Beispiel #1
    def setUp(self):
        # simple logic tree with 3 realizations
        #    ___/ b11 (w=.2)
        #  _/   \ b12 (w=.2)
        #   \____ b02 (w=.6)
        self.bs0 = bs0 = lt.BranchSet('abGRAbsolute')
        bs0.branches = [
            lt.Branch('bs0', 'b01', .4, (4.6, 1.1)),
            lt.Branch('bs0', 'b02', .6, (4.4, 0.9))

        self.bs1 = bs1 = lt.BranchSet('maxMagGRAbsolute')
        bs1.branches = [
            lt.Branch('bs1', 'b11', .5, 7.0),
            lt.Branch('bs1', 'b12', .5, 7.6)
        bs0.branches[0].bset = bs1

        # setup sitecol, srcfilter, gsims, imtls
        sitecol = site.SiteCollection(
            [site.Site(Point(0, 0), numpy.array([760.]))])
        self.srcfilter = calc.filters.SourceFilter(sitecol, {'default': 200})
        self.gsims = [valid.gsim('ToroEtAl2002')]
        self.imtls = DictArray({'PGA': valid.logscale(.01, 1, 5)}) = sourceconverter.SourceGroup(ps.tectonic_region_type, [ps])
Beispiel #2
 def __fromh5__(self, array, dic):
     self.bsetdict = json.loads(dic['bsetdict'])
     self.filename = dic['filename']
     self.branches = []
     self.shortener = {}
     self.values = defaultdict(list)
     dirname = os.path.dirname(dic['filename'])
     for bsno, branches in enumerate(group_array(array, 'trt').values()):
         for brno, branch in enumerate(branches):
             branch = fix_bytes(branch)
             br_id = branch['branch']
             gsim = valid.gsim(branch['uncertainty'], dirname)
             for k, v in gsim.kwargs.items():
                 if k.endswith(('_file', '_table')):
                     arr = numpy.asarray(dic[os.path.basename(v)][()])
                     gsim.kwargs[k] = io.BytesIO(bytes(arr))
             weight = object.__new__(ImtWeight)
             # branch dtype ('trt', 'branch', 'uncertainty', 'weight', ...)
             weight.dic = {w: branch[w] for w in array.dtype.names[3:]}
             if len(weight.dic) > 1:
                 gsim.weight = weight
             bt = BranchTuple(branch['trt'], br_id, gsim, weight, True)
             self.shortener[br_id] = keyno(br_id, bsno, brno)
Beispiel #3
def get_gsims(oqparam):
    Return an ordered list of GSIM instances from the gsim name in the
    configuration file or from the gsim logic tree file.

    :param oqparam:
        an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
    return [valid.gsim(str(rlz)) for rlz in get_gsim_lt(oqparam)]
Beispiel #4
    def test_gsim(self):
        class FakeGsim(object):
            def __init__(self, arg):
                self.arg = arg

            def __repr__(self):
                return '<FakeGsim(%s)>' % self.arg
        valid.GSIM['FakeGsim'] = FakeGsim
            gsim = valid.gsim('FakeGsim', arg='0.1')
            self.assertEqual(repr(gsim), '<FakeGsim(0.1)>')
            del valid.GSIM['FakeGsim']
Beispiel #5
    def test_gsim(self):
        class FakeGsim(object):
            def __init__(self, arg):
                self.arg = arg

            def __repr__(self):
                return '<FakeGsim(%s)>' % self.arg
        valid.GSIM['FakeGsim'] = FakeGsim
            gsim = valid.gsim('FakeGsim', arg='0.1')
            self.assertEqual(repr(gsim), '<FakeGsim(0.1)>')
            del valid.GSIM['FakeGsim']
Beispiel #6
    def test_gsim(self):
        class FakeGsim(object):
            def __init__(self, arg):
                self.arg = arg

