Beispiel #1
class IterableWorksheet(Worksheet):

    def __init__(self, parent_workbook, title, workbook_name,
            sheet_codename, xml_source, string_table):

        Worksheet.__init__(self, parent_workbook, title)
        self.archive = zipfile.ZipFile(workbook_name, 'r')
        self._workbook_name = workbook_name
        self._sheet_codename = sheet_codename
        self._string_table = string_table

        min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row = read_dimension(xml_source=self.xml_source)
        self.min_col = min_col
        self.min_row = min_row
        self.max_row = max_row
        self.max_col = max_col

        self._shared_date = SharedDate(base_date=parent_workbook.excel_base_date)

    def xml_source(self):
        worksheet_path = '%s/%s' % (PACKAGE_WORKSHEETS, self._sheet_codename)

    def xml_source(self, value):
        """Base class is always supplied XML source, IteratableWorksheet obtains it on demand."""

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        if isinstance(key, slice):
            key = "{0}:{1}".format(key)
        return self.iter_rows(key)

    def iter_rows(self, range_string='', row_offset=0, column_offset=1):
        """ Returns a squared range based on the `range_string` parameter,
        using generators.

        :param range_string: range of cells (e.g. 'A1:C4')
        :type range_string: string

        :param row_offset: additional rows (e.g. 4)
        :type row: int

        :param column_offset: additonal columns (e.g. 3)
        :type column: int

        :rtype: generator

        if range_string:
            min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row = get_range_boundaries(range_string, row_offset, column_offset)
            min_col = column_index_from_string(self.min_col)
            max_col = column_index_from_string(self.max_col) + 1
            min_row = self.min_row
            max_row = self.max_row + 6

        return self.get_squared_range(min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row)

    def get_squared_range(self, min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row):
        expected_columns = [get_column_letter(ci) for ci in xrange(min_col, max_col)]
        current_row = min_row

        style_properties = read_style_table(
        style_table = style_properties.pop('table')

        for row, cells in groupby(self.get_cells(min_row, min_col,
                                                 max_row, max_col),
            full_row = []
            if current_row < row:

                for gap_row in xrange(current_row, row):
                    dummy_cells = get_missing_cells(gap_row, expected_columns)
                    yield tuple([dummy_cells[column] for column in expected_columns])
                    current_row = row

            temp_cells = list(cells)
            retrieved_columns = dict([(c.column, c) for c in temp_cells])
            missing_columns = list(set(expected_columns) - set(retrieved_columns.keys()))
            replacement_columns = get_missing_cells(row, missing_columns)

            for column in expected_columns:
                if column in retrieved_columns:
                    cell = retrieved_columns[column]
                    if cell.style_id is not None:
                        style = style_table[int(cell.style_id)]
                        cell = cell._replace(number_format=style.number_format.format_code) #pylint: disable-msg=W0212
                    if cell.internal_value is not None:
                        if cell.data_type in Cell.TYPE_STRING:
                            cell = cell._replace(internal_value=unicode(self._string_table[int(cell.internal_value)])) #pylint: disable-msg=W0212
                        elif cell.data_type == Cell.TYPE_BOOL:
                            cell = cell._replace(internal_value=cell.internal_value == '1')
                        elif cell.is_date:
                            cell = cell._replace(internal_value=self._shared_date.from_julian(float(cell.internal_value)))
                        elif cell.data_type == Cell.TYPE_NUMERIC:
                            cell = cell._replace(internal_value=float(cell.internal_value))
                        elif cell.data_type in(Cell.TYPE_INLINE, Cell.TYPE_FORMULA_CACHE_STRING):
                            cell = cell._replace(internal_value=unicode(cell.internal_value))
            current_row = row + 1
            yield tuple(full_row)

    def get_cells(self, min_row, min_col, max_row, max_col):
        p = iterparse(self.xml_source)

        for _event, element in p:

            if element.tag == '{%s}c' % SHEET_MAIN_NS:
                coord = element.get('r')
                column_str, row = RE_COORDINATE.match(coord).groups()

                row = int(row)
                column = column_index_from_string(column_str)

                if min_col <= column <= max_col and min_row <= row <= max_row:
                    data_type = element.get('t', 'n')
                    style_id = element.get('s')
                    formula = element.findtext('{%s}f' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
                    value = element.findtext('{%s}v' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
                    if formula is not None and not self.parent.data_only:
                        data_type = Cell.TYPE_FORMULA
                        value = "=" + formula
                    yield RawCell(row, column_str, coord, value, data_type, style_id, None)
            # sub-elements of cells should be skipped
            if (element.tag == '{%s}v' % SHEET_MAIN_NS
                or element.tag == '{%s}f' % SHEET_MAIN_NS):

    def cell(self, *args, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError("use 'iter_rows()' instead")

    def range(self, *args, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError("use 'iter_rows()' instead")

    def calculate_dimension(self):
        return '%s%s:%s%s' % (self.min_col, self.min_row, self.max_col, self.max_row)

    def get_highest_column(self):
        return column_index_from_string(self.max_col)

    def get_highest_row(self):
        return self.max_row
Beispiel #2
class Cell(object):
    """Describes cell associated properties.

