Beispiel #1
points = np.loadtxt(r'../Data/pole2.txt', skiprows=1, delimiter=';')[:, :3]

#MyRANSAC.Model = CylinderModel((0,0), (0.05, 0.3))                      #Theta and Phi, Min Max radius of the cylinders

from Runner import Search
from geometry import *

Result = Search(1, points, CylinderModel(0.05, (0.02, 0.05), (0, 0)))

Result = Search(1, points, PlaneModel(0.05))

resultPoints = Result[1][0]
#resultPoints = np.vstack((Result[1][0], Result[1][1]))

# For visualization:
pcd = PointCloud()
pcd.points = Vector3dVector(Result[2])
pcd2 = PointCloud()
pcd2.points = Vector3dVector(resultPoints)
pcd2.paint_uniform_color([0.1, 0.1, 0.1])

                 search_param=KDTreeSearchParamHybrid(radius=0.1, max_nn=20))

pcd = PointCloud()
pcd.points = Vector3dVector(points)
Beispiel #2
def open_3d_vis(args, output_dir):
    -- Mouse view control --
      Left button + drag        : Rotate.
      Ctrl + left button + drag : Translate.
      Wheel                     : Zoom in/out.

    -- Keyboard view control --
      [/]          : Increase/decrease field of view.
      R            : Reset view point.
      Ctrl/Cmd + C : Copy current view status into the clipboard. (A nice view has been saved as utilites/view.json
      Ctrl/Cmd + V : Paste view status from clipboard.

    -- General control --
      Q, Esc       : Exit window.
      H            : Print help message.
      P, PrtScn    : Take a screen capture.
      D            : Take a depth capture.
      O            : Take a capture of current rendering settings.
    json_dir = os.path.join(
        output_dir, 'json_' + args.list_flag + '_trans') + '_iou' + str(1.0)
    args.test_dir = json_dir
    args.gt_dir = args.dataset_dir + 'car_poses'
    args.res_file = os.path.join(output_dir,
                                 'json_' + args.list_flag + '_res.txt')
    args.simType = None

    car_models = load_car_models(os.path.join(args.dataset_dir, 'car_models'))
    det_3d_metric = Detect3DEval(args)
    evalImgs = det_3d_metric.evaluate()
    image_id = evalImgs['image_id']
    # We only draw the most loose constraint here
    gtMatches = evalImgs['gtMatches'][0]
    dtScores = evalImgs['dtScores']
    mesh_car_all = []
    # We also save road surface
    xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax = np.inf, -np.inf, np.inf, -np.inf, np.inf, -np.inf
    for car in det_3d_metric._gts[image_id]:
        car_model = car_models[car['car_id']]
        R = euler_angles_to_rotation_matrix(car['pose'][:3])
        vertices = np.matmul(R, car_model['vertices'].T) + np.asarray(
            car['pose'][3:])[:, None]
        xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax = update_road_surface(
            xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax, vertices)

        mesh_car = TriangleMesh()
        mesh_car.vertices = Vector3dVector(vertices.T)
        mesh_car.triangles = Vector3iVector(car_model['faces'] - 1)
        # Computing normal
        # we render the GT car in BLUE
        mesh_car.paint_uniform_color([0, 0, 1])

    for i, car in enumerate(det_3d_metric._dts[image_id]):
        if dtScores[i] > args.dtScores:
            car_model = car_models[car['car_id']]
            R = euler_angles_to_rotation_matrix(car['pose'][:3])
            vertices = np.matmul(R, car_model['vertices'].T) + np.asarray(
                car['pose'][3:])[:, None]
            mesh_car = TriangleMesh()
            mesh_car.vertices = Vector3dVector(vertices.T)
            mesh_car.triangles = Vector3iVector(car_model['faces'] - 1)
            # Computing normal
            if car['id'] in gtMatches:
                # if it is a true positive, we render it as green
                mesh_car.paint_uniform_color([0, 1, 0])
                # else we render it as red
                mesh_car.paint_uniform_color([1, 0, 0])

            # Draw the road surface here
            # x = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, 100)
            #  every 0.1 meter

    xyz = get_road_surface_xyz(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax)
    # Pass xyz to Open3D.PointCloud and visualize
    pcd_road = PointCloud()
    pcd_road.points = Vector3dVector(xyz)
    pcd_road.paint_uniform_color([0, 0, 1])

    # draw mesh frame
    mesh_frame = create_mesh_coordinate_frame(size=3, origin=[0, 0, 0])
