Beispiel #1
    def copy_all_course_assets(self, source_course_key, dest_course_key):
        See :meth:`.ContentStore.copy_all_course_assets`

        This implementation fairly expensively copies all of the data
        source_query = query_for_course(source_course_key)
        # it'd be great to figure out how to do all of this on the db server and not pull the bits over
        for asset in self.fs_files.find(source_query):
            asset_key = self.make_id_son(asset)
            # don't convert from string until fs access
            source_content = self.fs.get(asset_key)
            if isinstance(asset_key, basestring):
                asset_key = AssetLocation.from_string(asset_key)
                __, asset_key = self.asset_db_key(asset_key)
            asset_key['org'] =
            asset_key['course'] = dest_course_key.course
            if getattr(dest_course_key, 'deprecated', False):  # remove the run if exists
                if 'run' in asset_key:
                    del asset_key['run']
                asset_id = asset_key
            else:  # add the run, since it's the last field, we're golden
                asset_key['run'] =
                asset_id = unicode(dest_course_key.make_asset_key(asset_key['category'], asset_key['name']))

                _id=asset_id, filename=asset['filename'], content_type=asset['contentType'],
                displayname=asset['displayname'], content_son=asset_key,
                # thumbnail is not technically correct but will be functionally correct as the code
                # only looks at the name which is not course relative.
                # getattr b/c caching may mean some pickled instances don't have attr
                locked=asset.get('locked', False)