def test_display(self): """Check if something is printed when `display` is True.""" with Capturing() as output: lbfgs(, self.x0, display=True) self.assertTrue( len(output) > 0, 'You should print the progress when `display` is True.')
def test_line_search_options(self): """Check if argument `line_search_options` is supported.""" lbfgs(, self.x0, line_search_options={ 'method': 'Wolfe', 'c1': 1e-4, 'c2': 0.9 })
def test_trace(self): """Check if the history is returned correctly when `trace` is True.""" x_min, message, hist = lbfgs(, self.x0, trace=True) self.assertEqual(len(hist['grad_norm']), len(hist['func'])) self.assertEqual(len(hist['time']), len(hist['func'])) self.assertEqual(len(hist['x']), len(hist['func'])) x_min, message, hist = lbfgs(, self.x0, trace=False) self.assertTrue(hist is None)
def second_experiment(): data_path = 'data/gisette_scale' result_path = lambda x: 'experiment_2/grad_norm-vs-{}'.format(x) A, b = load_svmlight_file(data_path) m, n = A.shape oracle = oracles.create_log_reg_oracle(A, b, 1 / m) results = [] ls = [0, 1, 5, 10, 50, 100] for l in ls: _, _, history = optimization.lbfgs(oracle, np.zeros(n), memory_size=l, trace=True) print('lbfgs with l = {} finished'.format(l)) grad_norm = np.array(history['grad_norm']) grad_norm /= grad_norm[0] grad_norm = np.power(grad_norm, 2) grad_norm = np.log(grad_norm) results.append((l, grad_norm, history['time'])) def plotting(flag): plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) for l, grad_norm, times in results: x = list(range(len(grad_norm))) if flag == 'iterations' else times plt.plot(x, grad_norm, label='history size = {}'.format(l)) plt.xlabel('iterations' if flag == 'iterations' else 'seconds') plt.ylabel(r'$\log\left(grad\_norm\right)$') plt.legend() plt.grid() plt.savefig(result_path(flag)) plotting('seconds') plotting('iterations')
def test_quality(self): x_min, message, _ = lbfgs(, self.x0, tolerance=1e-10) f_min = g_k_norm = norm( - self.b, 2) self.assertLessEqual(abs(g_k_norm), 1e-3) self.assertLessEqual(abs(f_min - self.f_star), 1e-3)
def test_default(self): """Check if everything works correctly with default parameters.""" with Capturing() as output: x_min, message, _ = lbfgs(, self.x0) assert_equal(message, 'success') self.assertEqual(len(output), 0, 'You should not print anything by default.')
def test_history(self): x0 = -np.array([1.3, 2.7]) x_min, message, history = lbfgs(, x0, trace=True, memory_size=10, line_search_options={ 'method': 'Constant', 'c': 1.0 }, tolerance=1e-6) func_steps = [ 25.635000000000005, 22.99, -9.3476294733722725, -9.4641732176886055, -9.5 ] grad_norm_steps = [ 11.629703349613008, 11.4, 0.55751193505619512, 0.26830541958992876, 0.0 ] time_steps = [0.0] * 5 # Dummy values x_steps = [ np.array([-1.3, -2.7]), np.array([1.0, 8.7]), np.array([0.45349973, 3.05512941]), np.array([0.73294321, 3.01292737]), np.array([0.99999642, 2.99998814]) ] true_history = dict(grad_norm=grad_norm_steps, time=time_steps, x=x_steps, func=func_steps) check_equal_histories(history, true_history)
def experiment_3(): np.random.seed(31415) data_path = "data" datasets = ["w8a", "gisette_scale", "real-sim", "news20", "rcv1_train"] for dataset in datasets: print("___________________________")"{dataset} is in process...") A, b = load_svmlight_file(os.path.join(data_path, dataset)) print(A.shape, 1 - A.size / (A.shape[0] * A.shape[1])) m = b.size oracle = create_log_reg_oracle(A, b, 1.0 / m, "optimized") x_0 = np.zeros((A.shape[1],)) x_opt1, message, history1 = gradient_descent(oracle, x_0, trace=True)"GD ended") x_opt2, message, history2 = hessian_free_newton(oracle, x_0, trace=True)"HFN ended") x_opt3, message, history3 = lbfgs(oracle, x_0, trace=True)"L-BFGS ended") os.makedirs("report/pics/3", exist_ok=True) plt.figure() plt.plot(history1['func'], label='GD') plt.plot(history2['func'], label='HFN') plt.plot(history3['func'], label='L-BFGS') print(f"GD iterations={len(history1['func'])}, time={history1['time'][-1]}") print(f"HFN