    Properties of interest include style, type, value, and address.

    __slots__ = ('column', 'row', '_value', '_data_type', 'parent', 'xf_index',
                 '_hyperlink_rel', '_shared_date', 'merged')

        '#NULL!': 0,
        '#DIV/0!': 1,
        '#VALUE!': 2,
        '#REF!': 3,
        '#NAME?': 4,
        '#NUM!': 5,
        '#N/A': 6

    TYPE_STRING = 's'
    TYPE_FORMULA = 'f'
    TYPE_NUMERIC = 'n'
    TYPE_BOOL = 'b'
    TYPE_NULL = 's'
    TYPE_INLINE = 'inlineStr'
    TYPE_ERROR = 'e'



    def __init__(self, worksheet, column, row, value=None):
        self.column = column.upper()
        self.row = row
        # _value is the stored value, while value is the displayed value
        self._value = None
        self._hyperlink_rel = None
        self._data_type = self.TYPE_NULL
        if value:
            self.value = value
        self.parent = worksheet
        self.xf_index = 0
        self._shared_date = SharedDate(
        self.merged = False

    def encoding(self):
        return self.parent.encoding

    def __repr__(self):
        return unicode("<Cell %s.%s>") % (self.parent.title,

    def check_string(self, value):
        """Check string coding, length, and line break character"""
        # convert to unicode string
        if not isinstance(value, unicode):
            value = unicode(value, self.encoding)
        value = unicode(value)
        # string must never be longer than 32,767 characters
        # truncate if necessary
        value = value[:32767]
        # we require that newline is represented as "\n" in core,
        # not as "\r\n" or "\r"
        value = value.replace('\r\n', '\n')
        return value

    def check_numeric(self, value):
        """Cast value to int or float if necessary"""
        if not isinstance(value, NUMERIC_TYPES):
                value = int(value)
            except ValueError:
                value = float(value)
        return value

    def check_error(self, value):
        """Tries to convert Error" else N/A"""
            return unicode(value)
            return unicode('#N/A')

    def set_value_explicit(self, value=None, data_type=TYPE_STRING):
        """Coerce values according to their explicit type"""
        type_coercion_map = {
            self.TYPE_INLINE: self.check_string,
            self.TYPE_STRING: self.check_string,
            self.TYPE_FORMULA: self.check_string,
            self.TYPE_NUMERIC: self.check_numeric,
            self.TYPE_BOOL: bool,
            self.TYPE_ERROR: self.check_error
            self._value = type_coercion_map[data_type](value)
        except KeyError:
            if data_type not in self.VALID_TYPES:
                msg = 'Invalid data type: %s' % data_type
                raise DataTypeException(msg)
        self._data_type = data_type

    def data_type_for_value(self, value):
        """Given a value, infer the correct data type"""
        if value is None:
            data_type = self.TYPE_NULL
        elif value is True or value is False:
            data_type = self.TYPE_BOOL
        elif isinstance(value, NUMERIC_TYPES):
            data_type = self.TYPE_NUMERIC
        elif isinstance(value, (datetime.datetime,,
                                datetime.time, datetime.timedelta)):
            data_type = self.TYPE_NUMERIC
        elif not value:
            data_type = self.TYPE_STRING
        elif isinstance(value, basestring) and value[0] == '=':
            data_type = self.TYPE_FORMULA
        elif isinstance(value,
                        unicode) and self.RE_PATTERNS['numeric'].match(value):
            data_type = self.TYPE_NUMERIC
        elif not isinstance(value,
                            unicode) and self.RE_PATTERNS['numeric'].match(
            data_type = self.TYPE_NUMERIC
        elif isinstance(value,
                        basestring) and value.strip() in self.ERROR_CODES:
            data_type = self.TYPE_ERROR
        elif isinstance(value, list):
            data_type = self.TYPE_ERROR
            data_type = self.TYPE_STRING
        return data_type

