Beispiel #1
    def token_endpoint(self, authn="", **kwargs):
        This is where clients come to get their access tokens

        logger.debug("- token -")
        body = kwargs["request"]
        logger.debug("body: %s" % body)

        areq = AccessTokenRequest().deserialize(body, "urlencoded")

            self.client_authn(self, areq, authn)
        except FailedAuthentication as err:
            err = TokenErrorResponse(error="unauthorized_client",
                                     error_description="%s" % err)
            return Response(err.to_json(),

        logger.debug("AccessTokenRequest: %s" % areq)

        _grant_type = areq["grant_type"]
        if _grant_type == "authorization_code":
            return self.code_grant_type(areq)
        elif _grant_type == 'client_credentials':
            return self.client_credentials_grant_type(areq)
        elif _grant_type == 'password':
            return self.password_grant_type(areq)
        elif _grant_type == 'refresh_token':
            return self.refresh_token_grant_type(areq)
            raise UnSupported('grant_type: {}'.format(_grant_type))
Beispiel #2
def test_flow():
    cli = PoPClient()

    # Client creates access token request
    atreq = AccessTokenRequest(grant_type="authorization_code",

    # adds key information, also connects the new key to the state value used
    atreq = cli.update(atreq, 'state')

    assert 'key' in atreq

    pas = PoPAS('')
    pas.keyjar = init_keyjar()
    # Key is in the JSON string representation
    finger_print = pas.store_key(json.loads(atreq['key']))
    access_token = pas.create_access_token(finger_print)
    # The AS constructs the access token response
    atrsp = AccessTokenResponse(access_token=access_token,

    # The client receives the response and connects the key to the access token

    assert access_token in cli.token2key
    assert cli.token2key[access_token] == cli.state2key['state']

    # Time for the client to access the Resource Server
    url = ''
    headers = {'Content-type': 'application/www-form-encoded'}
    body = 'access_token={}'.format(access_token)

    # creates the POP token using signed HTTP request
    cb = PoPCallBack(cli.token2key[atrsp['access_token']], cli.alg)
    kwargs = cb('POST', url, headers=headers, body=body)
    assert kwargs['Authorization'].startswith('pop ')
    pop_token = kwargs['Authorization'][4:]

    assert len(pop_token.split('.')) == 3  # simple JWS check

    # now to the RS
    rs = PoPRS()

    # The AS gets a token introspection request
    # verifies the correctness of the access token
    # and if correct constructs the token introspection response
    tir = pas.token_introspection(atrsp['access_token'])

    # The RS binds the received key to the access token
    rs.store_key(access_token, tir)

    # The RS verifies the correctness of the POP token
    res = rs.eval_signed_http_request(pop_token, access_token, 'POST', url,
                                      headers, body)

    # YEY :-)
    assert res
Beispiel #3
def test_private_key_jwt():
    cli = Client("FOO")
    cli.token_endpoint = ""
    cli.keyjar[""] = KC_RSA

    cis = AccessTokenRequest()
    pkj = PrivateKeyJWT(cli)
    http_args = pkj.construct(cis, algorithm="RS256")
    assert http_args == {}
    cas = cis["client_assertion"]
    header, claim, crypto, header_b64, claim_b64 = jwkest.unpack(cas)
    jso = json.loads(claim)
    assert _eq(jso.keys(), ["aud", "iss", "sub", "jti", "exp", "iat"])
    print header
    assert header == {'alg': 'RS256'}
Beispiel #4
def test_client_secret_jwt():
    cli = Client("Foo")
    cli.token_endpoint = ""
    cli.client_secret = "foobar"

    csj = ClientSecretJWT(cli)
    cis = AccessTokenRequest()

    http_args = csj.construct(cis, algorithm="HS256")
    print http_args
    assert cis["client_assertion_type"] == JWT_BEARER
    assert "client_assertion" in cis
    cas = cis["client_assertion"]
    _jwt = JWT().unpack(cas)
    jso = json.loads(_jwt.part[1])
    assert _eq(jso.keys(), ["aud", "iss", "sub", "jti", "exp", "iat"])
    print _jwt.headers
    assert _jwt.headers == {'alg': 'HS256'}

    _rj = JWS()
    info = _rj.verify_compact(cas, [SYMKey(key=cli.client_secret)])

    assert _eq(info.keys(), ["aud", "iss", "sub", "jti", "exp", "iat"])