Beispiel #1
 def add_feature_to_existing_items(self, feature):
     """ Process a feature to extract geospatial
         object. It will:
         (1) Find the appropriate item in the manifest table
         (2) Adds a record in the geospace table
     man_obj = None
     if 'properties' in feature:
         props = feature['properties']
         if 'uri' in props:
             try_uuid = props['uri'].split('/')[-1]
             man_objs = Manifest.objects.filter(uuid=try_uuid)[:1]
             if man_objs:
                 man_obj = man_objs[0]
     if man_obj and 'geometry' in feature:
         # first get and validate the coordinates from the GeoJSON file
         if man_obj.uuid not in self.uuid_counts:
             self.uuid_counts[man_obj.uuid] = 0
         self.uuid_counts[man_obj.uuid] += 1
         geometry_type = feature['geometry']['type']
         coordinates = feature['geometry']['coordinates']
         v_geojson = ValidateGeoJson()
         c_ok = v_geojson.validate_all_geometry_coordinates(geometry_type,
         if not c_ok:
             print('Fixing coordinates for: {}'.format(man_obj.uuid))
             coordinates = v_geojson.fix_geometry_rings_dir(geometry_type,
         if self.delete_old_geo and self.uuid_counts[man_obj.uuid] < 2:
         coord_str = json.dumps(coordinates,
         gg = GeospaceGeneration()
         lon_lat = gg.get_centroid_lonlat_coordinates(coord_str, geometry_type)
         print('Saving new geomettry for: ' + str(man_obj.uuid))
         geo = Geospace()
         geo.uuid = man_obj.uuid
         geo.project_uuid = man_obj.project_uuid
         geo.source_id = self.source_id
         geo.item_type = man_obj.item_type
         geo.feature_id = self.uuid_counts[man_obj.uuid]
         geo.meta_type = ImportFieldAnnotation.PRED_GEO_LOCATION
         geo.ftype = geometry_type
         geo.latitude = lon_lat[1]
         geo.longitude = lon_lat[0]
         geo.specificity = 0
         # dump coordinates as json string
         geo.coordinates = coord_str
             print('Problem saving: ' + str(man_obj.uuid))
    def add_non_point_geojson_coordinates(self, uuid_geo_dict):
        """Adds non-point geojson coordinates to the result"""
        geo_obj = uuid_geo_dict.get(self.uuid)
        if not geo_obj:
            return None

