def test_conditional_formatting_setRules(self):
        class WS():
            conditional_formatting = ConditionalFormatting()

        worksheet = WS()
        rules = {
            'A1:A4': [{
                'type': 'colorScale',
                'priority': '13',
                'colorScale': {
                    'cfvo': [{
                        'type': 'min'
                    }, {
                        'type': 'max'
                    'color': [Color('FFFF7128'),

        temp_buffer = StringIO()
        doc = XMLGenerator(out=temp_buffer, encoding='utf-8')
        write_worksheet_conditional_formatting(doc, worksheet)
        xml = temp_buffer.getvalue()

        expected = '<conditionalFormatting sqref="A1:A4"><cfRule type="colorScale" priority="1"><colorScale><cfvo type="min"></cfvo><cfvo type="max"></cfvo><color rgb="FFFF7128"></color><color rgb="FFFFEF9C"></color></colorScale></cfRule></conditionalFormatting>'
        diff = compare_xml(xml, expected)
        assert diff is None, diff
    def test_conditional_formatting_addCustomRule(self):
        class WS():
            conditional_formatting = ConditionalFormatting()

        worksheet = WS()
        dxfId = worksheet.conditional_formatting.addDxfStyle(
            self.workbook, None, None, None)
            'C1:C10', {
                'type': 'expression',
                'dxfId': dxfId,
                'formula': ['ISBLANK(C1)'],
                'stopIfTrue': '1'

        temp_buffer = StringIO()
        doc = XMLGenerator(out=temp_buffer, encoding='utf-8')
        write_worksheet_conditional_formatting(doc, worksheet)
        xml = temp_buffer.getvalue()

        assert dxfId == 0
        expected = '<conditionalFormatting sqref="C1:C10"><cfRule dxfId="0" type="expression" stopIfTrue="1" priority="1"><formula>ISBLANK(C1)</formula></cfRule></conditionalFormatting>'
        diff = compare_xml(xml, expected)
        assert diff is None, diff
    def test_conditional_formatting_addCustomRule(self):
        class WS():
            conditional_formatting = ConditionalFormatting()
        worksheet = WS()
        dxfId = worksheet.conditional_formatting.addDxfStyle(self.workbook, None, None, None)
        worksheet.conditional_formatting.addCustomRule('C1:C10',  {'type': 'expression', 'dxfId': dxfId, 'formula': ['ISBLANK(C1)'], 'stopIfTrue': '1'})

        temp_buffer = StringIO()
        doc = XMLGenerator(out=temp_buffer, encoding='utf-8')
        write_worksheet_conditional_formatting(doc, worksheet)
        xml = temp_buffer.getvalue()

        assert dxfId == 0
        expected = '<conditionalFormatting sqref="C1:C10"><cfRule dxfId="0" type="expression" stopIfTrue="1" priority="1"><formula>ISBLANK(C1)</formula></cfRule></conditionalFormatting>'
        diff = compare_xml(xml, expected)
        assert diff is None, diff
    def test_conditional_formatting_setRules(self):
        class WS():
            conditional_formatting = ConditionalFormatting()
        worksheet = WS()
        rules = {'A1:A4': [{'type': 'colorScale', 'priority': '13',
                            'colorScale': {'cfvo': [{'type': 'min'}, {'type': 'max'}], 'color':
                                           [Color('FFFF7128'), Color('FFFFEF9C')]}}]}

        temp_buffer = StringIO()
        doc = XMLGenerator(out=temp_buffer, encoding='utf-8')
        write_worksheet_conditional_formatting(doc, worksheet)
        xml = temp_buffer.getvalue()