            def __repr__(self):
                return '<FakeGsim(%s)>' % self.arg

        registry['FakeGsim'] = FakeGsim
            gsim = valid.gsim('FakeGsim', arg='0.1')
            self.assertEqual(repr(gsim), '<FakeGsim(0.1)>')
            self.assertEqual(gsim.minimum_distance, 0)
            del registry['FakeGsim']
Beispiel #7
 def test_make_pmap(self):
     trunclevel = 3
     imtls = DictArray({'PGA': [0.01]})
     gsims = [valid.gsim('AkkarBommer2010')]
     ctxs = []
     for occ_rate in (.001, .002):
         ctx = RuptureContext()
         ctx.mag = 5.5
         ctx.rake = 90
         ctx.occurrence_rate = occ_rate
         ctx.sids = numpy.array([0.])
         ctx.vs30 = numpy.array([760.])
         ctx.rrup = numpy.array([100.])
         ctx.rjb = numpy.array([99.])
     pmap = make_pmap(ctxs, gsims, imtls, trunclevel, 50.)
     numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(pmap[0].array, 0.066381)
Beispiel #8
    def test_gsim(self):
        class FakeGsim(object):
            def __init__(self, arg):
                self.arg = arg

            def init(self):

            def __repr__(self):
                return '<FakeGsim(%s)>' % self.arg

        registry['FakeGsim'] = FakeGsim
            gsim = valid.gsim('[FakeGsim]\narg=0.1', '/fake/dir')
            self.assertEqual(repr(gsim), '<FakeGsim(0.1)>')
            del registry['FakeGsim']
Beispiel #9
 def test_get_pmap(self):
     truncation_level = 3
     imtls = DictArray({'PGA': [0.01]})
     gsims = [valid.gsim('AkkarBommer2010')]
     ctxs = []
     for occ_rate in (.001, .002):
         ctx = RuptureContext()
         ctx.mag = 5.5
         ctx.rake = 90
         ctx.occurrence_rate = occ_rate
         ctx.sids = numpy.array([0.])
         ctx.vs30 = numpy.array([760.])
         ctx.rrup = numpy.array([100.])
         ctx.rjb = numpy.array([99.])
     cmaker = ContextMaker(
         'TRT', gsims, dict(imtls=imtls, truncation_level=truncation_level))
     cmaker.tom = PoissonTOM(time_span=50)
     pmap = cmaker.get_pmap(ctxs)
     numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(pmap[0].array, 0.066381)
Beispiel #10
    def __init__(self, **names_vals):
        # support legacy names
        for name in list(names_vals):
            if name == 'quantile_hazard_curves':
                names_vals['quantiles'] = names_vals.pop(name)
            elif name == 'mean_hazard_curves':
                names_vals['mean'] = names_vals.pop(name)
            elif name == 'max':
                names_vals['max'] = names_vals.pop(name)
        job_ini = self.inputs['job_ini']
        if 'calculation_mode' not in names_vals:
            raise InvalidFile('Missing calculation_mode in %s' % job_ini)
        if 'region_constraint' in names_vals:
            if 'region' in names_vals:
                raise InvalidFile('You cannot have both region and '
                                  'region_constraint in %s' % job_ini)
                'region_constraint is obsolete, use region instead')
            self.region = valid.wkt_polygon(
        self.risk_investigation_time = (self.risk_investigation_time
                                        or self.investigation_time)
        if ('intensity_measure_types_and_levels' in names_vals
                and 'intensity_measure_types' in names_vals):
            logging.warning('Ignoring intensity_measure_types since '
                            'intensity_measure_types_and_levels is set')
        if 'iml_disagg' in names_vals:
            # normalize things like SA(0.10) -> SA(0.1)
            self.iml_disagg = {
                str(from_string(imt)): val
                for imt, val in self.iml_disagg.items()
            self.hazard_imtls = self.iml_disagg
            if 'intensity_measure_types_and_levels' in names_vals:
                raise InvalidFile(
                    'Please remove the intensity_measure_types_and_levels '
                    'from %s: they will be inferred from the iml_disagg '
                    'dictionary' % job_ini)
        elif 'intensity_measure_types_and_levels' in names_vals:
            self.hazard_imtls = self.intensity_measure_types_and_levels
            delattr(self, 'intensity_measure_types_and_levels')
        elif 'intensity_measure_types' in names_vals:
            self.hazard_imtls = dict.fromkeys(self.intensity_measure_types)
            delattr(self, 'intensity_measure_types')
        self._risk_files = get_risk_files(self.inputs)

        if self.hazard_precomputed() and self.job_type == 'risk':
            self.check_missing('site_model', 'debug')
            self.check_missing('gsim_logic_tree', 'debug')
            self.check_missing('source_model_logic_tree', 'debug')

