from opencog.utilities import initialize_opencog
from opencog.atomspace import types, get_refreshed_types
from opencog.bindlink import execute_atom
from opencog.type_constructors import *
from opencog.atomspace import AtomSpace
import numpy as np
import random
atomspace = AtomSpace()

def simneu(X,Y):

# change input dataset to matrix format
    print X,Y
    mat = []
    row = []
    atom = str(
    atom = atom.split(',') 

    mat2 = []
    row2 = []         
    atom2 = str(
    atom2 = atom2.split(',') 

    for i in range(0, len(atom)):
Beispiel #2
available class:
    AttentionController: used in the main loop to control av
    Integrated with the existing attention control code:
        For now we just use a simple way(see the doc in the class)
        to control the attention value of atom. In the long run,
        we may need a more clever and complicated way to do this.
from opencog.type_constructors import *
from opencog.bindlink import bindlink
from opencog.atomspace import types,get_refreshed_types
import opencog.spacetime #for import spacetime atom types
from opencog.type_constructors import *
from opencog.atomspace import Atom
types = get_refreshed_types() #must do so or types will miss spacetime types

class AttentionController:
    """Used for simply control the attention value of atoms
    control the av in control_av_in_atomspace method.
        atomspace(opencog.atomspace.AtomSpace): atomspace in the main loop
    def __init__(self, atomspace):
        self._atomspace = atomspace

    def control_av_in_atomspace(self):
        """Called in the main loop to update av
        For now we control av in this way:
        if new block appeared or old block disappeared:
        (e.g. finding such atom structures
# ! /usr/bin/env python2.7 python2 python

from opencog.atomspace import AtomSpace, Atom, TruthValue, types, get_refreshed_types
from opencog.type_constructors import *
from opencog.cogserver_type_constructors import *
from opencog.spacetime import SpaceServer, TimeServer

types = get_refreshed_types()  # update spacetime types imported
from opencog.atomspace import Atom
from atomspace_util import add_predicate, add_location
from atomspace_util import get_predicate, get_most_recent_pred_val
from ros_perception import ROSPerceptionInterface
from spockbot.mcdata import blocks

default_map_timestamp = 0
default_map_name = "MCmap"
default_map_resolution = 1
default_map_agent_height = 1
default_map_floor_height = -255

def swap_y_and_z(coord):
    temp_y = coord.y
    coord.y = coord.z
    coord.z = temp_y
    return coord

class PerceptionManager:
    def __init__(self, atomspace, space_server, time_server):
Beispiel #4
from opencog.atomspace import types, get_refreshed_types
from opencog.bindlink import bindlink
from opencog.type_constructors import *
types = get_refreshed_types()
from opencog.atomspace import Atom

def add_predicate(atomspace, predicatestr, *atoms):
    if len(atoms) == 1:
        target_atom = atoms[0]
    elif len(atoms) > 1:
        target_atom = atomspace.add_link(types.ListLink, atoms)
        raise RuntimeError('atomspace_util.add_predicate: atom list is empty!')
    return atomspace.add_link(
        [atomspace.add_node(types.PredicateNode, predicatestr), target_atom])

def add_location(atomspace, targetnode, maphandle, pos):
    return atomspace.add_link(types.AtLocationLink, [
        targetnode, maphandle,
        atomspace.add_link(types.ListLink, [
            atomspace.add_node(types.NumberNode, str(pos[0])),
            atomspace.add_node(types.NumberNode, str(pos[1])),
            atomspace.add_node(types.NumberNode, str(pos[2]))

def get_predicate(atomspace, predicate_name, target_node, num_of_val):
Beispiel #5
# ! /usr/bin/env python2.7 python2 python

from opencog.atomspace import AtomSpace, Atom, TruthValue, types, \
from opencog.type_constructors import *
from opencog.cogserver_type_constructors import *
from opencog.spacetime import SpaceServer, TimeServer

types = get_refreshed_types()  # update spacetime types imported
from opencog.atomspace import Atom
from atomspace_util import add_predicate, add_location
from atomspace_util import get_predicate, get_most_recent_pred_val
from ros_perception import ROSPerceptionInterface
from spockbot.mcdata import blocks

default_map_timestamp = 0
default_map_name = "MCmap"
default_map_resolution = 1
default_map_agent_height = 1
default_map_floor_height = -255

def swap_y_and_z(coord):
    temp_y = coord.y
    coord.y = coord.z
    coord.z = temp_y
    return coord

class PerceptionManager: