Beispiel #1
class TestOptionsDict(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.dict = OptionsDictionary()

    @unittest.skipIf(tabulate is None,
                     reason="package 'tabulate' is not installed")
    def test_reprs(self):
        class MyComp(ExplicitComponent):

        my_comp = MyComp()

        self.dict.declare('test', values=['a', 'b'], desc='Test integer value')
        self.dict.declare('flag', default=False, types=bool)
        self.dict.declare('comp', default=my_comp, types=ExplicitComponent)
                          desc='This description is long and verbose, so it '
                          'takes up multiple lines in the options table.')

        self.assertEqual(repr(self.dict), repr(self.dict._dict))

            self.dict.__str__(width=89), '\n'.join([
                "=========  ============  ===================  =====================  ====================",
                "Option     Default       Acceptable Values    Acceptable Types       Description",
                "=========  ============  ===================  =====================  ====================",
                "comp       MyComp        N/A                  ['ExplicitComponent']",
                "flag       False         [True, False]        ['bool']",
                "long_desc  **Required**  N/A                  ['str']                This description is ",
                "                                                                     long and verbose, so",
                "                                                                      it takes up multipl",
                "                                                                     e lines in the optio",
                "                                                                     ns table.",
                "test       **Required**  ['a', 'b']           N/A                    Test integer value",
                "=========  ============  ===================  =====================  ====================",

        # if the table can't be represented in specified width, then we get the full width version
            self.dict.__str__(width=40), '\n'.join([
                "=========  ============  ===================  =====================  ====================="
                "Option     Default       Acceptable Values    Acceptable Types       Description",
                "=========  ============  ===================  =====================  ====================="
                "comp       MyComp        N/A                  ['ExplicitComponent']",
                "flag       False         [True, False]        ['bool']",
                "long_desc  **Required**  N/A                  ['str']                This description is l"
                "ong and verbose, so it takes up multiple lines in the options table.",
                "test       **Required**  ['a', 'b']           N/A                    Test integer value",
                "=========  ============  ===================  =====================  ====================="

    @unittest.skipIf(tabulate is None,
                     reason="package 'tabulate' is not installed")
    def test_to_table(self):
        class MyComp(ExplicitComponent):

        my_comp = MyComp()

        self.dict.declare('test', values=['a', 'b'], desc='Test integer value')
        self.dict.declare('flag', default=False, types=bool)
        self.dict.declare('comp', default=my_comp, types=ExplicitComponent)
                          desc='This description is long and verbose, so it '
                          'takes up multiple lines in the options table.')

        expected = "| Option    | Default      | Acceptable Values   | Acceptable Types      " \
                   "| Description                                                            " \
                   "                   |\n" \
                   "|-----------|--------------|---------------------|-----------------------|--" \
                   "----------------------------------------------------------------------------" \
                   "-------------|\n" \
                   "| comp      | MyComp       | N/A                 | ['ExplicitComponent'] |   " \
                   "                                                                             " \
                   "           |\n" \
                   "| flag      | False        | [True, False]       | ['bool']              |   " \
                   "                                                                             " \
                   "           |\n" \
                   "| long_desc | **Required** | N/A                 | ['str']               | Th" \
                   "is description is long and verbose, so it takes up multiple lines in the opti" \
                   "ons table. |\n" \
                   "| test      | **Required** | ['a', 'b']          | N/A                   | Te" \
                   "st integer value                                                             " \
                   "           |"

        self.assertEqual(self.dict.to_table(fmt='github'), expected)

    @unittest.skipIf(tabulate is None,
                     reason="package 'tabulate' is not installed")
    def test_deprecation_col(self):
        class MyComp(ExplicitComponent):

        my_comp = MyComp()

        self.dict.declare('test', values=['a', 'b'], desc='Test integer value')
        self.dict.declare('flag', default=False, types=bool)
        self.dict.declare('comp', default=my_comp, types=ExplicitComponent)
                          desc='This description is long and verbose, so it '
                          'takes up multiple lines in the options table.',
                          deprecation='This option is deprecated')

        expected = "|Option|Default|AcceptableValues|AcceptableTypes|Description|Deprecation|\n|" \
        "-----------|--------------|---------------------|-----------------------|-----------------" \
        "--------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------" \
        "------------|\n|comp|MyComp|N/A|['ExplicitComponent']||N/A|\n|flag|False|[True,False]|" \
        "['bool']||N/A|\n|long_desc|**Required**|N/A|['str']|Thisdescriptionislongandverbose,soit" \
        "takesupmultiplelinesintheoptionstable.|Thisoptionisdeprecated|\n|test|**Required**|" \

            self.dict.to_table(fmt='github').replace(" ", ""), expected)

        my_comp = MyComp()

        self.dict.declare('test', values=['a', 'b'], desc='Test integer value')
        self.dict.declare('flag', default=False, types=bool)
        self.dict.declare('comp', default=my_comp, types=ExplicitComponent)
                          desc='This description is long and verbose, so it '
                          'takes up multiple lines in the options table.')

        expected = "|Option|Default|AcceptableValues|AcceptableTypes|Description|\n|-----------|----" \
        "----------|---------------------|-----------------------|-----------------------------------" \
        "--------------------------------------------------------|\n|comp|MyComp|N/A|" \
        "['ExplicitComponent']||\n|flag|False|[True,False]|['bool']||\n|long_desc|**Required**|N/A|" \
        "['str']|Thisdescriptionislongandverbose,soittakesupmultiplelinesintheoptionstable.|\n|test|" \

            self.dict.to_table(fmt='github').replace(" ", ""), expected)

    def test_type_checking(self):
        self.dict.declare('test', types=int, desc='Test integer value')

        self.dict['test'] = 1
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['test'], 1)

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as context:
            self.dict['test'] = ''

        expected_msg = "Value ('') of option 'test' has type 'str', " \
                       "but type 'int' was expected."
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))

        # multiple types are allowed
                          types=(int, float),
                          desc='Test multiple types')

        self.dict['test_multi'] = 1
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['test_multi'], 1)
        self.assertEqual(type(self.dict['test_multi']), int)

        self.dict['test_multi'] = 1.0
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['test_multi'], 1.0)
        self.assertEqual(type(self.dict['test_multi']), float)

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as context:
            self.dict['test_multi'] = ''

        expected_msg = "Value ('') of option 'test_multi' has type 'str', " \
                       "but one of types ('int', 'float') was expected."
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))

        # make sure bools work and allowed values are populated
        self.dict.declare('flag', default=False, types=bool)
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['flag'], False)
        self.dict['flag'] = True
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['flag'], True)

        meta = self.dict._dict['flag']
        self.assertEqual(meta['values'], (True, False))

    def test_allow_none(self):
                          desc='Test integer value')
        self.dict['test'] = None
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['test'], None)

    def test_type_and_values(self):
        # Test with only type_
        self.dict.declare('test1', types=int)
        self.dict['test1'] = 1
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['test1'], 1)

        # Test with only values
        self.dict.declare('test2', values=['a', 'b'])
        self.dict['test2'] = 'a'
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['test2'], 'a')

        # Test with both type_ and values
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
            self.dict.declare('test3', types=int, values=['a', 'b'])
            "'types' and 'values' were both specified for option 'test3'.")

    def test_check_valid_template(self):
        # test the template 'check_valid' function
        from openmdao.utils.options_dictionary import check_valid
        self.dict.declare('test', check_valid=check_valid)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
            self.dict['test'] = 1

        expected_msg = "Option 'test' with value 1 is not valid."
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))

    def test_isvalid(self):
        self.dict.declare('even_test', types=int, check_valid=check_even)
        self.dict['even_test'] = 2
        self.dict['even_test'] = 4