        expected = '<conditionalFormatting sqref="A1:A4"><cfRule type="colorScale" priority="1"><colorScale><cfvo type="min"></cfvo><cfvo type="max"></cfvo><color rgb="FFFF7128"></color><color rgb="FFFFEF9C"></color></colorScale></cfRule></conditionalFormatting>'
        diff = compare_xml(xml, expected)
        assert diff is None, diff
Beispiel #5
def write_string_table(string_table):
    """Write the string table xml."""
    temp_buffer = StringIO()
    doc = XMLGenerator(out=temp_buffer, encoding='utf-8')
    start_tag(doc, 'sst', {'xmlns':
            'uniqueCount': '%d' % len(string_table)})
    strings_to_write = sorted(string_table.items(),
            key=lambda pair: pair[1])
    for key in [pair[0] for pair in strings_to_write]:
        start_tag(doc, 'si')
        if key.strip() != key:
            attr = {'xml:space': 'preserve'}
            attr = {}
        tag(doc, 't', attr, key)
        end_tag(doc, 'si')
    end_tag(doc, 'sst')
    string_table_xml = temp_buffer.getvalue()
    return string_table_xml
Beispiel #6
def write_string_table(string_table):
    """Write the string table xml."""
    temp_buffer = StringIO()
    doc = XMLGenerator(out=temp_buffer, encoding='utf-8')
        doc, 'sst', {
            'uniqueCount': '%d' % len(string_table)
    strings_to_write = sorted(string_table.items(), key=lambda pair: pair[1])
    for key in [pair[0] for pair in strings_to_write]:
        start_tag(doc, 'si')
        if key.strip() != key:
            attr = {'xml:space': 'preserve'}
            attr = {}
        tag(doc, 't', attr, key)
        end_tag(doc, 'si')
    end_tag(doc, 'sst')
    string_table_xml = temp_buffer.getvalue()
    return string_table_xml
Beispiel #7
def write_worksheet(worksheet, string_table, style_table):
    """Write a worksheet to an xml file."""
    if worksheet.xml_source:
        vba_root = fromstring(worksheet.xml_source)
        vba_root = None
    xml_file = StringIO()
    doc = XMLGenerator(out=xml_file, encoding='utf-8')
    start_tag(doc, 'worksheet',
            {'xml:space': 'preserve',
            'xmlns': SHEET_MAIN_NS,
            'xmlns:r': REL_NS})
    if vba_root is not None:
        codename = vba_root.find('{%s}sheetPr' % SHEET_MAIN_NS).get('codeName', worksheet.title)
        start_tag(doc, 'sheetPr', {"codeName": codename})
        start_tag(doc, 'sheetPr')
    tag(doc, 'outlinePr',
            {'summaryBelow': '%d' % (worksheet.show_summary_below),
            'summaryRight': '%d' % (worksheet.show_summary_right)})
    if worksheet.page_setup.fitToPage:
        tag(doc, 'pageSetUpPr', {'fitToPage':'1'})
    end_tag(doc, 'sheetPr')
    tag(doc, 'dimension', {'ref': '%s' % worksheet.calculate_dimension()})
    write_worksheet_sheetviews(doc, worksheet)
    tag(doc, 'sheetFormatPr', {'defaultRowHeight': '15'})
    write_worksheet_cols(doc, worksheet, style_table)
    write_worksheet_data(doc, worksheet, string_table, style_table)
    if worksheet.auto_filter:
        tag(doc, 'autoFilter', {'ref': worksheet.auto_filter})
    write_worksheet_mergecells(doc, worksheet)
    write_worksheet_datavalidations(doc, worksheet)
    write_worksheet_hyperlinks(doc, worksheet)

    for range_string, rules in worksheet.conditional_formatting.cf_rules.iteritems():
        if not len(rules):
            # Skip if there are no rules.  This is possible if a dataBar rule was read in and ignored.
        start_tag(doc, 'conditionalFormatting', {'sqref': range_string})
        for rule in rules:
            if rule['type'] == 'dataBar':
                # Ignore - uses extLst tag which is currently unsupported.
            attr = {'type': rule['type']}
            for rule_attr in ConditionalFormatting.rule_attributes:
                if rule_attr in rule:
                    attr[rule_attr] = str(rule[rule_attr])
            start_tag(doc, 'cfRule', attr)
            if 'formula' in rule:
                for f in rule['formula']:
                    tag(doc, 'formula', None, f)
            if 'colorScale' in rule:
                start_tag(doc, 'colorScale')
                for cfvo in rule['colorScale']['cfvo']:
                    tag(doc, 'cfvo', cfvo)
                for color in rule['colorScale']['color']:
                    if str(color.index).split(':')[0] == 'theme':  # strip prefix theme if marked as such
                        if str(color.index).split(':')[2]:
                            tag(doc, 'color', {'theme': str(color.index).split(':')[1],
                                               'tint': str(color.index).split(':')[2]})
                            tag(doc, 'color', {'theme': str(color.index).split(':')[1]})
                        tag(doc, 'color', {'rgb': str(color.index)})
                end_tag(doc, 'colorScale')
            if 'iconSet' in rule:
                iconAttr = {}
                for icon_attr in ConditionalFormatting.icon_attributes:
                    if icon_attr in rule['iconSet']:
                        iconAttr[icon_attr] = rule['iconSet'][icon_attr]
                start_tag(doc, 'iconSet', iconAttr)
                for cfvo in rule['iconSet']['cfvo']:
                    tag(doc, 'cfvo', cfvo)
                end_tag(doc, 'iconSet')
            end_tag(doc, 'cfRule')
        end_tag(doc, 'conditionalFormatting')

