def test_gs_nothresh(self): '''Test the Gauss-Siedel with no threshold or iterations specified.''' NX = N = 12 A = operators.poisson((NX,)) b = np.random.random((N,)) x_init = np.zeros((N,)) x = gaussSeidel(A, b, x_init,)
def test_minSize(self): parameters = self.parameters.copy() shape = parameters["problemShape"] = (1024,) parameters["gridLevels"] = 24 parameters["minSize"] = 23 u_actual = np.random.random(shape).ravel() A_in = operators.poisson(shape) b = tools.flexibleMmult(A_in, u_actual) soln, info_dict = mgSolve(A_in, b, parameters) if self.verbose: print "R shapes:", [r.shape for r in info_dict['R']] print "c.v. minSize = ", parameters['minSize'] assert min(info_dict['R'][-1].shape) > parameters["minSize"]
def test_1d_noise_mg(self, parameters=None): '''Solve a 2D Poisson equation, with the solution being 2D white noise, i.e., np.random.random((NX,NY)). Useful as a sanity check. ''' if parameters is None: parameters = self.parameters N = NX = parameters['problemShape'][0] u_actual = np.random.random((NX,)).reshape((N, 1)) A_in = operators.poisson((NX,)) b = tools.flexibleMmult(A_in, u_actual) u_mg, info_dict = mgSolve(A_in, b, parameters) if self.verbose: print 'test_1d_noise_mg: final norm is ', info_dict['norm']
def test_threshStop(self): size = 36 u_actual = np.sin(np.array(range(int(size))) * 3.0 / size).T A = operators.poisson((size,)) b = tools.flexibleMmult(A, u_actual) parameters = { 'problemShape': (size,), 'gridLevels': 2, 'threshold': 8e-3, 'giveInfo': True, } u_mmg, info_dict = mgSolve(A, b, parameters) residual_norm = np.linalg.norm(tools.flexibleMmult(A, u_mmg) - b) assert parameters['threshold'] > residual_norm
def test_gs_thresh(self): '''Test the Gauss-Siedel to-threshold solver.''' NX = 12 NY = NX N = NX * NY A = operators.poisson((NX, NY,)) b = np.random.random((N,)) x_init = np.zeros((N,)) threshold = 0.0001 verbose = False x = smoothToThreshold(A, b, x_init, threshold, verbose=verbose) if self.verbose: print 'norm is', (np.linalg.norm(tools.getresidual(b, A, x, N)))
def test_2d_mpl_demo(self): ''' Plot a pretty 2D surface, and the result of solving a 2D Poisson equation with that surface as the solution. ''' from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D import matplotlib.pyplot as plt sizemultiplier = 2 NX = 8 * sizemultiplier cycles = 3 actualtraces = 8 mgtraces = 16 NY = NX N = NX * NY (X, Y, u_actual) = mpl_test_data(delta=1 / float(sizemultiplier)) A_in = operators.poisson((NX, NY)) b = tools.flexibleMmult(A_in, u_actual.ravel()) u_mg = mgSolve(A_in, b, { 'problemShape': (NX, NY), 'gridLevels': 2, 'iterations': 1, 'verbose': False, 'cycles': 300, 'dense': True } ) fig = plt.figure() ax = Axes3D(fig) fig.suptitle('blue is actual; red is %i v-cycles; %i unknowns' % (cycles, N)) # ax = fig.add_subplot(111,projection='3d') #not in matplotlib version 0.99, only version 1.x ax.plot_wireframe(X, Y, u_actual, rstride=NX / actualtraces, cstride=NY / actualtraces, color=((0, 0, 1.0),) ) # ax.scatter(X,Y,u_mg[0],c=((1.,0,0),),s=40) ax.plot_wireframe(X, Y, u_mg.reshape((NX, NY)), rstride=NX / mgtraces, cstride=NY / mgtraces, color=((1.0, 0, 0),) ) filename = 'output/test_2d_mpl_demo-%i_vycles-%i_N.png' % (cycles, N) if self.saveFig: fig.savefig(filename) # if self.verbose: print 'norm is', (np.linalg.norm(, A_in, u_mg[0], N)))
def test_3d_noise_mg(self): '''Solve a 3D Poisson equation, with the solution being 2D white noise, i.e., np.random.random((NX, NY, NZ)). Useful as a sanity check. ''' NX = NY = NZ = 8 N = NX * NY * NZ shape = NX, NY, NZ u_actual = np.random.random(shape).reshape((N, 1)) A_in = operators.poisson(shape) b = tools.flexibleMmult(A_in, u_actual) u_mg, info_dict = mgSolve(A_in, b, { 'problemShape': shape, 'gridLevels': 3, 'iterations': 1, 'verbose': False, 'threshold': 4, 'giveInfo': True, } ) if self.verbose: print 'test_1d_noise_mg: final norm is ', info_dict['norm']