        # check the gsim_logic_tree
        if self.inputs.get('gsim_logic_tree'):
            if self.gsim != '[FromFile]':
                raise InvalidFile('%s: if `gsim_logic_tree_file` is set, there'
                                  ' must be no `gsim` key' % job_ini)
            path = os.path.join(self.base_path, self.inputs['gsim_logic_tree'])
            gsim_lt = logictree.GsimLogicTree(path, ['*'])

            # check the number of branchsets
            branchsets = len(gsim_lt._ltnode)
            if 'scenario' in self.calculation_mode and branchsets > 1:
                raise InvalidFile(
                    '%s: %s for a scenario calculation must contain a single '
                    'branchset, found %d!' % (job_ini, path, branchsets))

            # check the IMTs vs the GSIMs
            self._gsims_by_trt = gsim_lt.values
            for gsims in gsim_lt.values.values():
        elif self.gsim is not None:
            self.check_gsims([valid.gsim(self.gsim, self.base_path)])

        # check inputs
        unknown = set(self.inputs) - self.KNOWN_INPUTS
        if unknown:
            raise ValueError('Unknown key %s_file in %s' %
                             (unknown.pop(), self.inputs['job_ini']))

        # checks for disaggregation
        if self.calculation_mode == 'disaggregation':
            if not self.poes_disagg and not self.iml_disagg:
                raise InvalidFile('poes_disagg or iml_disagg must be set '
                                  'in %(job_ini)s' % self.inputs)
            elif self.poes_disagg and self.iml_disagg:
                raise InvalidFile(
                    '%s: iml_disagg and poes_disagg cannot be set '
                    'at the same time' % job_ini)
            for k in ('mag_bin_width', 'distance_bin_width',
                      'coordinate_bin_width', 'num_epsilon_bins'):
                if k not in vars(self):
                    raise InvalidFile('%s must be set in %s' % (k, job_ini))

        # checks for classical_damage
        if self.calculation_mode == 'classical_damage':
            if self.conditional_loss_poes:
                raise InvalidFile('%s: conditional_loss_poes are not defined '
                                  'for classical_damage calculations' %

        # checks for event_based_risk
        if (self.calculation_mode == 'event_based_risk'
                and self.asset_correlation not in (0, 1)):
            raise ValueError('asset_correlation != {0, 1} is no longer'
                             ' supported')

        # checks for ebrisk
        if self.calculation_mode == 'ebrisk':
            if self.risk_investigation_time is None:
                raise InvalidFile('Please set the risk_investigation_time in'
                                  ' %s' % job_ini)

        # check for GMFs from file
        if (self.inputs.get('gmfs', '').endswith('.csv')
                and 'sites' not in self.inputs and self.sites is None):
            raise InvalidFile('%s: You forgot sites|sites_csv' % job_ini)
        elif self.inputs.get('gmfs', '').endswith('.xml'):
            raise InvalidFile('%s: GMFs in XML are not supported anymore' %

        # checks for event_based
        if 'event_based' in self.calculation_mode:
            if self.ses_per_logic_tree_path >= TWO32:
                raise ValueError('ses_per_logic_tree_path too big: %d' %
            if self.number_of_logic_tree_samples >= TWO16:
                raise ValueError('number_of_logic_tree_samples too big: %d' %

        # check grid + sites
        if self.region_grid_spacing and ('sites' in self.inputs or self.sites):
            raise ValueError('You are specifying grid and sites at the same '
                             'time: which one do you want?')

        # check for amplification
        if 'amplification' in self.inputs and self.imtls:
Beispiel #11
    def __init__(self, **names_vals):
        if '_job_id' in names_vals:
            # assume most attributes already validated
            if 'hazard_calculation_id' in names_vals:
                self.hazard_calculation_id = int(
            if 'maximum_distance' in names_vals:
                self.maximum_distance =
            if 'pointsource_distance' in names_vals:
                self.pointsource_distance =
            if 'region_constraint' in names_vals:
                self.region = valid.wkt_polygon(
            if 'minimum_magnitude' in names_vals:
                self.minimum_magnitude = valid.floatdict(
            if 'minimum_intensity' in names_vals:
                self.minimum_intensity = valid.floatdict(
            if 'sites' in names_vals:
                self.sites = valid.coordinates(names_vals['sites'])

