Beispiel #1
 def test_wrong_imt(self):
     err = 'imt must be an instance of IMT subclass'
     self._assert_value_error(self._get_poes, err, imt='something')
     self._assert_value_error(self._disaggregate_poe, err, imt='something')
     err = 'imt PGV is not supported by FakeGSIM'
     self._assert_value_error(self._get_poes, err, imt=PGV())
     self._assert_value_error(self._disaggregate_poe, err, imt=PGV())
Beispiel #2
    def test_mearn_nearfault_distance_taper(self):
        rupture = self.make_rupture()
        site1 = Site(location=Point(27.9, 41), vs30=1200.,
                     vs30measured=True, z1pt0=2.36, z2pt5=2.)
        site2 = Site(location=Point(28.1, 41), vs30=1200.,
                     vs30measured=True, z1pt0=2.36, z2pt5=2.)
        sites = SiteCollection([site1, site2])

        fields = ground_motion_fields(
            rupture, sites, [PGV()], ChiouYoungs2014NearFaultEffect(),
            truncation_level=0, realizations=1)
        gmf = fields[PGV()]
        self.assertAlmostEquals(2.27395, gmf[0], delta=1e-4)
        self.assertAlmostEquals(3.38409, gmf[1], delta=1e-4)
Beispiel #3
    def _compute_mean(self, C, g, mag, hypo_depth, dists, imt):
        Compute mean according to equation on Table 2, page 2275.

        delta = 0.00750 * 10**(0.507 * mag)

        # computing R for different values of mag
        if mag < 6.5:
            R = np.sqrt(dists.rhypo**2 + delta**2)
            R = np.sqrt(dists.rrup**2 + delta**2)

        mean = (
            # 1st term
            C['c1'] + C['c2'] * mag +
            # 2nd term
            C['c3'] * R -
            # 3rd term
            C['c4'] * np.log10(R) +
            # 4th term
            C['c5'] * hypo_depth)
        # convert from base 10 to base e
        if imt == PGV():
            mean = np.log(10**mean)
            # convert from cm/s**2 to g
            mean = np.log((10**mean) * 1e-2 / g)
        return mean
Beispiel #4
 def __init__(self):
     self._pga = PGA()
     self._pgv = PGV()
     self._sa03 = SA(0.3)
     self._sa10 = SA(1.0)
     self._sa30 = SA(3.0)
Beispiel #5
 def test_mag5(self):
     m = 5.0
     imts = [
     computed = []
     for imt in imts:
         coeffs = BindiEtAl2011.COEFFS_DELTA[imt]
         dlt = _get_delta(coeffs, imt, m)
     expected = np.array([
         0.4, 0.366, 0.381, 0.362, 0.421, 0.384, 0.406, 0.428, 0.413, 0.39,
         0.353, 0.363, 0.416, 0.345
     np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(computed, expected)
Beispiel #6
    def _getParamsFromIMT(self, imt):
        Helper function to return (possibly interpolated) conversion
        parameters for a given IMT.

            imt (OpenQuake IMT): The intensity measure type of the input
                ground motions. Valid IMTs are PGA, PGV, and SA.

            (float, float, float, float, float): Coeffients for conversion.
        if imt == PGA():
            sigma =['sigma'][0]
            c0 =['c0smooth'][0]
            r1 =['r1smooth'][0]
            m1 =['m1smooth'][0]
            m2 =['m2smooth'][0]
        elif imt == PGV():
            sigma =['sigma'][1]
            c0 =['c0smooth'][1]
            r1 =['r1smooth'][1]
            m1 =['m1smooth'][1]
            m2 =['m2smooth'][1]
        elif 'SA' in imt:
            imt_per = imt.period
            pa =['per'][2:]
            sigma = np.interp(imt_per, pa,['sigma'][2:])
            c0 = np.interp(imt_per, pa,['c0smooth'][2:])
            r1 = np.interp(imt_per, pa,['r1smooth'][2:])
            m1 = np.interp(imt_per, pa,['m1smooth'][2:])
            m2 = np.interp(imt_per, pa,['m2smooth'][2:])
            raise ValueError("Unknown IMT: %s" % str(imt))
        return (sigma, c0, r1, m1, m2)
Beispiel #7
def hawaii_adjust(mean, ctx, imt):
    # Defining frequency
    if imt == PGA():
        freq = 50.0
    elif imt == PGV():
        freq = 2.0
        freq = 1./imt.period

    # Equation 3 of Atkinson (2010)
    x1 = np.min([-0.18+0.17*np.log10(freq), 0])

    # Equation 4 a-b-c of Atkinson (2010)
    if ctx.hypo_depth < 20.0:
        x0 = np.max([0.217 - 0.321 * np.log10(freq), 0])
    elif ctx.hypo_depth > 35.0:
        x0 = np.min([0.263 + 0.0924 * np.log10(freq), 0.35])
        x0 = 0.2

    # Limiting calculation distance to 1km
    # (as suggested by C. Bruce Worden)
    rjb = [d if d > 1 else 1 for d in ctx.rjb]

    # Equation 2 and 5 of Atkinson (2010)
    mean += (x0 + x1*np.log10(rjb)) / np.log10(np.e)
Beispiel #8
 def test_mag7pt2(self):
     m = 7.2
     gmm = BindiEtAl2011Ita19Low()
     imts = [
     computed = []
     for imt in imts:
         dlt = gmm._get_delta(imt, m)
     expected = np.array([
         0.61164, 0.5662, 0.56228, 0.61236, 0.707, 0.65284, 0.62512,
         0.64052, 0.59472, 0.54224, 0.32704, 0.3498, 0.46264, 0.48624
     np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(computed, expected)
    def _get_mean(self, vs30, mag, rrup, imt, scale_fac):
        Compute and return mean
        C_HR, C_BC, C_SR, SC = self._extract_coeffs(imt)

        rrup = self._clip_distances(rrup)

        f0 = self._compute_f0_factor(rrup)
        f1 = self._compute_f1_factor(rrup)
        f2 = self._compute_f2_factor(rrup)

        pga_bc = self._get_pga_bc(
            f0, f1, f2, SC, mag, rrup, vs30, scale_fac

        # compute mean values for hard-rock sites (vs30 >= 2000),
        # and non-hard-rock sites (vs30 < 2000) and add soil amplification
        # term
        mean = np.zeros_like(vs30)
        self._compute_mean(C_HR, f0, f1, f2, SC, mag, rrup,
                           vs30 >= 2000.0, mean, scale_fac)
        self._compute_mean(C_BC, f0, f1, f2, SC, mag, rrup,
                           vs30 < 2000.0, mean, scale_fac)
        self._compute_soil_amplification(C_SR, vs30, pga_bc, mean)

        # convert from base 10 to base e
        if imt == PGV():
            mean = np.log(10 ** mean)
            # convert from cm/s**2 to g
            mean = np.log((10 ** mean) * 1e-2 / g)

        return mean
Beispiel #10
 def test_table_string_instantiation(self):
     # Check that the table instantiates in the conventional way
     table1 = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table=self.coefficient_string)
     self.assertDictEqual(table1.non_sa_coeffs, {
         PGV(): {
             "a": 0.1,
             "b": 0.2
         PGA(): {
             "a": 0.05,
             "b": 0.1
         table1.sa_coeffs, {
             SA(period=0.1, damping=5): {
                 "a": 1.0,
                 "b": 2.0
             SA(period=1.0, damping=5): {
                 "a": 5.0,
                 "b": 10.0
             SA(period=10.0, damping=5): {
                 "a": 10.0,
                 "b": 20.0
Beispiel #11
def _compute_mean(C, g, ctx, imt, imc):
    Return the mean value based on the selected intensity measure component
    mag = ctx.mag
    dis = ctx.rrup if mag > 6.5 else ctx.rhypo

    # near-source saturation term
    delta = 0.0075 * 10**(0.507 * mag)

    # depth scaling
    H = min(ctx.hypo_depth, 75) - 50

    # average distance to the fault surface
    R = np.sqrt(dis**2 + delta**2)

        # Computes the mean for the 'V/H ratio' according to equation 4,
        # page 1306. The equation predicts the mean value for PGA, PGV,
        # and SA in terms of the natural logarithm.
        mean = (C['c1'] + C['c2'] * mag + C['c3'] * R)

        # Computes the mean for the 'horizontal or vertical component'
        # according to equation 1, page 1304. The equation
        # predicts the mean value for PGA, PGV, and SA in terms of
        # the natural logarithm.
        mean = (C['c1'] + C['c2'] * mag + C['c3'] * np.log(R) + C['c4'] * R +
                C['c5'] * H)

