Beispiel #1
def _add_3d_torch(self,
    walltime = None
    if step is None:
        raise ValueError("Step is not provided or set.")

    mdata = {} if label_to_names is None else {'label_to_names': label_to_names}
    summary_metadata = metadata.create_summary_metadata(description=description,
    writer = self._get_file_writer()
    if logdir is None:
        logdir = writer.get_logdir()
    write_dir = PluginDirectory(logdir, metadata.PLUGIN_NAME)
    geometry_metadata_string = _write_geometry_data(write_dir, tag, step, data,
    tensor_proto = TensorProto(dtype='DT_STRING',

                tag=tag, tensor=tensor_proto, metadata=summary_metadata)
        ]), step, walltime)
Beispiel #2
def add_3d(name,
    """Write 3D geometry data as summary.

      name (str): A name or tag for this summary. The summary tag used for
        TensorBoard will be this name prefixed by any active name scopes.
      data (dict): A dictionary of tensors representing 3D data. Tensorflow,
        PyTorch, Numpy and Open3D tensors are supported. The following keys
        are supported:
          - ``vertex_positions``: shape `(B, N, 3)` where B is the number of
                point clouds and must be same for each key. N is the number of
                3D points. Will be cast to ``float32``.
          - ``vertex_colors``: shape `(B, N, 3)` Will be converted to ``uint8``.
          - ``vertex_normals``: shape `(B, N, 3)` Will be cast to ``float32``.
          - ``vertex_texture_uvs``: shape `(B, N, 2)` Per vertex UV coordinates
            for applying material texture maps. Will be cast to ``float32``.
            Only one of ``[vertex|triangle]_texture_uvs`` should be provided.
          - ``vertex_*FEATURE*``: shape `(B, N, _)`. Store arbitrary vertex
              features. Floats will be cast to ``float32`` and integers to
          - ``triangle_indices``: shape `(B, Nf, 3)`. Will be cast to ``uint32``.
          - ``triangle_texture_uvs``: shape `(B, Nf, 3, 2)` Per triangle UV
            coordinates for applying material texture maps. Will be cast to
            ``float32``. Only one of ``[vertex|triangle]_texture_uvs`` should be
          - ``line_indices``: shape `(B, Nl, 2)`. Will be cast to ``uint32``.
          - ``bboxes``: shape `(B, Nbb)`. The tensor dtype should be
            ```. Property references not supported.
            Use separate from other 3D properties.
          - ``material_name``: shape `(B,)` and dtype ``str``. Base PBR material
            name is required to specify any material properties.  Open3D
            built-in materials: ``defaultLit``, ``defaultUnlit``, ``unlitLine``,
            ``unlitGradient``, ``unlitSolidColor``.
          - ``material_scalar_*PROPERTY*``: Any material scalar property with
            float values of shape `(B,)`. e.g. To specify the property
            `metallic`, use the key `material_scalar_metallic`.
          -  ``material_vector_*PROPERTY*``: Any material 4-vector property with
             float values of shape `(B, 4)` e.g. To specify the property
            `baseColor`, use the key `material_vector_base_color`.
          -  ``material_texture_map_*TEXTURE_MAP*``: PBR Material texture maps.
             e.g. ``material_texture_map_metallic`` represents a texture map
             describing the metallic property for rendering.
             Values are Tensors with shape `(B, Nr, Nc, C)`, corresponding to a
             batch of texture maps with `C` channels and shape `(Nr, Nc)`. The
             geometry must have ``[vertex|triangle]_texture_uvs`` coordinates to
             use any texture map.

        For batch_size B=1, the tensors may drop a rank (e.g. (N,3)
        ``vertex_positions``, (4,) material vector properties or float scalar ()
        material scalar properties.). Variable sized elements in a batch are
        also supported. In this case, use a sequence of tensors. For example, to
        save a batch of 2 point clouds with 8 and 16 points each, data should
        contain `{'vertex_positions': (pcd1, pcd2)}` where `pcd1.shape = (8, 3)` and
        `pcd2.shape = (16, 3)`.

        Floating point color and texture map data will be clipped to the range
        [0,1] and converted to ``uint8`` range [0,255]. ``uint16`` data will be
        compressed to the range [0,255].