        # support legacy names
        for name in list(names_vals):
            if name == 'quantile_hazard_curves':
                names_vals['quantiles'] = names_vals.pop(name)
            elif name == 'mean_hazard_curves':
                names_vals['mean'] = names_vals.pop(name)
            elif name == 'max':
                names_vals['max'] = names_vals.pop(name)
        if 'job_ini' not in self.inputs:
            self.inputs['job_ini'] = '<in-memory>'
        job_ini = self.inputs['job_ini']
        if 'calculation_mode' not in names_vals:
            raise InvalidFile('Missing calculation_mode in %s' % job_ini)
        if 'region_constraint' in names_vals:
            if 'region' in names_vals:
                raise InvalidFile('You cannot have both region and '
                                  'region_constraint in %s' % job_ini)
                'region_constraint is obsolete, use region instead')
            self.region = valid.wkt_polygon(
        self.risk_investigation_time = (self.risk_investigation_time
                                        or self.investigation_time)
        self.collapse_level = int(self.collapse_level)
        if ('intensity_measure_types_and_levels' in names_vals
                and 'intensity_measure_types' in names_vals):
            logging.warning('Ignoring intensity_measure_types since '
                            'intensity_measure_types_and_levels is set')
        if 'iml_disagg' in names_vals:
            # normalize things like SA(0.10) -> SA(0.1)
            self.iml_disagg = {
                str(from_string(imt)): val
                for imt, val in self.iml_disagg.items()
            self.hazard_imtls = self.iml_disagg
            if 'intensity_measure_types_and_levels' in names_vals:
                raise InvalidFile(
                    'Please remove the intensity_measure_types_and_levels '
                    'from %s: they will be inferred from the iml_disagg '
                    'dictionary' % job_ini)
        elif 'intensity_measure_types_and_levels' in names_vals:
            self.hazard_imtls = self.intensity_measure_types_and_levels
            delattr(self, 'intensity_measure_types_and_levels')
            lens = set(map(len, self.hazard_imtls.values()))
            if len(lens) > 1:
                dic = {imt: len(ls) for imt, ls in self.hazard_imtls.items()}
                raise ValueError(
                    'Each IMT must have the same number of levels, instead '
                    'you have %s' % dic)
        elif 'intensity_measure_types' in names_vals:
            self.hazard_imtls = dict.fromkeys(self.intensity_measure_types)
            if 'maximum_intensity' in names_vals:
                minint = self.minimum_intensity or {'default': 1E-2}
                for imt in self.hazard_imtls:
                    i1 = calc.filters.getdefault(minint, imt)
                    i2 = calc.filters.getdefault(self.maximum_intensity, imt)
                    self.hazard_imtls[imt] = list(valid.logscale(i1, i2, 20))
            delattr(self, 'intensity_measure_types')
        self._risk_files = get_risk_files(self.inputs)

        if self.hazard_precomputed() and self.job_type == 'risk':
            self.check_missing('site_model', 'debug')
            self.check_missing('gsim_logic_tree', 'debug')
            self.check_missing('source_model_logic_tree', 'debug')

        # check investigation_time
        if (self.investigation_time
                and self.calculation_mode.startswith('scenario')):
            raise ValueError('%s: there cannot be investigation_time in %s' %
                             (self.inputs['job_ini'], self.calculation_mode))

        # check the gsim_logic_tree
        if self.inputs.get('gsim_logic_tree'):
            if self.gsim != '[FromFile]':
                raise InvalidFile('%s: if `gsim_logic_tree_file` is set, there'
                                  ' must be no `gsim` key' % job_ini)
            path = os.path.join(self.base_path, self.inputs['gsim_logic_tree'])
            gsim_lt = logictree.GsimLogicTree(path, ['*'])

            # check the IMTs vs the GSIMs
            self._trts = set(gsim_lt.values)
            for gsims in gsim_lt.values.values():
        elif self.gsim is not None:
            self.check_gsims([valid.gsim(self.gsim, self.base_path)])

        # check inputs
        unknown = set(self.inputs) - self.KNOWN_INPUTS
        if unknown:
            raise ValueError('Unknown key %s_file in %s' %
                             (unknown.pop(), self.inputs['job_ini']))

