def bicycle_model(delta, v):
        x = dy.signal()
        y = dy.signal()
        psi = dy.signal()

        # bicycle model
        tmp = delta + psi


        # x_dot   = v * dy.cos( delta + psi )
        # y_dot   = v * dy.sin( delta + psi )
        x_dot = v * dy.cos(tmp)
        y_dot = v * dy.sin(tmp)

        psi_dot = v / dy.float64(wheelbase) * dy.sin(delta)


        # integrators
        sampling_rate = 0.01
        x << dy.euler_integrator(x_dot, sampling_rate, 0.0)
        y << dy.euler_integrator(y_dot, sampling_rate, 0.0)
        psi << dy.euler_integrator(psi_dot, sampling_rate, 0.0)

        return x, y, psi
def discrete_time_bicycle_model(delta, v, Ts, wheelbase, x0=0.0, y0=0.0, psi0=0.0):
        Implement an ODE solver (Euler) for the kinematic bicycle model equations

        x, y           - describes the position of the front axle,
        delta          - the steering angle
        v              - the velocity measured on the front axle
        wheelbase      - the distance between front- and rear axle
        Ts             - the sampling time for the Euler integration
        psi            - the orientation of the carbody
        (x0, y0, psi0) - the initial states of the ODEs

    x   = dy.signal()
    y   = dy.signal()
    psi = dy.signal()

    # bicycle model
    x_dot   = v * dy.cos( delta + psi )
    y_dot   = v * dy.sin( delta + psi )
    psi_dot = v / dy.float64(wheelbase) * dy.sin( delta )

    # integrators
    x    << dy.euler_integrator(x_dot,   Ts, x0)
    y    << dy.euler_integrator(y_dot,   Ts, y0)
    psi  << dy.euler_integrator(psi_dot, Ts, psi0)

    return x, y, psi, x_dot, y_dot, psi_dot
Beispiel #3
def compute_path_orientation_from_curvature( Ts : float, velocity, psi_rr, K_r, L ):
        Compute the noise-reduced path orientation Psi_r from curvature

        Ts       - the sampling time
        velocity - the driving velocity projected onto the path (d/dt d_star) 
        psi_rr   - noisy (e.g., due to sampling) path orientation
        K_r      - path curvature
        L        - gain for fusion using internal observer

        psi_r_reconst     - the noise-reduced path orientation (reconstructed)
        psi_r_reconst_dot - the time derivative                (reconstructed)

    eps = dy.signal()

    psi_r_reconst_dot = velocity * (K_r + eps)
    psi_r_reconst = dy.euler_integrator( u=psi_r_reconst_dot, Ts=Ts, initial_state=psi_rr )

    # observer to compensate for integration error
    eps << (psi_rr - psi_r_reconst) * dy.float64(L)

    return psi_r_reconst, psi_r_reconst_dot
def euler_integrator( u : dy.Signal, Ts : float, name : str, initial_state = None):

    yFb = dy.signal()

    i = dy.add( [ yFb, u ], [ 1, Ts ] ).set_name(name + '_i')
    y = dy.delay( i, initial_state ).set_name(name + '_y')

    yFb << y

    return y
def dInt( u , name : str = ''):

    yFb = dy.signal()

    i = dy.add( [ yFb, u ], [ 1, 1 ] ).set_name(name + '_i')
    y = dy.delay( i).set_name(name + '_y')

    yFb << y

    return y
def firstOrder( u, z_inf, name : str = ''):

    yFb = dy.signal()

    i = dy.add( [ yFb, u ], [ z_inf, 1 ] ).set_name(name + '_i')
    y = dy.delay( i).set_name(name + '_y')

    yFb << y

    return y
def euler_integrator(u: dy.Signal, sampling_rate: float, initial_state=0.0):

    yFb = dy.signal()

    i = dy.add([yFb, u], [1, sampling_rate])
    y = dy.delay(i, initial_state)

    yFb << y

    return y
Beispiel #8
def compute_nominal_steering_from_path_heading(Ts: float, l_r: float, v,

    psi = dy.signal()

    delta = psi_r - psi
    psi_dot = v / dy.float64(l_r) * dy.sin(delta)

    psi << dy.euler_integrator(psi_dot, Ts)

    return delta, psi, psi_dot
def firstOrderAndGain( u, z_inf, gain, name : str = ''):

    dFb = dy.signal()

    s = dy.add( [ dFb, u ], [ z_inf, 1 ] ).set_name('s'+name+'')
    d = dy.delay( s).set_name('d'+name+'')

    dFb << d

    y = dy.gain( d, gain).set_name('y'+name+'')

    return y
Beispiel #10
def compute_nominal_steering_from_curvature( Ts : float, l_r : float, v, K_r ):
        compute the nominal steering angle and rate from given path heading and curvature

    psi_dot = dy.signal()

    delta_dot = v * K_r - psi_dot
    delta = dy.euler_integrator( delta_dot, Ts )
    psi_dot << (v / dy.float64(l_r) * dy.sin(delta))

    return delta, delta_dot, psi_dot
Beispiel #11
def discrete_time_bicycle_model(delta,
    x = dy.signal()
    y = dy.signal()
    psi = dy.signal()

