def to_file(self, filename, use_free=True): """Save group as a separate WAD file. If use_free is true, existing free space in the WAD will be used, if possible.""" w = WadIO(filename) self.save_wadio(w, use_free=use_free)
def to_file(self, filename): """Save contents to a WAD file. Caution: if a file with the given name already exists, it will be overwritten. However, the existing file will be kept as <filename>.tmp until the operation has finished, to stay safe in case of failure.""" use_backup = os.path.exists(filename) tmpfilename = filename + ".tmp" if use_backup: if os.path.exists(tmpfilename): os.remove(tmpfilename) os.rename(filename, tmpfilename) w = WadIO(filename) for group in write_order: self.__dict__[group].save_wadio(w) if use_backup: os.remove(tmpfilename)
def from_file(self, source): """Load contents from a file. `source` may be a string specifying a path to a file or a WadIO object.""" if isinstance(source, WadIO): w = source elif isinstance(source, str): assert os.path.exists(source) w = WadIO(source) else: raise TypeError, "Expected WadIO or file path string" for group in self.groups: group.load_wadio(w)
def to_file(self, filename): """Save group as a separate WAD file.""" w = WadIO(filename) self.save_wadio(w)