Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, plugins=None):
        """User preference for each service.

        :param plugins: List of entry point namespaces to load.

        Create a new :class:`~openstack.profile.Profile`
        object with no preferences defined, but knowledge of the services.
        Services are identified by their service type, e.g.: 'identity',
        'compute', etc.
        self._services = {}


        self.service_keys = sorted(self._services.keys())
Beispiel #2
class Chassis(resource.Resource):

    resources_key = 'chassis'
    base_path = '/chassis'
    service = baremetal_service.BaremetalService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_fetch = True
    allow_commit = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True
    commit_method = 'PATCH'
    commit_jsonpatch = True

    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters('fields')

    #: Timestamp at which the chassis was created.
    created_at = resource.Body('created_at')
    #: A descriptive text about the service
    description = resource.Body('description')
    #: A set of one or more arbitrary metadata key and value pairs.
    extra = resource.Body('extra')
    #: The UUID for the chassis
    id = resource.Body('uuid', alternate_id=True)
    #: A list of relative links, including the self and bookmark links.
    links = resource.Body('links', type=list)
    #: Links to the collection of nodes contained in the chassis
    nodes = resource.Body('nodes', type=list)
    #: Timestamp at which the chassis was last updated.
    updated_at = resource.Body('updated_at')
Beispiel #3
 def test_service(self):
     sot = baremetal_service.BaremetalService()
     self.assertEqual('baremetal', sot.service_type)
     self.assertEqual('public', sot.interface)
     self.assertEqual(1, len(sot.valid_versions))
     self.assertEqual('v1', sot.valid_versions[0].module)
     self.assertEqual('v1', sot.valid_versions[0].path)
Beispiel #4
class Port(resource.Resource):

    resources_key = 'ports'
    base_path = '/ports'
    service = baremetal_service.BaremetalService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_fetch = True
    allow_commit = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True
    commit_method = 'PATCH'
    commit_jsonpatch = True

    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters(

    # The physical_network field introduced in 1.34
    _max_microversion = '1.34'

    #: The physical hardware address of the network port, typically the
    #: hardware MAC address.
    address = resource.Body('address')
    #: Timestamp at which the port was created.
    created_at = resource.Body('created_at')
    #: A set of one or more arbitrary metadata key and value pairs.
    extra = resource.Body('extra')
    #: The UUID of the port
    id = resource.Body('uuid', alternate_id=True)
    #: Internal metadata set and stored by the port. This field is read-only.
    #: Added in API microversion 1.18.
    internal_info = resource.Body('internal_info')
    #: Whether PXE is enabled on the port. Added in API microversion 1.19.
    is_pxe_enabled = resource.Body('pxe_enabled', type=bool)
    #: A list of relative links, including the self and bookmark links.
    links = resource.Body('links', type=list)
    #: The port bindig profile. If specified, must contain ``switch_id`` and
    #: ``port_id`` fields. ``switch_info`` field is an optional string field
    #: to be used to store vendor specific information. Added in API
    #: microversion 1.19.
    local_link_connection = resource.Body('local_link_connection')
    #: The UUID of node this port belongs to
    node_id = resource.Body('node_uuid')
    #: The name of physical network this port is attached to.
    #: Added in API microversion 1.34.
    physical_network = resource.Body('physical_network')
    #: The UUID of PortGroup this port belongs to. Added in API microversion
    #: 1.24.
    port_group_id = resource.Body('portgroup_uuid')
    #: Timestamp at which the port was last updated.
    updated_at = resource.Body('updated_at')
Beispiel #5
class PortGroup(resource.Resource):

    resources_key = 'portgroups'
    base_path = '/portgroups'
    service = baremetal_service.BaremetalService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_fetch = True
    allow_commit = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True
    commit_method = 'PATCH'
    commit_jsonpatch = True