        # checks for disaggregation
        if self.calculation_mode == 'disaggregation':
            if not self.poes_disagg and self.poes:
                self.poes_disagg = self.poes
            elif not self.poes and self.poes_disagg:
                self.poes = self.poes_disagg
            elif self.poes != self.poes_disagg:
                raise InvalidFile(
                    'poes_disagg != poes: %s!=%s in %s' %
                    (self.poes_disagg, self.poes, self.inputs['job_ini']))
            if not self.poes_disagg and not self.iml_disagg:
                raise InvalidFile('poes_disagg or iml_disagg must be set '
                                  'in %(job_ini)s' % self.inputs)
            elif self.poes_disagg and self.iml_disagg:
                raise InvalidFile(
                    '%s: iml_disagg and poes_disagg cannot be set '
                    'at the same time' % job_ini)
            for k in ('mag_bin_width', 'distance_bin_width',
                      'coordinate_bin_width', 'num_epsilon_bins'):
                if k not in vars(self):
                    raise InvalidFile('%s must be set in %s' % (k, job_ini))
            if self.disagg_outputs and not any('Eps' in out
                                               for out in self.disagg_outputs):
                self.num_epsilon_bins = 1
            if (self.rlz_index is not None
                    and self.num_rlzs_disagg is not None):
                raise InvalidFile('%s: you cannot set rlzs_index and '
                                  'num_rlzs_disagg at the same time' % job_ini)

        # checks for classical_damage
        if self.calculation_mode == 'classical_damage':
            if self.conditional_loss_poes:
                raise InvalidFile('%s: conditional_loss_poes are not defined '
                                  'for classical_damage calculations' %

        # checks for event_based_risk
        if (self.calculation_mode == 'event_based_risk'
                and self.asset_correlation not in (0, 1)):
            raise ValueError('asset_correlation != {0, 1} is no longer'
                             ' supported')

        # checks for ebrisk
        if self.calculation_mode == 'ebrisk':
            if self.risk_investigation_time is None:
                raise InvalidFile('Please set the risk_investigation_time in'
                                  ' %s' % job_ini)

        # check for GMFs from file
        if (self.inputs.get('gmfs', '').endswith('.csv')
                and 'sites' not in self.inputs and self.sites is None):
            raise InvalidFile('%s: You forgot sites|sites_csv' % job_ini)
        elif self.inputs.get('gmfs', '').endswith('.xml'):
            raise InvalidFile('%s: GMFs in XML are not supported anymore' %

        # checks for event_based
        if 'event_based' in self.calculation_mode:
            if self.ses_per_logic_tree_path >= TWO32:
                raise ValueError('ses_per_logic_tree_path too big: %d' %
            if self.number_of_logic_tree_samples >= TWO16:
                raise ValueError('number_of_logic_tree_samples too big: %d' %

        # check grid + sites
        if self.region_grid_spacing and ('sites' in self.inputs or self.sites):
            raise ValueError('You are specifying grid and sites at the same '
                             'time: which one do you want?')

        # check for amplification
        if ('amplification' in self.inputs and self.imtls
                and self.calculation_mode
                in ['classical', 'classical_risk', 'disaggregation']):
Beispiel #12
 def test_full_instantiation(self):
     # test for
     abr = valid.gsim("AbrahamsonEtAl2014")
Beispiel #13
    def __init__(self, **names_vals):
        for name in list(names_vals):
            if name == 'quantile_hazard_curves':
                names_vals['quantiles'] = names_vals.pop(name)
        job_ini = self.inputs['job_ini']
        if 'calculation_mode' not in names_vals:
            raise InvalidFile('Missing calculation_mode in %s' % job_ini)
        if 'region_constraint' in names_vals:
            if 'region' in names_vals:
                raise InvalidFile('You cannot have both region and '
                                  'region_constraint in %s' % job_ini)
                'region_constraint is obsolete, use region instead')
            self.region = valid.wkt_polygon(
        self.risk_investigation_time = (
            self.risk_investigation_time or self.investigation_time)
        if ('intensity_measure_types_and_levels' in names_vals and
                'intensity_measure_types' in names_vals):
            logging.warning('Ignoring intensity_measure_types since '
                            'intensity_measure_types_and_levels is set')
        if 'iml_disagg' in names_vals:
            # normalize things like SA(0.10) -> SA(0.1)
            self.iml_disagg = {str(from_string(imt)): val
                               for imt, val in self.iml_disagg.items()}
            self.hazard_imtls = self.iml_disagg
            if 'intensity_measure_types_and_levels' in names_vals:
                raise InvalidFile(
                    'Please remove the intensity_measure_types_and_levels '
                    'from %s: they will be inferred from the iml_disagg '
                    'dictionary' % job_ini)
        elif 'intensity_measure_types_and_levels' in names_vals:
            self.hazard_imtls = self.intensity_measure_types_and_levels
            delattr(self, 'intensity_measure_types_and_levels')
        elif 'intensity_measure_types' in names_vals:
            self.hazard_imtls = dict.fromkeys(self.intensity_measure_types)
            delattr(self, 'intensity_measure_types')
        self._risk_files = get_risk_files(self.inputs)

