def _get_archive_groups(self, model, domain=None, fields=None, groupby="create_date", order="create_date desc"): if not model: return [] if domain is None: domain = [] if fields is None: fields = ['name', 'create_date'] groups = [] for group in request.env[model].sudo().read_group( domain, fields=fields, groupby=groupby, orderby=order): label = group[groupby] date_begin = date_end = None for leaf in group["__domain"]: if leaf[0] == groupby: if leaf[1] == ">=": date_begin = leaf[2] elif leaf[1] == "<": date_end = leaf[2] groups.append({ 'date_begin': Date.to_string(Date.from_string(date_begin)), 'date_end': Date.to_string(Date.from_string(date_end)), 'name': label, 'item_count': group[groupby + '_count'] }) return groups
def _inverse_age(self): self._check_release_date() for perizia in self.filtered('giorni_consegna'): d = fDate.from_string( perizia.inizio_operazioni) + td(days=perizia.giorni_consegna) # delta = fDate.from_string(perizia.inizio_operazioni) + perizia.giorni_consegna perizia.fine_operazioni = fDate.to_string(d)
def days_with_events(self, start, end): """Let visitors know when are there going to be any events. :param start string: Search events from that date. :param end string: Search events until that date. """ events = request.env["event.event"].search([ "|", ("date_begin", "<=", end), ("date_end", ">=", start), ]) days = set() one_day = timedelta(days=1) start = Date.from_string(start) end = Date.from_string(end) for event in events: now = max(Date.from_string(event.date_begin), start) event_end = min(Date.from_string(event.date_end), end) while now <= event_end: days.add(now) now += one_day return [Date.to_string(day) for day in days]
def _get_archive_groups(self, model, domain=None, fields=None, groupby="create_date", order="create_date desc"): if not model: return [] if domain is None: domain = [] if fields is None: fields = ['name', 'create_date'] groups = [] for group in request.env[model].read_group( domain, fields=fields, groupby=groupby, orderby=order): label = group[groupby] date_begin = date_end = None for leaf in group["__domain"]: if leaf[0] == groupby: if leaf[1] == ">=": date_begin = leaf[2] elif leaf[1] == "<": date_end = leaf[2] groups.append({ 'date_begin': Date.to_string(Date.from_string(date_begin)), 'date_end': Date.to_string(Date.from_string(date_end)), 'name': label, 'item_count': group[groupby + '_count'] }) return groups
def _compute_age(self): today = fDate.from_string( self._check_release_date() for perizia in self.filtered('fine_operazioni'): delta = fDate.from_string( perizia.fine_operazioni) - fDate.from_string( perizia.inizio_operazioni) # delta = fDate.from_string(days) perizia.giorni_consegna = delta.days
def setUp(self): super(TestBarcodeNoConsuSingleAttr, self).setUp() self.product = self.env['product.product'].create({ 'name': 'bbc_stock_bom_product', 'type': 'consu', 'default_code': 'product_barcode' }) self.attr = self.env['product.attribute'].create({ 'name': 'Attribute1', 'value_ids': [(0, 0, { 'name': 'Attr1 - Val1' })], }) self.picking = self.PickingObj.create({ 'partner_id': self.partner_delta_id, 'picking_type_id': self.picking_type_in }) self.MoveObj.create({ 'name':, 'product_id':, 'product_uom_qty': 1, 'product_uom':, 'picking_id':, 'location_id': self.supplier_location, 'location_dest_id': self.stock_location, 'date_expected': Date.context_today(self.env.user), }) self.picking.action_confirm()
def projects_list(self): user_bank_id = None if not http.request.env.user.sudo(http.request.env.user). \ user_has_groups( 'bestja_project_hierarchy.managers_level0,bestja_project_hierarchy.managers_level1' ): user_organization = http.request.env['organization'].sudo().search( [ ('level', '=', 2), '|', # noqa ('coordinator', '=',, ('projects.manager', '=', ]) if not user_organization: return exceptions.Forbidden() user_bank_id = projects = http.request.env['bestja.project'].sudo().search( [ ('organization_level', '=', 0), ('use_detailed_reports', '=', True), ('date_start', '<=',, ], order='date_start desc') return http.request.render('bestja_detailed_reports.projects_list', { 'projects': projects, 'user_bank_id': user_bank_id, })
def projects_list(self): user_bank_id = None if not http.request.env.user.sudo(http.request.env.user). \ user_has_groups( 'bestja_project_hierarchy.managers_level0,bestja_project_hierarchy.managers_level1' ): user_organization = http.request.env['organization'].sudo().search([ ('level', '=', 2), '|', # noqa ('coordinator', '=',, ('projects.manager', '=', ]) if not user_organization: return exceptions.Forbidden() user_bank_id = projects = http.request.env['bestja.project'].sudo().search([ ('organization_level', '=', 0), ('use_detailed_reports', '=', True), ('date_start', '<=',, ], order='date_start desc') return http.request.render('bestja_detailed_reports.projects_list', { 'projects': projects, 'user_bank_id': user_bank_id, })
def events_for_day(self, day=None, limit=None): """List events for a given day. :param day string: Date in a string. If ``None``, we'll search for upcoming events from today up to specified limit. :param limit int: How many results to return. """ ref = day or Date.to_string( domain = [ ("date_end", ">=", ref), ] if day: domain.append(("date_begin", "<=", ref)) return request.env["event.event"].search_read( domain=domain, limit=limit, fields=[ "date_begin", "name", "event_type_id", "website_published", "website_url", ], )
def get_absent_on(self, date=None): self.ensure_one() if not date: return None querying_day = date if isinstance(date, querying_day = Date.to_string(date) absent_type = self.env.ref("hr_sf.absent_holidays_status") absent_type_id = for holiday in self.holidays_ids: if not holiday.date_from or not holiday.date_to: continue if != absent_type_id: continue if not all((holiday.morning_start_work_time, holiday.morning_end_work_time, holiday.afternoon_start_work_time, holiday.afternoon_end_work_time)): return None dt_the_day_morning_start_work_time = datetime.datetime.strptime( "%s %s" % (querying_day, holiday.morning_start_work_time), DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) dt_the_day_morning_end_work_time = datetime.datetime.strptime( "%s %s" % (querying_day, holiday.morning_end_work_time), DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) dt_the_day_afternoon_start_work_time = datetime.datetime.strptime( "%s %s" % (querying_day, holiday.afternoon_start_work_time), DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) dt_the_day_afternoon_end_work_time = datetime.datetime.strptime( "%s %s" % (querying_day, holiday.afternoon_end_work_time), DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) dt_holiday_from = Datetime.from_string(holiday.date_from) + datetime.timedelta(hours=8) dt_holiday_to = Datetime.from_string(holiday.date_to) + datetime.timedelta(hours=8) # deal with morning first dt_cal_start = max(dt_the_day_morning_start_work_time, dt_holiday_from) dt_cal_start = min(dt_cal_start, dt_the_day_morning_end_work_time) dt_cal_end = min(dt_the_day_morning_end_work_time, dt_holiday_to) dt_cal_end = max(dt_cal_end, dt_the_day_morning_start_work_time) if dt_cal_end > dt_cal_start: return # then deal with afternoon first dt_cal_start = max(dt_the_day_afternoon_start_work_time, dt_holiday_from) dt_cal_start = min(dt_cal_start, dt_the_day_afternoon_end_work_time) dt_cal_end = min(dt_the_day_afternoon_end_work_time, dt_holiday_to) dt_cal_end = max(dt_cal_end, dt_the_day_afternoon_start_work_time) if dt_cal_end > dt_cal_start: return
def test_02_max_date(self): next_year_apr = '%s-04-01' % (int([:4]) + 1) delay = Date.to_string( Date.from_string( + timedelta(days=self.seller_delay)) """ Test if max_incoming_stock_date is the date today plus delay in case there is no stock of the product. """ self.assertEqual(self.product.max_incoming_stock_date, delay) self.assertEqual(self.bom_product.max_incoming_stock_date, delay) picking_in = self.PickingObj.create({ 'partner_id': self.partner_delta_id, 'picking_type_id': self.picking_type_in}) self.MoveObj.create({ 'name':, 'product_id':, 'product_uom_qty': 1, 'product_uom':, 'picking_id':, 'location_id': self.supplier_location, 'location_dest_id': self.stock_location, 'date_expected': next_year_apr, }) """ Test if date_expected is the max_incoming_stock_date in case there are incoming products. """ picking_in.action_confirm() self.product.refresh() self.assertEqual(self.product.max_incoming_stock_date, next_year_apr) self.assertEqual( self.bom_product.max_incoming_stock_date, next_year_apr) """ Test if the max_incoming_stock_date is the date today plus delay in case there is stock of the product. """ picking_in.action_done() self.product.refresh() self.assertEqual(self.product.max_incoming_stock_date, delay) self.assertEqual( self.bom_product.max_incoming_stock_date, delay)