    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters(

    # The mode and properties field introduced in 1.26.
    _max_microversion = '1.26'

    #: The physical hardware address of the portgroup, typically the hardware
    #: MAC address. Added in API microversion 1.23.
    address = resource.Body('address')
    #: Timestamp at which the portgroup was created.
    created_at = resource.Body('created_at')
    #: A set of one or more arbitrary metadata key and value pairs.
    extra = resource.Body('extra', type=dict)
    #: The name of the portgroup
    name = resource.Body('name')
    #: The UUID for the portgroup
    id = resource.Body('uuid', alternate_id=True)
    #: Internal metadaa set and stored by the portgroup.
    internal_info = resource.Body('internal_info')
    #: Whether ports that are members of this portgroup can be used as
    #: standalone ports. Added in API microversion 1.23.
    is_standalone_ports_supported = resource.Body('standalone_ports_supported',
    #: A list of relative links, including the self and bookmark links.
    links = resource.Body('links', type=list)
    #: Port bonding mode. Added in API microversion 1.26.
    mode = resource.Body('mode')
    #: UUID of the node this portgroup belongs to.
    node_id = resource.Body('node_uuid')
    #: A list of links to the collection of ports belonging to this portgroup.
    #: Added in API microversion 1.24.
    ports = resource.Body('ports')
    #: Port group properties. Added in API microversion 1.26.
    properties = resource.Body('properties', type=dict)
    #: Timestamp at which the portgroup was last updated.
    updated_at = resource.Body('updated_at')
Beispiel #6
class Version(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'version'
    resources_key = 'versions'
    base_path = '/'
    service = baremetal_service.BaremetalService(

    # Capabilities
    allow_list = True

    # Attributes
    links = resource.Body('links')
    status = resource.Body('status')
    updated = resource.Body('updated')
Beispiel #7
class Driver(resource.Resource):

    resources_key = 'drivers'
    base_path = '/drivers'
    service = baremetal_service.BaremetalService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = False
    allow_get = True
    allow_update = False
    allow_delete = False
    allow_list = True

    # NOTE: Query mapping?

    #: The name of the driver
    name = resource.Body('name', alternate_id=True)
    #: A list of active hosts that support this driver.
    hosts = resource.Body('hosts', type=list)
    #: A list of relative links, including the self and bookmark links.
    links = resource.Body('links', type=list)
    #: A list of links to driver properties.
    properties = resource.Body('properties', type=list)
Beispiel #8
class Node(resource.Resource):

    resources_key = 'nodes'
    base_path = '/nodes'
    service = baremetal_service.BaremetalService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_fetch = True
    allow_commit = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True
    commit_method = 'PATCH'
    commit_jsonpatch = True