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
            self.dict['even_test'] = 3

        expected_msg = "Option 'even_test' with value 3 is not an even number."
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))

    def test_unnamed_args(self):
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as context:
            self.dict['test'] = 1

        # KeyError ends up with an extra set of quotes.
        expected_msg = "\"Option 'test' cannot be set because it has not been declared.\""
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))

    def test_contains(self):

        contains = 'undeclared' in self.dict
        self.assertTrue(not contains)

        contains = 'test' in self.dict

    def test_update(self):
        self.dict.declare('test', default='Test value', types=object)

        obj = object()
        self.dict.update({'test': obj})
        self.assertIs(self.dict['test'], obj)

    def test_update_extra(self):
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as context:
            self.dict.update({'test': 2})

        # KeyError ends up with an extra set of quotes.
        expected_msg = "\"Option 'test' cannot be set because it has not been declared.\""
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))

    def test_get_missing(self):
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as context:

        expected_msg = "Option 'missing' has not been declared."
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, context.exception.args[0])

    def test_get_default(self):
        obj_def = object()
        obj_new = object()

        self.dict.declare('test', default=obj_def, types=object)

        self.assertIs(self.dict['test'], obj_def)

        self.dict['test'] = obj_new
        self.assertIs(self.dict['test'], obj_new)

    def test_values(self):
        obj1 = object()
        obj2 = object()
        self.dict.declare('test', values=[obj1, obj2])

        self.dict['test'] = obj1
        self.assertIs(self.dict['test'], obj1)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
            self.dict['test'] = object()

        expected_msg = (
            "Value \(<object object at 0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+>\) of option 'test' is not one of \[<object object at 0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+>,"
            " <object object at 0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+>\].")
        self.assertRegex(str(context.exception), expected_msg)

    def test_read_only(self):
        opt = OptionsDictionary(read_only=True)
        opt.declare('permanent', 3.0)

        with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as context:
            opt['permanent'] = 4.0

        expected_msg = ("Tried to set read-only option 'permanent'.")
        self.assertRegex(str(context.exception), expected_msg)

    def test_bounds(self):
        self.dict.declare('x', default=1.0, lower=0.0, upper=2.0)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
            self.dict['x'] = 3.0

        expected_msg = "Value (3.0) of option 'x' exceeds maximum allowed value of 2.0."
        self.assertEqual(str(context.exception), expected_msg)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
            self.dict['x'] = -3.0

        expected_msg = "Value (-3.0) of option 'x' is less than minimum allowed value of 0.0."
        self.assertEqual(str(context.exception), expected_msg)

    def test_undeclare(self):
        # create an entry in the dict
        self.dict.declare('test', types=int)
        self.dict['test'] = 1

        # prove it's in the dict
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['test'], 1)

        # remove entry from the dict

        # prove it is no longer in the dict
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as context:

        expected_msg = "Option 'test' has not been declared."
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, context.exception.args[0])

    def test_deprecated_option(self):
        msg = 'Option "test1" is deprecated.'
        self.dict.declare('test1', deprecation=msg)

        # test double set
        with assert_warning(OMDeprecationWarning, msg):
            self.dict['test1'] = None
        # Should only generate warning first time
        with assert_no_warning(OMDeprecationWarning, msg):
            self.dict['test1'] = None

        # Also test set and then get
        msg = 'Option "test2" is deprecated.'
        self.dict.declare('test2', deprecation=msg)

        with assert_warning(OMDeprecationWarning, msg):
            self.dict['test2'] = None
        # Should only generate warning first time
        with assert_no_warning(OMDeprecationWarning, msg):
            option = self.dict['test2']

    def test_deprecated_tuple_option(self):
        msg = 'Option "test1" is deprecated. Use "foo" instead.'
        self.dict.declare('test1', deprecation=(msg, 'foo'))

        # test double set
        with assert_warning(OMDeprecationWarning, msg):
            self.dict['test1'] = 'xyz'
        # Should only generate warning first time
        with assert_no_warning(OMDeprecationWarning, msg):
            self.dict['test1'] = 'zzz'

        with assert_no_warning(OMDeprecationWarning, msg):
            option = self.dict['test1']
        with assert_no_warning(OMDeprecationWarning):
            option2 = self.dict['foo']
        self.assertEqual(option, option2)

        # Also test set and then get
        msg = 'Option "test2" is deprecated. Use "foo2" instead.'
        self.dict.declare('test2', deprecation=(msg, 'foo2'))

        with assert_warning(OMDeprecationWarning, msg):
            self.dict['test2'] = 'abcd'
        # Should only generate warning first time
        with assert_no_warning(OMDeprecationWarning, msg):
            option = self.dict['test2']
        with assert_no_warning(OMDeprecationWarning):
            option2 = self.dict['foo2']
        self.assertEqual(option, option2)

        # test bad alias
        msg = 'Option "test3" is deprecated. Use "foo3" instead.'
        self.dict.declare('test3', deprecation=(msg, 'foo3'))

        with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as context:
            self.dict['test3'] = 'abcd'

        expected_msg = "Can't find aliased option 'foo3' for deprecated option 'test3'."
        self.assertEqual(context.exception.args[0], expected_msg)

    def test_bad_option_name(self):
        opt = OptionsDictionary()
        msg = "'foo:bar' is not a valid python name and will become an invalid option name in a future release. You can prevent this warning (and future exceptions) by declaring this option using a valid python name."

        with assert_warning(OMDeprecationWarning, msg):
            opt.declare('foo:bar', 1.0)
class TestOptionsDict(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.dict = OptionsDictionary()

    def test_reprs(self):
        class MyComp(ExplicitComponent):

        my_comp = MyComp()

        self.dict.declare('test', values=['a', 'b'], desc='Test integer value')
        self.dict.declare('flag', default=False, types=bool)
        self.dict.declare('comp', default=my_comp, types=ExplicitComponent)
                          desc='This description is long and verbose, so it '
                          'takes up multiple lines in the options table.')

        self.assertEqual(repr(self.dict), repr(self.dict._dict))

            self.dict.__str__(width=83), '\n'.join([
                "========= ============ ================= ===================== ====================",
                "Option    Default      Acceptable Values Acceptable Types      Description         ",
                "========= ============ ================= ===================== ====================",
                "comp      MyComp       N/A               ['ExplicitComponent']                     ",
                "flag      False        [True, False]     ['bool']                                  ",
                "long_desc **Required** N/A               ['str']               This description is ",
                "                                                               long and verbose, so",
                "                                                                it takes up multipl",
                "                                                               e lines in the optio",
                "                                                               ns table.",
                "test      **Required** ['a', 'b']        N/A                   Test integer value  ",
                "========= ============ ================= ===================== ====================",

        # if the table can't be represented in specified width, then we get the full width version
            self.dict.__str__(width=40), '\n'.join([
                "========= ============ ================= ===================== ====================="
                "==================================================================== ",
                "Option    Default      Acceptable Values Acceptable Types      Description          "
                "                                                                     ",
                "========= ============ ================= ===================== ====================="
                "==================================================================== ",
                "comp      MyComp       N/A               ['ExplicitComponent']                      "
                "                                                                     ",
                "flag      False        [True, False]     ['bool']                                   "
                "                                                                     ",
                "long_desc **Required** N/A               ['str']               This description is l"
                "ong and verbose, so it takes up multiple lines in the options table. ",
                "test      **Required** ['a', 'b']        N/A                   Test integer value   "
                "                                                                     ",
                "========= ============ ================= ===================== ====================="
                "==================================================================== ",

    def test_type_checking(self):
        self.dict.declare('test', types=int, desc='Test integer value')

        self.dict['test'] = 1
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['test'], 1)

