Beispiel #1
def main(args):
    """Main function of cellanneal."""
    if (args.start_temp is not None
            or args.end_temp is not None) and args.auto_temp == 1:
        raise Exception(
            "when auto_temp is set to 1(default value), starting temperature or ending temperature should not be set manually"

    # if not args.no_parallel:
    #     import dask
    #     from dask.distributed import Client, LocalCluster
    #     if not args.cluster:
    #         cluster = LocalCluster(
    #             n_workers=args.workers,local_dir="/tmp/CellUniverse/dask-worker-space"
    #         )
    #     else:
    #         cluster = args.cluster
    #     client = Client(cluster)
    # else:
    client = None

    lineagefile = None
    start = time.time()

        config = load_config(args.config)

        simulation_config = config["simulation"]
        #Maybe better to store the image type in the config file in the first place, instead of using cmd?
        if args.graySynthetic == True:
            simulation_config["image.type"] = "graySynthetic"
        elif args.phaseContrast == True:
            simulation_config["image.type"] = "phaseContrastImage"
        elif args.binary == True:
            simulation_config["image.type"] = "binary"
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid Command: Synthetic image type must be specified")

        if args.debug:
            debugmode = True

        celltype = config['global.cellType'].lower()

        # setup the colony from a file with the initial properties
        lineageframes = LineageFrames()
        colony = lineageframes.forward()
        load_colony(colony, args.initial, config)
        cost_diff = (-1, -1)

        # open the lineage file for writing
        lineagefile = open(args.output / 'lineage.csv', 'w')
        header = ['file', 'name']
        if celltype == 'bacilli':
            header.extend(['x', 'y', 'width', 'length', 'rotation'])
        print(','.join(header), file=lineagefile)

        #optimze configuration
        config["simulation"] = find_optimal_simulation_conf(
            config["simulation"], load_image(get_inputfiles(args)[0]),
        if args.global_optimization:
            import global_optimization
            if args.auto_temp == 1:
                print("auto temperature schedule started")
                args.start_temp, args.end_temp = \
                    global_optimization.auto_temp_schedule(get_inputfiles(args), lineageframes, lineagefile, args, config)
                print("auto temperature schedule finished")
                print("starting temperature is ", args.start_temp,
                      "ending temperature is ", args.end_temp)
            global_optimization.optimize(get_inputfiles(args), lineageframes,
                                         lineagefile, args, config)
            return 0

        if args.auto_temp == 1:
            print("auto temperature schedule started")
            args.start_temp, args.end_temp = auto_temp_schedule(
                get_inputfiles(args)[0], lineageframes.forward(), args, config)
            print("auto temperature schedule finished")
            print("starting temperature is ", args.start_temp,
                  "ending temperature is ", args.end_temp)

        frame_num = 0
        prev_cell_num = len(colony)
        for imagefile in get_inputfiles(
                args):  # Recomputing temperature when needed

            frame_num += 1

            if args.auto_meth == "frame":
                if auto_temp_schedule_frame(frame_num, 8):
                    print("auto temperature schedule started (recomputed)")
                    args.start_temp, args.end_temp = auto_temp_schedule(
                        imagefile, colony, args, config)
                    print("auto temperature schedule finished")
                    print("starting temperature is ", args.start_temp,
                          "ending temperature is ", args.end_temp)

            elif args.auto_meth == "factor":
                if auto_temp_schedule_factor(len(colony), prev_cell_num, 1.1):
                    print("auto temperature schedule started (recomputed)")
                    args.start_temp, args.end_temp = auto_temp_schedule(
                        imagefile, colony, args, config)
                    print("auto temperature schedule finished")
                    print("starting temperature is ", args.start_temp,
                          "ending temperature is ", args.end_temp)
                    prev_cell_num = len(colony)

            elif args.auto_meth == "const":
                if auto_temp_schedule_const(len(colony), prev_cell_num, 10):
                    print("auto temperature schedule started (recomputed)")
                    args.start_temp, args.end_temp = auto_temp_schedule(
                        imagefile, colony, args, config)
                    print("auto temperature schedule finished")
                    print("starting temperature is ", args.start_temp,
                          "ending temperature is ", args.end_temp)
                    prev_cell_num = len(colony)

            elif args.auto_meth == "cost":
                print(cost_diff, frame_num, auto_temp_shcedule_cost(cost_diff))
                if frame_num >= 2 and auto_temp_shcedule_cost(cost_diff):
                        "auto temperature schedule started cost_diff (recomputed)"
                    args.start_temp, args.end_temp = auto_temp_schedule(
                        imagefile, colony, args, config)
                    print("auto temperature schedule finished")
                    print("starting temperature is ", args.start_temp,
                          "ending temperature is ", args.end_temp)

            colony = optimize(imagefile, lineageframes, args, config, client)

            cost_diff = update_cost_diff(colony, cost_diff)