    def bind_value(self, value):
        """Given a value, infer type and display options."""
        self._data_type = self.data_type_for_value(value)
        if value is None:
            self.set_value_explicit('', self.TYPE_NULL)
            return True
        elif self._data_type == self.TYPE_STRING:
            # percentage detection
            if isinstance(value, unicode):
                percentage_search = self.RE_PATTERNS['percentage'].match(value)
                percentage_search = self.RE_PATTERNS['percentage'].match(
            if percentage_search and value.strip() != '%':
                value = float(value.replace('%', '')) / 100.0
                self.set_value_explicit(value, self.TYPE_NUMERIC)
                return True
            # time detection
            if isinstance(value, unicode):
                time_search = self.RE_PATTERNS['time'].match(value)
                time_search = self.RE_PATTERNS['time'].match(str(value))
            if time_search:
                sep_count = value.count(':')  # pylint: disable=E1103
                if sep_count == 1:
                    hours, minutes = [int(bit) for bit in value.split(':')]  # pylint: disable=E1103
                    seconds = 0
                elif sep_count == 2:
                    hours, minutes, seconds = \
                            [int(bit) for bit in value.split(':')]  # pylint: disable=E1103
                days = (hours / 24.0) + (minutes / 1440.0) + \
                        (seconds / 86400.0)
                self.set_value_explicit(days, self.TYPE_NUMERIC)
                return True
        if self._data_type == self.TYPE_NUMERIC:
            # date detection
            # if the value is a date, but not a date time, make it a
            # datetime, and set the time part to 0
            if isinstance(value, and not \
                    isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
                value = datetime.datetime.combine(value, datetime.time())
            if isinstance(
                (datetime.datetime, datetime.time, datetime.timedelta)):
                if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
                elif isinstance(value, datetime.time):
                elif isinstance(value, datetime.timedelta):
                value = SharedDate().datetime_to_julian(date=value)
                self.set_value_explicit(value, self.TYPE_NUMERIC)
                return True
        self.set_value_explicit(value, self._data_type)

    def _get_value(self):
        """Return the value, formatted as a date if needed"""
        value = self._value
        if self.is_date():
            value = self._shared_date.from_julian(value)
        return value

    def _set_value(self, value):
        """Set the value and infer type and display options."""

    value = property(_get_value,
                     doc='Get or set the value held in the cell.\n\n'
                     ':rtype: depends on the value (string, float, int or '

    def _set_hyperlink(self, val):
        """Set value and display for hyperlinks in a cell"""
        if self._hyperlink_rel is None:
            self._hyperlink_rel = self.parent.create_relationship("hyperlink") = val
        self._hyperlink_rel.target_mode = "External"
        if self._value is None:
            self.value = val

    def _get_hyperlink(self):
        """Return the hyperlink target or an empty string"""
        return self._hyperlink_rel is not None and \
       or ''

    hyperlink = property(
        doc='Get or set the hyperlink held in the cell.  '
        'Automatically sets the `value` of the cell with link text, '
        'but you can modify it afterwards by setting the '
        '`value` property, and the hyperlink will remain.\n\n'
        ':rtype: string')

    def hyperlink_rel_id(self):
        """Return the id pointed to by the hyperlink, or None"""
        return self._hyperlink_rel is not None and \
       or None

    def _set_number_format(self, format_code):
        """Set a new formatting code for numeric values""" = format_code

    def has_style(self):
        """Check if the parent worksheet has a style for this cell"""
        return self.get_coordinate() in self.parent._styles  # pylint: disable=W0212

    def style(self):
        """Returns the :class:`` object for this cell"""
        return self.parent.get_style(self.get_coordinate())

    def data_type(self):
        """Return the data type represented by this cell"""
        return self._data_type

    def get_coordinate(self):
        """Return the coordinate string for this cell (e.g. 'B12')

        :rtype: string
        return '%s%s' % (self.column, self.row)

    def address(self):
        """Return the coordinate string for this cell (e.g. 'B12')

        :rtype: string
        return self.get_coordinate()

    def offset(self, row=0, column=0):
        """Returns a cell location relative to this cell.

        :param row: number of rows to offset
        :type row: int

        :param column: number of columns to offset
        :type column: int

        :rtype: :class:`openpyxl.cell.Cell`
        offset_column = get_column_letter(
            column_index_from_string(column=self.column) + column)
        offset_row = self.row + row
        return self.parent.cell('%s%s' % (offset_column, offset_row))

    def is_date(self):
        """Returns whether the value is *probably* a date or not

        :rtype: bool
        return (self.has_style and
                and isinstance(self._value, NUMERIC_TYPES))

    def anchor(self):
        """ returns the expected position of a cell in pixels from the top-left
            of the sheet. For example, A1 anchor should be (0,0).