    # bicycle model
    x_dot = v * dy.cos(delta + psi)
    y_dot = v * dy.sin(delta + psi)
    psi_dot = v / dy.float64(wheelbase) * dy.sin(delta)

    # integrators
    x << dy.euler_integrator(x_dot, Ts, x0)
    y << dy.euler_integrator(y_dot, Ts, y0)
    psi << dy.euler_integrator(psi_dot, Ts, psi0)

    return x, y, psi, x_dot, y_dot, psi_dot
Beispiel #12
def compute_nominal_steering_from_path_heading( Ts : float, l_r : float, v, psi_r ):
        Compute the steering angle to follow a path given the path tangent angle

        Internally uses a (partial) model of the bicycle-vehicle to comput the
        optimal steering angle given the path orientation-angle. Internally,
        the orientation of the vehicle body (psi) is computed to determine the optimal
        steering angle.

    psi = dy.signal()

    delta = psi_r - psi 
    psi_dot = v / dy.float64(l_r) * dy.sin(delta)

    psi << dy.euler_integrator( psi_dot, Ts )

    return delta, psi, psi_dot
Beispiel #13
def tracker(path, x, y):
    index_track = dy.signal()

    with dy.sub_loop(max_iterations=1000) as system:

        search_index_increment = dy.int32(
            1)  # positive increment assuming positive velocity

        Delta_index = dy.sum(search_index_increment, initial_state=-1)
        Delta_index_previous_step = Delta_index - search_index_increment

        x_test = dy.memory_read(memory=path['X'],
                                index=index_track + Delta_index)
        y_test = dy.memory_read(memory=path['Y'],
                                index=index_track + Delta_index)

        distance = distance_between(x_test, y_test, x, y)

        distance_previous_step = dy.delay(distance, initial_state=100000)
        minimal_distance_reached = distance_previous_step < distance

        # introduce signal names

        # break condition

        # return
        system.set_outputs([Delta_index_previous_step, distance_previous_step])

    Delta_index = system.outputs[0].set_name('tracker_Delta_index')
    distance = system.outputs[1].set_name('distance')

    index_track_next = index_track + Delta_index

    index_track << dy.delay(index_track_next, initial_state=1)

    return index_track_next, Delta_index, distance
    y6 = dInt( y5, name="int6")

    # define the outputs of the simulation
    output_signals = [  y6 ]

    # specify what the input signals shall be in the runtime
    input_signals_mapping = {}
    input_signals_mapping[ U ] = 1.0

if testname == 'test_oscillator':

    baseDatatype = dy.DataTypeFloat64(1) 

    U = dy.system_input( baseDatatype ).set_name('extU')

    x = dy.signal()
    v = dy.signal()

    acc = dy.add( [ U, v, x ], [ 1, -0.1, -0.1 ] ).set_blockname('acc').set_name('acc')

    v << dy.euler_integrator( acc, Ts=0.1)
    x << dy.euler_integrator( v, Ts=0.1)

    # define the outputs of the simulation
    output_signals = [ x, v ]

    # specify what the input signals shall be in the runtime
    input_signals_mapping = {}
    input_signals_mapping[ U ] = 1.0

Beispiel #15
def path_following(
        x, y, psi, velocity, 
        Delta_l_r = 0.0, 
        Delta_l_r_dot = None, 
        psi_dot = None, 
        velocity_dot = None, 
        Delta_l_r_dotdot = None, 
        Basic steering control for path tracking and user-defined lateral error compensation
        Implements steering control for exact path following.
        Assumed is a kinematic bicycle model.
        Herein, the steering angle (delta) is the control variable. The variables
        x, y, psi, and velocity are measurements taken from the controlled system.
        The lateral offset Delta_l_r to the path is the reference for control.
        The optional signal Delta_l_r_dot describes the time derivative of Delta_l_r.
        controller - callback function that defines the error compensating controller
        par        - parameters that are passed to the callback
        Ts         - the sampling time

        Return values

        results = {}
        results['x_r']                      # the current x-position of the closest point on the reference path
        results['y_r']                      # the current y-position of the closest point on the reference path
        results['v_star']                   # the current velocity of the closest point on the reference path
        results['d_star']                   # the current distance parameter of the closest point on the reference path
        results['psi_r']                    # the current path-tangent orientation angle in the closest point on the reference path
        results['psi_r_dot']                # the time derivative of psi_r
        results['Delta_l_r']                # the reference to the distance to the path
        results['Delta_l_r_dot']            # optional: the time derivative of Delta_l_r
        results['Delta_l']                  # the distance to the closest point on the reference path
        results['Delta_u']                  # small steering delta
        results['delta']                    # the requested steering angle / the control variable

        in case Delta_l_r_dot, psi_dot, velocity_dot, and Delta_l_r_dotdot are given
        the steering derivatives can be computed.

        results['Delta_u_dot']              # the derivative of Delta_u
        results['delta_dot']                # the derivative of delta_dot

    index_head, _ = path_horizon_head_index(path)

