Beispiel #1
def make_okada_dz(fm, faultparams):
    mx = faultparams['mx']
    my = faultparams['my']

    X = linspace(faultparams['xlower'], faultparams['xupper'], mx)
    Y = linspace(faultparams['ylower'], faultparams['yupper'], my)
    dZ = zeros((my, mx))

    okadaparams = {}

    print "Making Okada dZ for each of %s subfaults" \
            % str(fm.arrayshape[0]*fm.arrayshape[1])

    for i in range(fm.arrayshape[0]):
        for j in range(fm.arrayshape[1]):
            sys.stdout.write("%s.." % str(j + i * fm.arrayshape[1]))
            okadaparams["Focal_Depth"] = fm.depth[i, j]
            okadaparams["Fault_Length"] = fm.subfault_length
            okadaparams["Fault_Width"] = fm.subfault_width
            okadaparams["Dislocation"] = fm.slip[i, j]
            okadaparams["Strike_Direction"] = fm.strike[i, j]
            okadaparams["Dip_Angle"] = fm.dip[i, j]
            okadaparams["Slip_Angle"] = fm.rake[i, j]
            #okadaparams["Epicenter_Latitude"] = fm.latitude[i,j]
            #okadaparams["Epicenter_Longitude"] = fm.longitude[i,j]
            okadaparams["Fault_Latitude"] = fm.latitude[i, j]
            okadaparams["Fault_Longitude"] = fm.longitude[i, j]
            okadaparams["LatLong_Location"] = "centroid"  # correct
            #okadaparams["LatLong_Location"] = "top center"  # used before

            dZ = dZ + okadamap(okadaparams, X, Y)

    return X, Y, dZ
def make_okada_dz(fm, faultparams):
    mx = faultparams['mx']
    my = faultparams['my']
    dZ = zeros((my,mx))
    okadaparams = {}
    print "Making Okada dZ for each of %s subfaults" \
            % str(fm.arrayshape[0]*fm.arrayshape[1])

    for i in range(fm.arrayshape[0]):
        for j in range(fm.arrayshape[1]): 
            sys.stdout.write("%s.." % str(j+i*fm.arrayshape[1]))
            okadaparams["Focal_Depth"] = fm.depth[i,j]
            okadaparams["Fault_Length"] = fm.subfault_length
            okadaparams["Fault_Width"] = fm.subfault_width
            okadaparams["Dislocation"] = fm.slip[i,j]
            okadaparams["Strike_Direction"] = fm.strike[i,j]
            okadaparams["Dip_Angle"] = fm.dip[i,j]
            okadaparams["Slip_Angle"] = fm.rake[i,j]
            #okadaparams["Epicenter_Latitude"] = fm.latitude[i,j]
            #okadaparams["Epicenter_Longitude"] = fm.longitude[i,j]
            okadaparams["Fault_Latitude"] = fm.latitude[i,j]
            okadaparams["Fault_Longitude"] = fm.longitude[i,j]
            okadaparams["LatLong_Location"] = "centroid"     # correct
            #okadaparams["LatLong_Location"] = "top center"  # used before
            dZ = dZ + okadamap(okadaparams, X, Y)
    return X,Y,dZ
Beispiel #3
def make_okada_dz_witht(fm, faultparams, times, fname):
    mx = faultparams['mx']
    my = faultparams['my']

    X = linspace(faultparams['xlower'], faultparams['xupper'], mx)
    Y = linspace(faultparams['ylower'], faultparams['yupper'], my)
    mt = len(times)
    dZ = zeros((mt, my, mx))
    first_time = -ones(fm.arrayshape)

    okadaparams = {}

    dZsubfault = []

    print "Making Okada dZ for each of %s subfaults" \
            % str(fm.arrayshape[0]*fm.arrayshape[1])