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as context:
            self.dict['test'] = ''

        expected_msg = "Value ('') of option 'test' has type 'str', " \
                       "but type 'int' was expected."
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))

        # multiple types are allowed
                          types=(int, float),
                          desc='Test multiple types')

        self.dict['test_multi'] = 1
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['test_multi'], 1)
        self.assertEqual(type(self.dict['test_multi']), int)

        self.dict['test_multi'] = 1.0
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['test_multi'], 1.0)
        self.assertEqual(type(self.dict['test_multi']), float)

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as context:
            self.dict['test_multi'] = ''

        expected_msg = "Value ('') of option 'test_multi' has type 'str', " \
                       "but one of types ('int', 'float') was expected."
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))

        # make sure bools work and allowed values are populated
        self.dict.declare('flag', default=False, types=bool)
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['flag'], False)
        self.dict['flag'] = True
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['flag'], True)

        meta = self.dict._dict['flag']
        self.assertEqual(meta['values'], (True, False))

    def test_allow_none(self):
                          desc='Test integer value')
        self.dict['test'] = None
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['test'], None)

    def test_type_and_values(self):
        # Test with only type_
        self.dict.declare('test1', types=int)
        self.dict['test1'] = 1
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['test1'], 1)

        # Test with only values
        self.dict.declare('test2', values=['a', 'b'])
        self.dict['test2'] = 'a'
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['test2'], 'a')

        # Test with both type_ and values
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
            self.dict.declare('test3', types=int, values=['a', 'b'])
            "'types' and 'values' were both specified for option 'test3'.")

    def test_isvalid(self):
        self.dict.declare('even_test', types=int, check_valid=check_even)
        self.dict['even_test'] = 2
        self.dict['even_test'] = 4

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
            self.dict['even_test'] = 3

        expected_msg = "Option 'even_test' with value 3 is not an even number."
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))

    def test_isvalid_deprecated_type(self):

        msg = "In declaration of option 'even_test' the '_type' arg is deprecated.  Use 'types' instead."

        with assert_warning(DeprecationWarning, msg):
            self.dict.declare('even_test', type_=int, check_valid=check_even)

        self.dict['even_test'] = 2
        self.dict['even_test'] = 4

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
            self.dict['even_test'] = 3

        expected_msg = "Option 'even_test' with value 3 is not an even number."
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))

    def test_unnamed_args(self):
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as context:
            self.dict['test'] = 1

        # KeyError ends up with an extra set of quotes.
        expected_msg = "\"Option 'test' cannot be set because it has not been declared.\""
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))

    def test_contains(self):

        contains = 'undeclared' in self.dict
        self.assertTrue(not contains)

        contains = 'test' in self.dict

    def test_update(self):
        self.dict.declare('test', default='Test value', types=object)

        obj = object()
        self.dict.update({'test': obj})
        self.assertIs(self.dict['test'], obj)

    def test_update_extra(self):
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as context:
            self.dict.update({'test': 2})

        # KeyError ends up with an extra set of quotes.
        expected_msg = "\"Option 'test' cannot be set because it has not been declared.\""
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))

    def test_get_missing(self):
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as context:

        expected_msg = "\"Option 'missing' cannot be found\""
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))

    def test_get_default(self):
        obj_def = object()
        obj_new = object()

        self.dict.declare('test', default=obj_def, types=object)

        self.assertIs(self.dict['test'], obj_def)

        self.dict['test'] = obj_new
        self.assertIs(self.dict['test'], obj_new)

    def test_values(self):
        obj1 = object()
        obj2 = object()
        self.dict.declare('test', values=[obj1, obj2])

        self.dict['test'] = obj1
        self.assertIs(self.dict['test'], obj1)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
            self.dict['test'] = object()

        expected_msg = (
            "Value \(<object object at 0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+>\) of option 'test' is not one of \[<object object at 0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+>,"
            " <object object at 0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+>\].")
        assertRegex(self, str(context.exception), expected_msg)

    def test_read_only(self):
        opt = OptionsDictionary(read_only=True)
        opt.declare('permanent', 3.0)

        with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as context:
            opt['permanent'] = 4.0

        expected_msg = ("Tried to set read-only option 'permanent'.")
        assertRegex(self, str(context.exception), expected_msg)

    def test_bounds(self):
        self.dict.declare('x', default=1.0, lower=0.0, upper=2.0)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
            self.dict['x'] = 3.0

        expected_msg = "Value (3.0) of option 'x' exceeds maximum allowed value of 2.0."
        self.assertEqual(str(context.exception), expected_msg)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
            self.dict['x'] = -3.0

        expected_msg = "Value (-3.0) of option 'x' is less than minimum allowed value of 0.0."
        self.assertEqual(str(context.exception), expected_msg)

    def test_undeclare(self):
        # create an entry in the dict
        self.dict.declare('test', types=int)
        self.dict['test'] = 1

        # prove it's in the dict
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['test'], 1)

        # remove entry from the dict

        # prove it is no longer in the dict
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as context:

        expected_msg = "\"Option 'test' cannot be found\""
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))
class TranscriptionBase(object):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

        self.grid_data = None

        self.options = OptionsDictionary()

                             desc='Number of segments')
            types=(Sequence, np.ndarray),
            desc='Locations of segment ends or None for equally '
            'spaced segments')
                             types=(int, Sequence, np.ndarray),
                             desc='Order of the state transcription')
            desc='Use compressed transcription, meaning state and control values'
            'at segment boundaries are not duplicated on input.  This '
            'implicitly enforces value continuity between segments but in '
            'some cases may make the problem more difficult to solve.')


    def _declare_options(self):

    def initialize(self):

    def setup_grid(self, phase):
        Setup the GridData object for the Transcription

            The phase to which this transcription applies.
        raise NotImplementedError('Transcription {0} does not implement method'

    def setup_time(self, phase):
        Setup up the time component and time extents for the phase.

            A list of the component names needed for time extents.
        time_options = phase.time_options
        time_units = time_options['units']

        indeps = []
        default_vals = {
            't_initial': phase.time_options['initial_val'],
            't_duration': phase.time_options['duration_val']
        externals = []
        comps = []

        # Warn about invalid options

        if time_options['input_initial']:
            # phase.connect('t_initial', 'time.t_initial')

        if time_options['input_duration']:
            # phase.connect('t_duration', 'time.t_duration')

        if indeps:
            indep = IndepVarComp()

            for var in indeps:
                indep.add_output(var, val=default_vals[var], units=time_units)

            phase.add_subsystem('time_extents', indep, promotes_outputs=['*'])
            comps += ['time_extents']

        if not (time_options['input_initial'] or time_options['fix_initial']):
            lb, ub = time_options['initial_bounds']
            lb = -INF_BOUND if lb is None else lb
            ub = INF_BOUND if ub is None else ub


        if not (time_options['input_duration']
                or time_options['fix_duration']):
            lb, ub = time_options['duration_bounds']
            lb = -INF_BOUND if lb is None else lb
            ub = INF_BOUND if ub is None else ub


    def setup_controls(self, phase):
        Adds an IndepVarComp if necessary and issues appropriate connections based
        on transcription.