            :rtype: tuple(int, int)
        left_columns = (column_index_from_string(self.column, True) - 1)
        column_dimensions = self.parent.column_dimensions
        left_anchor = 0
        default_width = points_to_pixels(DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH)

        for col_idx in range(left_columns):
            letter = get_column_letter(col_idx + 1)
            if letter in column_dimensions:
                cdw = column_dimensions.get(letter).width
                if cdw > 0:
                    left_anchor += points_to_pixels(cdw)
            left_anchor += default_width

        row_dimensions = self.parent.row_dimensions
        top_anchor = 0
        top_rows = (self.row - 1)
        default_height = points_to_pixels(DEFAULT_ROW_HEIGHT)
        for row_idx in range(1, top_rows + 1):
            if row_idx in row_dimensions:
                rdh = row_dimensions[row_idx].height
                if rdh > 0:
                    top_anchor += points_to_pixels(rdh)
            top_anchor += default_height

        return (left_anchor, top_anchor)
Beispiel #3
class Cell(object):
    """Describes cell associated properties.

    Properties of interest include style, type, value, and address.

    __slots__ = ('column',

    ERROR_CODES = {'#NULL!': 0,
                   '#DIV/0!': 1,
                   '#VALUE!': 2,
                   '#REF!': 3,
                   '#NAME?': 4,
                   '#NUM!': 5,
                   '#N/A': 6}

    TYPE_STRING = 's'
    TYPE_FORMULA = 'f'
    TYPE_NUMERIC = 'n'
    TYPE_BOOL = 'b'
    TYPE_NULL = 's'
    TYPE_INLINE = 'inlineStr'
    TYPE_ERROR = 'e'


        'percentage': re.compile(r'^\-?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*\s?\%$'),
        'time': re.compile(r'^(\d|[0-1]\d|2[0-3]):[0-5]\d(:[0-5]\d)?$'),
        'numeric': re.compile(r'^-?([\d]|[\d]+\.[\d]*|\.[\d]+|[1-9][\d]+\.?[\d]*)((E|e)-?[\d]+)?$'),

    def __init__(self, worksheet, column, row, value=None):
        self.column = column.upper()
        self.row = row
        # _value is the stored value, while value is the displayed value
        self._value = None
        self._hyperlink_rel = None
        self._data_type = self.TYPE_NULL
        if value:
            self.value = value
        self.parent = worksheet
        self.xf_index = 0
        self._shared_date = SharedDate(base_date=worksheet.parent.excel_base_date)
        self.merged = False

    def encoding(self):
        return self.parent.encoding

    def __repr__(self):
        return unicode("<Cell %s.%s>") % (self.parent.title, self.get_coordinate())

    def check_string(self, value):
        """Check string coding, length, and line break character"""
        # convert to unicode string
        if not isinstance(value, unicode):
            value = unicode(value, self.encoding)
        value = unicode(value)
        # string must never be longer than 32,767 characters
        # truncate if necessary
        value = value[:32767]
        # we require that newline is represented as "\n" in core,
        # not as "\r\n" or "\r"
        value = value.replace('\r\n', '\n')
        return value

    def check_numeric(self, value):
        """Cast value to int or float if necessary"""
        if not isinstance(value, NUMERIC_TYPES):
                value = int(value)
            except ValueError:
                value = float(value)
        return value

    def set_value_explicit(self, value=None, data_type=TYPE_STRING):
        """Coerce values according to their explicit type"""
        type_coercion_map = {
            self.TYPE_INLINE: self.check_string,
            self.TYPE_STRING: self.check_string,
            self.TYPE_FORMULA: self.check_string,
            self.TYPE_NUMERIC: self.check_numeric,
            self.TYPE_BOOL: bool, }
            self._value = type_coercion_map[data_type](value)
        except KeyError:
            if data_type not in self.VALID_TYPES:
                msg = 'Invalid data type: %s' % data_type
                raise DataTypeException(msg)
        self._data_type = data_type

    def data_type_for_value(self, value):
        """Given a value, infer the correct data type"""
        if value is None:
            data_type = self.TYPE_NULL
        elif value is True or value is False:
            data_type = self.TYPE_BOOL
        elif isinstance(value, NUMERIC_TYPES):
            data_type = self.TYPE_NUMERIC
        elif isinstance(value, (datetime.datetime,, datetime.time, datetime.timedelta)):
            data_type = self.TYPE_NUMERIC
        elif not value:
            data_type = self.TYPE_STRING
        elif isinstance(value, basestring) and value[0] == '=':
            data_type = self.TYPE_FORMULA
        elif isinstance(value, unicode) and self.RE_PATTERNS['numeric'].match(value):
            data_type = self.TYPE_NUMERIC
        elif not isinstance(value, unicode) and self.RE_PATTERNS['numeric'].match(str(value)):
            data_type = self.TYPE_NUMERIC
        elif isinstance(value, basestring) and value.strip() in self.ERROR_CODES:
            data_type = self.TYPE_ERROR
        elif isinstance(value, list):
            data_type = self.TYPE_ERROR
            data_type = self.TYPE_STRING
        return data_type