    for i in range(fm.arrayshape[0]):
        dZsubi = []
        for j in range(fm.arrayshape[1]):
            sys.stdout.write("%s.." % str(j + i * fm.arrayshape[1]))
            okadaparams["Focal_Depth"] = fm.depth[i, j]
            okadaparams["Fault_Length"] = fm.subfault_length
            okadaparams["Fault_Width"] = fm.subfault_width
            okadaparams["Dislocation"] = fm.slip[i, j]
            okadaparams["Strike_Direction"] = fm.strike[i, j]
            okadaparams["Dip_Angle"] = fm.dip[i, j]
            okadaparams["Slip_Angle"] = fm.rake[i, j]
            okadaparams["Fault_Latitude"] = fm.latitude[i, j]
            okadaparams["Fault_Longitude"] = fm.longitude[i, j]
            okadaparams["LatLong_Location"] = "centroid"
            dZij = okadamap(okadaparams, X, Y)

    dZsubfault = array(dZsubfault)
    dZ = zeros((mx, my))
    tprev = times.min() - 1.
    fid = open(fname, 'w')
    pngfiles = []

    if 0. not in times:
        times = hstack(([0.], times))

    print "Making time-dependent dZ for each of %s times" \
            % str(len(times))

    for frameno, t in enumerate(times):
        ruptured = []
        # add to dZ any slip during time interval tprev to t:
        for i in range(fm.arrayshape[0]):
            for j in range(fm.arrayshape[1]):
                if (fm.rupture_initial_time[i,j] > tprev) and \
                   (fm.rupture_initial_time[i,j] <= t):
                    dZ = dZ + dZsubfault[i, j]
                    print "Adding subfault (%s,%s) at time %s...  rupture_initial_time = %s" \
                       % (i,j,t,fm.rupture_initial_time[i,j])
                    ruptured.append((i, j))

        # write out dZ at this time:
        for jj in range(len(Y)):
            j = -1 - jj
            for i in range(len(X)):
                fid.write('%012.6e %012.6e %012.6e %012.6e \n' \
                        % (t,X[i],Y[j],dZ[j,i]))
        print "Made dZ at time %s" % t
        plot_dZ = True
        if plot_dZ:
            plot(fm.fault_bdry[:, 0], fm.fault_bdry[:, 1], 'k')
            cmap = colormaps.blue_white_red
            pcolor(X, Y, dZ, cmap=cmap)
            for (i, j) in ruptured:
                # plot centroids of the fault segments that ruptured
                # during this time increment:
                plot([fm.longitude[i, j]], [fm.latitude[i, j]], 'go')
            clim(-10, 10)
            contour(X, Y, dZ, linspace(-13, 13, 14), colors='k')
            title("dZ at time t = %10.2f" % t)
            fname = "dZframe%s.png" % str(frameno).zfill(4)

        tprev = t
    print "Created dtopo file ", fname
    if plot_dZ:
        html_movie.make_movie(pngfiles, "index.html")
    return X, Y, dZ
Beispiel #4
def make_dtopo_from_subfaults(subfaults, dtopo_params):
    Create a dtopo file named *fname* based on applying the Okada
    model to each of the subfaults specified in the list *subfaults*.
    This should be a list of dictionaries that specify the necessary 
    Okada parameters and optionally 'rupture_time', 'rise_time',

    The dictionary *dtopo_params* specifies the parameters for the
    dtopo file created.  It must have entries for
       'fname' : file name for dtopo file
       'mx', 'my', 'xlower', 'xupper', 'ylower', 'yupper' 
    specifying the area over which the dz values will be output on an mx by my
    grid.  Note that dz values are at vertices, so to output on a 1 minute
    grid, for example, set
       mx = 60*(xupper - xlower) + 1 

        dtopo_params['t0'] initial time for output
        dtopo_params['tfinal'] final time for output
        dtopo_params['ntimes'] >= 2, number of output times
    The seafloor deformation dz will be output at ntimes equally spaced
    times between t0 and tfinal.  