        if (self.hazard_calculation_id and
                self.calculation_mode == 'ucerf_risk'):
            raise ValueError('You cannot use the --hc option with ucerf_risk')
        if self.hazard_precomputed() and self.job_type == 'risk':
            self.check_missing('site_model', 'debug')
            self.check_missing('gsim_logic_tree', 'debug')
            self.check_missing('source_model_logic_tree', 'debug')

        # check the gsim_logic_tree
        if self.inputs.get('gsim_logic_tree'):
            if self.gsim != '[FromFile]':
                raise InvalidFile('%s: if `gsim_logic_tree_file` is set, there'
                                  ' must be no `gsim` key' % job_ini)
            path = os.path.join(
                self.base_path, self.inputs['gsim_logic_tree'])
            gsim_lt = logictree.GsimLogicTree(path, ['*'])

            # check the number of branchsets
            branchsets = len(gsim_lt._ltnode)
            if 'scenario' in self.calculation_mode and branchsets > 1:
                raise InvalidFile(
                    '%s: %s for a scenario calculation must contain a single '
                    'branchset, found %d!' % (job_ini, path, branchsets))

            # check the IMTs vs the GSIMs
            self._gsims_by_trt = gsim_lt.values
            for gsims in self._gsims_by_trt.values():
        elif self.gsim is not None:

        # checks for disaggregation
        if self.calculation_mode == 'disaggregation':
            if not self.poes_disagg and not self.iml_disagg:
                raise InvalidFile('poes_disagg or iml_disagg must be set '
                                  'in %(job_ini)s' % self.inputs)
            elif self.poes_disagg and self.iml_disagg:
                raise InvalidFile(
                    '%s: iml_disagg and poes_disagg cannot be set '
                    'at the same time' % job_ini)
            for k in ('mag_bin_width', 'distance_bin_width',
                      'coordinate_bin_width', 'num_epsilon_bins'):
                if k not in vars(self):
                    raise InvalidFile('%s must be set in %s' % (k, job_ini))

        # checks for classical_damage
        if self.calculation_mode == 'classical_damage':
            if self.conditional_loss_poes:
                raise InvalidFile(
                    '%s: conditional_loss_poes are not defined '
                    'for classical_damage calculations' % job_ini)

        # checks for event_based_risk
        if (self.calculation_mode == 'event_based_risk' and
                self.asset_correlation not in (0, 1)):
            raise ValueError('asset_correlation != {0, 1} is no longer'
                             ' supported')

        # checks for ebrisk
        if self.calculation_mode == 'ebrisk':
            # elif self.number_of_logic_tree_samples == 0:
            #    logging.warning('ebrisk is not meant for full enumeration')

        # check for GMFs from file
        if (self.inputs.get('gmfs', '').endswith('.csv') and not self.sites and
                'sites' not in self.inputs):
            raise InvalidFile('%s: You forgot sites|sites_csv' % job_ini)
        elif (self.inputs.get('gmfs', '').endswith('.xml') and
                'sites' in self.inputs):
            raise InvalidFile('%s: You cannot have both sites_csv and '
                              'gmfs_file' % job_ini)