def write(self,cr,uid,ids,vals,context=None): return_value = super(sale_order, self).write(cr, uid, ids, vals, context) if 'state' in vals.keys(): if vals['state'] in ['progress','manual']: # stage_id = self.pool.get('').search(cr,uid,[('name','=','Won - Order placed')]) stage_id = self.pool.get('').search(cr,uid,[('sequence','=',110)]) if stage_id: for order_id in ids: order = self.pool.get('sale.order').browse(cr,uid,order_id) opportunity_id = if opportunity_id: vals_opp = { 'stage_id': stage_id[0] } return_id = self.pool.get('crm.lead').write(cr,uid,opportunity_id,vals_opp) if 'order_line' in vals.keys(): lines = vals['order_line'] for order_line in lines: if not order_line[2]: continue if 'order_id' not in order_line[2].keys(): continue order_id = order_line[2]['order_id'] order = self.pool.get('sale.order').browse(cr,uid,order_id) product_id = order_line[2]['product_id'] product = self.pool.get('product.product').browse(cr,uid,product_id) if not product.supplier_id: return return_value partner = self.pool.get('res.partner').browse(cr,uid, if partner.country_id.holidays_ids: for holiday in partner.country_id.holidays_ids: #if > vals['date_order'][:10]: _logger.debug('Checking holiday %s %s against %s',, type(, order.date_order) order_date = order.date_order holiday_date = newdate.from_string( if type(order_date) == str: order_date = datetime.strptime(order.date_order, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').date() if holiday_date > order_date: holiday_id = self.pool.get('sale.order.holidays').search(cr,uid,\ [('order_id','=',order_id),('name','=',holiday.holiday_name),\ ('country_id','=',,\ ('date','=',]) if not holiday_id: vals_holiday = { 'order_id': order_id, 'country_id':, 'name': holiday.holiday_name, 'date':, } return_holiday = self.pool.get('sale.order.holidays').create(cr,uid,vals_holiday) return return_value
def setUp(self): super(TestSalesPrice, self).setUp() attribute = self.env['product.attribute'].create({ 'name': 'sales_price_attribute', }) = self.env['product.attribute.value'].create({ 'name': 'red', 'attribute_id':, }) = self.env['product.attribute.value'].create({ 'name': 'blue', 'attribute_id':, }) # Product is created with a list price of 75.95 self.template = self.env['product.template'].create({ 'name': 'bbc_stock_bom_product', 'type': 'product', 'list_price': 75.95, 'attribute_line_ids': [(0, 0, { 'attribute_id':, 'value_ids': [(6, 0, attribute.value_ids.ids)], })], }) self.env['product.attribute.price'].create({ 'product_tmpl_id':, 'value_id':, 'price_extra': -20, }) = Date.context_today(self.env.user) self.pricelist_version = self.env['product.pricelist.version'].search( [ '|', ('date_start', '=', False), ('date_start', '<=',, '|', ('date_end', '=', False), ('date_end', '>=',, ('pricelist_id.type', '=', 'sale') ], limit=1) self.pricelist = self.pricelist_version.pricelist_id
def create_order(self, partner, shipping): return self.env['sale.order'].create({ 'partner_id':, 'partner_invoice_id':, 'partner_shipping_id':, 'user_id':, 'pricelist_id':, 'date_order': Date.context_today(self.env.user), })
def create(self,cr,uid,vals,context=None): return_value = super(sale_order, self).create(cr, uid, vals, context) if 'partner_id' in vals.keys(): partner = self.pool.get('res.partner').browse(cr,uid,vals['partner_id']) if partner.country_id.holidays_ids and 'date_order' in vals.keys(): for holiday in partner.country_id.holidays_ids: #if > vals['date_order'][:10]: _logger.debug('Checking holiday %s %s against %s',, type(, vals['date_order']) order_date = vals['date_order'] holiday_date = newdate.from_string( if type(order_date) == str: order_date = datetime.strptime(vals['date_order'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').date() if holiday_date > order_date: vals_holiday = { 'order_id': return_value, 'country_id':, 'name': holiday.holiday_name, 'date':, } return_holiday = self.pool.get('sale.order.holidays').create(cr,uid,vals_holiday) return return_value
def setUp(self): super(TestMaxDate, self).setUp() self.product = self.env['product.product'].create({ 'name': 'test max date', 'type': 'product', }) self.seller_delay = 5 self.env['product.supplierinfo'].create({ 'name': self.partner_delta_id, 'delay': self.seller_delay, 'product_tmpl_id':, }) self.bom_product = self.env['product.product'].create({ 'name': 'test max date bom', 'type': 'consu', }) self.env[''].create({ 'product_id':, 'product_tmpl_id':, 'bom_line_ids': [(0, 0, { 'product_id':})], }) = Date.context_today(self.env.user)
class Lectures(Model): _name = 'academy.lectures' _order = 'date ASC' name = Char(required=True, string="Name") date = Date(required=True, string="Date")
def _inverse_age(self): today = fDate.from_string( for book in self.filtered('date_release'): d = td(days=book.age_days) - today book.date_release = fDate.to_string(d)
def genera_grafica(self, start,stop): """ Genera imagen de la grafica de los sensores """ f_start = Date.from_string(start) f_stop = Date.from_string(stop) delta = f_stop-f_start if delta.days <=30: return False obj_company = self.env[''].sudo() company_ids = self._get_companys() company_matriz =[('id', 'not in', company_ids.split(','))], limit=1) atrace = [] annotations = [] for company_id in company_ids.split(","): name_company = obj_company.browse([int(company_id)]).name xy = [] regist = self._get_punt_company_mes(start,stop,int(company_id)) valores = [] mes_x = [] puntua_y = [] i = 0 for row in regist: mes_x.append(row['mes']) puntua_y.append(round(row['puntua'], 2)) valores.append([(row['mes']), round(row['puntua'], 2)]) if len(valores) != 0: max_idx = np.argmax(puntua_y) max_valy = puntua_y[max_idx] max_valx = mes_x[max_idx] min_idx = np.argmin(puntua_y) min_valy = puntua_y[min_idx] min_valx = mes_x[min_idx] media_y = round(np.average(puntua_y), 2) amedia_y = np.empty(len(mes_x)) amedia_y.fill(media_y) atrace.append(go.Scatter( x=mes_x, y=amedia_y, line=dict(width=0.5), name=" Media %s " % name_company, )) atrace.append(go.Scatter( x=mes_x, y=puntua_y, name=name_company, )) annotations.append(dict(x=min_valx, y=min_valy, xanchor='right', yanchor='middle', text='Min {}'.format(min_valy), font=dict(family='Arial', size=16, color='rgb(182,128, 64)', ), showarrow=True, )) annotations.append(dict(x=max_valx, y=max_valy, xanchor='right', yanchor='middle', text='Max {}'.format(max_valy), font=dict(family='Arial', size=16, color='rgb(182,128, 64)', ), showarrow=True, )) annotations.append(dict(xref='paper', x=max_valx, y=media_y, xanchor='right', yanchor='middle', text='Media {}'.format(media_y) , font=dict(family='Arial', size=16, color='rgb(182,128, 64)', ), showarrow=True, )) else: maxpunt = 0 minpunt = 0 annotations.append(dict(xref='paper', yref='paper', x=20, y=30, xanchor='center', yanchor='center', text="%s" %, font=dict(family='Arial', size=12, color='rgb(37,37,37)'), showarrow=False, )) xaxis = dict( title='Meses', showline=True, showgrid=True, showticklabels=True, nticks=24, linecolor='rgb(204, 204, 204)', linewidth=2, autotick=True, ticks='outside', tickcolor='rgb(204, 204, 204)', tickwidth=2, ticklen=5, tickfont=dict( family='Arial', size=12, color='rgb(82, 82, 82)', ), ) layout = dict(title='EVALUACIONES COMPRENDIDAS DESDE %s HASTA %s ' % (start,stop), yaxis=dict(title='Puntos'), xaxis=xaxis, width=1600, height=1000 ) layout['annotations'] = annotations normalizaname =" ","_") fig = go.Figure(data=atrace, layout=layout) py.sign_in('jdarknet', 'jjy1dua07v') image_save = get_module_path("appcc") + ("/static/img/%s.png" % normalizaname) image_path = get_module_resource('appcc', 'static/img','%s.png' % normalizaname) py.image.save_as(fig, image_save) i=0 while i < 10: time.sleep(1) try: archivo = open(image_path, 'rb').read().encode('base64') except IOError: i=i+1 else: i=i+1 return archivo
def test_tax_balance(self): tax_account_id = self.env['account.account'].search( [('name', '=', 'Tax Paid')], limit=1).id tax = self.env[''].create({ 'name': 'Tax 10.0%', 'amount': 10.0, 'amount_type': 'percent', 'account_id': tax_account_id, }) invoice_account_id = self.env['account.account'].search( [('user_type_id', '=', self.env.ref('account.data_account_type_receivable').id)], limit=1).id invoice_line_account_id = self.env['account.account'].search( [('user_type_id', '=', self.env.ref('account.data_account_type_expenses').id)], limit=1).id invoice = self.env['account.invoice'].create({ 'partner_id': self.env.ref('base.res_partner_2').id, 'account_id': invoice_account_id, 'type': 'out_invoice', }) self.env['account.invoice.line'].create({ 'product_id': self.env.ref('product.product_product_4').id, 'quantity': 1.0, 'price_unit': 100.0, 'invoice_id':, 'name': 'product that cost 100', 'account_id': invoice_line_account_id, 'invoice_line_tax_ids': [(6, 0, [])], }) invoice._onchange_invoice_line_ids() invoice._convert_to_write(invoice._cache) self.assertEqual(invoice.state, 'draft') # change the state of invoice to open by clicking Validate button invoice.action_invoice_open() self.assertEquals(tax.base_balance, 100.) self.assertEquals(tax.balance, 10.) self.assertEquals(tax.base_balance_regular, 100.) self.assertEquals(tax.balance_regular, 10.) self.assertEquals(tax.base_balance_refund, 0.) self.assertEquals(tax.balance_refund, 0.) # testing wizard current_range =[ ('date_start', '=', '%s-%s-01' % (self.current_year, self.current_month)) ]) wizard = self.env[''].new({}) self.assertFalse(wizard.from_date) self.assertFalse(wizard.to_date) wizard = self.env[''].new({ 'date_range_id': current_range[0].id, }) wizard.onchange_date_range_id() wizard._convert_to_write(wizard._cache) action = wizard.open_taxes() self.assertEqual(action['context']['from_date'], current_range[0].date_start) self.assertEqual(action['context']['to_date'], current_range[0].date_end) self.assertEqual(action['xml_id'], 'account_tax_balance.action_tax_balances_tree') # exercise search has_moves = True taxes = self.env[''].search([('has_moves', '=', True)]) self.assertEqual(len(taxes), 1) self.assertEqual(taxes[0].name, u"Tax 10.0%") # testing buttons tax_action = tax.view_tax_lines() base_action = tax.view_base_lines() tax_action_move_lines = self.env['account.move.line'].