            # flatten modifications and save cell properties
            for cellnode in colony:
                properties = [,]
                if celltype == 'bacilli':
                print(','.join(properties), file=lineagefile)

    except KeyboardInterrupt as error:
        raise error
        if lineagefile:

    print(f'{time.time() - start} seconds')

    return 0
Beispiel #2
def main(args):
    """Main function of cellanneal."""
    if (args.start_temp is not None or args.end_temp is not None) and args.auto_temp == 1:
        raise Exception("when auto_temp is set to 1(default value), starting temperature or ending temperature should not be set manually")

    # if not args.no_parallel:
    #     import dask
    #     from dask.distributed import Client, LocalCluster
    #     if not args.cluster:
    #         cluster = LocalCluster(
    #             n_workers=args.workers,local_dir="/tmp/CellUniverse/dask-worker-space"
    #         )
    #     else:
    #         cluster = args.cluster
    #     client = Client(cluster)
    # else:
    client = None

    lineagefile = None
    start = time.time()

        config = load_config(args.config)
        simulation_config = config["simulation"]
        #Maybe better to store the image type in the config file in the first place, instead of using cmd?
        if args.graySynthetic == True:
            simulation_config["image.type"] = "graySynthetic"
        elif args.phaseContrast == True:
            simulation_config["image.type"] = "phaseContrastImage"
        elif args.binary == True:
            simulation_config["image.type"] = "binary"
            raise ValueError("Invalid Command: Synthetic image type must be specified")
        if not args.output.is_dir():
        if not args.bestfit.is_dir():
        if args.residual and not args.residual.is_dir():
        seed = int(start * 1000) % (2**32)
        if args.seed != None:
            seed = args.seed
        print("Seed: {}".format(seed))
        celltype = config['global.cellType'].lower()

        # setup the colony from a file with the initial properties
        lineageframes = LineageFrames()
        colony = lineageframes.forward()
        imagefiles =  get_inputfiles(args)
        if args.lineage_file:
            load_colony(colony, args.lineage_file, config, initial_frame = imagefiles[0].name)
            load_colony(colony, args.initial, config)
        cost_diff = (-1, -1)

        # open the lineage file for writing
        lineagefile = open(args.output/'lineage.csv', 'w')
        header = ['file', 'name']
        if celltype == 'bacilli':
            header.extend(['x', 'y', 'width', 'length', 'rotation', "split_alpha", "opacity"])
        print(','.join(header), file=lineagefile)

        if args.debug:
            with open(args.debug/'debug.csv', 'w') as debugfile:
                print(','.join(['window_start', 'window_end', 'pbad_total', 'bad_count', 'temperature', 'total_cost_diff', 'current_iteration', 'total_iterations']), file=debugfile)