        # For PGA and SA, the values are convert from cm/s**2 to 'g'
        if imt != PGV():
            mean = np.log(np.exp(mean) * 1e-2 / g)

    return mean
Beispiel #12
def manage_imts(imt_str):
    if imt_str is None:
        return None, None
    elif imt_str == 'PGA':
        imt_obj = PGA()
        imt_label = 'PGA (%g)'
    elif imt_str == 'PGV':
        imt_obj = PGV()
        imt_label = 'PGV (cm/s)'
    elif 'SA' in imt_str:
        prd = float(imt_str.split('(')[1].split(')')[0])
        imt_obj = SA(prd)
        imt_label = str(imt_obj) + ' (%g)'
    elif 'FAS' in imt_str:
        prd = float(imt_str.split('(')[1].split(')')[0])
        imt_obj = None
        imt_label = str(imt_obj) + ' (%g)'
    elif imt_str == 'DURATION':
        imt_obj = RSD595()
        imt_label = 'Duration (s)'
    elif imt_str == 'ARIAS':
        imt_obj = IA()
        imt_label = 'Arias intensity (cm/s)'
        raise ValueError('IMT %s is not supported' % imt_str)

    return imt_obj, imt_label
Beispiel #13
 def test_mag5(self):
     m = 5.0
     gmm = BindiEtAl2011Ita19Low()
     imts = [
     computed = []
     for imt in imts:
         dlt = gmm._get_delta(imt, m)
     expected = np.array([
         0.4, 0.366, 0.381, 0.362, 0.421, 0.384, 0.406, 0.428, 0.413, 0.39,
         0.353, 0.363, 0.416, 0.345
     np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(computed, expected)
Beispiel #14
    def get_mean_and_stddevs(self, sites, rup, dists, imt, stddev_types):
        Using a frequency dependent correction for the mean ground motion.
        Standard deviation is fixed.
        mean, stddevs = super().get_mean_and_stddevs(sites, rup, dists,
                                                     imt, stddev_types)
        # Defining frequency
        if imt == PGA():
            freq = 50.0
        elif imt == PGV():
            freq = 2.0
            freq = 1./imt.period

        # Equation 3 of Atkinson (2010)
        x1 = np.min([-0.18+0.17*np.log10(freq), 0])

        # Equation 4 a-b-c of Atkinson (2010)
        if rup.hypo_depth < 20.0:
            x0 = np.max([0.217-0.321*np.log10(freq), 0])
        elif rup.hypo_depth > 35.0:
            x0 = np.min([0.263+0.0924*np.log10(freq), 0.35])
            x0 = 0.2

        # Limiting calculation distance to 1km
        # (as suggested by C. Bruce Worden)
        rjb = [d if d > 1 else 1 for d in dists.rjb]

        # Equation 2 and 5 of Atkinson (2010)
        mean += (x0 + x1*np.log10(rjb))/np.log10(np.e)

        return mean, stddevs
Beispiel #15
 def __init__(self):
     self._pga = PGA()
     self._pgv = PGV()
     self._pgd = PGD()
     self._ia = IA()
     self._ih = IH()
     self._sa03 = SA(0.3)
     self._sa10 = SA(1.0)
     self._sa30 = SA(3.0)
Beispiel #16
def filter_gmpe_list(gmpes, wts, imt):
    Method to remove GMPEs from the GMPE list that are not applicable
    to a specific IMT. Rescales the weights to sum to one.

        gmpes (list): List of GMPE instances.
        wts (list): List of floats indicating the weight of the GMPEs.
        imt (IMT): OQ IMT to filter GMPE list for.

        tuple: List of GMPE instances and list of weights.

    if wts is None:
        n = len(gmpes)
        wts = [1 / n] * n

    per_max = [np.max(get_gmpe_sa_periods(g)) for g in gmpes]
    per_min = [np.min(get_gmpe_sa_periods(g)) for g in gmpes]
    if imt == PGA():
        sgmpe = [
            g for g in gmpes if imt in get_gmpe_coef_table(g).non_sa_coeffs
        swts = [
            w for g, w in zip(gmpes, wts)
            if imt in get_gmpe_coef_table(g).non_sa_coeffs
    elif imt == PGV():
        sgmpe = []
        swts = []
        for i in range(len(gmpes)):
            if (imt in get_gmpe_coef_table(gmpes[i]).non_sa_coeffs) or\
               (per_max[i] >= 1.0 and per_min[i] <= 1.0):
        per = imt.period
        sgmpe = []
        swts = []
        for i in range(len(gmpes)):
            if (per_max[i] >= per and per_min[i] <= per):

    if len(sgmpe) == 0:
        raise Exception('No applicable GMPEs from GMPE list for %s' % imt)

    # Scale weights to sum to one
    swts = np.array(swts)
    swts = swts / np.sum(swts)

    return sgmpe, swts
    def get_mean_and_stddevs(self, sites, rup, dists, imt, stddev_types):
        See :meth:`superclass method
        for spec of input and result values.
        # extract dictionaries of coefficients specific to required
        # intensity measure type.
        C_HR = self.COEFFS_HARD_ROCK[imt]
        C_BC = self.COEFFS_BC[imt]
        C_SR = self.COEFFS_SOIL_RESPONSE[imt]

        # clip distances to avoid singularity at 0
        rrup = self._clip_distances(dists)

        # compute factors required for mean value calculation
        f0 = self._compute_f0_factor(rrup)
        f1 = self._compute_f1_factor(rrup)
        f2 = self._compute_f2_factor(rrup)

        # compute pga for BC boundary (required for soil amplification
        # calculation on non-hard-rock sites)
        pga_bc = np.zeros_like(sites.vs30)
        self._compute_mean(self.COEFFS_BC[PGA()], f0, f1, f2, rup.mag, rrup,
                           sites, sites.vs30 < 2000.0, pga_bc)
        pga_bc = (10**pga_bc) * 1e-2 / g

        # compute mean values for hard-rock sites (vs30 >= 2000),
        # and non-hard-rock sites (vs30 < 2000) and add soil amplification
        # term
        mean = np.zeros_like(sites.vs30)
        self._compute_mean(C_HR, f0, f1, f2, rup.mag, rrup, sites,
                           sites.vs30 >= 2000.0, mean)
        self._compute_mean(C_BC, f0, f1, f2, rup.mag, rrup, sites,
                           sites.vs30 < 2000.0, mean)
        self._compute_soil_amplification(C_SR, sites, pga_bc, mean)

        # convert from base 10 to base e
        if imt == PGV():
            mean = np.log(10**mean)
            # convert from cm/s**2 to g
            mean = np.log((10**mean) * 1e-2 / g)

        stddevs = self._get_stddevs(stddev_types, num_sites=len(sites.vs30))

        return mean, stddevs
    def get_mean_and_stddevs(self, sites, rup, dists, imt, stddev_types):
        gmpe_imt = PGV()
        mean, std_devs = self._gmpe.get_mean_and_stddevs(
            sites, rup, dists, gmpe_imt, stddev_types)

        # convert to intensity according to Kaestli & Faeh (2006)
        soil_correction = np.zeros_like(sites.vs30)
        # correct felt intensities on soft soils
        soil_correction[sites.vs30 > 0] = .47
        # mean comes back in log(cm/s). convert to m/s
        mean = np.exp(mean) / 100.
        mean_mmi = 1.8 * np.log10(mean) + 8.69 + soil_correction

        # use constant sigma of 0.71 for GMICE
        std_devs = np.hypot(std_devs, 0.71)

        return mean_mmi, std_devs
Beispiel #19
    def fromFuncs(cls, gmpe, gmice):
        Creates a new VirtualIPE object with the specified MultiGMPE and
        GMICE. There is no default constructor, you must use this method.

            gmpe: An instance of the MultiGMPE object.
            gmice: An instance of a GMICE object.

            :class:`VirtualIPE`: A new instance of a VirtualIPE object.

        self = cls()
        self.gmpe = gmpe
        self.gmice = gmice

        if (gmpe.ALL_GMPES_HAVE_PGV is True and
            self.imt = PGV()
            self.imt = PGA()
            self.imt = SA(1.0)
            raise ShakeLibException(
                'The supplied GMPE and GMICE do not have a common IMT'



        return self
    def get_mean_and_stddevs(self, sites, rup, dists, imt, stddev_types):
        See :meth:`superclass method
        for spec of input and result values.
        C = self.COEFFS[imt]

        M = rup.mag - 6
        R = np.sqrt(dists.rjb**2 + C['h']**2)

        # In the original formulation of the GMPE, distinction is only made
        # between rock and soil sites, which I assumed separated by the Vs30
        # value of 910m/s (see equation 5 of the paper)
        gamma = np.array([0 if v > 910. else 1 for v in sites.vs30])

        mean = np.zeros_like(R)

        mean += C['b1'] + \
                C['b2'] * M + \
                C['b3'] * M ** 2 + \
                C['b5'] * np.log10(R) + \
                C['b6'] * gamma

        # Convert from base 10 to base e
        mean /= np.log10(np.e)

        # Converting PSV to PSA
        if imt != PGA() and imt != PGV():
            omega = 2. * np.pi / imt.period
            mean += np.log(omega / (gravity * 100))