\ search(tax_action['domain']) self.assertTrue(invoice.move_id.line_ids & tax_action_move_lines) self.assertEqual(tax_action['xml_id'], 'account.action_account_moves_all_tree') base_action_move_lines = self.env['account.move.line'].\ search(base_action['domain']) self.assertTrue(invoice.move_id.line_ids & base_action_move_lines) self.assertEqual(base_action['xml_id'], 'account.action_account_moves_all_tree') # test specific method state_list = tax.get_target_state_list(target_move='all') self.assertEqual(state_list, ['posted', 'draft']) state_list = tax.get_target_state_list(target_move='whatever') self.assertEqual(state_list, []) refund = self.env['account.invoice'].create({ 'partner_id': self.env.ref('base.res_partner_2').id, 'account_id': invoice_account_id, 'type': 'out_refund', }) self.env['account.invoice.line'].create({ 'product_id': self.env.ref('product.product_product_2').id, 'quantity': 1.0, 'price_unit': 25.0, 'invoice_id':, 'name': 'returned product that cost 25', 'account_id': invoice_line_account_id, 'invoice_line_tax_ids': [(6, 0, [])], }) refund._onchange_invoice_line_ids() refund._convert_to_write(invoice._cache) self.assertEqual(refund.state, 'draft') # change the state of refund to open by clicking Validate button refund.action_invoice_open() self.assertEquals(tax.base_balance, 75.) self.assertEquals(tax.balance, 7.5) self.assertEquals(tax.base_balance_regular, 100.) self.assertEquals(tax.balance_regular, 10.) self.assertEquals(tax.base_balance_refund, -25.) self.assertEquals(tax.balance_refund, -2.5) # Taxes on liquidity type moves are included liquidity_account_id = self.env['account.account'].search( [('internal_type', '=', 'liquidity')], limit=1).id self.env['account.move'].create({ 'date': Date.context_today(self.env.user), 'journal_id': self.env['account.journal'].search([('type', '=', 'bank')], limit=1).id, 'name': 'Test move', 'line_ids': [(0, 0, { 'account_id': liquidity_account_id, 'debit': 110, 'credit': 0, 'name': 'Bank Fees', }), (0, 0, { 'account_id': invoice_line_account_id, 'debit': 0, 'credit': 100, 'name': 'Bank Fees', 'tax_ids': [(4,] }), (0, 0, { 'account_id':, 'debit': 0, 'credit': 10, 'name': 'Bank Fees', 'tax_line_id':, })], }).post() tax.refresh() self.assertEquals(tax.base_balance, 175.) self.assertEquals(tax.balance, 17.5)
def _inverse_age_days(self): today = fDate.from_string( for person in self.filtered('birthday'): d = td(days=person.age_days) person.birthday = fDate.to_string(today - d)
def attendance_per_location(self, date=None, location=None): if not date: date = dt_from = datetime.datetime.strptime("%s 00:00:00" % date, DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) - datetime.timedelta( hours=8) dt_to = datetime.datetime.strptime("%s 23:59:59" % date, DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) - datetime.timedelta( hours=8) if not location: location = "1" Attendance = request.env["hr.attendance"].sudo() Employee = request.env["hr.employee"].sudo() values = {} domain = [] if date: domain.append(("name", ">=", Datetime.to_string(dt_from))) domain.append(("name", "<=", Datetime.to_string(dt_to))) # if location: # domain.append(("location", "=", location)) all_employees =[]) emp_attendances_values = [] for emp in all_employees: attendance = dict() attendance["name"] = attendance["dep"] = records = + [("employee_id", "=",], order="name") if records and records[-1].location: latest_rec = records[-1] attendance["state"] = "打卡" dt = UTC_Datetime_To_TW_TZ( date_part = dt.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT) time_part = dt.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_TIME_FORMAT) attendance["date"] = date_part attendance["time"] = time_part attendance["location"] = latest_rec.location else: attendance["state"] = "未打卡" attendance["date"] = None attendance["time"] = None attendance["location"] = None leave_time = emp.get_holiday_on(date) attendance["leave"] = string.join(leave_time.keys(), ",") if leave_time else None emp_attendances_values.append(attendance) # attendance_grouped_by_location = itertools.groupby(emp_attendances_values, key=lambda a: a["location"]) attendances = defaultdict(lambda: list()) for attendance in emp_attendances_values: attendances[attendance["location"]].append(attendance) # or _("not attended") print_time = UTC_Datetime_To_TW_TZ( values["print_time"] = Datetime.to_string(print_time) values["date"] = date values["location"] = location values["emp_attendances"] = attendances keys = sorted(attendances.keys()) if None in keys: keys.remove(None) keys.append(None) values["attendance_keys"] = keys values["action_count"] = len(filter(lambda a: a.get("date", None), emp_attendances_values)) values["un_action_count"] = len(filter(lambda a: not a.get("date", None), emp_attendances_values)) return request.render("hr_sf.attendance_per_location", values)
def get_value(self, cr, uid, formula_id, base_date=False, context=None): class BrowsableObject(object): def __init__(self, pool, cr, uid, formula_id, context, dict): self.pool = pool = cr self.uid = uid self.formula_id = formula_id self.formula = self.pool.get('contracts_pro.formula').browse( cr, uid, formula_id) or False self.dict = dict self.context = context def __getattr__(self, attr): return attr in self.dict and self.dict.__getitem__(attr) or 0.0 class Metrics(BrowsableObject): """a class that will be used into the python code, mainly for usability purposes""" # Service functions # Last value for a metric in a period def get_last_metric_value(self, metric_code, period, base_date=False): values = self.get_metric_values(metric_code, period, base_date) return values and values[-1]['value'] # Average of values for a metric in a period def get_avg_metric_value(self, metric_code, period, base_date=False): values = self.get_metric_values(metric_code, period, base_date) value_sum = values and sum([elem['value'] for elem in values]) or 0 value_cnt = len(values) return value_cnt and value_sum / value_cnt or 0 # First value for a metric in a period def get_first_metric_value(self, metric_code, period, base_date=False): values = self.get_metric_values(metric_code, period, base_date) return values and values[0]['value'] # Variation value for a metric in a period def get_metric_value_variation(self, metric_code, period, base_date=False): result = 0 values = self.get_metric_values(metric_code, period, base_date) if values: first_date = values[0]['date'] res = self.get_previous_metric_value( metric_code, first_date) if not res: raise osv.except_osv( _('Error!'), _('Evaluating metric: ') + metric_code + _(', no previous value for defined period')) first = res['value'] last = values[-1]['value'] result = last - first return result # Variation factor between 0 and 1 for a metric in a period def get_metric_value_variation_prc(self, metric_code, period, base_date=False): result = 0 values = self.get_metric_values(metric_code, period, base_date) if values: first_date = values[0]['date'] res = self.get_previous_metric_value( metric_code, first_date) if not res: raise osv.except_osv( _('Error!'), _('Evaluating metric: ') + metric_code + _(', no previous value for defined period')) first = res['value'] last = values[-1]['value'] result = first and (last - first) / first return result or 0 # Minimum value for a metric in a period def get_min_metric_value(self, metric_code, period, base_date=False): values = self.get_metric_values(metric_code, period, base_date) min_value = values and min([elem['value'] for elem in values]) or 0 return min_value # Maximum value for a metric in a period def get_max_metric_value(self, metric_code, period, base_date=False): values = self.get_metric_values(metric_code, period, base_date) max_value = values and max([elem['value'] for elem in values]) or 0 return max_value # Returns an ascending ordered by date list of dictionaries with 'value' and 'date' elements, inside a period for a specific metric def get_metric_values(self, metric_code, period_code, base_date=False): # Check period and metric codes period_obj = self.pool.get('contracts_pro.period') period_id =, self.uid, [('code', '=', period_code)], context=self.context) if not period_id: raise osv.except_osv(_('Error!'), _('Period code not found')) metric_obj = self.pool.get('contracts_pro.metric') metric_id =, self.uid, [('code', '=', metric_code)], context=self.context) if not metric_id: raise osv.except_osv(_('Error!'), _('Metric code not found')) # Get period limits base_date = base_date or