    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters(

    # VIF attach/detach support introduced in 1.28.
    _max_microversion = '1.28'

    # Properties
    #: The UUID of the chassis associated wit this node. Can be empty or None.
    chassis_id = resource.Body("chassis_uuid")
    #: The current clean step.
    clean_step = resource.Body("clean_step")
    #: Timestamp at which the node was last updated.
    created_at = resource.Body("created_at")
    #: The name of the driver.
    driver = resource.Body("driver")
    #: All the metadata required by the driver to manage this node. List of
    #: fields varies between drivers, and can be retrieved from the
    #: :class:`openstack.baremetal.v1.driver.Driver` resource.
    driver_info = resource.Body("driver_info", type=dict)
    #: Internal metadata set and stored by node's driver. This is read-only.
    driver_internal_info = resource.Body("driver_internal_info", type=dict)
    #: A set of one or more arbitrary metadata key and value pairs.
    extra = resource.Body("extra")
    #: The UUID of the node resource.
    id = resource.Body("uuid", alternate_id=True)
    #: Information used to customize the deployed image, e.g. size of root
    #: partition, config drive in the form of base64 encoded string and other
    #: metadata.
    instance_info = resource.Body("instance_info")
    #: UUID of the nova instance associated with this node.
    instance_id = resource.Body("instance_uuid")
    #: Whether console access is enabled on this node.
    is_console_enabled = resource.Body("console_enabled", type=bool)
    #: Whether node is currently in "maintenance mode". Nodes put into
    #: maintenance mode are removed from the available resource pool.
    is_maintenance = resource.Body("maintenance", type=bool)
    #: Any error from the most recent transaction that started but failed to
    #: finish.
    last_error = resource.Body("last_error")
    #: A list of relative links, including self and bookmark links.
    links = resource.Body("links", type=list)
    #: user settable description of the reason why the node was placed into
    #: maintenance mode.
    maintenance_reason = resource.Body("maintenance_reason")
    #: Human readable identifier for the node. May be undefined. Certain words
    #: are reserved. Added in API microversion 1.5
    name = resource.Body("name")
    #: Network interface provider to use when plumbing the network connections
    #: for this node. Introduced in API microversion 1.20.
    network_interface = resource.Body("network_interface")
    #: Links to the collection of ports on this node.
    ports = resource.Body("ports", type=list)
    #: Links to the collection of portgroups on this node. Available since
    #: API microversion 1.24.
    port_groups = resource.Body("portgroups", type=list)
    #: The current power state. Usually "power on" or "power off", but may be
    #: "None" if service is unable to determine the power state.
    power_state = resource.Body("power_state")
    #: Physical characteristics of the node. Content populated by the service
    #: during inspection.
    properties = resource.Body("properties", type=dict)
    #: The current provisioning state of the node.
    provision_state = resource.Body("provision_state")
    #: The current RAID configuration of the node.
    raid_config = resource.Body("raid_config")
    #: The name of an service conductor host which is holding a lock on this
    #: node, if a lock is held.
    reservation = resource.Body("reservation")
    #: A string to be used by external schedulers to identify this node as a
    #: unit of a specific type of resource. Added in API microversion 1.21.
    resource_class = resource.Body("resource_class")
    #: Links to the collection of states.
    states = resource.Body("states", type=list)
    #: The requested state if a provisioning action has been requested. For
    #: example, ``AVAILABLE``, ``DEPLOYING``, ``DEPLOYWAIT``, ``DEPLOYING``,
    #: ``ACTIVE`` etc.
    target_provision_state = resource.Body("target_provision_state")
    #: The requested state during a state transition.
    target_power_state = resource.Body("target_power_state")
    #: The requested RAID configuration of the node which will be applied when
    #: the node next transitions through the CLEANING state.
    target_raid_config = resource.Body("target_raid_config")
    #: Timestamp at which the node was last updated.
    updated_at = resource.Body("updated_at")

    def create(self, session, *args, **kwargs):
        """Create a remote resource based on this instance.

        The overridden version is capable of handling the populated
        ``provision_state`` field of one of three values: ``enroll``,
        ``manageable`` or ``available``. The default is currently
        ``available``, since it's the only state supported by all API versions.

        Note that Bare Metal API 1.4 is required for ``manageable`` and
        1.11 is required for ``enroll``.

        :param session: The session to use for making this request.
        :type session: :class:`~keystoneauth1.adapter.Adapter`

        :return: This :class:`Resource` instance.
        :raises: ValueError if the Node's ``provision_state`` is not one of
            ``None``, ``enroll``, ``manageable`` or ``available``.
        :raises: :exc:`~openstack.exceptions.NotSupported` if
            the ``provision_state`` cannot be reached with any API version
            supported by the server.
        expected_provision_state = self.provision_state
        if expected_provision_state is None:
            expected_provision_state = 'available'

        if expected_provision_state not in ('enroll', 'manageable',
            raise ValueError(
                "Node's provision_state must be one of 'enroll', "
                "'manageable' or 'available' for creation, got %s" %

        session = self._get_session(session)
        # Verify that the requested provision state is reachable with the API
        # version we are going to use.
            expected_version = _common.STATE_VERSIONS[expected_provision_state]
        except KeyError:
                error_message="Cannot create a node with initial provision "
                "state %s" % expected_provision_state)

        # Ironic cannot set provision_state itself, so marking it as unchanged
        super(Node, self).create(session, *args, **kwargs)

        if (self.provision_state == 'enroll'
                and expected_provision_state != 'enroll'):
            self.set_provision_state(session, 'manage', wait=True)

        if (self.provision_state == 'manageable'
                and expected_provision_state == 'available'):
            self.set_provision_state(session, 'provide', wait=True)

        if (self.provision_state == 'available'
                and expected_provision_state == 'manageable'):
            self.set_provision_state(session, 'manage', wait=True)

        return self

    def set_provision_state(self,
        """Run an action modifying this node's provision state.

        This call is asynchronous, it will return success as soon as the Bare
        Metal service acknowledges the request.

        :param session: The session to use for making this request.
        :type session: :class:`~keystoneauth1.adapter.Adapter`
        :param target: Provisioning action, e.g. ``active``, ``provide``.
            See the Bare Metal service documentation for available actions.
        :param config_drive: Config drive to pass to the node, only valid
            for ``active` and ``rebuild`` targets.
        :param clean_steps: Clean steps to execute, only valid for ``clean``
        :param rescue_password: Password for the rescue operation, only valid
            for ``rescue`` target.
        :param wait: Whether to wait for the target state to be reached.
        :param timeout: Timeout (in seconds) to wait for the target state to be
            reached. If ``None``, wait without timeout.

        :return: This :class:`Node` instance.
        :raises: ValueError if ``config_drive``, ``clean_steps`` or
            ``rescue_password`` are provided with an invalid ``target``.
        session = self._get_session(session)

        if target in _common.PROVISIONING_VERSIONS:
            version = '1.%d' % _common.PROVISIONING_VERSIONS[target]
            if config_drive and target == 'rebuild':
                version = '1.35'
                version = None
        version = utils.pick_microversion(session, version)

        body = {'target': target}
        if config_drive:
            if target not in ('active', 'rebuild'):
                raise ValueError('Config drive can only be provided with '
                                 '"active" and "rebuild" targets')
            # Not a typo - ironic accepts "configdrive" (without underscore)
            body['configdrive'] = config_drive

        if clean_steps is not None:
            if target != 'clean':
                raise ValueError('Clean steps can only be provided with '
                                 '"clean" target')
            body['clean_steps'] = clean_steps

        if rescue_password is not None:
            if target != 'rescue':
                raise ValueError('Rescue password can only be provided with '
                                 '"rescue" target')
            body['rescue_password'] = rescue_password

        if wait:
                expected_state = _common.EXPECTED_STATES[target]
            except KeyError:
                raise ValueError('For target %s the expected state is not '
                                 'known, cannot wait for it' % target)

        request = self._prepare_request(requires_id=True)
        request.url = utils.urljoin(request.url, 'states', 'provision')
        response = session.put(

        msg = ("Failed to set provision state for bare metal node {node} "
               "to {target}".format(, target=target))
        exceptions.raise_from_response(response, error_message=msg)

        if wait:
            return self.wait_for_provision_state(session,
            return self.fetch(session)

    def wait_for_provision_state(self,
        """Wait for the node to reach the expected state.

        :param session: The session to use for making this request.
        :type session: :class:`~keystoneauth1.adapter.Adapter`
        :param expected_state: The expected provisioning state to reach.
        :param timeout: If ``wait`` is set to ``True``, specifies how much (in
            seconds) to wait for the expected state to be reached. The value of
            ``None`` (the default) means no client-side timeout.
        :param abort_on_failed_state: If ``True`` (the default), abort waiting
            if the node reaches a failure state which does not match the
            expected one. Note that the failure state for ``enroll`` ->
            ``manageable`` transition is ``enroll`` again.

        :return: This :class:`Node` instance.
        for count in utils.iterate_timeout(
                timeout, "Timeout waiting for node %(node)s to reach "
                "target state '%(state)s'" % {
                    'state': expected_state
            if self._check_state_reached(session, expected_state,
                return self

                'Still waiting for node %(node)s to reach state '
                '"%(target)s", the current state is "%(state)s"', {
                    'target': expected_state,
                    'state': self.provision_state

    def _check_state_reached(self,
        """Wait for the node to reach the expected state.