        self.geo_feature_type = geo_obj.ftype
        coord_obj = json.loads(geo_obj.coordinates)
        v_geojson = ValidateGeoJson()
        coord_obj = v_geojson.fix_geometry_rings_dir(geo_obj.ftype, coord_obj)
        self.geometry_coords = coord_obj
Beispiel #3
 def add_feature_to_existing_items(self, feature):
     """ Process a feature to extract geospatial
         object. It will:
         (1) Find the appropriate item in the manifest table
         (2) Adds a record in the geospace table
     man_obj = None
     if 'properties' in feature:
         props = feature['properties']
         if 'uri' in props:
             try_uuid = props['uri'].split('/')[-1]
             man_objs = Manifest.objects.filter(uuid=try_uuid)[:1]
             if man_objs:
                 man_obj = man_objs[0]
     if man_obj and 'geometry' in feature:
         # first get and validate the coordinates from the GeoJSON file
         if man_obj.uuid not in self.uuid_counts:
             self.uuid_counts[man_obj.uuid] = 0
         self.uuid_counts[man_obj.uuid] += 1
         geometry_type = feature['geometry']['type']
         coordinates = feature['geometry']['coordinates']
         v_geojson = ValidateGeoJson()
         c_ok = v_geojson.validate_all_geometry_coordinates(
             geometry_type, coordinates)
         if not c_ok:
             print('Fixing coordinates for: {}'.format(man_obj.uuid))
             coordinates = v_geojson.fix_geometry_rings_dir(
                 geometry_type, coordinates)
         if self.delete_old_geo and self.uuid_counts[man_obj.uuid] < 2:
         coord_str = json.dumps(coordinates, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)
         gg = GeospaceGeneration()
         lon_lat = gg.get_centroid_lonlat_coordinates(
             coord_str, geometry_type)
         print('Saving new geomettry for: ' + str(man_obj.uuid))
         geo = Geospace()
         geo.uuid = man_obj.uuid
         geo.project_uuid = man_obj.project_uuid
         geo.source_id = self.source_id
         geo.item_type = man_obj.item_type
         geo.feature_id = self.uuid_counts[man_obj.uuid]
         geo.meta_type = ImportFieldAnnotation.PRED_GEO_LOCATION
         geo.ftype = geometry_type
         geo.latitude = lon_lat[1]
         geo.longitude = lon_lat[0]
         geo.specificity = 0
         # dump coordinates as json string
         geo.coordinates = coord_str
             print('Problem saving: ' + str(man_obj.uuid))
Beispiel #4
 def reproject_polygon(self, coordinates, geometry_type='Polygon'):
     """Reprojects coordinates for a GeoJSON polygon"""
     new_coordinates = []
     for ring_list in coordinates:
         new_ring_list = self.reproject_coordinate_ring(ring_list)
     v_geojson = ValidateGeoJson()
     c_ok = v_geojson.validate_all_geometry_coordinates(geometry_type,
     if not c_ok:
         new_coordinates = v_geojson.fix_geometry_rings_dir(geometry_type,
     return new_coordinates
Beispiel #5
 def package_coordinates(self, out_x, out_y, geometry_type=None):
     """Packages coordinates into tuples, lists or list of list objects useful for
     generating GeoJSON features """
     coords = self.make_coordinate_list(out_x, out_y)
     if len(coords) == 1:
         return coords[0]
     if geometry_type == 'Polygon':
         coords.append(coords[0])  # add the first coordinate to the end to close loop
         coordinates = [coords]  # put the coordinates inside a list to make an outer ring.
         v_geojson = ValidateGeoJson()
         c_ok = v_geojson.validate_all_geometry_coordinates(geometry_type,
         if not c_ok:
             coordinates = v_geojson.fix_geometry_rings_dir(geometry_type,
         return coordinates
     return coords
Beispiel #6
 def make_clusters_geojson(self):
     """Makes a feature collection of aggregated feature geometries """
     geojson = LastUpdatedOrderedDict()
     geojson['type'] = 'FeatureCollection'
     geojson['features'] = []
     for cluster_group, feat_geoms in self.raw_features.items():
         geoms = []
         for feat_geometry in feat_geoms:
             geom_raw = shape(feat_geometry)
             geom = geom_raw.buffer(self.buffer_tolerance)
             if geom.is_valid:
         if len(geoms) < 1:
             # No valid geometries for this cluster, so skip
         union_geom = unary_union(geoms)
         poly_union = union_geom.convex_hull
         poly_union_simple = poly_union.simplify(self.simplify_tolerance)
         feat = LastUpdatedOrderedDict()
         feat['type'] = 'Feature'
         feat['properties'] = LastUpdatedOrderedDict()
         feat['properties'][self.cluster_property] = cluster_group
         feat['properties'][self.cluster_num_features_prop] = len(geoms)
         feat['geometry'] = LastUpdatedOrderedDict()
         geometry_type = poly_union_simple.geom_type
         coordinates = [list(poly_union_simple.exterior.coords)]
         v_geojson = ValidateGeoJson()
         c_ok = v_geojson.validate_all_geometry_coordinates(
             geometry_type, coordinates)
         if not c_ok:
             coordinates = v_geojson.fix_geometry_rings_dir(
                 geometry_type, coordinates)
         feat['geometry']['type'] = geometry_type
         feat['geometry']['coordinates'] = coordinates
         centroid = self.get_feature_centroid(feat['geometry'])
         feat['properties']['latitude'] = centroid[1]
         feat['properties']['longitude'] = centroid[0]
     return geojson
Beispiel #7
 def add_update_geo_data(self, post_data):
     """ Updates a file associated with a media item """
     ok = True
     errors = []
     note = ''
     required_params = [
         'source_id', 'hash_id', 'meta_type', 'ftype', 'feature_id',
         'latitude', 'longitude', 'specificity', 'geojson'
     for r_param in required_params:
         if r_param not in post_data:
             # we're missing some required data
