Beispiel #1
class BuoyantTracer(PassiveTracer):
    """Extending PassiveTracer (which is same as LagrangianArray) for elements moving in 3 dimensions
       The BuoyantTracer may be buoyant and/or subject to vertical mixing, and has some additional properties (as used in
       Buoyant behaviour is described by terminal velocity
       terminal_velocity>0 particle moves up towards the surface
       terminal_velocity<0 particle moves down towards the seabed

    variables = PassiveTracer.add_variables([('terminal_velocity', {
        'dtype': np.float32,
        'units': 'm/s',
        'default': 0.
                                             ('wind_drift_factor', {
                                                 'dtype': np.float32,
                                                 'unit': '%',
                                                 'default': 0.0
                                             ('age_seconds', {
                                                 'dtype': np.float32,
                                                 'units': 's',
                                                 'default': 0
Beispiel #2
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with OpenDrift.  If not, see <>.
# Copyright 2015, Knut-Frode Dagestad, MET Norway

import numpy as np
from opendrift.models.basemodel import OpenDriftSimulation
from opendrift.elements.passivetracer import PassiveTracer

# We add the property 'wind_drift_factor' to the element class
PassiveTracer.variables = PassiveTracer.add_variables([('wind_drift_factor', {
    'dtype': np.float32,
    'unit': '%',
    'default': 0.02

class OceanDrift(OpenDriftSimulation):
    """Trajectory model based on the OpenDrift framework.

    Simply propagation with ocean currents and possibly additional wind drag.
    Suitable for passive tracers or simple object like ocean drifters.
    Developed at MET Norway.


    ElementType = PassiveTracer
    required_variables = [
Beispiel #3
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with OpenDrift.  If not, see <>.
# Copyright 2015, Knut-Frode Dagestad, MET Norway

import numpy as np
from opendrift.models.oceandrift3D import OceanDrift3D
from opendrift.elements.passivetracer import PassiveTracer

# We add the property 'wind_drift_factor' to the element class
PassiveTracer.variables = PassiveTracer.add_variables([
    ('wind_drift_factor', {'dtype': np.float32,
                           'unit': '%',
                           'default': 0.02}),
    ('terminal_velocity', {'dtype': np.float32,
                           'units': 'm/s',
                           'default': 0.01}),
    ('origin_marker', {'dtype': np.int16,
                       'unit': '',
                       'default': 0})])

class PlastDrift(OceanDrift3D):
    """Trajectory model based on the OpenDrift framework.

    Propagation of plastics particles with ocean currents and
    additional Stokes drift and wind drag.

    Developed at MET Norway.

Beispiel #4
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with OpenDrift.  If not, see <>.
# Copyright 2015, Knut-Frode Dagestad, MET Norway

import logging
import numpy as np
from opendrift.models.basemodel import OpenDriftSimulation
from opendrift.elements.passivetracer import PassiveTracer

# We add the property 'wind_drift_factor' to the element class
PassiveTracer.variables = PassiveTracer.add_variables([
                            ('wind_drift_factor', {'dtype': np.float32,
                                                   'unit': '%',
                                                   'default': 0.02}),
                            ('age_seconds', {'dtype': np.float32,
                                             'units': 's',
                                             'default': 0})])

class OceanDrift(OpenDriftSimulation):
    """Trajectory model based on the OpenDrift framework.

    Simply propagation with ocean currents and possibly additional wind drag.
    Suitable for passive tracers or simple object like ocean drifters.
    Developed at MET Norway.


    ElementType = PassiveTracer
Beispiel #5
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with OpenDrift.  If not, see <>.
# Copyright 2015, Knut-Frode Dagestad, MET Norway

import logging
import numpy as np
from opendrift.models.oceandrift3D import OceanDrift3D
from opendrift.elements.passivetracer import PassiveTracer

# We add the property 'wind_drift_factor' to the element class
PassiveTracer.variables = PassiveTracer.add_variables([
    ('wind_drift_factor', {'dtype': np.float32,
                           'unit': '%',
                           'default': 0.02}),
    ('depth', {'dtype': np.float32,
               'unit': '%',
               'default': -16.0}),
    ('terminal_velocity', {'dtype': np.float32,
                           'units': 'm/s',
                           'default': 0.01})])

class PlastDrift(OceanDrift3D):
    """Trajectory model based on the OpenDrift framework.

    Propagation of plastics particles with ocean currents and
    additional Stokes drift and wind drag.

    Developed at MET Norway.

Beispiel #6
import numpy as np
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from opendrift.models.oceandrift import OceanDrift
from opendrift.elements.passivetracer import PassiveTracer

# We add the property 'wind_drift_factor' to the element class
PassiveTracer.variables = PassiveTracer.add_variables([
    ('wind_drift_factor', {
        'dtype': np.float32,
        'units': '1',
        'default': 0.02
    ('terminal_velocity', {
        'dtype': np.float32,
        'units': 'm/s',
        'level': OceanDrift.CONFIG_LEVEL_ESSENTIAL,
        'Positive value means rising particles (positive buoyancy)',
        'default': 0.01

class PlastDrift(OceanDrift):
    """Trajectory model based on the OpenDrift framework.

    Propagation of plastics particles with ocean currents and
    additional Stokes drift and wind drag.
Beispiel #7
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with OpenDrift.  If not, see <>.
# Copyright 2015, Knut-Frode Dagestad, MET Norway

import numpy as np
from opendrift.models.opendrift3D import OpenDrift3DSimulation
from opendrift.models.oceandrift import OceanDrift
from opendrift.elements.passivetracer import PassiveTracer

# We add the property 'wind_drift_factor' to the element class
PassiveTracer.variables = PassiveTracer.add_variables([('wind_drift_factor', {
    'dtype': np.float32,
    'unit': '%',
    'default': 0.0
}), ('age_seconds', {
    'dtype': np.float32,
    'units': 's',
    'default': 0

class OceanDrift3D(OpenDrift3DSimulation, OceanDrift):
    """Trajectory model based on the OpenDrift framework.

    Simply propagation with horizontal and vertical ocean currents
    and possibly additional wind drag.
    Suitable for passive tracers, e.g. for tracking water particles.
    Developed at MET Norway.
