is valid
            (default: the period with available data)
        ye : int
            The end of the climate period where the MB model is valid
            (default: the period with available data)
        t_solid : float
            temperature threshold for solid precipitation
            (degree Celsius, default 0)
        t_liq: float
            temperature threshold for liquid precipitation
            (degree Celsius, default 2)
        t_melt : float
            temperature threshold where snow/ice melts
            (degree Celsius, default 0)
        prcp_fac : float, >0
            multiplicative precipitation correction factor (default 2.5)
        default_grad : float,
            constant lapse rate (temperature gradient, default: -0.0065 m/K)
            if grad_type != cte, then this value is not used
            but instead the changing lapse rate from the climate datasets
        temp_local_gradient_bounds : [float, float],
            if grad_type != cte and the lapse rate does not lie in this range,
            set it instead to these minimum, maximum gradients
            (default: [-0.009, -0.003] m/K)
        SEC_IN_YEAR: float
            seconds in a year (default: 31536000s),
            maybe this could be changed
        SEC_IN_MONTH: float
            seconds in a month (default: 2628000s),
            maybe this could be changed as not each
            month has the same amount of seconds,
            in February can be a difference of 8%

        temp_bias : float, default 0
            Add a temperature bias to the time series
        prcp_bias : float, default 1
            Precipitation factor to the time series (called bias for
            consistency with `temp_bias`)

        self.mu_star = mu_star
        self.bias = bias

        # Parameters (from cfg.PARAMS in OGGM default)
        self.t_solid = t_solid
        self.t_liq = t_liq
        self.t_melt = t_melt
        self.N = N
        self.mb_type = mb_type
        self.loop = loop
        self.grad_type = grad_type
        # default rho is 900  kg/m3
        self.rho = cfg.PARAMS['ice_density']

        # Public attrs
        self.hemisphere = gdir.hemisphere
        self.temp_bias = 0.
        self.prcp_bias = 1.
        self.repeat = repeat

        self.SEC_IN_YEAR = SEC_IN_YEAR
        self.SEC_IN_MONTH = SEC_IN_MONTH

        # check if the right climate is used for the right mb_type
        # these checks might be changed if there are more climate datasets
        # available!!!
        # only have daily temperatures for 'ERA5_daily'
        baseline_climate = gdir.get_climate_info()['baseline_climate_source']
        if (self.mb_type == 'mb_real_daily'
                and baseline_climate != 'ERA5_daily'):
            text = ('wrong climate for mb_real_daily, need to do e.g. '
                    'process_era5_daily_data(gd) to enable ERA5_daily')
            raise InvalidParamsError(text)
        # mb_monthly does not work when daily temperatures are used
        if self.mb_type == 'mb_monthly' and baseline_climate == 'ERA5_daily':
            text = ('wrong climate for mb_monthly, need to do e.g.'
                    ', dataset="ERA5dr")')
            raise InvalidParamsError(text)
        # mb_daily needs temp_std
        if self.mb_type == 'mb_daily' and baseline_climate == 'ERA5_daily':
            text = 'wrong climate for mb_daily, need to do e.g. \
  , dataset = "ERA5dr")'

            raise InvalidParamsError(text)

        if baseline_climate == 'ERA5_daily':
            input_filesuffix = '_daily'

        # Read climate file
        fpath = gdir.get_filepath(filename, filesuffix=input_filesuffix)

        # used xarray instead of netCDF4, is this slower?
        with xr.open_dataset(fpath) as xr_nc:
            if self.mb_type == 'mb_real_daily' or self.mb_type == 'mb_monthly':
                # even if there is temp_std inside the dataset, we won't use
                # it for these mb_types
                self.temp_std = np.NaN
                    self.temp_std = xr_nc['temp_std'].values
                except KeyError:
                    text = ('The applied climate has no temp std, do e.g.'
                            '(gd, dataset="ERA5dr")')

                    raise InvalidParamsError(text)

