Beispiel #1
def expectation_one_body_db_operator_computational_basis_state(
        dual_basis_action, plane_wave_occ_orbitals, grid, spinless):
    """Compute expectation value of a 1-body dual-basis operator with a
    plane wave computational basis state.

        dual_basis_action: Dual-basis action of FermionOperator to
                           evaluate expectation value of.
        plane_wave_occ_orbitals (list): list of occupied plane-wave orbitals.
        grid (openfermion.utils.Grid): The grid used for discretization.
        spinless (bool): Whether the system is spinless.

        A real float giving the expectation value.
    expectation_value = 0.0

    r_p = position_vector(grid_indices(dual_basis_action[0][0],
                                       grid, spinless), grid)
    r_q = position_vector(grid_indices(dual_basis_action[1][0],
                                       grid, spinless), grid)

    for orbital in plane_wave_occ_orbitals:
        # If there's spin, p and q have to have the same parity (spin),
        # and the new orbital has to have the same spin as these.
        k_orbital = momentum_vector(grid_indices(orbital,
                                                 grid, spinless), grid)
        # The Fourier transform is spin-conserving. This means that p, q,
        # and the new orbital all have to have the same spin (parity).
        if spinless or (dual_basis_action[0][0] % 2 ==
                        dual_basis_action[1][0] % 2 == orbital % 2):
            expectation_value += numpy.exp(-1j * - r_q))

    return expectation_value
Beispiel #2
    def test_position_vector(self):

        # Test in 1D.
        grid = Grid(dimensions=1, length=4, scale=4.)
        test_output = [position_vector(i, grid) for i in range(grid.length)]
        correct_output = [-2, -1, 0, 1]
        self.assertEqual(correct_output, test_output)

        grid = Grid(dimensions=1, length=11, scale=2. * numpy.pi)
        for i in range(grid.length):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(-position_vector(i, grid),
                                   position_vector(grid.length - i - 1, grid))

        # Test in 2D.
        grid = Grid(dimensions=2, length=3, scale=3.)
        test_input = []
        test_output = []
        for i in range(3):
            for j in range(3):
                test_input += [(i, j)]
                test_output += [position_vector((i, j), grid)]
        correct_output = numpy.array([[-1., -1.], [-1., 0.], [-1., 1.],
                                      [0., -1.], [0., 0.], [0., 1.], [1., -1.],
                                      [1., 0.], [1., 1.]])
        self.assertAlmostEqual(0., numpy.amax(test_output - correct_output))
Beispiel #3
def jordan_wigner_dual_basis_hamiltonian(grid,
    """Return the dual basis Hamiltonian as QubitOperator.

        grid (Grid): The discretization to use.
        geometry: A list of tuples giving the coordinates of each atom.
            example is [('H', (0, 0, 0)), ('H', (0, 0, 0.7414))].
            Distances in atomic units. Use atomic symbols to specify atoms.
        spinless (bool): Whether to use the spinless model or not.
        include_constant (bool): Whether to include the Madelung constant.

        hamiltonian (QubitOperator)
    jellium_op = jordan_wigner_dual_basis_jellium(grid, spinless,

    if geometry is None:
        return jellium_op

    for item in geometry:
        if len(item[1]) != grid.dimensions:
            raise ValueError("Invalid geometry coordinate.")
        if item[0] not in periodic_hash_table:
            raise ValueError("Invalid nuclear element.")

    n_orbitals = grid.num_points()
    volume = grid.volume_scale()
    if spinless:
        n_qubits = n_orbitals
        n_qubits = 2 * n_orbitals
    prefactor = -2 * numpy.pi / volume
    external_potential = QubitOperator()

    for k_indices in grid.all_points_indices():
        momenta = momentum_vector(k_indices, grid)
        momenta_squared =
        if momenta_squared < EQ_TOLERANCE:

        for p in range(n_qubits):
            index_p = grid_indices(p, grid, spinless)
            coordinate_p = position_vector(index_p, grid)

            for nuclear_term in geometry:
                coordinate_j = numpy.array(nuclear_term[1], float)

                exp_index = 1.0j * - coordinate_p)
                coefficient = (prefactor / momenta_squared *
                               periodic_hash_table[nuclear_term[0]] *
                external_potential += (QubitOperator(
                    (), coefficient) - QubitOperator(
                        ((p, 'Z'), ), coefficient))

    return jellium_op + external_potential
Beispiel #4
def dual_basis_external_potential(grid, geometry, spinless):
    """Return the external potential in the dual basis of arXiv:1706.00023.

        grid (Grid): The discretization to use.
        geometry: A list of tuples giving the coordinates of each atom.
            example is [('H', (0, 0, 0)), ('H', (0, 0, 0.7414))].
            Distances in atomic units. Use atomic symbols to specify atoms.
        spinless (bool): Whether to use the spinless model or not.