def test_a(self): ''' Poisson equation on a sine curve. In 3D? It wasn't originally, but the restriciton algorithm was having trouble with 1D. This might bear investigation. ''' problemscale = 12 size = problemscale ** 3 gridLevels = 4 u_zeros = np.zeros((size,)) u_actual = np.sin(np.array(range(int(size))) * 3.0 / size).T A = operators.poisson((size,)) b = tools.flexibleMmult(A, u_actual) uSmoothed = smooth(A, b, u_zeros, iterations=1) parameters = {'coarsestLevel': gridLevels - 1, 'problemShape': (problemscale, problemscale, problemscale), 'gridLevels': gridLevels, 'threshold': 8e-3, } u_mmg = mgSolve(A, b, parameters) if self.verbose: print 'norm is', (np.linalg.norm(tools.getresidual(b, A, uSmoothed.reshape((size, 1)), size))) residual_norm = np.linalg.norm(tools.flexibleMmult(A, u_mmg) - b) assert parameters['threshold'] > residual_norm
def testor(): operators.poisson((1, 2, 3, 4))
def multifreq_2d(self, problemscale, finaliterations): '''Attempts to generate a pretty 2D solution, by summing several 2D sine waves of different frequencies. Then, proceeds to apply a GS smoother to the generated problem, saving pretty pictures after each iteration. This might work OK if problemscale is big enough. ''' if self.saveFig: from scipy import fftpack import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import cm from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # Generate test problem. Summed sine waves of several resolutions: NX = problemscale floatNX = float(NX) data = np.zeros((NX, NX)) domainwidths = [floatNX, floatNX / 2.0, 10., 3.1415] for domainwidth in domainwidths: sininput = np.arange(0.0, domainwidth, domainwidth / NX) xdata = (np.sin(sininput) / domainwidth * 10.0)[0:NX:] data = data + xdata[:, np.newaxis] + xdata[:, np.newaxis].T X = np.tile(np.array(range(NX)), (NX, 1)) Y = X.T if self.saveFig: # Prepare for Graphing: fig = plt.figure() ax = Axes3D(fig) ax.set_zlim3d([-1, 6]) specfig = plt.figure() specax = specfig.add_subplot(111) specax.set_ylim([.000001, 10000]) specax.set_autoscaley_on(False) specax.set_xscale('log') # Problem Setup: A = operators.poisson((NX, NX)) solnforb = data.ravel().reshape((NX ** 2, 1)) b = tools.flexibleMmult(A, solnforb) # Initial "Solution" placeholder: solutions = range(finaliterations) spectra = range(finaliterations) iterations = 0 solutions[iterations] = np.zeros((NX, NX)).ravel() spectra[iterations] = b - tools.flexibleMmult(A, solutions[iterations]) if self.saveFig: # Initial graphs: filebasename = 'output/N_%i-iterations_%i' % (NX ** 2, iterations) filename = filebasename + '.png' ax.set_title(filebasename) # surf = ax.plot_wireframe(X, Y, solutions[iterations].reshape(NX,NX),rstride=stridelength,cstride=stridelength) surf = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, data, cmap=cm.jet) # print "saving", filename if self.saveFig: fig.savefig(filename) surf.remove() ax.cla() # Error Spectrum specax.plot(spectra[iterations]) specax.set_title(filebasename + ': Error Spectrum') filename = filebasename + '-error.png' if self.saveFig: specfig.savefig(filename) del specax.lines[0] specax.cla() verbose = False for iterations in range(1, finaliterations): solutions[iterations] = smooth(A, b, np.zeros(NX ** 2), iterations, verbose=verbose ).reshape(NX, NX) if self.saveFig: spectra[iterations] = fftpack.fft2(solutions[iterations]) if self.saveFig: filebasename = 'output/N_%i-iterations_%i' % (NX ** 2, iterations) filename = filebasename + '-solution.png' ax.set_zlim3d([-1, 6]) surf = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, solutions[iterations], cmap=cm.jet) ax.set_title(filebasename) surf = ax.plot_wireframe(X, Y, solutions[iterations]) # print "saving", filename if self.saveFig: fig.savefig(filename) surf.remove() ax.cla() specax.set_yscale('log') specax.set_ylim([.000001, 10000]) specax.set_autoscaley_on(False) specax.set_xscale('log') specax.plot(spectra[iterations]) specax.set_title(filebasename + ': Error Spectrum') filename = filebasename + '-error.png' # print "saving", filename if self.saveFig: specfig.savefig(filename) del specax.lines[0] specax.cla()