        if phase.control_options:
            control_group = ControlGroup(

                promotes=['controls:*', 'control_values:*', 'control_rates:*'])

            phase.connect('dt_dstau', 'control_group.dt_dstau')

    def setup_polynomial_controls(self, phase):
        Adds the polynomial control group to the model if any polynomial controls are present.
        if phase.polynomial_control_options:
            sys = PolynomialControlGroup(

    def setup_design_parameters(self, phase):
        Adds an IndepVarComp if necessary and issues appropriate connections based
        on transcription.

        if phase.design_parameter_options:
            indep = phase.add_subsystem('design_params',

            for name, options in iteritems(phase.design_parameter_options):
                src_name = 'design_parameters:{0}'.format(name)

                if options['opt']:
                    lb = -INF_BOUND if options['lower'] is None else options[
                    ub = INF_BOUND if options['upper'] is None else options[


                _shape = (1, ) + options['shape']


                for tgts, src_idxs in self.get_parameter_connections(
                        name, phase):
                    phase.connect(src_name, [t for t in tgts],

    def setup_input_parameters(self, phase):
        Adds a InputParameterComp to allow input parameters to be connected from sources
        external to the phase.
        if phase.input_parameter_options:
            passthru = InputParameterComp(


        for name in phase.input_parameter_options:
            src_name = 'input_parameters:{0}_out'.format(name)

            for tgts, src_idxs in self.get_parameter_connections(name, phase):
                phase.connect(src_name, [t for t in tgts],

    def setup_traj_parameters(self, phase):
        Adds a InputParameterComp to allow input parameters to be connected from sources
        external to the phase.
        if phase.traj_parameter_options:
            passthru = \


        for name, options in iteritems(phase.traj_parameter_options):
            src_name = 'traj_parameters:{0}_out'.format(name)

            for tgts, src_idxs in self.get_parameter_connections(name, phase):
                phase.connect(src_name, [t for t in tgts],

    def setup_states(self, phase):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            'Transcription {0} does not implement method '

    def setup_ode(self, phase):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            'Transcription {0} does not implement method '

    def setup_timeseries_outputs(self, phase):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            'Transcription {0} does not implement method '

    def setup_boundary_constraints(self, loc, phase):
        Adds BoundaryConstraintComp for initial and/or final boundary constraints if necessary
        and issues appropriate connections.

        loc : str
            The kind of boundary constraints being setup.  Must be one of 'initial' or 'final'.
            The phase object to which this transcription instance applies.

        if loc not in ('initial', 'final'):
            raise ValueError('loc must be one of \'initial\' or \'final\'.')
        bc_comp = None

        bc_dict = phase._initial_boundary_constraints \
            if loc == 'initial' else phase._final_boundary_constraints

        if bc_dict:
            bc_comp = phase.add_subsystem(

        for var, options in iteritems(bc_dict):
            con_name = options['constraint_name']

            # Constraint options are a copy of options with constraint_name key removed.
            con_options = options.copy()

            src, shape, units, linear = self._get_boundary_constraint_src(
                var, loc, phase)

            con_units = options.get('units', None)

            shape = options['shape'] if shape is None else shape
            if shape is None:
                shape = (1, )

            if options['indices'] is not None:
                # Indices are provided, make sure lower/upper/equals are compatible.
                con_shape = (len(options['indices']), )
                # Indices provided, make sure lower/upper/equals have shape of the indices.
                if options['lower'] and not np.isscalar(options['lower']) and \
                        np.asarray(options['lower']).shape != con_shape:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'The lower bounds of boundary constraint on {0} are not '
                        'compatible with its shape, and no indices were '

                if options['upper'] and not np.isscalar(options['upper']) and \
                        np.asarray(options['upper']).shape != con_shape:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'The upper bounds of boundary constraint on {0} are not '
                        'compatible with its shape, and no indices were '

                if options['equals'] and not np.isscalar(options['equals']) and \
                        np.asarray(options['equals']).shape != con_shape:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'The equality boundary constraint value on {0} is not '
                        'compatible the provided indices. Provide them as a '
                        'flat array with the same size as indices.'.format(

            elif options['lower'] or options['upper'] or options['equals']:
                # Indices not provided, make sure lower/upper/equals have shape of source.
                if options['lower'] and not np.isscalar(options['lower']) and \
                        np.asarray(options['lower']).shape != shape:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'The lower bounds of boundary constraint on {0} are not '
                        'compatible with its shape, and no indices were '

                if options['upper'] and not np.isscalar(options['upper']) and \
                        np.asarray(options['upper']).shape != shape:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'The upper bounds of boundary constraint on {0} are not '
                        'compatible with its shape, and no indices were '

                if options['equals'] and not np.isscalar(options['equals']) \
                        and np.asarray(options['equals']).shape != shape:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'The equality boundary constraint value on {0} is not '
                        'compatible with its shape, and no indices were '
                con_shape = (, )

            size =
            con_options['shape'] = shape if shape is not None else con_shape
            con_options['units'] = units if con_units is None else con_units
            con_options['linear'] = linear

            # Build the correct src_indices regardless of shape
            if loc == 'initial':
                src_idxs = np.arange(size, dtype=int).reshape(shape)
                src_idxs = np.arange(-size, 0, dtype=int).reshape(shape)

            bc_comp._add_constraint(con_name, **con_options)

                              loc, con_name),

    def setup_objective(self, phase):
        Find the path of the objective(s) and add the objective using the standard OpenMDAO method.
        for name, options in iteritems(phase._objectives):
            index = options['index']
            loc = options['loc']

            obj_path, shape, units, _ = self._get_boundary_constraint_src(
                name, loc, phase)

            shape = options['shape'] if shape is None else shape

            size = int(

            if size > 1 and index is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    'Objective variable is non-scaler {0} but no index specified '
                    'for objective'.format(shape))

            idx = 0 if index is None else index
            if idx < 0:
                idx = size + idx

            if idx >= size or idx < -size:
                raise ValueError(
                    'Objective index={0}, but the shape of the objective '
                    'variable is {1}'.format(index, shape))

            if loc == 'final':
                obj_index = -size + idx
            elif loc == 'initial':
                obj_index = idx
                raise ValueError(
                    'Invalid value for objective loc: {0}. Must be '
                    'one of \'initial\' or \'final\'.'.format(loc))

            from ..phase import Phase
            super(Phase, phase).add_objective(

    def _get_boundary_constraint_src(self, name, loc, phase):
        raise NotImplementedError('Transcription {0} does not implement method'

    def _get_rate_source_path(self, name, loc, phase):
        raise NotImplementedError('Transcription {0} does not implement method'

    def get_parameter_connections(self, name, phase):
        Returns a list containing tuples of each path and related indices to which the
        given parameter name is to be connected.

        name : str
            The name of the parameter for which connection information is desired.
            The phase object to which this transcription applies.

        connection_info : list of (paths, indices)
            A list containing a tuple of target paths and corresponding src_indices to which the
            given design variable is to be connected.
        raise NotImplementedError(
            'Transcription {0} does not implement method '

    def check_config(self, phase, logger):

        for var, options in iteritems(phase._path_constraints):
            # Determine the path to the variable which we will be constraining
            # This is more complicated for path constraints since, for instance,
            # a single state variable has two sources which must be connected to
            # the path component.
            var_type = phase.classify_var(var)

            if var_type == 'ode':
                # Failed to find variable, assume it is in the ODE
                if options['shape'] is None:
                        'Unable to infer shape of path constraint \'{0}\' in '
                        'phase \'{1}\'. Scalar assumed.  If this ODE output is '
                        'is not scalar, connection errors will '

        for var, options in iteritems(phase._initial_boundary_constraints):
            # Determine the path to the variable which we will be constraining
            # This is more complicated for path constraints since, for instance,
            # a single state variable has two sources which must be connected to
            # the path component.
            var_type = phase.classify_var(var)

            if var_type == 'ode':
                # Failed to find variable, assume it is in the ODE
                if options['shape'] is None:
                        'Unable to infer shape of boundary constraint \'{0}\' in '
                        'phase \'{1}\'. Scalar assumed.  If this ODE output is '
                        'is not scalar, connection errors will '

        for var, options in iteritems(phase._final_boundary_constraints):
            # Determine the path to the variable which we will be constraining
            # This is more complicated for path constraints since, for instance,
            # a single state variable has two sources which must be connected to
            # the path component.
            var_type = phase.classify_var(var)

            if var_type == 'ode':
                # Failed to find variable, assume it is in the ODE
                if options['shape'] is None:
                        'Unable to infer shape of boundary constraint \'{0}\' in '
                        'phase \'{1}\'. Scalar assumed.  If this ODE output is '
                        'is not scalar, connection errors will '

        for var, options in iteritems(phase._timeseries_outputs):

            # Determine the path to the variable which we will be constraining
            # This is more complicated for path constraints since, for instance,
            # a single state variable has two sources which must be connected to
            # the path component.
            var_type = phase.classify_var(var)

            # Ignore any variables that we've already added (states, times, controls, etc)
            if var_type != 'ode':

            # Assume scalar shape here, but check config will warn that it's inferred.
            if options['shape'] is None:
                    'Unable to infer shape of timeseries output \'{0}\' in '
                    'phase \'{1}\'. Scalar assumed.  If this ODE output is '
                    'is not scalar, connection errors will '
class TestOptionsDict(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.dict = OptionsDictionary()

    def test_reprs(self):
        class MyComp(ExplicitComponent):

        my_comp = MyComp()

        self.dict.declare('test', values=['a', 'b'], desc='Test integer value')
        self.dict.declare('flag', default=False, types=bool)
        self.dict.declare('comp', default=my_comp, types=ExplicitComponent)
        self.dict.declare('long_desc', types=str,
                          desc='This description is long and verbose, so it '
                               'takes up multiple lines in the options table.')

        self.assertEqual(repr(self.dict), repr(self.dict._dict))

        self.assertEqual(self.dict.__str__(width=83), '\n'.join([
            "========= ============ ================= ===================== ====================",
            "Option    Default      Acceptable Values Acceptable Types      Description         ",
            "========= ============ ================= ===================== ====================",
            "comp      MyComp       N/A               ['ExplicitComponent']                     ",
            "flag      False        [True, False]     ['bool']                                  ",
            "long_desc **Required** N/A               ['str']               This description is ",
            "                                                               long and verbose, so",
            "                                                                it takes up multipl",
            "                                                               e lines in the optio",
            "                                                               ns table.",
            "test      **Required** ['a', 'b']        N/A                   Test integer value  ",
            "========= ============ ================= ===================== ====================",

        # if the table can't be represented in specified width, then we get the full width version
        self.assertEqual(self.dict.__str__(width=40), '\n'.join([
            "========= ============ ================= ===================== ====================="
            "==================================================================== ",
            "Option    Default      Acceptable Values Acceptable Types      Description          "
            "                                                                     ",
            "========= ============ ================= ===================== ====================="
            "==================================================================== ",
            "comp      MyComp       N/A               ['ExplicitComponent']                      "
            "                                                                     ",
            "flag      False        [True, False]     ['bool']                                   "
            "                                                                     ",
            "long_desc **Required** N/A               ['str']               This description is l"
            "ong and verbose, so it takes up multiple lines in the options table. ",
            "test      **Required** ['a', 'b']        N/A                   Test integer value   "
            "                                                                     ",
            "========= ============ ================= ===================== ====================="
            "==================================================================== ",

    def test_type_checking(self):
        self.dict.declare('test', types=int, desc='Test integer value')

        self.dict['test'] = 1
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['test'], 1)

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as context:
            self.dict['test'] = ''

        expected_msg = "Value ('') of option 'test' has type 'str', " \
                       "but type 'int' was expected."
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))

        # multiple types are allowed
        self.dict.declare('test_multi', types=(int, float), desc='Test multiple types')

        self.dict['test_multi'] = 1
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['test_multi'], 1)
        self.assertEqual(type(self.dict['test_multi']), int)

        self.dict['test_multi'] = 1.0
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['test_multi'], 1.0)
        self.assertEqual(type(self.dict['test_multi']), float)

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as context:
            self.dict['test_multi'] = ''

        expected_msg = "Value ('') of option 'test_multi' has type 'str', " \
                       "but one of types ('int', 'float') was expected."
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))

        # make sure bools work and allowed values are populated
        self.dict.declare('flag', default=False, types=bool)
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['flag'], False)
        self.dict['flag'] = True
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['flag'], True)

        meta = self.dict._dict['flag']
        self.assertEqual(meta['values'], (True, False))

    def test_allow_none(self):
        self.dict.declare('test', types=int, allow_none=True, desc='Test integer value')
        self.dict['test'] = None
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['test'], None)

    def test_type_and_values(self):
        # Test with only type_
        self.dict.declare('test1', types=int)
        self.dict['test1'] = 1
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['test1'], 1)

        # Test with only values
        self.dict.declare('test2', values=['a', 'b'])
        self.dict['test2'] = 'a'
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['test2'], 'a')

        # Test with both type_ and values
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
            self.dict.declare('test3', types=int, values=['a', 'b'])
                         "'types' and 'values' were both specified for option 'test3'.")

    def test_isvalid(self):
        self.dict.declare('even_test', types=int, check_valid=check_even)
        self.dict['even_test'] = 2
        self.dict['even_test'] = 4

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
            self.dict['even_test'] = 3

        expected_msg = "Option 'even_test' with value 3 is not an even number."
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))

    def test_isvalid_deprecated_type(self):

        msg = "In declaration of option 'even_test' the '_type' arg is deprecated.  Use 'types' instead."

        with assert_warning(DeprecationWarning, msg):
            self.dict.declare('even_test', type_=int, check_valid=check_even)

        self.dict['even_test'] = 2
        self.dict['even_test'] = 4

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
            self.dict['even_test'] = 3

        expected_msg = "Option 'even_test' with value 3 is not an even number."
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))

    def test_unnamed_args(self):
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as context:
            self.dict['test'] = 1

        # KeyError ends up with an extra set of quotes.
        expected_msg = "\"Option 'test' cannot be set because it has not been declared.\""
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))

    def test_contains(self):

        contains = 'undeclared' in self.dict
        self.assertTrue(not contains)

        contains = 'test' in self.dict

    def test_update(self):
        self.dict.declare('test', default='Test value', types=object)

        obj = object()
        self.dict.update({'test': obj})
        self.assertIs(self.dict['test'], obj)

    def test_update_extra(self):
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as context:
            self.dict.update({'test': 2})