        :param session: The session to use for making this request.
        :type session: :class:`~keystoneauth1.adapter.Adapter`
        :param expected_state: The expected provisioning state to reach.
        :param abort_on_failed_state: If ``True`` (the default), abort waiting
            if the node reaches a failure state which does not match the
            expected one. Note that the failure state for ``enroll`` ->
            ``manageable`` transition is ``enroll`` again.

        :return: ``True`` if the target state is reached
        :raises: SDKException if ``abort_on_failed_state`` is ``True`` and
            a failure state is reached.
        # NOTE(dtantsur): microversion 1.2 changed None to available
        if (self.provision_state == expected_state or
            (expected_state == 'available' and self.provision_state is None)):
            return True
        elif not abort_on_failed_state:
            return False

        if self.provision_state.endswith(' failed'):
            raise exceptions.SDKException(
                "Node %(node)s reached failure state \"%(state)s\"; "
                "the last error is %(error)s" % {
                    'state': self.provision_state,
                    'error': self.last_error
        # Special case: a failure state for "manage" transition can be
        # "enroll"
        elif (expected_state == 'manageable'
              and self.provision_state == 'enroll' and self.last_error):
            raise exceptions.SDKException(
                "Node %(node)s could not reach state manageable: "
                "failed to verify management credentials; "
                "the last error is %(error)s" % {
                    'error': self.last_error

    def attach_vif(self, session, vif_id):
        """Attach a VIF to the node.

        The exact form of the VIF ID depends on the network interface used by
        the node. In the most common case it is a Network service port
        (NOT a Bare Metal port) ID. A VIF can only be attached to one node
        at a time.

        :param session: The session to use for making this request.
        :type session: :class:`~keystoneauth1.adapter.Adapter`
        :param string vif_id: Backend-specific VIF ID.
        :return: ``None``
        :raises: :exc:`~openstack.exceptions.NotSupported` if the server
            does not support the VIF API.
        session = self._get_session(session)
        version = self._assert_microversion_for(
            error_message=("Cannot use VIF attachment API"))

        request = self._prepare_request(requires_id=True)
        request.url = utils.urljoin(request.url, 'vifs')
        body = {'id': vif_id}
        response =
            # NOTE(dtantsur): do not retry CONFLICT, it's a valid status code
            # in this API when the VIF is already attached to another node.

        msg = ("Failed to attach VIF {vif} to bare metal node {node}".format(
  , vif=vif_id))
        exceptions.raise_from_response(response, error_message=msg)

    def detach_vif(self, session, vif_id, ignore_missing=True):
        """Detach a VIF from the node.

        The exact form of the VIF ID depends on the network interface used by
        the node. In the most common case it is a Network service port
        (NOT a Bare Metal port) ID.

        :param session: The session to use for making this request.
        :type session: :class:`~keystoneauth1.adapter.Adapter`
        :param string vif_id: Backend-specific VIF ID.
        :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``
                    :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be
                    raised when the VIF does not exist. Otherwise, ``False``
                    is returned.
        :return: ``True`` if the VIF was detached, otherwise ``False``.
        :raises: :exc:`~openstack.exceptions.NotSupported` if the server
            does not support the VIF API.
        session = self._get_session(session)
        version = self._assert_microversion_for(
            error_message=("Cannot use VIF attachment API"))

        request = self._prepare_request(requires_id=True)
        request.url = utils.urljoin(request.url, 'vifs', vif_id)
        response = session.delete(

        if ignore_missing and response.status_code == 400:
            _logger.debug('VIF %(vif)s was already removed from node %(node)s',
                              'vif': vif_id,
            return False

        msg = ("Failed to detach VIF {vif} from bare metal node {node}".format(
  , vif=vif_id))
        exceptions.raise_from_response(response, error_message=msg)
        return True

    def list_vifs(self, session):
        """List IDs of VIFs attached to the node.

        The exact form of the VIF ID depends on the network interface used by
        the node. In the most common case it is a Network service port
        (NOT a Bare Metal port) ID.

