Beispiel #1
def createSessionManagers(st_sync=None, st_async=None, expect=None):
    if st_sync == None:
        st_sync = SyncInMemoryStorage()

    if st_async == None:
        st_async = AsyncInMemoryStorage()

        sm_sync = SessionManager.create(st_sync, DeletingOTPKPolicy,
                                        SignalBackend, A_JID, A_DID)
    except Exception as e:
        assert expect != None
        assert isinstance(e, expect)

    sm_async_promise = SessionManager.create(st_async, DeletingOTPKPolicy,
                                             SignalBackend, A_JID, A_DID)

    if expect == None:
        sm_async = assertPromiseFulfilled(sm_async_promise)
        assert isinstance(assertPromiseRejected(sm_async_promise), expect)

    if expect == None:
        assert isinstance(sm_sync, SessionManager)
        assert isinstance(sm_async, SessionManager)

        return st_sync, sm_sync, st_async, sm_async
Beispiel #2
def createOtherSessionManagers(jid, dids, other_dids, otpk_policy=None):
    if otpk_policy == None:
        otpk_policy = DeletingOTPKPolicy

    sms_sync = {}
    sms_async = {}

    for did in dids:
        st_sync = SyncInMemoryStorage()
        st_async = AsyncInMemoryStorage()

        sm_sync = SessionManager.create(st_sync, otpk_policy, SignalBackend,
                                        jid, did)
        sm_async = assertPromiseFulfilled(
            SessionManager.create(st_async, otpk_policy, SignalBackend, jid,

        assert isinstance(sm_sync, SessionManager)
        assert isinstance(sm_async, SessionManager)

        for other_jid in other_dids:
            newDeviceList(sm_sync, sm_async, other_jid, other_dids[other_jid])

        sms_sync[did] = sm_sync
        sms_async[did] = sm_async

    return sms_sync, sms_async
Beispiel #3
def test_stresstest_async():
    # Create 100 random JIDs with 10 random devices each
    devices = {}
    main_jid = None
    main_did = None

    while len(devices) < 100:
        jid = generateRandomJID()

        if main_jid == None:
            main_jid = jid

        devices[jid] = set()

        while len(devices[jid]) < 10:
            did = omemo.util.generateDeviceID(devices[jid])

            if main_did == None:
                main_did = did


    sms = {}

    for jid in devices:
        sms[jid] = {}

        for did in devices[jid]:
            # Create a SessionManager for that jid+did
            sms[jid][did] = assertPromiseFulfilled(
                                      DeletingOTPKPolicy, SignalBackend, jid,

    bundles = {}

    for jid in devices:
        bundles[jid] = {}

        for did in devices[jid]:
            bundles[jid][did] = sms[jid][did].public_bundle

    main = sms[main_jid][main_did]

    # Tell the main SessionManager about all of the other jids and devices
    for jid in devices:
        assertPromiseFulfilled(main.newDeviceList(jid, devices[jid]))

    # Tell the main SessionManager to trust all other jids and devices
    for jid in devices:
        for did in devices[jid]:
  , did, sms[jid][did].public_bundle.ik)

    "This is a stresstest!".encode("UTF-8"),
    bundles = bundles
    """, {"assertPromiseFulfilledOrRaise": assertPromiseFulfilledOrRaise}, {
            "main": main,
            "devices": devices,
            "bundles": bundles

    # If the code reaches this point, the stress test has passed
    assert True