    If dtopo_params['faulttype'] == 'static'
        then dz at t0 will be 0 and dz at tfinal will be the total dz
        determined by all the subfaults, ignoring the rupture_time and
        rise_time parameters, if any.  Normally in this case it is best to
        specify ntimes = 2 and t0=0, tfinal=1 second, for example.
        If larger ntimes is specified then linear interpolation is used to
        determine dz at intermediate times.
    If dtopo_params['faulttype'] == 'kinematic' or 'dynamic'
        then it is assumed that the rupture_time and rise_time are set and
        will be used to interpolate to the specified output times.

    dtopo_params['dtopotype'] = 3 is assumed currently but this could be
        extended to allow output with other dtopotypes.

    fname = dtopo_params['fname']
    faulttype = dtopo_params.get('faulttype', 'static')
    dtopotype = dtopo_params.get('dtopotype', 3)
    t0 = dtopo_params.get('t0', 0.)
    tfinal = dtopo_params.get('tfinal', 1.)
    ntimes = dtopo_params.get('ntimes', 2)
    mx = dtopo_params['mx']
    my = dtopo_params['my']
    xlower = dtopo_params['xlower']
    ylower = dtopo_params['ylower']
    xupper = dtopo_params['xupper']
    yupper = dtopo_params['yupper']
    times = linspace(t0,tfinal,ntimes)

    plot_rupture = False

    dZ = zeros((my,mx))
    dz_list = []

    if dtopotype in [3]:
        fid = write_dtopo_header(dtopo_params)
        raise Exception("Unsupported dtopotype: %s, use dtopotype=3" \
                       % dtopotype)

    if faulttype == 'static':

        print "Making Okada dz for each of %s subfaults" \
                % len(subfaults)
        for k,subfault in enumerate(subfaults):
            dZk = okadamap(subfault, x, y)
            sys.stdout.write("%s.." % k)
            dZ = dZ + dZk

        for t in times:
            for j in range(my-1, -1, -1):
                format = mx*'%12.6e  '
                fid.write(format  % tuple(alpha*dZ[j,:]))

    elif faulttype in ['kinematic','dynamic']:

        t_prev = -1.e99
        for t in times:
            if plot_rupture:
            for k,subfault in enumerate(subfaults):
                t0 = subfault.get('rupture_time',0)
                t1 = subfault.get('rise_time',0.5)
                t2 = subfault.get('rise_time_ending',0)
                rf = rise_fraction(t0,t1,t2)
                dfrac = rf(t) - rf(t_prev)
                if dfrac > 0.:
                    if subfault.get('dZ',None) is None:
                        subfault.dZ = okadamap(subfault, x, y)
                        print '+++ Applying Okada to subfault %s at t = %s' \
                            % (k,t)
                    dZ = dZ + dfrac * subfault.dZ

                if plot_rupture:
                    xc = subfault.longitude
                    yc = subfault.latitude
                    rise = rf(t)
                    if rise==0: plot(xc,yc,'wo')
                    elif rise==1: plot(xc,yc,'ko')
                    else: plot(xc,yc,'ro')
            if plot_rupture:
                clines = list(arange(-10.5,0.,0.5)) + list(arange(0.5,11,0.5))
                plt.title('time t = %8.3f' % t)


            for j in range(my-1, -1, -1):
                fid.write(mx*'%012.6e  '  % dZ[j,:])
        raise Exception("Unrecognized faulttype: %s" % faulttype)

    print "Created ",fname

    dtopo = DTopo()
    dtopo.dtopo_params = dtopo_params
    dtopo.x = x
    dtopo.y = y
    dtopo.times = times
    dtopo.dz_list = dz_list
    dtopo.subfaults = subfaults

    return dtopo
Beispiel #5
def make_dtopo_from_subfaults(subfaults, dtopo_params):
    Create a dtopo file named *fname* based on applying the Okada
    model to each of the subfaults specified in the list *subfaults*.
    This should be a list of dictionaries that specify the necessary 
    Okada parameters and optionally 'rupture_time', 'rise_time',