             # don't create the item
             ok = False
             message = 'Missing paramater: ' + r_param + ''
             note = '; '.join(errors)
     if ok:
         coordinates = ''
         hash_id = post_data['hash_id'].strip()
         if len(hash_id) < 1:
             hash_id = False
         source_id = post_data['source_id'].strip()
         ftype = post_data['ftype'].strip()
         # validate the dates
         output = self.validate_float_param('latitude', post_data, errors)
         latitude = output['float']
         errors = output['errors']
         output = self.validate_float_param('longitude', post_data, errors)
         longitude = output['float']
         errors = output['errors']
         output = self.validate_int_param('feature_id', post_data, errors)
         feature_id = output['integer']
         errors = output['errors']
         output = self.validate_int_param('specificity', post_data, errors)
         specificity = output['integer']
         errors = output['errors']
         # now check for GeoJSON, and validate if added
         coordinates = ''
         geojson_str = post_data['geojson'].strip()
         if len(geojson_str) > 1:
             # we have a geojson object
             output = self.validate_geojson(geojson_str, errors)
             coordinates = output['coordinates']
             if output['type'] is not False:
                 ftype = output['type']
                 if isinstance(coordinates, str):
                     v_geojson = ValidateGeoJson()
                     coord_list = json.loads(coordinates)
                     coord_list = v_geojson.fix_geometry_rings_dir(
                         ftype, coord_list)
                     coordinates = json.dumps(coord_list)
                     gg = GeospaceGeneration()
                     lon_lat = gg.get_centroid_lonlat_coordinates(
                         coordinates, ftype)
                     latitude = lon_lat[1]
                     longitude = lon_lat[0]
             if coordinates is False and latitude is not False\
                and longitude is not False:
                 # no coordinates input in GeoJSON so make them
                 ftype = 'Point'
                 coordinates = json.dumps([longitude, latitude],
         if latitude is False or longitude is False \
            or feature_id is False or coordinates is False \
            or specificity is False:
             # 1 or more of the geospatial data are bad
             ok = False
             note = '; '.join(errors)
             act_geo = None
             if hash_id is not False:
                     act_geo = Geospace.objects.get(hash_id=hash_id)
                 except Geospace.DoesNotExist:
                     act_geo = False
                     ok = False
                     message = 'Cannot find geo record for hash_id: ' + str(
                     note = '; '.join(errors)
             if ok:
                 # we're OK to add to an event
                 if act_geo is None:
                     act_geo = Geospace()
                 act_geo.uuid = self.manifest.uuid
                 act_geo.project_uuid = self.manifest.project_uuid
                 act_geo.source_id = source_id
                 act_geo.meta_type = post_data['meta_type'].strip()
                 act_geo.ftype = ftype
                 act_geo.feature_id = feature_id
                 act_geo.latitude = latitude
                 act_geo.longitude = longitude
                 act_geo.coordinates = coordinates
                 act_geo.specificity = specificity
                 note = 'Updated geodata for ' + self.manifest.uuid
     if ok:
         # now clear the cache a change was made
         self.errors = errors
     self.response = {
         'action': 'add-update-geo-data',
         'ok': ok,
         'change': {
             'note': note
     return self.response
Beispiel #8
 def save_partial_clean_file(self,
     """ saves a new json file with clean cordinates (to facilitate debugging) """
     all_ids = False
     if not ok_ids:
         all_ids = True
     new_json = LastUpdatedOrderedDict()
     new_json['type'] = 'FeatureCollection'
     new_json['features'] = []
     for feature in json_obj['features']:
         min_lon = None
         max_lon = None
         min_lat = None
         max_lat = None
         if all_ids or id_prop in feature['properties']:
             feature_id = feature['properties'][id_prop]
             feature['id'] = feature_id
             if all_ids or feature_id in ok_ids:
                 if feature_id in add_props:
                     id_add_props = add_props[feature_id]
                     for key, value in id_add_props.items():
                         feature['properties'][key] = value
                         if key == 'uri':
                             uuid = value.split('/')[-1]
                             sub = Subject.objects.get(uuid=uuid)
                             feature['properties']['context'] = sub.context.replace('Italy/', '')
                             asses = Assertion.objects.filter(uuid=uuid, object_type='documents')
                             d_uuids = []
                             for ass in asses:
                                 if ass.object_uuid not in d_uuids:
                             d_mans = Manifest.objects.filter(uuid__in=d_uuids)
                             min_len = 10000000
                             for d_man in d_mans:
                                 if len(d_man.label) < min_len:
                                     min_len = len(d_man.label)
                                     feature['properties']['trench-book'] = d_man.label
                 geometry_type = feature['geometry']['type']
                 coordinates = feature['geometry']['coordinates']
                 v_geojson = ValidateGeoJson()
                 c_ok = v_geojson.validate_all_geometry_coordinates(geometry_type,