        # KeyError ends up with an extra set of quotes.
        expected_msg = "\"Option 'test' cannot be set because it has not been declared.\""
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))

    def test_get_missing(self):
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as context:

        expected_msg = "\"Option 'missing' cannot be found\""
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))

    def test_get_default(self):
        obj_def = object()
        obj_new = object()

        self.dict.declare('test', default=obj_def, types=object)

        self.assertIs(self.dict['test'], obj_def)

        self.dict['test'] = obj_new
        self.assertIs(self.dict['test'], obj_new)

    def test_values(self):
        obj1 = object()
        obj2 = object()
        self.dict.declare('test', values=[obj1, obj2])

        self.dict['test'] = obj1
        self.assertIs(self.dict['test'], obj1)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
            self.dict['test'] = object()

        expected_msg = ("Value \(<object object at 0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+>\) of option 'test' is not one of \[<object object at 0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+>,"
                        " <object object at 0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+>\].")
        assertRegex(self, str(context.exception), expected_msg)

    def test_read_only(self):
        opt = OptionsDictionary(read_only=True)
        opt.declare('permanent', 3.0)

        with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as context:
            opt['permanent'] = 4.0

        expected_msg = ("Tried to set read-only option 'permanent'.")
        assertRegex(self, str(context.exception), expected_msg)

    def test_bounds(self):
        self.dict.declare('x', default=1.0, lower=0.0, upper=2.0)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
            self.dict['x'] = 3.0

        expected_msg = "Value (3.0) of option 'x' exceeds maximum allowed value of 2.0."
        self.assertEqual(str(context.exception), expected_msg)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
            self.dict['x'] = -3.0

        expected_msg = "Value (-3.0) of option 'x' is less than minimum allowed value of 0.0."
        self.assertEqual(str(context.exception), expected_msg)

    def test_undeclare(self):
        # create an entry in the dict
        self.dict.declare('test', types=int)
        self.dict['test'] = 1

        # prove it's in the dict
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['test'], 1)

        # remove entry from the dict

        # prove it is no longer in the dict
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as context:

        expected_msg = "\"Option 'test' cannot be found\""
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))
Beispiel #5
class TestOptionsDict(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.dict = OptionsDictionary()

    def test_type_checking(self):
        self.dict.declare('test', types=int, desc='Test integer value')

        self.dict['test'] = 1
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['test'], 1)

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as context:
            self.dict['test'] = ''

        class_or_type = 'class' if PY3 else 'type'
        expected_msg = "Option 'test' has the wrong type (<{} 'int'>)".format(class_or_type)
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))

        # make sure bools work
        self.dict.declare('flag', default=False, types=bool)
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['flag'], False)
        self.dict['flag'] = True
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['flag'], True)

    def test_allow_none(self):
        self.dict.declare('test', types=int, allow_none=True, desc='Test integer value')
        self.dict['test'] = None
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['test'], None)

    def test_type_and_values(self):
        # Test with only type_
        self.dict.declare('test1', types=int)
        self.dict['test1'] = 1
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['test1'], 1)

        # Test with only values
        self.dict.declare('test2', values=['a', 'b'])
        self.dict['test2'] = 'a'
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['test2'], 'a')

        # Test with both type_ and values
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
            self.dict.declare('test3', types=int, values=['a', 'b'])
                         "'types' and 'values' were both specified for option 'test3'.")

    def test_isvalid(self):
        self.dict.declare('even_test', types=int, is_valid=lambda x: x%2 == 0)
        self.dict['even_test'] = 2
        self.dict['even_test'] = 4

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
            self.dict['even_test'] = 3

        expected_msg = "Function is_valid returns False for {}.".format('even_test')
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))

    def test_isvalid_deprecated_type(self):

        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
            self.dict.declare('even_test', type_=int, is_valid=lambda x: x%2 == 0)
            self.assertEqual(len(w), 1)
            self.assertEqual(str(w[-1].message), "In declaration of option 'even_test' the '_type' arg is deprecated.  Use 'types' instead.")

        self.dict['even_test'] = 2
        self.dict['even_test'] = 4

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
            self.dict['even_test'] = 3

        expected_msg = "Function is_valid returns False for {}.".format('even_test')
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))

    def test_unnamed_args(self):
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as context:
            self.dict['test'] = 1

        # KeyError ends up with an extra set of quotes.
        expected_msg = "\"Key 'test' cannot be set because it has not been declared.\""
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))

    def test_contains(self):

        contains = 'undeclared' in self.dict
        self.assertTrue(not contains)

        contains = 'test' in self.dict

    def test_update(self):
        self.dict.declare('test', default='Test value', types=object)

        obj = object()
        self.dict.update({'test': obj})
        self.assertIs(self.dict['test'], obj)

    def test_update_extra(self):
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as context:
            self.dict.update({'test': 2})

        # KeyError ends up with an extra set of quotes.
        expected_msg = "\"Key 'test' cannot be set because it has not been declared.\""
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))

    def test_get_missing(self):
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as context:

        expected_msg = "\"Option 'missing' cannot be found\""
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))

    def test_get_default(self):
        obj_def = object()
        obj_new = object()

        self.dict.declare('test', default=obj_def, types=object)

        self.assertIs(self.dict['test'], obj_def)

        self.dict['test'] = obj_new
        self.assertIs(self.dict['test'], obj_new)

    def test_values(self):
        obj1 = object()
        obj2 = object()
        self.dict.declare('test', values=[obj1, obj2])

        self.dict['test'] = obj1
        self.assertIs(self.dict['test'], obj1)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
            self.dict['test'] = object()

        expected_msg = ("Option 'test''s value is not one of \[<object object at 0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+>,"
                        " <object object at 0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+>\]")
        assertRegex(self, str(context.exception), expected_msg)

    def test_read_only(self):
        opt = OptionsDictionary(read_only=True)
        opt.declare('permanent', 3.0)

        with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as context:
            opt['permanent'] = 4.0

        expected_msg = ("Tried to set 'permanent' on a read-only OptionsDictionary")
        assertRegex(self, str(context.exception), expected_msg)

    def test_bounds(self):
        self.dict.declare('x', default=1.0, lower=0.0, upper=2.0)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
            self.dict['x'] = 3.0

        expected_msg = ("Value of 3.0 exceeds maximum of 2.0 for option 'x'")
        assertRegex(self, str(context.exception), expected_msg)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
            self.dict['x'] = -3.0

        expected_msg = ("Value of -3.0 exceeds minimum of 0.0 for option 'x'")
        assertRegex(self, str(context.exception), expected_msg)

    def test_undeclare(self):
        # create an entry in the dict
        self.dict.declare('test', types=int)
        self.dict['test'] = 1

        # prove it's in the dict
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['test'], 1)

        # remove entry from the dict

        # prove it is no longer in the dict
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as context:

        expected_msg = "\"Option 'test' cannot be found\""
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))
class SalibDOEDriver(DOEDriver):
    Baseclass for SALib design-of-experiments Drivers
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(SalibDOEDriver, self).__init__()

            raise RuntimeError("SALib library is not installed. \

            values=["Morris", "Sobol"],
            desc="either Morris or Sobol",
            desc="options for given SMT sensitivity analysis method",

        self.sa_settings = OptionsDictionary()
        if self.options["sa_method_name"] == "Morris":
                desc="number of trajectories to apply morris method",
                                     desc="number of grid levels")
            n_trajs = self.sa_settings["n_trajs"]
            n_levels = self.sa_settings["n_levels"]
            self.options["generator"] = SalibMorrisDOEGenerator(
                n_trajs, n_levels)
        elif self.options["sa_method_name"] == "Sobol":
                desc="number of samples to generate",
                desc="calculate second-order sensitivities ",
            n_samples = self.sa_settings["n_samples"]
            calc_snd = self.sa_settings["calc_second_order"]
            self.options["generator"] = SalibSobolDOEGenerator(
                n_samples, calc_snd)
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Bad sensitivity analysis method name '{}'".format(

    def _set_name(self):
        self._name = "SALib_DOE_" + self.options["sa_method_name"]

    def get_cases(self):
        return self.options["generator"].get_cases()

    def get_salib_problem(self):
        return self.options["generator"].get_salib_problem()
Beispiel #7
class TestOptionsDict(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.dict = OptionsDictionary()

    def test_type_checking(self):
        self.dict.declare('test', type_=int, desc='Test integer value')

        self.dict['test'] = 1
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['test'], 1)