    # structure for output signals
    results = dy.structure()

    # track the evolution of the closest point on the path to the vehicles position
    minimal_number_of_path_samples_to_start = 5 # depends on tracker(); should be at least 2
    with dy.sub_if( index_head > minimal_number_of_path_samples_to_start, subsystem_name='tracker' ) as system:

        tracking_results = tracker(path, x, y)

        system.set_outputs( tracking_results.to_list() )
    tracking_results.replace_signals( system.outputs )

    output_valid              = tracking_results['minimal_distance_reached']
    need_more_path_input_data = tracking_results['reached_the_end_of_currently_available_path_data']

    # in case the lookup was successful, run further operations on the path
    # to generate references and run the controller.
    with dy.sub_if( output_valid, prevent_output_computation=False, subsystem_name='controller') as system:

        # ps - path sample
        ps = track_projection_on_path(path, x, y, tracking_results = tracking_results)

        # project the vehicle velocity onto the path yielding v_star 
        # Used formula inside project_velocity_on_path:
        #   v_star = d d_star / dt = v * cos( Delta_u ) / ( 1 - Delta_l * K(d_star) ) 

        Delta_u = dy.signal() # feedback from control
        v_star = project_velocity_on_path(velocity, Delta_u, ps['Delta_l'], ps['K_r'])

        # compute an enhanced (less noise) signal for the path orientation psi_r by integrating the 
        # curvature profile and fusing the result with ps['psi_r'] to mitigate the integration drift.

        psi_r, psi_r_dot = compute_path_orientation_from_curvature( Ts, v_star, ps['psi_r'], ps['K_r'], L=1.0 )

        # controller callback

        references = {
            'Delta_l_r'     : Delta_l_r,
            'Delta_l_r_dot' : Delta_l_r_dot,
            'Delta_l_r_dotdot' : Delta_l_r_dotdot

        # Delta_l_dot might be further computed which improves the accuracy of the derivatives
        # in case of strong feedback control activity.  
        Delta_l_dot = None  # TODO: implement

        measurements = {
            'velocity'     : velocity,
            'velocity_dot' : velocity_dot,
            'psi'          : psi,
            'psi_dot'      : psi_dot,
            'Delta_l'      : ps['Delta_l'],
            'Delta_l_dot'  : Delta_l_dot

        u, u_dot = controller( references, measurements, par )

        # path tracking
        # resulting lateral model u --> Delta_l : 1/s

        Delta_u << dy.asin( dy.saturate(u / velocity, -0.99, 0.99) )
        delta = dy.unwrap_angle(angle=psi_r - psi + Delta_u, normalize_around_zero = True)

        # compute the derivatives of the steering angle (steering rate)
        if psi_dot is not None and Delta_l_r_dot is not None and velocity_dot is not None and Delta_l_r_dotdot is not None:

            Delta_u_dot = dy.cos( u / velocity ) * ( velocity * u_dot - velocity_dot * u ) / ( velocity*velocity )
            delta_dot = psi_r_dot - psi_dot + Delta_u_dot

            results['Delta_u_dot']       = Delta_u_dot
            results['delta_dot']         = delta_dot

        # collect resulting signals
        results['x_r']           = ps['x_r']      # the current x-position of the closest point on the reference path
        results['y_r']           = ps['y_r']      # the current y-position of the closest point on the reference path
        results['v_star']        = v_star         # the current velocity of the closest point on the reference path
        results['d_star']        = ps['d_star']   # the current distance parameter of the closest point on the reference path
        results['psi_r']         = psi_r          # the current path-tangent orientation angle in the closest point on the reference path
        results['K_r']           = ps['K_r']      # the curvature
        results['psi_r_dot']     = psi_r_dot      # the time derivative of psi_r

        results['Delta_u']       = Delta_u        # small steering delta
        results['delta']         = delta          # the requested steering angle / the control variable 

        results['Delta_l']       = ps['Delta_l']  # the distance to the closest point on the reference path
        results['Delta_l_dot']   = dy.float64(math.nan)  # d/dt Delta_l   TODO: implement

        # results['line_tracking_internals']  = ps['internals']

        # return
        system.set_outputs( results.to_list() )
    results.replace_signals( system.outputs )

    results['tracked_index'] = tracking_results['tracked_index']
    results['Delta_l_r']     = Delta_l_r      # the reference to the distance to the path

    results['need_more_path_input_data']     = need_more_path_input_data
    results['output_valid']                  = output_valid

    results['read_position']         = results['tracked_index'] + 1
    results['minimal_read_position'] = results['read_position'] - 100

    return results
def path_lateral_modification2(Ts, wheelbase, input_path, velocity, Delta_l_r, Delta_l_r_dot, Delta_l_r_dotdot):
        Take an input path, modify it according to a given lateral distance profile,
        and generate a new path.
    # create placeholders for the plant output signals
    x       = dy.signal()
    y       = dy.signal()
    psi     = dy.signal()
    psi_dot = dy.signal()

    # controller
    results = path_following_controller_P(
        x, y, psi, 
        Delta_l_r        = Delta_l_r, 
        Delta_l_r_dot    = Delta_l_r_dot,
        Delta_l_r_dotdot = Delta_l_r_dotdot,
        psi_dot          = dy.delay(psi_dot),
        velocity_dot     = dy.float64(0),
        Ts               = Ts,
        k_p              = 1

    # The model of the vehicle including a disturbance

    with dy.sub_if( results['output_valid'], prevent_output_computation=False, subsystem_name='simulation_model') as system:



