def checkTokenId(tokenId):
    # here we check if the tokenId is legal with the help of getting its name
    if Get(GetContext(), concatkey(tokenId, NAME)):
        return True
        return False

#################### Optional methods defination starts ######################
def allowance(owner, spender, tokenId):
    :param owner:
    :param spender:
    :param tokenId:
    key = concatkey(concatkey(concatkey(tokenId, APPROVE), owner), spender)
    return Get(GetContext(), key)
def _transfer(_from, _to, _amount):
    fromKey = concat(BALANCE_PREFIX, _from)
    fromBalance = Get(ctx, fromKey)
    if _amount > fromBalance:
        return False
    if _amount == fromBalance:
        Delete(ctx, fromKey)
        Put(ctx, fromKey, fromBalance - _amount)
    toKey = concat(BALANCE_PREFIX, _to)
    toBalance = Get(ctx, toKey)
    Put(ctx, toKey, toBalance + _amount)

    # Notify(["transfer", AddressToBase58(from_acct), AddressToBase58(to_acct), amount])
    # TransferEvent(AddressToBase58(from_acct), AddressToBase58(to_acct), amount)
    TransferEvent(_from, _to, _amount)

    return True
Beispiel #4
def allowance(owner, spender):
    check how many token the spender is allowed to spend from owner account
    :param owner: token owner
    :param spender:  token spender
    :return: the allowed amount of tokens
    key = concat(concat(APPROVE_PREFIX, owner), spender)
    return Get(ctx, key) + 0
Beispiel #5
def remove_list(element):
    ab_info = Get(ctx, ABKEY)
    ab = Deserialize(ab_info)

    ab1 = ab.remove(element)
    ab1_info = Serialize(ab1)
    Put(ctx, ABKEY, ab1_info)

    return True
def get_user_name(user_address):
    if len(user_address) == 34:
        user_address = Base58ToAddress(user_address)
    assert (len(user_address) == 20 and user_address != ZERO_ADDRESS)

    user_name = Get(ctx, concat(user_address, USER_KEY))
    if not user_name:
        user_name = ""
    return user_name
def getGP(gpId):
    gpMapInfo = Get(GetContext(), _concatkey(GP_PREFIX, gpId))
    if not gpMapInfo:
        return []
    gpMap = Deserialize(gpMapInfo)
    price = gpMap["price"]
    contentInfo = gpMap["content"]
    content = Deserialize(contentInfo)
    return [price, content]
Beispiel #8
def getDiskStatus(diskId):
    :param diskId:
    0 means the diskId has NOT been ended yet.
    1 means the diskId has already been ended.
    ENDED means all the players' accounts have been settled.
    return Get(GetContext(), concatKey(DISK_STATUS_PERFIX, diskId))
def balanceOf(owner):
    :param owner:
    :return: token balance of the owner
    if len(owner) != 20:
        return False
    key = concatkey(OWNER_BALANCE_PREFIX, owner)
    return Get(ctx, key)
def queryTokenIDByIndex(idx):
    query tokenid by index
    :param idx:
    tokenID = Get(ctx, concatkey(TOKEN_INDEX_PREFIX, idx))
    # Notify(["111_queryTokenIDByIndex", tokenID])
    return tokenID
Beispiel #11
def active_bets():
    ab_info = Get(ctx, ABKEY)
    if not ab_info:
        Notify(['Active bet list is empty'])
        return False
        active_bets = Deserialize(ab_info)
        return True
Beispiel #12
def add_user_list(bet, element, prefix):
    list_info = Get(ctx, concatkey(bet, prefix))
    lists = Deserialize(list_info)

    list_info = Serialize(lists)
    Put(ctx, concatkey(bet, prefix), list_info)
    Notify(['add_user_list', element, prefix])
    return True
def averageGen0SalePrice():
    sum = 0
    prices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
    for i in prices:
        price = Get(ctx, _concatkey(LAST_GEN0_SALE_PRICE, i))
        if not price:
            price = 0
        sum = Add(sum, price)
    return Div(sum, 5)
Beispiel #14
def balanceOf(acct, tokenId):
    get balance of account in terms of token with the tokenId
    :param acct: used to check the acct balance
    :param tokenId: the tokenId determines which token balance of acct needs to be checked
    :return: the balance of acct in terms of tokenId tokens
    return Get(GetContext(),
               _concatkey(_concatkey(BALANCE_PREFIX, tokenId), acct))
Beispiel #15
def balanceOf(address):
    Returns the balance for the given address