period = period_obj.browse(, self.uid, period_id, context=self.context) start_period, end_period = period_obj.get_period_limits_from_date(, self.uid, [], base_date) # Get historic values for period values_obj = self.pool.get( 'contracts_pro.metric_history_value') values_ids =, self.uid, [('date', '>=', start_period), ('date', '<=', end_period), ('metric_id', '=', metric_id[0])], order='date', context=self.context) values = [{ 'value': elem.value, 'date': } for elem in values_obj.browse(, self.uid, values_ids, context=self.context)] return values # Returns previous value to a reference date def get_previous_metric_value(self, metric_code, reference_date): metric_obj = self.pool.get('contracts_pro.metric') metric_id =, self.uid, [('code', '=', metric_code)], context=self.context) if not metric_id: raise osv.except_osv(_('Error!'), _('Metric code not found')) # Get previous value values_obj = self.pool.get( 'contracts_pro.metric_history_value') filter = reference_date and [ ('date', '<', reference_date), ('metric_id', '=', metric_id[0]) ] or [('metric_id', '=', metric_id[0])] values_ids =, self.uid, filter, order='date desc', limit=1, context=self.context) if values_ids: elem = values_obj.browse(, self.uid, values_ids, context=self.context) return {'value': elem.value, 'date':} return False # Base date or today base_date = base_date or'%Y-%m-%d') # Get related metrics formula = self.browse(cr, uid, formula_id, context=context) metrics = formula.metric_ids metrics_dict = self.pool.get('contracts_pro.metric').read( cr, uid, [ for el in metrics], context=context) # Check last updates for related metrics and max age tolerance if formula.metric_age_tolerance: for item in metrics_dict: if not item['last_update']: raise osv.except_osv( _('Error!'), _('La variable no tiene fecha de actualización alguna definida' )) dt_last_update = datetime.strptime(item['last_update'], '%Y-%m-%d').date() dt_evaluation_date = datetime.strptime(base_date, '%Y-%m-%d').date() # If older than tolerance, return error if (dt_evaluation_date - dt_last_update).days > formula.metric_age_tolerance: raise osv.except_osv( _('Error!'), _('Last value older than tolerance for metric: ' + item['name'])) # Create object to browse in formula code metrics_obj = Metrics(self.pool, cr, uid,, context, metrics_dict) # Put objects in dictionary to be used by rules baselocaldict = {'metrics': metrics_obj} localdict = dict(baselocaldict, formula=formula, base_date=base_date, metric_objects=metrics, context=context) for var in localdict['metric_objects']: base_date_formatted = Date.from_string(base_date) if not var.value_history_ids.filtered( lambda x: Date.from_string( == base_date_formatted): raise ValidationError( _("La variable %s no tiene valores definidos para la fecha %s y está siendo usada en la fórmula!" ) % (, base_date_formatted)) # Evaluate formula and get result try: eval(formula.formula, localdict, mode='exec', nocopy=True) if 'result' in localdict: value = localdict['result'] else: value = {} except Exception: raise osv.except_osv(_('Error!'), _('Evaluation formula code: ' + return value
def get_attendance_detail_line(self, dt_date): self.ensure_one() if not isinstance(dt_date, return None OfficialHoliday = self.env["hr.official_holiday"] dt_str = Date.to_string(dt_date) overtime_durations = self.get_overtime_hours_on(date_from=dt_str, date_to=dt_str) if dt_date.weekday() in (5, 6) and not overtime_durations: return None line = dict() line['name'] = line['emp_dep'] = line['emp_code'] = self.internal_code line['date'] = dt_date.strftime( DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT) # + " %A" Date.to_string(dt) start_work_time = self.get_start_work_time_on(dt_str) line["start_work_time"] = start_work_time.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_TIME_FORMAT) \ if start_work_time else None end_work_time = self.get_end_work_time_on(dt_str) line["end_work_time"] = end_work_time.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_TIME_FORMAT) \ if end_work_time else None late_minutes = self.get_late_minutes_on(dt_str) line["late_minutes"] = round(late_minutes, 2) if late_minutes else None early_minutes = self.get_early_minutes_on(dt_str) line["early_minutes"] = round(early_minutes, 2) if early_minutes else None work_duration = self.get_work_duration_on(dt_str) line["work_duration"] = round(work_duration, 2) if work_duration else None # overtime_durations = self.get_overtime_hours_on(date_from=dt_str, date_to=dt_str) if overtime_durations: line["overtime_stage1"] = overtime_durations.get("stage1", None) line["overtime_stage2"] = overtime_durations.get("stage2", None) line["overtime_stage3"] = overtime_durations.get("stage3", None) # line["overtime_hours"] = round(overtime_hours, 2) leaves = self.get_holiday_on(dt_str) line["holiday_detail"] = leaves all_leaves = list() if leaves: for l in leaves.values(): all_leaves.extend(l) holiday_total = round(sum(l[2].seconds / 3600.0 for l in all_leaves), 2) line["holiday_total"] = holiday_total official_holiday = OfficialHoliday.get_official_holiday_on(dt_str) line["official_holiday"] = official_holiday absent = self.get_absent_on(dt_str) if leaves: line["summary"] = string.join( set(leaves.keys() + ([absent] if absent else []) + ([official_holiday] if official_holiday else [])), ",") else: line["summary"] = None if not official_holiday and holiday_total < 8.0: line["forget_card"] = self.get_forget_card_on(dt_str) else: line["forget_card"] = None return line
def _check_date_release(self): for r in self: if r.date_release > raise models.ValidationError('Release date cannot be in future.')
def get_holiday_on(self, date=None): self.ensure_one() if not date: return None querying_day = date if isinstance(date, querying_day = Date.to_string(date) leaves = defaultdict(lambda: list( )) # [None, None, datetime.timedelta()] _time = datetime.timedelta() absent_type_id = self.env.ref("hr_sf.absent_holidays_status").id for holiday in self.holidays_ids: if not holiday.date_from or not holiday.date_to: continue if == absent_type_id: continue if not all((holiday.morning_start_work_time, holiday.morning_end_work_time, holiday.afternoon_start_work_time, holiday.afternoon_end_work_time)): return None dt_the_day_morning_start_work_time = datetime.datetime.strptime( "%s %s" % (querying_day, holiday.morning_start_work_time), DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) dt_the_day_morning_end_work_time = datetime.datetime.strptime( "%s %s" % (querying_day, holiday.morning_end_work_time), DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) dt_the_day_afternoon_start_work_time = datetime.datetime.strptime( "%s %s" % (querying_day, holiday.afternoon_start_work_time), DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) dt_the_day_afternoon_end_work_time = datetime.datetime.strptime( "%s %s" % (querying_day, holiday.afternoon_end_work_time), DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) dt_holiday_from = Datetime.from_string( holiday.date_from) + datetime.timedelta(hours=8) dt_holiday_to = Datetime.from_string( holiday.date_to) + datetime.timedelta(hours=8) # deal with morning first dt_cal_start = max(dt_the_day_morning_start_work_time, dt_holiday_from) dt_cal_start = min(dt_cal_start, dt_the_day_morning_end_work_time) dt_cal_end = min(dt_the_day_morning_end_work_time, dt_holiday_to) dt_cal_end = max(dt_cal_end, dt_the_day_morning_start_work_time) if dt_cal_end > dt_cal_start: leaves[].append( (dt_cal_start, dt_cal_end, dt_cal_end - dt_cal_start)) # leaves[][0] = dt_cal_start # leaves[][1] = dt_cal_end # leaves[][2] += dt_cal_end - dt_cal_start # then deal with afternoon first dt_cal_start = max(dt_the_day_afternoon_start_work_time, dt_holiday_from) dt_cal_start = min(dt_cal_start, dt_the_day_afternoon_end_work_time) dt_cal_end = min(dt_the_day_afternoon_end_work_time, dt_holiday_to) dt_cal_end = max(dt_cal_end, dt_the_day_afternoon_start_work_time) if dt_cal_end > dt_cal_start: leaves[].append( (dt_cal_start, dt_cal_end, dt_cal_end - dt_cal_start)) # leaves[][0] = dt_cal_start # leaves[][1] = dt_cal_end # leaves[][2] += dt_cal_end - dt_cal_start return leaves
def generate_key_from_date(self, date_str=None): if date_str: date = Date.from_string(date_str) key = "%04d%02d%02d" % (date.year, date.month, return key
def _compute_age(self): today = fDate.from_string( for book in self.filtered('date_release'): delta = (fDate.from_string(book.date_release) - today) book.age_days = delta.days