    The dictionary *dtopo_params* specifies the parameters for the
    dtopo file created.  It must have entries for
       'fname' : file name for dtopo file
       'mx', 'my', 'xlower', 'xupper', 'ylower', 'yupper' 
    specifying the area over which the dz values will be output on an mx by my
    grid.  Note that dz values are at vertices, so to output on a 1 minute
    grid, for example, set
       mx = 60*(xupper - xlower) + 1 

        dtopo_params['t0'] initial time for output
        dtopo_params['tfinal'] final time for output
        dtopo_params['ntimes'] >= 2, number of output times
    The seafloor deformation dz will be output at ntimes equally spaced
    times between t0 and tfinal.  

    If dtopo_params['faulttype'] == 'static'
        then dz at t0 will be 0 and dz at tfinal will be the total dz
        determined by all the subfaults, ignoring the rupture_time and
        rise_time parameters, if any.  Normally in this case it is best to
        specify ntimes = 2 and t0=0, tfinal=1 second, for example.
        If larger ntimes is specified then linear interpolation is used to
        determine dz at intermediate times.
    If dtopo_params['faulttype'] == 'kinematic' or 'dynamic'
        then it is assumed that the rupture_time and rise_time are set and
        will be used to interpolate to the specified output times.

    dtopo_params['dtopotype'] = 3 is assumed currently but this could be
        extended to allow output with other dtopotypes.

    fname = dtopo_params['fname']
    faulttype = dtopo_params.get('faulttype', 'static')
    dtopotype = dtopo_params.get('dtopotype', 3)
    t0 = dtopo_params.get('t0', 0.)
    tfinal = dtopo_params.get('tfinal', 1.)
    ntimes = dtopo_params.get('ntimes', 2)
    mx = dtopo_params['mx']
    my = dtopo_params['my']
    xlower = dtopo_params['xlower']
    ylower = dtopo_params['ylower']
    xupper = dtopo_params['xupper']
    yupper = dtopo_params['yupper']
    x = linspace(xlower, xupper, mx)
    y = linspace(ylower, yupper, my)
    times = linspace(t0, tfinal, ntimes)

    plot_rupture = False

    dZ = zeros((my, mx))
    dz_list = []

    if dtopotype in [3]:
        fid = write_dtopo_header(dtopo_params)
        raise Exception("Unsupported dtopotype: %s, use dtopotype=3" \
                       % dtopotype)

    if faulttype == 'static':

        print "Making Okada dz for each of %s subfaults" \
                % len(subfaults)
        for k, subfault in enumerate(subfaults):
            dZk = okadamap(subfault, x, y)
            sys.stdout.write("%s.." % k)
            dZ = dZ + dZk

        for t in times:
            alpha = (t - t0) / (tfinal - t0)
            dz_list.append(alpha * dZ)
            for j in range(my - 1, -1, -1):
                format = mx * '%12.6e  '
                fid.write(format % tuple(alpha * dZ[j, :]))

    elif faulttype in ['kinematic', 'dynamic']:

        t_prev = -1.e99
        for t in times:
            if plot_rupture:
            for k, subfault in enumerate(subfaults):
                t0 = subfault.get('rupture_time', 0)
                t1 = subfault.get('rise_time', 0.5)
                t2 = subfault.get('rise_time_ending', 0)
                rf = rise_fraction(t0, t1, t2)
                dfrac = rf(t) - rf(t_prev)
                if dfrac > 0.:
                    if subfault.get('dZ', None) is None:
                        subfault.dZ = okadamap(subfault, x, y)
                        print '+++ Applying Okada to subfault %s at t = %s' \
                            % (k,t)
                    dZ = dZ + dfrac * subfault.dZ