    :param address: The address to check
    key = getBalanceKey(address)
    return Get(ctx, key)
Beispiel #16
def bindAssetHash(fromAssetHash, toChainId, toAssetHash):
    assert (CheckWitness(Get(GetContext(), OPERATOR_PREFIX)))
    assert (_addFromAssetHash(fromAssetHash))
    Put(GetContext(), concat(ASSET_HASH, concat(fromAssetHash, toChainId)),
    curBalance = getBalanceFor(fromAssetHash)
        ["bindAssetHash", fromAssetHash, toChainId, toAssetHash, curBalance])
    return True
Beispiel #17
def allowance(owner, spender, tokenId):
    :param owner:
    :param spender:
    :param tokenId:
    key = _concatkey(_concatkey(_concatkey(APPROVE_PREFIX, tokenId), owner), spender)
    return Get(GetContext(), key)
def _onlyAuthorizedLevel():
    authorizedAddressListInfo = Get(GetContext(), AUTHORIZED_ADDRESS_LIST_KEY)
    if not authorizedAddressListInfo:
        return False
    authorizedAddressList = Deserialize(authorizedAddressListInfo)
    for authorizedAddress in authorizedAddressList:
        if CheckWitness(authorizedAddress):
            return True
    return False
Beispiel #19
def user_record(address):
    byte_address = Base58ToAddress(address)
    # check if user list exists
    user_info = Get(ctx, USERKEY)
    if user_info:
        all_users = Deserialize(user_info)
        Notify(['User list is empty'])
        return False

    # check if user has been created
    if address not in all_users:
        Notify(['User not created'])
        return False

    # check if address is valid
    if len(byte_address) != 20:
        Notify(['Invalid address'])
        return False

    # check if user has participated in any bets
    bl_info = Get(ctx, concatkey(address, BL_PREFIX))
    if bl_info:
        bet_list = Deserialize(bl_info)
        Notify(['No bets'])
        return False

    # if the user has participated in bets, he/she has a track record_info, as well as profit info
    record_info = Get(ctx, concatkey(address, RC_PREFIX))
    record_map = Deserialize(record_info)
    profit_info = Get(ctx, concatkey(address, PT_PREFIX))
    profit_map = Deserialize(profit_info)

    # create returnable list of user's record
    record_list = []
    profit_list = []

    for bet in bet_list:
        record_list.append(record_map[concatkey(bet, BT_PREFIX)])
        profit_list.append(profit_map[concatkey(bet, BT_PREFIX)])

    Notify(['record', bet_list, record_list, profit_list])
    return [bet_list, record_list, profit_list]
Beispiel #20
def transferOwnership(account):
    require(len(account) == 20, "address length error")

    previousOwner = Get(ctx, OWNER_KEY)

    Put(ctx, OWNER_KEY, account)

    TransferOwnershipEvent(previousOwner, account)
    return True
Beispiel #21
def valueOf(fulldomain):
    value of domain
    assert (isDomainValid(fulldomain))
    lowerdomain = lower(fulldomain)

    rawvalue = Get(ctx, _concatkey(VALUE_KEY, lowerdomain))
    value = Deserialize(rawvalue)
    return _concatkey(value[0], value[1])
Beispiel #22
def transferFrom(spender,from_acct,to_acct,amount):
    spender spends amount of tokens on the behalf of from_acct, spender makes a transaction of amount of tokens
    from from_acct to to_acct
    :param spender:
    :param from_acct:
    :param to_acct:
    :param amount:
    require(len(spender) == 20 and len(from_acct) == 20 and len(to_acct) == 20, "address length error")
    require(CheckWitness(spender) == True, "Invalid invoker")


    fromKey = concat(BALANCE_PREFIX, from_acct)
    fromBalance = Get(ctx, fromKey)
    require(amount <= fromBalance and amount > 0, "Invalid amount")

    approveKey = concat(concat(APPROVE_PREFIX,from_acct),spender)
    approvedAmount = Get(ctx,approveKey)
    toKey = concat(BALANCE_PREFIX,to_acct)
    require(amount <= approvedAmount, "Invalid amount")

    if amount == approvedAmount:
        Put(ctx, fromKey, fromBalance - amount)
        Put(ctx,approveKey,approvedAmount - amount)
        Put(ctx, fromKey, fromBalance - amount)

    toBalance = Get(ctx, toKey)
    Put(ctx, toKey, toBalance + amount)

