Beispiel #1
def complete_agent_cfg(
    env: Union[gym.Env, mbrl.models.ModelEnv], agent_cfg: omegaconf.DictConfig
    """Completes an agent's configuration given information from the environment.

    The goal of this function is to completed information about state and action shapes and ranges,
    without requiring the user to manually enter this into the Omegaconf configuration object.

    It will check for and complete any of the following keys:

        - "obs_dim": set to env.observation_space.shape
        - "action_dim": set to env.action_space.shape
        - "action_range": set to max(env.action_space.high) - min(env.action_space.low)
        - "action_lb": set to env.action_space.low
        - "action_ub": set to env.action_space.high

        If the user provides any of these values in the Omegaconf configuration object, these
        *will not* be overridden by this function.

    obs_shape = env.observation_space.shape
    act_shape = env.action_space.shape

    if "obs_dim" in agent_cfg.keys() and "obs_dim" not in agent_cfg:
        agent_cfg.obs_dim = obs_shape[0]
    if "action_dim" in agent_cfg.keys() and "action_dim" not in agent_cfg:
        agent_cfg.action_dim = act_shape[0]
    if "action_range" in agent_cfg.keys() and "action_range" not in agent_cfg:
        agent_cfg.action_range = [
    if "action_lb" in agent_cfg.keys() and "action_lb" not in agent_cfg:
        agent_cfg.action_lb = env.action_space.low.tolist()
    if "action_ub" in agent_cfg.keys() and "action_ub" not in agent_cfg:
        agent_cfg.action_ub = env.action_space.high.tolist()

    return agent_cfg