        Any data tensor (with ndim>=2 including batch_size), may be replaced by
        an ``int`` scalar referring to a previous step. This allows reusing a
        previously written property in case that it does not change at different
        steps. This is not supported for ``material_name``,
        ``material_scalar_*PROPERTY*`` and custom vertex features.

        Please see the `Filament Materials Guide
        <>`__ for
        a complete explanation of material properties.

      step (int): Explicit ``int64``-castable monotonic step value for this
        summary.  [`TensorFlow`: If ``None``, this defaults to
        `tf.summary.experimental.get_step()`, which must not be ``None``.]
      logdir (str): The logging directory used to create the SummaryWriter.
        [`PyTorch`: This will be automatically inferred if not provided or
      max_outputs (int): Optional integer. At most this many 3D elements will be
        emitted at each step. When more than `max_outputs` 3D elements are
        provided, the first ``max_outputs`` 3D elements will be used and the
        rest silently discarded. Use ``0`` to save everything.
      label_to_names (dict): Optional mapping from labels (e.g. int used in
        labels for bboxes or vertices) to category names. Only data from the
        first step is saved for any tag during a run.
      description (str): Optional long-form description for this summary, as a
        constant ``str``. Markdown is supported. Defaults to empty. Currently

      [TensorFlow] True on success, or false if no summary was emitted because
      no default summary writer was available.

      ValueError: if a default writer exists, but no step was provided and
        `tf.summary.experimental.get_step()` is None. Also raised when used with
        Tensorflow and ``logdir`` is not provided or ``None``.
      RuntimeError: Module level function is used without a TensorFlow
        installation. Use the PyTorch `SummaryWriter.add_3d()` bound method

        With Tensorflow:

        .. code::

            import tensorflow as tf
            import open3d as o3d
            from open3d.visualization.tensorboard_plugin import summary
            from open3d.visualization.tensorboard_plugin.util import to_dict_batch
            logdir = "demo_logs/"
            writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer(logdir)
            cube = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_box(1, 2, 4)
            colors = [(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)]
            with writer.as_default():
                for step in range(3):

        With PyTorch:

        .. code::

            from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter
            import open3d as o3d
            from open3d.visualization.tensorboard_plugin import summary
            from open3d.visualization.tensorboard_plugin.util import to_dict_batch
            writer = SummaryWriter("demo_logs/")
            cube = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_box(1, 2, 4)
            colors = [(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)]
            for step in range(3):
                writer.add_3d('cube', to_dict_batch([cube]), step=step)

        Now use ``tensorboard --logdir demo_logs`` to visualize the 3D data.
    if tf is None:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "TensorFlow not found. Please use module level ``add_3d`` only "
            "with TensorFlow. Use the bound method ``SummaryWriter.add_3d`` "
            "with PyTorch.")
    if step is None:
        step = tf.summary.experimental.get_step()
    if step is None:
        raise ValueError("Step is not provided or set.")
    if logdir is None:
        raise ValueError("logdir must be provided with TensorFlow.")

    mdata = {} if label_to_names is None else {'label_to_names': label_to_names}
    summary_metadata = metadata.create_summary_metadata(description=description,
    # TODO( remove fallback
    summary_scope = (getattr(tf.summary.experimental, "summary_scope", None) or
    with summary_scope(name, "open3d_summary",
                       values=[data, max_outputs, step]) as (tag, unused_scope):
        # Defer preprocessing by passing it as a callable to write(),
        # wrapped in a LazyTensorCreator for backwards compatibility, so that we
        # only do this work when summaries are actually written, i.e. if
        # record_if() returns True.
        def lazy_tensor():
            write_dir = PluginDirectory(logdir, metadata.PLUGIN_NAME)
            geometry_metadata_string = _write_geometry_data(
                write_dir, tag, step, data, max_outputs)
            return tf.convert_to_tensor(geometry_metadata_string)

        return tf.summary.write(tag=tag,
Beispiel #3
def add_3d(name, data, step, logdir=None, max_outputs=1, description=None):
    """Write 3D geometry data as summary.

      name (str): A name or tag for this summary. The summary tag used for TensorBoard
        will be this name prefixed by any active name scopes.
      data (dict): A dictionary of tensors representing 3D data. Tensorflow,
        PyTorch, Numpy and Open3D tensors are supported. The following keys
        are supported:
          - ``vertex_positions``: shape `(B, N, 3)` where B is the number of
                point clouds and must be same for each key. N is the number of
                3D points. Will be cast to ``float32``.
          - ``vertex_colors``: shape `(B, N, 3)` Will be converted to ``uint8``.
          - ``vertex_normals``: shape `(B, N, 3)` Will be cast to ``float32``.
          - ``triangle_indices``: shape `(B, Nf, 3)`. Will be cast to ``uint32``.
          - ``line_indices``: shape `(B, Nl, 2)`. Will be cast to ``uint32``.