    def bind_value(self, value):
        """Given a value, infer type and display options."""
        self._data_type = self.data_type_for_value(value)
        if value is None:
            self.set_value_explicit('', self.TYPE_NULL)
            return True
        elif self._data_type == self.TYPE_STRING:
            # percentage detection
            if isinstance(value, unicode):
                percentage_search = self.RE_PATTERNS['percentage'].match(value)
                percentage_search = self.RE_PATTERNS['percentage'].match(str(value))
            if percentage_search and value.strip() != '%':
                value = float(value.replace('%', '')) / 100.0
                self.set_value_explicit(value, self.TYPE_NUMERIC)
                return True
            # time detection
            if isinstance(value, unicode):
                time_search = self.RE_PATTERNS['time'].match(value)
                time_search = self.RE_PATTERNS['time'].match(str(value))
            if time_search:
                sep_count = value.count(':')  # pylint: disable=E1103
                if sep_count == 1:
                    hours, minutes = [int(bit) for bit in value.split(':')]  # pylint: disable=E1103
                    seconds = 0
                elif sep_count == 2:
                    hours, minutes, seconds = \
                            [int(bit) for bit in value.split(':')]  # pylint: disable=E1103
                days = (hours / 24.0) + (minutes / 1440.0) + \
                        (seconds / 86400.0)
                self.set_value_explicit(days, self.TYPE_NUMERIC)
                return True
        if self._data_type == self.TYPE_NUMERIC:
            # date detection
            # if the value is a date, but not a date time, make it a
            # datetime, and set the time part to 0
            if isinstance(value, and not \
                    isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
                value = datetime.datetime.combine(value, datetime.time())
            if isinstance(value, (datetime.datetime, datetime.time, datetime.timedelta)):
                if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
                elif isinstance(value, datetime.time):
                elif isinstance(value, datetime.timedelta):
                value = SharedDate().datetime_to_julian(date=value)
                self.set_value_explicit(value, self.TYPE_NUMERIC)
                return True
        self.set_value_explicit(value, self._data_type)

    def _get_value(self):
        """Return the value, formatted as a date if needed"""
        value = self._value
        if self.is_date():
            value = self._shared_date.from_julian(value)
        return value

    def _set_value(self, value):
        """Set the value and infer type and display options."""

    value = property(_get_value, _set_value,
            doc='Get or set the value held in the cell.\n\n'
            ':rtype: depends on the value (string, float, int or '

    def _set_hyperlink(self, val):
        """Set value and display for hyperlinks in a cell"""
        if self._hyperlink_rel is None:
            self._hyperlink_rel = self.parent.create_relationship("hyperlink") = val
        self._hyperlink_rel.target_mode = "External"
        if self._value is None:
            self.value = val

    def _get_hyperlink(self):
        """Return the hyperlink target or an empty string"""
        return self._hyperlink_rel is not None and \
       or ''

    hyperlink = property(_get_hyperlink, _set_hyperlink,
            doc='Get or set the hyperlink held in the cell.  '
            'Automatically sets the `value` of the cell with link text, '
            'but you can modify it afterwards by setting the '
            '`value` property, and the hyperlink will remain.\n\n'
            ':rtype: string')

    def hyperlink_rel_id(self):
        """Return the id pointed to by the hyperlink, or None"""
        return self._hyperlink_rel is not None and \
       or None

    def _set_number_format(self, format_code):
        """Set a new formatting code for numeric values""" = format_code

    def has_style(self):
        """Check if the parent worksheet has a style for this cell"""
        return self.get_coordinate() in self.parent._styles  # pylint: disable=W0212

    def style(self):
        """Returns the :class:`` object for this cell"""
        return self.parent.get_style(self.get_coordinate())

    def data_type(self):
        """Return the data type represented by this cell"""
        return self._data_type

    def get_coordinate(self):
        """Return the coordinate string for this cell (e.g. 'B12')

        :rtype: string
        return '%s%s' % (self.column, self.row)

    def address(self):
        """Return the coordinate string for this cell (e.g. 'B12')

        :rtype: string
        return self.get_coordinate()

    def offset(self, row=0, column=0):
        """Returns a cell location relative to this cell.

        :param row: number of rows to offset
        :type row: int

        :param column: number of columns to offset
        :type column: int

        :rtype: :class:`openpyxl.cell.Cell`
        offset_column = get_column_letter(column_index_from_string(
                column=self.column) + column)
        offset_row = self.row + row
        return self.parent.cell('%s%s' % (offset_column, offset_row))

    def is_date(self):
        """Returns whether the value is *probably* a date or not

        :rtype: bool
        return (self.has_style
                and isinstance(self._value, NUMERIC_TYPES))

    def anchor(self):
        """ returns the expected position of a cell in pixels from the top-left
            of the sheet. For example, A1 anchor should be (0,0).