        # checks for event_based
        if 'event_based' in self.calculation_mode:
            if self.ses_per_logic_tree_path >= TWO32:
                raise ValueError('ses_per_logic_tree_path too big: %d' %
            if self.number_of_logic_tree_samples >= TWO16:
                raise ValueError('number_of_logic_tree_samples too big: %d' %

        # check grid + sites
        if (self.region_grid_spacing and 'site_model' in self.inputs
                and 'exposure' in self.inputs):
                'You are specifying a grid, a site model and an exposure at '
                'the same time: consider using `oq prepare_site_model`')
Beispiel #14
    def _build_trts_branches(self, tectonic_region_types):
        # do the parsing, called at instantiation time to populate .values
        trts = []
        branches = []
        branchids = []
        branchsetids = set()
        basedir = os.path.dirname(self.filename)
        for bsno, blnode in enumerate(self._ltnode):
            [branchset] = bsnodes(self.filename, blnode)
            if branchset['uncertaintyType'] != 'gmpeModel':
                raise InvalidLogicTree(
                    '%s: only uncertainties of type "gmpeModel" '
                    'are allowed in gmpe logic tree' % self.filename)
            bsid = branchset['branchSetID']
            if bsid in branchsetids:
                raise InvalidLogicTree('%s: Duplicated branchSetID %s' %
                                       (self.filename, bsid))
            trt = branchset.get('applyToTectonicRegionType')
            if trt:  # missing in
                self.bsetdict[trt] = bsid
            self.bsetdict[trt] = bsid
            # NB: '*' is used in scenario calculations to disable filtering
            effective = (tectonic_region_types == ['*']
                         or trt in tectonic_region_types)
            weights = []
            branch_ids = []
            for brno, branch in enumerate(branchset):
                weight = ImtWeight(branch, self.filename)
                branch_id = branch['branchID']
                    gsim = valid.gsim(branch.uncertaintyModel, basedir)
                except Exception as exc:
                    raise ValueError("%s in file %s" %
                                     (exc, self.filename)) from exc
                if gsim in self.values[trt]:
                    raise InvalidLogicTree('%s: duplicated gsim %s' %
                                           (self.filename, gsim))
                if len(weight.dic) > 1:
                    gsim.weight = weight
                bt = BranchTuple(branchset['applyToTectonicRegionType'],
                                 branch_id, gsim, weight, effective)
                if effective:
                    self.shortener[branch_id] = keyno(branch_id, bsno, brno,
            tot = sum(weights)
            assert tot.is_one(), '%s in branch %s' % (tot, branch_id)
            if duplicated(branch_ids):
                raise InvalidLogicTree(
                    'There where duplicated branchIDs in %s' % self.filename)

        if len(trts) > len(set(trts)):
            raise InvalidLogicTree(
                '%s: Found duplicated applyToTectonicRegionType=%s' %
                (self.filename, trts))
        dupl = duplicated(branchids)
        if dupl:
            logging.warning('There are duplicated branchIDs %s in %s', dupl,
        branches.sort(key=lambda b: (b.trt,
        # TODO: add an .idx to each GSIM ?
        return branches
Beispiel #15
 def test_valid(self):
     n = 0
     for toml in gsim_aliases.values():
         n += 1
     print('Checked %d valid aliases' % n)
Beispiel #16
    def __init__(self, **names_vals):
        job_ini = self.inputs['job_ini']
        if 'calculation_mode' not in names_vals:
            raise InvalidFile('Missing calculation_mode in %s' % job_ini)
        if 'region_constraint' in names_vals:
            if 'region' in names_vals:
                raise InvalidFile('You cannot have both region and '
                                  'region_constraint in %s' % job_ini)
                'region_constraint is obsolete, use region instead')
            self.region = valid.wkt_polygon(
        self.risk_investigation_time = (
            self.risk_investigation_time or self.investigation_time)
        if ('intensity_measure_types_and_levels' in names_vals and
                'intensity_measure_types' in names_vals):
            logging.warning('Ignoring intensity_measure_types since '
                            'intensity_measure_types_and_levels is set')
        if 'iml_disagg' in names_vals:
            self.hazard_imtls = self.iml_disagg
            if 'intensity_measure_types_and_levels' in names_vals:
                raise InvalidFile(
                    'Please remove the intensity_measure_types_and_levels '
                    'from %s: they will be inferred from the iml_disagg '
                    'dictionary' % job_ini)
        elif 'intensity_measure_types_and_levels' in names_vals:
            self.hazard_imtls = self.intensity_measure_types_and_levels
            delattr(self, 'intensity_measure_types_and_levels')
        elif 'intensity_measure_types' in names_vals:
            self.hazard_imtls = dict.fromkeys(self.intensity_measure_types)
            delattr(self, 'intensity_measure_types')
        self._file_type, self._risk_files = get_risk_files(self.inputs)