def get_attendance_statistics(self, date_from=None, date_to=None, filter_by=None, employee_ids=None, department_ids=None): CAL_START_TIME = print "开始计算出勤统计表:", CAL_START_TIME if any((date_from, date_to)) and not all((date_from, date_to)): return "miss date_from or date_to" if not date_from and not date_to: now = date_from = datetime.datetime(now.year, now.month, 1) date_to = datetime.datetime(date_from.year, date_from.month + 1, 1) elif date_from and date_to: date_from = Date.from_string(date_from) date_to = Date.from_string(date_to) Employee = self.env["hr.employee"].sudo() employee_search_domain = [] if filter_by == "employee" and employee_ids: employee_search_domain.append(("id", "in", employee_ids)) if filter_by == "department" and department_ids: employee_search_domain.append( ("department_id", "in", department_ids)) all_employees = all_employees = sorted(all_employees, key=lambda e: ( if e.department_id else "", e.internal_code)) emp_attendances_values = [] for emp in all_employees: dt = date_from emp_lines = list() days = 0 while dt <= date_to: line = emp.get_attendance_detail_line(dt) if line: emp_lines.append(line) days += 1 dt += datetime.timedelta(days=1) if emp_lines: emp_total_line = dict() emp_total_line["name"] = emp_total_line[ 'emp_dep'] = if emp.department_id else "" emp_total_line['emp_code'] = emp.internal_code # emp_total_line['date'] = '小计' # emp_total_line['end_work_time'] = None # emp_total_line['start_work_time'] = None # emp_total_line['late_minutes'] = sum(l["late_minutes"] or 0 for l in emp_lines) # emp_total_line['early_minutes'] = sum(l["early_minutes"] or 0 for l in emp_lines) emp_total_line["work_duration"] = round( sum(l.get("work_duration", None) or 0 for l in emp_lines) / 8.0, 2) # emp_total_line["late_minutes"] = sum(l["late_minutes"] or 0 for l in emp_lines) emp_total_line["overtime_stage1"] = sum( l.get("overtime_stage1", None) or 0 for l in emp_lines) emp_total_line["overtime_stage2"] = sum( l.get("overtime_stage2", None) or 0 for l in emp_lines) emp_total_line["overtime_stage3"] = sum( l.get("overtime_stage3", None) or 0 for l in emp_lines) holiday_detail = defaultdict(lambda: 0) for line in emp_lines: if line.get("holiday_detail", None): for holiday in line["holiday_detail"]: holiday_detail[holiday] += round( sum(h[2].seconds / 3600.0 for h in line["holiday_detail"][holiday]), 2) emp_total_line["holiday_detail"] = holiday_detail emp_total_line["holiday_total"] = sum(l["holiday_total"] or 0 for l in emp_lines) # emp_total_line["summary"] = string.join(set(l["summary"] for l in emp_lines)) emp_total_line["forget_card"] = sum(l["forget_card"] or 0 for l in emp_lines) # emp_attendances_values.append(emp_total_line) CAL_END_TIME = print "结束时间:", CAL_END_TIME print "耗时:", CAL_END_TIME - CAL_START_TIME return emp_attendances_values
class hr_timesheet_sheet_sheet_day_cat_detail(osv.osv): _name = "hr_timesheet_sheet.sheet.day_cat_detail" _description = "Category by Days in Period" _auto = False _order = 'name' # Fields: name = Date(string='Date', readonly='True') timesheet_id = Many2one(comodel_name='hr_timesheet_sheet.sheet', string='Timesheet') employee_id = Many2one(comodel_name='hr.employee', string='Employee') ga = Float(string="GA", readonly='True') ga_e = Float(string="GA Expense", readonly='True') ga_a = Float(string="GA Abroad", readonly='True') ga_ae = Float(string="GA Abroad Expense", readonly='True') cm = Float(string="CM", readonly='True') cm_e = Float(string="CM Expense", readonly='True') cm_a = Float(string="CM Abroad", readonly='True') cm_ae = Float(string="CM Abroad Expense", readonly='True') t = Float(string="T", readonly='True') t_e = Float(string="T Expense", readonly='True') t_a = Float(string="T Abroad", readonly='True') t_ae = Float(string="T Abroad Expense", readonly='True') os = Float(string="OS", readonly='True') os_e = Float(string="OS Expense", readonly='True') os_a = Float(string="OS Abroad", readonly='True') os_ae = Float(string="OS Abroad Expense", readonly='True') sum_e = Float(string="Expense", readonly='True') sum_a = Float(string="Abroad", readonly='True') sum_ae = Float(string="Abroad Expense", readonly='True') # Sum of the events categories per day def init(self, cr): tools.drop_view_if_exists(cr, 'hr_timesheet_sheet_sheet_day_cat_detail') cr.execute(""" CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW hr_timesheet_sheet_sheet_day_cat_detail as ( select * 100000 + (( - ts.date_from::timestamp::date) + 1) AS id , timesheet_id ,ts.employee_id ,ts.user_id , as name ,count(distinct ,sum(case when = 'GENERAL ACTIVITY' then e.duration else 0 end) ga ,sum(case when = 'GENERAL ACTIVITY > Expense Entitled' then e.duration else 0 end) ga_e ,sum(case when = 'GENERAL ACTIVITY > Abroad' then e.duration else 0 end) ga_a ,sum(case when = 'GENERAL ACTIVITY > Abroad > Expense Entitled' then e.duration else 0 end) ga_ae ,sum(case when = 'CUSTOMER MEETING' then e.duration else 0 end) cm ,sum(case when = 'CUSTOMER MEETING > Expense Entitled' then e.duration else 0 end) cm_e ,sum(case when = 'CUSTOMER MEETING > Abroad' then e.duration else 0 end) cm_a ,sum(case when = 'CUSTOMER MEETING > Abroad > Expense Entitled' then e.duration else 0 end) cm_ae ,sum(case when = 'TRIP' then e.duration else 0 end) t ,sum(case when = 'TRIP > Expense Entitled' then e.duration else 0 end) t_e ,sum(case when = 'TRIP > Abroad' then e.duration else 0 end) t_a ,sum(case when = 'TRIP > Abroad > Expense Entitled' then e.duration else 0 end) t_ae ,sum(case when = 'OVERNIGHT STAY > Expense Entitled' then e.duration else 0 end) os_e ,sum(case when = 'OVERNIGHT STAY > Abroad' then e.duration else 0 end) os_a ,sum(case when = 'OVERNIGHT STAY > Abroad > Expense Entitled' then e.duration else 0 end) os_ae ,sum(case when = 'OVERNIGHT STAY' then e.duration else 0 end) os -- ,sum(case when like '%Expense%' then e.duration else 0 end) sum_exp -- ,sum(case when like '%Abroad%' then e.duration else 0 end) sum_abr ,sum(case when in ( 'GENERAL ACTIVITY > Expense Entitled' ,'CUSTOMER MEETING > Expense Entitled' ,'TRIP > Expense Entitled' ) then e.duration else 0 end) sum_e ,sum(case when in ( 'GENERAL ACTIVITY > Abroad' ,'CUSTOMER MEETING > Abroad' ,'TRIP > Abroad' ) then e.duration else 0 end) sum_a ,sum(case when in ( 'GENERAL ACTIVITY > Abroad > Expense Entitled' ,'CUSTOMER MEETING > Abroad > Expense Entitled' ,'TRIP > Abroad > Expense Entitled' ) then e.duration else 0 end) sum_ae , partner_name from hr_timesheet_sheet_sheet ts inner join res_users u on = ts.user_id inner join res_partner p on = u.partner_id cross join generate_series(ts.date_from::timestamp without time zone, ts.date_to::timestamp without time zone, '1 day'::interval) period(day) left join calendar_event e on e.user_id = ts.user_id and e.start_datetime::timestamp::date = and e.category_id in (select id from calendar_event_category where name in ('GENERAL ACTIVITY' ,'GENERAL ACTIVITY > Expense Entitled' ,'GENERAL ACTIVITY > Abroad' ,'GENERAL ACTIVITY > Abroad > Expense Entitled' ,'CUSTOMER MEETING' ,'CUSTOMER MEETING > Expense Entitled' ,'CUSTOMER MEETING > Abroad' ,'CUSTOMER MEETING > Abroad > Expense Entitled' ,'TRIP' ,'TRIP > Expense Entitled' ,'TRIP > Abroad' ,'TRIP > Abroad > Expense Entitled' ,'OVERNIGHT STAY > Expense Entitled' ,'OVERNIGHT STAY > Abroad' ,'OVERNIGHT STAY > Abroad > Expense Entitled' ,'OVERNIGHT STAY')) left join calendar_event_category cc on = e.category_id group by ,ts.employee_id ,ts.user_id , , order by, )""")
def get_attendance_detail(self, date_from=None, date_to=None, filter_by_employee=None, employee_ids=None): CAL_START_TIME = print "开始计算出勤明细表:", CAL_START_TIME if any((date_from, date_to)) and not all((date_from, date_to)): return "miss date_from or date_to" if not date_from and not date_to: now = date_from = datetime.datetime(now.year, now.month, 1) date_to = datetime.datetime(date_from.year, date_from.month + 1, 1) elif date_from and date_to: date_from = Date.from_string(date_from) date_to = Date.from_string(date_to) Employee = self.env["hr.employee"].sudo() emp_attendances_values = [] employee_search_domain = [] if filter_by_employee and employee_ids: employee_search_domain.append(("id", "in", employee_ids)) all_employees = for emp in all_employees: dt = date_from emp_lines = list() while dt <= date_to: dt_str = Date.to_string(dt) overtime_hours = emp.get_overtime_hours_on(date_from=dt_str, date_to=dt_str) if dt.weekday() in (5, 6) and (emp.responsibility or not overtime_hours): dt += datetime.timedelta(days=1) continue line = dict() line['name'] = line['emp_dep'] = line['emp_code'] = emp.internal_code line['date'] = dt.strftime( DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT) # + " %A" Date.to_string(dt) start_work_time = emp.get_start_work_time_on(dt_str) line["start_work_time"] = start_work_time.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_TIME_FORMAT) \ if start_work_time else None end_work_time = emp.get_end_work_time_on(dt_str) line["end_work_time"] = end_work_time.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_TIME_FORMAT) \ if end_work_time else None late_minutes = emp.get_late_minutes_on(dt_str) line["late_minutes"] = round(late_minutes, 2) if late_minutes else None early_minutes = emp.get_early_minutes_on(dt_str) line["early_minutes"] = round(early_minutes, 2) if early_minutes else None work_duration = emp.get_work_duration_on(dt_str) line["work_duration"] = round(work_duration, 2) if work_duration else None line["overtime_hours"] = round(overtime_hours, 2) leaves = emp.get_holiday_on(dt_str) all_leaves = list() for l in leaves.values(): all_leaves.extend(l) line["holiday_total"] = round( sum(l[2].seconds / 3600.0 for l in all_leaves), 2) absent_for_summary = [] absent = emp.get_absent_on(dt_str) if absent: absent_for_summary.append(_("absent")) line["summary"] = string.join( set(leaves.keys() + absent_for_summary), ",") line["forget_card"] = emp.get_forget_card_on(dt_str) emp_attendances_values.append(line) emp_lines.append(line) dt += datetime.timedelta(days=1) if emp_lines: emp_total_line = dict() emp_total_line["name"] = None emp_total_line['emp_dep'] = None emp_total_line['emp_code'] = None emp_total_line['date'] = '小计' emp_total_line['end_work_time'] = None emp_total_line['start_work_time'] = None emp_total_line['late_minutes'] = sum(l["late_minutes"] or 0 for l in emp_lines) emp_total_line['early_minutes'] = sum(l["early_minutes"] or 0 for l in emp_lines) emp_total_line["work_duration"] = sum(l["work_duration"] or 0 for l in emp_lines) emp_total_line["late_minutes"] = sum(l["late_minutes"] or 0 for l in emp_lines) emp_total_line["overtime_hours"] = sum(l["overtime_hours"] or 0 for l in emp_lines) emp_total_line["holiday_total"] = sum(l["holiday_total"] or 0 for l in emp_lines) emp_total_line["summary"] = string.join( set(l["summary"] for l in emp_lines)) emp_total_line["forget_card"] = sum(l["forget_card"] or 0 for l in emp_lines) emp_attendances_values.append(emp_total_line) CAL_END_TIME = print "结束时间:", CAL_END_TIME print "耗时:", CAL_END_TIME - CAL_START_TIME return emp_attendances_values
