Beispiel #1
 def __init__(self, pdffile):
     """call ocr2xml and read output into etree document self.xml"""
     xmlfile = pdffile.replace('.pdf', '.ocr.xml')
     ocr2xml.ocr2xml(pdffile, xmlfile, keep_tempfiles=True)
     with open(xmlfile, 'rb') as f:
         xml =
     self.xml = lxml.etree.fromstring(xml)
Beispiel #2
def parse(doc, keep_tempfiles=False):
    tries to enrich Doc object by metadata (authors, title, abstract),
    extracted from the associated xml file; may create tempfiles for ocr
    xmlfile = doc.xmlfile
    # We have to pass all relevant information about the Doc object to
    # the perl Extractor. We do that by adding it to the xml
    # file. (This is a hopefully temporary hack that makes the xml
    # invalid.)
    enrich_xml(xmlfile, doc)
    parse1 = extractor(xmlfile)
    if parse1:
        # add the Perl output to the Doc object:
        enrich_doc(doc, parse1)
        if doc.ocr or parse1['meta_confidence'] >= OCR_IF_CONFIDENCE_BELOW:
            return True 
            debug(1, 'confidence %s too low, trying ocr', parse1['meta_confidence'])
        # e.g., Extractor timeout
        logger.warning('extractor failed on %s, giving up', doc.url)
        return False
    # Since we only need author/title/abstract, we don't need to OCR
    # more than the first few pages (depending on doc length):
    if doc.numpages < 5:
        ocr_ranges = [(1,doc.numpages)]
    elif doc.numpages < 50:
        ocr_ranges = [(1,4)]
        # may need to skip lengthy toc, table of figures, etc. before
        # reaching normal content to figure out default fontsize etc.: 
        ocr_ranges = [(1,4),(20,23)]
    shortened_pdf = doc.tempfile.rsplit('.')[0] + '-short.pdf'
    shortened_xml = doc.tempfile.rsplit('.')[0] + '-short.xml'
        pdfcut(doc.tempfile, shortened_pdf, ocr_ranges)
    except Exception as e:
        debug(1, 'pdfcut failed, sticking with pdftohtml results: %s', e)
        # stick with pdftohtml results, so return value is True
        return True
        ocr2xml(shortened_pdf, shortened_xml, keep_tempfiles=keep_tempfiles)
    except Exception as e:
        debug(1, 'ocr failed, sticking with pdftohtml results: %s', e)
        if not keep_tempfiles:
        return True
    enrich_xml(shortened_xml, doc)
    parse2 = extractor(shortened_xml)
    if parse2 and parse1:
        # compare results:
        same_authors = (parse1['authors'] == parse2['authors'])
        same_title = (strip_markup(parse1['title']) == strip_markup(parse2['title']))
        same_abstract = (strip_markup(parse1['abstract']) == strip_markup(parse2['abstract']))
        if same_authors and same_title and same_abstract:
            debug(1, "pdftohtml and pdfocr results agree")
            doc.meta_confidence *= 1.05
            # If pdftohtml and pdfocr produce different results, it's
            # not obvious what we should do. We could go with whatever
            # has greater meta_confidence, but meta_confidence doesn't
            # track things like silly cApiTAlization in titles, it
            # punishes results with more authors, etc. For now, let's
            # go with the ocr result and significantly lower
            # meta_confidence to flag the fact that either pdftohtml
            # or pdfocr produced false metadata.
            debug(1, "pdftohtml and pdfocr results disagree, using ocr results")
            if not same_authors:
                debug(1, "authors: '%s' vs '%s'", parse1['authors'], parse2['authors'])
                doc.meta_confidence *= 0.8
            if not same_title:
                debug(1, "title: '%s' vs '%s'", parse1['title'], parse2['title'])
                doc.meta_confidence *= 0.8
            if not same_abstract: 
                debug(1, "abstract: '%s' vs '%s'", parse1['abstract'], parse2['abstract'])
                doc.meta_confidence *= 0.9
            debug(1, "confidence reduced to %s", doc.meta_confidence)
        enrich_doc(doc, parse2)
        # This should never happen
        logger.warning('extractor failed on %s (ocr-ed), giving up', doc.url)
        return True
    if not keep_tempfiles:
    return True