                if plot_rupture:
                    xc = subfault.longitude
                    yc = subfault.latitude
                    rise = rf(t)
                    if rise == 0: plot(xc, yc, 'wo')
                    elif rise == 1: plot(xc, yc, 'ko')
                    else: plot(xc, yc, 'ro')
            if plot_rupture:
                clines = list(arange(-10.5, 0., 0.5)) + list(
                    arange(0.5, 11, 0.5))
                plt.contour(x, y, dZ, clines)
                plt.title('time t = %8.3f' % t)


            for j in range(my - 1, -1, -1):
                fid.write(mx * '%012.6e  ' % dZ[j, :])
        raise Exception("Unrecognized faulttype: %s" % faulttype)

    print "Created ", fname

    dtopo = DTopo()
    dtopo.dtopo_params = dtopo_params
    dtopo.x = x
    dtopo.y = y
    dtopo.times = times
    dtopo.dz_list = dz_list
    dtopo.subfaults = subfaults

    return dtopo
def make_okada_dz_witht(fm, faultparams, times, fname):
    mx = faultparams['mx']
    my = faultparams['my']
    mt = len(times)
    dZ = zeros((mt,my,mx))
    first_time = -ones(fm.arrayshape)

    okadaparams = {}
    dZsubfault = []

    print "Making Okada dZ for each of %s subfaults" \
            % str(fm.arrayshape[0]*fm.arrayshape[1])

    for i in range(fm.arrayshape[0]):
        dZsubi = []
        for j in range(fm.arrayshape[1]): 
            sys.stdout.write("%s.." % str(j+i*fm.arrayshape[1]))
            okadaparams["Focal_Depth"] = fm.depth[i,j]
            okadaparams["Fault_Length"] = fm.subfault_length
            okadaparams["Fault_Width"] = fm.subfault_width
            okadaparams["Dislocation"] = fm.slip[i,j]
            okadaparams["Strike_Direction"] = fm.strike[i,j]
            okadaparams["Dip_Angle"] = fm.dip[i,j]
            okadaparams["Slip_Angle"] = fm.rake[i,j]
            okadaparams["Fault_Latitude"] = fm.latitude[i,j]
            okadaparams["Fault_Longitude"] = fm.longitude[i,j]
            okadaparams["LatLong_Location"] = "centroid"
            dZij = okadamap(okadaparams, X, Y)
    dZsubfault = array(dZsubfault)
    dZ = zeros((mx,my))
    tprev = times.min() - 1.
    fid = open(fname, 'w')
    pngfiles = []

    if 0. not in times:
        times = hstack(([0.], times))

    print "Making time-dependent dZ for each of %s times" \
            % str(len(times))

    for frameno,t in enumerate(times):
        ruptured = []
        # add to dZ any slip during time interval tprev to t:
        for i in range(fm.arrayshape[0]):
            for j in range(fm.arrayshape[1]): 
                if (fm.rupture_initial_time[i,j] > tprev) and \
                   (fm.rupture_initial_time[i,j] <= t):
                     dZ = dZ + dZsubfault[i,j]
                     print "Adding subfault (%s,%s) at time %s...  rupture_initial_time = %s" \
                        % (i,j,t,fm.rupture_initial_time[i,j])

        # write out dZ at this time:
        for jj in range(len(Y)):
            for i in range(len(X)) :
                fid.write('%012.6e %012.6e %012.6e %012.6e \n' \
                        % (t,X[i],Y[j],dZ[j,i]))
        print "Made dZ at time %s" % t
        plot_dZ = True
        if plot_dZ:
            plot(fm.fault_bdry[:,0], fm.fault_bdry[:,1], 'k')
            cmap = colormaps.blue_white_red
            for (i,j) in ruptured:
                # plot centroids of the fault segments that ruptured 
                # during this time increment:
            title("dZ at time t = %10.2f" % t)
            fname = "dZframe%s.png" % str(frameno).zfill(4)

        tprev = t
    print "Created dtopo file ", fname
    if plot_dZ:
        html_movie.make_movie(pngfiles, "index.html")
    return X,Y,dZ