    options = worksheet.page_setup.options
    if options:
        tag(doc, 'printOptions', options)

    margins = worksheet.page_margins.margins
    if margins:
        tag(doc, 'pageMargins', margins)

    setup = worksheet.page_setup.setup
    if setup:
        tag(doc, 'pageSetup', setup)

    if worksheet.header_footer.hasHeader() or worksheet.header_footer.hasFooter():
        start_tag(doc, 'headerFooter')
        if worksheet.header_footer.hasHeader():
            tag(doc, 'oddHeader', None, worksheet.header_footer.getHeader())
        if worksheet.header_footer.hasFooter():
            tag(doc, 'oddFooter', None, worksheet.header_footer.getFooter())
        end_tag(doc, 'headerFooter')

    if worksheet._charts or worksheet._images:
        tag(doc, 'drawing', {'r:id':'rId1'})

    # if the sheet has an xml_source field then the workbook must have
    # been loaded with keep-vba true and we need to extract any control
    # elements.
    if vba_root is not None:
        for t in ('{%s}legacyDrawing' % SHEET_MAIN_NS,
                  '{%s}controls' % SHEET_MAIN_NS):
            for elem in vba_root.findall(t):
                xml_file.write(re.sub(r' xmlns[^ >]*', '', tostring(elem).decode("utf-8")))

    breaks = worksheet.page_breaks
    if breaks:
        start_tag(doc, 'rowBreaks', {'count': str(len(breaks)), 'manualBreakCount': str(len(breaks))})
        for b in breaks:
            tag(doc, 'brk', {'id': str(b), 'man': 'true', 'max': '16383', 'min': '0'})
        end_tag(doc, 'rowBreaks')

    end_tag(doc, 'worksheet')
    xml_string = xml_file.getvalue()
    return xml_string
Beispiel #8
def write_worksheet(worksheet, string_table, style_table):
    """Write a worksheet to an xml file."""
    if worksheet.xml_source:
        vba_root = fromstring(worksheet.xml_source)
        vba_root = None
    xml_file = StringIO()
    doc = XMLGenerator(out=xml_file, encoding='utf-8')
    start_tag(doc, 'worksheet',
            {'xmlns': SHEET_MAIN_NS,
            'xmlns:r': REL_NS})
    if vba_root is not None:
        el = vba_root.find('{%s}sheetPr' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
        if el is not None:
                codename =el.get('codeName', worksheet.title)
                start_tag(doc, 'sheetPr', {"codeName": codename})
                start_tag(doc, 'sheetPr')
        start_tag(doc, 'sheetPr')
    tag(doc, 'outlinePr',
            {'summaryBelow': '%d' % (worksheet.show_summary_below),
            'summaryRight': '%d' % (worksheet.show_summary_right)})
    if worksheet.page_setup.fitToPage:
        tag(doc, 'pageSetUpPr', {'fitToPage':'1'})
    end_tag(doc, 'sheetPr')
    tag(doc, 'dimension', {'ref': '%s' % worksheet.calculate_dimension()})
    write_worksheet_sheetviews(doc, worksheet)
    tag(doc, 'sheetFormatPr', {'defaultRowHeight': '15'})
    write_worksheet_cols(doc, worksheet, style_table)
    write_worksheet_data(doc, worksheet, string_table, style_table)
    if worksheet.auto_filter:
        tag(doc, 'autoFilter', {'ref': worksheet.auto_filter})
    write_worksheet_mergecells(doc, worksheet)
    write_worksheet_datavalidations(doc, worksheet)
    write_worksheet_hyperlinks(doc, worksheet)
    write_worksheet_conditional_formatting(doc, worksheet)