        FermionOperator: The dual basis operator.
    prefactor = -4.0 * numpy.pi / grid.volume_scale()
    operator = None
    if spinless:
        spins = [None]
        spins = [0, 1]
    for pos_indices in grid.all_points_indices():
        coordinate_p = position_vector(pos_indices, grid)
        for nuclear_term in geometry:
            coordinate_j = numpy.array(nuclear_term[1], float)
            for momenta_indices in grid.all_points_indices():
                momenta = momentum_vector(momenta_indices, grid)
                momenta_squared =
                if momenta_squared < EQ_TOLERANCE:
                exp_index = 1.0j * - coordinate_p)
                coefficient = (prefactor / momenta_squared *
                               periodic_hash_table[nuclear_term[0]] *

                for spin_p in spins:
                    orbital_p = orbital_id(grid, pos_indices, spin_p)
                    operators = ((orbital_p, 1), (orbital_p, 0))
                    if operator is None:
                        operator = FermionOperator(operators, coefficient)
                        operator += FermionOperator(operators, coefficient)
    return operator
Beispiel #5
def expectation_three_body_db_operator_computational_basis_state(
        dual_basis_action, plane_wave_occ_orbitals, grid, spinless):
    """Compute expectation value of a 3-body dual-basis operator with a
    plane wave computational basis state.

        dual_basis_action: Dual-basis action of FermionOperator to
                           evaluate expectation value of.
        plane_wave_occ_orbitals (list): list of occupied plane-wave orbitals.
        grid (openfermion.utils.Grid): The grid used for discretization.
        spinless (bool): Whether the system is spinless.

        A float giving the expectation value.
    expectation_value = 0.0

    r = {}
    for i in range(6):
        r[i] = position_vector(grid_indices(dual_basis_action[i][0], grid,
                                            spinless), grid)

    rr = {}
    k_map = {}
    for i in range(3):
        rr[i] = {}
        k_map[i] = {}
        for j in range(3, 6):
            rr[i][j] = r[i] - r[j]
            k_map[i][j] = {}

    # Pre-computations.
    for o in plane_wave_occ_orbitals:
        k = momentum_vector(grid_indices(o, grid, spinless), grid)
        for i in range(3):
            for j in range(3, 6):
                k_map[i][j][o] =[i][j])

    for orbital1 in plane_wave_occ_orbitals:
        k1ad = k_map[0][3][orbital1]
        k1ae = k_map[0][4][orbital1]
        k1af = k_map[0][5][orbital1]

        for orbital2 in plane_wave_occ_orbitals:
            if orbital1 != orbital2:
                k2bd = k_map[1][3][orbital2]
                k2be = k_map[1][4][orbital2]
                k2bf = k_map[1][5][orbital2]

                for orbital3 in plane_wave_occ_orbitals:
                    if orbital1 != orbital3 and orbital2 != orbital3:
                        k3cd = k_map[2][3][orbital3]
                        k3ce = k_map[2][4][orbital3]
                        k3cf = k_map[2][5][orbital3]

                        # Handle \delta_{ad} \delta_{bf} \delta_{ce} after FT.
                        # The Fourier transform is spin-conserving.
                        if spinless or (
                                (dual_basis_action[0][0] % 2 ==
                                 dual_basis_action[3][0] % 2 ==
                                 orbital1 % 2) and
                                (dual_basis_action[1][0] % 2 ==
                                 dual_basis_action[5][0] % 2 ==
                                 orbital2 % 2) and
                                (dual_basis_action[2][0] % 2 ==
                                 dual_basis_action[4][0] % 2 ==
                                 orbital3 % 2)):
                            expectation_value += numpy.exp(-1j * (
                                k1ad + k2bf + k3ce))