                 if not c_ok:
                     coordinates = v_geojson.fix_geometry_rings_dir(geometry_type,
                     feature['geometry']['coordinates'] = coordinates
                 if geometry_type == 'Polygon':
                     poly = Polygon(coordinates)
                     act_feature = geojson.Feature(geometry=poly)
                     cors = geojson.utils.coords(act_feature)
                     for cor in cors:
                         if min_lon is None or min_lon > cor[0]:
                             min_lon = cor[0]
                         if max_lon is None or max_lon < cor[0]:
                             max_lon = cor[0]
                         if min_lat is None or min_lat > cor[1]:
                             min_lat = cor[1]
                         if max_lat is None or max_lat < cor[1]:
                             max_lat = cor[1]
                     if combine_json_obj:
                         feature['properties']['p-uris'] = ''
                         print('Limit to {}, {} :: {}, {}'.format(
                             min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat
                         near_contexts = []
                         near_uris = []
                         contexts = []
                         uris = []
                         for cfeature in combine_json_obj['features']:
                             near = True
                             inside = False
                             cgeometry_type = cfeature['geometry']['type']
                             if cgeometry_type == 'Point':
                                 ccors = cfeature['geometry']['coordinates']
                                 if ccors[0] < min_lon or ccors[0] > max_lon:
                                     near = False
                                 if ccors[1] < min_lat or ccors[1] > max_lat:
                                     near = False
                                 spoly = shape(feature['geometry'])
                                 point = Point(ccors) # create point
                                 inside = spoly.contains(point)
                                 # print('inside?: {}'.format(inside))  
                             if 'uri' in cfeature['properties'] and (near or inside):
                                 uri = cfeature['properties']['uri']
                                 if inside:
                                 if near:
                                 uuid = uri.split('/')[-1]
                                 sub = Subject.objects.get(uuid=uuid)
                                 context = '/'.join(sub.context.split('/')[0:5])
                                 if near:
                                 if inside:
                                 # new_json['features'].append(cfeature)
                         n_common_context, n_all_contexts, n_c_uuid = self.make_context_count_str(near_contexts)
                         common_context, all_contexts, c_uuid = self.make_context_count_str(contexts)
                         feature['properties']['p-uris'] = '; '.join(uris)
                         feature['properties']['n-contexts'] = n_all_contexts
                         feature['properties']['n-context'] = n_common_context
                         feature['properties']['n-c-uuid'] = n_c_uuid
                         feature['properties']['contexts'] = all_contexts
                         feature['properties']['context'] = common_context
                         feature['properties']['c-uuid'] = c_uuid
     dir_file = self.set_check_directory(act_dir) + '/id-clean-coord-' + filename
     self.save_json_file(new_json, None, None, dir_file=dir_file)
Beispiel #9
 def add_update_geo_data(self, post_data):
     """ Updates a file associated with a media item """
     ok = True
     errors = []
     note = ''
     required_params = ['source_id',
     for r_param in required_params:
         if r_param not in post_data:
             # we're missing some required data
             # don't create the item
             ok = False
             message = 'Missing paramater: ' + r_param + ''
             note = '; '.join(errors)
     if ok:
         coordinates = ''
         hash_id = post_data['hash_id'].strip()
         if len(hash_id) < 1:
             hash_id = False
         source_id = post_data['source_id'].strip()
         ftype = post_data['ftype'].strip()
         # validate the dates
         output = self.validate_float_param('latitude', post_data, errors)
         latitude = output['float']
         errors = output['errors']
         output = self.validate_float_param('longitude', post_data, errors)
         longitude = output['float']
         errors = output['errors']
         output = self.validate_int_param('feature_id', post_data, errors)
         feature_id = output['integer']
         errors = output['errors']
         output = self.validate_int_param('specificity', post_data, errors)
         specificity = output['integer']
         errors = output['errors']
         # now check for GeoJSON, and validate if added
         coordinates = ''
         geojson_str = post_data['geojson'].strip()
         if len(geojson_str) > 1:
             # we have a geojson object
             output = self.validate_geojson(geojson_str, errors)
             coordinates = output['coordinates']
             if output['type'] is not False:
                 ftype = output['type']
                 if isinstance(coordinates, str):
                     v_geojson = ValidateGeoJson()
                     coord_list = json.loads(coordinates)
                     coord_list  = v_geojson.fix_geometry_rings_dir(ftype, coord_list )
                     coordinates = json.dumps(coord_list)
                     gg = GeospaceGeneration()
                     lon_lat = gg.get_centroid_lonlat_coordinates(coordinates, ftype)
                     latitude = lon_lat[1]