    options = worksheet.page_setup.options
    if options:
        tag(doc, 'printOptions', options)

    margins = worksheet.page_margins.margins
    if margins:
        tag(doc, 'pageMargins', margins)

    setup = worksheet.page_setup.setup
    if setup:
        tag(doc, 'pageSetup', setup)

    if worksheet.header_footer.hasHeader() or worksheet.header_footer.hasFooter():
        start_tag(doc, 'headerFooter')
        if worksheet.header_footer.hasHeader():
            tag(doc, 'oddHeader', None, worksheet.header_footer.getHeader())
        if worksheet.header_footer.hasFooter():
            tag(doc, 'oddFooter', None, worksheet.header_footer.getFooter())
        end_tag(doc, 'headerFooter')

    if worksheet._charts or worksheet._images:
        tag(doc, 'drawing', {'r:id':'rId1'})

    # If vba is being preserved then add a legacyDrawing element so
    # that any controls can be drawn.
    if vba_root is not None:
        el = vba_root.find('{%s}legacyDrawing' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
        if el is not None:
            rId = el.get('{%s}id' % REL_NS)
            tag(doc, 'legacyDrawing', {'r:id': rId})

    breaks = worksheet.page_breaks
    if breaks:
        start_tag(doc, 'rowBreaks', {'count': str(len(breaks)), 'manualBreakCount': str(len(breaks))})
        for b in breaks:
            tag(doc, 'brk', {'id': str(b), 'man': 'true', 'max': '16383', 'min': '0'})
        end_tag(doc, 'rowBreaks')

    # add a legacyDrawing so that excel can draw comments
    if worksheet._comment_count > 0:
        tag(doc, 'legacyDrawing', {'r:id':'commentsvml'})

    end_tag(doc, 'worksheet')
    xml_string = xml_file.getvalue()
    return xml_string
def write_worksheet(worksheet, string_table, style_table):
    """Write a worksheet to an xml file."""
    if worksheet.xml_source:
        vba_root = fromstring(worksheet.xml_source)
        register_namespace("r", "")
        register_namespace("", "")
        vba_root = None
    xml_file = StringIO()
    doc = XMLGenerator(out=xml_file, encoding='utf-8')
    start_tag(doc, 'worksheet',
            {'xml:space': 'preserve',
            'xmlns': '',
            'xmlns:r': ''})
    if vba_root is not None:
        codename = vba_root.find('{}sheetPr').get('codeName', worksheet.title)
        start_tag(doc, 'sheetPr', {"codeName": codename})
        start_tag(doc, 'sheetPr')
    tag(doc, 'outlinePr',
            {'summaryBelow': '%d' % (worksheet.show_summary_below),
            'summaryRight': '%d' % (worksheet.show_summary_right)})
    if worksheet.page_setup.fitToPage:
        tag(doc, 'pageSetUpPr', {'fitToPage':'1'})
    end_tag(doc, 'sheetPr')
    tag(doc, 'dimension', {'ref': '%s' % worksheet.calculate_dimension()})
    write_worksheet_sheetviews(doc, worksheet)
    tag(doc, 'sheetFormatPr', {'defaultRowHeight': '15'})
    write_worksheet_cols(doc, worksheet)
    write_worksheet_data(doc, worksheet, string_table, style_table)
    if worksheet.auto_filter:
        tag(doc, 'autoFilter', {'ref': worksheet.auto_filter})
    write_worksheet_mergecells(doc, worksheet)
    write_worksheet_datavalidations(doc, worksheet)
    write_worksheet_hyperlinks(doc, worksheet)

    options = worksheet.page_setup.options
    if options:
        tag(doc, 'printOptions', options)

    margins = worksheet.page_margins.margins
    if margins:
        tag(doc, 'pageMargins', margins)

    setup = worksheet.page_setup.setup
    if setup:
        tag(doc, 'pageSetup', setup)

    if worksheet.header_footer.hasHeader() or worksheet.header_footer.hasFooter():
        start_tag(doc, 'headerFooter')
        if worksheet.header_footer.hasHeader():
            tag(doc, 'oddHeader', None, worksheet.header_footer.getHeader())
        if worksheet.header_footer.hasFooter():
            tag(doc, 'oddFooter', None, worksheet.header_footer.getFooter())
        end_tag(doc, 'headerFooter')

    if worksheet._charts or worksheet._images:
        tag(doc, 'drawing', {'r:id':'rId1'})