        # steering angle limit
        limited_steering = dy.saturate(u=results['delta'], lower_limit=-math.pi/2.0, upper_limit=math.pi/2.0)

        # the model of the vehicle
        x_, y_, psi_, x_dot, y_dot, psi_dot_ = discrete_time_bicycle_model(limited_steering, velocity, Ts, wheelbase)

        # driven distance
        d = dy.euler_integrator(velocity, Ts)

        # outputs
        model_outputs = dy.structure(
            d       = d,
            x       = x_,
            y       = y_,
            psi     = psi_,
            psi_dot = dy.delay(psi_dot_) # NOTE: delay introduced to avoid algebraic loops, wait for improved ORTD
    model_outputs.replace_signals( system.outputs )

    # close the feedback loops
    x       << model_outputs['x']
    y       << model_outputs['y']
    psi     << model_outputs['psi']
    psi_dot << model_outputs['psi_dot']

    output_path = dy.structure({
        'd'       : model_outputs['d'],
        'x'       : model_outputs['x'],
        'y'       : model_outputs['y'],
        'psi'     : psi,
        'psi_dot' : psi_dot,

        'psi_r' : psi       + results['delta'],
        'K'     : ( psi_dot + results['delta_dot'] ) / velocity ,

        'delta'         : results['delta'],
        'delta_dot'     : results['delta_dot'],

        'd_star'        : results['d_star'],
        'tracked_index' : results['tracked_index'],

        'output_valid'              : results['output_valid'],
        'need_more_path_input_data' : results['need_more_path_input_data'],

        'read_position'             : results['read_position'],
        'minimal_read_position'     : results['minimal_read_position']

    return output_path
Beispiel #17
def path_lateral_modification2(
        d0, x0, y0, psi0, delta0, delta_dot0

        Take an input path, modify it according to a given lateral distance profile,
        and generate a new path.

        Technically this combines a controller that causes an simulated vehicle to follows 
        the input path with defined lateral modifications. 

        Note: this implementation is meant as a callback routine for async_path_data_handler()
    # create placeholders for the plant output signals
    x       = dy.signal()
    y       = dy.signal()
    psi     = dy.signal()
    psi_dot = dy.signal()

    if 'lateral_controller' not in par:
        # controller
        results = path_following_controller_P(

            x, y, psi,

            Delta_l_r        = Delta_l_r,
            Delta_l_r_dot    = Delta_l_r_dot,
            Delta_l_r_dotdot = Delta_l_r_dotdot,

            psi_dot          = dy.delay(psi_dot),
            velocity_dot     = dy.float64(0),

            Ts               = Ts,
            k_p              = 1

        # path following and a user-defined linearising controller
        results = path_following(
            par['lateral_controller'],            # callback to the implementation of P-control
            par['lateral_controller_par'],        # parameters to the callback


            x, y, psi, 

            Delta_l_r         = Delta_l_r, 
            Delta_l_r_dot     = Delta_l_r_dot, 
            Delta_l_r_dotdot  = Delta_l_r_dotdot, 

            psi_dot           = dy.delay(psi_dot), 
            velocity_dot      = dy.float64(0),  # velocity_dot 

            Ts                = Ts

    # The model of the vehicle

    with dy.sub_if( results['output_valid'], prevent_output_computation=False, subsystem_name='simulation_model') as system:



        # steering angle limit
        limited_steering = dy.saturate(u=results['delta'], lower_limit=-math.pi/2.0, upper_limit=math.pi/2.0)

        # the model of the vehicle
        x_, y_, psi_, x_dot, y_dot, psi_dot_ = discrete_time_bicycle_model(
            Ts, wheelbase,
            x0, y0, psi0

        # driven distance
        d = dy.euler_integrator(velocity, Ts, initial_state=d0)

        # outputs
        model_outputs = dy.structure(
            d       = d,
            x       = x_,
            y       = y_,
            psi     = psi_,
            psi_dot = dy.delay(psi_dot_) # NOTE: delay introduced to avoid algebraic loops, wait for improved ORTD
    model_outputs.replace_signals( system.outputs )

    # close the feedback loops
    x       << model_outputs['x']
    y       << model_outputs['y']
    psi     << model_outputs['psi']
    psi_dot << model_outputs['psi_dot']

    output_path = dy.structure({
        'd'       : model_outputs['d'],
        'x'       : model_outputs['x'],
        'y'       : model_outputs['y'],
        'psi'     : psi,
        'psi_dot' : psi_dot,

        'psi_r' : psi       + results['delta'],                   # orientation angle of the path the vehicle is drawing
        'K'     : ( psi_dot + results['delta_dot'] ) / velocity , # curvature of the path the vehicle is drawing

        'delta'         : results['delta'],
        'delta_dot'     : results['delta_dot'],

        'd_star'        : results['d_star'],
        'tracked_index' : results['tracked_index'],

        'output_valid'              : results['output_valid'],
        'need_more_path_input_data' : results['need_more_path_input_data'],

        'read_position'             : results['read_position'],
        'minimal_read_position'     : results['minimal_read_position']

    return output_path
Beispiel #18
                                     value_range=[0, 300],
                                     title="disturbance position")