        if (self.hazard_calculation_id and
                self.calculation_mode == 'ucerf_risk'):
            raise ValueError('You cannot use the --hc option with ucerf_risk')
        if self.hazard_precomputed() and self.job_type == 'risk':
            self.check_missing('site_model', 'debug')
            self.check_missing('gsim_logic_tree', 'debug')
            self.check_missing('source_model_logic_tree', 'debug')

        # check the gsim_logic_tree
        if self.inputs.get('gsim_logic_tree'):
            if self.gsim != '[FromFile]':
                raise InvalidFile('%s: if `gsim_logic_tree_file` is set, there'
                                  ' must be no `gsim` key' % job_ini)
            path = os.path.join(
                self.base_path, self.inputs['gsim_logic_tree'])
            gsim_lt = logictree.GsimLogicTree(path, ['*'])

            # check the number of branchsets
            branchsets = len(gsim_lt._ltnode)
            if 'scenario' in self.calculation_mode and branchsets > 1:
                raise InvalidFile(
                    '%s: %s for a scenario calculation must contain a single '
                    'branchset, found %d!' % (job_ini, path, branchsets))

            # check the IMTs vs the GSIMs
            self._gsims_by_trt = gsim_lt.values
            for gsims in self._gsims_by_trt.values():
        elif self.gsim is not None:

        # checks for disaggregation
        if self.calculation_mode == 'disaggregation':
            if not self.poes_disagg and not self.iml_disagg:
                raise InvalidFile('poes_disagg or iml_disagg must be set '
                                  'in %(job_ini)s' % self.inputs)
            elif self.poes_disagg and self.iml_disagg:
                raise InvalidFile(
                    '%s: iml_disagg and poes_disagg cannot be set '
                    'at the same time' % job_ini)
            for k in ('mag_bin_width', 'distance_bin_width',
                      'coordinate_bin_width', 'num_epsilon_bins'):
                if k not in vars(self):
                    raise InvalidFile('%s must be set in %s' % (k, job_ini))

        # checks for classical_damage
        if self.calculation_mode == 'classical_damage':
            if self.conditional_loss_poes:
                raise InvalidFile(
                    '%s: conditional_loss_poes are not defined '
                    'for classical_damage calculations' % job_ini)

        # checks for event_based_risk
        if (self.calculation_mode == 'event_based_risk' and
                self.asset_correlation not in (0, 1)):
            raise ValueError('asset_correlation != {0, 1} is no longer'
                             ' supported')

        # checks for ebrisk
        if self.calculation_mode == 'ebrisk':
            if self.insured_losses:
                raise ValueError('ebrisk does not support insured losses')
            elif self.number_of_logic_tree_samples == 0:
                logging.warning('ebrisk is not meant for full enumeration')

        # check for GMFs from file
        if (self.inputs.get('gmfs', '').endswith('.csv') and not self.sites and
                'sites' not in self.inputs):
            raise InvalidFile('%s: You forgot sites|sites_csv' % job_ini)
        elif (self.inputs.get('gmfs', '').endswith('.xml') and
                'sites' in self.inputs):
            raise InvalidFile('%s: You cannot have both sites_csv and '
                              'gmfs_file' % job_ini)

        # checks for event_based
        if 'event_based' in self.calculation_mode:
            if self.ses_per_logic_tree_path >= TWO32:
                raise ValueError('ses_per_logic_tree_path too big: %d' %
            if self.number_of_logic_tree_samples >= TWO16:
                raise ValueError('number_of_logic_tree_samples too big: %d' %

        # check grid + sites
        if (self.region_grid_spacing and 'site_model' in self.inputs
                and 'exposure' in self.inputs):
                'You are specifying a grid, a site model and an exposure at '
                'the same time: consider using `oq prepare_site_model`')