                     longitude = lon_lat[0]
             if coordinates is False and latitude is not False\
                and longitude is not False:
                 # no coordinates input in GeoJSON so make them
                 ftype = 'Point'
                 coordinates = json.dumps([longitude, latitude],
         if latitude is False or longitude is False \
            or feature_id is False or coordinates is False \
            or specificity is False:
             # 1 or more of the geospatial data are bad
             ok = False
             note = '; '.join(errors)
             act_geo = None
             if hash_id is not False:
                     act_geo = Geospace.objects.get(hash_id=hash_id)
                 except Geospace.DoesNotExist:
                     act_geo = False
                     ok = False
                     message = 'Cannot find geo record for hash_id: ' + str(hash_id)
                     note = '; '.join(errors)
             if ok:
                 # we're OK to add to an event
                 if act_geo is None:
                     act_geo = Geospace()
                 act_geo.uuid = self.manifest.uuid
                 act_geo.project_uuid = self.manifest.project_uuid
                 act_geo.source_id = source_id
                 act_geo.meta_type = post_data['meta_type'].strip()
                 act_geo.ftype = ftype
                 act_geo.feature_id = feature_id
                 act_geo.latitude = latitude
                 act_geo.longitude = longitude
                 act_geo.coordinates = coordinates
                 act_geo.specificity = specificity
                 note = 'Updated geodata for ' + self.manifest.uuid
     if ok:
         # now clear the cache a change was made
         self.errors = errors
     self.response = {'action': 'add-update-geo-data',
                      'ok': ok,
                      'change': {'note': note}}
     return self.response
Beispiel #10
 def process_solr_polygons(self, solr_polygons):
     """ processes the solr_json 
         discovery geo tiles,
         aggregating to a certain
     if self.response_zoom_scope >= self.polygon_min_zoom_scope:
         # we're at a zoom level small enough to make it
         # worthwile to return complex contained-in polygon features
         i = 0
         cnt_i = -1
         for poly_key in solr_polygons[::2]:
             cnt_i += 2
             solr_facet_count = solr_polygons[cnt_i]
             parsed_key = self.parse_solr_value_parts(poly_key)
             # print('Key: ' + str(parsed_key))
             uuid = parsed_key['uuid']
             if isinstance(uuid, str):
                 if uuid in self.subjects_objs \
                    and uuid in self.geo_objs:
                     # we have Subjects and Geospatial models for this
                     # uuid
                     subj_obj = self.subjects_objs[uuid]
                     geo_obj = self.geo_objs[uuid]
                     i += 1
                     fl = FilterLinks()
                     fl.base_request_json = self.filter_request_dict_json
                     fl.spatial_context = self.spatial_context
                     new_rparams = fl.add_to_request(
                         'path', subj_obj.context)
                     record = LastUpdatedOrderedDict()
                     record['id'] = fl.make_request_url(new_rparams)
                     record['json'] = fl.make_request_url(
                         new_rparams, '.json')
                     record['count'] = solr_facet_count
                     record['type'] = 'Feature'
                     record['category'] = 'oc-api:geo-contained-in-feature'
                     if self.min_date is not False \
                        and self.max_date is not False:
                         when = LastUpdatedOrderedDict()
                         when['id'] = '#event-feature-' + uuid
                         when['type'] = 'oc-gen:formation-use-life'
                         # convert numeric to GeoJSON-LD ISO 8601
                         when['start'] = ISOyears().make_iso_from_float(
                         when['stop'] = ISOyears().make_iso_from_float(
                         record['when'] = when
                     geometry = LastUpdatedOrderedDict()
                     geometry['id'] = '#geo-disc-feature-geom-' + uuid
                     geometry['type'] = geo_obj.ftype
                     coord_obj = json.loads(geo_obj.coordinates)
                     v_geojson = ValidateGeoJson()
                     coord_obj = v_geojson.fix_geometry_rings_dir(
                         geo_obj.ftype, coord_obj)
                     geometry['coordinates'] = coord_obj
                     record['geometry'] = geometry
                     properties = LastUpdatedOrderedDict()
                     properties['id'] = '#geo-disc-feature-' + uuid
                     properties['href'] = record['id']
                     properties['item-href'] = parsed_key['href']
                     properties['label'] = subj_obj.context
                     properties['feature-type'] = 'containing-region'
                     properties['count'] = solr_facet_count
                     properties['early bce/ce'] = self.min_date
                     properties['late bce/ce'] = self.max_date
                     record['properties'] = properties
                     dump = json.dumps(record, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
                     geojson_obj = geojson.loads(dump)
    def make_geo_contained_in_facet_options(self, solr_json):
        """Gets geospace item query set from a list of options tuples"""
        geosource_path_keys = (configs.FACETS_SOLR_ROOT_PATH_KEYS +
        geosource_val_count_list = utilities.get_dict_path_value(
            geosource_path_keys, solr_json, default=[])
        if not len(geosource_val_count_list):
            return None