        # Computing standard deviation
        stddevs = self._get_stddevs(C, stddev_types, dists.rjb.shape[0])

        # Convert from base 10 to base e
        stddevs = [sd / np.log10(np.e) for sd in stddevs]

        return mean, stddevs
Beispiel #21
    def compute(self, ctx, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi):
        See :meth:`superclass method
        for spec of input and result values.
        for m, imt in enumerate(imts):
            C = self.COEFFS[imt]
            M = ctx.mag - 6
            R = np.sqrt(ctx.rjb**2 + C['h']**2)

            # In the original formulation of the GMPE, distinction is only made
            # between rock and soil ctx, which I assumed separated by the Vs30
            # value of 910m/s (see equation 5 of the paper)
            gamma = np.array([0 if v > 910. else 1 for v in ctx.vs30])

            mean[m] = (C['b1'] + C['b2'] * M + C['b3'] * M**2 +
                       C['b5'] * np.log10(R) + C['b6'] * gamma)

            # Convert from base 10 to base e
            mean[m] /= np.log10(np.e)

            # Converting PSV to PSA
            if imt != PGA() and imt != PGV():
                omega = 2. * np.pi / imt.period
                mean[m] += np.log(omega / (gravity * 100))

            # Computing standard deviation
                    'Random horizontal'):
                # Using equation 8 of the paper,
                # corrected as indicated in the erratum
                Sr = np.sqrt(C['SlZ']**2 + (C['S3'] / np.sqrt(2))**2)
                Sr = C['SlZ']

            # Convert from base 10 to base e
            sig[m] = Sr / np.log10(np.e)
Beispiel #22
def test_ak07():
    gmice = AK07()

    mi, dmda = gmice.getMIfromGM(amps_in, PGA(), dists=None, mag=None)
    mi_target = np.array(
        [4.02841992026,  4.69161846432,  6.23592624018,  7.46713892245,
         8.18735217199, 8.69835160472,  9.09471355792])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(mi, mi_target)

    mi, dmda = gmice.getMIfromGM(
        amps_in + np.log(100), PGV(), dists=dists, mag=None)
    mi_target = np.array(
        [4.37, 4.99980005623, 6.57, 7.48212088686, 8.0156774018,
         8.39424177372, 8.68787911314])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(mi, mi_target)

    mi, dmda = gmice.getMIfromGM(amps_in, SA(0.3), dists=None, mag=3.0)
    mi_target = np.array(
        [3.74866985004, 4.39755475646, 5.26034166627, 6.33200845084,
         6.95889333307, 7.4036752354, 7.74867488171])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(mi, mi_target)

    mi, dmda = gmice.getMIfromGM(amps_in, SA(1.0), dists=dists, mag=7.5)
    mi_target = np.array(
        [3.52702354769, 4.07617250928, 5.55842357177, 6.46666805811,
         7.00909852304, 7.39358539638, 7.67946993475])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(mi, mi_target)

    mi, dmda = gmice.getMIfromGM(amps_in, SA(3.0), dists=None, mag=None)
    mi_target = np.array(
        [4.99925301952, 6.3963707863, 7.96500702214, 8.86809700913,
         9.3963707863, 9.77118699612, 10.])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(mi, mi_target)

    amps, dadm = gmice.getGMfromMI(mmi_in, PGA(), dists=None, mag=7.0)
    amps_target = np.log(np.array(
        [0.000347300247926,   0.00182024377197, 0.00954012388176,
         0.0498674941261, 0.0979977440572, 0.182039122534,
    np.testing.assert_allclose(amps, amps_target)

    amps, dadm = gmice.getGMfromMI(mmi_in, PGV(), dists=dists, mag=None)
    amps_target = np.log(np.array(
        [0.0160156826445, 0.0916476244071, 0.524441401963,
         3.03283082017, 7.54897155245, 17.4150246057,
    np.testing.assert_allclose(amps, amps_target)

    amps, dadm = gmice.getGMfromMI(mmi_in, SA(0.3), dists=None, mag=6.0)
    amps_target = np.log(np.array(
        [0.000517861166862, 0.00281518839281, 0.0153038810286,
         0.0845026480232, 0.183632256171, 0.374056955014,
    np.testing.assert_allclose(amps, amps_target)

    amps, dadm = gmice.getGMfromMI(mmi_in, SA(1.0), dists=dists, mag=8.0)
    amps_target = np.log(np.array(
        [0.000508056775718, 0.00367375892063, 0.0258564132795,
         0.0636582041631, 0.159533013524, 0.371822895172,
    np.testing.assert_allclose(amps, amps_target)

    amps, dadm = gmice.getGMfromMI(mmi_in, SA(3.0), dists=None, mag=5.0)
    amps_target = np.log(np.array(
        [0.0000473148708829, 0.000281962568289, 0.00168029392098,
         0.0102722203276, 0.0258026508623, 0.0600248374471,
    np.testing.assert_allclose(amps, amps_target)

    amps, dadm = gmice.getGMfromMI(mmi_in, PGA(), dists=None, mag=7.0)
    amps_target = np.log(np.array(
        [0.000347300247926, 0.00182024377197, 0.00954012388176,
         0.0498674941261, 0.0979977440572, 0.182039122534,
    # print(repr(100 * np.exp(amps)))
    np.testing.assert_allclose(amps, amps_target)

    sdd = gmice.getGM2MIsd()
    assert sdd[PGA()] == 0.89
    assert sdd[PGV()] == 0.76
    assert sdd[SA(0.3)] == 0.79
    assert sdd[SA(1.0)] == 0.73
    assert sdd[SA(3.0)] == 0.72

    sdd = gmice.getMI2GMsd()
    assert abs(sdd[PGA()] - 1.312473503006606) < 0.0000001
    assert abs(sdd[PGV()] - 1.197344248356904) < 0.0000001
    assert abs(sdd[SA(0.3)] - 1.450628608586249) < 0.0000001
    assert abs(sdd[SA(1.0)] - 1.312473503006606) < 0.0000001
    assert abs(sdd[SA(3.0)] - 1.865093925325177) < 0.0000001

    nm = gmice.getName()
    assert nm == 'Atkinson and Kaka (2007)'

    sc = gmice.getScale()
    assert sc == ''

    mm = gmice.getMinMax()
    assert mm == (1.0, 10.0)

    dt = gmice.getDistanceType()
    assert dt == 'rrup'

    # This should fail
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:  # noqa
        mi, dmda = gmice.getMIfromGM(amps_in, MMI(), dists=None, mag=None)
def test_goda_atkinson_2010():
    d = np.linspace(0, 10, 101)
    cor = ga10.GodaAtkinson2010.getSpatialCorrelation(d, PGA())
    cor_target = np.array([
        0., 0.39235049, 0.43205433, 0.45704225, 0.47560355, 0.490493,
        0.50298594, 0.51378292, 0.52331214, 0.53185541, 0.5396085, 0.54671319,
        0.5532756, 0.55937735, 0.56508259, 0.57044268, 0.57549947, 0.58028746,
        0.5848355, 0.58916792, 0.59330547, 0.59726599, 0.60106493, 0.60471575,
        0.60823028, 0.61161894, 0.61489101, 0.61805471, 0.62111745, 0.62408587,
        0.62696595, 0.62976314, 0.63248236, 0.63512811, 0.6377045, 0.64021531,
        0.64266398, 0.64505373, 0.64738748, 0.64966797, 0.65189773, 0.6540791,
        0.65621427, 0.65830527, 0.66035401, 0.66236228, 0.66433173, 0.66626394,
        0.66816036, 0.6700224, 0.67185134, 0.67364841, 0.67541479, 0.67715155,
        0.67885975, 0.68054036, 0.68219431, 0.6838225, 0.68542575, 0.68700487,
        0.68856062, 0.69009373, 0.69160488, 0.69309473, 0.69456391, 0.69601302,
        0.69744265, 0.69885332, 0.70024558, 0.70161993, 0.70297685, 0.7043168,
        0.70564023, 0.70694757, 0.70823922, 0.70951559, 0.71077704, 0.71202396,
        0.71325668, 0.71447555, 0.71568089, 0.71687303, 0.71805226, 0.71921887,
        0.72037316, 0.72151539, 0.72264583, 0.72376474, 0.72487235, 0.72596892,
        0.72705467, 0.72812983, 0.72919461, 0.73024923, 0.73129388, 0.73232877,
        0.73335409, 0.73437003, 0.73537675, 0.73637445, 0.73736329
    np.testing.assert_allclose(cor, cor_target)