                        # Handle -\delta_{ad} \delta_{be} \delta_{cf} after FT.
                        # The Fourier transform is spin-conserving.
                        if spinless or (
                                (dual_basis_action[0][0] % 2 ==
                                 dual_basis_action[3][0] % 2 ==
                                 orbital1 % 2) and
                                (dual_basis_action[1][0] % 2 ==
                                 dual_basis_action[4][0] % 2 ==
                                 orbital2 % 2) and
                                (dual_basis_action[2][0] % 2 ==
                                 dual_basis_action[5][0] % 2 ==
                                 orbital3 % 2)):
                            expectation_value -= numpy.exp(-1j * (
                                k1ad + k2be + k3cf))

                        # Handle -\delta_{ae} \delta_{bf} \delta_{cd} after FT.
                        # The Fourier transform is spin-conserving.
                        if spinless or (
                                (dual_basis_action[0][0] % 2 ==
                                 dual_basis_action[4][0] % 2 ==
                                 orbital1 % 2) and
                                (dual_basis_action[1][0] % 2 ==
                                 dual_basis_action[5][0] % 2 ==
                                 orbital2 % 2) and
                                (dual_basis_action[2][0] % 2 ==
                                 dual_basis_action[3][0] % 2 ==
                                 orbital3 % 2)):
                            expectation_value -= numpy.exp(-1j * (
                                k1ae + k2bf + k3cd))

                        # Handle \delta_{ae} \delta_{bd} \delta_{cf} after FT.
                        # The Fourier transform is spin-conserving.
                        if spinless or (
                                (dual_basis_action[0][0] % 2 ==
                                 dual_basis_action[4][0] % 2 ==
                                 orbital1 % 2) and
                                (dual_basis_action[1][0] % 2 ==
                                 dual_basis_action[3][0] % 2 ==
                                 orbital2 % 2) and
                                (dual_basis_action[2][0] % 2 ==
                                 dual_basis_action[5][0] % 2 ==
                                 orbital3 % 2)):
                            expectation_value += numpy.exp(-1j * (
                                k1ae + k2bd + k3cf))

                        # Handle \delta_{af} \delta_{be} \delta_{cd} after FT.
                        # The Fourier transform is spin-conserving.
                        if spinless or (
                                (dual_basis_action[0][0] % 2 ==
                                 dual_basis_action[5][0] % 2 ==
                                 orbital1 % 2) and
                                (dual_basis_action[1][0] % 2 ==
                                 dual_basis_action[4][0] % 2 ==
                                 orbital2 % 2) and
                                (dual_basis_action[2][0] % 2 ==
                                 dual_basis_action[3][0] % 2 ==
                                 orbital3 % 2)):
                            expectation_value += numpy.exp(-1j * (
                                k1af + k2be + k3cd))

                        # Handle -\delta_{af} \delta_{bd} \delta_{ce} after FT.
                        # The Fourier transform is spin-conserving.
                        if spinless or (
                                (dual_basis_action[0][0] % 2 ==
                                 dual_basis_action[5][0] % 2 ==
                                 orbital1 % 2) and
                                (dual_basis_action[1][0] % 2 ==
                                 dual_basis_action[3][0] % 2 ==
                                 orbital2 % 2) and
                                (dual_basis_action[2][0] % 2 ==
                                 dual_basis_action[4][0] % 2 ==
                                 orbital3 % 2)):
                            expectation_value -= numpy.exp(-1j * (
                                k1af + k2bd + k3ce))

    return expectation_value
Beispiel #6
def expectation_two_body_db_operator_computational_basis_state(
        dual_basis_action, plane_wave_occ_orbitals, grid, spinless):
    """Compute expectation value of a 2-body dual-basis operator with a
    plane wave computational basis state.

        dual_basis_action: Dual-basis action of FermionOperator to
                           evaluate expectation value of.
        plane_wave_occ_orbitals (list): list of occupied plane-wave orbitals.
        grid (openfermion.utils.Grid): The grid used for discretization.
        spinless (bool): Whether the system is spinless.

        A float giving the expectation value.
    expectation_value = 0.0

    r = {}
    for i in range(4):
        r[i] = position_vector(grid_indices(dual_basis_action[i][0], grid,
                                            spinless), grid)

    rr = {}
    k_map = {}
    for i in range(2):
        rr[i] = {}
        k_map[i] = {}
        for j in range(2, 4):
            rr[i][j] = r[i] - r[j]
            k_map[i][j] = {}

