Beispiel #1
def get_pmap_from_csv(oqparam, fnames):
    :param oqparam:
        an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
    :param fnames:
        a space-separated list of .csv relative filenames
        the site mesh and the hazard curves read by the .csv files
    read = functools.partial(hdf5.read_csv, dtypedict={None: float})
    imtls = {}
    dic = {}
    for wrapper in map(read, fnames):
        dic[wrapper.imt] = wrapper.array
        imtls[wrapper.imt] = levels_from(wrapper.dtype.names)
    oqparam.hazard_imtls = imtls
    array = wrapper.array
    mesh = geo.Mesh(array['lon'], array['lat'])
    num_levels = sum(len(imls) for imls in oqparam.imtls.values())
    data = numpy.zeros((len(mesh), num_levels))
    level = 0
    for im in oqparam.imtls:
        arr = dic[im]
        for poe in arr.dtype.names[3:]:
            data[:, level] = arr[poe]
            level += 1
        for field in ('lon', 'lat', 'depth'):  # sanity check
            numpy.testing.assert_equal(arr[field], array[field])
    return mesh, ProbabilityMap.from_array(data, range(len(mesh)))
Beispiel #2
def get_pmap_from_csv(oqparam, fnames):
    :param oqparam:
        an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
    :param fnames:
        a space-separated list of .csv relative filenames
        the site mesh and the hazard curves read by the .csv files
    read = functools.partial(hdf5.read_csv, dtypedict={None: float})
    imtls = {}
    dic = {}
    for wrapper in map(read, fnames):
        dic[wrapper.imt] = wrapper.array
        imtls[wrapper.imt] = levels_from(wrapper.dtype.names)
    oqparam.hazard_imtls = imtls
    array = wrapper.array
    mesh = geo.Mesh(array['lon'], array['lat'])
    num_levels = sum(len(imls) for imls in oqparam.imtls.values())
    data = numpy.zeros((len(mesh), num_levels))
    level = 0
    for im in oqparam.imtls:
        arr = dic[im]
        for poe in arr.dtype.names[3:]:
            data[:, level] = arr[poe]
            level += 1
        for field in ('lon', 'lat', 'depth'):  # sanity check
            numpy.testing.assert_equal(arr[field], array[field])
    return mesh, ProbabilityMap.from_array(data, range(len(mesh)))
Beispiel #3
def get_pmap_from_nrml(oqparam, fname):
    :param oqparam:
        an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
    :param fname:
        an XML file containing hazard curves
        sitecol, curve array
    hcurves_by_imt = {}
    oqparam.hazard_imtls = imtls = collections.OrderedDict()
    for hcurves in
        imt = hcurves['IMT']
        oqparam.investigation_time = hcurves['investigationTime']
        if imt == 'SA':
            imt += '(%s)' % hcurves['saPeriod']
        imtls[imt] = ~hcurves.IMLs
        data = sorted((~node.Point.pos, ~node.poEs) for node in hcurves[1:])
        hcurves_by_imt[imt] = numpy.array([d[1] for d in data])
    lons, lats = [], []
    for xy, poes in data:
    mesh = geo.Mesh(numpy.array(lons), numpy.array(lats))
    sitecol = get_site_collection(oqparam, mesh)
    num_levels = sum(len(v) for v in imtls.values())
    array = numpy.zeros((len(sitecol), num_levels))
    imtls = DictArray(imtls)
    for imt_ in hcurves_by_imt:
        array[:, imtls.slicedic[imt_]] = hcurves_by_imt[imt_]
    return sitecol, ProbabilityMap.from_array(array, sitecol.sids)
Beispiel #4
def get_pmap_from_csv(oqparam, fnames):
    :param oqparam:
        an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
    :param fnames:
        a space-separated list of .csv relative filenames
        the site mesh and the hazard curves read by the .csv files
    if not oqparam.imtls:
    if not oqparam.imtls:
        raise ValueError('Missing intensity_measure_types_and_levels in %s' %

    dic = {
        wrapper.imt: wrapper.array
        for wrapper in map(writers.read_composite_array, fnames)
    array = dic[next(iter(dic))]
    mesh = geo.Mesh(array['lon'], array['lat'])
    num_levels = sum(len(imls) for imls in oqparam.imtls.values())
    data = numpy.zeros((len(mesh), num_levels))
    level = 0
    for im in oqparam.imtls:
        arr = dic[im]
        for poe in arr.dtype.names[3:]:
            data[:, level] = arr[poe]
            level += 1
        for field in ('lon', 'lat', 'depth'):  # sanity check
            numpy.testing.assert_equal(arr[field], array[field])
    return mesh, ProbabilityMap.from_array(data, range(len(mesh)))
Beispiel #5
def get_pmap_from_csv(oqparam, fname):
    :param oqparam:
        an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
    :param fname:
        a .txt file with format `IMT lon lat poe1 ... poeN`
        the site mesh and the hazard curves read by the .txt file
    if not oqparam.imtls:
    if not oqparam.imtls:
        raise ValueError('Missing intensity_measure_types_and_levels in %s' %
    num_values = list(map(len, list(oqparam.imtls.values())))
    with open(oqparam.inputs['hazard_curves']) as csvfile:
        mesh, hcurves = get_mesh_csvdata(csvfile, list(oqparam.imtls),
    array = numpy.zeros((len(mesh), sum(num_values)))
    for imt_ in hcurves:
        array[:, oqparam.imtls.slicedic[imt_]] = hcurves[imt_]
    return mesh, ProbabilityMap.from_array(array, range(len(mesh)))