def aux_classifier(self, inputs, labels, input_channels, is_training, scope=None): """ Auxiliary Classifier used in Inception Module to help propagate gradients backward. """ with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): # pooling layer with 5x5 kernel and stride 3 (new size: 4x4xC) network = tf.nn.avg_pool(inputs, 5, 3, 'VALID', name='pool') # convolution with 1x1 kernel and stride 1 (new size: 4x4x128) network = ops.convolution(network, input_channels, 128, 1, 128, batch_norm=False, is_training=is_training, scope='auxconv') # flatten (new size: 2048) network = ops.flatten(network, scope='flatten') # fully connected layer (new size: 1024) network = ops.dense(network, 2048, 1024, dropout=True, dropout_rate=0.7, is_training=is_training, scope='fc1') # output layer (new size: 10) -- Original Paper Size: 1000 (for ImageNet) network = ops.dense(network, 1024, 10, activation=None, is_training=is_training, scope='fc2') # loss of auxiliary classifier loss = ops.loss(network, labels, scope='auxloss') return loss
def _build_posterior(self, encoding): ''' Build layers for posterior parameter approximation. Args: - encoding: a tensor containing the learned representation of model inputs that will be linearly transformed to approximate the parameters to our latent posterior Returns: - z_sample: a sampled tensor from the approximated distribution conditioned on the input. ''' # Reshape the encoding to shape [batch_size, flattened_dim] h, w, d = encoding.get_shape().as_list()[1:] flat_dim = h * w * d z_dim = self._z_dim flat_encoding = tf.reshape(encoding, shape=[-1, flat_dim]) # Dense layers for approximating the latent mean and log stddev # We approximate log sttdev instead of stddev to ensure nonnegativity self.z_mu = dense(z_dim, flat_encoding) self.z_log_sigma = 0.5 * dense(z_dim, flat_encoding) self.z_sigma = tf.exp(self.z_log_sigma) # Sample from posterior using the 'reparameterization trick' z_sample = self.z_mu + self.z_sigma * tf.random_normal() return z_sample
def discriminator(self, x_hr, reuse: bool = False): """ original paper maybe used VGG-like model, but i just custom-ed it""" with tf.variable_scope("discriminator", reuse=reuse): ch: int = self.n_feats x = x_hr x = self.res_block_down(x, ch * 1, use_bias=True, sn=self.use_sn, scope="res_block_down_1") x = self.res_block_down(x, ch * 2, use_bias=True, sn=self.use_sn, scope="res_block_down_2") x = self.res_block_down(x, ch * 4, use_bias=True, sn=self.use_sn, scope="res_block_down_3") x = self.res_block_down(x, ch * 8, use_bias=True, sn=self.use_sn, scope="res_block_down_4") x = self.res_block_down(x, ch * 16, use_bias=True, sn=self.use_sn, scope="res_block_down_5") x = self.res_block(x, ch * 16, use_bias=False, sn=self.use_sn, scope="res_block") x = tf.nn.leaky_relu(x, alpha=.2) x = tf.layers.flatten(x) x = dense(x, units=128, sn=self.use_sn, scope="dense_1") x = tf.nn.leaky_relu(x, alpha=.2) x = dense(x, units=1, sn=self.use_sn, scope="disc") return x
def get_agent(x, reuse=False): """ Generate the CNN agent :param x: tensor, Input frames concatenated along axis 3 :param reuse: bool, True -> Reuse weight variables False -> Create new ones :return: Tensor, logits for each valid action """ if reuse: tf.get_variable_scope().reuse_variables() x = tf.divide(x, 255.0, name='Normalize') conv_1 = tf.nn.relu( ops.cnn_2d(x, weight_shape=mc.conv_1, strides=mc.stride_1, name='conv_1')) conv_2 = tf.nn.relu( ops.cnn_2d(conv_1, weight_shape=mc.conv_2, strides=mc.stride_2, name='conv_2')) conv_3 = tf.nn.relu( ops.cnn_2d(conv_2, weight_shape=mc.conv_3, strides=mc.stride_3, name='conv_3')) conv_3_r = tf.reshape(conv_3, [-1, 7 * 7 * 64], name='reshape') dense_1 = tf.nn.relu( ops.dense(conv_3_r, 7 * 7 * 64, mc.dense_1, name='dense_1')) output = ops.dense(dense_1, mc.dense_1, mc.dense_2, name='dense_2') return output
def get_agent(x, reuse=False): if reuse: tf.get_variable_scope().reuse_variables() dense_1 = tf.nn.relu(ops.dense(x, 8, mc.dense_1, name='dense_1')) dense_2 = tf.nn.relu(ops.dense(dense_1, mc.dense_1, mc.dense_2, name='dense_2')) dense_3 = tf.nn.relu(ops.dense(dense_2, mc.dense_2, mc.dense_3, name='dense_3')) output = ops.dense(dense_3, mc.dense_3, env.action_space.n, name='output') return output
def model(self, x, action, reuse=False): if reuse: tf.get_variable_scope().reuse_variables() # TODO: Use a better network for video frame prediction # Encoder x = tf.divide(x, 255.0) conv_1 = tf.nn.relu( ops.cnn_2d(x, weight_shape=[6, 6, 4, 64], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], name='conv_1')) conv_2 = tf.nn.relu( ops.cnn_2d(conv_1, weight_shape=[6, 6, 64, 64], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], name='conv_2', padding="SAME")) conv_3 = tf.nn.relu( ops.cnn_2d(conv_2, weight_shape=[6, 6, 64, 64], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], name='conv_3', padding="SAME")) conv_3_flatten = tf.reshape(conv_3, shape=[-1, 6400], name='reshape_1') dense_1 = tf.nn.relu( ops.dense(conv_3_flatten, 6400, 1024, name='dense_1')) dense_2 = ops.dense(dense_1, 1024, 2048, name='dense_2') action_dense_1 = ops.dense(action, 4, 2048, name='action_dense_1') dense_2_action = tf.multiply(dense_2, action_dense_1, name='dense_2_action') # Decoder dense_3 = ops.dense(dense_2_action, 2048, 1024, name='dense_3') dense_4 = tf.nn.relu( ops.dense(dense_3, 1024, 11 * 11 * 64, name='dense_4')) dense_4_reshaped = tf.reshape(dense_4, shape=[self.batch_size, 11, 11, 64], name='dense_4_reshaped') conv_t_1 = tf.nn.relu( ops.cnn_2d_trans(dense_4_reshaped, weight_shape=[6, 6, 64, 64], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], output_shape=[self.batch_size, 21, 21, 64], name='conv_t_1')) conv_t_2 = tf.nn.relu( ops.cnn_2d_trans(conv_t_1, weight_shape=[6, 6, 64, 64], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], output_shape=[self.batch_size, 42, 42, 64], name='conv_t_2')) output = ops.cnn_2d_trans(conv_t_2, weight_shape=[6, 6, 1, 64], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], output_shape=[self.batch_size, 84, 84, 1], name='output_image') return output
def fc_gen(z, units): """ Fully-connected Generator. """ dense1 = tf.nn.relu(dense(z, units, "gen/dense1")) dense2 = tf.nn.relu(dense(dense1, units, "gen/dense2")) dense3 = tf.nn.sigmoid(dense(dense2, 28 * 28, "gen/dense3")) deflat = tf.reshape(dense3, shape=[-1, 28, 28, 1]) return deflat
def fc_discr(images, units): """ Fully-connected Discriminator. """ flat = tf.reshape(images, shape=[-1, 28 * 28]) dense1 = tf.nn.relu(dense(flat, units, "discr/dense1")) dense2 = tf.nn.relu(dense(dense1, units, "discr/dense2")) dense3 = tf.nn.sigmoid(dense(dense2, 1, "discr/dense3")) return dense3
def encode(self, input_images): with tf.variable_scope("encode"): # 28x28x1 -> 14x14x16 h1 = lrelu(conv2d(input_images, 1, self.e_h1, "e_h1")) # 14x14x16 -> 7x7x32 h2 = lrelu(conv2d(h1, self.e_h1, self.e_h2, "e_h2")) h2_flat = tf.reshape(h2, [-1, 7*7*self.e_h2]) w_mean = dense(h2_flat, 7*7*self.e_h2, self.n_z, "w_mean") w_stddev = dense(h2_flat, 7*7*self.e_h2, self.n_z, "w_stddev") return w_mean, w_stddev
def build_model(self, inputs, labels, is_training): # pad inputs to size 224x224x3 - NOTE: may change to bilinear upsampling pad = int((self.image_size - self.height) / 2) inputs = tf.pad(inputs, [[0, 0], [pad, pad], [pad, pad], [0, 0]]) # convolution with 11x11 kernel and stride 4 (new size: 55x55x96) = ops.convolution(inputs, self.channels, 96, 11, 96, stride=4, padding='VALID', is_training=is_training, scope='conv1') # pooling with 3x3 kernel and stride 2 (new size: 27x27x96) = ops.pooling(, k_size=3, scope='pool1') # convolution with 5x5 kernel and stride 1 (new size: 27x27x256) = ops.convolution(, 96, 256, 5, 256, is_training=is_training, scope='conv2') # pooling with 3x3 kernel and stride 2 (new size: 13x13x256) = ops.pooling(, k_size=3, scope='pool2') # convolution with 3x3 kernel and stride 1 (new size: 13x13x384) = ops.convolution(, 256, 384, 3, 384, batch_norm=False, is_training=is_training, scope='conv3') # convolution with 3x3 kernel and stride 1 (new size: 13x13x384) = ops.convolution(, 384, 384, 3, 384, batch_norm=False, is_training=is_training, scope='conv4') # convolution with 3x3 kernel and stride 1 (new size: 13x13x256) = ops.convolution(, 384, 256, 3, 256, batch_norm=False, is_training=is_training, scope='conv5') # pooling with 3x3 kernel and stride 2 (new size: 6x6x256) = ops.pooling(, k_size=3, scope='pool3') # flatten (new size: 9216) = ops.flatten(, scope='flatten') # fully connected layer (new size: 4096) = ops.dense(, 9216, 4096, dropout=True, dropout_rate=0.2, is_training=is_training, scope='fc1') # fully connected layer (new size: 1024) -- Original Paper Size: 4096 (for ImageNet) = ops.dense(, 4096, 1024, dropout=True, dropout_rate=0.2, is_training=is_training, scope='fc2') # output layer (new size: 10) -- Original Paper Size: 1000 (for ImageNet) = ops.dense(, 1024, 10, activation=None, is_training=is_training, scope='fc3') self.loss = ops.loss(, labels, scope='loss') if is_training: self.optimizer = ops.optimize(self.loss, self.learning_rate, scope='update')
def forward(self, state, reuse=False): with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope('policy'): h0 = ops.dense(state, self.arch_params['in_dim'], self.arch_params['n_hidden_0'], tf.nn.relu, 'dense0', reuse) h1 = ops.dense(h0, self.arch_params['n_hidden_0'], self.arch_params['n_hidden_1'], tf.nn.relu, 'dense1', reuse) relu1_do = tf.nn.dropout(h1, self.arch_params['do_keep_prob']) a = ops.dense(relu1_do, self.arch_params['n_hidden_1'], self.arch_params['out_dim'], None, 'dense2', reuse) return a
def tf_buildmodel(x, reuse=None): x = tf.nn.relu( conv2D(x, shape=[8, 8, 32], name='1', stride=[1, 4, 4, 1], reuse=reuse)) x = tf.nn.relu( conv2D(x, shape=[64, 4, 4], name='2', stride=[1, 2, 2, 1], reuse=reuse)) x = tf.nn.relu( conv2D(x, shape=[64, 3, 3], name='3', stride=[1, 1, 1, 1], reuse=reuse)) x = tf.reshape(x, [-1, 300]) x = dense(x, 512, name='1', reuse=reuse) x = dense(x, 2, name='prj', activation=None, reuse=reuse) return x
def forward(self, state, action, reuse=False): with tf.variable_scope('discriminator'): concat = tf.concat(axis=1, values=[state, action]) h0 = ops.dense(concat, self.arch_params['in_dim'], self.arch_params['n_hidden_0'], tf.nn.relu, 'dense0', reuse) h1 = ops.dense(h0, self.arch_params['n_hidden_0'], self.arch_params['n_hidden_1'], tf.nn.relu, 'dense1', reuse) relu1_do = tf.nn.dropout(h1, self.arch_params['do_keep_prob']) d = ops.dense(relu1_do, self.arch_params['n_hidden_1'], self.arch_params['out_dim'], None, 'dense2', reuse) return d
def get_agent(x, reuse=False): """ Generate the CNN agent :param x: tensor, Input frames concatenated along axis 3 :param reuse: bool, True -> Reuse weight variables False -> Create new ones :return: Tensor, logits for each valid action """ if reuse: tf.get_variable_scope().reuse_variables() x = tf.reshape(x, shape=[-1, 128*4]) dense_1 = tf.nn.relu(ops.dense(x, 128*4, mc.dense_1, name='dense_1')) dense_2 = tf.nn.relu(ops.dense(dense_1, mc.dense_1, mc.dense_2, name='dense_2')) dense_3 = tf.nn.relu(ops.dense(dense_2, mc.dense_2, mc.dense_3, name='dense_3')) output = ops.dense(dense_3, mc.dense_3, env.action_space.n, name='output') return output
def discriminator(x, reuse=False): if reuse: tf.get_variable_scope().reuse_variables() conv_b_1 = ops.conv_block(x, filter_size=4, stride_length=2, n_maps=8, name='d_conv_b_1') conv_b_2 = ops.conv_block(conv_b_1, filter_size=4, stride_length=2, n_maps=16, name='d_conv_b_2') conv_b_3 = ops.conv_block(conv_b_2, filter_size=4, stride_length=2, n_maps=32, name='d_conv_b_3') conv_b_4 = ops.conv_block(conv_b_3, filter_size=4, stride_length=2, n_maps=64, name='d_conv_b_4') conv_b_5 = ops.conv_block(conv_b_4, filter_size=4, stride_length=2, n_maps=1, name='d_conv_b_5') conv_b_5_r = tf.reshape(conv_b_5, [-1, 11 * 9 * 1], name='d_reshape') output = ops.dense(conv_b_5_r, 11 * 9, 1, name='d_output') return output
def discriminator(x, reuse=False): if reuse: tf.get_variable_scope().reuse_variables() conv_1 = ops.lrelu( ops.batch_norm(ops.cnn_2d(x, weight_shape=[4, 4, 6, 64], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], name='dis_conv_1'), center=True, scale=True, is_training=True, scope='dis_batch_Norm_1')) conv_2 = ops.lrelu( ops.batch_norm(ops.cnn_2d(conv_1, weight_shape=[4, 4, 64, 128], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], name='dis_conv_2'), center=True, scale=True, is_training=True, scope='dis_batch_Norm_2')) conv_3 = ops.lrelu( ops.batch_norm(ops.cnn_2d(conv_2, weight_shape=[4, 4, 128, 256], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], name='dis_conv_3'), center=True, scale=True, is_training=True, scope='dis_batch_Norm_3')) conv_4 = ops.lrelu( ops.batch_norm(ops.cnn_2d(conv_3, weight_shape=[4, 4, 256, 512], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], name='dis_conv_4'), center=True, scale=True, is_training=True, scope='dis_batch_Norm_4')) conv_5 = ops.lrelu( ops.batch_norm(ops.cnn_2d(conv_4, weight_shape=[4, 4, 512, 512], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], name='dis_conv_5'), center=True, scale=True, is_training=True, scope='dis_batch_Norm_5')) conv_6 = ops.lrelu( ops.batch_norm(ops.cnn_2d(conv_5, weight_shape=[4, 4, 512, 512], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], name='dis_conv_6'), center=True, scale=True, is_training=True, scope='dis_batch_Norm_6')) output = ops.dense(conv_6, 5 * 6, 1, name='dis_output') return output
def _build_decoder(self, z): ''' Deconvolutional decoder; takes a sampled posterior, reshapes and deconvolves it using shared encoder weights. ''' kernels = self._kernels kernels.reverse() # Project and reshape the sampled latent variable so that it can be convolved h, w, d = self.encoding.get_shape().as_list()[1:] flat_dim = h * w * d layer_inputs = dense(flat_dim, z) layer_inputs = tf.reshape(layer_inputs, [-1, h, w, d]) # Encoding convolutions are applied in reverse for i in range(len(kernels)): depth_out = layer_inputs.get_shape().as_list()[-1] W = kernels[i] b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([depth_out])) # Deconvolution with shared encoder weights layer_inputs = tf.nn.conv2d_transpose(input=layer_inputs, filter=W, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME', name='dec_conv{}'.format(i)) layer_inputs = tf.add(layer_inputs, b) layer_inputs = tf.nn.relu(layer_inputs) kernels.reverse() return layer_inputs
def regression_loss(self, hidden, labels, is_training, scope, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE, return_logits=False): """Get regression loss.""" net_config = self.net_config initializer = self.get_initializer() with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse=reuse): hidden = ops.dropout_op(hidden, net_config.dropout, training=is_training) logits = ops.dense( hidden, 1, initializer=initializer, scope="logit") # Always cast to float32 for loss logits = tf.squeeze(logits, axis=-1) if logits.dtype != tf.float32: logits = tf.cast(logits, tf.float32) loss = tf.square(logits - tf.cast(labels, logits.dtype)) if return_logits: return loss, logits return loss
def discriminator(self, inputs, scope='discriminator', reuse=None): with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse=reuse): # Set discriminator to always be training. Reason for doing this is # For the WGAN gradient loss (which is not the default loss function for # this model, still uses this architecture), the loss function has an expression # which is the gradient of an instance of the discriminator. Putting that # into the optimizer creates a dependency on the second order gradient of the # disriminator. Batch normalization where the training vs running flag is itself # a TF variable (rather than normal python boolean) seems to break this. Easier to # just set to True because in this model we only ever use the discriminator for # training (to train the generator). bn = BN(True) t = lrelu(conv2d(inputs, 64)) # no bn here t = lrelu(bn(conv2d(t, 128))) t = lrelu(bn(conv2d(t, 256))) t = lrelu(bn(conv2d(t, 512))) t = lrelu(bn(conv2d(t, 1024))) # flatten 3D tensor into 1D to prepare for a dense (fully connected) # layer. Flattened tensor can also be treated as vector that can be # used for learned similarty measurements between images. similarity = flatten(t) # return logits (before sigmoid activation) because several TF # accumulator functions expect logits, and do the sigmoid for you logits = dense(similarity, 1) classification = sigmoid(logits) return classification, logits, similarity
def generator(self, inputs, scope='generator', reuse=None): with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse=reuse): # generator will upscale a tiny image with layers of convolution # until it reaches the final output image dimensions. These vars # are the starting tiny image dimensions. # This is why this arch needs images that are divisible by 32 minirows = self.img_shape[0] // 32 minicols = self.img_shape[1] // 32 # batch normalization, which needs to know whether this is training or # application bn = BN(self.is_training) # dense (i.e. fully connected) layer followed by reshaping into the tiny # image. The tiny image has a Z dim of 512 that gradually gets reduced # to 3 channels (r, g, b) t = dense(inputs, minirows * minicols * 512) t = lrelu(bn(reshape(t, (tf.shape(t)[0], minirows, minicols, 512)))) t = lrelu(bn(conv2dtr(t, 512))) t = lrelu(bn(conv2dtr(t, 256))) t = lrelu(bn(conv2dtr(t, 128))) t = lrelu(bn(conv2dtr(t, 64))) # final conv2d transpose to get to filter depth of 3, for rgb channels logits = conv2dtr(t, self.img_shape[2]) return tanh(logits) # common final activation in GANs
def one_hidden_mlp(inpt, units, outsize): """ Fully connected model, with one hidden layer of length units and relu nonlinearity. Args: - inpt (Tensor) : input of the model; - units (int) : numberr of hidden units. Returns: - output (Tensor) : output of the model. """ with tf.variable_scope("one_hidden"): hidden = tf.nn.relu(dense(inpt, units=units, name="dense1")) output = dense(hidden, units=outsize, name="dense2") return output
def classification_loss(self, hidden, labels, n_class, is_training, scope, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE, return_logits=False): """Get classification loss.""" net_config = self.net_config initializer = self.get_initializer() with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse=reuse): hidden = ops.dropout_op(hidden, net_config.dropout, training=is_training) logits = ops.dense( hidden, n_class, initializer=initializer, scope="logit") # Always cast to float32 for softmax & loss if logits.dtype != tf.float32: logits = tf.cast(logits, tf.float32) one_hot_target = tf.one_hot(labels, n_class, dtype=logits.dtype) loss = -tf.reduce_sum(tf.nn.log_softmax(logits) * one_hot_target, -1) if return_logits: return loss, logits return loss
def dec(x, start_res, end_res, scope='Decoder'): with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): x = ops.dense('fc1', x, fn(4) * 4 * 4, 'NHWC') x = tf.reshape(x, [-1, 4, 4, fn(4)]) res = 8 prev_x = None while res <= end_res: prev_x = x x = block_up(x, fn(res), 3, rname(res)) res *= 2 res = res // 2 if res > start_res: t = tf.get_variable( rname(res) + '_t', shape=[], collections=[tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, "lerp"], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(), trainable=False) x1 = ops.to_rgb('rgb_' + rname(res // 2), prev_x, 'NHWC') x1 = ops.upscale2d(x1, 'NHWC') x2 = ops.to_rgb('rgb_' + rname(res), x, 'NHWC') x = ops.lerp_clip(x1, x2, t) else: x = ops.to_rgb('rgb_' + rname(res), x, "NHWC") x_shape = utils.int_shape(x) assert (end_res == x_shape[1]) assert (end_res == x_shape[2]) return x
def enc(x, start_res, end_res, scope='Encoder'): with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): res = end_res if res > start_res: x1 = ops.downscale2d(x, 'NHWC') x1 = ops.from_rgb('rgb_' + rname(res // 2), x1, fn(res // 2), 'NHWC') x2 = ops.from_rgb('rgb_' + rname(res), x, fn(res // 2), 'NHWC') t = tf.get_variable( rname(res) + '_t', shape=[], dtype=tf.float32, collections=[tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, "lerp"], initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(), trainable=False) x2 = block_dn(x2, fn(res), fn(res // 2), 3, rname(res)) x = ops.lerp_clip(x1, x2, t) res = res // 2 else: x = ops.from_rgb('rgb_' + rname(res), x, fn(res), 'NHWC') while res >= 4: x = block_dn(x, fn(res), fn(res // 2), 3, rname(res)) res = res // 2 x = tf.layers.flatten(x) x = ops.dense('fc1', x, 512, 'NHWC') mean, std = tf.split(x, 2, 1) return mean, std
def __init__(self, sess, n_classes, img_height, img_width, lr_init, lr_decay, lr_step, lr_min, model_dir, mode): self.n_classes = n_classes self.model_dir = model_dir self.lr_init = lr_init self.lr_decay = lr_decay self.lr_step = lr_step self.lr_min = lr_min # Input params self.input = tf.placeholder( 'float32', [None, img_height, img_width, 1]) # [batch_size, ...] self.labels = tf.placeholder('float32', [None, n_classes]) self.keep_prob = tf.placeholder('float32', name='keep_prob') self.global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False) if mode == 'inception': = inception_cnn(self.input, self.keep_prob) elif mode == 'resnet': = resnet_cnn(self.input, self.keep_prob) else: = vgg_cnn(self.input, self.keep_prob) self.flat = tf.contrib.layers.flatten( #self.dense, self.dense_w, self.dense_b = dense(self.flat, tf.nn.relu, 100) self.logits, self.out_w, self.out_b = dense(self.flat, None, self.n_classes, name='out') # Define loss self.losses = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2( logits=self.logits, labels=self.labels) # compute mean loss self.loss = tf.reduce_mean(self.losses) # run optimization self.learning_rate_op = tf.maximum( self.lr_min, tf.train.exponential_decay(self.lr_init, self.global_step, self.lr_step, self.lr_decay, staircase=True)) self.train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(self.learning_rate_op).minimize( self.loss) # Evaluate model self.predictions = tf.map_fn(tf.nn.softmax, self.logits) correct_pred = tf.equal(tf.argmax(self.predictions, axis=1), tf.argmax(self.labels, axis=1)) self.accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_pred, tf.float32)) self.constructSummary(sess)
def discriminator(x, resolution, cfg, is_training=True, scope='Discriminator'): assert (cfg.data_format == 'NCHW' or cfg.data_format == 'NHWC') def rname(resolution): return str(resolution) + 'x' + str(resolution) def fmap(resolution): return cfg.resolution_to_filt_num[resolution] x_shape = utils.int_shape(x) assert (resolution == x_shape[1 if cfg.data_format == 'NHWC' else 3]) assert (resolution == x_shape[2]) with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): if resolution > cfg.starting_resolution: x1 = ops.downscale2d(x, cfg.data_format) x1 = ops.from_rgb('from_rgb_' + rname(resolution // 2), x1, fmap(resolution // 2), cfg.data_format) x2 = ops.from_rgb('from_rgb_' + rname(resolution), x, fmap(resolution // 2), cfg.data_format) t = tf.get_variable( rname(resolution) + '_t', shape=[], dtype=tf.float32, collections=[tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, "lerp"], initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(), trainable=False) num_filters = [fmap(resolution), fmap(resolution // 2)] x2 = dblock(rname(resolution), x2, num_filters, cfg.data_format) x = ops.lerp_clip(x1, x2, t) resolution = resolution // 2 else: x = ops.from_rgb('from_rgb_' + rname(resolution), x, fmap(resolution), cfg.data_format) while resolution >= 4: if resolution == 4: x = ops.minibatch_stddev_layer(x, cfg.data_format) num_filters = [fmap(resolution), fmap(resolution // 2)] x = dblock(rname(resolution), x, num_filters, cfg.data_format) resolution = resolution // 2 x = ops.dense('2x2', x, fmap(resolution), cfg.data_format) x = ops.leaky_relu(x) x = ops.dense('output', x, 1, cfg.data_format) return x
def generator(self, x, c, reuse=False): print("Generator ...........") with tf.variable_scope('generator') as scope: if (reuse): scope.reuse_variables() inputs = tf.concat([x, c], axis=-1) # Dense layer 1 dense1 = ops.dense(inputs, 64 * 8 * 8, 0.02,, norm=self.g_norm, scope="g_inputs") dense1 = tf.nn.relu(dense1) dense1 = tf.reshape(dense1, [-1, 8, 8, 64]) outputs = dense1 # Res Block for i in range(self.res_block_size): outputs = resblock1_G(outputs, 64, 3, 1,, norm=self.g_norm, scope='g_residual_{:d}'.format(i)) outputs = ops.batch_norm(outputs, outputs = tf.nn.relu(outputs) outputs = outputs + dense1 # Upscaling by pixel shuffling for i in range(3): outputs = resblock2_G(outputs, 256, 3, 1, 2,, norm=None, scope='g_upscale_{:d}'.format(i)) outputs = ops.conv_2d(outputs, 3, 9, 1, padding='SAME', stddev=0.02,, norm=None, scope="g_conv_last") outputs = tf.nn.tanh(outputs) return outputs
def predict(pfm, ufm, is_training, keep_prob): fm = tf.concat([pfm, ufm], axis=3) # 7*7*512 network = conv2d(fm, [2, 2, 512, 1024], [1, 1, 1, 1], is_training, bn=True, scope='conv1_1') network = tf.nn.max_pool(network, ksize=[1, 2, 2, 1], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding='VALID', name='pool1') # [3, 3, 1024] network = conv2d(network, [2, 2, 1024, 2048], [1, 1, 1, 1], is_training, bn=True, scope='conv2_1') network = tf.nn.max_pool(network, ksize=[1, 2, 2, 1], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding='VALID', name='pool2') # [32, 1, 1, 2048] fea_vec = tf.reshape(network, [-1, 2048]) network = tf.nn.dropout( dense(fea_vec, 2048, 256, is_training, bn=True, scope='mlp1'), keep_prob) network = tf.nn.dropout( dense(network, 256, 128, is_training, bn=True, scope='mlp2'), keep_prob) network = tf.nn.dropout( dense(network, 128, 64, is_training, bn=True, scope='mlp3'), keep_prob) network = tf.nn.dropout( dense(network, 64, 1, is_training, activation_fn=tf.nn.tanh, bn=True, scope='mlp4'), keep_prob) return tf.reshape(network, [-1])
def build_model(self, inputs, labels, is_training=False): = ops.convolution(inputs, self.channels, 50, 5, 50, is_training=is_training, scope='conv1') = ops.pooling(, scope='pool1') = ops.convolution(, 50, 20, 5, 20, is_training=is_training, scope='conv2') = ops.pooling(, scope='pool2') = ops.flatten(, scope='flatten') = ops.dense(,[1], 200, scope='fc1') = ops.dense(, 200, 50, scope='fc2') = ops.dense(, 50, 10, activation=None, scope='fc3') self.loss = ops.loss(, labels, scope='loss') self.accuracy = ops.accuracy(, labels, scope='accuracy') if is_training: self.optimizer = ops.optimize(self.loss, self.learning_rate, scope='update')
def __call__(self, x, n_channels, n_codes): non_linearity = tf.nn.relu with tf.variable_scope(, reuse=self.reuse): conv1_a = conv2d(x, 'conv1_a', 16, 3, 2, 'SAME', True, non_linearity, self.is_train) conv1_b = conv2d(conv1_a, 'conv1_b', 16, 3, 1, 'SAME', True, non_linearity, self.is_train) conv2_a = conv2d(conv1_b, 'conv2_a', 32, 3, 2, 'SAME', True, non_linearity, self.is_train) conv2_b = conv2d(conv2_a, "conv2_b", 32, 3, 1, 'SAME', True, non_linearity, self.is_train) conv3 = conv2d(conv2_b, 'conv3', 1, 3, 2, 'SAME', True, non_linearity, self.is_train) fc1 = dense(tf.reshape(conv3, [-1,[8, 8, 1])]), 'fc1', n_codes, False, None, self.is_train) fc2 = dense(fc1, 'fc2',[8, 8, 1]), False, non_linearity, self.is_train) deconv4 = upconv2d(tf.reshape(fc2, [-1] + [8, 8, 1]), 2, 'deconv4', 32, 3, 1, 'SAME', True, non_linearity, self.is_train) conv4 = conv2d(deconv4, 'conv4', 32, 3, 1, 'SAME', True, non_linearity, self.is_train) deconv5 = upconv2d(conv4, 2, 'deconv5', 16, 3, 1, 'SAME', True, non_linearity, self.is_train) conv5 = conv2d(deconv5, 'conv5', 16, 3, 1, 'SAME', True, non_linearity, self.is_train) deconv6 = upconv2d(conv5, 2, 'deconv6', 16, 3, 1, 'SAME', True, non_linearity, self.is_train) conv_out = conv2d(deconv6, 'conv_out', n_channels, 3, 1, 'SAME', False, None, self.is_train) if self.reuse is None: self.var_list = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, self.saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list=self.var_list, max_to_keep=100) self.reuse = True return fc1, conv_out