            :rtype: tuple(int, int)
        left_columns = (column_index_from_string(self.column, True) - 1)
        column_dimensions = self.parent.column_dimensions
        left_anchor = 0
        default_width = points_to_pixels(DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH)

        for col_idx in range(left_columns):
            letter = get_column_letter(col_idx + 1)
            if letter in column_dimensions:
                cdw = column_dimensions.get(letter).width
                if cdw > 0:
                    left_anchor += points_to_pixels(cdw)
            left_anchor += default_width

        row_dimensions = self.parent.row_dimensions
        top_anchor = 0
        top_rows = (self.row - 1)
        default_height = points_to_pixels(DEFAULT_ROW_HEIGHT)
        for row_idx in range(1, top_rows + 1):
            if row_idx in row_dimensions:
                rdh = row_dimensions[row_idx].height
                if rdh > 0:
                    top_anchor += points_to_pixels(rdh)
            top_anchor += default_height

        return (left_anchor, top_anchor)
Beispiel #4
class Cell(object):
    """Describes cell associated properties.

    Properties of interest include style, type, value, and address.


    __slots__ = ("column", "row", "_value", "_data_type", "parent", "xf_index", "_hyperlink_rel", "_shared_date")

    ERROR_CODES = {"#NULL!": 0, "#DIV/0!": 1, "#VALUE!": 2, "#REF!": 3, "#NAME?": 4, "#NUM!": 5, "#N/A": 6}

    TYPE_STRING = "s"
    TYPE_FORMULA = "f"
    TYPE_NUMERIC = "n"
    TYPE_BOOL = "b"
    TYPE_NULL = "s"
    TYPE_INLINE = "inlineStr"
    TYPE_ERROR = "e"


        "percentage": re.compile(r"^\-?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*\s?\%$"),
        "time": re.compile(r"^(\d|[0-1]\d|2[0-3]):[0-5]\d(:[0-5]\d)?$"),
        "numeric": re.compile(r"^-?([\d]|[\d]+\.[\d]*|\.[\d]+|[1-9][\d]+\.?[\d]*)((E|e)-?[\d]+)?$"),

    def __init__(self, worksheet, column, row, value=None):
        self.column = column.upper()
        self.row = row
        # _value is the stored value, while value is the displayed value
        self._value = None
        self._hyperlink_rel = None
        self._data_type = self.TYPE_NULL
        if value:
            self.value = value
        self.parent = worksheet
        self.xf_index = 0
        self._shared_date = SharedDate(base_date=worksheet.parent.excel_base_date)

    def encoding(self):
        return self.parent.encoding

    def __repr__(self):
        return unicode("<Cell %s.%s>") % (self.parent.title, self.get_coordinate())

    def check_string(self, value):
        """Check string coding, length, and line break character"""
        # convert to unicode string
        if not isinstance(value, unicode):
            value = unicode(value, self.encoding)
        value = unicode(value)
        # string must never be longer than 32,767 characters
        # truncate if necessary
        value = value[:32767]
        # we require that newline is represented as "\n" in core,
        # not as "\r\n" or "\r"
        value = value.replace("\r\n", "\n")
        return value

    def check_numeric(self, value):
        """Cast value to int or float if necessary"""
        if not isinstance(value, NUMERIC_TYPES):
                value = int(value)
            except ValueError:
                value = float(value)
        return value

    def set_value_explicit(self, value=None, data_type=TYPE_STRING):
        """Coerce values according to their explicit type"""
        type_coercion_map = {
            self.TYPE_INLINE: self.check_string,
            self.TYPE_STRING: self.check_string,
            self.TYPE_FORMULA: self.check_string,
            self.TYPE_NUMERIC: self.check_numeric,
            self.TYPE_BOOL: bool,
            self._value = type_coercion_map[data_type](value)
        except KeyError:
            if data_type not in self.VALID_TYPES:
                msg = "Invalid data type: %s" % data_type
                raise DataTypeException(msg)
        self._data_type = data_type

    def data_type_for_value(self, value):
        """Given a value, infer the correct data type"""
        if value is None:
            data_type = self.TYPE_NULL
        elif value is True or value is False:
            data_type = self.TYPE_BOOL
        elif isinstance(value, NUMERIC_TYPES):
            data_type = self.TYPE_NUMERIC
        elif isinstance(value, (datetime.datetime,, datetime.time)):
            data_type = self.TYPE_NUMERIC
        elif not value:
            data_type = self.TYPE_STRING
        elif isinstance(value, basestring) and value[0] == "=":
            data_type = self.TYPE_FORMULA
        elif isinstance(value, unicode) and self.RE_PATTERNS["numeric"].match(value):
            data_type = self.TYPE_NUMERIC
        elif not isinstance(value, unicode) and self.RE_PATTERNS["numeric"].match(str(value)):
            data_type = self.TYPE_NUMERIC
        elif value.strip() in self.ERROR_CODES:
            data_type = self.TYPE_ERROR
            data_type = self.TYPE_STRING
        return data_type

