def jordan_wigner_code(n_modes):
    """ The Jordan-Wigner transform as binary code.
        n_modes (int): number of modes

    Returns (BinaryCode): The Jordan-Wigner BinaryCode
    return BinaryCode(numpy.identity(n_modes, dtype=int),
                      linearize_decoder(numpy.identity(n_modes, dtype=int)))
def bravyi_kitaev_code(n_modes):
    """ The Bravyi-Kitaev transform as binary code. The implementation
    follows arXiv:1208.5986.
        n_modes (int): number of modes

    Returns (BinaryCode): The Bravyi-Kitaev BinaryCode
    return BinaryCode(_encoder_bk(n_modes),
def parity_code(n_modes):
    """ The parity transform (arXiv:1208.5986) as binary code. This code is
    very similar to the Jordan-Wigner transform, but with long update strings
    instead of parity strings. It does not save qubits: n_qubits = n_modes.
        n_modes (int): number of modes

    Returns (BinaryCode): The parity transform BinaryCode
    dec_mtx = numpy.reshape(
        ([1] + [0] * (n_modes - 1)) + ([1, 1] + (n_modes - 1) * [0]) *
        (n_modes - 2) + [1, 1], (n_modes, n_modes))
    enc_mtx = numpy.tril(numpy.ones((n_modes, n_modes), dtype=int))

    return BinaryCode(enc_mtx, linearize_decoder(dec_mtx))
def _decoder_checksum(modes, odd):
    """ Helper function for checksum_code that outputs the decoder.

        modes (int):  number of modes
        odd (int or bool): 1 (True) or 0 (False), if odd,
            we encode all states with odd Hamming weight

    Returns (list): list of BinaryPolynomial
    if odd:
        all_in = BinaryPolynomial('1')
        all_in = BinaryPolynomial()

    for mode in range(modes - 1):
        all_in += BinaryPolynomial('w' + str(mode))

    djw = linearize_decoder(numpy.identity(modes - 1, dtype=int))
    return djw
def interleaved_code(modes):
    """ Linear code that reorders orbitals from even-odd to up-then-down.
    In up-then-down convention, one can append two instances of the same
    code 'c' in order to have two symmetric subcodes that are symmetric for 
    spin-up and -down modes: ' c + c '.
    In even-odd, one can concatenate with the interleaved_code 
    to have the same result:' interleaved_code * (c + c)'.
    This code changes the order of modes from (0, 1 , 2, ... , modes-1 )
    to (0, modes/2, 1 modes/2+1, ... , modes-1, modes/2 - 1).  
    n_qubits = n_modes. 
    Args: modes (int): number of modes, must be even 
    Returns (BinaryCode): code that interleaves orbitals
    if modes % 2 == 1:
        raise ValueError('number of modes must be even')
        mtx = numpy.zeros((modes, modes), dtype=int)
        for index in numpy.arange(modes // 2, dtype=int):
            mtx[index, 2 * index] = 1
            mtx[modes // 2 + index, 2 * index + 1] = 1
        return BinaryCode(mtx, linearize_decoder(mtx.transpose()))