        # Make the list of tile, count tuples.
        options_tuples = utilities.get_facet_value_count_tuples(
        if not len(options_tuples):
            return None

        uuids = []
        parsed_solr_entities = {}
        uuid_geo_dict = {}
        for solr_entity_str, count in options_tuples:
            parsed_entity = utilities.parse_solr_encoded_entity_str(
                solr_entity_str, base_url=self.base_url)
            if not parsed_entity:
                    'Cannot parse entity from {}'.format(solr_entity_str))
            if not '/' in parsed_entity['uri']:
                logger.warn('Invalid uri from {}'.format(solr_entity_str))
            uri_parts = parsed_entity['uri'].split('/')
            uuid = uri_parts[-1]
            parsed_entity['uuid'] = uuid
            parsed_solr_entities[solr_entity_str] = parsed_entity

        # Make a dictionary of geospace objects keyed by uuid. This
        # will hit the database in one query to get all geospace
        # objects not present in the cache.
        uuid_geo_dict = self._make_cache_geospace_obj_dict(uuids)

        # Make a dict of context paths, keyed by uuid. This will also
        # hit the database in only 1 query, for all context paths not
        # already present in the cache.
        uuid_context_dict = self._get_cache_contexts_dict(uuids)

        # Now make the final
        geo_options = []
        for solr_entity_str, count in options_tuples:
            if solr_entity_str not in parsed_solr_entities:
                # This solr_entity_str did not validate to extract a UUID.
            parsed_entity = parsed_solr_entities[solr_entity_str]
            uuid = parsed_entity['uuid']
            geo_obj = uuid_geo_dict.get(uuid)
            if geo_obj is None:
                logger.warn('No geospace object for {}'.format(uuid))

            context_path = uuid_context_dict.get(uuid)
            if context_path is None:
                logger.warn('No context path for {}'.format(uuid))

            sl = SearchLinks(request_dict=copy.deepcopy(self.request_dict),
            # Remove non search related params.

            # Update the request dict for this facet option.
            urls = sl.make_urls_from_request_dict()

            # NOTE: We're not checking if the URLs are the same
            # as the current search URL, because part of the point
            # of listing these features is for visualization display
            # in the front end.

            option = LastUpdatedOrderedDict()

            # The fragment id in the URLs are so we don't have an
            # ID collision with context facets.
            option['id'] = urls['html'] + '#geo-in'
            option['json'] = urls['json'] + '#geo-in'

            option['count'] = count
            option['type'] = 'Feature'
            option['category'] = 'oc-api:geo-contained-in-feature'

            # Add some general chronology information to the
            # geospatial feature.
            option = self._add_when_object_to_feature_option(

            # Add the geometry from the geo_obj coordinates. First
            # check to make sure they are OK with the the GeoJSON
            # right-hand rule.
            geometry = LastUpdatedOrderedDict()
            geometry['id'] = '#geo-in-geom-{}'.format(uuid)
            geometry['type'] = geo_obj.ftype
            coord_obj = json.loads(geo_obj.coordinates)
            v_geojson = ValidateGeoJson()
            coord_obj = v_geojson.fix_geometry_rings_dir(
                geo_obj.ftype, coord_obj)
            geometry['coordinates'] = coord_obj
            option['geometry'] = geometry

            properties = LastUpdatedOrderedDict()
            properties['id'] = '#geo-in-props-{}'.format(uuid)
            properties['href'] = option['id']
            properties['item-href'] = parsed_entity['uri']
            properties['label'] = context_path
            properties['feature-type'] = 'containing-region'
            properties['count'] = count
            properties['early bce/ce'] = self.min_date
            properties['late bce/ce'] = self.max_date
            option['properties'] = properties