    def bind_value(self, value):
        """Given a value, infer type and display options."""
        self._data_type = self.data_type_for_value(value)
        if value is None:
            self.set_value_explicit("", self.TYPE_NULL)
            return True
        elif self._data_type == self.TYPE_STRING:
            # percentage detection
            if isinstance(value, unicode):
                percentage_search = self.RE_PATTERNS["percentage"].match(value)
                percentage_search = self.RE_PATTERNS["percentage"].match(str(value))
            if percentage_search and value.strip() != "%":
                value = float(value.replace("%", "")) / 100.0
                self.set_value_explicit(value, self.TYPE_NUMERIC)
                return True
            # time detection
            if isinstance(value, unicode):
                time_search = self.RE_PATTERNS["time"].match(value)
                time_search = self.RE_PATTERNS["time"].match(str(value))
            if time_search:
                sep_count = value.count(":")  # pylint: disable=E1103
                if sep_count == 1:
                    hours, minutes = [int(bit) for bit in value.split(":")]  # pylint: disable=E1103
                    seconds = 0
                elif sep_count == 2:
                    hours, minutes, seconds = [int(bit) for bit in value.split(":")]  # pylint: disable=E1103
                days = (hours / 24.0) + (minutes / 1440.0) + (seconds / 86400.0)
                self.set_value_explicit(days, self.TYPE_NUMERIC)
                return True
        if self._data_type == self.TYPE_NUMERIC:
            # date detection
            # if the value is a date, but not a date time, make it a
            # datetime, and set the time part to 0
            if isinstance(value, and not isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
                value = datetime.datetime.combine(value, datetime.time())
            if isinstance(value, (datetime.datetime, datetime.time)):
                if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
                elif isinstance(value, datetime.time):
                value = SharedDate().datetime_to_julian(date=value)
                self.set_value_explicit(value, self.TYPE_NUMERIC)
                return True
        self.set_value_explicit(value, self._data_type)

    def _get_value(self):
        """Return the value, formatted as a date if needed"""
        value = self._value
        if self.is_date():
            value = self._shared_date.from_julian(value)
        return value

    def _set_value(self, value):
        """Set the value and infer type and display options."""

    value = property(
        doc="Get or set the value held in the cell.\n\n"
        ":rtype: depends on the value (string, float, int or "

    def _set_hyperlink(self, val):
        """Set value and display for hyperlinks in a cell"""
        if self._hyperlink_rel is None:
            self._hyperlink_rel = self.parent.create_relationship("hyperlink") = val
        self._hyperlink_rel.target_mode = "External"
        if self._value is None:
            self.value = val

    def _get_hyperlink(self):
        """Return the hyperlink target or an empty string"""
        return self._hyperlink_rel is not None and or ""

    hyperlink = property(
        doc="Get or set the hyperlink held in the cell.  "
        "Automatically sets the `value` of the cell with link text, "
        "but you can modify it afterwards by setting the "
        "`value` property, and the hyperlink will remain.\n\n"
        ":rtype: string",

    def hyperlink_rel_id(self):
        """Return the id pointed to by the hyperlink, or None"""
        return self._hyperlink_rel is not None and or None

    def _set_number_format(self, format_code):
        """Set a new formatting code for numeric values""" = format_code

    def has_style(self):
        """Check if the parent worksheet has a style for this cell"""
        return self.get_coordinate() in self.parent._styles  # pylint: disable=W0212

    def style(self):
        """Returns the :class:`` object for this cell"""
        return self.parent.get_style(self.get_coordinate())

    def data_type(self):
        """Return the data type represented by this cell"""
        return self._data_type

    def get_coordinate(self):
        """Return the coordinate string for this cell (e.g. 'B12')

        :rtype: string
        return "%s%s" % (self.column, self.row)

    def address(self):
        """Return the coordinate string for this cell (e.g. 'B12')

        :rtype: string
        return self.get_coordinate()

    def offset(self, row=0, column=0):
        """Returns a cell location relative to this cell.