    cor = ga10.GodaAtkinson2010.getSpatialCorrelation(d, PGV())
    cor_target = np.array([
        0., 0.3575817, 0.39874653, 0.42491472, 0.44447585, 0.4602403,
        0.47351603, 0.48502441, 0.4952078, 0.50435814, 0.51267872, 0.52031708,
        0.52738388, 0.53396433, 0.54012554, 0.54592134, 0.55139559, 0.55658456,
        0.56151855, 0.56622319, 0.57072035, 0.57502884, 0.57916497, 0.58314296,
        0.58697532, 0.5906731, 0.59424609, 0.59770305, 0.6010518, 0.60429941,
        0.60745223, 0.61051605, 0.6134961, 0.61639717, 0.61922365, 0.62197954,
        0.62466854, 0.62729404, 0.62985921, 0.63236693, 0.63481993, 0.63722069,
        0.63957157, 0.64187473, 0.64413223, 0.64634596, 0.6485177, 0.65064914,
        0.65274185, 0.65479732, 0.65681693, 0.65880202, 0.66075382, 0.66267351,
        0.66456221, 0.66642097, 0.66825079, 0.67005263, 0.67182739, 0.67357593,
        0.67529906, 0.67699757, 0.6786722, 0.68032367, 0.68195264, 0.68355976,
        0.68514567, 0.68671094, 0.68825614, 0.68978183, 0.69128852, 0.69277671,
        0.69424688, 0.6956995, 0.697135, 0.69855383, 0.69995637, 0.70134304,
        0.70271421, 0.70407025, 0.70541151, 0.70673833, 0.70805105, 0.70934997,
        0.71063541, 0.71190767, 0.71316703, 0.71441376, 0.71564814, 0.71687042,
        0.71808086, 0.7192797, 0.72046717, 0.72164351, 0.72280893, 0.72396365,
        0.72510787, 0.72624181, 0.72736565, 0.72847959, 0.72958381
    np.testing.assert_allclose(cor, cor_target)

    cor = ga10.GodaAtkinson2010.getSpatialCorrelation(d, SA(0.3))
    cor_target = np.array([
        0., 0.50305951, 0.5415847, 0.56538633, 0.58286091, 0.59675844,
        0.60833979, 0.61829248, 0.62703425, 0.63483861, 0.64189473, 0.6483391,
        0.65427353, 0.65977604, 0.6649078, 0.66971766, 0.67424532, 0.67852342,
        0.68257921, 0.68643562, 0.69011218, 0.69362563, 0.69699045, 0.70021924,
        0.70332305, 0.70631162, 0.70919357, 0.71197657, 0.71466749, 0.71727249,
        0.71979714, 0.72224644, 0.72462498, 0.7269369, 0.72918599, 0.73137573,
        0.73350931, 0.73558966, 0.73761949, 0.73960131, 0.74153743, 0.74343001,
        0.74528104, 0.7470924, 0.74886581, 0.75060292, 0.75230523, 0.75397419,
        0.75561112, 0.75721728, 0.75879388, 0.76034201, 0.76186273, 0.76335705,
        0.7648259, 0.76627017, 0.76769071, 0.76908832, 0.77046376, 0.77181775,
        0.77315099, 0.77446412, 0.77575778, 0.77703255, 0.778289, 0.77952767,
        0.78074909, 0.78195374, 0.7831421, 0.78431463, 0.78547176, 0.78661391,
        0.78774147, 0.78885483, 0.78995437, 0.79104042, 0.79211334, 0.79317345,
        0.79422107, 0.7952565, 0.79628003, 0.79729195, 0.79829253, 0.79928202,
        0.80026069, 0.80122878, 0.80218652, 0.80313415, 0.80407187, 0.80499992,
        0.80591848, 0.80682778, 0.80772798, 0.80861929, 0.80950189, 0.81037595,
        0.81124164, 0.81209913, 0.81294858, 0.81379014, 0.81462397
    np.testing.assert_allclose(cor, cor_target)

    cor = ga10.GodaAtkinson2010.getSpatialCorrelation(d, SA(1.0))
    cor_target = np.array([
        0., 0.34369983, 0.38462439, 0.4107154, 0.4302548, 0.44602318,
        0.45931659, 0.47085065, 0.48106461, 0.49024857, 0.4986047, 0.50627981,
        0.51338405, 0.52000232, 0.52620149, 0.53203522, 0.53754726, 0.54277378,
        0.54774504, 0.55248663, 0.55702037, 0.56136506, 0.56553699, 0.56955039,
        0.57341775, 0.57715013, 0.58075732, 0.58424807, 0.58763023, 0.59091084,
        0.5940963, 0.59719237, 0.60020431, 0.6031369, 0.60599455, 0.60878126,
        0.61150075, 0.61415641, 0.6167514, 0.61928864, 0.62177084, 0.6242005,
        0.62657999, 0.62891147, 0.631197, 0.63343848, 0.63563771, 0.63779637,
        0.63991605, 0.64199823, 0.64404431, 0.64605561, 0.64803339, 0.64997884,
        0.65189306, 0.65377712, 0.65563203, 0.65745874, 0.65925816, 0.66103115,
        0.66277854, 0.6645011, 0.6661996, 0.66787473, 0.66952719, 0.67115762,
        0.67276665, 0.67435486, 0.67592285, 0.67747114, 0.67900026, 0.68051073,
        0.68200301, 0.68347759, 0.68493489, 0.68637536, 0.6877994, 0.68920742,
        0.69059979, 0.69197689, 0.69333907, 0.69468667, 0.69602003, 0.69733946,
        0.69864528, 0.69993779, 0.70121726, 0.70248399, 0.70373824, 0.70498027,
        0.70621033, 0.70742868, 0.70863554, 0.70983115, 0.71101573, 0.7121895,
        0.71335267, 0.71450544, 0.715648, 0.71678055, 0.71790329
    np.testing.assert_allclose(cor, cor_target)

    cor = ga10.GodaAtkinson2010.getSpatialCorrelation(d, SA(3.0))
    cor_target = np.array([
        0., 0.15200493, 0.19124798, 0.21858541, 0.24021333, 0.25837222,
        0.27415936, 0.28820397, 0.30090441, 0.31253071, 0.32327539, 0.33328108,
        0.34265674, 0.35148774, 0.35984232, 0.367776, 0.37533465, 0.38255664,
        0.3894744, 0.39611569, 0.40250439, 0.40866127, 0.4146045, 0.42035008,
        0.42591217, 0.4313034, 0.43653505, 0.44161725, 0.44655917, 0.45136909,
        0.45605456, 0.46062244, 0.46507902, 0.46943008, 0.47368092, 0.47783644,
        0.48190116, 0.48587928, 0.4897747, 0.49359102, 0.49733164, 0.5009997,
        0.50459816, 0.50812977, 0.51159714, 0.5150027, 0.51834874, 0.52163742,
        0.5248708, 0.52805078, 0.5311792, 0.53425779, 0.53728817, 0.54027191,
        0.54321047, 0.54610526, 0.54895762, 0.55176881, 0.55454006, 0.55727251,
        0.55996727, 0.5626254, 0.56524791, 0.56783576, 0.57038989, 0.57291117,
        0.57540046, 0.57785857, 0.5802863, 0.58268439, 0.58505357, 0.58739454,
        0.58970796, 0.59199449, 0.59425474, 0.59648932, 0.59869881, 0.60088376,
        0.60304471, 0.60518219, 0.6072967, 0.60938872, 0.61145873, 0.61350718,
        0.61553452, 0.61754116, 0.61952752, 0.62149401, 0.623441, 0.62536889,
        0.62727802, 0.62916877, 0.63104147, 0.63289645, 0.63473404, 0.63655456,
        0.6383583, 0.64014558, 0.64191668, 0.64367188, 0.64541145
    np.testing.assert_allclose(cor, cor_target)

    cor = ga10.GodaAtkinson2010.getSpatialCorrelation(d, SA(0.1))
    cor_target = np.array([
        0., 0.4019066, 0.44148923, 0.46635119, 0.48479565, 0.49957763,
        0.51197127, 0.5226759, 0.5321187, 0.54058065, 0.54825684, 0.55528853,
        0.56178139, 0.56781666, 0.57345817, 0.57875705, 0.58375488, 0.588486,
        0.59297907, 0.59725829, 0.60134427, 0.60525472, 0.60900501, 0.61260849,
        0.61607691, 0.61942064, 0.62264885, 0.62576973, 0.62879062, 0.63171811,
        0.63455814, 0.6373161, 0.63999689, 0.64260496, 0.64514439, 0.64761892,
        0.65003198, 0.65238674, 0.65468611, 0.65693279, 0.6591293, 0.66127796,
        0.66338093, 0.66544024, 0.66745776, 0.66943527, 0.6713744, 0.67327672,
        0.67514369, 0.67697665, 0.67877692, 0.6805457, 0.68228415, 0.68399334,
        0.68567431, 0.68732803, 0.68895541, 0.69055735, 0.69213466, 0.69368813,
        0.69521853, 0.69672657, 0.69821292, 0.69967825, 0.70112317, 0.70254828,
        0.70395415, 0.70534131, 0.7067103, 0.7080616, 0.70939571, 0.71071306,
        0.71201412, 0.71329929, 0.71456899, 0.7158236, 0.7170635, 0.71828905,
        0.7195006, 0.72069849, 0.72188303, 0.72305454, 0.72421333, 0.72535967,
        0.72649385, 0.72761614, 0.7287268, 0.72982608, 0.73091423, 0.73199149,
        0.73305808, 0.73411423, 0.73516014, 0.73619604, 0.73722211, 0.73823855,
        0.73924556, 0.74024332, 0.741232, 0.74221179, 0.74318283
    np.testing.assert_allclose(cor, cor_target)