        :param session: The session to use for making this request.
        :type session: :class:`~keystoneauth1.adapter.Adapter`
        :return: List of VIF IDs as strings.
        :raises: :exc:`~openstack.exceptions.NotSupported` if the server
            does not support the VIF API.
        session = self._get_session(session)
        version = self._assert_microversion_for(
            error_message=("Cannot use VIF attachment API"))

        request = self._prepare_request(requires_id=True)
        request.url = utils.urljoin(request.url, 'vifs')
        response = session.get(request.url,

        msg = ("Failed to list VIFs attached to bare metal node {node}".format(
        exceptions.raise_from_response(response, error_message=msg)
        return [vif['id'] for vif in response.json()['vifs']]
Beispiel #9
class Driver(resource.Resource):

    resources_key = 'drivers'
    base_path = '/drivers'
    service = baremetal_service.BaremetalService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = False
    allow_fetch = True
    allow_commit = False
    allow_delete = False
    allow_list = True

    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters(details='detail')

    # The BIOS interface fields introduced in 1.40 (Rocky).
    _max_microversion = '1.40'

    #: A list of active hosts that support this driver.
    hosts = resource.Body('hosts', type=list)
    #: A list of relative links, including the self and bookmark links.
    links = resource.Body('links', type=list)
    #: The name of the driver
    name = resource.Body('name', alternate_id=True)
    #: A list of links to driver properties.
    properties = resource.Body('properties', type=list)

    # Hardware interface properties grouped together for convenience,
    # available with detail=True.

    #: Default BIOS interface implementation.
    #: Introduced in API microversion 1.40.
    default_bios_interface = resource.Body("default_bios_interface")
    #: Default boot interface implementation.
    #: Introduced in API microversion 1.30.
    default_boot_interface = resource.Body("default_boot_interface")
    #: Default console interface implementation.
    #: Introduced in API microversion 1.30.
    default_console_interface = resource.Body("default_console_interface")
    #: Default deploy interface implementation.
    #: Introduced in API microversion 1.30.
    default_deploy_interface = resource.Body("default_deploy_interface")
    #: Default inspect interface implementation.
    #: Introduced in API microversion 1.30.
    default_inspect_interface = resource.Body("default_inspect_interface")
    #: Default management interface implementation.
    #: Introduced in API microversion 1.30.
    default_management_interface = resource.Body(
    #: Default network interface implementation.
    #: Introduced in API microversion 1.30.
    default_network_interface = resource.Body("default_network_interface")
    #: Default port interface implementation.
    #: Introduced in API microversion 1.30.
    default_power_interface = resource.Body("default_power_interface")
    #: Default RAID interface implementation.
    #: Introduced in API microversion 1.30.
    default_raid_interface = resource.Body("default_raid_interface")
    #: Default rescue interface implementation.
    #: Introduced in API microversion 1.38.
    default_rescue_interface = resource.Body("default_rescue_interface")
    #: Default storage interface implementation.
    #: Introduced in API microversion 1.33.
    default_storage_interface = resource.Body("default_storage_interface")
    #: Default vendor interface implementation.
    #: Introduced in API microversion 1.30.
    default_vendor_interface = resource.Body("default_vendor_interface")