        return geo_options
Beispiel #12
    def save_partial_clean_file(self,
        """ saves a new json file with clean cordinates (to facilitate debugging) """
        all_ids = False
        if not ok_ids:
            all_ids = True
        new_json = LastUpdatedOrderedDict()
        new_json['type'] = 'FeatureCollection'
        new_json['features'] = []
        for feature in json_obj['features']:
            min_lon = None
            max_lon = None
            min_lat = None
            max_lat = None
            if all_ids or id_prop in feature['properties']:
                feature_id = feature['properties'][id_prop]
                feature['id'] = feature_id
                if all_ids or feature_id in ok_ids:
                    if feature_id in add_props:
                        id_add_props = add_props[feature_id]
                        for key, value in id_add_props.items():
                            feature['properties'][key] = value
                            if key == 'uri':
                                uuid = value.split('/')[-1]
                                sub = Subject.objects.get(uuid=uuid)
                                    'context'] = sub.context.replace(
                                        'Italy/', '')
                                asses = Assertion.objects.filter(
                                    uuid=uuid, object_type='documents')
                                d_uuids = []
                                for ass in asses:
                                    if ass.object_uuid not in d_uuids:
                                d_mans = Manifest.objects.filter(
                                min_len = 10000000
                                for d_man in d_mans:
                                    if len(d_man.label) < min_len:
                                        min_len = len(d_man.label)
                                            'trench-book'] = d_man.label
                    geometry_type = feature['geometry']['type']
                    coordinates = feature['geometry']['coordinates']
                    v_geojson = ValidateGeoJson()
                    c_ok = v_geojson.validate_all_geometry_coordinates(
                        geometry_type, coordinates)
                    if not c_ok:
                        coordinates = v_geojson.fix_geometry_rings_dir(
                            geometry_type, coordinates)
                        feature['geometry']['coordinates'] = coordinates
                    if geometry_type == 'Polygon':
                        poly = Polygon(coordinates)
                        act_feature = geojson.Feature(geometry=poly)
                        cors = geojson.utils.coords(act_feature)
                        for cor in cors:
                            if min_lon is None or min_lon > cor[0]:
                                min_lon = cor[0]
                            if max_lon is None or max_lon < cor[0]:
                                max_lon = cor[0]
                            if min_lat is None or min_lat > cor[1]:
                                min_lat = cor[1]
                            if max_lat is None or max_lat < cor[1]:
                                max_lat = cor[1]
                        if combine_json_obj:
                            feature['properties']['p-uris'] = ''
                            print('Limit to {}, {} :: {}, {}'.format(
                                min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat))
                            near_contexts = []
                            near_uris = []
                            contexts = []
                            uris = []
                            for cfeature in combine_json_obj['features']:
                                near = True
                                inside = False
                                cgeometry_type = cfeature['geometry']['type']
                                if cgeometry_type == 'Point':
                                    ccors = cfeature['geometry']['coordinates']
                                    if ccors[0] < min_lon or ccors[0] > max_lon:
                                        near = False
                                    if ccors[1] < min_lat or ccors[1] > max_lat:
                                        near = False
                                    spoly = shape(feature['geometry'])
                                    point = Point(ccors)  # create point
                                    inside = spoly.contains(point)
                                    # print('inside?: {}'.format(inside))
                                if 'uri' in cfeature['properties'] and (
                                        near or inside):
                                    uri = cfeature['properties']['uri']
                                    if inside:
                                    if near:
                                    uuid = uri.split('/')[-1]
                                    sub = Subject.objects.get(uuid=uuid)
                                    context = '/'.join(
                                    if near:
                                    if inside:
                                    # new_json['features'].append(cfeature)
                            n_common_context, n_all_contexts, n_c_uuid = self.make_context_count_str(
                            common_context, all_contexts, c_uuid = self.make_context_count_str(
                            feature['properties']['p-uris'] = '; '.join(uris)
                                'n-contexts'] = n_all_contexts
                                'n-context'] = n_common_context
                            feature['properties']['n-c-uuid'] = n_c_uuid
                            feature['properties']['contexts'] = all_contexts
                            feature['properties']['context'] = common_context
                            feature['properties']['c-uuid'] = c_uuid

        dir_file = self.set_check_directory(
            act_dir) + '/id-clean-coord-' + filename
        self.save_json_file(new_json, None, None, dir_file=dir_file)