        For `batch_size` B=1, the tensors may have rank 2 instead of rank 3.
        Floating point color data will be clipped to the range [0,1] and
        converted to `uint8` range [0,255]. Other data types will be clipped into
        an allowed range for safe casting to uint8.

        Any data tensor, may be replaced by an integer scalar referring to a
        previous step. This allows reusing a previously written property tensor
        in the case that it does not change at different steps.
      step (int): Explicit ``int64``-castable monotonic step value for this summary.
        [`TensorFlow`: If ``None``, this defaults to
        `tf.summary.experimental.get_step()`, which must not be ``None``.]
      logdir (str): The logging directory used to create the SummaryWriter.
        [`PyTorch`: This will be automatically inferred if not provided or
      max_outputs (int): Optional integer. At most this many 3D elements will be
        emitted at each step. When more than `max_outputs` 3D elements are
        provided, the first ``max_outputs`` 3D elements will be used and the
        rest silently discarded.
      description (str): Optional long-form description for this summary, as a
        constant ``str``. Markdown is supported. Defaults to empty. Currently

      True on success, or false if no summary was emitted because no default
      summary writer was available.

      ValueError: if a default writer exists, but no step was provided and
        `tf.summary.experimental.get_step()` is None. Also raised when used with
        Tensorflow and ``logdir`` is not provided or ``None``.
      RuntimeError: Module level function is used without a TensorFlow
        installation. Use the PyTorch `SummaryWriter.add_3d()` bound method

        With Tensorflow:

        .. code::

            import tensorflow as tf
            import open3d as o3d
            from open3d.visualization.tensorboard_plugin import summary
            from open3d.visualization.tensorboard_plugin.util import to_dict_batch

            logdir = "demo_logs/"
            writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer(logdir)
            cube = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_box(1, 2, 4)
            colors = [(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)]
            with writer.as_default():
                for step in range(3):

        With PyTorch:

        .. code::

            from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter
            import open3d as o3d
            from open3d.visualization.tensorboard_plugin import summary
            from open3d.visualization.tensorboard_plugin.util import to_dict_batch
            writer = SummaryWriter("demo_logs/")
            cube = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_box(1, 2, 4)
            colors = [(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)]
            for step in range(3):
                writer.add_3d('cube', to_dict_batch([cube]), step=step)

        Now use ``tensorboard --logdir demo_logs`` to visualize the 3D data.
    if tf is None:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "TensorFlow not found. Please use module level ``add_3d`` only "
            "with TensorFlow. Use the bound method ``SummaryWriter.add_3d`` "
            "with PyTorch.")
    if step is None:
        step = tf.summary.experimental.get_step()
    if step is None:
        raise ValueError("Step is not provided or set.")
    if logdir is None:
        raise ValueError("logdir must be provided with TensorFlow.")

    summary_metadata = metadata.create_summary_metadata(
    # TODO( remove fallback
    summary_scope = (getattr(tf.summary.experimental, "summary_scope", None)
                     or tf.summary.summary_scope)
    with summary_scope(name,
                       values=[data, max_outputs,
                               step]) as (tag, unused_scope):
        # Defer preprocessing by passing it as a callable to write(),
        # wrapped in a LazyTensorCreator for backwards compatibility, so that we
        # only do this work when summaries are actually written, i.e. if
        # record_if() returns True.
        def lazy_tensor():
            write_dir = PluginDirectory(logdir, metadata.PLUGIN_NAME)
            geometry_metadata_string = _write_geometry_data(
                write_dir, tag, step, data, max_outputs)
            return tf.convert_to_tensor(geometry_metadata_string)

        return tf.summary.write(tag=tag,