    # if the sheet has an xml_source field then the workbook must have
    # been loaded with keep-vba true and we need to extract any control
    # elements.
    if vba_root is not None:
        for t in ('{}legacyDrawing',
            for elem in vba_root.findall(t):
                xml_file.write(re.sub(r' xmlns[^ >]*', '', tostring(elem).decode("utf-8")))

    breaks = worksheet.page_breaks
    if breaks:
        start_tag(doc, 'rowBreaks', {'count': str(len(breaks)), 'manualBreakCount': str(len(breaks))})
        for b in breaks:
            tag(doc, 'brk', {'id': str(b), 'man': 'true', 'max': '16383', 'min': '0'})
        end_tag(doc, 'rowBreaks')

    end_tag(doc, 'worksheet')
    xml_string = xml_file.getvalue()
    return xml_string
Beispiel #10
def write_worksheet(worksheet, string_table, style_table):
    """Write a worksheet to an xml file."""
    if worksheet.xml_source:
        vba_root = fromstring(worksheet.xml_source)
            "", "")
        vba_root = None
    xml_file = StringIO()
    doc = XMLGenerator(out=xml_file, encoding='utf-8')
        doc, 'worksheet', {
    if vba_root is not None:
        codename = vba_root.find(
        ).get('codeName', worksheet.title)
        start_tag(doc, 'sheetPr', {"codeName": codename})
        start_tag(doc, 'sheetPr')
        doc, 'outlinePr', {
            'summaryBelow': '%d' % (worksheet.show_summary_below),
            'summaryRight': '%d' % (worksheet.show_summary_right)
    if worksheet.page_setup.fitToPage:
        tag(doc, 'pageSetUpPr', {'fitToPage': '1'})
    end_tag(doc, 'sheetPr')
    tag(doc, 'dimension', {'ref': '%s' % worksheet.calculate_dimension()})
    write_worksheet_sheetviews(doc, worksheet)
    tag(doc, 'sheetFormatPr', {'defaultRowHeight': '15'})
    write_worksheet_cols(doc, worksheet)
    write_worksheet_data(doc, worksheet, string_table, style_table)
    if worksheet.auto_filter:
        tag(doc, 'autoFilter', {'ref': worksheet.auto_filter})
    write_worksheet_mergecells(doc, worksheet)
    write_worksheet_datavalidations(doc, worksheet)
    write_worksheet_hyperlinks(doc, worksheet)

    options = worksheet.page_setup.options
    if options:
        tag(doc, 'printOptions', options)

    margins = worksheet.page_margins.margins
    if margins:
        tag(doc, 'pageMargins', margins)

    setup = worksheet.page_setup.setup
    if setup:
        tag(doc, 'pageSetup', setup)

    if worksheet.header_footer.hasHeader(
    ) or worksheet.header_footer.hasFooter():
        start_tag(doc, 'headerFooter')
        if worksheet.header_footer.hasHeader():
            tag(doc, 'oddHeader', None, worksheet.header_footer.getHeader())
        if worksheet.header_footer.hasFooter():
            tag(doc, 'oddFooter', None, worksheet.header_footer.getFooter())
        end_tag(doc, 'headerFooter')

    if worksheet._charts or worksheet._images:
        tag(doc, 'drawing', {'r:id': 'rId1'})