def get_absent_on(self, date=None): self.ensure_one() if not date: return None querying_day = date if isinstance(date, querying_day = Date.to_string(date) absent_type_id = self.env.ref("hr_sf.absent_holidays_status").id for holiday in self.holidays_ids: if not holiday.date_from or not holiday.date_to: continue if != absent_type_id: continue if not all((holiday.morning_start_work_time, holiday.morning_end_work_time, holiday.afternoon_start_work_time, holiday.afternoon_end_work_time)): return None dt_the_day_morning_start_work_time = datetime.datetime.strptime( "%s %s" % (querying_day, holiday.morning_start_work_time), DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) dt_the_day_morning_end_work_time = datetime.datetime.strptime( "%s %s" % (querying_day, holiday.morning_end_work_time), DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) dt_the_day_afternoon_start_work_time = datetime.datetime.strptime( "%s %s" % (querying_day, holiday.afternoon_start_work_time), DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) dt_the_day_afternoon_end_work_time = datetime.datetime.strptime( "%s %s" % (querying_day, holiday.afternoon_end_work_time), DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) dt_holiday_from = Datetime.from_string( holiday.date_from) + datetime.timedelta(hours=8) dt_holiday_to = Datetime.from_string( holiday.date_to) + datetime.timedelta(hours=8) # deal with morning first dt_cal_start = max(dt_the_day_morning_start_work_time, dt_holiday_from) dt_cal_start = min(dt_cal_start, dt_the_day_morning_end_work_time) dt_cal_end = min(dt_the_day_morning_end_work_time, dt_holiday_to) dt_cal_end = max(dt_cal_end, dt_the_day_morning_start_work_time) if dt_cal_end > dt_cal_start: return 1 # then deal with afternoon first dt_cal_start = max(dt_the_day_afternoon_start_work_time, dt_holiday_from) dt_cal_start = min(dt_cal_start, dt_the_day_afternoon_end_work_time) dt_cal_end = min(dt_the_day_afternoon_end_work_time, dt_holiday_to) dt_cal_end = max(dt_cal_end, dt_the_day_afternoon_start_work_time) if dt_cal_end > dt_cal_start: return 1
def get_attendance_detail_line(self, dt_date): self.ensure_one() if not isinstance(dt_date, return None OfficialHoliday = self.env["hr.official_holiday"] dt_str = Date.to_string(dt_date) overtime_durations = self.get_overtime_hours_on(date_from=dt_str, date_to=dt_str) if dt_date.weekday() in (5, 6) and not overtime_durations: return None line = dict() line['name'] = line['emp_dep'] = line['emp_code'] = self.internal_code line['date'] = dt_date.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT) # + " %A" Date.to_string(dt) start_work_time = self.get_start_work_time_on(dt_str) line["start_work_time"] = start_work_time.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_TIME_FORMAT) \ if start_work_time else None end_work_time = self.get_end_work_time_on(dt_str) line["end_work_time"] = end_work_time.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_TIME_FORMAT) \ if end_work_time else None late_minutes = self.get_late_minutes_on(dt_str) line["late_minutes"] = round(late_minutes, 2) if late_minutes else None early_minutes = self.get_early_minutes_on(dt_str) line["early_minutes"] = round(early_minutes, 2) if early_minutes else None work_duration = self.get_work_duration_on(dt_str) line["work_duration"] = round(work_duration, 2) if work_duration else None # overtime_durations = self.get_overtime_hours_on(date_from=dt_str, date_to=dt_str) if overtime_durations: line["overtime_stage1"] = overtime_durations.get("stage1", None) line["overtime_stage2"] = overtime_durations.get("stage2", None) line["overtime_stage3"] = overtime_durations.get("stage3", None) # line["overtime_hours"] = round(overtime_hours, 2) leaves = self.get_holiday_on(dt_str) line["holiday_detail"] = leaves all_leaves = list() if leaves: for l in leaves.values(): all_leaves.extend(l) holiday_total = round(sum(l[2].seconds / 3600.0 for l in all_leaves), 2) line["holiday_total"] = holiday_total official_holiday = OfficialHoliday.get_official_holiday_on(dt_str) line["official_holiday"] = official_holiday absent = self.get_absent_on(dt_str) if leaves: line["summary"] = string.join( set(leaves.keys() + ([absent] if absent else []) + ([official_holiday] if official_holiday else [])), ",") else: line["summary"] = None if not official_holiday and holiday_total < 8.0: line["forget_card"] = self.get_forget_card_on(dt_str) else: line["forget_card"] = None return line
def get_attendance_detail(self, date_from=None, date_to=None, filter_by=None, employee_ids=None, department_ids=None): CAL_START_TIME = print "开始计算出勤明细表:", CAL_START_TIME if any((date_from, date_to)) and not all((date_from, date_to)): return "miss date_from or date_to" if not date_from and not date_to: now = date_from = datetime.datetime(now.year, now.month, 1) date_to = datetime.datetime(date_from.year, date_from.month + 1, 1) elif date_from and date_to: date_from = Date.from_string(date_from) date_to = Date.from_string(date_to) Employee = self.env["hr.employee"].sudo() emp_attendances_values = [] employee_search_domain = [] if filter_by == "employee" and employee_ids: employee_search_domain.append(("id", "in", employee_ids)) if filter_by == "department" and department_ids: employee_search_domain.append(("department_id", "in", department_ids)) all_employees = all_employees = sorted(all_employees, key=lambda e: ( if e.department_id else "", e.internal_code)) for emp in all_employees: dt = date_from emp_lines = list() while dt <= date_to: # dt_str = Date.to_string(dt) # # overtime_durations = emp.get_overtime_hours_on(date_from=dt_str, date_to=dt_str) # if dt.weekday() in (5, 6) and (emp.responsibility or not overtime_durations): # dt += datetime.timedelta(days=1) # continue # # line = dict() # line['name'] = # line['emp_dep'] = # line['emp_code'] = emp.internal_code # line['date'] = dt.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT) # + " %A" Date.to_string(dt) # # start_work_time = emp.get_start_work_time_on(dt_str) # line["start_work_time"] = start_work_time.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_TIME_FORMAT) \ # if start_work_time else None # # end_work_time = emp.get_end_work_time_on(dt_str) # line["end_work_time"] = end_work_time.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_TIME_FORMAT) \ # if end_work_time else None # # late_minutes = emp.get_late_minutes_on(dt_str) # line["late_minutes"] = round(late_minutes, 2) if late_minutes else None # # early_minutes = emp.get_early_minutes_on(dt_str) # line["early_minutes"] = round(early_minutes, 2) if early_minutes else None # # work_duration = emp.get_work_duration_on(dt_str) # line["work_duration"] = round(work_duration, 2) if work_duration else None # # if overtime_durations: # line["overtime_stage1"] = overtime_durations.get("stage1", None) # line["overtime_stage2"] = overtime_durations.get("stage2", None) # line["overtime_stage3"] = overtime_durations.get("stage3", None) # # # line["overtime_hours"] = round(overtime_hours, 2) # # leaves = emp.get_holiday_on(dt_str) # all_leaves = list() # for l in leaves.values(): # all_leaves.extend(l) # line["holiday_total"] = round(sum(l[2].seconds / 3600.0 for l in all_leaves), 2) # # absent_for_summary = [] # absent = emp.get_absent_on(dt_str) # if absent: # absent_for_summary.append(_("absent")) # line["summary"] = string.join(set(leaves.keys() + absent_for_summary), ",") # line["forget_card"] = emp.get_forget_card_on(dt_str) line = emp.get_attendance_detail_line(dt) if line: emp_attendances_values.append(line) emp_lines.append(line) dt += datetime.timedelta(days=1) if emp_lines: emp_total_line = dict() emp_total_line["name"] = None emp_total_line['emp_dep'] = None emp_total_line['emp_code'] = None emp_total_line['date'] = '小计' emp_total_line['end_work_time'] = None emp_total_line['start_work_time'] = None emp_total_line['late_minutes'] = sum(l["late_minutes"] or 0 for l in emp_lines) emp_total_line['early_minutes'] = sum(l["early_minutes"] or 0 for l in emp_lines) emp_total_line["work_duration"] = sum(l["work_duration"] or 0 for l in emp_lines) # emp_total_line["late_minutes"] = sum(l["late_minutes"] or 0 for l in emp_lines) # line["overtime_stage1"] emp_total_line["overtime_stage1"] = sum(l.get("overtime_stage1", None) or 0 for l in emp_lines) emp_total_line["overtime_stage2"] = sum(l.get("overtime_stage2", None) or 0 for l in emp_lines) emp_total_line["overtime_stage3"] = sum(l.get("overtime_stage3", None) or 0 for l in emp_lines) emp_total_line["holiday_total"] = sum(l["holiday_total"] or 0 for l in emp_lines) holiday_names = [] for l in emp_lines: if l["holiday_detail"]: names = l["holiday_detail"].keys() if names: holiday_names.extend(names) emp_total_line["summary"] = string.join(set(holiday_names),',') emp_total_line["forget_card"] = sum(l["forget_card"] or 0 for l in emp_lines) emp_attendances_values.append(emp_total_line) CAL_END_TIME = print "结束时间:", CAL_END_TIME print "耗时:", CAL_END_TIME - CAL_START_TIME return emp_attendances_values