            # goal is to get self.years/self.months in hydro_years
            if self.mb_type != 'mb_real_daily':
                time = xr_nc.time
                ny, r = divmod(len(time), 12)
                if r != 0:
                    raise ValueError('Climate data should be N full years')
                # This is where we switch to hydro float year format
                # Last year gives the tone of the hydro year
                self.years = np.repeat(
                    np.arange(xr_nc.time[-1].dt.year - ny + 1,
                              xr_nc.time[-1].dt.year + 1), 12)
                self.months = np.tile(np.arange(1, 13), ny)

            elif self.mb_type == 'mb_real_daily':
                # use pandas to convert month/year to hydro_years
                # this has to be done differently than above because not
                # every month, year has the same amount of days
                pd_test = pd.DataFrame(xr_nc.time.to_series().dt.year.values,
                pd_test.index = xr_nc.time.to_series().values
                pd_test['month'] = xr_nc.time.to_series().dt.month.values
                pd_test['hydro_year'] = np.NaN
                # get the month where the hydrological month starts
                # as chosen from the gdir climate file
                # default 10 for 'nh', 4 for 'sh'
                hydro_month_start = int(xr_nc.time[0].dt.month.values)
                if hydro_month_start == 1:
                    # hydro_year corresponds to normal year
                    pd_test.loc[pd_test.index.month >= hydro_month_start,
                                'hydro_year'] = pd_test['year']
                    pd_test.loc[pd_test.index.month < hydro_month_start,
                                'hydro_year'] = pd_test['year']
                    # otherwise, those days with a month>=hydro_month_start
                    # belong to the next hydro_year
                    pd_test.loc[pd_test.index.month >= hydro_month_start,
                                'hydro_year'] = pd_test['year'] + 1
                # month_hydro is 1 if it is hydro_month_start
                month_hydro = pd_test['month'].values + (12 -
                                                         hydro_month_start + 1)
                month_hydro[month_hydro > 12] += -12
                pd_test['hydro_month'] = month_hydro
                pd_test = pd_test.astype('int')
                self.years = pd_test['hydro_year'].values
                ny = self.years[-1] - self.years[0] + 1
                self.months = pd_test['hydro_month'].values
            # Read timeseries
            self.temp = xr_nc['temp'].values
            self.prcp = xr_nc['prcp'].values * prcp_fac

            # lapse rate (temperature gradient)
            if self.grad_type == 'var' or self.grad_type == 'var_an_cycle':
                    grad = xr_nc['gradient'].values
                    # Security for stuff that can happen with local gradients
                    g_minmax = temp_local_gradient_bounds

                    # if gradient is not a number, or positive/negative
                    # infinity, use the default gradient
                    grad = np.where(~np.isfinite(grad), default_grad, grad)

                    # if outside boundaries of default -0.009 and above
                    # -0.003 -> use the boundaries instead
                    grad = clip_array(grad, g_minmax[0], g_minmax[1])

                    if self.grad_type == 'var_an_cycle':
                        # if we want constant lapse rates over the years
                        # that change over the annual cycle, but not over time
                        if self.mb_type == 'mb_real_daily':
                            grad_gb = xr_nc['gradient'].groupby('time.month')
                            grad = grad_gb.mean().values
                            g_minmax = temp_local_gradient_bounds

                            # if gradient is not a number, or positive/negative
                            # infinity, use the default gradient
                            grad = np.where(~np.isfinite(grad), default_grad,

                            # if outside boundaries of default -0.009 and above
                            # -0.003 -> use the boundaries instead
                            grad = clip_array(grad, g_minmax[0], g_minmax[1])

                            stack_grad = grad.reshape(-1, 12)
                            grad = np.tile(stack_grad.mean(axis=0), ny)
                            reps_day1 = xr_nc.time[ == 1]
                            reps = reps_day1.dt.daysinmonth
                            grad = np.repeat(grad, reps)

                            stack_grad = grad.reshape(-1, 12)
                            grad = np.tile(stack_grad.mean(axis=0), ny)
                except KeyError:
                    text = ('there is no gradient available in chosen climate'
                            'file, try instead e.g. ERA5_daily or ERA5dr e.g.'
                            '(gd, dataset="ERA5dr")')

                    raise InvalidParamsError(text)

            elif self.grad_type == 'cte':
                # if grad_type is chosen cte, we use the default_grad!
                grad = self.prcp * 0 + default_grad
                raise InvalidParamsError('grad_type can be either cte,'
                                         'var or var_an_cycle')
            self.grad = grad
            self.ref_hgt = xr_nc.ref_hgt
            self.ys = self.years[0] if ys is None else ys
   = self.years[-1] if ye is None else ye
Beispiel #9
def mb_climate_on_height(gdir, heights, *, time_range=None, year_range=None):
    """Mass-balance climate of the glacier at a specific height

    Reads the glacier's monthly climate data file and computes the
    temperature "energies" (temp above 0) and solid precipitation at the
    required height.