def multifreq_1d(self, N, finaliterations, spectralxscale='linear', solutionname='whitenoise', save=False): '''Generates 1-dimensional uniform noise with N unknowns, then applies Gauss-Siedel smoothing iterations to an initial zero-vector guess until finaliterations is reached, graphing the Fourier transform of the error each time. Does so pretty inefficiently, by doing 1 iteration, 2 iterations, 3, iterations, etc. until finaliterations, instead of just doing finaliterations iterations, and graphing after each sweep. Uses ffmpeg and mplayer.''' if solutionname == 'summedsine': # Summed sine waves of several frequencies. data = np.zeros((N,)) # initialize domainwidthsexponents = range(10) domainwidths = range(10) # initialize for i in range(10): domainwidths[i] = float(N) / (2.0 ** domainwidthsexponents[i]) for domainwidth in domainwidths: sininput = np.arange(0.0, domainwidth, domainwidth / N) xdata = (np.sin(sininput) / domainwidth * 10.0)[0:N:] data = data + xdata else: solutionname = 'whitenoise' data = np.random.random((N,)) # 1D white noise gif_output_name = 'spectral_solution_rate-%i_unknowns-%s_xscale-%s_solution.gif' % (N, spectralxscale, solutionname) A = operators.poisson((N,)) b = tools.flexibleMmult(A, data) if self.saveFig: from scipy import fftpack import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Prepare for Graphing fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7.5, 7)) fig.suptitle(gif_output_name) fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=.2) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=.2) solnax = fig.add_subplot(211) # subplot to hold the solution solnaxylim = [0, 1] specax = fig.add_subplot(212) # subplot to hold the spectrum specaxylim = [10.0 ** (-18), 10.0 ** 3] solutions = [] spectra = [] filenames = [] loop = 1 # for monitoring progress iterationslist = range(finaliterations) # from random import shuffle # shuffle(iterationslist) if save: iterations_to_save = range(1, finaliterations + 1) str_tosave = [] for x in iterations_to_save: str_tosave.append(str(x)) from os import system; system("mkdir -p output") csvfilelabel = 'iterative_spectra-%i_N' % N csvfile = open('output/%s.csv' % csvfilelabel, 'a') csvfile.write('frequency,' + ','.join(str_tosave) + '\n') csvfile.flush() for iterations in iterationslist: solutions.append(smooth(A, b, np.zeros((N,)), iterations) ) if self.saveFig: spectra.append(fftpack.fft(b - tools.flexibleMmult(A, solutions[iterations] ) ) ) if self.saveFig: filebasename = '%i_unknowns-%i_iterations' % (N, iterations) filename = filebasename + '-solution.png' solnax.set_ylim(solnaxylim) solnax.set_autoscaley_on(False) solnax.set_title(filebasename + ': Solution') solnax.plot(solutions[iterations]) specax.set_yscale('log') specax.set_xscale(spectralxscale) specax.set_ylim(specaxylim) specax.set_autoscaley_on(False) specax.set_title(filebasename + ': Solution Error (frequency domain)') specax.plot(spectra[iterations]) filename = 'temp/' + filebasename + '-combined.png' filenames.append(filename) if self.saveFig: print "%i of %i: " % (loop, finaliterations) + "saving " + filename fig.savefig(filename, dpi=80) solnax.cla() specax.cla() loop += 1 frequencies = range(len(solutions[0])) for i in frequencies: towrite = '%i,' % frequencies[i] for spectrum in spectra: towrite += '%.8f,' % abs(spectrum[i]) if save: csvfile.write(towrite + '\n') csvfile.flush() if save: csvfile.close() # make .gif and .mp4 files: if self.saveFig: # TODO (Tom) Might use subprocess to suppress super verbose ffmpeg # import subprocess # s = subprocess.Popen(['cowsay', 'hello'] # stderr=subprocess.STDOUT # stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] # print s torun = [] torun.extend([ 'convert ' + ' '.join(filenames) + ' output/%s' % gif_output_name, 'rm ' + ' '.join(filenames), 'cp %s simple.gif' % ('output/' + gif_output_name), 'mplayer -vo jpeg simple.gif > /dev/null 2> /dev/null', 'ffmpeg -r 12 -i %%08d.jpg -y -an output/%s.avi > /dev/null' % gif_output_name, 'rm simple.gif 0*.jpg', 'ffmpeg -y -i output/%s.avi output/%s.mp4 > /dev/null && rm output/%s.avi' % (gif_output_name, gif_output_name, gif_output_name), ]) for command in torun: system(command)