def get_attendance_detail(self, date_from=None, date_to=None, filter_by=None, employee_ids=None, department_ids=None): CAL_START_TIME = print "开始计算出勤明细表:", CAL_START_TIME if any((date_from, date_to)) and not all((date_from, date_to)): return "miss date_from or date_to" if not date_from and not date_to: now = date_from = datetime.datetime(now.year, now.month, 1) date_to = datetime.datetime(date_from.year, date_from.month + 1, 1) elif date_from and date_to: date_from = Date.from_string(date_from) date_to = Date.from_string(date_to) Employee = self.env["hr.employee"].sudo() emp_attendances_values = [] employee_search_domain = [] if filter_by == "employee" and employee_ids: employee_search_domain.append(("id", "in", employee_ids)) if filter_by == "department" and department_ids: employee_search_domain.append( ("department_id", "in", department_ids)) all_employees = all_employees = sorted(all_employees, key=lambda e: ( if e.department_id else "", e.internal_code)) for emp in all_employees: dt = date_from emp_lines = list() while dt <= date_to: # dt_str = Date.to_string(dt) # # overtime_durations = emp.get_overtime_hours_on(date_from=dt_str, date_to=dt_str) # if dt.weekday() in (5, 6) and (emp.responsibility or not overtime_durations): # dt += datetime.timedelta(days=1) # continue # # line = dict() # line['name'] = # line['emp_dep'] = # line['emp_code'] = emp.internal_code # line['date'] = dt.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT) # + " %A" Date.to_string(dt) # # start_work_time = emp.get_start_work_time_on(dt_str) # line["start_work_time"] = start_work_time.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_TIME_FORMAT) \ # if start_work_time else None # # end_work_time = emp.get_end_work_time_on(dt_str) # line["end_work_time"] = end_work_time.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_TIME_FORMAT) \ # if end_work_time else None # # late_minutes = emp.get_late_minutes_on(dt_str) # line["late_minutes"] = round(late_minutes, 2) if late_minutes else None # # early_minutes = emp.get_early_minutes_on(dt_str) # line["early_minutes"] = round(early_minutes, 2) if early_minutes else None # # work_duration = emp.get_work_duration_on(dt_str) # line["work_duration"] = round(work_duration, 2) if work_duration else None # # if overtime_durations: # line["overtime_stage1"] = overtime_durations.get("stage1", None) # line["overtime_stage2"] = overtime_durations.get("stage2", None) # line["overtime_stage3"] = overtime_durations.get("stage3", None) # # # line["overtime_hours"] = round(overtime_hours, 2) # # leaves = emp.get_holiday_on(dt_str) # all_leaves = list() # for l in leaves.values(): # all_leaves.extend(l) # line["holiday_total"] = round(sum(l[2].seconds / 3600.0 for l in all_leaves), 2) # # absent_for_summary = [] # absent = emp.get_absent_on(dt_str) # if absent: # absent_for_summary.append(_("absent")) # line["summary"] = string.join(set(leaves.keys() + absent_for_summary), ",") # line["forget_card"] = emp.get_forget_card_on(dt_str) line = emp.get_attendance_detail_line(dt) if line: emp_attendances_values.append(line) emp_lines.append(line) dt += datetime.timedelta(days=1) if emp_lines: emp_total_line = dict() emp_total_line["name"] = None emp_total_line['emp_dep'] = None emp_total_line['emp_code'] = None emp_total_line['date'] = '小计' emp_total_line['end_work_time'] = None emp_total_line['start_work_time'] = None emp_total_line['late_minutes'] = sum(l["late_minutes"] or 0 for l in emp_lines) emp_total_line['early_minutes'] = sum(l["early_minutes"] or 0 for l in emp_lines) emp_total_line["work_duration"] = sum(l["work_duration"] or 0 for l in emp_lines) # emp_total_line["late_minutes"] = sum(l["late_minutes"] or 0 for l in emp_lines) # line["overtime_stage1"] emp_total_line["overtime_stage1"] = sum( l.get("overtime_stage1", None) or 0 for l in emp_lines) emp_total_line["overtime_stage2"] = sum( l.get("overtime_stage2", None) or 0 for l in emp_lines) emp_total_line["overtime_stage3"] = sum( l.get("overtime_stage3", None) or 0 for l in emp_lines) emp_total_line["holiday_total"] = sum(l["holiday_total"] or 0 for l in emp_lines) holiday_names = [] for l in emp_lines: if l["holiday_detail"]: names = l["holiday_detail"].keys() if names: holiday_names.extend(names) emp_total_line["summary"] = string.join( set(holiday_names), ',') emp_total_line["forget_card"] = sum(l["forget_card"] or 0 for l in emp_lines) emp_attendances_values.append(emp_total_line) CAL_END_TIME = print "结束时间:", CAL_END_TIME print "耗时:", CAL_END_TIME - CAL_START_TIME return emp_attendances_values
def get_holiday_on(self, date=None): self.ensure_one() if not date: return None querying_day = date if isinstance(date, querying_day = Date.to_string(date) leaves = defaultdict(lambda: list()) # [None, None, datetime.timedelta()] _time = datetime.timedelta() absent_type_id = self.env.ref("hr_sf.absent_holidays_status").id for holiday in self.holidays_ids: if not holiday.date_from or not holiday.date_to: continue if == absent_type_id: continue if not all((holiday.morning_start_work_time, holiday.morning_end_work_time, holiday.afternoon_start_work_time, holiday.afternoon_end_work_time)): return None dt_the_day_morning_start_work_time = datetime.datetime.strptime( "%s %s" % (querying_day, holiday.morning_start_work_time), DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) dt_the_day_morning_end_work_time = datetime.datetime.strptime( "%s %s" % (querying_day, holiday.morning_end_work_time), DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) dt_the_day_afternoon_start_work_time = datetime.datetime.strptime( "%s %s" % (querying_day, holiday.afternoon_start_work_time), DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) dt_the_day_afternoon_end_work_time = datetime.datetime.strptime( "%s %s" % (querying_day, holiday.afternoon_end_work_time), DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) dt_holiday_from = Datetime.from_string(holiday.date_from) + datetime.timedelta(hours=8) dt_holiday_to = Datetime.from_string(holiday.date_to) + datetime.timedelta(hours=8) # deal with morning first dt_cal_start = max(dt_the_day_morning_start_work_time, dt_holiday_from) dt_cal_start = min(dt_cal_start, dt_the_day_morning_end_work_time) dt_cal_end = min(dt_the_day_morning_end_work_time, dt_holiday_to) dt_cal_end = max(dt_cal_end, dt_the_day_morning_start_work_time) if dt_cal_end > dt_cal_start: leaves[].append((dt_cal_start, dt_cal_end, dt_cal_end - dt_cal_start)) # leaves[][0] = dt_cal_start # leaves[][1] = dt_cal_end # leaves[][2] += dt_cal_end - dt_cal_start # then deal with afternoon first dt_cal_start = max(dt_the_day_afternoon_start_work_time, dt_holiday_from) dt_cal_start = min(dt_cal_start, dt_the_day_afternoon_end_work_time) dt_cal_end = min(dt_the_day_afternoon_end_work_time, dt_holiday_to) dt_cal_end = max(dt_cal_end, dt_the_day_afternoon_start_work_time) if dt_cal_end > dt_cal_start: leaves[].append((dt_cal_start, dt_cal_end, dt_cal_end - dt_cal_start)) # leaves[][0] = dt_cal_start # leaves[][1] = dt_cal_end # leaves[][2] += dt_cal_end - dt_cal_start return leaves
compute_sudo=False, ) publisher_city = fields.Char( 'Publisher City', related='') _sql_constraints = [ ('name_uniq', 'UNIQUE (name)', 'Book title must be unique.') ] def _inverse_age(self): today = fDate.from_string( for book in self.filtered('date_release'): d = td(days=book.age_days) - today book.date_release = fDate.to_string(d) def _search_age(self, operator, value): today = fDate.from_string( value_days = td(days=value) value_date = fDate.to_string(today - value_days) return [('date_release', operator, value_date)] @api.model def _referencable_models(self): models = self.env[''].search([]) return [(x.object, for x in models]