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as context:
            self.dict['test'] = ''

        class_or_type = 'class' if PY3 else 'type'
        expected_msg = "Entry 'test' has the wrong type (<{} 'int'>)".format(class_or_type)
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))

        # make sure bools work
        self.dict.declare('flag', default=False, type_=bool)
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['flag'], False)
        self.dict['flag'] = True
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['flag'], True)

    def test_type_and_values(self):
        # Test with only type_
        self.dict.declare('test1', type_=int)
        self.dict['test1'] = 1
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['test1'], 1)

        # Test with only values
        self.dict.declare('test2', values=['a', 'b'])
        self.dict['test2'] = 'a'
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['test2'], 'a')

        # Test with both type_ and values
        self.dict.declare('test3', type_=int, values=['a', 'b'])
        self.dict['test3'] = 1
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['test3'], 1)
        self.dict['test3'] = 'a'
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['test3'], 'a')

    def test_isvalid(self):
        self.dict.declare('even_test', type_=int, is_valid=lambda x: x%2 == 0)
        self.dict['even_test'] = 2
        self.dict['even_test'] = 4

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
            self.dict['even_test'] = 3

        expected_msg = "Function is_valid returns False for {}.".format('even_test')
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))

    def test_unnamed_args(self):
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as context:
            self.dict['test'] = 1

        # KeyError ends up with an extra set of quotes.
        expected_msg = "\"Key 'test' cannot be set because it has not been declared.\""
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))

    def test_contains(self):

        contains = 'undeclared' in self.dict
        self.assertTrue(not contains)

        contains = 'test' in self.dict

    def test_update(self):
        self.dict.declare('test', default='Test value', type_=object)

        obj = object()
        self.dict.update({'test': obj})
        self.assertIs(self.dict['test'], obj)

    def test_update_extra(self):
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as context:
            self.dict.update({'test': 2})

        # KeyError ends up with an extra set of quotes.
        expected_msg = "\"Key 'test' cannot be set because it has not been declared.\""
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))

    def test_get_missing(self):
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as context:

        expected_msg = "\"Entry 'missing' cannot be found\""
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))

    def test_get_default(self):
        obj_def = object()
        obj_new = object()

        self.dict.declare('test', default=obj_def, type_=object)

        self.assertIs(self.dict['test'], obj_def)

        self.dict['test'] = obj_new
        self.assertIs(self.dict['test'], obj_new)

    def test_values(self):
        obj1 = object()
        obj2 = object()
        self.dict.declare('test', values=[obj1, obj2])

        self.dict['test'] = obj1
        self.assertIs(self.dict['test'], obj1)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
            self.dict['test'] = object()

        expected_msg = ("Entry 'test''s value is not one of \[<object object at 0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+>,"
                        " <object object at 0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+>\]")
        assertRegex(self, str(context.exception), expected_msg)

    def test_read_only(self):
        opt = OptionsDictionary(read_only=True)
        opt.declare('permanent', 3.0)

        with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as context:
            opt['permanent'] = 4.0

        expected_msg = ("Tried to set 'permanent' on a read-only OptionsDictionary")
        assertRegex(self, str(context.exception), expected_msg)

    def test_bounds(self):
        self.dict.declare('x', default=1.0, lower=0.0, upper=2.0)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
            self.dict['x'] = 3.0

        expected_msg = ("Value of 3.0 exceeds maximum of 2.0 for entry 'x'")
        assertRegex(self, str(context.exception), expected_msg)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
            self.dict['x'] = -3.0

        expected_msg = ("Value of -3.0 exceeds minimum of 0.0 for entry 'x'")
        assertRegex(self, str(context.exception), expected_msg)
class TestOptionsDict(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.dict = OptionsDictionary()

    def test_reprs(self):
        class MyComp(ExplicitComponent):

        my_comp = MyComp()

        self.dict.declare('test', values=['a', 'b'], desc='Test integer value')
        self.dict.declare('flag', default=False, types=bool)
        self.dict.declare('comp', default=my_comp, types=ExplicitComponent)
        self.dict.declare('long_desc', types=str,
                          desc='This description is long and verbose, so it '
                               'takes up multiple lines in the options table.')

        self.assertEqual(self.dict.__repr__(), self.dict._dict)

        self.assertEqual(self.dict.__str__(width=83), '\n'.join([
            "========= ============ ================= ===================== ====================",
            "Option    Default      Acceptable Values Acceptable Types      Description         ",
            "========= ============ ================= ===================== ====================",
            "comp      MyComp       N/A               ['ExplicitComponent']                     ",
            "flag      False        N/A               ['bool']                                  ",
            "long_desc **Required** N/A               ['str']               This description is ",
            "                                                               long and verbose, so",
            "                                                                it takes up multipl",
            "                                                               e lines in the optio",
            "                                                               ns table.",
            "test      **Required** ['a', 'b']        N/A                   Test integer value  ",
            "========= ============ ================= ===================== ====================",

        # if the table can't be represented in specified width, then we get the full width version
        self.assertEqual(self.dict.__str__(width=40), '\n'.join([
            "========= ============ ================= ===================== ====================="
            "==================================================================== ",
            "Option    Default      Acceptable Values Acceptable Types      Description          "
            "                                                                     ",
            "========= ============ ================= ===================== ====================="
            "==================================================================== ",
            "comp      MyComp       N/A               ['ExplicitComponent']                      "
            "                                                                     ",
            "flag      False        N/A               ['bool']                                   "
            "                                                                     ",
            "long_desc **Required** N/A               ['str']               This description is l"
            "ong and verbose, so it takes up multiple lines in the options table. ",
            "test      **Required** ['a', 'b']        N/A                   Test integer value   "
            "                                                                     ",
            "========= ============ ================= ===================== ====================="
            "==================================================================== ",

    def test_type_checking(self):
        self.dict.declare('test', types=int, desc='Test integer value')

        self.dict['test'] = 1
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['test'], 1)

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as context:
            self.dict['test'] = ''

        class_or_type = 'class' if PY3 else 'type'
        expected_msg = "Option 'test' has the wrong type (<{} 'int'>)".format(class_or_type)
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))

        # make sure bools work
        self.dict.declare('flag', default=False, types=bool)
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['flag'], False)
        self.dict['flag'] = True
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['flag'], True)

    def test_allow_none(self):
        self.dict.declare('test', types=int, allow_none=True, desc='Test integer value')
        self.dict['test'] = None
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['test'], None)

    def test_type_and_values(self):
        # Test with only type_
        self.dict.declare('test1', types=int)
        self.dict['test1'] = 1
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['test1'], 1)

        # Test with only values
        self.dict.declare('test2', values=['a', 'b'])
        self.dict['test2'] = 'a'
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['test2'], 'a')

        # Test with both type_ and values
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
            self.dict.declare('test3', types=int, values=['a', 'b'])
                         "'types' and 'values' were both specified for option 'test3'.")

    def test_isvalid(self):
        self.dict.declare('even_test', types=int, is_valid=lambda x: x % 2 == 0)
        self.dict['even_test'] = 2
        self.dict['even_test'] = 4

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
            self.dict['even_test'] = 3

        expected_msg = "Function is_valid returns False for {}.".format('even_test')
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))

    def test_isvalid_deprecated_type(self):