        :param row: number of rows to offset
        :type row: int

        :param column: number of columns to offset
        :type column: int

        :rtype: :class:`openpyxl.cell.Cell`
        offset_column = get_column_letter(column_index_from_string(column=self.column) + column)
        offset_row = self.row + row
        return self.parent.cell("%s%s" % (offset_column, offset_row))

    def is_date(self):
        """Returns whether the value is *probably* a date or not
        :rtype: bool
        return self.has_style and and isinstance(self._value, NUMERIC_TYPES)
Beispiel #5
class IterableWorksheet(Worksheet):
    def __init__(self, parent_workbook, title, sheet_codename, xml_source,
                 string_table, style_table):

        Worksheet.__init__(self, parent_workbook, title)
        self._sheet_codename = sheet_codename
        self._string_table = string_table
        self._style_table = style_table

        min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row = read_dimension(
        self.min_col = min_col
        self.min_row = min_row
        self.max_row = max_row
        self.max_col = max_col

        self._shared_date = SharedDate(

    def xml_source(self):
        worksheet_path = '%s/%s' % (PACKAGE_WORKSHEETS, self._sheet_codename)

    def xml_source(self, value):
        """Base class is always supplied XML source, IteratableWorksheet obtains it on demand."""

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        if isinstance(key, slice):
            key = "{0}:{1}".format(key)
        return self.iter_rows(key)

    def iter_rows(self, range_string='', row_offset=0, column_offset=1):
        """ Returns a squared range based on the `range_string` parameter,
        using generators.

        :param range_string: range of cells (e.g. 'A1:C4')
        :type range_string: string

        :param row_offset: additional rows (e.g. 4)
        :type row: int

        :param column_offset: additonal columns (e.g. 3)
        :type column: int

        :rtype: generator

        if range_string:
            min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row = get_range_boundaries(
                range_string, row_offset, column_offset)
            min_col = column_index_from_string(self.min_col)
            max_col = column_index_from_string(self.max_col) + 1
            min_row = self.min_row
            max_row = self.max_row + 6

        return self.get_squared_range(min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row)

    def get_squared_range(self, min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row):
        expected_columns = [
            get_column_letter(ci) for ci in xrange(min_col, max_col)
        current_row = min_row

        style_table = self._style_table
        for row, cells in groupby(
                self.get_cells(min_row, min_col, max_row, max_col),
            full_row = []
            if current_row < row:

                for gap_row in xrange(current_row, row):
                    dummy_cells = get_missing_cells(gap_row, expected_columns)
                    yield tuple(
                        [dummy_cells[column] for column in expected_columns])
                    current_row = row

            temp_cells = list(cells)
            retrieved_columns = dict([(c.column, c) for c in temp_cells])
            missing_columns = list(
                set(expected_columns) - set(retrieved_columns.keys()))
            replacement_columns = get_missing_cells(row, missing_columns)

            for column in expected_columns:
                if column in retrieved_columns:
                    cell = retrieved_columns[column]
                    if cell.style_id is not None:
                        style = style_table[int(cell.style_id)]
                        cell = cell._replace(
                        )  #pylint: disable-msg=W0212
                    if cell.internal_value is not None:
                        if cell.data_type in Cell.TYPE_STRING:
                            cell = cell._replace(internal_value=unicode(
                                                 )  #pylint: disable-msg=W0212
                        elif cell.data_type == Cell.TYPE_BOOL:
                            cell = cell._replace(
                                internal_value=cell.internal_value == '1')
                        elif cell.is_date:
                            cell = cell._replace(
                        elif cell.data_type == Cell.TYPE_NUMERIC:
                            cell = cell._replace(
                        elif cell.data_type in (
                            cell = cell._replace(
            current_row = row + 1
            yield tuple(full_row)

    def get_cells(self, min_row, min_col, max_row, max_col):
        p = iterparse(self.xml_source)

        for _event, element in p:

            if element.tag == '{%s}c' % SHEET_MAIN_NS:
                coord = element.get('r')
                column_str, row = RE_COORDINATE.match(coord).groups()

                row = int(row)
                column = column_index_from_string(column_str)

                if min_col <= column <= max_col and min_row <= row <= max_row:
                    data_type = element.get('t', 'n')
                    style_id = element.get('s')
                    formula = element.findtext('{%s}f' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
                    value = element.findtext('{%s}v' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
                    if formula is not None and not self.parent.data_only:
                        data_type = Cell.TYPE_FORMULA
                        value = "=" + formula
                    if not (value or formula or style_id):
                        # this cell is pointless and should not have been
                        # written in the first place
                    yield RawCell(row, column_str, coord, value, data_type,
                                  style_id, None)
            # sub-elements of cells should be skipped
            if (element.tag == '{%s}v' % SHEET_MAIN_NS
                    or element.tag == '{%s}f' % SHEET_MAIN_NS):

    def cell(self, *args, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError("use 'iter_rows()' instead")

    def range(self, *args, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError("use 'iter_rows()' instead")

    def calculate_dimension(self):
        return '%s%s:%s%s' % (self.min_col, self.min_row, self.max_col,

    def get_highest_column(self):
        return column_index_from_string(self.max_col)

    def get_highest_row(self):
        return self.max_row