    # if the sheet has an xml_source field then the workbook must have
    # been loaded with keep-vba true and we need to extract any control
    # elements.
    if vba_root is not None:
        for t in (
            for elem in vba_root.findall(t):
                    re.sub(r' xmlns[^ >]*', '',

    breaks = worksheet.page_breaks
    if breaks:
        start_tag(doc, 'rowBreaks', {
            'count': str(len(breaks)),
            'manualBreakCount': str(len(breaks))
        for b in breaks:
            tag(doc, 'brk', {
                'id': str(b),
                'man': 'true',
                'max': '16383',
                'min': '0'
        end_tag(doc, 'rowBreaks')

    end_tag(doc, 'worksheet')
    xml_string = xml_file.getvalue()
    return xml_string
Beispiel #11
def write_worksheet(worksheet, string_table, style_table):
    """Write a worksheet to an xml file."""
    if worksheet.xml_source:
        vba_root = fromstring(worksheet.xml_source)
        vba_root = None
    xml_file = StringIO()
    doc = XMLGenerator(out=xml_file, encoding='utf-8')
    start_tag(doc, 'worksheet', {'xmlns': SHEET_MAIN_NS, 'xmlns:r': REL_NS})
    if vba_root is not None:
        el = vba_root.find('{%s}sheetPr' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
        if el is not None:
            codename = el.get('codeName', worksheet.title)
            start_tag(doc, 'sheetPr', {"codeName": codename})
            start_tag(doc, 'sheetPr')
        start_tag(doc, 'sheetPr')
        doc, 'outlinePr', {
            'summaryBelow': '%d' % (worksheet.show_summary_below),
            'summaryRight': '%d' % (worksheet.show_summary_right)
    if worksheet.page_setup.fitToPage:
        tag(doc, 'pageSetUpPr', {'fitToPage': '1'})
    end_tag(doc, 'sheetPr')
    tag(doc, 'dimension', {'ref': '%s' % worksheet.calculate_dimension()})
    write_worksheet_sheetviews(doc, worksheet)
    tag(doc, 'sheetFormatPr', {'defaultRowHeight': '15'})
    write_worksheet_cols(doc, worksheet, style_table)
    write_worksheet_data(doc, worksheet, string_table, style_table)
    if worksheet.auto_filter:
        tag(doc, 'autoFilter', {'ref': worksheet.auto_filter})
    write_worksheet_mergecells(doc, worksheet)
    write_worksheet_datavalidations(doc, worksheet)
    write_worksheet_hyperlinks(doc, worksheet)
    write_worksheet_conditional_formatting(doc, worksheet)

    options = worksheet.page_setup.options
    if options:
        tag(doc, 'printOptions', options)

    margins = worksheet.page_margins.margins
    if margins:
        tag(doc, 'pageMargins', margins)

    setup = worksheet.page_setup.setup
    if setup:
        tag(doc, 'pageSetup', setup)

    if worksheet.header_footer.hasHeader(
    ) or worksheet.header_footer.hasFooter():
        start_tag(doc, 'headerFooter')
        if worksheet.header_footer.hasHeader():
            tag(doc, 'oddHeader', None, worksheet.header_footer.getHeader())
        if worksheet.header_footer.hasFooter():
            tag(doc, 'oddFooter', None, worksheet.header_footer.getFooter())
        end_tag(doc, 'headerFooter')

    if worksheet._charts or worksheet._images:
        tag(doc, 'drawing', {'r:id': 'rId1'})

    # If vba is being preserved then add a legacyDrawing element so
    # that any controls can be drawn.
    if vba_root is not None:
        el = vba_root.find('{%s}legacyDrawing' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
        if el is not None:
            rId = el.get('{%s}id' % REL_NS)
            tag(doc, 'legacyDrawing', {'r:id': rId})

    breaks = worksheet.page_breaks
    if breaks:
        start_tag(doc, 'rowBreaks', {
            'count': str(len(breaks)),
            'manualBreakCount': str(len(breaks))
        for b in breaks:
            tag(doc, 'brk', {
                'id': str(b),
                'man': 'true',
                'max': '16383',
                'min': '0'
        end_tag(doc, 'rowBreaks')

    # add a legacyDrawing so that excel can draw comments
    if worksheet._comment_count > 0:
        tag(doc, 'legacyDrawing', {'r:id': 'commentsvml'})

    end_tag(doc, 'worksheet')
    xml_string = xml_file.getvalue()
    return xml_string