    cor = ga10.GodaAtkinson2010.getSpatialCorrelation(d, SA(0.2))
    cor_target = np.array([
        0., 0.44945291, 0.48885314, 0.51340023, 0.53151766, 0.54598262,
        0.55807405, 0.56849164, 0.5776617, 0.58586399, 0.59329238, 0.60008701,
        0.60635255, 0.61216937, 0.61760052, 0.62269645, 0.62749817, 0.63203947,
        0.63634856, 0.64044921, 0.64436167, 0.64810333, 0.65168924, 0.6551325,
        0.65844461, 0.6616357, 0.66471476, 0.6676898, 0.67056796, 0.67335569,
        0.67605879, 0.67868251, 0.68123163, 0.68371048, 0.68612303, 0.68847293,
        0.69076352, 0.69299786, 0.69517881, 0.69730898, 0.6993908, 0.70142654,
        0.7034183, 0.70536804, 0.70727758, 0.70914864, 0.71098282, 0.71278161,
        0.71454642, 0.7162786, 0.71797937, 0.71964992, 0.72129137, 0.72290475,
        0.72449106, 0.72605124, 0.72758619, 0.72909675, 0.73058372, 0.73204786,
        0.73348991, 0.73491055, 0.73631044, 0.73769021, 0.73905046, 0.74039177,
        0.74171468, 0.74301971, 0.74430737, 0.74557813, 0.74683246, 0.7480708,
        0.74929357, 0.75050118, 0.75169402, 0.75287246, 0.75403687, 0.75518759,
        0.75632496, 0.7574493, 0.75856091, 0.75966011, 0.76074718, 0.76182239,
        0.76288601, 0.76393831, 0.76497954, 0.76600993, 0.76702973, 0.76803916,
        0.76903843, 0.77002777, 0.77100737, 0.77197744, 0.77293817, 0.77388975,
        0.77483235, 0.77576616, 0.77669135, 0.77760808, 0.7785165
    np.testing.assert_allclose(cor, cor_target)

    cor = ga10.GodaAtkinson2010.getSpatialCorrelation(d, SA(0.5))
    cor_target = np.array([
        0., 0.44945291, 0.48885314, 0.51340023, 0.53151766, 0.54598262,
        0.55807405, 0.56849164, 0.5776617, 0.58586399, 0.59329238, 0.60008701,
        0.60635255, 0.61216937, 0.61760052, 0.62269645, 0.62749817, 0.63203947,
        0.63634856, 0.64044921, 0.64436167, 0.64810333, 0.65168924, 0.6551325,
        0.65844461, 0.6616357, 0.66471476, 0.6676898, 0.67056796, 0.67335569,
        0.67605879, 0.67868251, 0.68123163, 0.68371048, 0.68612303, 0.68847293,
        0.69076352, 0.69299786, 0.69517881, 0.69730898, 0.6993908, 0.70142654,
        0.7034183, 0.70536804, 0.70727758, 0.70914864, 0.71098282, 0.71278161,
        0.71454642, 0.7162786, 0.71797937, 0.71964992, 0.72129137, 0.72290475,
        0.72449106, 0.72605124, 0.72758619, 0.72909675, 0.73058372, 0.73204786,
        0.73348991, 0.73491055, 0.73631044, 0.73769021, 0.73905046, 0.74039177,
        0.74171468, 0.74301971, 0.74430737, 0.74557813, 0.74683246, 0.7480708,
        0.74929357, 0.75050118, 0.75169402, 0.75287246, 0.75403687, 0.75518759,
        0.75632496, 0.7574493, 0.75856091, 0.75966011, 0.76074718, 0.76182239,
        0.76288601, 0.76393831, 0.76497954, 0.76600993, 0.76702973, 0.76803916,
        0.76903843, 0.77002777, 0.77100737, 0.77197744, 0.77293817, 0.77388975,
        0.77483235, 0.77576616, 0.77669135, 0.77760808, 0.7785165
    np.testing.assert_allclose(cor, cor_target)

    cor = ga10.GodaAtkinson2010.getSpatialCorrelation(d, SA(2.0))
    cor_target = np.array([
        0., 0.26347348, 0.30426801, 0.3309032, 0.35114805, 0.36766262,
        0.38170302, 0.39396967, 0.40489599, 0.41477014, 0.42379413, 0.43211541,
        0.43984514, 0.44706931, 0.45385595, 0.46025983, 0.46632574, 0.47209084,
        0.47758629, 0.48283851, 0.4878701, 0.49270056, 0.49734684, 0.50182377,
        0.5061444, 0.51032028, 0.5143617, 0.51827783, 0.52207694, 0.52576645,
        0.52935309, 0.53284297, 0.53624166, 0.53955422, 0.54278532, 0.54593924,
        0.5490199, 0.55203095, 0.55497573, 0.55785739, 0.56067879, 0.56344265,
        0.56615146, 0.56880758, 0.5714132, 0.57397038, 0.57648104, 0.578947,
        0.58136995, 0.58375152, 0.5860932, 0.58839644, 0.59066258, 0.59289291,
        0.59508863, 0.59725091, 0.59938082, 0.60147942, 0.60354768, 0.60558654,
        0.60759691, 0.60957963, 0.61153552, 0.61346536, 0.61536989, 0.61724982,
        0.61910584, 0.6209386, 0.62274871, 0.62453679, 0.6263034, 0.6280491,
        0.62977441, 0.63147986, 0.63316592, 0.63483307, 0.63648177, 0.63811245,
        0.63972554, 0.64132143, 0.64290053, 0.64446321, 0.64600984, 0.64754077,
        0.64905634, 0.65055688, 0.65204271, 0.65351415, 0.65497148, 0.65641499,
        0.65784498, 0.6592617, 0.66066543, 0.66205641, 0.6634349, 0.66480113,
        0.66615534, 0.66749775, 0.66882859, 0.67014807, 0.67145639
    np.testing.assert_allclose(cor, cor_target)

    cor = ga10.GodaAtkinson2010.getSpatialCorrelation(d, SA(5.0))
    cor_target = np.array([
        0., 0.12402312, 0.15999168, 0.18557647, 0.20609443, 0.22349771,
        0.23875233, 0.25241667, 0.26484659, 0.27628465, 0.28690463, 0.29683585,
        0.3061775, 0.31500756, 0.32338858, 0.33137161, 0.33899893, 0.34630602,
        0.35332297, 0.36007552, 0.36658596, 0.37287365, 0.37895559, 0.38484677,
        0.3905605, 0.39610864, 0.40150184, 0.40674965, 0.41186075, 0.41684298,
        0.42170349, 0.42644882, 0.43108494, 0.43561736, 0.44005113, 0.44439094,
        0.44864112, 0.45280568, 0.45688836, 0.46089264, 0.46482176, 0.46867876,
        0.47246648, 0.4761876, 0.47984461, 0.48343988, 0.48697562, 0.49045392,
        0.49387678, 0.49724606, 0.50056352, 0.50383086, 0.50704967, 0.51022145,
        0.51334766, 0.51642965, 0.51946874, 0.52246616, 0.52542312, 0.52834073,
        0.53122009, 0.53406223, 0.53686815, 0.53963879, 0.54237507, 0.54507786,
        0.547748, 0.5503863, 0.55299353, 0.55557043, 0.55811773, 0.56063611,
        0.56312625, 0.56558877, 0.56802429, 0.57043342, 0.57281673, 0.57517477,
        0.57750808, 0.57981718, 0.58210257, 0.58436474, 0.58660415, 0.58882126,
        0.59101651, 0.59319033, 0.59534313, 0.59747531, 0.59958726, 0.60167935,
        0.60375196, 0.60580544, 0.60784014, 0.60985639, 0.61185451, 0.61383483,
        0.61579765, 0.61774327, 0.61967199, 0.62158409, 0.62347984
    np.testing.assert_allclose(cor, cor_target)