    All MB parameters are considered here! (i.e. melt temp, precip scaling
    factor, etc.)

    gdir : GlacierDirectory
        the glacier directory
    heights: ndarray
        a 1D array of the heights (in meter) where you want the data
    time_range : [datetime, datetime], optional
        default is to read all data but with this you
        can provide a [t0, t1] bounds (inclusive).
    year_range : [int, int], optional
        Provide a [y0, y1] year range to get the data for specific
        (hydrological) years only. Easier to use than the time bounds above.

    (time, tempformelt, prcpsol)::
        - time: array of shape (nt,)
        - tempformelt:  array of shape (len(heights), nt)
        - prcpsol:  array of shape (len(heights), nt)

    if year_range is not None:
        sm = cfg.PARAMS['hydro_month_' + gdir.hemisphere]
        em = sm - 1 if (sm > 1) else 12
        t0 = datetime.datetime(year_range[0] - 1, sm, 1)
        t1 = datetime.datetime(year_range[1], em, 1)
        return mb_climate_on_height(gdir, heights, time_range=[t0, t1])

    # Parameters
    temp_all_solid = cfg.PARAMS['temp_all_solid']
    temp_all_liq = cfg.PARAMS['temp_all_liq']
    temp_melt = cfg.PARAMS['temp_melt']
    prcp_fac = cfg.PARAMS['prcp_scaling_factor']
    default_grad = cfg.PARAMS['temp_default_gradient']
    g_minmax = cfg.PARAMS['temp_local_gradient_bounds']

    # Read file
    igrad = None
    with utils.ncDataset(gdir.get_filepath('climate_historical')) as nc:
        # time
        time = nc.variables['time']
        time = netCDF4.num2date(time[:], time.units)
        if time_range is not None:
            p0 = np.where(time == time_range[0])[0]
                p0 = p0[0]
            except IndexError:
                raise MassBalanceCalibrationError('time_range[0] not found in '
            p1 = np.where(time == time_range[1])[0]
                p1 = p1[0]
            except IndexError:
                raise MassBalanceCalibrationError('time_range[1] not found in '
            p0 = 0
            p1 = len(time) - 1

        time = time[p0:p1 + 1]

        # Read timeseries
        itemp = nc.variables['temp'][p0:p1 + 1]
        iprcp = nc.variables['prcp'][p0:p1 + 1]
        if 'gradient' in nc.variables:
            igrad = nc.variables['gradient'][p0:p1 + 1]
            # Security for stuff that can happen with local gradients
            igrad = np.where(~np.isfinite(igrad), default_grad, igrad)
            igrad = utils.clip_array(igrad, g_minmax[0], g_minmax[1])
        ref_hgt = nc.ref_hgt

    # Default gradient?
    if igrad is None:
        igrad = itemp * 0 + default_grad

    # Correct precipitation
    iprcp *= prcp_fac

    # For each height pixel:
    # Compute temp and tempformelt (temperature above melting threshold)
    npix = len(heights)
    grad_temp = np.atleast_2d(igrad).repeat(npix, 0)
    grad_temp *= (heights.repeat(len(time)).reshape(grad_temp.shape) - ref_hgt)
    temp2d = np.atleast_2d(itemp).repeat(npix, 0) + grad_temp
    temp2dformelt = temp2d - temp_melt
    temp2dformelt = utils.clip_min(temp2dformelt, 0)
    # Compute solid precipitation from total precipitation
    prcpsol = np.atleast_2d(iprcp).repeat(npix, 0)
    fac = 1 - (temp2d - temp_all_solid) / (temp_all_liq - temp_all_solid)
    fac = utils.clip_array(fac, 0, 1)
    prcpsol = prcpsol * fac

    return time, temp2dformelt, prcpsol