Beispiel #1
def sample_path_xy(path, index):
        Read a sample (x,y) of the given path at a given array-index

    if path['buffer_type'] == 'dy.memory':
        y = dy.memory_read(memory=path['Y'], index=index)
        x = dy.memory_read(memory=path['X'], index=index)

        return x, y

    elif path['buffer_type'] == 'circular_buffer':
        x = cb.read_from_absolute_index(path['X'], index)
        y = cb.read_from_absolute_index(path['Y'], index)

        return x, y
Beispiel #2
def sample_path(path, index):
        Read a sample of the given path at a given array-index

    if path['buffer_type'] == 'dy.memory':
        d = dy.memory_read(memory=path['D'], index=index)
        x = dy.memory_read(memory=path['X'], index=index)
        y = dy.memory_read(memory=path['Y'], index=index)
        psi = dy.memory_read(memory=path['PSI'], index=index)
        K = dy.memory_read(memory=path['K'], index=index)

        return d, x, y, psi, K

    elif path['buffer_type'] == 'circular_buffer':
        d = cb.read_from_absolute_index(path['D'], index)
        x = cb.read_from_absolute_index(path['X'], index)
        y = cb.read_from_absolute_index(path['Y'], index)
        psi = cb.read_from_absolute_index(path['PSI'], index)
        K = cb.read_from_absolute_index(path['K'], index)

        return d, x, y, psi, K
Beispiel #3
def sample_path_d(path, index):
        Read a sample (d) of the given path at a given array-index

    if path['buffer_type'] == 'dy.memory':
        d = dy.memory_read(memory=path['D'], index=index)

        return d

    elif path['buffer_type'] == 'circular_buffer':
        d = cb.read_from_absolute_index(path['D'], index)

        return d
def path_horizon_head_index(path):
        Get the current head-index position in the horizon and the distance at the head

    if path['buffer_type']  == 'dy.memory':
        head_index                     = dy.int32( path['samples'] - 1 )
        distance_at_the_end_of_horizon = dy.memory_read( memory=path['D'],   index=head_index ) 

    elif path['buffer_type']  == 'circular_buffer':
        head_index                     = cb.get_current_absolute_write_index(path['D']) - 1
        distance_at_the_end_of_horizon = cb.read_from_absolute_index(path['D'], head_index)

    return head_index, distance_at_the_end_of_horizon
Beispiel #5
def path_horizon_tail_index(path):
        Get the current tail-index position in the horizon and the distance at the tail

    if path['buffer_type'] == 'dy.memory':
        tail_index = dy.int32(0)
        distance_at_the_begin_of_horizon = dy.memory_read(memory=path['D'],

    elif path['buffer_type'] == 'circular_buffer':
        tail_index = cb.get_absolute_minimal_index(path['D'])
        distance_at_the_begin_of_horizon = cb.read_from_absolute_index(
            path['D'], tail_index)

    return tail_index, distance_at_the_begin_of_horizon