# parameters
wheelbase = 3.0

# sampling time
Ts = 0.01

# create storage for the reference path:
path = import_path_data(track_data)

# create placeholders for the plant output signals
x = dy.signal()
y = dy.signal()
psi = dy.signal()

# track the evolution of the closest point on the path to the vehicles position
d_star, x_r, y_r, psi_rr, K_r, Delta_l, tracked_index, Delta_index, _ = track_projection_on_path(
    path, x, y)

# project the vehicle velocity onto the path yielding v_star
# Used formula inside project_velocity_on_path:
#   v_star = d d_star / dt = v * cos( Delta_u ) / ( 1 - Delta_l * K(d_star) )

Delta_u = dy.signal()  # feedback from control
Beispiel #19
def continuous_optimization_along_path(path, current_index, J, par):
        Minimize the given cost function by varying the index of the path array  

                  <----- Delta_index_track ----->
        array: X  X  X  X  X  X  X  X  X  X  X  X  X  X  X 

    if 'Delta_d' in path:
        # constant sampling interval in distance
        # computation can be simplified

    # get the highest available array index in the horizon
    index_head, _ = path_horizon_head_index(path)


    Delta_index_track = dy.signal()

    # initialize J_star
    J_star_0 = J(path, current_index + Delta_index_track, par)

    # compute the direction (gradient) in which J has its decent
    # if true: with increasing index J increases  --> decrease search index
    # if false: with increasing index J decreases --> increase search index
    J_prev_index = J(path, current_index + Delta_index_track - 1, par)
    J_Delta_to_next_index = J_star_0 - J_prev_index

    search_index_increment = dy.conditional_overwrite(
        dy.int32(1), J_Delta_to_next_index > 0, dy.int32(-1))

    # loop to find the minimum of J
    with dy.sub_loop(max_iterations=1000,
                     subsystem_name='optim_loop') as system:

        # J_star(k) - the smallest J found so far
        J_star = dy.signal()

        # inc- / decrease the search index
        Delta_index_previous_step, Delta_index = dy.sum2(
            search_index_increment, initial_state=0)
        index_to_investigate = current_index + Delta_index_track + Delta_index

        # sample the cost function and check if it got smaller in this step
        J_to_verify = J(path, index_to_investigate, par)
        step_caused_improvement = J_to_verify < J_star

        # in case the step yielded a lower cost, replace the prev. minimal cost
        J_star_next = dy.conditional_overwrite(J_star, step_caused_improvement,

        # state for J_star
        J_star << dy.delay(J_star_next, initial_state=J_star_0)

        # loop break conditions

        # when reaching the end of the available data, stop the loop and indicate the need for extending the horizon
        reached_the_end_of_currently_available_path_data = index_to_investigate >= index_head  # reached the end of the input data?

        # similarly check for the begin ...
        reached_the_begin_of_currently_available_path_data = index_to_investigate - 1 <= path_horizon_tail_index(

        # in case the iteration did not reduce the cost, assume that the minimum was reached in the prev. iteration
        reached_minimum = dy.logic_not(step_caused_improvement)


        # assign signals names to appear in the generated source code

        # return
        outputs = dy.structure()
        outputs['Delta_index'] = Delta_index_previous_step
        outputs['J_star'] = J_star_next
        outputs['reached_minimum'] = reached_minimum
            'reached_the_end_of_currently_available_path_data'] = reached_the_end_of_currently_available_path_data
        outputs['index_head'] = index_head * 1
        outputs['index_to_investigate'] = index_to_investigate
        outputs['J_to_verify'] = J_to_verify


    Delta_index = outputs['Delta_index']
    J_star = outputs['J_star']
    reached_minimum = outputs['reached_minimum']
    reached_the_end_of_currently_available_path_data = outputs[

    # Introduce dy.sink(signal) in ORTD to ensure the given signals is not optimized out and becomes visible in the debugging traces
    dummy = 0 * outputs['index_head'] + 0 * outputs[
        'index_to_investigate'] + 0 * outputs['J_to_verify']

    Delta_index_track_next = Delta_index_track + Delta_index
    Delta_index_track << dy.delay(
        Delta_index_track_next, initial_state=1
    )  # start at 1 so that the backwards gradient can be computed at index=1

    # optimal index
    optimal_index = current_index + Delta_index_track_next

    results = dy.structure()
    results['optimal_index'] = optimal_index
    results['J_star'] = J_star + 0 * dummy
    results['Delta_index'] = Delta_index
    results['Delta_index_track_next'] = Delta_index_track_next
    results['reached_minimum'] = reached_minimum
        'reached_the_end_of_currently_available_path_data'] = reached_the_end_of_currently_available_path_data

    return results
def tracker(path, x, y):
        Continuously project the point (x, y) onto the given path (closest distance)

        This is an internal function. C.f. track_projection_on_path for details and assumptions.

        returns in structure tracking_results:
            tracked_index    - the index in the path array for the closest distance to (x, y)
            Delta_index      - the change of the index to the previous lookup
            distance         - the absolute value of the closest distance of (x, y) to the path

                             - reached the end of the path
    index_head, _ = path_horizon_head_index(path)