    # Pre-computations.
    for o in plane_wave_occ_orbitals:
        k = momentum_vector(grid_indices(o, grid, spinless), grid)
        for i in range(2):
            for j in range(2, 4):
                k_map[i][j][o] =[i][j])

    for orbital1 in plane_wave_occ_orbitals:
        k1ac = k_map[0][2][orbital1]
        k1ad = k_map[0][3][orbital1]

        for orbital2 in plane_wave_occ_orbitals:
            if orbital1 != orbital2:
                k2bc = k_map[1][2][orbital2]
                k2bd = k_map[1][3][orbital2]

                # The Fourier transform is spin-conserving. This means that
                # the parity of the orbitals involved in the transition must
                # be the same.
                if spinless or (
                        (dual_basis_action[0][0] % 2 ==
                         dual_basis_action[3][0] % 2 == orbital1 % 2) and
                        (dual_basis_action[1][0] % 2 ==
                         dual_basis_action[2][0] % 2 == orbital2 % 2)):
                    value = numpy.exp(-1j * (k1ad + k2bc))

                    # Add because it came from two anti-commutations.
                    expectation_value += value

                # The Fourier transform is spin-conserving. This means that
                # the parity of the orbitals involved in the transition must
                # be the same.
                if spinless or (
                        (dual_basis_action[0][0] % 2 ==
                         dual_basis_action[2][0] % 2 == orbital1 % 2) and
                        (dual_basis_action[1][0] % 2 ==
                         dual_basis_action[3][0] % 2 == orbital2 % 2)):
                    value = numpy.exp(-1j * (k1ac + k2bd))

                    # Subtract because it came from a single anti-commutation.
                    expectation_value -= value

    return expectation_value
Beispiel #7
    def test_coefficients(self):

        # Test that the coefficients post-JW transform are as claimed in paper.
        grid = Grid(dimensions=2, length=3, scale=2.)
        spinless = 1
        n_orbitals = grid.num_points()
        n_qubits = (2**(1 - spinless)) * n_orbitals
        volume = grid.volume_scale()

        # Kinetic operator.
        kinetic = dual_basis_kinetic(grid, spinless)
        qubit_kinetic = jordan_wigner(kinetic)

        # Potential operator.
        potential = dual_basis_potential(grid, spinless)
        qubit_potential = jordan_wigner(potential)

        # Check identity.
        identity = tuple()
        kinetic_coefficient = qubit_kinetic.terms[identity]
        potential_coefficient = qubit_potential.terms[identity]

        paper_kinetic_coefficient = 0.
        paper_potential_coefficient = 0.
        for indices in grid.all_points_indices():
            momenta = momentum_vector(indices, grid)
            paper_kinetic_coefficient += float(n_qubits) *
                momenta) / float(4. * n_orbitals)

            if momenta.any():
                potential_contribution = -numpy.pi * float(n_qubits) / float(
                    2. * * volume)
                paper_potential_coefficient += potential_contribution

        self.assertAlmostEqual(kinetic_coefficient, paper_kinetic_coefficient)

        # Check Zp.
        for p in range(n_qubits):
            zp = ((p, 'Z'), )
            kinetic_coefficient = qubit_kinetic.terms[zp]
            potential_coefficient = qubit_potential.terms[zp]

            paper_kinetic_coefficient = 0.
            paper_potential_coefficient = 0.
            for indices in grid.all_points_indices():
                momenta = momentum_vector(indices, grid)
                paper_kinetic_coefficient -= / float(
                    4. * n_orbitals)

                if momenta.any():
                    potential_contribution = numpy.pi / float(
               * volume)
                    paper_potential_coefficient += potential_contribution


        # Check Zp Zq.
        if spinless:
            spins = [None]
            spins = [0, 1]

        for indices_a in grid.all_points_indices():
            for indices_b in grid.all_points_indices():

                paper_kinetic_coefficient = 0.
                paper_potential_coefficient = 0.

                position_a = position_vector(indices_a, grid)
                position_b = position_vector(indices_b, grid)
                differences = position_b - position_a

                for spin_a in spins:
                    for spin_b in spins:

                        p = orbital_id(grid, indices_a, spin_a)
                        q = orbital_id(grid, indices_b, spin_b)

                        if p == q:

                        zpzq = ((min(p, q), 'Z'), (max(p, q), 'Z'))
                        if zpzq in qubit_potential.terms:
                            potential_coefficient = qubit_potential.terms[zpzq]

                        for indices_c in grid.all_points_indices():
                            momenta = momentum_vector(indices_c, grid)

                            if momenta.any():
                                potential_contribution = numpy.pi * numpy.cos(
                           / float(
                               * volume)
                                paper_potential_coefficient += (