        if args.global_optimization:
            global useDistanceObjective
            useDistanceObjective = args.dist
            realimages = [optimization.load_image(imagefile) for imagefile in imagefiles]
            window = config["global_optimizer.window_size"]
            if args.lineage_file:
                lineage = global_optimization.build_initial_lineage(imagefiles, args.lineage_file, args.continue_from, config["simulation"])
                lineage = global_optimization.build_initial_lineage(imagefiles, args.initial, args.continue_from, config["simulation"])
            lineage = global_optimization.find_optimal_simulation_confs(imagefiles, lineage, realimages, args.continue_from)
            sim_start = args.continue_from - args.frame_first
            shape = realimages[0].shape
            synthimages = []
            cellmaps = []
            distmaps = []
            iteration_per_cell = config["iteration_per_cell"]
            if not useDistanceObjective:
                distmaps = [None] * len(realimages)
            for window_start in range(1 - window, len(realimages)):
                 window_end = window_start + window
                 print(window_start, window_end)
                 if window_end <= len(realimages):
                        # get initial estimate
                    if window_start >= sim_start:
                        if window_end > 1:
                    realimage = realimages[window_end - 1]
                    synthimage, cellmap = optimization.generate_synthetic_image(lineage.frames[window_end - 1].nodes, shape, lineage.frames[window_end - 1].simulation_config)
                    if useDistanceObjective:
                        distmap = distance_transform_edt(realimage < .5)
                        distmap /= config[f'{config["global.cellType"].lower()}.distanceCostDivisor'] * config[
                        distmap += 1
                    if args.auto_temp == 1 and window_end == 1:
                        print("auto temperature schedule started")
                        args.start_temp, args.end_temp = \
                            global_optimization.auto_temp_schedule(imagefiles, lineage, realimages, synthimages, cellmaps, distmaps, 0, 1, lineagefile, args, config)
                        print("auto temperature schedule finished")
                        print("starting temperature is ", args.start_temp, "ending temperature is ", args.end_temp)
                    if args.auto_meth == "frame" and optimization.auto_temp_schedule_frame(window_end, 3):
                        print("auto temperature schedule restarted")
                        args.start_temp, args.end_temp = \
                            global_optimization.auto_temp_schedule(imagefiles, lineage, realimages, synthimages, cellmaps, distmaps, window_start, window_end, lineagefile, args, config)
                        print("auto temperature schedule finished")
                        print("starting temperature is ", args.start_temp, "ending temperature is ", args.end_temp)
                 if window_start >= sim_start:
                    if useDistanceObjective:
                        global_optimization.totalCostDiff = optimization.dist_objective(realimage, synthimage, distmap, cellmap, config["overlap.cost"])
                        global_optimization.totalCostDiff = optimization.objective(realimage, synthimage, cellmap, config["overlap.cost"], config["cell.importance"])
                    global_optimization.optimize(imagefiles, lineage, realimages, synthimages, cellmaps, distmaps, window_start, window_end, lineagefile, args, config, iteration_per_cell)
                 if window_start >= 0:
                    global_optimization.save_lineage(imagefiles[window_start].name, lineage.frames[window_start].nodes, lineagefile)
                    global_optimization.save_output(imagefiles[window_start].name, synthimages[window_start], realimages[window_start], lineage.frames[window_start].nodes, args, config)
            return 0
        config["simulation"] = optimization.find_optimal_simulation_conf(config["simulation"], optimization.load_image(imagefiles[0]), list(colony))
        if args.auto_temp == 1:
            print("auto temperature schedule started")
            args.start_temp, args.end_temp = optimization.auto_temp_schedule(imagefiles[0], lineageframes.forward(), args, config)
            print("auto temperature schedule finished")
            print("starting temperature is ", args.start_temp, "ending temperature is ", args.end_temp)

        frame_num = 0
        prev_cell_num = len(colony)
        for imagefile in imagefiles: # Recomputing temperature when needed

            frame_num += 1

            if args.auto_meth == "frame":
                if optimization.auto_temp_schedule_frame(frame_num, 8):
                    print("auto temperature schedule started (recomputed)")
                    args.start_temp, args.end_temp = optimization.auto_temp_schedule(imagefile, colony, args, config)
                    print("auto temperature schedule finished")
                    print("starting temperature is ", args.start_temp, "ending temperature is ", args.end_temp)

            elif args.auto_meth == "factor":
                if optimization.auto_temp_schedule_factor(len(colony), prev_cell_num, 1.1):
                    print("auto temperature schedule started (recomputed)")
                    args.start_temp, args.end_temp = optimization.auto_temp_schedule(imagefile, colony, args, config)
                    print("auto temperature schedule finished")
                    print("starting temperature is ", args.start_temp, "ending temperature is ", args.end_temp)
                    prev_cell_num = len(colony)

            elif args.auto_meth == "const":
                if optimization.auto_temp_schedule_const(len(colony), prev_cell_num, 10):
                    print("auto temperature schedule started (recomputed)")
                    args.start_temp, args.end_temp = optimization.auto_temp_schedule(imagefile, colony, args, config)
                    print("auto temperature schedule finished")
                    print("starting temperature is ", args.start_temp, "ending temperature is ", args.end_temp)
                    prev_cell_num = len(colony)

            elif args.auto_meth == "cost":
                print(cost_diff, frame_num, optimization.auto_temp_shcedule_cost(cost_diff))
                if frame_num >= 2 and optimization.auto_temp_shcedule_cost(cost_diff):
                    print("auto temperature schedule started cost_diff (recomputed)")
                    args.start_temp, args.end_temp = optimization.auto_temp_schedule(imagefile, colony, args, config)
                    print("auto temperature schedule finished")
                    print("starting temperature is ", args.start_temp, "ending temperature is ", args.end_temp)

            colony = optimize(imagefile, lineageframes, args, config, client)

            cost_diff = optimization.update_cost_diff(colony, cost_diff)

            # flatten modifications and save cell properties

            for cellnode in colony:
                properties = [,]
                if celltype == 'bacilli':                                   
                print(','.join(properties), file=lineagefile)

    except KeyboardInterrupt as error:
        raise error
        if lineagefile:

    print(f'{time.time() - start} seconds')

    return 0