    # the index that currently describes the index on the path with the closest distance to (x,y)
    index_track = dy.signal().set_name('index_track')

    with dy.sub_loop( max_iterations=200, subsystem_name='tracker_loop' ) as system:

        search_index_increment = dy.int32(1) # positive increment assuming positive velocity

        Delta_index = dy.sum(search_index_increment, initial_state=-1 )
        Delta_index_previous_step = Delta_index - search_index_increment

        # the index at which to compute the distance to and see if it is the minimum 
        index_to_investigate  = index_track + Delta_index
        x_test, y_test        = sample_path_xy(path, index_to_investigate)
        distance              = distance_between( x_test, y_test, x, y )

        distance_previous_step = dy.delay(distance, initial_state=100000)
        minimal_distance_reached = distance_previous_step < distance

        # introduce signal names

        # break condition
        reached_the_end_of_currently_available_path_data = index_to_investigate >= index_head # reached the end of the input data?
        system.loop_until( dy.logic_or( minimal_distance_reached, reached_the_end_of_currently_available_path_data ) )

        # return        

    Delta_index                                      = system.outputs[0].set_name('tracker_Delta_index')
    distance                                         = system.outputs[1].set_name('distance')
    minimal_distance_reached                         = system.outputs[2].set_name('minimal_distance_reached')
    reached_the_end_of_currently_available_path_data = system.outputs[3].set_name('reached_the_end_of_currently_available_path_data')

    # update current state of index_track 
    index_track_next = index_track + Delta_index 
    index_track << dy.delay(index_track_next, initial_state=1)

    tracking_results = dy.structure()
    tracking_results['tracked_index']                                    = index_track_next
    tracking_results['Delta_index']                                      = Delta_index
    tracking_results['distance']                                         = distance
    tracking_results['minimal_distance_reached']                         = minimal_distance_reached
    tracking_results['reached_the_end_of_currently_available_path_data'] = reached_the_end_of_currently_available_path_data

    # return index_track_next, Delta_index, distance, minimal_distance_reached, reached_the_end_of_currently_available_path_data

    return tracking_results
k_p = dy.system_input(baseDatatype).set_name('k_p').set_properties({
    "range": [0, 1.0],

wheelbase = 3.0

# generate a step-wise reference signal
pwm_signal, state_control = generate_signal_PWM(period=dy.float64(200),
reference = (pwm_signal - dy.float64(0.5)) * dy.float64(1.0)

# create placeholder for the plant output signal
x = dy.signal().set_name('x')
y = dy.signal().set_name('y')
psi = dy.signal().set_name('psi')

# controller error
error = reference - y

steering = dy.float64(0.0) + k_p * error - psi

sw = False

if sw:

    x_dot = velocity * dy.cos(steering + psi)
        v = dy.float64(0.0).set_name('v_def')

        counter = dy.counter().set_name('counter')
        timeout = ( counter > number_of_samples_to_stay_in_A ).set_name('timeout')
        next_state = dy.conditional_overwrite(signal=dy.int32(-1), condition=timeout, new_value=1 ).set_name('next_state')

        system.set_switched_outputs([ x, v, counter ], next_state)

    with switch.new_subsystem('state_B') as system:

        # implement a simple spring-mass oscillator: 
        # x is the position, v is the velocity, acc is the acceleration

        # create placeholder symbols for x and v (as they are used before being defined)
        x = dy.signal()
        v = dy.signal()

        acc = dy.add( [ U, v, x ], [ 1, -0.1, -0.1 ] ).set_blockname('acc').set_name('acc')

        # close the feedback loops for x and v
        v << euler_integrator( acc, Ts=0.1, name="intV", initial_state=-1.0 )
        x << euler_integrator( v,   Ts=0.1, name="intX" )

        leave_this_state = (x > threshold_for_x_to_leave_B).set_name("leave_this_state")
        next_state = dy.conditional_overwrite(signal=dy.int32(-1), condition=leave_this_state, new_value=0 ).set_name('next_state')

        counter = dy.counter().set_name('counter')

        system.set_switched_outputs([ x, v, counter ], next_state)
Beispiel #23
def tracker_distance_ahead(path, current_index, distance_ahead):

                  <----- Delta_index_track ----->
        array: X  X  X  X  X  X  X  X  X  X  X  X  X  X  X 

    if 'Delta_d' in path:
        # constant sampling interval in distance
        # computation can be simplified

    target_distance = dy.float64(distance_ahead) + dy.memory_read(
        memory=path['D'], index=current_index)

    def J(index):

        d_test = dy.memory_read(memory=path['D'], index=index)
        distance = dy.abs(d_test - target_distance)

        return distance

    Delta_index_track = dy.signal()

    # initialize J_star
    J_star_0 = J(current_index + Delta_index_track)

    # compute the direction in which J has its decent
    # if true: with increasing index J increases  --> decrease search index
    # if false: with increasing index J decreases --> increase search index
    J_next_index = J(current_index + Delta_index_track + dy.int32(1))
    J_Delta_to_next_index = J_next_index - J_star_0

    direction_flag = J_Delta_to_next_index > dy.float64(0)

    search_index_increment = dy.int32(1)
    search_index_increment = dy.conditional_overwrite(search_index_increment,