    # Undefined:
    cor = ga10.GodaAtkinson2010.getSpatialCorrelation(d, 'PGD')
    cor_target = np.array([
        0., 0.3575817, 0.39874653, 0.42491472, 0.44447585, 0.4602403,
        0.47351603, 0.48502441, 0.4952078, 0.50435814, 0.51267872, 0.52031708,
        0.52738388, 0.53396433, 0.54012554, 0.54592134, 0.55139559, 0.55658456,
        0.56151855, 0.56622319, 0.57072035, 0.57502884, 0.57916497, 0.58314296,
        0.58697532, 0.5906731, 0.59424609, 0.59770305, 0.6010518, 0.60429941,
        0.60745223, 0.61051605, 0.6134961, 0.61639717, 0.61922365, 0.62197954,
        0.62466854, 0.62729404, 0.62985921, 0.63236693, 0.63481993, 0.63722069,
        0.63957157, 0.64187473, 0.64413223, 0.64634596, 0.6485177, 0.65064914,
        0.65274185, 0.65479732, 0.65681693, 0.65880202, 0.66075382, 0.66267351,
        0.66456221, 0.66642097, 0.66825079, 0.67005263, 0.67182739, 0.67357593,
        0.67529906, 0.67699757, 0.6786722, 0.68032367, 0.68195264, 0.68355976,
        0.68514567, 0.68671094, 0.68825614, 0.68978183, 0.69128852, 0.69277671,
        0.69424688, 0.6956995, 0.697135, 0.69855383, 0.69995637, 0.70134304,
        0.70271421, 0.70407025, 0.70541151, 0.70673833, 0.70805105, 0.70934997,
        0.71063541, 0.71190767, 0.71316703, 0.71441376, 0.71564814, 0.71687042,
        0.71808086, 0.7192797, 0.72046717, 0.72164351, 0.72280893, 0.72396365,
        0.72510787, 0.72624181, 0.72736565, 0.72847959, 0.72958381
    np.testing.assert_allclose(cor, cor_target)
Beispiel #24
from shakelib.gmice.ak07 import AK07

homedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))  # where is this script?
shakedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(homedir, '..', '..', '..'))
sys.path.insert(0, shakedir)

# Inputs
amps_in = np.log(np.array([0.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5]))
mmi_in = np.array([2., 3., 4., 5., 6.2, 7.3, 8.1])
dists = np.array([22.2, 10., 1.1, 32., 120., 300.0, 450.5])

lfact = np.log10(np.e)
dmda_target = {PGA(): set([x * lfact for x in [1.55, 3.70]]),
               PGV(): set([x * lfact for x in [1.47, 3.16]]),
               SA(0.3): set([x * lfact for x in [1.69, 4.14]]),
               SA(1.0): set([x * lfact for x in [1.51, 2.90]]),
               SA(3.0): set([x * lfact for x in [1.17, 3.01]])}
dadm_target = {PGA(): set([1.0 / (x * lfact) for x in [1.55, 3.70]]),
               PGV(): set([1.0 / (x * lfact) for x in [1.47, 3.16]]),
               SA(0.3): set([1.0 / (x * lfact) for x in [1.69, 4.14]]),
               SA(1.0): set([1.0 / (x * lfact) for x in [1.51, 2.90]]),
               SA(3.0): set([1.0 / (x * lfact) for x in [1.17, 3.01]])}

def test_ak07():
    gmice = AK07()

    mi, dmda = gmice.getMIfromGM(amps_in, PGA(), dists=None, mag=None)
    mi_target = np.array(
Beispiel #25
def _parse_csv_line(headers, values):
    Parse a single line from data file.

    :param headers:
        A list of header names, the strings from the first line of csv file.
    :param values:
        A list of values of a single row to parse.
        A tuple of the following values (in specified order):

            An instance of :class:`openquake.hazardlib.gsim.base.SitesContext`
            with attributes populated by the information from in row in a form
            of single-element numpy arrays.
            An instance of
            An instance of
            An empty list, if the ``result_type`` column says "MEAN"
            for that row, otherwise it is a list with one item --
            a requested standard deviation type.
            A dictionary mapping IMT-objects to one-element arrays of expected
            result values. Those results represent either standard deviation
            or mean value of corresponding IMT depending on ``result_type``.
            A string literal, one of ``'STDDEV'`` or ``'MEAN'``. Value
            is taken from column ``result_type``.
    rctx = RuptureContext()
    sctx = SitesContext()
    dctx = DistancesContext()
    expected_results = {}
    stddev_types = result_type = damping = None

    for param, value in zip(headers, values):
        if param == 'result_type':
            value = value.upper()
            if value.endswith('_STDDEV'):
                # the row defines expected stddev results
                result_type = 'STDDEV'
                stddev_types = [getattr(const.StdDev,
                # the row defines expected exponents of mean values
                assert value == 'MEAN'
                stddev_types = []
                result_type = 'MEAN'
        elif param == 'damping':
            damping = float(value)
        elif param.startswith('site_'):
            # value is sites context object attribute
            if (param == 'site_vs30measured') or (param == 'site_backarc'):
                value = float(value) != 0
                value = float(value)
            setattr(sctx, param[len('site_'):], numpy.array([value]))
        elif param.startswith('dist_'):
            # value is a distance measure
            value = float(value)
            setattr(dctx, param[len('dist_'):], numpy.array([value]))
        elif param.startswith('rup_'):
            # value is a rupture context attribute
            value = float(value)
            setattr(rctx, param[len('rup_'):], value)
        elif param == 'component_type':
            # value is the expected result (of result_type type)
            value = float(value)
            if param == 'pga':
                imt = PGA()
            elif param == 'pgv':
                imt = PGV()
            elif param == 'pgd':
                imt = PGD()
            elif param == 'cav':
                imt = CAV()
                period = float(param)
                assert damping is not None
                imt = SA(period, damping)

            expected_results[imt] = numpy.array([value])

    assert result_type is not None
    return sctx, rctx, dctx, stddev_types, expected_results, result_type
Beispiel #26
def test_wald99():
    gmice = Wald99()

    df = {'PGA': amps_in,
          'PGV': amps_in + np.log(100)}

    mi = gmice.getPreferredMI(df)
    mi_target = np.array(
        [3.18167182, 4.23133858, 5.68946656, 6.84666436, 7.47561075,
         7.90914817, 8.24542592, 9.29])

    if do_test is True:
        np.testing.assert_allclose(mi, mi_target)

    pga_amps_in_nan = np.log(np.array(
        [0.01, 0.03, 0.1, np.nan, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 1.0]))
    pgv_amps_in_nan = np.log(np.array(
        [0.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.2, np.nan, 0.4, 0.5, 1.0])) + np.log(100)
    pga_amps_in_nan[5] = np.nan
    pgv_amps_in_nan[5] = np.nan
    df = {'PGA': pga_amps_in_nan,
          'PGV': pgv_amps_in_nan}

    mi = gmice.getPreferredMI(df)
    mi_target = np.array(
        [3.18167182, 4.23133858, 5.68946656, 6.86457408, 7.37577236,
         np.nan, 8.24542592, 9.29])

    if do_test is True:
        np.testing.assert_allclose(mi, mi_target)

    mi, dmda = gmice.getMIfromGM(amps_in, PGA(), dists=None, mag=None)
    mi_target = np.array(
        [3.18167182,  4.23133858,  5.62950857,  6.73127835,  7.37577236,
         7.83304814,  8.18773878,  9.28950857])

    if do_test is True:
        np.testing.assert_allclose(mi, mi_target)
        assert((set(dmda) - dmda_target[PGA()]) == set())

    mi, dmda = gmice.getMIfromGM(
        amps_in + np.log(100), PGV(), dists=None, mag=None)
    mi_target = np.array(
        [3.4,  4.40195463,  5.82,  6.86457408,  7.47561075,
         7.90914817,  8.24542592,  9.29])

    if do_test is True:
        np.testing.assert_allclose(mi, mi_target)
        assert((set(dmda) - dmda_target[PGV()]) == set())

    amps, dadm = gmice.getGMfromMI(mmi_in, PGA(), dists=None, mag=None)
    amps_target = np.array(
        [-5.84194287, -4.79531328, -3.7486837, -2.69862254, -1.9436766,
         -1.25164283, -0.74834554, -0.1821361])

    if do_test is True:
        np.testing.assert_allclose(amps, amps_target)
        assert((set(dadm) - dadm_target[PGA()]) == set())

    amps, dadm = gmice.getGMfromMI(mmi_in, PGV(), dists=None, mag=None)
    amps_target = np.array(
        [-1.53505673, -0.43858764,  0.65788146,  1.75845836,  2.55474139,
         3.2846675,  3.81552285,  4.41273512])

    if do_test is True:
        np.testing.assert_allclose(amps, amps_target)
        assert((set(dadm) - dadm_target[PGV()]) == set())

    if do_test is True:
        sdd = gmice.getGM2MIsd()
        assert sdd[PGA()] == 1.08
        assert sdd[PGV()] == 0.98

        sdd = gmice.getMI2GMsd()
        lnten = np.log(10.0)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(sdd[PGA()], 0.295 * lnten)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(sdd[PGV()], 0.282 * lnten)

        nm = gmice.getName()
        assert nm == 'Wald et al. (1999)'

        sc = gmice.getScale()
        assert sc == ''

        mm = gmice.getMinMax()
        assert mm == (1.0, 10.0)

        dt = gmice.getDistanceType()
        assert dt == 'rrup'