    #: Enabled BIOS interface implementations.
    #: Introduced in API microversion 1.40.
    enabled_bios_interfaces = resource.Body("enabled_bios_interfaces")
    #: Enabled boot interface implementations.
    #: Introduced in API microversion 1.30.
    enabled_boot_interfaces = resource.Body("enabled_boot_interfaces")
    #: Enabled console interface implementations.
    #: Introduced in API microversion 1.30.
    enabled_console_interfaces = resource.Body("enabled_console_interfaces")
    #: Enabled deploy interface implementations.
    #: Introduced in API microversion 1.30.
    enabled_deploy_interfaces = resource.Body("enabled_deploy_interfaces")
    #: Enabled inspect interface implementations.
    #: Introduced in API microversion 1.30.
    enabled_inspect_interfaces = resource.Body("enabled_inspect_interfaces")
    #: Enabled management interface implementations.
    #: Introduced in API microversion 1.30.
    enabled_management_interfaces = resource.Body(
    #: Enabled network interface implementations.
    #: Introduced in API microversion 1.30.
    enabled_network_interfaces = resource.Body("enabled_network_interfaces")
    #: Enabled port interface implementations.
    #: Introduced in API microversion 1.30.
    enabled_power_interfaces = resource.Body("enabled_power_interfaces")
    #: Enabled RAID interface implementations.
    #: Introduced in API microversion 1.30.
    enabled_raid_interfaces = resource.Body("enabled_raid_interfaces")
    #: Enabled rescue interface implementations.
    #: Introduced in API microversion 1.38.
    enabled_rescue_interfaces = resource.Body("enabled_rescue_interfaces")
    #: Enabled storage interface implementations.
    #: Introduced in API microversion 1.33.
    enabled_storage_interfaces = resource.Body("enabled_storage_interfaces")
    #: Enabled vendor interface implementations.
    #: Introduced in API microversion 1.30.
    enabled_vendor_interfaces = resource.Body("enabled_vendor_interfaces")
class Node(resource.Resource):

    resources_key = 'nodes'
    base_path = '/nodes'
    service = baremetal_service.BaremetalService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_get = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True
    patch_update = True

    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters(

    # Properties
    #: The UUID of the chassis associated wit this node. Can be empty or None.
    chassis_id = resource.Body("chassis_uuid")
    #: The current clean step.
    clean_step = resource.Body("clean_step")
    #: Timestamp at which the node was last updated.
    created_at = resource.Body("created_at")
    #: The name of the driver.
    driver = resource.Body("driver")
    #: All the metadata required by the driver to manage this node. List of
    #: fields varies between drivers, and can be retrieved from the
    #: :class:`openstack.baremetal.v1.driver.Driver` resource.
    driver_info = resource.Body("driver_info", type=dict)
    #: Internal metadata set and stored by node's driver. This is read-only.
    driver_internal_info = resource.Body("driver_internal_info", type=dict)
    #: A set of one or more arbitrary metadata key and value pairs.
    extra = resource.Body("extra")
    #: The UUID of the node resource.
    id = resource.Body("uuid", alternate_id=True)
    #: Information used to customize the deployed image, e.g. size of root
    #: partition, config drive in the form of base64 encoded string and other
    #: metadata.
    instance_info = resource.Body("instance_info")
    #: UUID of the nova instance associated with this node.
    instance_id = resource.Body("instance_uuid")
    #: Whether console access is enabled on this node.
    is_console_enabled = resource.Body("console_enabled", type=bool)
    #: Whether node is currently in "maintenance mode". Nodes put into
    #: maintenance mode are removed from the available resource pool.
    is_maintenance = resource.Body("maintenance", type=bool)
    #: Any error from the most recent transaction that started but failed to
    #: finish.
    last_error = resource.Body("last_error")
    #: A list of relative links, including self and bookmark links.
    links = resource.Body("links", type=list)
    #: user settable description of the reason why the node was placed into
    #: maintenance mode.
    maintenance_reason = resource.Body("maintenance_reason")
    #: Human readable identifier for the node. May be undefined. Certain words
    #: are reserved. Added in API microversion 1.5
    name = resource.Body("name")
    #: Network interface provider to use when plumbing the network connections
    #: for this node. Introduced in API microversion 1.20.
    network_interface = resource.Body("network_interface")
    #: Links to the collection of ports on this node.
    ports = resource.Body("ports", type=list)
    #: Links to the collection of portgroups on this node. Available since
    #: API microversion 1.24.
    port_groups = resource.Body("portgroups", type=list)
    #: The current power state. Usually "power on" or "power off", but may be
    #: "None" if service is unable to determine the power state.
    power_state = resource.Body("power_state")
    #: Physical characteristics of the node. Content populated by the service
    #: during inspection.
    properties = resource.Body("properties", type=dict)
    #: The current provisioning state of the node.
    provision_state = resource.Body("provision_state")
    #: The current RAID configuration of the node.
    raid_config = resource.Body("raid_config")
    #: The name of an service conductor host which is holding a lock on this
    #: node, if a lock is held.
    reservation = resource.Body("reservation")
    #: A string to be used by external schedulers to identify this node as a
    #: unit of a specific type of resource. Added in API microversion 1.21.
    resource_class = resource.Body("resource_class")
    #: Links to the collection of states.
    states = resource.Body("states", type=list)
    #: The requested state if a provisioning action has been requested. For
    #: example, ``AVAILABLE``, ``DEPLOYING``, ``DEPLOYWAIT``, ``DEPLOYING``,
    #: ``ACTIVE`` etc.
    target_provision_state = resource.Body("target_provision_state")
    #: The requested state during a state transition.
    target_power_state = resource.Body("target_power_state")
    #: The requested RAID configration of the node which will be applied when
    #: the node next transitions through the CLEANING state.
    target_raid_config = resource.Body("target_raid_config")
    #: Timestamp at which the node was last updated.
    updated_at = resource.Body("updated_at")
Beispiel #11
class ServicesMixin(object):