    # Notify(["transfer", AddressToBase58(from_acct), AddressToBase58(to_acct), amount])
    # TransferEvent(AddressToBase58(from_acct), AddressToBase58(to_acct), amount)
    TransferEvent(from_acct, to_acct, amount)

    return True
Beispiel #23
def get_bet_details(betId):
    if betId > get_latest_bet():
        return 0
    bet_details_info = Get(ctx, concatkey(betId, BET_DETAILS_PREFIX))
    bet_details = Deserialize(bet_details_info)
    return [
        bet_details["sign"], bet_details["margin"],
        bet_details["target_price"], bet_details["vote_end_time"],
Beispiel #24
def get_bet_content(betId, for_against):
    assert (for_against == 0 or for_against == 1)
    assert (check_bet_status(betId) > 0)
    bet_content_info = Get(
        ctx, concatkey(betId, concatkey(for_against, BET_CONTENT_PREFIX)))
    assert (bet_content_info)
    bet_content = Deserialize(bet_content_info)
    return [
        bet_content["reputation"], bet_content["count"], bet_content["staked"]
Beispiel #25
def add_map(bet, key, value, prefix):
    map_info = Get(ctx, concatkey(bet, prefix))
    maps = Deserialize(map_info)

    # add data
    maps[key] = value
    map_info = Serialize(maps)
    Put(ctx, concatkey(bet, prefix), map_info)
    Notify(['add_map', key, value])
    return True
Beispiel #26
def getDomains(did):
    get domains owned by did
    reocordsRaw = Get(ctx, _concatkey(RECORDS_KEY, did))
    if not reocordsRaw:
        return ''
        records = Deserialize(reocordsRaw)
        return join(',', records)
def setGen0Price(_caller, _price):
    gen0SaleCount = Get(ctx, GEN0_SALE_COUNT)
    if not gen0SaleCount:
        gen0SaleCount = 0
    # Track gen0 sale prices

    Put(ctx, _concatkey(LAST_GEN0_SALE_PRICE, gen0SaleCount % 5), _price)
    Put(ctx, GEN0_SALE_COUNT, Add(gen0SaleCount, 1))
    return True
Beispiel #28
def MigrateContract(code):
    addr = Get(GetContext(), KeyOwnerAddress)
    assert (len(addr) != 0)
    assert (CheckWitness(addr))

    success = Migrate(code, True, "name", "version", "author", "email",
    assert (success)
    Notify(["Migrate successfully", success])
    return success
Beispiel #29
def get_bind_map(bucket):
    bind_data = Get(ctx, concat(KEY_BUCKET, bucket))
    bind_map = None

    if not bind_data:
        bind_map = {}
        bind_map = Deserialize(bind_data)

    return bind_map
Beispiel #30
def bet_info(bet):
    # check if active bet list is populated/exists
    ab_info = Get(ctx, ABKEY)
    if ab_info:
        active_bets = Deserialize(ab_info)
        Notify(['There are no active bets'])
        return False

    # check if bet argument is an active bet
    if bet not in active_bets:
        Notify(['Bet is not active'])
        return False

    # since this is an active bet, all of the below data structures are populated
        # FR, AR, FS, AS, FC, AC, UD, MA, TP, SE
        val_info = Get(ctx, concatkey(bet, VAL_PREFIX))
        val_list = Deserialize(val_info)

        # retrieve values of interest for this bet from val_list
        for_rep = val_list[0]
        against_rep = val_list[1]
        for_staked = val_list[2]
        against_staked = val_list[3]
        for_count = val_list[4]
        against_count = val_list[5]
        sign = val_list[6]
        margin = val_list[7]
        target_price = val_list[8]
        date = val_list[9]
        stock_ticker = val_list[10]
        for_avg_rep = val_list[11]
        against_avg_rep = val_list[12]
        prob = val_list[13]

            'bet_info', bet, stock_ticker, target_price, sign, margin, for_rep,
            against_rep, for_avg_rep, against_avg_rep, for_staked,
            against_staked, date, prob
        return True