    # This should fail because MMI() is not a valid argument to
    # getMIfromGM
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:  # noqa
        mi, dmda = gmice.getMIfromGM(amps_in, MMI(), dists=None, mag=None)
Beispiel #27
import pytest

from openquake.hazardlib.imt import PGA, PGV, MMI

from shakelib.gmice.wald99 import Wald99

do_test = True

# Inputs
amps_in = np.log(np.array([0.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 1.0]))
mmi_in = np.array([2., 3., 4., 5., 6.2, 7.3, 8.1, 9.0])

lfact = np.log10(np.e)
dmda_target = {PGA(): set([x * lfact for x in [3.66, 2.20]]),
               PGV(): set([x * lfact for x in [3.47, 2.10]])}
dadm_target = {PGA(): set([1.0 / (x * lfact) for x in [3.66, 2.20]]),
               PGV(): set([1.0 / (x * lfact) for x in [3.47, 2.10]])}

def test_wald99():
    gmice = Wald99()

    df = {'PGA': amps_in,
          'PGV': amps_in + np.log(100)}

    mi = gmice.getPreferredMI(df)
    mi_target = np.array(
        [3.18167182, 4.23133858, 5.68946656, 6.84666436, 7.47561075,
         7.90914817, 8.24542592, 9.29])
Beispiel #28
def test_wgrw12():
    gmice = WGRW12()
    mi = gmice.getMIfromGM(amps_in, imt=PGA(), dists=None, mag=None)
    mi_target = np.array([
        3.31708696, 4.05662491, 5.76917533, 6.88298631, 7.53452397, 7.9967973,
    np.testing.assert_allclose(mi, mi_target)

    mi = gmice.getMIfromGM(amps_in, imt=PGV(), dists=dists, mag=None)
    mi_target = np.array([
        3.78, 4.48136824, 6.05, 7.00125479, 7.55770316, 7.95250957, 8.25874521
    np.testing.assert_allclose(mi, mi_target)

    mi = gmice.getMIfromGM(amps_in, imt=SA(0.3), dists=None, mag=3.0)
    mi_target = np.array([
        2.93592062, 3.74225554, 4.62592062, 5.34177387, 6.07079169, 6.58803805,
    np.testing.assert_allclose(mi, mi_target)

    mi = gmice.getMIfromGM(amps_in, imt=SA(1.0), dists=dists, mag=7.5)
    mi_target = np.array([
        3.49070724, 4.3808733, 5.63884012, 6.26430362, 6.49369295, 6.66102468,
    np.testing.assert_allclose(mi, mi_target)

    mi = gmice.getMIfromGM(amps_in, imt=SA(3.0), dists=None, mag=None)
    mi_target = np.array([
        4.97492371, 6.41105869, 7.98492371, 8.891024, 9.42105869, 9.79712429,
    np.testing.assert_allclose(mi, mi_target)

    amps = gmice.getGMfromMI(mmi_in, imt=PGA(), dists=None, mag=7.0)
    amps_target = np.array([
        0.14134045, 0.6243495, 2.75796695, 6.19604804, 13.07492182,
        25.92605261, 42.65329774
    np.testing.assert_allclose(amps, amps_target)

    amps = gmice.getGMfromMI(mmi_in, imt=PGV(), dists=dists, mag=None)
    amps_target = np.array([
        0.06153407, 0.29470517, 1.41143169, 4.65287643, 11.15496866,
        24.86392117, 44.53835548
    np.testing.assert_allclose(amps, amps_target)

    amps = gmice.getGMfromMI(mmi_in, imt=SA(0.3), dists=None, mag=6.0)
    amps_target = np.array([
        0.27938354, 1.09123124, 4.26218963, 16.53773087, 32.23524628,
        59.43352318, 92.74023471
    np.testing.assert_allclose(amps, amps_target)

    amps = gmice.getGMfromMI(mmi_in, imt=SA(1.0), dists=dists, mag=8.0)
    amps_target = np.array([
        1.02985637e-01, 3.65288187e-01, 1.67836836e+00, 7.32931235e+00,
        2.37600759e+01, 6.64349034e+01, 1.25388693e+02
    np.testing.assert_allclose(amps, amps_target)

    amps = gmice.getGMfromMI(mmi_in, imt=SA(3.0), dists=None, mag=5.0)
    amps_target = np.array([
        7.84170397e-03, 4.01844000e-02, 2.87579777e-01, 1.59413407e+00,
        4.95042961e+00, 1.33312946e+01, 2.45840289e+01
    np.testing.assert_allclose(amps, amps_target)

    amps = gmice.getGMfromMI(mmi_in, imt=PGA(), dists=None, mag=7.0)
    amps_target = np.array([
        0.30003924, 1.03002347, 4.10133824, 8.91444065, 22.40984121,
        50.16909188, 82.53771776
    np.testing.assert_allclose(amps, amps_target)

    sdd = gmice.getGM2MIsd()
    assert sdd['pga'] == 0.66
    assert sdd['pgv'] == 0.63
    assert sdd['psa03'] == 0.82
    assert sdd['psa10'] == 0.75
    assert sdd['psa30'] == 0.89

    sdd = gmice.getMI2GMsd()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(sdd['pga'], 2.238721)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(sdd['pgv'], 2.39883291)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(sdd['psa03'], 2.7542287)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(sdd['psa10'], 2.951209)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(sdd['psa30'], 4.365158)

    nm = gmice.getName()
    assert nm == 'Worden et al. (2012)'

    sc = gmice.getScale()
    assert sc == ''

    mm = gmice.getMinMax()
    assert mm == (1.0, 10.0)

    dt = gmice.getDistanceType()
    assert dt == 'rrup'
do_test = True

amps_in = np.log(np.array([0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.6]))
sigmas_in = np.array([0.5, 0.55, 0.6, 0.65, 0.61, 0.7])
rrup_in = np.array([100.0, 50.0, 25.0, 12.0, 6.0, 1.0])
imc_in = [
    const.IMC.RotD50, const.IMC.RotD50, const.IMC.RotD100, const.IMC.RotD50,
    const.IMC.RotD100, const.IMC.GMRotI50, const.IMC.AVERAGE_HORIZONTAL
imc_out = [
    const.IMC.GMRotI50, const.IMC.AVERAGE_HORIZONTAL, const.IMC.RotD50,
mags_in = np.array([5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 7.5, 8.0])
imt_in = [PGA(), PGV(), SA(0.3), SA(1.0), SA(3.05)]

amps_target = np.array([[
    -2.99751949, -2.30634141, -1.61516334, -0.92410122, -0.23292315, 0.45513398
], [
    -3.00428338, -2.31469074, -1.6250981, -0.9357148, -0.24612216, 0.43783666
], [
    -3.01181065, -2.32300028, -1.6341899, -0.94563493, -0.25682456, 0.42511215
], [
    -3.01695413, -2.3278757, -1.63879727, -0.94995846, -0.26088004, 0.42174957
], [
    -3.01848387, -2.32967754, -1.64087122, -0.95232054, -0.26351421, 0.41841202
], [
    -3.00567931, -2.31596465, -1.62624999, -0.93673749, -0.24702283, 0.43725142
], [
    -3.01424793, -2.32494632, -1.63564472, -0.94656959, -0.25726798, 0.42593853
Beispiel #30
class WGRW12(object):
    Implements the ground motion intensity conversion equations (GMICE) of
    Worden et al. (2012).

        Worden, C. B., Gerstenberger, M. C., Rhoades, D. A., & Wald, D. J.
        (2012). Probabilistic relationships between ground‐motion parameters
        and modified Mercalli intensity in California. Bulletin of the
        Seismological Society of America, 102(1), 204-221.

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # MMI = c2->C1 + c2->C2 * log(Y)  for log(Y) <= c2->T1
    # MMI = C1 + C2 * log(Y)          for c2->T1 < log(Y) <= T1
    # MMI = C3 + C4 * log(Y)          for log(Y) > T1
    # or
    # MMI = c2->C1 + c2->C2 * log(Y) + C5 + C6 * log(D) + C7 * M
    #                            for log(Y) <= c2->T1
    # MMI = C1 + C2 * log(Y) + C5 + C6 * log(D) + C7 * M
    #                            for c2->T1 < log(Y) <= T1
    # MMI = C3 + C4 * log(Y) + C5 + C6 * log(D) + C7 * M for log(Y) > T1
    # Limit the distance residuals to between 10 and 300 km.
    # Limit the magnitude residuals to between M3.0 and M7.3.
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    __pga = PGA()
    __pgv = PGV()
    __sa03 = SA(0.3)
    __sa10 = SA(1.0)
    __sa30 = SA(3.0)
    __constants = {
        __pga: {
            'C1': 1.78,
            'C2': 1.55,
            'C3': -1.60,
            'C4': 3.70,
            'C5': -0.91,
            'C6': 1.02,
            'C7': -0.17,
            'T1': 1.57,
            'T2': 4.22,
            'SMMI': 0.66,
            'SPGM': 0.35
        __pgv: {
            'C1': 3.78,
            'C2': 1.47,
            'C3': 2.89,
            'C4': 3.16,
            'C5': 0.90,
            'C6': 0.00,
            'C7': -0.18,
            'T1': 0.53,
            'T2': 4.56,
            'SMMI': 0.63,
            'SPGM': 0.38
        __sa03: {
            'C1': 1.26,
            'C2': 1.69,
            'C3': -4.15,
            'C4': 4.14,
            'C5': -1.05,
            'C6': 0.60,
            'C7': 0.00,
            'T1': 2.21,
            'T2': 4.99,
            'SMMI': 0.82,
            'SPGM': 0.44
        __sa10: {
            'C1': 2.50,
            'C2': 1.51,
            'C3': 0.20,
            'C4': 2.90,
            'C5': 2.27,
            'C6': -0.49,
            'C7': -0.29,
            'T1': 1.65,
            'T2': 4.98,
            'SMMI': 0.75,
            'SPGM': 0.47
        __sa30: {
            'C1': 3.81,
            'C2': 1.17,
            'C3': 1.99,
            'C4': 3.01,
            'C5': 1.91,
            'C6': -0.57,
            'C7': -0.21,
            'T1': 0.99,
            'T2': 4.96,
            'SMMI': 0.89,
            'SPGM': 0.64