    identity = identity_service.IdentityService(service_type='identity')

    compute = compute_service.ComputeService(service_type='compute')

    image = image_service.ImageService(service_type='image')

    load_balancer = load_balancer_service.LoadBalancerService(

    object_store = object_store_service.ObjectStoreService(

    clustering = clustering_service.ClusteringService(
    resource_cluster = clustering
    cluster = clustering

    data_processing = service_description.ServiceDescription(

    baremetal = baremetal_service.BaremetalService(service_type='baremetal')
    bare_metal = baremetal

    baremetal_introspection = baremetal_introspection_service.BaremetalIntrospectionService(

    key_manager = key_manager_service.KeyManagerService(

    resource_optimization = service_description.ServiceDescription(
    infra_optim = resource_optimization

    message = message_service.MessageService(service_type='message')
    messaging = message

    application_catalog = service_description.ServiceDescription(

    container_infrastructure_management = service_description.ServiceDescription(
    container_infrastructure = container_infrastructure_management
    container_infra = container_infrastructure_management

    search = service_description.ServiceDescription(service_type='search')

    dns = dns_service.DnsService(service_type='dns')

    workflow = workflow_service.WorkflowService(service_type='workflow')

    rating = service_description.ServiceDescription(service_type='rating')

    operator_policy = service_description.ServiceDescription(
    policy = operator_policy

    shared_file_system = service_description.ServiceDescription(
    share = shared_file_system

    data_protection_orchestration = service_description.ServiceDescription(

    orchestration = orchestration_service.OrchestrationService(

    block_storage = block_storage_service.BlockStorageService(
    block_store = block_storage
    volume = block_storage

    alarm = service_description.ServiceDescription(service_type='alarm')
    alarming = alarm

    meter = service_description.ServiceDescription(service_type='meter')
    metering = meter
    telemetry = meter

    event = service_description.ServiceDescription(service_type='event')
    events = event

    application_deployment = service_description.ServiceDescription(
    application_deployment = application_deployment

    multi_region_network_automation = service_description.ServiceDescription(
    tricircle = multi_region_network_automation

    database = database_service.DatabaseService(service_type='database')

    application_container = service_description.ServiceDescription(
    container = application_container

    root_cause_analysis = service_description.ServiceDescription(
    rca = root_cause_analysis

    nfv_orchestration = service_description.ServiceDescription(

    network = network_service.NetworkService(service_type='network')

    backup = service_description.ServiceDescription(service_type='backup')

    monitoring_logging = service_description.ServiceDescription(
    monitoring_log_api = monitoring_logging

    monitoring = service_description.ServiceDescription(

    monitoring_events = service_description.ServiceDescription(

    placement = service_description.ServiceDescription(

    instance_ha = instance_ha_service.InstanceHaService(
    ha = instance_ha

    reservation = service_description.ServiceDescription(

    function_engine = service_description.ServiceDescription(

    accelerator = accelerator_service.AcceleratorService(

    admin_logic = service_description.ServiceDescription(
    registration = admin_logic