iterations={len(history2['func'])}, time={history2['time'][-1]}") print(f"L-BFGS iterations={len(history3['func'])}, time={history3['time'][-1]}") plt.xlabel('Номер итерации') plt.ylabel('Значение функции потерь') plt.legend() plt.grid() plt.savefig(f"report/pics/3/logreg_loss_value_vs_iter_{dataset}.pdf", bbox_inches='tight') plt.figure() plt.plot(history1['time'], history1['func'], label='GD') plt.plot(history2['time'], history2['func'], label='HFN') plt.plot(history3['time'], history3['func'], label='L-BFGS') plt.xlabel('Время от начала эксперимента в секундах') plt.ylabel('Значение функции потерь') plt.legend() plt.grid() plt.savefig(f"report/pics/3/logreg_loss_value_vs_time_{dataset}.pdf", bbox_inches='tight') plt.figure() plt.plot(history1['time'], (history1['grad_norm'] / history1['grad_norm'][0]) ** 2, label='GD') plt.plot(history2['time'], (history2['grad_norm'] / history2['grad_norm'][0]) ** 2, label='HFN') plt.plot(history3['time'], (history3['grad_norm'] / history3['grad_norm'][0]) ** 2, label='L-BFGS') plt.yscale('log') plt.xlabel('Время от начала эксперимента в секундах') plt.ylabel('Относительный квадрат нормы градиента') plt.legend() plt.grid() plt.savefig(f"report/pics/3/logreg_grad_norm_vs_time_{dataset}.pdf", bbox_inches='tight')
def test_quality(self): x_min, message, _ = lbfgs(, self.x0, tolerance=1e-5) f_min = g_k_norm_sqr = norm( - self.b, 2)**2 g_0_norm_sqr = norm( - self.b, 2)**2 self.assertLessEqual(g_k_norm_sqr, 1e-5 * g_0_norm_sqr) self.assertLessEqual(abs(f_min - self.f_star), 1e-5 * g_0_norm_sqr)
def test_history_best(self): x0 = -np.array([1.3, 2.7]) x_min, message, history = lbfgs(, x0, trace=True, memory_size=10, line_search_options={'method': 'Best'}, tolerance=1e-6) func_steps = [25.635000000000005, -8.8519395950378961, -9.5] grad_norm_steps = [11.629703349613008, 1.1497712070693149, 0] time_steps = [0.0] * 3 # Dummy values x_steps = [np.array([-1.3, -2.7]), np.array([-0.12706157, 3.11369481]), np.array([1., 3.])] true_history = dict(grad_norm=grad_norm_steps, time=time_steps, x=x_steps, func=func_steps) check_equal_histories(history, true_history)
def experiment_2(): np.random.seed(31415) A, b = load_svmlight_file('data/gisette_scale') m = b.size oracle = create_log_reg_oracle(A, b, 1.0 / m, "optimized") x_0 = np.zeros((A.shape[1],)) fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots() fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots() ax1.set_yscale('log') ax1.set_xlabel('Номер итерации') ax1.set_ylabel('Относительный квадрат нормы градиента') ax1.grid() ax2.set_yscale('log') ax2.set_xlabel('Время от начала эксперимента') ax2.set_ylabel('Относительный квадрат нормы градиента') ax2.grid() for memory_size in tqdm([0, 1, 5, 10, 50, 100]): x_opt, message, history = lbfgs(oracle, x_0, trace=True, memory_size=memory_size) relative_grad_norms = (history['grad_norm'] / history['grad_norm'][0]) ** 2 iter_times = history['time'] iters = range(len(history['time'])) if len(relative_grad_norms) > 400: relative_grad_norms = [elem for (i, elem) in enumerate(relative_grad_norms) if i % 2 == 0] iter_times = [elem for (i, elem) in enumerate(iter_times) if i % 2 == 0] iters = range(0, len(history['time']), 2) ax1.plot(iters, relative_grad_norms, label=f"l={memory_size}") ax2.plot(iter_times, relative_grad_norms, label=f"l={memory_size}") print(f"При l={memory_size} до сходимости потребовалось " f"{len(history['time'])} итераций и {history['time'][-1]} секунд") ax1.legend() ax2.legend() os.makedirs("report/pics/2", exist_ok=True) fig1.savefig("report/pics/2/lbfgs_grad_norm_vs_iter.pdf", bbox_inches='tight') fig2.savefig("report/pics/2/lbfgs_grad_norm_vs_time.pdf", bbox_inches='tight')
def test_memory_size(self): """Check if argument `memory_size` is supported.""" lbfgs(, self.x0, memory_size=1)
def test_max_iter(self): """Check if argument `max_iter` is supported.""" lbfgs(, self.x0, max_iter=15)
def test_tol(self): """Check if argument `tol` is supported.""" lbfgs(, self.x0, tolerance=1e-6)