    # loop to find the minimum of J
    with dy.sub_loop(max_iterations=1000) as system:

        # J_star(k) - the smallest J found so far
        J_star = dy.signal()

        # inc- / decrease the search index
        Delta_index_prev_it, Delta_index = dy.sum2(search_index_increment,


        # sample the cost function and check if it got smaller in this step
        J_to_verify = J(current_index + Delta_index_track + Delta_index)

        step_caused_improvment = J_to_verify < J_star

        # replace the
        J_star_next = dy.conditional_overwrite(J_star, step_caused_improvment,

        # state for J_star
        J_star << dy.delay(J_star_next,

        # loop break condition

        # return the results computed in the loop
        system.set_outputs([Delta_index_prev_it, J_to_verify, J_star])

    Delta_index = system.outputs[0]

    Delta_index_track_next = Delta_index_track + Delta_index
    Delta_index_track << dy.delay(Delta_index_track_next, initial_state=0)

    # compute the residual distance
    optimal_distance = dy.memory_read(memory=path['D'],
                                      index=current_index +
    distance_residual = target_distance - optimal_distance

    return Delta_index_track_next, distance_residual, Delta_index
def path_following_controller_P( path, x, y, psi, velocity, Delta_l_r = 0.0, Delta_l_r_dot = None, k_p=2.0, Ts=0.01, psi_dot = None, velocity_dot = None, Delta_l_r_dotdot = None, Delta_l_dot = None  ):
        Basic steering control for path tracking using proportional lateral error compensation
        Path following steering control for exact path following and P-control to control the lateral 
        distance to the path are combined.
        Controlls a kinematic bicycle model (assumption) to follow the given path.
        Herein, the steering angle delta is the control variable. The variables
        x, y, psi, and velocity are measurements taken from the controlled system.
        The lateral offset Delta_l_r to the path is the reference. The optional
        signal Delta_l_r_dot describes the time derivative of Delta_l_r.
        Ts - the sampling time

        Return values

        results = {}
        results['x_r']                      # the current x-position of the closest point on the reference path
        results['y_r']                      # the current y-position of the closest point on the reference path
        results['v_star']                   # the current velocity of the closest point on the reference path
        results['d_star']                   # the current distance parameter of the closest point on the reference path
        results['psi_r']                    # the current path-tangent orientation angle in the closest point on the reference path
        results['psi_r_dot']                # the time derivative of psi_r
        results['Delta_l_r']                # the reference to the distance to the path
        results['Delta_l_r_dot']            # optional: the time derivative of Delta_l_r
        results['Delta_l']                  # the distance to the closest point on the reference path
        results['Delta_u']                  # small steering delta
        results['delta']                    # the requested steering angle / the control variable

        in case Delta_l_r_dot, psi_dot, velocity_dot, and Delta_l_r_dotdot are given
        the steering derivatives can be computed.

        results['Delta_u_dot']              # the derivative of Delta_u
        results['delta_dot']                # the derivative of delta_dot

        Optionally, Delta_l_dot might be further given which improves the accuracy of the derivatives
        in case of strong feedback control activity.  

    index_head, _ = path_horizon_head_index(path)

    # structure for output signals
    results = dy.structure()

    # track the evolution of the closest point on the path to the vehicles position
    with dy.sub_if( index_head > 10 ) as system:

        tracking_results = tracker(path, x, y)

        system.set_outputs( tracking_results.to_list() )

    tracking_results.replace_signals( system.outputs )

    output_valid              = tracking_results['minimal_distance_reached']
    need_more_path_input_data = tracking_results['reached_the_end_of_currently_available_path_data']

    # position_on_path_found = dy.boolean(True)

    with dy.sub_if( output_valid, prevent_output_computation=False, subsystem_name='controller') as system:

        # ps - path sample
        ps = track_projection_on_path(path, x, y, tracking_results = tracking_results)

        # project the vehicle velocity onto the path yielding v_star 
        # Used formula inside project_velocity_on_path:
        #   v_star = d d_star / dt = v * cos( Delta_u ) / ( 1 - Delta_l * K(d_star) ) 

        Delta_u = dy.signal() # feedback from control
        v_star = project_velocity_on_path(velocity, Delta_u, ps['Delta_l'], ps['K_r'])

        # compute an enhanced (less noise) signal for the path orientation psi_r by integrating the 
        # curvature profile and fusing the result with ps['psi_r'] to mitigate the integration drift.

        psi_r, psi_r_dot = compute_path_orientation_from_curvature( Ts, v_star, ps['psi_r'], ps['K_r'], L=1.0 )
        # feedback control
        u_fb = k_p * (Delta_l_r - ps['Delta_l'])

        if Delta_l_r_dot is not None:
            u = Delta_l_r_dot + u_fb
            u = u_fb

        # path tracking
        # resulting lateral model u --> Delta_l : 1/s
        Delta_u << dy.asin( dy.saturate(u / velocity, -0.99, 0.99) )
        delta = dy.unwrap_angle(angle=psi_r - psi + Delta_u, normalize_around_zero = True)

