def list_datasets(conn):
    print "\nList Datasets:"
    print "=" * 50
    params = ParametersI()
    datasets = conn.getObjects("Dataset", params=params)
    for dataset in datasets:
        print "+Dataset: %s(%s)" % (dataset.getName(), dataset.getId())
        for image in dataset.listChildren():
            print "|-Image: %s(%s)" % (image.getName(), image.getId())
def read_data(conn):
	imageId = 9
	datasetId = 2
	plateId = -1

	print "\nList Projects:"
	print "=" * 50
	my_expId = conn.getUser().getId()
	for project in conn.listProjects(my_expId):
		for dataset in project.listChildren():
			print_obj(dataset, 2)
			for image in dataset.listChildren():
				print_obj(image, 4)

	print "\nList Datasets:"
	print "=" * 50
	params = ParametersI()
	datasets = conn.getObjects("Dataset", params=params)
	for dataset in datasets:

	print "\nDataset:%s" % datasetId
	print "=" * 50
	dataset = conn.getObject("Dataset", datasetId)
	print "\nImages in Dataset:", dataset.getName()
	for image in dataset.listChildren():

	image = conn.getObject("Image", imageId)
	print "\nImage:%s" % imageId
	print "=" * 50
	print image.getName(), image.getDescription()
	#Retrieve information about an image
	print "X:", image.getSizeX()
	print "Y:", image.getSizeY()
	print "Z:", image.getSizeZ()
	print "C:", image.getSizeC()
	print "T:", image.getSizeT()
	#render the first timepoint, mid Z section
	z = image.getSizeZ() / 2
	t = 0
	renderedImage = image.renderImage(z, t) #popup (use for debug only)"test.jpg") #save in the currend folder

	print "\nList Screens:"
	print "=" * 50
	for screen in conn.getObjects("Screen"):
		for plate in screenlistChildren():
			print_obj(plate, 2)
			plateId = plate.getId()

			if plateId >= 0:
				print "\nPlate:%s" % plateId
				print "=" * 50
				plate = conn.getObject("Plate", plateid)
				print "\nNumber ob fields:", plate.getNumberOfFields()
				print "\nGrid size:", plate.getGridSize()
				print "\n Wells in Plate:", plate.getName()
				for well in plate.listChildren():
					index = well.countWellSample()
					print " Well: ", well.row, well.column, " Fields:", index
					for index in xrange(0, index):
						print "  Image: ", \
								well.getImage(index).getName(), \
def get_images(conn):
    images = conn.getObjects('Image', params=params)
    return images
def get_datasets(conn):
    params = ParametersI()
    datasets = conn.getObjects('Dataset', params=params)
    return datasets