        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
            self.dict.declare('even_test', type_=int, is_valid=lambda x: x % 2 == 0)
            self.assertEqual(len(w), 1)
            self.assertEqual(str(w[-1].message), "In declaration of option 'even_test' the '_type' arg is deprecated.  Use 'types' instead.")

        self.dict['even_test'] = 2
        self.dict['even_test'] = 4

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
            self.dict['even_test'] = 3

        expected_msg = "Function is_valid returns False for {}.".format('even_test')
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))

    def test_unnamed_args(self):
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as context:
            self.dict['test'] = 1

        # KeyError ends up with an extra set of quotes.
        expected_msg = "\"Key 'test' cannot be set because it has not been declared.\""
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))

    def test_contains(self):

        contains = 'undeclared' in self.dict
        self.assertTrue(not contains)

        contains = 'test' in self.dict

    def test_update(self):
        self.dict.declare('test', default='Test value', types=object)

        obj = object()
        self.dict.update({'test': obj})
        self.assertIs(self.dict['test'], obj)

    def test_update_extra(self):
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as context:
            self.dict.update({'test': 2})

        # KeyError ends up with an extra set of quotes.
        expected_msg = "\"Key 'test' cannot be set because it has not been declared.\""
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))

    def test_get_missing(self):
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as context:

        expected_msg = "\"Option 'missing' cannot be found\""
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))

    def test_get_default(self):
        obj_def = object()
        obj_new = object()

        self.dict.declare('test', default=obj_def, types=object)

        self.assertIs(self.dict['test'], obj_def)

        self.dict['test'] = obj_new
        self.assertIs(self.dict['test'], obj_new)

    def test_values(self):
        obj1 = object()
        obj2 = object()
        self.dict.declare('test', values=[obj1, obj2])

        self.dict['test'] = obj1
        self.assertIs(self.dict['test'], obj1)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
            self.dict['test'] = object()

        expected_msg = ("Option 'test''s value is not one of \[<object object at 0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+>,"
                        " <object object at 0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+>\]")
        assertRegex(self, str(context.exception), expected_msg)

    def test_read_only(self):
        opt = OptionsDictionary(read_only=True)
        opt.declare('permanent', 3.0)

        with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as context:
            opt['permanent'] = 4.0

        expected_msg = ("Tried to set 'permanent' on a read-only OptionsDictionary")
        assertRegex(self, str(context.exception), expected_msg)

    def test_bounds(self):
        self.dict.declare('x', default=1.0, lower=0.0, upper=2.0)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
            self.dict['x'] = 3.0

        expected_msg = ("Value of 3.0 exceeds maximum of 2.0 for option 'x'")
        assertRegex(self, str(context.exception), expected_msg)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
            self.dict['x'] = -3.0

        expected_msg = ("Value of -3.0 exceeds minimum of 0.0 for option 'x'")
        assertRegex(self, str(context.exception), expected_msg)

    def test_undeclare(self):
        # create an entry in the dict
        self.dict.declare('test', types=int)
        self.dict['test'] = 1

        # prove it's in the dict
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['test'], 1)

        # remove entry from the dict

        # prove it is no longer in the dict
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as context:

        expected_msg = "\"Option 'test' cannot be found\""
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))
class TestOptionsDict(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.dict = OptionsDictionary()

    def test_type_checking(self):
        self.dict.declare('test', types=int, desc='Test integer value')

        self.dict['test'] = 1
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['test'], 1)

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as context:
            self.dict['test'] = ''

        class_or_type = 'class' if PY3 else 'type'
        expected_msg = "Entry 'test' has the wrong type (<{} 'int'>)".format(class_or_type)
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))

        # make sure bools work
        self.dict.declare('flag', default=False, types=bool)
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['flag'], False)
        self.dict['flag'] = True
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['flag'], True)

    def test_allow_none(self):
        self.dict.declare('test', types=int, allow_none=True, desc='Test integer value')
        self.dict['test'] = None
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['test'], None)

    def test_type_and_values(self):
        # Test with only type_
        self.dict.declare('test1', types=int)
        self.dict['test1'] = 1
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['test1'], 1)

        # Test with only values
        self.dict.declare('test2', values=['a', 'b'])
        self.dict['test2'] = 'a'
        self.assertEqual(self.dict['test2'], 'a')

        # Test with both type_ and values
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
            self.dict.declare('test3', types=int, values=['a', 'b'])
                         "'types' and 'values' were both specified for option 'test3'.")

    def test_isvalid(self):
        self.dict.declare('even_test', types=int, is_valid=lambda x: x%2 == 0)
        self.dict['even_test'] = 2
        self.dict['even_test'] = 4

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
            self.dict['even_test'] = 3

        expected_msg = "Function is_valid returns False for {}.".format('even_test')
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))

    def test_isvalid_deprecated_type(self):

        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
            self.dict.declare('even_test', type_=int, is_valid=lambda x: x%2 == 0)
            self.assertEqual(len(w), 1)
            self.assertEqual(str(w[-1].message), "In declaration of option 'even_test' the '_type' arg is deprecated.  Use 'types' instead.")

        self.dict['even_test'] = 2
        self.dict['even_test'] = 4

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
            self.dict['even_test'] = 3

        expected_msg = "Function is_valid returns False for {}.".format('even_test')
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))

    def test_unnamed_args(self):
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as context:
            self.dict['test'] = 1

        # KeyError ends up with an extra set of quotes.
        expected_msg = "\"Key 'test' cannot be set because it has not been declared.\""
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))

    def test_contains(self):

        contains = 'undeclared' in self.dict
        self.assertTrue(not contains)

        contains = 'test' in self.dict

    def test_update(self):
        self.dict.declare('test', default='Test value', types=object)

        obj = object()
        self.dict.update({'test': obj})
        self.assertIs(self.dict['test'], obj)

    def test_update_extra(self):
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as context:
            self.dict.update({'test': 2})

        # KeyError ends up with an extra set of quotes.
        expected_msg = "\"Key 'test' cannot be set because it has not been declared.\""
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))

    def test_get_missing(self):
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as context:

        expected_msg = "\"Entry 'missing' cannot be found\""
        self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(context.exception))

    def test_get_default(self):
        obj_def = object()
        obj_new = object()

        self.dict.declare('test', default=obj_def, types=object)

        self.assertIs(self.dict['test'], obj_def)

        self.dict['test'] = obj_new
        self.assertIs(self.dict['test'], obj_new)

    def test_values(self):
        obj1 = object()
        obj2 = object()
        self.dict.declare('test', values=[obj1, obj2])

        self.dict['test'] = obj1
        self.assertIs(self.dict['test'], obj1)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
            self.dict['test'] = object()

        expected_msg = ("Entry 'test''s value is not one of \[<object object at 0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+>,"
                        " <object object at 0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+>\]")
        assertRegex(self, str(context.exception), expected_msg)

    def test_read_only(self):
        opt = OptionsDictionary(read_only=True)
        opt.declare('permanent', 3.0)

        with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as context:
            opt['permanent'] = 4.0

        expected_msg = ("Tried to set 'permanent' on a read-only OptionsDictionary")
        assertRegex(self, str(context.exception), expected_msg)

    def test_bounds(self):
        self.dict.declare('x', default=1.0, lower=0.0, upper=2.0)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
            self.dict['x'] = 3.0

        expected_msg = ("Value of 3.0 exceeds maximum of 2.0 for entry 'x'")
        assertRegex(self, str(context.exception), expected_msg)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
            self.dict['x'] = -3.0

        expected_msg = ("Value of -3.0 exceeds minimum of 0.0 for entry 'x'")
        assertRegex(self, str(context.exception), expected_msg)