        # compute the derivatives of the steering angle (steering rate)
        if psi_dot is not None and Delta_l_r_dot is not None and velocity_dot is not None and Delta_l_r_dotdot is not None:
            if Delta_l_dot is None:
                u_dot = Delta_l_r_dotdot # + 0 neglect numerical random walk error compensation 
                u_dot = Delta_l_r_dotdot + Delta_l_dot

            Delta_u_dot = dy.cos( u / velocity ) * ( velocity * u_dot - velocity_dot * u ) / ( velocity*velocity )
            delta_dot = psi_r_dot - psi_dot + Delta_u_dot

            results['Delta_u_dot']       = Delta_u_dot
            results['delta_dot']         = delta_dot

        # collect resulting signals
        results['x_r']           = ps['x_r']      # the current x-position of the closest point on the reference path
        results['y_r']           = ps['y_r']      # the current y-position of the closest point on the reference path
        results['v_star']        = v_star         # the current velocity of the closest point on the reference path
        results['d_star']        = ps['d_star']   # the current distance parameter of the closest point on the reference path
        results['psi_r']         = psi_r          # the current path-tangent orientation angle in the closest point on the reference path
        results['psi_r_dot']     = psi_r_dot      # the time derivative of psi_r
        results['Delta_l']       = ps['Delta_l']  # the distance to the closest point on the reference path
        results['Delta_u']       = Delta_u        # small steering delta
        results['delta']         = delta          # the requested steering angle / the control variable 

        # results['line_tracking_internals']  = ps['internals']

        # return
        system.set_outputs( results.to_list() )
    results.replace_signals( system.outputs )

    results['tracked_index'] = tracking_results['tracked_index']
    results['Delta_l_r']     = Delta_l_r      # the reference to the distance to the path

    results['need_more_path_input_data']     = need_more_path_input_data
    results['output_valid']                  = output_valid

    results['read_position']         = results['tracked_index'] + 1
    results['minimal_read_position'] = results['read_position'] - 100

    return results
Beispiel #25
                               value_range=[0, 1],
                               title="mode: activate IMU")

# parameters
wheelbase = 3.0

# sampling time
Ts = 0.01

# create storage for the reference path:
path = import_path_data(track_data)

# create placeholders for the plant output signals
x_real = dy.signal()
y_real = dy.signal()
psi_measurement = dy.signal()

# track the evolution of the closest point on the path to the vehicles position
# note: this is only used to initialize the open-loop control with the currect vehicle position on the path
d_star, x_r, y_r, psi_r, K_r, Delta_l, tracked_index, Delta_index = track_projection_on_path(
    path, x_real, y_real)

path_index_start_open_loop_control = dy.sample_and_hold(
    tracked_index, event=dy.initial_event())
path_distance_start_open_loop_control = dy.sample_and_hold(
    d_star, event=dy.initial_event())

ofs = dy.float64(0.1).set_name('ofs')

# define system inputs
friction = dy.system_input(baseDatatype).set_name('friction') * dy.float64(
    0.05) + ofs
mass = dy.system_input(baseDatatype).set_name('mass') * dy.float64(0.05) + ofs
length = dy.system_input(baseDatatype).set_name('length') * dy.float64(
    0.05) + ofs

# length = dy.float64(0.3)
g = dy.float64(9.81).set_name('g')

# create placeholder for the plant output signal
angle = dy.signal()
angular_velocity = dy.signal()

angular_acceleration = dy.float64(
    0) - g / length * dy.sin(angle) - (friction /
                                       (mass * length)) * angular_velocity


sampling_rate = 0.01
angular_velocity_ = euler_integrator(angular_acceleration, sampling_rate,
angle_ = euler_integrator(angular_velocity_, sampling_rate,
                          30.0 / 180.0 * math.pi).set_name('ang')

angle << angle_
                                     value_range=[0, 300],
                                     title="disturbance position")

# parameters
wheelbase = 3.0

# sampling time
Ts = 0.01

# create storage for the reference path:
path = import_path_data(track_data)

# create placeholders for the plant output signals
x = dy.signal()
y = dy.signal()
psi = dy.signal()

# track the evolution of the closest point on the path to the vehicles position
d_star, x_r, y_r, psi_r, K_r, Delta_l, tracked_index, Delta_index = track_projection_on_path(
    path, x, y)

# reference for the lateral distance
Delta_l_r = dy.float64(0.0)  # zero in this example

dy.append_output(Delta_l_r, 'Delta_l_r')

# feedback control
u = dy.PID_controller(r=Delta_l_r, y=Delta_l, Ts=0.01, kp=k_p)
# parameters
wheelbase = 3.0

# driving with constant velocity

# create storage for the reference path:
path = import_path_data(track_data)

# create placeholders for the plant output signals
x       = dy.signal()
y       = dy.signal()
psi     = dy.signal()
psi_dot = dy.signal()
delta   = dy.signal()
a_lat   = dy.signal()

# track the evolution of the closest point on the path to the vehicles position
tracked_index, Delta_index, closest_distance = tracker(path, x, y)

second_closest_distance, index_second_star = find_second_closest( path, x, y, index_star=tracked_index )
interpolated_closest_distance = compute_distance_from_linear_interpolation( second_closest_distance, closest_distance  )

dy.append_output(interpolated_closest_distance, 'interpolated_closest_distance')
dy.append_output(second_closest_distance, 'second_closest_distance')