def get_attendance_statistics(self, date_from=None, date_to=None, filter_by=None, employee_ids=None, department_ids=None): CAL_START_TIME = print "开始计算出勤统计表:", CAL_START_TIME if any((date_from, date_to)) and not all((date_from, date_to)): return "miss date_from or date_to" if not date_from and not date_to: now = date_from = datetime.datetime(now.year, now.month, 1) date_to = datetime.datetime(date_from.year, date_from.month + 1, 1) elif date_from and date_to: date_from = Date.from_string(date_from) date_to = Date.from_string(date_to) Employee = self.env["hr.employee"].sudo() employee_search_domain = [] if filter_by == "employee" and employee_ids: employee_search_domain.append(("id", "in", employee_ids)) if filter_by == "department" and department_ids: employee_search_domain.append(("department_id", "in", department_ids)) all_employees = all_employees = sorted(all_employees, key=lambda e: ( if e.department_id else "", e.internal_code)) emp_attendances_values = [] for emp in all_employees: dt = date_from emp_lines = list() days = 0 while dt <= date_to: line = emp.get_attendance_detail_line(dt) if line: emp_lines.append(line) days += 1 dt += datetime.timedelta(days=1) if emp_lines: emp_total_line = dict() emp_total_line["name"] = emp_total_line['emp_dep'] = if emp.department_id else "" emp_total_line['emp_code'] = emp.internal_code # emp_total_line['date'] = '小计' # emp_total_line['end_work_time'] = None # emp_total_line['start_work_time'] = None # emp_total_line['late_minutes'] = sum(l["late_minutes"] or 0 for l in emp_lines) # emp_total_line['early_minutes'] = sum(l["early_minutes"] or 0 for l in emp_lines) emp_total_line["work_duration"] = round(sum(l.get("work_duration", None) or 0 for l in emp_lines) / 8.0, 2) # emp_total_line["late_minutes"] = sum(l["late_minutes"] or 0 for l in emp_lines) emp_total_line["overtime_stage1"] = sum(l.get("overtime_stage1", None) or 0 for l in emp_lines) emp_total_line["overtime_stage2"] = sum(l.get("overtime_stage2", None) or 0 for l in emp_lines) emp_total_line["overtime_stage3"] = sum(l.get("overtime_stage3", None) or 0 for l in emp_lines) holiday_detail = defaultdict(lambda: 0) for line in emp_lines: if line.get("holiday_detail", None): for holiday in line["holiday_detail"]: holiday_detail[holiday] += round( sum(h[2].seconds / 3600.0 for h in line["holiday_detail"][holiday]), 2) emp_total_line["holiday_detail"] = holiday_detail emp_total_line["holiday_total"] = sum(l["holiday_total"] or 0 for l in emp_lines) # emp_total_line["summary"] = string.join(set(l["summary"] for l in emp_lines)) emp_total_line["forget_card"] = sum(l["forget_card"] or 0 for l in emp_lines) # emp_attendances_values.append(emp_total_line) CAL_END_TIME = print "结束时间:", CAL_END_TIME print "耗时:", CAL_END_TIME - CAL_START_TIME return emp_attendances_values
def _search_age(operator, value): today = fDate.from_string( value_days = td(days=value) value_date = fDate.to_string(today - value_days) return [('date_release', operator, value_date)]
def get_attendance_detail(self, date_from=None, date_to=None, filter_by_employee=None, employee_ids=None): CAL_START_TIME = print "开始计算出勤明细表:", CAL_START_TIME if any((date_from, date_to)) and not all((date_from, date_to)): return "miss date_from or date_to" if not date_from and not date_to: now = date_from = datetime.datetime(now.year, now.month, 1) date_to = datetime.datetime(date_from.year, date_from.month + 1, 1) elif date_from and date_to: date_from = Date.from_string(date_from) date_to = Date.from_string(date_to) Employee = self.env["hr.employee"].sudo() emp_attendances_values = [] employee_search_domain = [] if filter_by_employee and employee_ids: employee_search_domain.append(("id", "in", employee_ids)) all_employees = for emp in all_employees: dt = date_from emp_lines = list() while dt <= date_to: dt_str = Date.to_string(dt) overtime_hours = emp.get_overtime_hours_on(date_from=dt_str, date_to=dt_str) if dt.weekday() in (5, 6) and (emp.responsibility or not overtime_hours): dt += datetime.timedelta(days=1) continue line = dict() line['name'] = line['emp_dep'] = line['emp_code'] = emp.internal_code line['date'] = dt.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT) # + " %A" Date.to_string(dt) start_work_time = emp.get_start_work_time_on(dt_str) line["start_work_time"] = start_work_time.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_TIME_FORMAT) \ if start_work_time else None end_work_time = emp.get_end_work_time_on(dt_str) line["end_work_time"] = end_work_time.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_TIME_FORMAT) \ if end_work_time else None late_minutes = emp.get_late_minutes_on(dt_str) line["late_minutes"] = round(late_minutes, 2) if late_minutes else None early_minutes = emp.get_early_minutes_on(dt_str) line["early_minutes"] = round(early_minutes, 2) if early_minutes else None work_duration = emp.get_work_duration_on(dt_str) line["work_duration"] = round(work_duration, 2) if work_duration else None line["overtime_hours"] = round(overtime_hours, 2) leaves = emp.get_holiday_on(dt_str) all_leaves = list() for l in leaves.values(): all_leaves.extend(l) line["holiday_total"] = round(sum(l[2].seconds / 3600.0 for l in all_leaves),2) absent_for_summary = [] absent = emp.get_absent_on(dt_str) if absent: absent_for_summary.append(_("absent")) line["summary"] = string.join(set(leaves.keys() + absent_for_summary), ",") line["forget_card"] = emp.get_forget_card_on(dt_str) emp_attendances_values.append(line) emp_lines.append(line) dt += datetime.timedelta(days=1) if emp_lines: emp_total_line = dict() emp_total_line["name"] = None emp_total_line['emp_dep'] = None emp_total_line['emp_code'] = None emp_total_line['date'] = '小计' emp_total_line['end_work_time'] = None emp_total_line['start_work_time'] = None emp_total_line['late_minutes'] = sum(l["late_minutes"] or 0 for l in emp_lines) emp_total_line['early_minutes'] = sum(l["early_minutes"] or 0 for l in emp_lines) emp_total_line["work_duration"] = sum(l["work_duration"] or 0 for l in emp_lines) emp_total_line["late_minutes"] = sum(l["late_minutes"] or 0 for l in emp_lines) emp_total_line["overtime_hours"] = sum(l["overtime_hours"] or 0 for l in emp_lines) emp_total_line["holiday_total"] = sum(l["holiday_total"] or 0 for l in emp_lines) emp_total_line["summary"] = string.join(set(l["summary"] for l in emp_lines)) emp_total_line["forget_card"] = sum(l["forget_card"] or 0 for l in emp_lines) emp_attendances_values.append(emp_total_line) CAL_END_TIME = print "结束时间:", CAL_END_TIME print "耗时:", CAL_END_TIME - CAL_START_TIME return emp_attendances_values
def _compute_age_days(self): today = fDate.from_string( for person in self.filtered('birthday'): delta = (today - fDate.from_string(person.birthday)) person.age_days = delta.days
def test_01_max_date(self): next_year = '%s-01-01' % (int([:4]) + 1) next_year_feb = '%s-02-01' % (int([:4]) + 1) next_year_feb6 = '%s-02-06' % (int([:4]) + 1) delay = Date.to_string( Date.from_string( + timedelta(days=self.seller_delay)) self.assertEqual( self.product.max_incoming_stock_date, delay) self.product.max_incoming_stock_date_override = True self.product.max_incoming_stock_date_override_value = next_year self.assertEqual( self.product.max_incoming_stock_date, next_year) self.assertEqual( self.bom_product.max_incoming_stock_date, next_year) self.product.max_incoming_stock_date_override = False picking_in = self.PickingObj.create({ 'partner_id': self.partner_delta_id, 'picking_type_id': self.picking_type_in}) self.MoveObj.create({ 'name':, 'product_id':, 'product_uom_qty': 1, 'product_uom':, 'picking_id':, 'location_id': self.supplier_location, 'location_dest_id': self.stock_location, 'date_expected': next_year_feb, }) picking_in.action_confirm() self.assertEqual(self.product.max_incoming_stock_date, next_year_feb) self.assertEqual( self.bom_product.max_incoming_stock_date, next_year_feb) self.product.max_incoming_stock_date_override = True self.product.max_incoming_stock_date_override_value = self.assertEqual(self.product.max_incoming_stock_date, self.env['product.product'].reset_max_incoming_date_override() self.assertEqual(self.product.max_incoming_stock_date, next_year_feb) # When a product has to be ordered, add supplier lead time to max date # expected of running orders picking_out = self.PickingObj.create({ 'partner_id': self.partner_delta_id, 'picking_type_id': self.picking_type_out}) move = self.MoveObj.create({ 'name':, 'product_id':, 'product_uom_qty': 1, 'product_uom':, 'picking_id':, 'location_dest_id': self.customer_location, 'location_id': self.stock_location, 'date_expected': next_year, }) picking_out.action_confirm() self.product.refresh() self.assertEqual(self.product.max_incoming_stock_date, next_year_feb) # Test that we can modify the picking's max_date (#2800) # Call _register_hook manually because tests run before Odoo does self.env['stock.picking']._register_hook() picking_out.write({'max_date': next_year_feb6}) self.assertEqual(move.date_expected, next_year_feb6 + ' 00:00:00') self.assertEqual(picking_out.max_date, next_year_feb6 + ' 00:00:00')
def _search_age_days(self, operator, value): today = fDate.from_string( value_days = td(days=value) value_date = fDate.to_string(today - value_days) print '>>>>>>>>>', [('birthday', operator, value_date)] return [('birthday', operator, value_date)]
def _search_age(self, operator, value): today = fDate.from_string( value_days = td(days=value) value_date = fDate.to_string(today - value_days) return [('date_release', operator, value_date)]