    __constants2 = {
        __pga: {
            'C1': 1.71,
            'C2': 2.08,
            'T1': 0.14,
            'T2': 2.0
        __pgv: {
            'C1': 4.62,
            'C2': 2.17,
            'T1': -1.21,
            'T2': 2.0
        __sa03: {
            'C1': 1.15,
            'C2': 1.92,
            'T1': 0.44,
            'T2': 2.0
        __sa10: {
            'C1': 2.71,
            'C2': 2.17,
            'T1': -0.33,
            'T2': 2.0
        __sa30: {
            'C1': 7.35,
            'C2': 3.45,
            'T1': -1.55,
            'T2': 2.0


    DEFINED_FOR_SA_PERIODS = set([0.3, 1.0, 3.0])

    def getMIfromGM(self, amps, imt, dists=None, mag=None):
        Function to compute macroseismic intensity from ground-motion
        intensity. Supported ground-motion IMTs are PGA, PGV and PSA
        at 0.3, 1.0, and 3.0 sec periods.

            amps (ndarray):
                Ground motion amplitude; natural log units; g for PGA and
                PSA, cm/s for PGV.
            imt (OpenQuake IMT):
                Type the input amps (must be one of PGA, PGV, or SA).
                Supported SA periods are 0.3, 1.0, and 3.0 sec.
                `[link] <>`
            dists (ndarray):
                Numpy array of distances from rupture (km).
            mag (float):
                Earthquake magnitude.

            ndarray of Modified Mercalli Intensity and ndarray of
            dMMI / dln(amp) (i.e., the slope of the relationship at the
            point in question).
        """  # noqa
        lfact = np.log10(np.e)
        c, c2 = self.__getConsts(imt)

        if dists is not None and mag is not None:
            doresid = True
            ldd = np.log10(np.clip(dists, 10, 300))
            lmm = np.clip(mag, 3.0, 7.3)
            doresid = False

        # Convert (for accelerations) from ln(g) to cm/s^2
        # then take the log10
        if imt != self.__pgv:
            units = 981.0
            units = 1.0
        # Math: log10(981 * exp(amps)) = log10(981) + log10(exp(amps))
        # = log10(981) + amps * log10(e)
        # For PGV, just convert ln(amp) to log10(amp) by multiplying
        # by log10(e)
        lamps = np.log10(units) + amps * lfact
        mmi = np.zeros_like(amps)
        dmmi_damp = np.zeros_like(amps)
        # This is the MMI 1 to 2 range that is discussed in the paper but not
        # specifically implemented there
        idx = lamps < c2['T1']
        mmi[idx] = c2['C1'] + c2['C2'] * lamps[idx]
        dmmi_damp[idx] = c2['C2'] * lfact
        # This is the lower segment of the bi-linear fit
        idx = (lamps >= c2['T1']) & (lamps < c['T1'])
        mmi[idx] = c['C1'] + c['C2'] * lamps[idx]
        dmmi_damp[idx] = c['C2'] * lfact
        # This is the upper segment of the bi-linear fit
        idx = lamps >= c['T1']
        mmi[idx] = c['C3'] + c['C4'] * lamps[idx]
        dmmi_damp[idx] = c['C4'] * lfact

        if doresid:
            mmi += c['C5'] + c['C6'] * ldd + c['C7'] * lmm

        mmi = np.clip(mmi, 1.0, 10.0)
        return mmi, dmmi_damp

    def getGMfromMI(self, mmi, imt, dists=None, mag=None):
        Function to tcompute ground-motion intensity from macroseismic
        intensity. Supported IMTs are PGA, PGV and PSA for 0.3, 1.0, and
        3.0 sec periods.

            mmi (ndarray):
                Macroseismic intensity.
            imt (OpenQuake IMT):
                IMT of the requested ground-motions intensities (must be
                one of PGA, PGV, or SA).
                `[link] <>`
            dists (ndarray):
                Rupture distances (km) to the corresponding MMIs.
            mag (float):
                Earthquake magnitude.

            Ndarray of ground motion intensity in natural log of g for PGA
            and PSA, and natural log cm/s for PGV; ndarray of dln(amp) / dMMI
            (i.e., the slope of the relationship at the point in question).
        """  # noqa
        lfact = np.log10(np.e)
        c, c2 = self.__getConsts(imt)
        mmi = mmi.copy()
        ix_nan = np.isnan(mmi)
        mmi[ix_nan] = 1.0

        if dists is not None and mag is not None:
            doresid = True
            ldd = np.log10(np.clip(dists, 10, 300))
            lmm = np.clip(mag, 3.0, 7.3)
            doresid = False

        if doresid:
            mmi -= c['C5'] + c['C6'] * ldd + c['C7'] * lmm

        pgm = np.zeros_like(mmi)
        dpgm_dmmi = np.zeros_like(mmi)

        # MMI 1 to 2
        idx = mmi < 2.0
        pgm[idx] = np.power(10, (mmi[idx] - c2['C1']) / c2['C2'])
        dpgm_dmmi[idx] = 1.0 / (c2['C2'] * lfact)
        # Lower segment of bi-linear relationship
        idx = (mmi >= 2.0) & (mmi < c['T2'])
        pgm[idx] = np.power(10, (mmi[idx] - c['C1']) / c['C2'])
        dpgm_dmmi[idx] = 1.0 / (c['C2'] * lfact)
        # Upper segment of bi-linear relationship
        idx = mmi >= c['T2']
        pgm[idx] = np.power(10, (mmi[idx] - c['C3']) / c['C4'])
        dpgm_dmmi[idx] = 1.0 / (c['C4'] * lfact)

        if imt != self.__pgv:
            units = 981.0
            units = 1.0
        pgm /= units
        pgm = np.log(pgm)
        pgm[ix_nan] = np.nan
        dpgm_dmmi[ix_nan] = np.nan

        return pgm, dpgm_dmmi

    def getGM2MIsd(self):
        Return a dictionary of standard deviations for the ground-motion
        to MMI conversion. The keys are the ground motion types.

            Dictionary of GM to MI sigmas (in MMI units).
        return {
            self.__pga: self.__constants[self.__pga]['SMMI'],
            self.__pgv: self.__constants[self.__pgv]['SMMI'],
            self.__sa03: self.__constants[self.__sa03]['SMMI'],
            self.__sa10: self.__constants[self.__sa10]['SMMI'],
            self.__sa30: self.__constants[self.__sa30]['SMMI']

    def getMI2GMsd(self):
        Return a dictionary of standard deviations for the MMI
        to ground-motion conversion. The keys are the ground motion

            Dictionary of MI to GM sigmas (ln(PGM) units).
        # Need to convert log10 to ln units
        lfact = np.log(10.0)
        return {
            self.__pga: lfact * self.__constants[self.__pga]['SPGM'],
            self.__pgv: lfact * self.__constants[self.__pgv]['SPGM'],
            self.__sa03: lfact * self.__constants[self.__sa03]['SPGM'],
            self.__sa10: lfact * self.__constants[self.__sa10]['SPGM'],
            self.__sa30: lfact * self.__constants[self.__sa30]['SPGM']

    def getName():
        Get the name of this GMICE.

            String containing name of this GMICE.
        return 'Worden et al. (2012)'

    def getScale():
        Get the name of the PostScript file containing this GMICE's

            Name of GMICE scale file.
        return ''

    def getMinMax():
        Get the minimum and maximum MMI values produced by this GMICE.

            Tuple of min and max values of GMICE.
        return (1.0, 10.0)

    def getDistanceType():
        return 'rrup'

    def __getConsts(self, imt):
        Helper function to get the constants.

        if (imt != self.__pga and imt != self.__pgv and imt != self.__sa03
                and imt != self.__sa10 and imt != self.__sa30):
            raise ValueError("Invalid IMT " + str(imt))
        c = self.__constants[imt]
        c2 = self.__constants2[imt]
        return (c, c2)